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1916-1205 Council Mtg MIN
As}71•anrl, Oregon, Dec. 5, "1916. Counci.l convened in re--ular session at 7:45 P.M. liayor in}ln: on in the chair. Boll call and the following councilmen present: Aghoraft, Root, Banta, in Ni.ninger, Cornelius. b tan Minutes of Rovember 21 read and approved as read. Minutes of November 27 read Prim approved as read. Mintltes of November 29 read and approved as read. th The Recorder presented the report of the Springs ,ter Commission for j month of ITovember, }ir. }Iininger moved that' it be accepted find placed on file aiti r reading. Carrier''. air The Report of City Electrician read IIr. Lamb moved it be approved an e nla,ced on file. i Report of Supbrintendent of ','rater i"orks for "ovember read 11r. Ashore R moved it be received end placed on file. Carried. ct' Report of Street Commissioner read for the month of :;ovember read.; tr Cornelius moved that it be approved and placed on rile. Carried ti Report of Chief of Police Porter for month of Povember read and on m` of Mr . Ashcraft approved and placed on file as read. :Ir. Banta moved that when Coundil adjourn they nd,jonr.n to meet Decemti h91 at the usual.. Carried. rd erd Time checks for tho City employees and bill "of the California -Cred'o` g Power Comnnny in the um of •'1491.99 and bills as audited by the Finance Commit were presented. 1r. Banta •.oved that all bills and time checks be pail. Carr' Petition of Carson Fowler Lumber Comrrny anking that the City relinq u to tho^a Mile city's right and title to a strip of land lyin, bot,,ieen their nrone First ;street. Lir. Banta moved that the netition be, occented rnd placed on fil,. Carried. k, i Communicstion from a-ent, aslri.ng what the City intended in the matter of rebon(ling the ti-,o pF k commissioners, LIossrs. freer and ddFe. E'd Iir. Banta. .owed that n.s Hr. Greer's bond ran to'the end of the term and 'Ir. Do. hnd c::pirod that the matter be loid on the tnble until a.l'ter the election of i 19, 1916. ' Requisition Ko. 37 t'rom the !.lect:ric Siant Department recd oskinP f C~ pr.rchnro of material in the nnount of '112.88. Mr. Lamb moved th-t 'ho sane h approved end material authorized r.aarchased. Roll cull ,'yes, ft, soot, c Lan b, :`ini..nr-er and Correlius. There being six in r'&vor ttereot' and tionc -,ri a the I:ayor declared the motion eF•rri.e,;. The Recorder asked nr':'•.ority to pay bonds am i.nterent for the mcrt. 3s ",;erobn~, December and. January ^s they carne due. :Ir. Ashcrr't moved the"t a, lsr. be -r^nt:EA. mo The Recorder presented a verbal -petition from some of the work!aen g to ,nd from work in the er.rly morning hours -shine thn', li^ht.; bn, Left burning, ee in the morning. Mr. Bnni,a moved thr.t lirlits be loft bur"nirr: lonL-er until 11"vth 6 o'clock AJIT. or day light. Carried. he ge J J J J L A neciJ. uion of citizens osl'i.ntt that at ~ she (:cnern.l eJnncion J.h._.~"J• nn sue to the clinrter be placed on the ballot obolir>hing the "prints -,ntor -ConmiosionI e`=hle the Ashland Park Commission anal imnowering the City Colulcil to 'rake char ;e, ma; d Cd nor', crre of the minnrPl ipl int,s, all pipe lines, fountains ane parks :n i park 1 n t of Paid City and.,a11 {;Apr .ir-ttcrs -nn thinro now in chargo of either of said Commissions r:~?. ;t lb.nov~~ ttn•-t the petitions be granted and the matter nlae on e: le of llOt 112'.' ~,ntr.- ~movoO to amend the motion by Strafing; that "ti Ile y'et' tEIBt be f•rnnted and th•-t each be placod separately on the ; llot. Tho Mayor then p motion of the amendment up which carried, making; the original motion that the be amended and that the matter be placed on the ballot and that each of said fir' be solaced separately there on. Boll call Ayes, Ashcraft, Root, Banta, !Jamb. H Nini.nger, Cornelius. There being four in favor thereof and two against the liayor declared the motion carried. The report of the Finance Committee read stating that they had nuro e of the sirby Bros. 6 tiers of hard wood for the city at 'x.00 nor tier rnd te` - of 4 ft. fir wood at `6.00, per cord making a total cost of the wood to livered at the city shed on B ';t. also that in company with Park upt. Graves r, elr~ examined the pine trees in the penes and round approxiately ton trees in the C nark 11nd twenty trees in -the City park that were badly inTeoted with the nine`"'b e many of these tree are dead sever,l of them were marked by the Forest Rangers r 1915; everyone so marked is'now entirely dead. the Committee advises that a11' infected trees be out as soon as possible, the bark periled anr' burnt and the aY cut ap for City use. iir. Banta moved thrit the roport be approved PnO th s Finance Committee be empo- erect to tr-ke up the matter with the park commi°:sion r to have the trees out norm. ra e~ to iY I+. Resigna.t;ion of E. C. Porter chief of police to take effect Dec. 31, 1916 read. Lamb moved same be accepted. Carried. 'n It. Nininger brought to the attention of the council the request of M.B.Pinion king that he be allowed to prospect on the city land near the city power house. Mr. b moved that the request be ;ranted with the understanding that Mr. Pinion does not taminate the water of Ashland Creek ih any way. Communication and recommendation of the Electric Light Committee read as follows- "Ashland, Oregon, Dec. 5, 1916. the Hon. IrIayor and City Council of the City Ashland. on Whereas the City Council has not been able to levy an assessment sufficient 1•e w' roperly care for Eithia Park_ for the year 1917, your nlectirc light Committee herewith oommend that the lighting of Lithia Park be taken care of as street lights and charged said account, and t-at as few lights as possible be used in said nark during the _e ter season. A .1, .Lamb P.L.Ashcraft." `she Root moved it be laid on the table until the first meeting, after the General ction. Carried. ea T resolution authorizing the Mayor an? City Recorder to execute a Snppiemental ntmet with the California-Oregon Power Company was read, Dr. Ashcroft moved its ration. Roll call Ayes, Ashcroft, Root, Banta., Lamb, Tini.nger and Cornelius. There ;vo nP six in favor thereof and none against the lln;yor declared the resolution adopted. A resolution authorizing the Mayor and Recorder to sign and execute in the name he City of Ashland a. lease with the S.P.Company for the fountains and pipes on the Dee lioad lands at the the depot for the said mineral water fountains read. The Mayor eyed roll call ',yes, Asheraft, Root, Banta,Lamb, Nininger and Cornelius. Where 0•re rag six in favor thereof aid none aa- inst the Mayor declared. the resolution adopted. a. omm resolution ordering an annual city eL:ctinn to be held Tuesday, December 19, read and'he Councilmen of each ward nresentot the names of the following to act el' ~pdges and clerks in their sepcra.te warca pr. First Ward, G.W.Benesict, 'a,.A.Bibby, Mrs. A.r.Throne. ~I Second Tard, O.C.Tiffany, Mrs. Alice Murphy, add Mrs. R.G.Hathaway. n Third. ..,ard. !E.J.Arant, Blanche, Hicks, and Mrs. Jennie Brady. The matter of chnngin; the voting place in the first ;-card came up and Mr. Lamb dd ed that the matter be left with the City Recorder to find a suitable place in the at War& for a polling place. Carried. Hr. Bnnta moved adoption of the resolution e. 0 1'011 call Aye.,, ahcrai't, Post, Banta, Lamb, Ilini.nger and Cornelius There being in foyer. thereof and none agai at the Mayor declared the resolution carried. n A resolution ta.uthorizi.ng the Mayor aid Recorder to convey land- to Allen _Davis m Cnrson-howler Lumber Company read. Hr. Banta rnovoi the adoption of the resolution '.call Ayes, Ashcraft, Banta, Root, lamb, hi.nin er and Cornelius. There being six rot, avor thereof and n ne against the Mayor declared the resolution adopted:. rQ An ordinance setting forth the delinquent assessments, according to the Bancroft de of tho City of Ashland was presented.by the Recorder and read. Mr. Banta moved m ,h uspension of the rules and that the ordinance be passed. to second reading.by title and final passage by the council. two thirds voting in favor thereof the I:Iayor declared motion carried. Mr. Banta moved adoption of the ordinance as read. Roll Call eri Ashcroft, Banta, Root, Lamb, Vi.ni.nger and Cornelius. There being six in favor n; of and none against ehe Mayor declared the ordinance carried. THE Recorder presented'an ordinance to levy a tax for municipal purposes upon the taxable property-within the corporate limits of the city of Ashland, Oregon, for egeneral expenses of said city, for the year 1917, Mr. Banta moved that the rules suspended and ordinance passed to second reading, there being two thirds .in-.favorthereof si•• Mayor declared the motion.carried. Roll call Ayes, Asheraf-t; Root, Banta, Lamb, Niningw Cornelius. There being-six in favor thereof and none against the Mayor declared the P•r ance adopted.- Mr. Nin%nger moved council adjourn. Carried eet: ~Ce ©'n ity Recorder. rub. Ashland, Oregon, Dec. 6, 1916. he Council co;nved at hour set at the meeting of Tocember 5, 1916,, Mayor Johnson he chair. Roll call present, Ashcroft, Root, Banta, Lamb. Absent hininger and • e3.ius. to resolution was oresented., cpealing Article 20 of the Charter and that A ves c ed Election be held December 19, 1916, MT. Banta move ci adoption of the 'he elution. Roll call, Ayes, Ashcroft, Foot, Banta, Lamb. Absent, Nininger and •in edi.us. 'here being four in favor thereof add none ,gainst the Dayor declare, .,ge resolution adopted. A resolution calling Special City Election and repealing article 19 of' the charter he Mr. Banta moved the ndoption of the resolution as read. Roll call Eyes, 1 T£hft, ITmlta, Root, Lamb, !Absent, Ninin,ger And Cornelius. There being four in ~io• m thereof and none against the Mayor declared the resolution adopted. Resolution calling- Special. City Klecti.on authorizing the City Council to dispose e surplus mineral crater read. Hr. cshcrnIt moved adoption "he resol.utor. all Ayes, s} era`t , Banta, Ecot, lamb, Absent, Mini -r-er and Corn !;Us. e beinn dour in favor hereof and none ag*n.inst he Ils.-or declare' the resolution ed. Ih. 2anta moved 55Z 0il.riTnP. Ylt;, Urrl s. ~~~y dy or.