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February 18, 2014
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February 18, 2014
Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street
Mayor Stromberg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilor Voisin, Morris, Lemhouse, Slattery, Rosenthal, and Marsh were present.
Mayor Stromberg announced the City was accepting applications for annual appointments to the various
Commissions and Committees. The deadline for applications was March 21, 2014. In addition to annual
appointments, there was one vacancy on the Citizens' Budget Committee. The deadline for applications for
the Citizens' Budget Committee was March 14, 2014.
The minutes of the Study Session of February 3, 2014 and the Business Meeting of February 4, 2014 were
approved as presented.
Transportation Commission Chair David Young provided the annual presentation on the Transportation
Commission and noted Commission projects and accomplishments.
1. Acceptance of commission minutes
2. Approval of a liquor license application for Elijah Katkin dba Brick Room, LLC
3. Approval of a liquor license application for Lorenzo Mussel[ dba Evo's
4. Special procurement for worker's compensation third party administrative services
5. Request for extension and increase in contract of special procurement for boundary survey work
on the Calle Guanajuato
6. Approval of sole source procurement of two public contracts with Hunter Communications for
data and radio fiber optic network services
7. Ashland Fire & Rescue's 2013 Annual Report
8. Mayor's appointments to the ad hoc Committee on Downtown Beautification and Improvements
Councilor Voisin pulled Consent Agenda items #4, #7, and #8, and Councilor Marsh pulled #7 for further
Human Resources Director Tina Gray addressed the special procurement for worker's compensation third
party administrative services and explained the local provider went out of business. Instead of going out to
bid for services staff recommended renewing the contract with Tristar Risk Management. Ms. Gray also
recommended longer contract terms for third party administrator services.
Fire Chief John Karns shared highlights from the Ashland Fire & Rescue's 2013 Annual Report that included
the Forest Resiliency project, Firewise program, Fire Adapted Communities program, and Emergency
Preparedness. The Fire Department would focus on Ashland's changing demographics in 2014. Emergency
Medical Services (EMS) overall budget continued to bring in net income that declined slightly each year. He
explained July 2013 was the highest month for incidences due to the tourist industry and used mountain bike
activity as an example for the increase.
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City Administrator Dave Kanner addressed the Mayor's appointments to the ad hoc Committee on
Downtown Beautification and Improvements. He clarified the Committee would incorporate public input in
formulating the four-year plan based on specific motions from Council during the December 17, 2013
meeting. Staff would provide the Committee with the list of projects accumulated from Councilors, and
there was no presumption they would adopt a specific plan or set of projects.
Colin Swales/143 Eighth Street/Spoke regarding the ad hoc Committee on Downtown Beautification and
Improvements and explained the whole thing was pulled from TSP (Transportation System Plan) in the past
by pressure from certain public groups who were very influential in Ashland. The way it was put forward on
the City website and promulgated in the community limited the committee to a small contingent of business
community oriented people and excluded those living closer to downtown as well as the entire public from
the public process. He wanted to ensure outreach was thorough and fulfilled the role of citizen participation
that was required for the participatory government.
Councilor Voisin motioned the ad hoc Committee on Downtown Beautification and Improvements prioritize
the Plaza improvement project to be something considered before tourist season begins. Motion died for lack
of a second.
Councilor Slattery/Marsh m/s to approve the entire Consent Agenda. Voice Vote: ALL AYES.
1. Public Hearing and first reading of and ordinance titled, "An ordinance modifying the Verde
Village Subdivision's Development Agreement to clarify project phasing and make clear which
improvements are required with each phase and allow either phase to occur first; to change the
energy efficiency requirements for the development so that all units will be constructed to at least
Earth Advantage Gold Standards and will be photovoltaic ready; and to change the landscaping
requirements associated with construction of the multi-use path"
Mayor Stromberg called the Public Hearing for an Ordinance modifying the Verde Village Subdivision
Development Agreement to order at 7:24 p.m. He explained the rules for the conduct of the hearing and that
the Public Hearing Format for Land Use Hearings - A Guide for Participants and Citizens was available on
the wall in the back of Council Chambers.
Councilor Voisin declared she had met with the developers three and a half years before who explained the
premise for Verde Village. She stated she had not prejudged the application, was not prejudiced or biased,
and would make a decision based solely on the public interest and the application of the relevant criteria and
standards to the facts and evidence in the record of the proceeding. No other Ex Parte, absentions, or
conflicts were declared.
There were no challenges.
Community Development Director Bill Molnar explained in 2007 the 12 acre area was annexed into the City
of Ashland. The project would develop a 68-unit residential development consisting of a variety of housing
including 15 affordable units already constructed. It also involved a land exchange between the City and the
applicant and a development agreement that included a timeline. Shortly after that, the housing market
crashed and the applicants put the remainder of the project on hold. Since that time, the applicants came
before Council three times for modifications to the development agreement specifically regarding the
timeline. Associate Planner Derek Severson provided a presentation on the development agreement
modifications that included:
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Approved & Adopted by Ordinance #2945 on December 19, 2007
• Annexation, Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Map changes from County RR-5 to City R-1-3.5, R-1-5
and R-1-7.5
• Outline Plan approval to develop the property as a 68-unit residential development Site Review
approval for multi-family development
• Physical and Environmental Constraints Review Permit to locate a multi-use path in the Ashland
Creek Riparian Preservation Area.
• Tree Removal Permit
• Exceptions to the Street Standards to install a curbside sidewalk on one side of a proposed street, not
to locate a street adjacent to natural features and to not connect two of the proposed streets.
• Variances to reduce the on-street parking requirement to 38 spaces, to reduce the rear yard setback,
and to reduce the required distance between buildings for cottages.
• Administrative Variance to have the primary orientation of the buildings to the south, rather than to
the street to maximize use of solar energy.
• Land exchange with the City dedicating 2.78 acres adjacent to Ashland Creek for parks purposes in
exchange for approximately 1.54 acres of the Dog Park in the area of the access and south of the
parking area.
• Development Agreement with the City governing development to completion, including a detailed
timeline and "Exhibit K-3" net zero energy performance standard.
Rice Park- 15 Affordable Units Constructed & Occupied
Modifications Proposed
• Project Phasing - Applicants request to make the project a true two-phase project, noting that the
current development agreement requires the bulk of infrastructure with first phase. They propose
infrastructure installation more in keeping with phasing, and clear flexibility in terms of the order in
which the phases are constructed (i.e. either phase could be built first, or both simultaneously).
Greenway and sidewalk on Nevada would be with Phase II.
The Planning Commission asked staff to look into what assurances were in the development agreement and
what subsequent assurances were included regarding the greenway installation. The development agreement
established specifically the greenway installation was solely the applicants' responsibility. As required in the
development agreement, the applicants' entered into an agreement to install improvements, provide security
and maintenance for the installation of the greenway and associated landscaping and gave the City a trust
deed to secure the installation. The installation would move to the second phase. The trust deed was an
interest in the property in exchange for the cost of completion. If the property did not sell, the development
agreement gave the City a financial interest in the property at sale to complete the improvements.
• Energy Efficiency - All units in the development are subject to a unique, project-specific "net-zero
energy performance standard" proposed by the applicants in 2006. The applicants are requesting to
change the energy efficiency requirements to be more compatible with technological changes since
2006 and easier to administer by instead meeting at least obtaining an Earth Advantage "Gold"/
"Photovoltaic Ready" certification.
The current requirement to have the project be net zero energy was more prohibitive in cost and an unknown
quantity to a buyer or lender. Earth Advantage Gold was easily recognized and had a third party rating.
• Multi-Use Path - The riparian corridor mitigation plantings would be reduced from currently
approved corridor plan to installing the ten-foot buffer plantings on the subdivision side plus the ten-
foot path, four feet of landscaping on either side of the path, and re-vegetation of any additional areas
of disturbance associated with the path installation.
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Phasing - Map
Rice Park was completed with temporary improvements regarding access and emergency vehicle access.
Staff wanted access for Rice Park to Nevada Street and a road for the public to get to the dog park regardless
of what happened next in phasing. The applicants indicated they would add both road connections prior to
building the first house no matter which phase was next.
Energy Efficiency
• Currently subject to "Exhibit K-3" which prescribes a unique, project specific net-zero energy
performance standard for all units, & which aimed for buildings 50 percent more energy & water
efficient than current code (in 2006-2007).
• Would change to Earth Advantage Gold/Photovoltaic Ready, which would be 15 percent more
energy efficient than current codes, and likely 20-30 percent more efficient than codes in place when
the subdivision was approved, through an established program with third-party verification.
Path Installation - Maps/Charts
Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission (December 23, 2013)
1) Allow Verde Village developers to wait for the second phase of development to install the path if the
first phase was not along the path; however, if the first phase was implemented and the developers
did not put in the second phase along the pathway, after five years they would need to build the path.
2) Allow the proposed vegetation in the development plan to be reduced to an 18-foot wide corridor
along and including the bike path, including any affected or disturbed areas within that corridor
which would be re-vegetated, as opposed to how the plan is shown.
3) Allow Parks' professional staff the flexibility to work with the developer to identify any additional
trees to plant outside or inside the identified 18-foot corridor.
Since the project, Ashland Municipal Code 18.63 Water Resource Protection Zones was adopted. The
development agreement allowed the City to apply new regulations to the agreement with any modification.
Much of the information in the development agreement reflected the adopted ordinance. The homes as
originally shown, complied with the 50-foot riparian protection zone. Some regulation changes might affect
the fencing. The 10-foot paved path would happen through a limited use permit. Council could request a
mitigation plan, and management and maintenance provisions but it would likely result with what they
currently had. Enforcing the pathway after five years would be a condition of the development agreement
and part of the adopted ordinance.
City Attorney Dave Lohman added it was an enforceable contract and could go to court if necessary. Prior to
that, the City could discuss using bonds instead. Mr. Severson noted another incentive was the requirement
before 50% of the units were complete the project had to meet certain thresholds before building permits
were issued. The bonds were termed an agreement for construction of required improvements and
installation of maintenance of plant materials supported by a trust deed. Mr. Lohman clarified this was not
the same as a performance bond.
Mr. Severson confirmed some of the land touched flood plain approved as a Physical and Environmental
Constraints Review Permit (P&E permit). Sidewalk installation would extend to Oak Street.
• No recommendation as to reducing required term of maintenance; Parks staff has indicated
that the Commission felt that, with the reduced landscaping, a three-year term as originally
required was appropriate.
• Conservation Division - Recommendation: Conservation Staff is excited at the prospect of an
entire subdivision committing to the Earth Advantage program and supports the concept of utilizing
a tested third party system to help the builder, City staff, and ultimately the homeowner, ensure that
the home functions as designed, approved and built.
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While the applicant is requesting relief from the photovoltaic solar installation in attempts to reach
"net zero," the Conservation Division's solar incentive programs are still available to individual
builders and homeowners who may be interested in striving to meet the net zero standard. As noted
in the application materials, the orientation of the homes is not proposed to be altered which means
that it is highly likely that all of the homes built will have more than adequate solar exposure to take
advantage of the sun as a power source in the future, either at the time of home construction or as a
retro-fit at some point in the future.
• Planning Commission asked that Legal and Planning Staff look into:
1) What assurances are provided in the Development Agreement, and what security
instruments may have been provided subsequently, to insure that the extension of the Bear
Creek Greenway path will happen if Phase H of the subdivision is never completed?
• Development Agreement
• Contract
• Trust Deed
2) Verify that, with the deletion of several items from the timetable, all obligations of the
applicants are adequately addressed in the timetable document and other exhibits.
Items are moved to first paragraph of timetable, to conditions recommended by Planning
Commission, and remain obligations of the applicants.
• Ashland Planning Commission (from 2/11/2014 meeting) Recommend approval with two
added conditions:
Ex. E, #30 - Phasing. That Phase I and Phase 11 refer to specific portions of the development, and
the applicants shall have the ability to construct Phase 11 prior to Phase 1, or to construct both phases
at the same time. If the project is built in a single phase, 24 lots (50 percent of the total number of
lots in Phase I and Phase II) would need to meet the timetable for Phase I. If the project is built in
phases, whichever phase is constructed first shall include the construction of Almeda Drive from its
current terminus out to Helman Street, and the construction of Perozzi Street (formerly `Canine
Way') from Almeda Drive to the Dog Park. Both streets shall be completed according to the
approved plans (including paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and parkrow planting strips with street
trees on both sides), inspected, and approved prior to the construction of any homes for either phase.
Ex. E, #31 - Multi-Use Path & Nevada Street Sidewalk Timing. That the multi-use path and the
sidewalk on Nevada Street, from Helman Street to Oak Street, shall be tied to the construction of
Sander Way as part of Phase 11, rather than as a part of Phase I. A revised plan (replacing Sheet R-I
from December 1, 2008) shall be provided prior to pathway installation illustrating the proposed
pathway installation and the redefined limits of the slope stabilization and associated re-vegetation
and shall include the planting of additional trees both inside and outside the pathway corridor to be
selected based on recommendations of Parks Department staff as to the number, type and placement.
The multi-use pathway improvements shall be installed with Phase 11 of the development, but no
later than five years following completion of the first phase."
Mr. Severson explained the conditions the Planning Commission recommended to Council included the
recommendations from the Parks Commission and the Conservation Commission. Staff recommended
Council adopt the ordinance with the two additions.
Valerie Williams/744 Heiman Street/Explained they met with the Planning Department and went over
issues with the development agreement, and concerns regarding the Rice Park project. They also talked to
the Conservation staff. Following those discussions, the applicants put together the plan. Having the project
in two phases would allow them flexibility. The multiuse path was tied to the phasing and withholding
building permits was a big incentive for the developer to adhere to the phases and complete the path.
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Ms. Williams addressed landscaping the multiuse path. The Parks and Recreation Department estimated it
would cost $39,000 yearly to maintain if the original acreage was completely landscaped creating a burden
for the developer and long-term for the City. Starting with a smaller area made sense. The modification
would have 18-feet of vegetation with 14-feet on one side and four feet on the other side of the path while
retaining what currently grew beyond those areas.
She went on to address the energy efficiency component and explained when they initially did the agreement
they already had buyers and net zero was in the plan at the time. Going to Earth Advantage and being
photovoltaic ready more than met the City code requirement. The Subdivision was very energy efficient.
Greg Williams/744 Heiman Street/Explained many things involving Rice Park was onerous to track and
implement. They realized they needed to simplify the project, there were heating systems that worked better
than what was available in 2007. Currently they were unable to build the project as specified in the
agreement and the modifications would change that.
Ms. Williams went on to clarify the Parks Commission requested planting trees closer to the path for
watering and maintenance purposes.
Rick Landt/468 Heiman Street/introduced himself as a Park Commissioner but did not speak for the Parks
Commission. He explained the Parks Commission voted 5-0 for a smaller mitigation area adjacent to the
proposed pathway between Ashland Creek and Verde Village. The reason for his vote was the approved
plan, consistent with the water resource ordinance was impractical and would result in a significant increase
in maintenance costs for the Parks and Recreation Department with very little benefit. The shrub layer was
challenging and expensive to grow to maturity. The applicant's request for a change in the riparian
landscape and that the Public Works Department spent $17,000 to interpret the water resource ordinance
pointed to the flaws in the ordinance. He urged Council to approve the recommended changes from the
Parks Commission and revise the water resource ordinance to a more user friendly, practical ordinance.
Colin Swales/143 Eighth Street/Thought it was unclear if this was an actual land use hearing, and requested
to keep the record open. He thought it was disingenuous of the Planning Department to show a photo of Rice
Park during their presentation, it was not part of the development. Mr. Swales provided his interpretation of
the history regarding the land in Rice Park, which was given to RVCDC to build the units. He stated that in
2008, a trust deed for $400,000 was granted for financial security for construction of the multiuse path and
landscaping, which was reduced to $180,000 in July 2009. Mr. Swales questioned if that was sufficient
funds to cover the project. His main concern was the opportunity of the property owner to remarket and sell
the property. He wanted to ensure the City was well protected and the taxpayers did not end up paying for
replanting along creek bed.
Cate Hartzell/881 East Main Street/Spoke on the prospect that the community would get a walkway along
the creek. She thought net zero was important because it cut the demand the City had to meet. She
understood tradeoffs and questioned why the sidewalk and greenway were now in Phase 2. The applicants
had explained it was because of the cost. She recognized the hardship on the developers and did not want to
lose the one last thing the City had in the deal originally made. The other aspect was the pathway reduction.
She thought it was possible to design a pathway and landscaping within a budget and in a way where the
maintenance was not high. She urged Council to do whatever they could to protect the one real public
benefit and not reduce it further. She also encouraged Council to read the contract carefully and ensure
details were clear prior to signing.
The applicants clarified Rice Park actually paid the bills for the roads but the applicants were paying them
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back through a $200,000 loan. Costs for the multiuse path were unknown when they wrote the initial
security. The applicants signed the trust deed with the intention that once they signed the development
agreement, they could change the note for the true value and they did by getting bids. Regarding net zero,
making the homes photovoltaic ready and facing the south made them close to net zero. Going Earth
Advantage Gold, photovoltaic ready the homes would be passively solar heated.
Public Hearing Closed: 8:21 p.m. with the record remaining open seven days until 4:30 p.m. February
26, 2014 for new submittals, followed by another seven days until March 5, 2014 for rebuttal by the
Mr. Severson explained the criteria for the action was on page 11 of 13 in the February 11, 2014 Planning
Department Staff Report. If the property sold to a different developer, they were bond by the development
agreement unless they proposed a different agreement that Council approved. The current development
agreement would end in 2023. By then, if a developer had not met the obligations of the agreement, whoever
assumed development was responsible to continue those obligations.
The applicants requested the full seven days to respond to written arguments.
Mr. Lohman noted this was a limited amendment and did not think it undermined other parts of the
development agreement. Staff confirmed the record would remain open for seven days, until Wednesday,
February 26, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. for new evidence. The applicant would then have seven days until
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. to submit written argument but no new evidence.
Postponed due to the record remaining open.
Bill Skillman/635 Oak Knoll Drive/Opposed the proposed gun control ordinance that Council may
consider. He saw no benefit to public safety in changing open carry regulations. He cited Police Chief Terry
Holderness' discussion regarding the few incidents involving guns and those that occurred were criminal
acts. Firearms are safety equipment that must be available instantaneously.
Natalie Richie/598 East Main Street/Referenced a recent statement by Police Chief Terry Holderness that
banning open carry would not improve public safety. The City attorney made it clear the proposed gun
control ordinances would attract litigation and be expensive. She questioned why Council was still
discussing the ordinances since it would not provide public safety and ultimately cost the taxpayers. The
estimated cost of a single lawsuit was a minimum of $150,000. That money could go towards another police
officer or gun safety for children so they could embrace their second amendment rights. The push to restrict
citizens' rights pertaining to guns seemed driven by hunger for political gain and a grab for headlines. She
shared her personal history of growing up around guns, referred the 1979 abduction and murder of two
young girls, the murder of David Michael Grubbs, and wanted to be able to continue to defend herself.
Heidi Weeda/313 Cambridge/Explained she went through a gun safety class as a child and thought
everyone should go through some form of gun safety. She shared her heartache over mass shootings
involving children. It was the people's right to protect themselves and a God given right to bear arms. The
government did not have the right to tell anyone how to self protect or protect family and homes. The
proposed gun ordinances risked wasting countless dollars on a problem that did not exist.
Colin Swales/143 Eighth Street/Stated that it was not a God given right to bear arms but a right from the
founding fathers. He expressed his concern with the signs outside Council Chambers that anyone with a
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concealed weapon permit was subject to searching. He addressed the possibility of putting the gun
ordinances on the ballot for citizens to decide. He wanted Council to take leadership on the gun ordinances
and not hand it off to the electorate.
Chief Holderness addressed Mr. Swales testimony and clarified it was against the law in Oregon to carry a
firearm into a public building without a concealed weapons permit. Alternately, the City could not regulate
open carry with a concealed weapons permit in a public building. Citizens raised concern after the open
carry of assault weapons during the February 3, 2014 Study Session in Council Chambers. Police staff
posted the signs to alert people they could bring in weapons if they had a concealed weapons permit. He
added that no was searched during the process only told they needed a permit.
1. Request for a boundary line adjustment at the corner of 511 Clinton and 625 N. Mountain Avenue
Parks and Recreation Superintendent Rachel Dials explained the boundary line adjustment was for a property
at 511 Clinton Street and 625 North Mountain Avenue that inadvertently encroached on City property.
When the River Walk was constructed, the comer of the home was built on park property. The mistake went
undiscovered until 2013 when new homeowners moved in and unknowingly encroached further onto the
Park property located behind them.
Staff contacted the property owners and worked with them to move the soil that was encroaching. Parks and
Recreation Department staff also worked with the homeowners to secure a surveyor to mark the comers at
the homeowner's expense. The Parks Commission directed staff to continue to work with the homeowners
to ensure the lot met the basic setback requirements and the owners incurred charges at real market value for
any property transfer and paid the associated planning fees. The boundary adjustment was approximately
842 square feet with the price per square foot just over $38. Total cost to the homeowner prior to boundary
line adjustment will be $30,948.28.
Councilor Slattery/Morris m/s to approve the recommended boundary line adjustment for 625 North
Mountain Avenue, adding 814 square feet for a total cost of $30,948.28 per the attached tax lot map.
Roll Call Vote: Councilor Voisin, Morris, Lemhouse, Slattery, Rosenthal, and Marsh, YES. Motion
2. Approval of an emergency procurement for engineering services for the Talent Ashland Phoenix
Pipeline Intertie project
Engineering Services Manager Scott Fleury explained one of the priority recommendations in the Water
Master Plan was an emergency TAP (Talent Ashland Phoenix) hook up that would provide 1,500,000 or
3,000,000 gallons of water to supplement existing water storage as needed. Given current weather
conditions, and future forecasting, staff anticipated potential supply issues late summer on a yearly basis.
The biennium budget allocated $2,000,000 for TAP construction in Fiscal Year 2015. Staff requested
Council approve expediting the process to the current fiscal year with an emergency procurement process to
construct the pipeline by late August, early September 2014. Public Works Director Mike Faught added
another element was a contract with the Medford Water Commission that staff would bring to the next
Council meeting.
Mr. Fleury confirmed the Ashland Municipal Code did allow water services within the Urban Growth
Boundary (UBG) with specific requirements for residents located in the UBG. The project was aggressive
but staff was comfortable with the August-September completion date. Mr. Faught explained the emergency
procurement would not increase costs and depended whether Council decided to choose the 3,000,000 or
1,500,000 million gallon capacity. Additionally, staff would piggyback the pipe purchase with another city
to cut costs. City Administrator Dave Kanner added under state law the City could not bid engineering
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services. The selection process was qualification based with a price negotiated after the selection.
Councilor Rosenthal/Morris m/s to approve an emergency procurement process for services for the
TAP intertie project. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Rosenthal, Marsh, Voisin, Slattery, Morris, and
Lemhouse, YES. Motion passed.
Councilor Rosenthal/Morris m/s to approve giving contracting authority to the City Administrator in
an amount greater than $100,000 for the TAP intertie project. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Rosenthal,
Marsh, Voisin, Slattery, Morris, and Lemhouse, YES. Motion passed.
3. Addendum clarifying Mt. Ashland Association Agreement
City Attorney Dave Lohman explained at the November 5, 2013 meeting Council considered an addendum
to the agreement with the Mt. Ashland Association (MAA) that if passed then, would have outlined certain
conditions MAA had to meet going forward with future projects. Council asked for additional clarification
that MAA took back for consideration. MAA requested adding the words "if any" to the addendum (1)(c) to
read: "substantiate by means of a Forest Service financial ability determination, or other means
acceptable to the Forest Service, that MAA has sufficient financial resources available to pay for
completion of the project and all interconnected projects, if any, as determined by the U.S. Forest
Service." The purpose of adding the words would make clear that MAA might or might not do all of the
projects listed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Colin Swales/143 Eighth Street/Reported that MAA had not paved the car park and the cost overruns were
huge. MAA was still trying to raise money and yet his understanding was the US Forest Service did due
diligence to ensure MAA had sufficient funds to proceed. He noted that Mt Ashland might not open this
season and that season passes were not going to be refunded. He questioned whether they could protect the
Councilor Slattery/Marsh m/s Council to approve the proposed addendum.
DISCUSSION: Councilor Slattery thought the addendum was straightforward. Councilor Marsh added the
addendum strengthened the City's position. Councilor Voisin did not understand how the addendum
protected the City by removing the performance bonding. Given the cost overruns, inability to complete the
project and the possibility of no ski season this year, Council should restore the performance bond to the
agreement. Councilor Slattery thought the US Forest Service required the performance bond and the City did
not have any legal standing to enforce a performance bond. As long as MAA could pay for cost overruns, it
was not an agreement concern. Councilor Voisin explained the City required a performance bond and did
not think the US Forest Service was actually requiring one. Councilor Lemhouse clarified the proposal
before Council was an addendum to the agreement and a motion would be needed to propose another
agreement. Councilor Morris added Mr. Lohman had explained that the performance bond was part of a
funding combination and not necessarily required if other parts of the combination were secured. Many of
the delays for MAA were due to last minute appeals. He supported the addendum and thought it made it
Mr. Lohman clarified the agreement required some form of security and offered three options, as long as one
of those options was provided for, then the City was covered. MAA did not have to provide all three and did
not have to include performance bonding. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Slattery, Morris, Rosenthal,
Lemhouse, Marsh, YES; and Councilor Voisin, NO. Motion passed 5-1.
1. First Reading by title only of an ordinance titled, "An ordinance amending AMC Chapter 2: Rules
of City Council; Uniform Policies and Operating Procedures for Advisory Commissions and
Boards; Recreation Commission; Conservation Commission; and Certain Administrative and
Operating Departments"
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Item postponed to a future meeting.
Councilor Voisin noted the grand opening for the Ashland Community Resource Center was well attended.
The new donated shower and laundry mobile unit would be available March 4, 2014. Councilor Lemhouse
added it was a good experience working with the Center and Lee Madsen.
Meeting adjourned 9:28 pm
ana Smith, Assistant to the City Recorder n Stromberg, Mayor