HomeMy WebLinkAboutBeach_6_PA-2013-00986 R CITY F ASHLAND August 16, 2013 Notice of Final Decision On August 16, 2013, the Community Development Director approved the request for the following: Planning Action: 2013-00986 Subject Property: 6 Beach Avenue Applicant: Nicholas Scott Peter Canning & Courtney Wilson Description: Request for a Physical and Environmental Constraints for Hillside Development approval to construct a retaining wall on lands of more than 25% slope for the property located at 6 Beach Avenue. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 39 lE 09BD TAX LOT: 9800 The Community Development Director's decision becomes final and is effective on the 13`h day after the Notice of Final Decision is mailed. Approval is valid for a period of one year and all conditions of approval identified on the attached Findings are required to be met prior to project completion. The application, all associated documents and evidence submitted, and the applicable criteria are available for review at the Ashland Community Development Department, located at 51 Winburn Way. Copies of file documents can be requested and are charged based on the City of Ashland copy fee schedule. Prior to the final decision date, anyone who was mailed this Notice of Final Decision may request a reconsideration of the action as set forth in the Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO) 18.108.070(B)(2)(b) and/or file an appeal to the Ashland Planning Commission as provided in ALUO 18.108.070(B)(2)(c). The ALUO sections covering reconsideration and appeal procedures are attached. The appeal may not be made directly to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. If you have any questions regarding this decision, please contact Amy Gunter in the Community Development Department at (541) 488-5305. cc: Parties of record and property owners within 200 ft COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541488-5305 51 Winbum Way Fax: 541-552-2050 f Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.onus SECTION 18.108.070(B)2 Effective Date of Decision and Appeals. B. Actions subject to appeal: 2. Type I Planning Actions. a. Effective Date of Decision. The final decision of the City for planning actions resulting from the Type I Planning Procedure shall be the Staff Advisor decision, effective on the 1P day after notice of the decision is mailed unless reconsideration of the action is approved by the Staff Advisor or appealed to the Commission as provided in section 18.108.070(B)(2)(c). b. Reconsideration. The Staff Advisor may reconsider Type I planning actions as set forth below. L Any party entitled to notice of the planning action, or any City Agency may request reconsideration of the action after the decision has been made by providing evidence to the Staff Advisor that a factual error occurred through no fault of the party asking for reconsideration, which in the opinion of the staff advisor, might affect the decision. Reconsideration requests are limited to factual errors and not the failure of an issue to be raised by letter or evidence during the opportunity to provide public input on the application sufficient to afford the Staff Advisor an opportunity to respond to the issue prior to making a decision. ii. Reconsideration requests shall be received within five (5) days of mailing. The Staff Advisor j shall decide within three (3) days whether to reconsider the matter. iii. If the Planning Staff Advisor is satisfied that an error occurred crucial to the decision, the Staff Advisor shall withdraw the decision for purposes of reconsideration. The Staff Advisor shall decide within ten (10) days to affirm, modify, or reverse the original decision. The Staff Advisor shall send notice of the reconsideration decision to affirm, modify, or reverse to any party entitled to notice of the planning action. iv. If the Staff Advisor is not satisfied that an error occurred crucial to the decision, the Staff Advisor shall deny the reconsideration request. Notice of denial shall be sent to those parties that requested reconsideration. c. Appeal. i. Within twelve (12) days of the date of the mailing of the Staff Advisor's final decision, including any approved reconsideration request, the decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by any party entitled to receive notice of the planning action. The appeal shall be submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary on a form approved by the City Administrator, be accompanied by a fee established pursuant to City Council action, and be received by the city no later than 4:30 p.m. on the 12th day after the notice of decision is mailed. ii. If an appellant prevails at the hearing or upon subsequent appeal, the fee for the initial hearing shall be refunded. The fee required in this section shall not apply to appeals made by neighborhood or community organizations recognized by the city and whose boundaries include the site. iii. The appeal shall be considered at the next regular Planning Commission or Hearings Board meeting. The appeal shall be a de novo hearing and shall be considered the initial evidentiary hearing required under ALUO 18.108.050 and ORS 197.763 as the basis for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. The Planning Commission or Hearings Board decision on appeal shall be effective 13 days after the findings adopted by the Commission or Board are signed by the Chair of the Commission or Board and mailed to the parties. iv. The appeal requirements of this section must be fully met or the appeal will be considered by the city as a jurisdictional defect and will not be heard or considered. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541488-5305 51 Winbum Way Fax: 541-552-2050 ( Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 F www.ashland.or.us C; t ASHLAND PLANNING DIVISION FINDINGS & ORDERS PLANNING ACTION: PA-2013-00986 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 6 Beach Ave. OWNER/APPLICANT: Nicholas Scott for Peter Canning and Courtney Wilson DESCRIPTION: Request for a Physical and Environmental Constraints for Hillside Development approval to construct a retaining wall on lands of more than 25% slope for the property located at 6 Beach Avenue. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Multi- Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 39 lE 09BD TAX LOTS: 9800 SUBMITTAL DATE: July 5, 2013 DEEMED COMPLETE DATE: July 19, 2013 STAFF APPROVAL DATE: August 16, 2013 FINAL DECISION DATE: September 2, 2013 APPROVAL EXPIRATION DATE: September 2, 2014 DECISION The subject property is located south of Beach Avenue, a one-way street between Hargadine and Vista Streets west of Gresham Street. The parcel is trapezoid shaped and is approximately 6,970 square feet in area. The property has a Beach Avenue frontage of 461/2 feet and is 135-feet, 2-inches deep. The parcel is zoned Low Density Multi-Family Residential, R-2. The, adjacent properties to the north, east and west are also zoned R-2. The subject property has a circa 1900 built single family home on the property. According to the Historic Resources Inventory, the residence is considered a Historic Contributing. No changes to the existing residence are proposed. The parcel is classified as Hillside Lands because portions of the property and along the front of the property, between the street and the residence are slopes of 25 percent and greater. The applicant is requesting a Physical Constraints Review Permit to modify the stairway and retaining walls between the residence and the street. The parcel slopes steeply from Beach Ave. uphill towards the residence. The slope of the property ranges between relatively flat where the residence is located to well over 35 percent. The front of the property has had significant modifications to the slope over the years. There was a small retaining wall along the front of the property adjacent to Beach Ave. likely matching the sandstone wall on the adjacent property. At some point in the past, two larger retaining walls were installed, cutting the hill back to create a small parking area. The proposal is to modify the retaining walls to provide an off-street vehicle parking space that is completely out of the Beach Ave. right-of-way and construct a new entry stair from the street level up to the residence. The proposed retaining walls are, to constructed of both versa lock block and split face, stacked block. The walls are different type due to amount of surcharge behind the wall and so that the new walls are consistent in design with the existing walls. The applicant has provided an Engineering Report addressing the suitability of the site for construction and making recommendations on site preparation, foundation construction, soil retention, and erosion control. The retaining wall heights comply with design standards for hillside land as required in Section 18.62 of the Land Use Ordinance. The utilities, water, sewer and electric currently serve and will continue to serve the property. There will be no increase in capacity of the facilities. PA 2013-00986 6 Beach Ave./adg Page 1 The site is non-conforming in the sense that no off-street parking has historically been provided. Ove the years the property owners have parked with a portion of their vehicle into the street. The current property owners are seeking to modify the slope, create a better entry stair with a landing and provide vehicle parking spaces off of the street. The applicant has proposed a general revegation plan for the areas between the walls. There is an approximately 10-inch in diameter at breast height tree which the applicants have proposed protection for. Overall, the proposed retaining walls comply with the Physical and Environmental Constraints criteria for hillside development. The criteria for a Physical Constraints Review Permit are described in AMC Chapter, as follows: 1. That the development will not cause damage or hazard to persons or property upon or adjacent to the area of development. 2. That the applicant has considered the potential hazards that the development may create and implemented reasonable measures to mitigate the potential hazards caused by the development. 3. That the applicant has taken all reasonable steps to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. Irreversible actions shall be considered more seriously than reversible actions. The Staff Advisor or Planning Commission shall consider the existing development of the surrounding area, and the maximum permitted developmentpermitted by the Land Use Ordinance. 4. That the development is in compliance with the requirements of the chapter and all other applicable City Ordinances and Codes. The application with the attached conditions complies with all applicable City ordinances. Planning Action 2013-00986 is approved with the following conditions. Further, if any one or more of the following conditions are found to be invalid for any reason whatsoever, then Planning Action 2013-00986 is denied. The following are the conditions and they are attached to the approval: 1) That all proposals of the applicant shall be conditions of approval unless otherwise modified here. 2) That the plans submitted for the building permit shall be in substantial conformance with those approved as part of this application. If the plans submitted for the building permit are not in substantial conformance with those approved as part of this application, an application to modify this approval shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of a building permit. 3) That all recommendations of the Engineers Report, shall be instituted in the development of the property. 4) That building permit submittals shall include: a) The plans for the retaining walls, must be designed by an architect or engineer with geotechnical experience as required by Section 18.62.080.F. 5) That prior to the issuance of a building permit: b) Tree protection measures and erosion control measures shall be installed according to the approved plan, inspected, and approved by the Staff Advisor. No site work including any storage of materials shall occur prior to completion of a Tree Protection Verification Permit inspection. PA 2013-00986 6 Beach Ave./adg Page 2 6) That prior to the final building permit inspections: a) The landscaping and irrigation for re-vegetation of cut/fill slopes and erosion control shall be installed in accordance with the approved plan prior to final building inspection. Vegetation shall be installed in such a manner as to be substantially established within one year of i ation. Bill of , Director /Date D partme of Community Development PA 2013-00986 6 Beach Ave./adg Page 3 t 4 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10401 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 12200 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10900 REITINGER MARK/BECKY SAKRADSE ALFRED ET AL SCHOLOM PETER M TRUSTEE ET AL 625 B ST 333 RAVENWOOD PL 365 VISTA ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11500 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9000 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9600 SPRING JOHN B TRUSTEE ET AL SPRINGER SUSAN E STOBER MARJORIE C PO BOX 2728 19 GRESHAM 348 HARGADINE GEARHART, OR 97138 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 12000 PA-2013-00986 391E0913D 9800 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10300 TUSSING JANET M WILSON COURTNEY/CANNING WINCHESTER PATRICE A TRUSTEE 1508 HINMAN AVE 3C 6 BEACH AVE PO BOX 1893 EVANSTON, IL 60201 ASHLAND, OR 97520 SANTA ROSA, CA 95402 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9100 CIOTA ENGINEERING GDC WRIGHT VINCENT 87 THIRD STREET 25 GRESHAM ST 542 WASHINGTON ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 BANYON TREE LANDSCAPE, ASHLAND CONSTRUCTION, INC NOD - 8/16/2013 303 MOWETZA DRIVE 102 PLEASANT VIEW ASHLAND, OR 97520 TALENT, OR 97540 ~ I i I, PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11600 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13300 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9900 ALLEN BARBARA A TRUSTEE ET AL ANDERSON LARRY E/ANDERSON BLAKE ARCHIE E/GEORGI S 200 HELMAN 2 311 RAVENWOOD PL 8 BEACH AVE ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10200 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13600 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 14900 BOARDMAN RANDY J CHAMBERS KENNETH G TRUSTEE COWAN CHARLES A/J CARPENTER PO BOX 322 25690 ADAMS RD 342 VISTA ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 LOS GATOS, CA 95033 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9200 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11400 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10000 CUTLER STEVEN A/PATRICIA J DAVIS JACK DE GROOT LARRY DEVIN 165 LITTLE PARK LN 515 E MAIN ST 425 ENA RD 504A LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 ASHLAND, OR 97520 HONOLULU, HI 96815 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 16100 PA-2013-00986 391E09131) 9500 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13700 DEBOER SHARON EPSTEIN FRED TRUSTEE ET AL HARRISON ROBERT T 2640 E BARNETT RD E-130 PO BOX 613 303 RAVENWOOD PL MEDFORD, OR 97504 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 12100 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9700 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11800 HEYCKE-CONLON TRUST ET AL HOLT REBECCA L KERFOOT CANDACE M 237 GRANITE ST 410 BORDEAUX WAY 880 E. PEBBLE BEACH DR ASHLAND, OR 97520 WINDSOR, CA 95492 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 14800 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11000 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11900 KNOPPOW WILLIAM KOENIGSBERG W M TRUSTEE FBO KOHLER FRED 445 WILSON RD P O BOX 399 339 RAVENWOOD PL ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13500 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13400 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 6000 LAWRENCE JOHN A JR TRUSTEE ET LITSINGER CARL SHALLUS/SHEILA MACRORY ANN K TRUSTEE ET AL 39 RECODO 1810 MT VERNON ST 2666 TAKELMA WAY IRVINE, CA 92620 WAYNESBORO, VA 22980 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11700 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 15900 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13200 MORRISON SHARON C NIEBEL ELENA C NYSTROM JANET L 620 E DYER RD 332 HARGADINE ST PO BOX 60651 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PALO ALTO, CA 94306 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9390 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10800 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10400 OREGON SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL OWEN MICHAEL DAVID PATERSON THOMAS G 15 PIONEER ST S PO BOX 201 63 GRESHAM ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 GASQUET, CA 95443 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13100 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 5900 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9400 C PAULSON DIANE C PILOT ROCK PEAK LLC PRESTON JOHN R/KATHLEEN M II 156 MAIN ST N 38950 SW LAURELWOOD RD PSC 22 BOX 155 ASHLAND, OR 97520 GASTON, OR 97119 APO, AE 09421 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF OREGON ) County of Jackson ) The undersigned being first duly sworn states that: 1. 1 am employed by the City of Ashland, 20 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520, in the Community Development Department. 2. On August 19, 20131 caused to be mailed, by regular mail, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, a copy of the attached planning action notice to each person listed on the attached mailing list at such addresses as set forth on this list under each person's name for Planning Action #2013-00986, 6 Beach Ave NOD. Signature of Employee Wcomm-devlplanningTorms & HandoutslAffidavit of Mailing-Planning Action Notice.doc GATHERED DESIGN COLLABORATIVE 87 3RD ST ASHLAND OR 97520 1- RESUBMITTED LANDC~GMAIL.COM 541.778.1769 8/0 1 /20 1 3 541.77 ORIGINAI-S,UBVIISSION 7/05/20'13 PROJECT NARRATIVE FINDINGS PROJECT TAME PETER CANNING & COURTNEY WILSON RESIDENCE FRONT YARD - ENTRY STAIR RECONFIGURATION TYPE OF PLANNING ACTION A REQUEST FOR A PHYSICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT REVIEW PERMIT PER AMC 18.62.080. PROJECT I F MAT" I OWNERS PETER CANNING & COURTNEY WILSON 6 BEACH AVENUE ASHLAND, OR 97520 541-9 14-4803 DESIGNER/PLANNER GATHERED DESIGN COLLABORATIVE 87 3RD STREET ASHLAND, OR 97520 NICK SCOTT 541-778-1769 GDCASHLAND@GMAIL.COM ENGINEER CIOTA ENGINEERING 542 WASHINGTON STREET, SUITE 200 ASHLAND, OR 97520 CAMERON HARRIS P.E. 541-552-0290 CDHENG@HOTMAIL.COM CONCRETE CONTRACTOR ASHLAND CONSTRUCTION INC. CCB# 28420 102 PLEASANT VW TALENT, OR 97540 RON HOBSON 54 1 -944-2728 RHOBSON54I @CHARTER.NET LANDSCAPING CONTRACTOR BANYAN TREE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION LCB# 9008 303 MOWETZA DRIVE ASHLAND, OR 97520 JAMES RUBEN 541-261-4247 JAMES@BANYANTREE.COM PAG E 1 GATHERED DESIGN COLLABORATIVE 87 3RD ST ASHLAND OR 97520 GDC.ASHLAN DCGMAILCOM 541.778.1769 R SUBMI~p+ 1 1TE® 8/01/2013 T C; R,IGINA . SU MISS10i4 7/05/2013 PROJEC'T' ADDRESS 6 BEACH AVENUE ASHLAND, OR 97520 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 39 - I E - 09BD T.L. 9800 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - SISKIYOU/HARGADINE HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONING DESIGNATION R-2 LO'T' STATISTICS LOT AREA: 6970 S.F. (0.16 ACRES) LOT COVERAGE STRUCTURES 1710 S.F. 24.5% ROAD 85 S.F. 1.2% DRIVEWAY 425 S.F. 6.1% HARDSCAPE 100 1.4% TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 2320 S.F. 33.3% MAXIMUM ALLOWED 55% NARRATIVE 1TDESCRIPTION LOCATION THE EXISTING 0.16 ACRE LOT IS SITUATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BEACH AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 400 FEET SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF EAST MAIN STREET & GRESHAM STREET. LAND USE ZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED R-2 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, WITHIN THE SISKIYOU-HARGADINE HISTORIC DISTRICT, AND 1S CLASSIFIED AS HILLSIDE LAND PER THE CITY OF ASHLAND PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS OVERLAY MAP FOR HILLSIDE LANDS AND SEVERE CONSTRAINTS. ALTHOUGH A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY IS CONSIDERED TO EXHIBIT SEVERE CONSTRAINTS, >35% SLOPE, THE PROPOSED AREA OF DEVELOPMENT 1S <35% - SEE P&E PLAN A - SLOPE DIAGRAM OF PRIMARY CUT AREAS. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN THE WILDFIRE ZONE PER THE CITY OF ASHLAND PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS OVERLAY MAP FOR WILDFIRE LANDS. PAGE 2 GATHERED DESIGN COLLABORATIVE 87 3RD ST ASHLAND OR 97520 RESUBMITTED GDC.ASHLAN D@GMAIL.COM 541.778.1769 8/O 1 /2013 OR1CyrINA1. SUI;MI t ?Id! 7/05/2013 ACCESS PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE ACCESS IS LIMITED TO THE PROPERTY'S BEACH AVENUE STREET FRONTAGE, 56 FEET. THERE IS NO PEDESTRIAN OR VEHICLE ACCESS TO THE REAR YARD TO THE SOUTH. VEHICLE ACCESS IS FURTHER RESTRICTED TO A WESTWARD APPROACH DOWN BEACH AVE. BEACH AVE. IS A ONE-WAY STREET THAT BEGINS AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH GRESHAM AND TERMINATES AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH HARGADINE. BEACH AVE. HAS NO SIDEWALKS NOR DOES IT HAVE ANY ON-STREET PARKING AVAILABILITY. LANDFORM THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS 46'-6" WIDE, 135'-2" LONG ON THE EAST PROPERTY LINE, AND 169' ON THE WEST. THE MAIN RESIDENCE LIES 10'-5" FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE AND 8'-3" FROM THE WEST. THERE IS ONE 10" D.B.H. TREE, OREGON MYRTLE, LOCATED WITHIN 15 FEET OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE PROPERTY SLOPES DOWN TO THE NORTH/NE WHERE IT TERMINATES AT BEACH AVE. THE SLOPE IS LEAST TOWARD THE EAST AND MOST TO THE WEST. A 4'-6" RETAINING WALL LIES ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER AND AN 8'-0" RETAINING WALL ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER. THE ADJOINING PROPERTIES TO THE EAST AND WEST ARE SIMILARLY BOUND AT BEACH AVE. BY A 4-5 FOOT TALL RETAINING WALL ALONG THEIR PROPERTY LINES. THE RETAINING WALLS EXISTING ON THE PROPERTY ARE SPLIT FACED STACKED BLOCK ALONG BEACH AVE. AND A VERSA-LOK STYLE BLOCK SUPPORTING TERRACED AREAS. A RELATIVELY NEW RETAINING WALL USING A VERSA-LOK STYLE BLOCK SEPARATES THE NEIGHBOR TO THE EAST FROM BEACH AVE. THE ADJACENT PROPERTY TO THE WEST HAS A QUITE OLD SAND STONE BLOCK RETAINING WALL AS A BOUNDARY TO BEACH AVE. PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESIGN THE OWNER'S OF THE PROPERTY WISH TO RECONFIGURE THE ENTRY STAIR THAT LEADS FROM BEACH AVE. TO THEIR HOME. DESIGN EFFORTS HAVE APPROACHED THIS GOAL IN SEVERAL WAYS TO FIND A SOLUTION THAT MINIMIZES CUTS AND FILLS, MAXIMIZES VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS, REDUCES VISUAL BULK AND IS SENSITIVE TO THE HISTORIC CHARACTER OF THE PROXIMATE AREA. THE PROPOSED ENTRY STAIR LIES IN THE NORTHEAST PORTION OF THE SITE. THIS CHOICE IS DUE TO THE STEEPNESS OF SLOPES ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY AND THE REDUCTION OF AN ALREADY LIMITED OFF-STREET PARKING SITUATION CREATED BY A CENTERED APPROACH TO ENTRY. PAGE 3 i i GATHERED DESIGN COLLABORATIVE 87 3RD ST ASHLAND OR 97520 HLANDC_GMAIL.COM 541.778.1769 1 541.77 RE' SUBMIoT•TED 8/01/2013 IN AN EFFORT TO PROMOTE DESIGN CONTINUITY AND REDUCE VISUAL BULK, THE PROPOSED RETAINING WALLS WILL EXHIBIT THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERISTICS. THE RETAINING WALL TO THE EAST WILL MATCH THE BLOCK TYPE AND HEIGHT OF THE EXISTING AT BEACH AVE. THIS WALL WILL TERMINATE AT A PILLAR THAT MARKS THE STARTING POINT OF THE CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS SUPPORTING THE STAIR. THESE CONCRETE WALLS WILL RAKE UP a6" ABOVE GRADE UNTIL MATCHING GRADE AT THE BASE OF THE HISTORIC STAIR LEADING TO THE PORCH. THE LOW BLOCK RETAINING WALL TO WEST WILL BEGIN AT THE CURRENT INTERSECTION OF THE EXISTING TERRACED VERSA-LOK TYPE WALLS AND EXTEND EAST MAINTAINING A 3'-6" OFFSET FROM THE HIGH BLOCK WALL PER CODE. THIS WALL WILL TERMINATE AT THE WESTERN PILLAR. FINDINGS INTRODUCTION THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS HAVE BEEN RESEARCHED AND ASSEMBLED BASED ON A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE ON APRIL 3RD, 2013 THAT CONSIDERED A PROPOSAL MUCH MORE INVOLVED THAN THE CURRENT PROPOSAL. THE PREVIOUS PROPOSAL REQUESTED SEVERAL ITEMS THAT ARE NOT APPLICABLE TO THE PRESENT REQUEST. THE PREVIOUS CONCEPT INVOLVED A ONE CAR GARAGE WHERE IT WAS NECESSARY TO PROPOSE RETAINING WALLS HIGHER THAN 7 FEET, DEVELOPMENT IN AN AREA WITH SLOPE >35%, AND VARIANCES TO THE FRONT AND SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. THE SCOPE OF THE DEVELOPMENT HAS SCALED BACK SIGNIFICANTLY. AT PRESENT, ALL CONCRETE AND BLOCK RETAINING WALLS ARE <7' TALL PER CODE, DESIGNED BY AN ENGINEER WITH DEMONSTRATABLE GEOTECHNICAL EXPERTISE, AND DESIGNATED TO MATCH THE PLANE OF THE EXISTING WALL ADJOING THE PROPERTY TO THE EAST. BEYOND MATCHING THE ESTABLISHED PLANE MENTIONED ABOVE, THE CONCRETE WALL NEAREST A SIDE YARD WILL NOT EXCEED 30" ABOVE GRADE AND HAS BEEN GIVEN AMPLE ROOM FOR CUT SLOPE ANGLES THAT ENSURE THE NEIGHBORING PROPERTY WILL NOT BE DISTURBED DURING EXCAVATION AND SHORING EFFORTS. GIVEN THE ABOVE MENTIONED AND FREQUENT DISCUSSIONS BETWEEN THE DESIGNER AND THE PLANNING PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNED TO THIS PROJECT, AMY GUTNER, THE APPLICANTS UNDERSTANDING OF THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS IS: TO ACKNOWLEDGE ALL PRE-APP SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS THAT APPLY TO THE CURRENT DESIGN SUBMIT A REQUEST FOR A P&E REVIEW FOR DEVELOPMENT ON HILLSIDE LANDS (SEVERE CONSTRAINTS IF APPLICABLE) THAT, ALTHOUGH BY THE LETTER OF AMC 18.62.080 A GEOTECHNICAL EXPERT MUST SUBMIT PLANS/STUDIES FOR HILLSIDE LANDS - FOR THIS PROJECT, THE ENGINEER MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF A GEO-TECH. PAGE 4 4 E i GATHERED DESIGN COLLABORATIVE 87 3RD ST ASHLAND OR 97520 GDC.ASHLAN DCGMAILCOM 541.779.1769 RESUBMITTED 8/O 1 /20 1 3 Or-,'IGINAL SUBMISSION 7/OS/2013 RESPONSE TO PRE-APP COMMENT PAGE 1-2, HISTORIC DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS / VARIANCES APPLICANT ANTICIPATES A HISTORIC COMMISSION REVIEW. AT PRESENT, THE APPLICANT BELIEVES A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE IS NOT NECESSARY PAGE 2-3, PHYSICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS / GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ALL AREAS PROPOSED FOR DEVELOPMENT ARE ON HILLSIDE LAND WITH SLOPES <35%, THEREFORE THE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN AMC 18.62. 100 ARE NOT INCLUDED WITHIN THIS ZONING APPLICATION. AMC 18.62.080 IS ADDRESSED WITHIN THE ENCLOSED PER THE ABOVE INTRODUCTION TO FINDINGS DIALOGUE. SEE ENGINEERING AND P&E PLANS ENCLOSED FOR ELEMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT CHECKLIST PAGE 3, WILDFIRE ZONE / TREE PROTECTION / RETAINING WALLS / STORMWATER PLAN THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN THE WILDFIRE ZONE PER THE CITY OF ASHLAND PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS OVERLAY MAP - WILDFIRE ZONES, PRINTED FROM CITY WEBSITE 7-1-13. ONE TREE IS LOCATED WITHIN IS FEET OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, A 10 INCH D.B.H. OREGON MYRTLE. ALTHOUGH IT IS NOT PROPOSED THAT ANY DISTURBANCE OCCUR IN THE AREA BOUND BY THE DRIPLINE, A TEMPORARY TREE PROTECTION FENCE WILL BE INSTALLED JUST OUTSIDE THE DRIPLINE PER CODE TO PROTECT AGAINST CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SUCH AS MATERIAL STORAGE, DEBRIS, CONCRETE WASHOUT, GEO-FABRIC TIE-BACK/LAYERING... TERRACED WALLS WILL NOT EXCEED 5 FEET IN HEIGHT AND WILL BE SEPARATED BY >3' PER CODE. SEE ENGINEERING FOR BLOCK AND CONCRETE RETAINING WALL DESIGN AS WELL AS SURFACE AND GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE SPECIFICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH STREET CONSTRUCTION PER AMC 18.62.080.C. PAGE 5 t GATHERED DESIGN COLLABORATIVE 87 3RD ST ASHLAND OR 97520 GDC.ASHLAN GMAIL,COM 541.778.1769 RESUBMITTED 8/01/2013 O IGINAl- UBMI-SSION 7/05/2013 SUBMITTALS PAGE 5 A PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS REVIEW PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED BY THE STAFF ADVISOR WHEN THE APPLICANT DEMONSTRATES THE FOLLOWING: 1 . THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS OF THIS CHAPTER, THE POTENTIAL IMPACTS TO THE PROPERTY AND NEARBY AREAS HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED, AND ADVERSE IMPACTS HAVE BEEN MINIMIZED. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO RESEARCH AND ADHERE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF AMC 18.62. SEE P&E PLANS, NOTES, AND ENGINEERING. 2. THAT THE APPLICANT HAS CONSIDERED THE POTENTIAL HAZARDS THAT THE DEVELOPMENT MAY CREATE AND IMPLEMENTED MEASURES TO MITIGATE THE POTENTIAL HAZARDS CAUSED BY THE DEVELOPMENT. THE DESIGN SITUATES THE STAIR IN THE PORTION OF THE SITE WITH THE LEAST AMOUNT OF SLOPE WHILE MAINTAING A SETBACK FROM THE NEIGHBORING PROPERTY THAT ENSURES ALL LAND DISTURBUANCE, INCLUDING CUT SLOPE ANGLES DURING CONSTRUCTION, OCCUR ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 3. THAT THE APPLICANT HAS TAKEN ALL REASONABLE STEPS TO REDUCE THE ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. IRREVERSIBLE ACTIONS SHALL BE CONSIDERED MORE SERIOUSLY THAN REVERSIBLE ACTIONS. THE STAFF ADVISOR OR PLANNING COMMISSION SHALL CONSIDER THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT OF THE SURROUNDING AREA, AND THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT PERMITTED BY THE LAND USE ORDINANCE. (ORD 2808, 1997; ORD 2834, 1998; ORD 295 1 , 2008) SEE P&E PLAN B FOR TEMPORARY TREE PROTECTION FENCING, LOCATION FOR CONTRACTOR STAGING, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DURING CONSTRICTION, AND DRAINAGE LINE TO NEAREST STORM DRAIN. PRESENT DESIGN DOES NOT REQUIRE ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE FROM DEVELOPMENT FOR HILLSIDE LANDS. PRESENT DESIGN DOES NOT REQUIRE VARIANCE FROM 18.100.020 FOR THE SIDE YARD AND FRONT YARD VARIANCES. PAGE 6®7, PLAN REQUIREMENTS P&E PLANS A, B, AND C ALONGSIDE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAIN ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED IN GRAPHIC FORM PER AMC 18.62.040, 18.62.080, AND 18.61.200. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IS NOT LOCATED ON LAND CLASSIFIED AS A_FLOOD CORRIDOR, WILDFIRE ZONE, OR HILLSIDE LAND WITH SEVERE CONSTRAINTS. THEREFORE AMC 18.62.070, 18.62.090, AND 18.62. 100 ARE NOT ADDRESSED HERE. PAGE 6 t GATHERED DESIGN COLLABORATIVE 87 3RD ST ASHLAND OR 97520 GD C.ASHLANDC~'G MAIL.COM 54 1 .778.1769 RESUBMITTED 8/01/2013 ORICyrINAI- SUBMISSION 7/05/201 PAGE 9, PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL APPLICANT WILL COLLABORATE WITH ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE ALL PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ARE ADHERED TO AND ALL NECESSARY PERMITS ARE ACQUIRED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. SEE P&E PLANS A, B, AND C ALONGSIDE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DESIGNATIONS AND NEAREST STORM DRAIN LOCATION. PAGE 7 CIOTA ENGINES NG 542, Wasbington. St. Suite 200 Ashland, OR. 97520 (541) 552-0290 Mmomd= Pro' t 6 Beach Ave. Stairs Project No. 13-035 Address: 6 Beach Ave. Ashland, OR Featurw. Retaining walls Designer: Nick Scott To: City of Ashland Da : 8/1/2013 Cc: Mick Scott From: Cameron Harris, P.E. Topic: Stair and retaining wall design on hillside in Ashland, OR. Scope of Work: Provide construction documents which include concrete retaining wall and/or stack block wall details and calculations, cut/fill recommendations, erosion: control, footing drainage and general notes specifications, Attend pre-construction meeting as directed by the designer. * Conduct periodic site visits during construction to observe construction techniques. Provide recommendations for structural fill, compaction and cut and fill slopes. Design Approach: ® Determine max retaining wall heights (anticipated as 4'-0" to G-0" max). Determine approximate grade breaks and cut lines based on standard slope angles and soil types from similar projects in Ashland and based on OSSHA requirements. Maintain adequate subgrade support for existing stack block retaining walls that are to remain.. This will be field verified by the contractor. All shoring shall be provided by contractor as required. Owner option to demo the existing wall if deemed necessary: Native subgrade soils are assumed to be decomposed granite, sandstone bedrock under organic top layer or silty sand with cobbles, Bearing subgrade shall be verified and all expansive soil, loose material and root beds shall be removed with structural fill installed. All organic top soil is to be removed. Design Criteria: Fooling Bearing capacity 1500 psf. 1 i ti August 1_2013 ® Passive pressure = 350 pcf Active earth pressure = 40 psf (assumes granular, free draining backfill or 3/4" crushed rock backtill with no hydrostatic build up behind wall). ® Coefficient of friction = 0.40 Seismic Site Class D Native undisturbed dense granular footing subgrade to be verified or 3/4" structural fill crushed rock installed and compacted to 90% modified Proctor znax dry density (ASTM D:1557 or AASk1TD T:180). This memo is intended to facilitate the planning and permitting process and to give insight to the design parameters and criteria anticipated to be used for this project. Please note that if at any time during construction Ciota Engineering feels a Geotechnical Engineer is required, the owner, at there expense, shall provide one. Cameron Harris, P.E. D l'h~F Ciota Engineering 7428 EGI 7 4, 7" /r Yk EXT: L73: -50 15- 2 Planning Department, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 I F 541-488-5305 Fax: 541-552-2050 www.ashland,or.us TTY: 1-800-735-2900 ,7; . LAI PLANNING ACTION: PA-2013-00986 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 6 Beach Ave. OWNER/APPLICANT: Nicholas Scott for Peter Canning and Courtney Wilson DESCRIPTION: Request for a Physical and Environmental Constraints for Hillside Development approval to construct a retaining wall on lands of more than 25% slope for the property located at 6 Beach Avenue. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 391 E 09BD TAX LOT: 9800 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: July 19, 2013 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS: August 2, 2013 a ~ ~ ~ r o s~ HARGADINEST rT - ~9 1 I EJ~ cU BJ ECT PRO F'EFTY JI 6 BEACH AVE 39 1E 09BD 9800 ( i PA-2013-00986 J - A r J U _ j \\x ( N 0 13~ 6~ f'@@tm Property lines are for reference only, not scatcabte The Ashland Planning Division Staff has received a complete application for the property noted above. Any affected property owner or resident has a right to submit written comments to the City of Ashland Planning Division, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 prior to 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date shown above. Ashland Planning Division Staff determine if a Land Use application is complete within 30 days of submittal. Upon determination of completeness, a notice is sent to surrounding properties within 200 feet of the property submitting application which allows for a 14 day comment period. After the comment period and not more than 45 days from the application being deemed complete, the Planning Division Staff shall make a final decision on the application. A notice of decision is mailed to the same properties within 5 days of decision. An appeal to the Planning Commission of the Planning Division Staff's decision must be made in writing to the Ashland Planning Division within 12 days from the date of the mailing of final decision. (AMC 18.108.040) The ordinance criteria applicable to this application are attached to this notice. Oregon law states that failure to raise an objection concerning this application, by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes your right of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Failure to specify which ordinance criterion the objection is based on also precludes your right of appeal to LUBA on that criterion. Failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow this Department to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost, if requested. All materials are available at the Ashland Planning Division, Community Development & Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520. If you have questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to contact the Ashland Planning Division at 541-488-5305. Wcomm-dev\planning\Planning Actions\Noticing Folder\Mailed Notices & Signs\2013\PA-2013-00986.docx PHYSICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS Criteria for Approval A Physical Constraints Review Permit shall be issued by the Staff Advisor when the Applicant demonstrates the following: 1. Through the application of the development standards of this chapter, the potential impacts to the property and nearby areas have been considered, and adverse impacts have been minimized. 2. That the applicant has considered the potential hazards that the development may create and implemented measures to mitigate the potential hazards caused by the development. 3. That the applicant has taken all reasonable steps to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. Irreversible actions shall be considered more seriously than reversible actions. The Staff Advisor or Planning Commission shall consider the existing development of the surrounding area, and the maximum permitted development permitted by the Land Use Ordinance. (ORD 2808,1997; ORD 2834,1998; ORD 2951, 2008) Wcomm-dev\planning\Planning Actions\Noticing Folder\Mailed Notices & Signs\2013\PA-2013-00986.docx t PA-2013-00986 39IE09BD 11600 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13300 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9900 ALLEN BARBARA A TRUSTEE ET AL ANDERSON LARRY E/ANDERSON BLAKE ARCHIE E/GEORGI S 200 HELMAN 2 311 RAVENWOOD PL 8 BEACH AVE .ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10200 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13600 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 14900 BOARDMAN RANDY J CHAMBERS KENNETH G TRUSTEE COWAN CHARLES A/J CARPENTER PO BOX 322 25690 ADAMS RD 342 VISTA ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 LOS GATOS, CA 95033 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9200 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11400 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10000 CUTLER STEVEN A/PATRICIA J DAVIS JACK DE GROOT LARRY DEVIN 165 LITTLE PARK LN 515 E MAIN ST 425 ENA RD 504A LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 ASHLAND, OR 97520 HONOLULU, HI 96815 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 16100 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9500 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13700 DEBOER SHARON EPSTEIN FRED TRUSTEE ET AL HARRISON ROBERT T 2640 E BARNETT RD E-130 PO BOX 613 303 RAVENWOOD PL MEDFORD, OR 97504 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 12100 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9700 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11800 HEYCKE-CONLON TRUST ET AL HOLT REBECCA L KERFOOT CANDACE M 237 GRANITE ST 410 BORDEAUX WAY 880 E. PEBBLE BEACH DR ASHLAND, OR 97520 WINDSOR, CA 95492 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 14800 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11000 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11900 KNOPPOW WILLIAM KOENIGSBERG W M TRUSTEE FBO KOHLER FRED 445 WILSON RD P O BOX 399 339 RAVENWOOD PL ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13500 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13400 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 6000 LAWRENCE JOHN A JR TRUSTEE ET LITSINGER CARL SHALLUS/SHEILA MACRORY ANN K TRUSTEE ET AL 39 RECODO 1810 MT VERNON ST 2666 TAKELMA WAY IRVINE, CA 92620 WAYNESBORO, VA 22980 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11700 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 15900 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13200 MORRISON SHARON C NIEBEL ELENA C NYSTROM JANET L 620 E DYER RD 332 HARGADINE ST PO BOX 60651 SANTA ANA, CA '92705 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PALO ALTO, CA 94306 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9390 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10800 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10400 OREGON SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL OWEN-MICHAEL DAVID PATERSON THOMAS G 15 PIONEER ST S PO BOX 201 63 GRESHAM ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 GASQUET, CA 95443 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 13100 PA-200-00986 391E09BD 5900 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9400 PAULSON DIANE C PILOT ROCK PEAK LLC PRESTON JOHN R/KATELEEN M 156 MAIN ST N 38950 SW LAURELWOOD RD PSC 22 BOX 155 . ASHLAND, OR 9752,0 G'ASTON, OR 97119 APO, AE 09421 J PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10401 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 12200 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10900 REITINGER MARK/BECKY SAKRADSE ALFRED ET AL SCHOLOM PETER M TRUSTEE ET AL . 625 B ST ' 333 RAVENWOOD PL 365 VISTA ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 11500 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9000 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9600 SPRING JOHN B TRUSTEE ET AL SPRINGER SUSAN E STOBER MARJORIE C PO BOX 2728 19 GRESHAM 348 HARGADINE GEARHART, OR 97138 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2013-00986 391EO913D 12000 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9800 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 10300 TUSSING JANET M WILSON COURTNEY/CANNING WINCHESTER PATRICE A TRUSTEE 1508 HINMAN AVE 3C 6 BEACH AVE PO BOX 1893 EVANSTON, IL 60201 ASHLAND, OR 97520 SANTA ROSA, CA 95402 PA-2013-00986 391E09BD 9100 WRIGHT VINCENT 25 GRESHAM ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 Ashland Construction, Inc. Banyon Tree Landscape Construction 102 Pleasant View 303 Mowetza Drive Talent, OR 97540 Ashland, OR 97520 i I - i j }.OnC r b~~^, ~C 94vi,~) 4) Cic e ~i 1(l ~d` ~U- tad'zs,~ V d m, C3 C3 , to C4 CA ' R c5 ,1{ e eS ` i 4 i 5Ch~7}1 i i ~ [~5 h ` E+ a La 4; L b r r3 I fit[ 1"~ to i Cs s ~ t J CP fn a. ~ i Itl i c - to t5 t6 9:1 e~ gfp tli9$o9 IR 4 & G j67+ ? I flit AFFIDAV'IT OF MAILING STATE OF OREGON ) County of Jackson ) The undersigned being first duly sworn st;-:ttas that: 1. I am employed by the City of Ashland 20 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520, in the Community Development Deg = rtment. 2. On July 18, 20131 caused to be mailed, r y regular mail, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, a copy of the att ;'ied planning action notice to each person listed on the attached mailing list at such ac dresses as set forth on this list under each person's name for Planning Action #2013-00f)t 6, 6 Beach Ave. a Signature of =mployee i Gtomm-devlplanninglForms & Handouts\Affidavit of [Vir jL °,g_Planning Action Notice.doc c i CIOTA ENGINEERING. 542 Washington St. Suite 200 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 552-0290 Memomnd= Project 6 Beach .Ave. Stairs Project No. 13-035 .Address: 6 Beach Ave. Ashland, OR Feature: Retaining walls Designer: Nick Scott To: City of Ashland Date: 7/8/2013 Cc: Nick Scott From: Cameron Harris, P.E. Topic: Stair and retaining wall design on hillside in Ashland, OR. Scope of Work: ® Provide construction documents which include concrete retaining wall details and calculations, cut/fill recommendations, erosion control, footing drainage and general notes specifications. ® Attend pre-construction meeting as directed by the designer. • Conduct periodic site visits during construction to observe construction techniques. • Provide recommendations for structural fill, compaction and cut and fill slopes. Design Approach: e Determine max retaining wall heights (anticipated as T-0" to T-0" max). ® Determine approximate grade breaks and cut lines based. on standard slope angles and soil types fiom similar projects in Ashland. ® Maintain adequate subgrade support for existing stack block.retaining walls that are to remain. This will be field verified by the contractor. All shoring shall be provided by contractor as required. Owner option to demo the existing wall if deemed necessary. ® Native subgrade soils am assumed to be decomposed granite; sandstone bedrock under organic top layer or silty sand with cobbles. Bearing subgrade shall be verified and all expansive soil, loose material and root beds shall be removed with structural fill installed. All organic top soil is to be removed. Design Criteria: ® Footing Bearing capacity = 1500 psf. 1 4 A July 8, 2013 ® Passive. pressure = 350 pef. r Active earth pressure = 40 ps£ (assumes granular, free draining backfll or 3/4" crushed rock backf ll with no hydrostatic build up behind wall), 0 Coefficient. of.friction = 0.40 ® Seismic Site Class - D a Native undisturbed dense granular footing subgradc to be verified or 3/4" structural fill crushed rock installed and compacted to 90%o modified Proctor max dry density (ASTMD:1557 or AASHTO T:180). This memo is intended to facilitate the planning and permitting process and to give insight to the design parameters and criteria- anticipated to be used for this project. Please note that if at any time during construction Ciota Engineering feels a Geotechnical Engineer is required, the owner, at there expense, shall provide one. Cameron Harris, P.E. PR G 1 N Ciota Engineering 7928 REGO t14, 7 ON D , N EXPIRES: So/1 ! 2 111111111111 ~I P, CANNING/ C, WIL50N P~51b~NC~, F\ONf YA\12-ENVY 5fAlk P\~CONFIOP\AfloN w 0 ZONING p~PMlf APPLICATION J. WOJ~Cf INFOPM110N - 6 PMCH AUK, (90~-. OWNR5 Mtk CANNING & COUIUN1 Y WON IX51CUP GA~Wn M516N CaA3OPA11V~ W 0 6 MACH A /E, A%tANI9, OWGON 813W 5f, A9tANR Ok 91520 nWWLUNG UNIT I.2 5fRy 919p00M NICK 5COff S41.118.1169 CONPITIO 9 AMA 1582%ft rNGIWrk CIOfA rNGINMONG YEAR PUILf 1900 542 WA5NINGfON 5f, 5U19 200, AWNR Ok H15fORIC 19151RICT 515KIYOU-HAPWIW CAMMON HAW15 P r, 541-552-0290 N 111111111111n11 ARCH, 5TM X W OaA551 C ROWNO0 CONCwt A5FLANb CON5IUfION INC CC6# 28420 fmor 9800 102 UAW VW, WK R 91540 MN' 39 - I r - 09M kON H0650N 541.944.2128 ~i(ib~ z z LAN125CAPING BANYAN 1ft LANn5CAM CON5f UC110N L0#9008 ~i'S n o ZONING P-2 303 MOWE1"ZA 12k, A5~ ANn, 0~ 91520 COMP PLAN 0516 *01-FAMILY IT5II~N11PI. ACAS 0,16 . 6,9105cft JAMS RMN 541.261.4241 z v ~ ~r b~ rah FIB HY12M 1151 NW MPCH & HAVAVIW Q e 5TOPM RAIN 150' NW MACH & NP IM fOpOGPAP Y <35% ,Off Af W ROP. WW >35/ 9,Opf Af M5f r%t OF ROP. UN~ - : ` FAMING 2 OFF-5TW NO ON-51tr1' fAINNG LANn5CAPING 66,1 - 46505,4 ; ` s ; IIIIIIIIII II II o I INe~I;f O 5f UCM5 24.5% 111056 KOAv 1,27. 855cft NrM5f 5f=12PAN p,~,/ 51 ~1tiIGHf k n~IU~WAY 6.1 % 4255gf~ ~ 150' NW or pt;Op~w LINE z z E ~}^y I V ___fff U I roA~scAt I 1005(A Q~ Q~ I P P.15' N~ fO MA5f forA1, 3313 oa 23205gf~, MI V~IVVV IIVV f t.s rs x 4 ° NAM%FIM HYMM ALL 1Mr5 fO WMAIN 11NW Or pt;OM 1Y LINE Lffn aMFICA110N - NO PkAWINCA5 MACH AUK, UnW PAGE I VICINITY AAAP A` 4 u N,T,S, PACZ 2 M PLAN AM15111\10 PA613 M PLAN C (PUP05W) W „ VI5fA 51M~f 1G9' w~~ e„ NM5 aoo2 200 w~a "90' MYCORNM M MAN A( M51 W ; or A IT,5PON% TO PIT-APP COMMPNr5, PG 6, 'MAN T )OKOPMFYUNEZ - ' - - - / - - - - - - N - - - - - - - - - / / AMC 1 W5', AMC 18,62040, N, I, a-m t~10V l 4°S~w~,~«~-~ ra o~~c~oNMr~r DeiP~rreMCe~ w~rrrr l / ~81 rwArtfoumf(f) QOM W FROM M COUR MR C516120: z HOU (F) 'COUP PAI150N Ma OP COIdGPeTI 6GOLK l X4 # p p W1"INING WPJ.L, %f W11'TW55 COIF MAP MW o 0 / 182~gff J, If / ' 'V 900 - , ~,,~n W11N rACK ff DRA551A6 MAf7 M,5 2464 IN rOP i ! r OP WAI I) 0,2 Pr;OMAG1UAl COMP, I I i / 1 rovoGz~m NOT WALKWAY (P) I I MSPP @5", 16 MS e1,5" -M% FWM MACH AW T'0 601i'OM 9 H151'(9MC 51'Ak W"WA I SLOMC(X)ArPKIMAKiCl1rCOG1>bN Dv F ~f hG'PO ! G' ~(MROPOStD~ x,a-~x,xnX / GAS GAS ° - J GAS GI f'-6"MfiNINGWi44X) ~ fo „ NfGORNt~'` ArOCAGfM o ~G~GfPIGMMP, /s~eNO(e - 1996ArIONGOWr904,5(~)~ / ~P5 MIA g N °o ~1lfffi UN sLOPC(X)ATMAXCJrWGArON = I / (MROPOSrD) X, "X jz-~ lL o 4-6°RCENN/ArvWA44MI 0 z o Arpr"Nr. ~ $1 6ffAGMAV,- C11,~6 z r&~ PLAN A (~Xl5flN6~ NOTV5 V9 PLAN 13 (PROPO%19) rV1MCNrCOA l~RVD r A IT5PON% TO PIT-APP COATW5, PG 6, 'PLAN - - - - pKopt777I-N - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 ysOt iO MITM W5', AMC 18.62,040, H, I, n-s, z 6 rrMMORAKY MC MROrrCWN AMC 18,62,080, AMC 18.61200 N Sl- :C1v~ArDRIMUNrPffNIG18,61" o OrWrlFla HArM - l 511 1915T WANM o - 6W-NORO TOM AAA OF n15TlWA a: 6405gf1; ~ r--- N0'~ Z OF 5IT I715TUMI719,2/ I I III ~ ~ ~ / ~ J ~ $L 9800 I 10 ® MAX MM OP CUr5/ K OP FII 51 f:NrNITMNG WON CON1Ra 3 , 5M PNGIN ONG I'M CUr SLM ANG1.P5 & 5PPCIPIC I r~ I r, i 1i1 1 dI ~ - I WCOMMPIVA11ON5 POP CUr SLOPE 5rAbLf1Y 1 II I 1 / A ~ 1 - ~ Z~~~IG Ppp- LOCATE IW, CONPUfr UWP SLAB (SIAM ( 1 1 , _ APJAaNr1'O TO? OP CONCWT WANING WU AT a,isa3 GIB - 5LMY POP V91F 5YY511;M ( P) - - - - IKK,sf1UrOMP(N)S~~NOrr CUI & mmow M CUr5/ FU5/ 511 n15TUM2 ppoffM UNr - - - - - - - - - - ~ROSfoNGONfROLN~r/bGANKLfiArCllf MAX CUr 5WPF -CONC. WU5 51DM~ s~,e~NGIN RING FPN pX'IVN(r) Clef =GAO FARIC, MOCK M PXK F Mwem G FOR MM & wr%M.9* 2 P&~ PLAN P (PP\OP,,05rv) r NM5 ►I►►Iilllll►I~I A W5PON% TO FIT -APP GOMWWr5, PG 6, `MAN 4 MWWW5', NK 16,62,040, N, I, coWd +t R ~o - - - - - - ° - AMG 18,62,080 ~~1 •J; COMINUCCx19rlNO1MA7rVPWaMCX) rXl rnJEMAWS wnu rOMMAW MfAINING WU5, o rower- 51A~ o A.1, RR1NNING WAllS, GONGREiI; AND ~IOGK AI ?0 - i- , 3.6"TYP - - M516NrD M SPPGIPVn 6Y GWRON M5 F .r. AT G - w VJNC-TYPCPlM711r5 TOPA° ~ I III 1 ~ RcrA~n~wkcre; GIDrARNGINI;PMNr, 5M PNrlt~ONU DWG 5. 1 I = P ® AWN ~511MAM 11MW FOR lWLOpWNi, TL 9800 1 i ' -3coPCVwcK AwaA9 wnu 9.2.2013 Pty-Ca6TI 11ON AMW NA50GMI2 i i •xra nz fWr WOMCTION MNGV & All PP0510N/ %VIWNr GNGPA51M IN MALTWAVY POR INSPPGON, 9.3-203MCIMVPDAIV fOMaN PWAVAWN, ►I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rcAUN -own)"ssR,!5-13M 1 9.5.2013 FORMWORK AND 5HOMNG IN W"55 - ( / \ 1 9.9.2013 (WK OP) PIR5rPOLR OP PNGWITP SfPPPPD POOtiW 5 AW RffANING WAILS GOMRX-M; k,_) ----------------y z z WrorCOA,rXMWAUTOMAIUlWAPr up/ MOCK Wll5INPROM55 ~ o tk=l!rorxrr o&T Me 9.25.2013 MR OP) GONG, PORMWOi/ LNG 5Y5rrMrO7rWA=1WrA 4' pIl MArG1 DLOGC WWV&"Lff5CAPING PPPOM IN M M55 z pnorermuN~ ~ ° 9 - - - - Nrrc voR PW fC9 fO M COMPLIMP MrM PAIL MN5, o ? o COAL IM- N✓ O ~~c PROJrCf WLI, NOr UMP fIWWW 5rATP IN MhG FOU.OW s 18,62,080, P,21 Z ~ b 26'8°IA~U9CTOmeCORW z 0 Qz U >11 F&F PLAN C (moro5ft)) om 4~ l t~ M~ a~ s RNA I S1G u Y i I J ~ 4'1 I i' 1. 111 ~ i• I ZGNP, ~.MOM _o v~_ i 9,52013 IPPAfW B.I,Z013 L` L: J J 71 T I ~ -L ~ ^ ~ , ~ T I ~ I I III I 5CAVi I6 fi V _ I; I I t I 0 v Ir t 1# 7 ~m -~t~ 3r ~ s ,c r ; 1 ~ z ~ - p F&:, 1 r - - r t• -1 ~J9-A1 r. 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" '`f n' 't4 1 - 1 4 i 4 - r 4 \ t r kw r- r ° A 12 N, . ~ r s r-~ 339, i . f~ A, x ,k a c r i f - -If 341; Y ~i r 1 . f r f , a lit i; 34~ . , @~"•al ~ ~ t f. ~ ~ k~ Sid" -r - ] - x I man j ` 5~! s h e ` a~ r.• 345 ~ - Property lines are for reference only, not scaleable 0 5 10 20 Feet l ~ I 7e~o 7 ~r9 7 e ~ I I L- ~oo 0o 2 4 j 6 F 12 339 8 T P " 341 j J: 1 E.. a I 20,30 343 t ~ Y l t - ® 345 0 5 10 20 Feet Property lines are for reference only, not scaleable 1 f ti ` ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION - _ ! `J4r trC)L.i. ~~r ~i}li rI7C Ol:\.975",lo C: +t L., [E t'a2 u 1 ~ i ~ w i DES0RlP7l0N_0F P,T?c,J-.'cT FRONT YARD -ENTRY STAIR RECONFIGURATION Cf' iC?r< ryC'r ' r~r t % X 6 BEACH AVE. 9800 NICK SCOTT a, 541-778-1769 ' gdcashland@gmail.com J ~s 87 3RD ST _ ASHLAND 97520 f L PR0 R;Y O'IVNz.R PETER CANNING/COURTNEY WILSON 541-9414803 courtney.wilson@gmail.com 6 BEACH AVE. ASHLAND 97520 S1kV-'YQR ,Etta^`!I -:Q,.!.ANaSCAP..'Ai'r_' ir'" -'o- ER Al~ ~:it r t, , I ,.~:~..;}GJ .C:.a a P~6... ✓ a Ir`w. {fir r7 aitl b to l'.fr rin v~ r7 J `t~ 1 r, t:.: lr'7 c... J~ v _._..-I-- P r op eity Owne signature (rE3 i,r ;1) ~r f µx _ C i yi;° , Job Address: 6 BEACH AVE Contractor: ASHLAND OR 97520 Address: C A Owner's Name: PETER/COURTNEY CANNING/WILSON O Phone: P Customer 06885 N State Lie No: P NICHOLAS SCOTT T City Lie No: L Applicant: R Address: A C C Sub-Contractor: A Phone: (541) 778-1769 T Address: N Applied: 07/05/2013 0 T Issued: R Expires: 01/01/2014 Phone: State Lie No: Maplot: 391 E09BD9800 City Lie No: DESCRIPTION: P & E Zoning permit VALUATION Occupancy Type Construction Units Rate Amt Actual Amt Constuction Description Total for Valuation: MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL I STRUCTURAL 71 PERMIT FEE DETAIL Fee Description Amount Fee Description Amount Physical Constraints Permit 998.00 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL i< f COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 East Main St. Fax: 541-488-5311 Ashland, OR 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Inspection Request Line: 541-552-2080 CITY OF SHLAN"