HomeMy WebLinkAbout1916-25 Spec Election Abolish Springs Water Commission-COPY
Filed this -day of
City Recorder
R F, S C,L U i T C II
HFRFAS, a petition quire generally signed by the citizens of Ashland, has
been filed ^ith the City Recorder, p aying`that a special election be called
for the purpose of abolishing the $tr'ings "ter Commission, and placing the management
and control of the !uxioiary -ater_-Plant of said city in the hands of the common council
of the city of AShlvnd, and
"MIREAS, the common council of,AsYiland, after due considerrtion of said petitions
d{ em it advisable that a. special election, be 'called for the purpose of amending the
City Charter, as prayed for in said petition, and
7IF- ?EAS, under authority granted to the city soursil, by and under Sebtion six
(6) of Ordinance -number 357, which ordinanee,wns duly approved on the 18th day of
August, 1908, and. authorizing the common council of the city of 'shland, Oregon, to
call special elections, at any time for the purpose of amending- the Charter of
said icily, upon a resolution propcaed by the said, common council, -:hick election shall
only be held after due notice thereof, and the appointment of judges of said election,
shall have been ct•iven by publication in a ne,-.spaper, published in the city off Ashland,
or by conspiciousla posting a notice in each of the wards of snid city not less than
ten days prior to any such special election.
1407 THEREFORE, I3F 17 RESOLVED, By the common council of the ci-ty of Ashl:-,nd,
Oregon, in regular adjourned session assembled, this 6th day of recembor, 1916, that a s
special election of the: qualified electors of the city of I.shlanA, be, and hereby
is called Rnd appointed;-ta be held on Tuesday, the ?9th d8.U of L'eeecsber, 1916,
for the rnirpose of submitting to the electors of said city, the fol oc.•ing amendment
to the Charter of the city for the approval or rejection of snid electors, to-17it;
rg RCS
^o amend 'rticle XX of the Charter of the ci'y of :shl,nd, Oregon, c€id Charter
bein;* that certain 'et of the Legislative ,.ssembly of the str.te of Ore!7•on, filed in
the office of the~.",ecretrry of 't-lo, Cctober 14, 1898, entitles, "in Let to amend an
Act, entitled 'rn Let to i corporcte the city of :.shlnncl, in Jackson comity, Oregon,
and define the »o, er thereof' filed in, the office of ;,ecretary of >t^te, .ebruary
25th, 1895, r-mendi.g the semo," as amended by all ':cts subsequent thereto, either
of the - o~i.oletive Assembly of the :;t: to of Cragon, or by the vote o_" the. qualified
electors o^ the city of 'shl€~tid, Oregon; to rbolish the Springs "ater Commission,
creatAd by ;,eetions 1 and 2 of 'rticlo ;M of the Charter of the city of AshlL-nd,
Oregon, ^s said 'rticle XX ~7s rd'ed to • nd rnc.de r p,rt of Sri d Charter, nrld
become operative upon the proclamation of the "ryor of" acid city on the 27th day of
June, 1914, to confer upon tho common council of the city of Ashland, Oregon, certain
poT:ers, rnd requirinh f said council certain duties heretofore required of and per-
formed by the said SprinFS••'atpr Commission, under rnd by virtue of grid Article 11
of the Charter, rnd the amo,.dnent t ereo'; to roq!z i re that the common council levy°
a tag annually of not more than one mil' on the dollar of the taxable property of r
the city, rt '11,c same time the council m-kes its lev, for general city purposes, the
• y..
fund thereby erected to b^ segregated and known as 'he Auxiliary "-ater Fund, anA
be ezpenO ed. in the maintenance of said Auxilirry '•ater pln_*it; directing that the eaig e` °
Springs Maier Cormission slake a full, true and complete report o r11 moneys received
and disbursed by it, as -.;ell ns all other mst`ers ant' things pertaining; to the operation,
present condition and equipment of said A.itiliary later Plant, end file the same rith the
City Recorder, on or befo-ze the lot day of January, 1917, cnd at the same time deliver
over. to the city council all books; contracts, deeds, money or other public property
nor in the possession of said Springs ":ater Commission; and renerlinrc ^11 Charter provisions,
ordinances and resolutions of the said city of Ashland, In conflict herewith.
E IT EPACTED BY r-'TT7 0-0"L7. C CH" CI ;'Y CP ASH--3 T1, 07,"GOII :
That Article X% as said 'rticle was added to and male a part of the Charter
of the City of :Ashland, becoming operative by the proclamation of the I'r;y -Of 19cid city
on the 27th dry of Ju e, 1914, be amended to read ris follo;'s:
Section 1. That the Springs ":eter Commission of the city of Ashland, as created
under and by virtue of Article XX of srid Charter of '_shland, be, and the same is hereby
abolished. Provided, however, that the members of said Commission, as now constituted,
shall perform their duties as set out in said Article XX, until the let day of January,
1917, at :•hich lime they shall make a full, tnue and complete roport of all moneys
received and.disbursed by the Commission, as well as Fa l other matters rnd things
pertFinina to he operation, present condition and equipment of srid Auxiliary '"ater
-Plant, and file the same with the City Ideeorder on or before the 1st day of Jainlary, 1917,
cnd at the game time the commission shall deliver over to the city council all books
contracts, dcods, money or other public property, now in the possession of the members
of said Commission by virtue of their office.
Section 2. Cho common council f the city of Ashland shall, from and after
I, v the said 1st day of January, 1917, have the entire jurisdiction, management and con-
t trol of the Auxiliary ester-'lant, and shall repair, maintain and improve said plb nt
as occasion may arise.
Section 3., That at the time of making up the annual city budget for the
,)urposes of taxation, the common council shall carefully estimate the -mount of funds
j necessary to 'epair, maintain, improve rnd otherwise equip the Auxiliary --ater Plant
of the city c9or the ensuing. year, to the end that the water tnd Pas secrued at the
several mi.nerrl sprin-s in which the city has an interest, may be successfully and
continuously piped to the ^ublic fountains e;ithin '•ho city limits,and shall thereafter
levy a tax of not more than one mill on 4-he dollar of the taxable property of the city:,
at the sane time the council mckes its levy for gencrnl city purposes, and the fund
thereby created, or any other funds acquired by donation or otherwise, for the main-
telof said plant, shsl'i be segregrted and kno*.-n ?s the Auxili~ ry 7ater Fund, and
¢ r~s
;n and m€.intai.ning the said Auxiliary '-r-ter Plant.
be -P_ ov
_y in the way of z... experu,ec. only
n'4. That so much of Article ZX of the Charter of said Cjty, and
resolution of EFid city, as is in
so ;aion ordin-Ace or
rov_ much. of any other Charter provision
be c.nd the sn-le is hereby repealed.
direct conflict i th the provisions l.eroo..,
Ili IT URTHrR RT:SOLV~-, That the judges and clerks of the general city election
to be hel on the 19th desJ of 'December, 1916, be end they are hereby desig
the jud polling places for 3'id
rnzd ,
ges and clerks of th_., s~oc_;.rl eloetion,
special election shell be the o^me re for the said Peneral election.
FIJI?T117 12.:S•"'LVTrv that the City Recorder bc, -nd he i^ hereby authorized
and directed to rive notice of such special election and the appointment of judges of
election by publiertion theroof, in c peaspapof prints,' and published in the city of
A9hlnnd, nne of the proposed amendment of the Charter o' and city to be voted upon, at
least ten r1ays prior to and election, as required by the lacrs of the state of Oregon,
and the Charter and ordinances of said city, as in such cases made and provided, and
said Recorder is further directed to prepare e suitable ballot title nno have all nee-
essary ballots printed, as nrovided by the r.,eneral lags of Oregon, anO the said CI-n rter
and or6inances'of the city of Ashland.
The Yeas end ITrys ,:ere demanded and taken upon said resolution as follows:
r Yeas, Ashcraft, Root, Santa, L,-mb.
Nays, Bone.
Absent, ITininger end Cornelius.
Approved December 6th, 1916. ~j
JVyOT-Of the eijry or KS
.ATTEST: December 6th, 1910
Recorder of he city o .sn en
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