HomeMy WebLinkAbout1917-07 Spec Election Tax for Publicity & Park Purposes-COPY
R i7-D7 a~6~i7
R E S 0 L U T I 0'N
Calling Special Election,
to Authorize a Tax for
Publicity and Park purposes
Filed this __day of
City Recorder.
,HPUMAS, by ar. amendment of the Charter of the city of Ashland, Ore ;on,
proclaimed by' the ilayor, ilovember 21st, 1914, piovisoin/made for the levying of 'a tax
and donating 5)300.00 thereof to the Southern Ure2on Ohautmqua Association, for the main-
tenance and upkeep of certain of its park lands used by the public, and
':'H1MDAS, it is nom proposed to pruch-se said park lands fEDm the said
Chautauqua Association, and the? city assume the burden of maintaining and car•in,r for said.
lands, thits relieving the Association for sueii expense, and
" fi-TT!,AS, such burden will naturally fall on the ,1s})land Park Commission,
and trill require additional funds, and
ITBRFA " it is domed by the common council that Vie 0300.00 heretofore donated
to the Chauteuqua Association for the maintenance of such rrounds shaould,be placed in
the park funds of tike city for the use of saud Park Cornission, and
t:FtyRGAS, under authority turanted to he city coun,il by and under section 6
of Ordinaries k1o. 357, lihieh ordinmce vas duly approved on the l th day of August, 1908, an
authorizin•- the cor~uwn council of the city of Ashland. Oregon, to call a special election
at any tiu.e for the purpose of amendiog the Clkarter of said city, upon a revolution pro.
posed by said coiti;_ar. council,vhich election shall only be held after due notice thereof
and the appointment of judges of said election shall have betr liven by publication
in a necspaper, published in the city of Ashland, or b. nonapniciously postin- a notice
in each of tike yards of :kaid city not less than ten days prior to cny eucit special election
370' '3'1£7h Jil SF IT Ri:f30L`7.,D, by the coks:ion cou: cil of the city of Aslil:,nd,
Oret%on, in re,•nalar aeasion arse:doled, thic CV-i da: of _rc':, 173 t, LIke2 u spceircl leetion
of the qualified electors of thr cit., of Aslkl-nd. be c.nd h3'z,clO. i,. c;:lled r,.nd a;)Y)ointed
to be held on uonGay the 19th day of Larch, 1517, for the 1)urpose of n:ku:jittiyr; to the
electors of s;,.ia city, the foilowin- assendk)ant to tE•t'. 0%artc`s of o:.id city, ao:. t.ie
approval or rejection of Quid electors, *..o ^:ii:
An Act t$ emend Section 2:i, of Articlo Vil, of tile c- i, i•i c tc:: ~s ti e
city of Ashltzd, Oregon, said C; urto o-i: t;.::t cert i•, :_ct of t'kc Le:
of the state of Urc!,on, filed in t%c ofiic@ 0:' VI' ~a seta of c;t• tr..•, dctuoer 14th,
1893, entitled I$An Act to cierid fik act, ;-titled Ot to incorparate Lr_ cit, Df
filed tike off ce
~sesaon county, Ure.-on, L: "'of k1E t"ttk r0:'%er t3+.er@of,I
Ashland, in
of :iecreterd of Otate, Frebru.-Ay 25t;,, 18175, rii.endin ti'.e wile, IIAG ;a> un:ed by all acts
subsequent thereto, eith9r of t'. r Ler?iulative A ss@::~ o the st^.Le of Oregon, or by
vote of V-e cualifiod electors o" tie cit;, o ',fl 1, r.U. Jrc;:on, ao Paid :section 23,was
ridded to and n2ade a hart of said Article lTll a_ tltt Cr, ;:rter, and L':%de effective b, the
proclrri tion of the •a;,or of then city o:: the ?1st uzl u1' -'•uvember, 1 1~.
l1. T' .";ACT' A e `I?i, _ ; J:f i.: ?D "IN:
'rnat Section 23 0'." ,rticl(, 11 of t. (;4arter of th, city of '.nhlr.nd,
Ore on, r.n oz.iu section S"as added t.) ale a part G t.-e Charter, anu r.•hibh beta e
operative by Vic ;)roci ation o. the :-ikyor of ):aid city, on the 21st d;:.y of ilovez: er,
1914, be Ey.?ietided to read c.o .'ullo :s:
Section 23. 'EAC CO._. eY L;uur!cil, shall at the tilde of i:kaki,:g the imnual
lelpy for the expenses of the city, gas provided in Section 2, of Article Vll, of the
city Charter, include in such levy, for the uses and purposes herei.r_yfter specified, an
amount not exceedin& one-half mill on the dollar on the ascesced valuation of the pro-
perty of said city, taxable by lap. for state and county purposes, and the amount, tMich
may be received.a'rom ouch levy shall only be expended by the common council in such manner
and"for ouch purposes as the council shall deem best calculated to promote the
of the city in the C-xtension of its trade and laciness, the development and exploitation of
itu attractions and resources, and t,ae improvement oi' conditions effectin,; the health, con-
fort rid welfare of t'ze people of the said city., Provided, hovever, that thr. oui of
1300.00 of. the revenue produced by Said levy, :,7hich .i4 s heretofore donated to the Southern
Oregon Chattauqua Association, shall be placed in the park fund of the city, and shall be
used by the Ashland Park Commission for the upkeep, maintenance and improvement of the
parks of the city. Provided, further, that the amount provided for by this section, ohall
not be included in the annual expense of the city. but the council is authorized to Icing
the amount herein yet out, over and above the fifteen mills on the dollar of v&l:uation, as
linited by section 2 of .irticle Vll, of the Charter of the city of Asaaland,
BL. IT ItTRT11 -I1 POeSOLVPED, That the following are deai na ted as the voting place
of each of the ivards of said city for said special election:
First lard: Voting Place, City Fire hall, fourth stree.
Second ..zard Voting place, lacCarthy Building.
Third 7 rd: Votin ila:ce, City Hall.
And the following named person are appointed judges of said election.
First c:?and: Oudges, II. C.Sparr, A.r.7:7"irone, '.yrs. :u.Cof"fee.
Second t?nrd: Tudr;es, O.'.Tiffany, Lrr. Lrs. Alice : urohy.
Third "~aard: yud:res w.F.C.oT.dy, 3'. _-Deavar, Blanche hic,;o.
The two judges least naraed in'e:,ch curd 6iea l also act ar; clerics of election,.
,e !,Dolls shall be opened rrorc nine c1clock ill the forenoon until ^i:: o(clock
in the afternoon of said 19th day o. '.'.a •eh, 1917, cant k,--id Election s1i€al be eo,aducted
in accord."nce rriL'A City OrdinLnee ifo. 3570 Article n, of the Charter of said city Frd t,_e
^,e icral lures of urc,,!on, gas far u nracticc,lue.
11, 1igH'T117"'3 1:tS0i.U"D, rMat t.ae CitY _,ecorder .be, :~).o iie ia, Lc en ch ested
to give •,<?tico of slid, ersci::l eleei;ion and tr.ie a:w)oixit; e7it of juu-'es o:' el:;etitni 'r, pui)-
lication thereof, in a ne:anaaper, publicsed in tlic cit• of AslOaad, ;jai. o)'. the f,,r,)-Dosed
aiaendaaent to the Charter ox' said city, to be voted upon at leact te:a an; s --.or to ^aid
election, as -required by do lnws of time ot,nte of Orc,lon, and Vic Oedir,z >i;,es 0" said city,
as in such ca.oes iu'de anal mrovided.
The yeas and nzyn -:!ere daC.11dod aru ur)on vaid r:.ols io?. %7 id1lo:,s:
Ye-IS ::OOt, ?3artt 1, Ta'-6b. 'ri YSlS TE r, Cornoliur;.
Days.,, Eone.
Approved, _ a:cc a 6th, 1917.
o„ or of the cit; a,.
Attest: Uaarch 6th, 1017.
,.ecordcr of t}I• ci oz' Asisland