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2014-0818 Study Session PACKET
CITY OF ASHLAND CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AGENDA Monday, August 18, 2014 Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way 5: 30 p.m. Study Session 1. Look Ahead review 2. Presentation on Electric System Ten-Year Planning Study Immediately following the Study Session the City Council will hold an Executive Session for exempt public records and legal counsel, pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(f) and 192.660(2)(h). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Administrator's office at (541) 488-6002 (TTY phone number 1-800-735- 2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE BROADCAST LIVE ON CHANNEL 9. STARTING APRIL 15, 2014, CHARTER CABLE WILL BROADCAST MEETINGS ON CHANNEL 180 OR 181. VISIT THE CITY OF ASHLAND'S WEB SITE AT WWW.ASHLAND.OR.US City of Ashland Council Meeting Look Ahead *****THIS IS A DRAFT AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE***** Departments Responsible 1 Continuation of oal settin from Au ust 8 81i' 9/2 Regular Council Meeting 912 2 Presentation on drought 2014 Mike PW PRIES 3 AFR update John Fire PRIES a 4th Quarter financial report Lee Finance NEW s Discussion of Citizen Survey Ann Admin NEW s Resolution establishing permit fees for marijuana dispensaries Finance Legal RES Lee/Dave L. Unified Land Use Ordinance update Bill Planning ORD-2 a Ordinance regardin film & video policy (Ann) Admin ORD-1 ORD-2 a~1s lft` Se"Jon in Siskfyou Room x115 9 Conservation Commission sustainabili plan Adam Admin SS 10 Continuation of discussion re: divestment policy Barbara Recorder SS sns Regular Council Meeting 9/16 11 Annual presentation from the Airport Commission (Scott) PW PRIES 12 Presentation on drought 2014 Mike PW PRIES 13 Downtown Beautification Committee recommendations Admin NEW Ann/Dave K. 14 Supplemental Budget Lee Finance NEW 15 Ordinance re ardin film & video olic (Ann) Admin ORD-2 i RAOm 1s AFN business plan (Mark) Electric/IT SS 10)7 Regular Council Meeting_ ion 17 Discussion regarding Bee City, USA proposal Dave K. Admin SS 18 Discussion regarding self insurance Tina/Dave K. HR Admin SS 10/21 Re ular Council Meeting 10121 14~ 19 Annual resentation from the Public Art Commission (Ann) Admin PPFS 20 Communications audit Ann Admin SS 11/4 Regular Council Meeting 11/4 21 CAFR (Lee) Finance NEW - 11117 x , hTt' slowpu Room) 11/18 Regular Council Meeting 11/18 22 Annual presentation by Housing and Human Services CD PRIES Commission Bill Page 1 of 2 8/13/2014 City of Ashland Council Meeting Look Ahead *****THIS IS A DRAFT AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE***** Departments Responsible OWE 12/2 Regular Council. Meeting 1212 Commission Presentation Dates - 20 44 February 18 - Transportation Commission March 18 - Tree Commission April 15 - Historic Commission May 20 - FireWise Commission June 3 - Band Board Jul 15 - Forest Lands Commission August 19 - Conservation Commission September 16 - Airport Commission October 21 - Public Arts Commission November 18 - Housing and Human Services Commission December 16 - Planning Commission Resolution declaring fountain surplus property Page 2 of 2 8/13/2014 CITY OF -ASH LAN D Council Communication August 18, 2014, Study Session Presentation on Electric System Ten-Year Planning Study FROM: Mark Holden, Director of IT and Electric Utility, mark.holdengashland.or.us SUMMARY The Electric Utility, along with CVO Electrical Systems, LLC, has prepared a 10-year planning study for the City's municipal electric system. The Plan provides an independent review of the state of the electric distribution system and makes recommendations to enhance the reliable, safe and economical operation of the system. The study focuses on the design and ability of the system to deliver energy within the City of Ashland over the planning period. Substation recommendations will require additional analysis and will be brought back to the Council for future consideration. The remaining recommendations are planned to be implemented over the planning horizon and within the appropriate budget cycles. Staff is presenting the plan for Council information and discussion. BACKGROUND AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS: The City of Ashland Electric Utility has developed a 10-year capital plan in support of the following Council goals for municipal infrastructure: • Collaborate with the community to ensure safe, cost-effective, and sustainable public services, facilities and utilities to meet the urgent, immediate and future needs of Ashland • Evaluate all city infrastructure regarding planning, management, and financial resources • Implement the conservation plan for water and complete the 10-year plan for electric • Deliver timely life-cycle capital improvement projects The plan provides an outside professional evaluation of the state of the system and recommends future investments to ensure Council goals are met. The Plan provides guidance and ranks capital investments to ensure the system delivers reliable energy safely. The Plan is a blueprint for the efficient and effective investment of capital by the Electric Utility. The City last developed a Plan more than 12 years ago. Industry best practices recommend every ten years with, depending on circumstances, through reviews at three to five year intervals. The City, through the RFP process, contracted with CVO Electrical Systems, LLC, to develop the Plan. CVO began work in November, 2013. Pan 1 of 3 CITY OF -AS H LAN D Summary of Results • Currently, the Electric Utility is in good condition and is positioned to maintain a stable, reliable and safe system into the future. • Evaluation and analysis lead to recommendations in the general system, transmission system and distribution system areas to ensure the future reliability and successful operation of the system. • Substation acquisition and development opportunities exist for City. The opportunities provide improved reliability and protection from certain current transmission fees and future transmission rate increases. Discussion of Results I. Current Status: The Electric Department is successfully delivering reliable electric energy in Ashland. The combination of the investments in Supervisory Command and Control (SCADA), substation upgrades, Reeder Gulch (hydro) improvements, feeder upgrades, cable capacity upgrades and/or replacements, process improvements, training, formal/revised specifications and customer manuals have all contributed to the positive current state of the System. Continuation and enhancement of the activities are recommended. 2. Identified Needs: Recommended investments in the following areas (selected examples): a. General System - specialized switches to minimize fault induced downtime, monitoring of select transformers to avoid outages b. Transmission System - working with PacificCorp to enhance sectionalizing on transmission lines feeding substations in Ashland to minimize outages c. Distribution System - Upgrade I-5 Crossing to steel poles, transfer and rebalance load among feeders, replace aging concentric neutral cable, shift load to reduce phase load imbalance to increase the reliability. In addition to the recommended capital investments, current personnel will be used in the planning and implementation of the recommendations. 3. Substations: Two opportunities exist: a. Purchase of the BPA Mountain Avenue Substation b. Replacement of the distribution rack at Ashland substation (PacificCorp) or construction of a City owned substation at Nevada Street location (opposite current Ashland substation). Both opportunities have the potential to reduce current energy delivery and conversion charges. Both opportunities require additional analysis and successful negotiations. Results I (Current Status) and 2 (Identified Needs) will be scheduled and implemented as appropriate. Page 2 of 3 PIFTAIMA CITY OF -ASH LAN D FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Plan provides the Electric Department with a road map to maintain a reliable distribution system to meet the needs of Ashland. A summary of costs associated with the General, Transmission, Distribution and Substation recommendations over the next ten years is: Table 1: Capital Cost of Recommendations Area Cost $ General System 205,000 Transmission System None Distribution System 1,678,800 Subtotal 1,883,800 Substations 4,240,000 Total 6,123,800 NOTE to Table 1: The Plan Distribution System recommendation for feeder transfer cost (D-4) is identified as TBD in the Plan and is not included in the cost numbers. The project is dependent upon future actual load growth and the actual location of the growth. The requirement for the D-4 recommendation will be monitored for actual need. If the need materializes, it is anticipated to be toward the end of the planning horizon. Minus the Substations, with an increase in the current capital funding level from $620k to $720k annually, capital budgeting levels are sufficient to complete these recommendations and other annual projects (system maintenance and system growth). Note the amount will need to be adjusted over time for market cost factors (regulations, commodity prices, inflation, etc.). The substation recommendations require further on-going analysis and involve negotiations with BPA and Pacific Corp. The outcome of the substations will depend upon additional financial analysis, financial planning (funding) and successful negotiation with the other parties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND REQUESTED ACTION: Staff is planning on implementing the recommendations of the Plan not related to the substations. Substation recommendations may be implemented dependent upon continued financial analysis. Implementation of all recommendations is contingent upon the normal budgetary approval process. Staff is seeking to inform the Council and aid in the understanding of the recommended investments in Ashland's electric distribution system. SUGGESTED MOTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: "Electric System 10-Year Planning Study", CVO Electrical Systems, LLC, July 2014 Page 3 of 3 IA, ELECTRIC SYSTEM 10-YEAR PLANNING STUDY FOR CITY OF ASHLAND ASHLAND, OREGON JULY 2014 • Electrica Systems, LLC CVO Electrical Systems, LLC 1600 SW Western Blvd., Suite 160 Corvallis, OR 97333 ELECTRIC SYSTEM 10-YEAR PLANNING STUDY FOR CITY OF ASHLAND ASHLAND, OREGON JULY 2014 PROFESS Prepared by: 10, 859 DIGITAL SIGNATURE OREGON David P. Castor, RE ~ ,9 O e CVO Electrical Systems, LLC gLip Gp`~~ David.Castor@CVOES.com RENEWS: 1/1/2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION A. Purpose ................................................................................................................................1-1 B. Project Authorization ..........................................................................................................1-1 C. Scope of Work .....................................................................................................................1-2 CHAPTER 2 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. General ................................................................................................................................2-1 B. Major Improvements Since the 2003 System Study 2-2 C. Comments & Recommendations .........................................................................................2-4 CHAPTER 3 - LOAD FORECAST A. Historical Operating Conditions 3-1 B. Weather Related Considerations 3-5 C. Growth Forecasts 3-8 D. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................3-10 CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM PLANNING CRITERIA A. General ................................................................................................................................4-1 B. System Loading ...................................................................................................................4-1 C. System Reliability ...............................................................................................................4-1 D. System Design .....................................................................................................................4-3 CHAPTERS -TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION PLANNING A. Transmission System ..........................................................................................................5-1 Existing System 5-1 PacifiCorp and BPA Plans ..................................................................................................5-3 Discussion 5-3 B. Substation Systems ..............................................................................................................5-4 Existing Systems 5-4 PacifiCorp and BPA Substation Improvement Plans 5-8 Discussion 5-8 i Implications ofNERC Bulk Electric System Classification (BES) ..................................5-12 C. Conclusion .........................................................................................................................5-12 D. Recommendations 5-13 CHAPTER 6 - DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM EVALUATION A. Background .........................................................................................................................6-1 B. Distribution System Capacity 6-1 Distribution System ............................................................................................................6-3 Capacitor Banks 6-6 C. System Performance ............................................................................................................6-7 Service Reliability 6-7 System Voltage Levels .......................................................................................................6-8 Phase Current Imbalance 6-9 CHAPTER 7 - POWER FLOW ANALYSIS A. Method 7-1 B. Evaluating Power Flow Results 7-3 C. Power Flow Case Load Allocation and Results 7-4 D. Sectionalized Cases .............................................................................................................7-8 APPENDIX A - MAP OF RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS APPENDIX B - TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION DRAWINGS APPENDIX C - TRANSMISSION OUTAGE DATA APPENDIX D - EASYPOWER ONE-LINE DIAGRAM APPENDIX E - BPA & PACIFICORP CORRESPONDENCE APPENDIX F - POWER FLOW SUMMARY RESULTS ii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. PURPOSE This report presents the results of a planning study of the City's electric system that is intended to be used as a management and planning tool. The primary goal is to provide realistic recommendations for the most practical and economic means of serving existing and future loads, while maintaining high quality service to customers with timely implementation of necessary equipment replacements and system improvements. The study evaluates the electric system strengths and weaknesses and identifies needed improvements based on projected load growth, anticipated energy costs, service quality, infrastructure condition, and most importantly reliability. This report provides recommendations with detailed descriptions, schedules and cost estimates for replacement and upgraded infrastructure to meet future loads and/or replace and upgrade aging equipment. The study also addresses the agreements and costs associated with the City's power purchases from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Pacific Power (PacifiCorp). System improvements are suggested based on projected system load growth and changing electrical industry conditions with the aim of improving service quality and reliability while complying with construction, operating, and safety standards. This study was conducted based on the best available information at the time. Some assumptions were necessary and are noted in the report. Any changes in equipment or system configuration from the data used in this report may require a change in recommendations. Except where noted, this study evaluated the system as it was configured at the time the study was performed. With the passage of time, conditions generally change, and these changes can affect the feasibility or practicality of making some of the recommended improvements. This report should be reviewed and updated periodically since changing system conditions may affect the economic viability or integrity of the recommended plan. By following this approach, the City will maintain a valuable, up-to-date tool to aid management and staff in the process of system operation, planning, and expansion. B. PROJECT AUTHORIZATION In December 2013, the City of Ashland authorized CVO Electrical Systems to conduct a study of the City's electric distribution system. The study consists of various tasks as described in the CVO October 2013 Proposal. This report contains the results of the City's Electric Distribution System Study. 1-1 C. SCOPE OF WORK The following is a summary of the scope of services performed in this study. LOAD REVIEW & LOAD GROWTH FORECAST Evaluate system-wide growth patterns based on historical, recent (last 10-year period) and expected future growth through 2023, based on information provided by the City, State, County, BPA, and PacifiCorp. This data is used to estimate future feeder and substation peak loading, load balance, system improvement needs, and for system analysis scenarios. ESTABLISH SYSTEM PLANNING & DESIGN CRITERIA Establish realistic planning criteria thresholds and objectives upon which short-term and long term planning action and improvements should be based. The criteria are used to determine loading and reliability guidelines, acceptable voltage drop levels, scheduling of improvements, and contingency plans under sectionalized and outage conditions. SYSTEM EVALUATION Evaluate the City's electric system and provide comments, observations, and recommendations in line with the established system planning and design criteria. The substations and City-owned distribution system are evaluated on the basis of equipment ratings, operating configurations, reliability, maintenance programs, vintage, condition, and equipment capacities compared with projected load forecasts. The transformation fee agreements with BPA and PacifiCorp are reviewed and different options for reducing total transformation costs to the City are evaluated. The existing transmission system facilities serving the City are evaluated to determine interconnection and switching flexibility, looping capabilities, isolated segments, and overall operation of power supply to the City's electric system. The transmission system reliability, protection components, protective philosophy, and operational schemes are also considered to evaluate power availability, interruption frequency, proper device coordination, and emergency operating conditions. POWER FLOW ANALYSIS Analyze the City's complete electric system using the EasyPower analysis software. The system was modeled on a system-wide three-phase basis for the following conditions: • Base Case IA - normal system configuration under peak load conditions. • Base Case IB - normal system configuration under light load conditions. • Five-Year Growth Case - projected peak load and cold weather conditions. • Ten-Year Growth Case - projected peak load and cold weather conditions. • Loss-of-Substation Transformer Cases (4) - model the loss of each substation transformer with load appropriately sectionalized to the other substations to serve all customers under peak conditions. • Loss-of-Feeder Cases (10) - model each circuit out-of-service on an individual feeder basis with load appropriately sectionalized to other feeder(s) to serve all customers under peak load conditions. 1-2 The power flow analyses were performed for the conditions noted above to identify the system configuration voltage drops, load balance, real and reactive power flows, and system losses at system busses as labeled. The results are presented in Chapter 7 with detailed analysis output reports in the Appendix. CAPACITY FOR FUTURE GROWTH, SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Evaluate all analysis and evaluation results to determine if any portion of the system may not meet the planning criteria based on the stated assumptions for future load growth. Solutions and system improvements (immediate, intermediate and long-term), are recommended as necessary to mitigate possible system performance issues in the form of a prioritized work plan with budgetary cost estimates. WRITTEN REPORT & PRESENTATION This written report includes: • Documentation of references, gathered data and sources, planning criteria, load forecasts, related calculations, analysis techniques and reports. • System evaluation and analysis, identified strengths and weaknesses, including alternative improvements options, and suggested areas to focus attention. • A list of conclusions, recommendations, and improvements, with construction schedules and budgetary cost estimates including multi-year cash flow breakdowns. • Alternatives and options, system diagrams and models, and supporting information. • System maps and analysis plots showing the configurations and results, system improvement maps, and tabulated schedules of prioritized recommended system improvements. In addition to the written report, we will be providing a detailed presentation to the City's staff and an overview presentation to the City Council. 1-3 CHAPTER 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. GENERAL The City of Ashland owns and operates electric distribution facilities presently serving approximately 12,705 customers (meters). The City's electric service area is completely surrounded by the Pacific Power (PacifiCorp) Medford service area. All electric power sold by the City of Ashland is provided by BPA, transmitted through PacifiCorp's 115 kV transmission system, and transformed from 115 kV to 12.47 kV at one BPA-owned substation (Mountain Avenue) and two PacifiCorp-owned substations (Ashland and Oak Knoll). Over the last 10 years, PacifiCorp has made significant improvements to the transmission system serving the City of Ashland. The City is now served from a looped 115 kV transmission system with multiple backup sources. The City continues to have an exclusive power purchase agreement with Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). At Mountain Avenue Substation, the City pays BPA a Utility Delivery Charge (UDC) of $1.399 per kW per month for power delivery at 12.47 kV, based on the peak demand. BPA has a General Transfer Agreement (GTA) with PacifiCorp for use of their transmission and substation facilities, and the City pays $0.82 per kW per month for delivery at 12.47 kV at Ashland and Oak Knoll Substations. The UDC billing determinant is the average 60 minute demand at Mountain Avenue Substation on the hour of the BPA transmission usage peak, while the GTA billing determinant is the City's maximum 60 minute average demand period during the month at Ashland and Oak Knoll substations. Delivery charges, substation ownership, and transmission improvements are further discussed in Chapter 5. There is a strong correlation between ambient temperature (high and low) and peak loading on the City's electric system. Evaluation of the City's electric system load data indicates that its recent peak (43.9 MW, December 2013) is close to the maximum historical peak (44.6 MW, December 1990). While the December 2013 peak occurred on a 1 in 10 year cold weather event, the historical peak in December 1990 happened during an even colder weather event that is statistically experienced approximately once every 25 years on average. The fact that this recent peak was nearly equal to the historic peak even though the temperature was less extreme indicates an underlying growth in peak demand within the City. This is consistent with the fact that the population, customer base, and energy use (kWh) of the City of Ashland has grown significantly between 1990 and 2013. Historical data, weather trends, and future system growth are further discussed in Chapter 3. In the previous study, it was noted that "the City could expect that the summer peak demand may be equal to the winter peak demand around 2010 to 2012." As the data presented in Chapter 3 shows, the summer peak has equaled the winter peak multiple times since 2002. Summer peak demands should be carefully monitored because equipment ratings under summer conditions are 2-1 less than equipment ratings under winter conditions due to the inherently higher ambient temperature in the summer. Evaluation of the City's energy sales since the last study shows that annual energy usage grew 8.4% from 2002 to 2008. In 2009 and 2010 energy sales decreased significantly to levels not seen since 2001, but rebounded strongly from 2010 to 2013 to the point where energy sales in 2013 exceeded energy sales in 2008 (the previous largest year) by 0.5%. The recent return to year over year growth in energy usage means that there likely exists the potential for a new summer or winter peak on City circuits during extreme warm or cold weather events. Since electricity cannot be economically stored, the electrical system infrastructure must be adequately sized for the peak system loads. Based on data and the assumptions used for this study, there is sufficient substation transformer and distribution system circuit capacity to serve the City's expected peak demand load through 2023 under normal operating conditions. However, the loss of any single major system component ("single-contingency" failure conditions) could result in reduction of the overall system capacity to below the historic peak demand. Single-contingency limitations and concerns are described in greater detail in Chapter 5 and Chapter 7. The conclusions and recommendations throughout the remainder of this section are based on the overall goals of adequate substation capacity and a flexible distribution system available to reliably serve existing and future projected load. B. MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS SINCE THE 2003 SYSTEM STUDY In the 10 years since the previous study, several significant electric system changes took place that improved service and reliability to City customers. Major improvements are listed below: TRANSMISSION • After years of having a weak looped transmission system serving the three City substations, PacifiCorp upgraded the 69-kV source at Ashland Substation to 115-kV. This significantly increased the capacity from that source. Additionally, other PacifiCorp Medford regional area transmission system upgrades and reconfigurations enabled additional strong backup sources to the Ashland transmission loop. SUBSTATIONS & GENERATION • Mountain Avenue Substation: City-owned facilities at this substation were improved by expanding the distribution rack and adding three feeder positions, installing new microprocessor multifunctional circuit controllers for all 6 feeders in the Control Building, and implementing SCADA system capability. The City also installed a new microprocessor controller on the substation voltage regulator, added one new feeder circuit, and extended conduit outside the substation yard for two future feeder circuits. • Ashland Substation: The City converted an existing City-owned building near this substation to a control facility and installed new microprocessor multifunctional circuit controllers for all 4 feeders. SCADA system capability was also implemented. • Reeder Gulch Hydro: The City updated/replaced electric circuitry and control devices, modernizing protection, control and monitoring functions, and implemented SCADA 2-2 system capability. The City also cleaned out the lower intake, increasing power output, while adding provisions for easy future cleaning. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM • Installation of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System situated in the Electric Department dispatch center that has monitoring and control capability of all feeder circuits, field reclosers and capacitors, and the Reeder Gulch Hydro facility. This improvement offers the City the ability to monitor and document system performance in real time, identify and prevent potential problems, and assist with trouble-shooting when necessary. • Created and implemented an Electric Service Requirements (ESR) manual to provide instructions on system interconnection and service construction standards to developers and contractors. • Implemented Service Request Application Forms for developers and contractors. • Performed an Are Flash Hazard Assessment for major system equipment and throughout the electrical system in compliance with National Electric Safety Code (NESC) requirements. • Created oil Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans with documented guidelines for the electrical storage yard, specific devices and locations. This was done in accordance with EPA 40 CFR, Part 112. In addition, the City has updated its specifications for the purchase of equipment containing oil. • Implemented Distributed Generation Renewable Resource, Net Metering interconnection agreement, and purchase agreement policies. • Implemented a Reliability Tracker program to provide annual reporting on the electric distribution systems performance based on industry standard criteria to statistically track outage frequencies and durations in accordance with IEEE 1366 Index Standards. • Developed overhead conductor sag and tension calculations with construction stringing charts for multiple conductors and conditions based on NESC Zone 2 Loading District. The calculations included specific weather criteria to ensure consistent conductor installation standards. • Developed up-to-date standards for consistent purchase of major electrical equipment. • Developed employee training standards for substation and field equipment operation and maintenance. • Improved system reliability by installing three new field sectionalizing devices with SCADA system interconnection. • Improved local and system-wide power factor and voltage control by installing new field capacitor banks with smart switching controllers and SCADA system interconnection. • Highway 66 circuit I-5 crossing: Installed self-supporting steel poles with new undergrounding circuit and cable risers east and west of the interstate highway. • Crowson Road circuit I-5 crossing: Installed self-supporting steel poles with provision for future undergrounding circuit and cable riser terminations east and west of the interstate highway. • The City has installed numerous self-supporting steel poles at various locations throughout the electric system to retire old wood poles and eliminate congested guy and anchor installation conditions. 2-3 • N. Main and Hersey Street intersection re-alignment: The City installed a new undergrounding circuit with self-supporting steel poles and cable risers east and west of the intersection. • The City completed several underground conversions and cable replacements, strengthened circuit intertie connections and looped circuits to serve critical customers. • The City has been implementing radio-read meters that telemeter customer usage data to a drive-by data acquisition system. Although installations have temporarily slowed due to radio frequency concerns, it is expected that the City will migrate toward smart meter installations, consistent with trends in the industry. • The Railroad Feeder (A2002) has recently been re-conductored and now allows for a stronger backup source to/from the Morton Feeder (M3009). • A recent conductor upgrade allows the hospital (a critical load) to be served from the Business Feeder. This strengthens the service to the area by providing a strong backup to the normal North Main Feeder source. C. COMMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS As a general recommendation, the City should adopt the planning criteria and implement the system improvements as presented in this report and specifically in Table 2-1. Improvements should be made as necessary to serve the actual load economically, while at the same time meeting prudent service quality and reliability standards. This report should be reviewed and updated approximately every two-to-five years to ensure that decisions regarding improvements are based on current system conditions. All new facilities should be constructed in accordance with the latest expansion plan to ensure that no facilities become obsolete early in their service lives. Specific recommendations resulting from this study are intended to meet normal load growth requirements and resolve specific operating deficiencies. All cost estimates shown are in 2014 dollars and are based on work performed by a contractor after competitive bidding unless otherwise noted. It should be noted that some of the recommended improvements are already in progress and other recommendations do not have a fixed cost associated with them. In some cases the work associated with the improvement would be performed by the City staff and line crew as part of their ongoing maintenance activities. In other cases the costs cannot be accurately determined until the scope of the improvement to be undertaken is refined. TRANSMISSION With the facility improvements made over the last 10 years, all normal transmission sources are now capable of serving the entire Ashland regional load into the long term future. The existing looped configuration and available backup transmission paths provide the City with adequate service integrity. As the PacifiCorp transmission system is presently operating, a permanent fault on the 5.4 mile 115 kV Line 82 between the Ashland 115 kV breaker (2R266) and the Oak Knoll 115 kV breaker (2R262) would interrupt electric service to the entire City of Ashland for a short period 2-4 of time while isolation switching was performed by PacifiCorp. To isolate a fault on this line, manual switching is required. While this operating arrangement is not unusual, it is a vulnerable point in the transmission system serving the City of Ashland. It is recommended that the City discuss this concern with PacifiCorp to see if there are any long-term plans for additional automatic sectionalizing on the 115 kV system. SUBSTATIONS As discussed in Chapter 7 and Chapter 3, sufficient substation capacity is currently available to serve the City's expected peak loads for the next 10 years under normal operating conditions. However, the loss of any single major system component under high load conditions can create the potential for overloading portions of the system and creating extended outages for City customers. The failure of a transformer at either Ashland or Mountain Avenue Substation during a peak load condition would create severe transformer overload conditions on the remaining substation transformers. Loss of Oak Knoll Bank #2 causes Bank #1 to be loaded to 99.7% of winter capacity. Additionally, due to its age and design, the City-owned distribution rack in Ashland Substation does not meet current safety standards for field access and operations, and is becoming prone to failure. A prioritized list of recommended substation-related improvements and budgetary cost estimates can be found in Table 2-1. Major recommendations related to the substations serving the City include: • Installation of new microprocessor relays, SCADA infrastructure, and sectionalizing equipment for the 3 feeders serving City circuits at Oak Knoll Substation. • Purchase of Mountain Avenue Substation with mobile transformer backup agreement, and installation of a second transformer. • Replacement the City-owned distribution rack in Ashland Substation with a new rack in the same location, or construction of a new City-owned substation near Ashland Substation. DISTRIBUTION Based on the projected peak for 2023, all City-owned distribution system components have sufficient capacity. The City has strengthened many feeder backbone conductors and feeder tie circuits over the last ten years and should be able to transfer all load from any one feeder to adjacent feeders. However, some sectionalizing schemes can result in heavily loaded backbone conductors and transformers. Transferring certain feeders at peak load will become problematic in the next ten years, particularly during summer peak loading, if load growth occurs as expected. Recommended distribution system improvements are also listed in Table 2-1. Major recommendations related the distribution system include: • Balance existing feeder loading. • Reconfigure system to utilize extra feeders at Mountain Avenue Substation to help balance feeder loading. 2-5 • Replace old direct buried cable that has bare concentric neutral with new jacketed neutral cable. • Reduce phase imbalance on specified feeders. 2-6 v Oo o o u CD (1) CD O O p O "O 6R3 U d yNq ) cn oN v .N O p p~ O R O Z 6F3 69 6R ct O O v? W O U ~ y O ~ U cz 3 y °J cd_ 7j CA r.A Ca CA cz y CA y o .°o U y bA o U c`~, O. Q' U o d > c cf) U a) cr-d CJ P. CA C) 'A CA 7= rA CA cr O R O rn Q, N cz -r. Ui Q = r = cn O U a s, ~ O U CA CA p cd t~j U 'O U U W CA -a n 'O bA bll rR O U Ct F" cn z" O v n p CA U, C~3 u cu O O U U N y e U >,~c O >l CO fl o_ cd O O .fl ° U a O U O u ca V V1 ti •Y ' .N-i .U-i / 1 r~ U l Q U O ~ U y z. ~bA U s ° U 0 3 N U OA cr 4- bb o U O .2 - -O U V 2 U O a 3 > CA - cn CA U " ID d (Z E U U U u v U cd v ct TS c~ cull U .y O j U y 'ate' p U a N a y r- N C ❑ ~ r ~ 0 0 0 ro _ o U U r O H O C~3 C15-~ o Ca ° ° : o cn o G~ o o CIS Q3 o oo v> 'v o cl C4 H O N (Y m m N O z Q ff1 O E H Gq O Eoq , n U o W o kn U ~ r--~ U ~ p 0 U U o U + a U u O O O U 0 3 Q N O cn n cn O U G O to U O U cn 3 O M i s, .2 r, cC U cC U O O O O cd O a cn e cd U n U CZ O cn U U U U p C/1 i., U Q M U~„ U O O U t [A ct O U O \O U O O O O 4-a 0 0 U O Q cf U U O ~i. N O 4-- U cz O OC13 E A. O bA y O m C', C E -c3 O U O C/] cp; O ~ O O O U N La 7:) V O ~n W O O O 'O r~ N s'" aj U U U O U It CZ u to U 00 f's CZ v ~C rn cn 3 + O O U cC O M OU N N O U Q O bA O O D U O W O U 'a ct U .O n~ 'L7 O N O G1: a U O -a U 4~ "O U O i-.'", M O ctt pa A c~ o -a C,3 r- 3 by o O a~ CA CA 0 01, C3 -~g 03 CD r Dcl,' C O U O U r U P" bA 'C Q M E. N - -6 C-) C3 r.A 0 O C~j 'i p U v~ U U O U O O O U y cn bA O cz U U , g O O c+ O O O O + r O y n m O CZ3 Q a y, fl U bq N 'O c~ p O C~ YO bn v O 'O ~ N cn O U p 4 N yU bA O p a3 O ~bA 4 O O O V Q U U U ,a U Q. ¢ bA LZ as u -C CA U Lo 2 C) rA Lt OU O Oi U O E N Q. > En CZ cn .ca I O N U 'C3 'CS O O U ~p N'A rn U U U 00 O O y 64 `n N O U Q U a Q n U U U O O O W4 0 U rO +Uy O cz -0 U O O U U c~ ci i. F U O O En O U • • • U a cn `n C) cz -0 Q. U O O G cn Q U ct cn r O sU. UOE~ ' O c~U ~O d~ H U O O N M Ga 72 v~ vi ~ O ~ ~ Q Q Ca A` ~ ice. O v~ 3 U ~ O V cd w U C~3 i^. O U N p ~ N cd Q 3 3 U: Ct U d N N O = vi 64 669 69 O W 6R3 E/-} 4--4-r O ° ~ 4. 'C3 ~ O O U "a p ~ ~ sue.. 'y sU. O ~ ~ y a U Ln .O O V U U U r n C13 4 sn, O cc O 00 d N U U U A U s-. A O O v O O O bb O G j A U Ln as U cd ~ O~ U p O al CZ + cn w ~T, o o ° a -a 0 c3 C/) ct ct C) C~j C) O U O° O D U a v U Ocqj U U O ° c M Ct bA O _ O COO r. ~2 ~ p 2 \ .1- U u 6R bUU O U i U U ~ Q! U r--N W U U U O U cd cd cd O ° cn a A O O Ot N ° ti) U kr) cd u o u ° bA a E" ~ G.•' C ~ ~ cn ~ ~ OU U a~ O' 3 ~ ~ ~ yam. 00 + bA ujO O O OJJ O r. E. M U p O U .U cd a ca O + O O p U n o- U O O 6 O ca O O = Cl) u O a OU O U A O S: + + .O O c U cC O cd cd d v' +U p d N U by -2 ca 4 ON y N Z U .O UO y U) O C) 4~ cd as 't CZ C7 o ° o r. 5 kr) Q Q Q Q Q Q Ca CHAPTER 3 LOAD FORECAST CHAPTER 3 LOAD FORECAST This chapter describes a load forecast developed for the City of Ashland based on the peak system demand expected for a 1 in 10 year warm or cold weather event. Included are five-year and ten-year projections covering the period from 2013 to 2023, based on BPA and Ashland meter data as well as data and projections provided by the following sources: • The City of Ashland Comprehensive Plan • The City of Ashland Buildable Lands Inventory • The Jackson County Comprehensive Plan • The Oregon Office of Economic Analysis (OEA) • Portland State University Population Research Center • BPA • PacifiCorp • United States Census Data • The Public Utility Commission of Oregon • The Oregon Climate Service While meter data from 1994 to 2013 was analyzed, the load forecast projections and assumptions are based on the period from 2003 through 2013. Fifty years of climate data were used for the analysis. As established in previous studies, there is still a strong correlation between temperature and system power demand for both warm and cold temperatures. A. HISTORICAL OPERATING CONDITIONS The City of Ashland's historical maximum system peak, 44.6 MW, occurred December of 1990. Steady increases in energy use and population growth leading up to 2008 correlate with summer and winter peak demands now consistently reaching 40 MW. The highest recent system peak was 43.49 MW and occurred in December of 2013. Table 3-1 lists the City's peak demand, energy use and population growth for the period from 2003 through 2013. The steady growth experienced in the 1990's continued until approximately 2008 after which both population and energy consumption fell significantly. A pattern of energy and population growth has emerged since 2010, and in 2013 the population of Ashland was close to what it was in 2003. 3-1 Table 3-1 Population Growth, Energy Use, and Peak Demand Year Peak (MW) Energy (kWh) Population 2003 37.97 171,920,100 20430 2004 38.33 175,293,480 20590 2005 38.69 178,064,595 20880 2006 39.07 180,419,455 20974 2007 39.43 182,696,625 21062 2008 39.80 184,296,170 20782 2009 40.16 177,741,226 20996 2010 40.53 168,980,735 20078 2011 40.88 176,722,735 20255 2012 41.26 179,815,430 20325 2013 43.49 185,231,385 20295 Although the recession and its abrupt effects on population and energy use make the trend complicated, the rate of change of population and energy-use is still best approximated as one-to- one. This observation is based on the data presented in Table 3-1, as well as Figures 3-1 and 3-2 which show the City's historical population, energy use, and yearly rates of change, respectively. For the load forecast in this study, we will continue to assume that the City's energy-use and potential peak demand will increase at the same rate as population growth. The City's electric system coincidental monthly peak demands for the period of 2003-2013 are shown in Figure 3-3 and Table 3-2. The City's peak demand is characterized by summer and winter peaks of nearly the same magnitude. 3-2 190000 21500 185000 --f-Energy 21000 180000 -+-Population 20500 175000 20000 3 170000 19500 C 165000 19000 3 L 160000 18500 c a W 155000 18000 150000 17500 145000 17000 140000 16500 135000 16000 Ln 1.0 r, 00 Ol O rI N M Ln lD r- 00 m O -1 N M Ol 01 m cn m O O O O O O O O O O c-I -i -I -i m m m m m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O rl ci i-i c-I r-I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Year Figure 3-1: Total annual energy use (MWH) and population growth. 6% -l-Energy 4% -*--Population 2% IR t 3 A ° 0% l0 n 00 O N M V LI . A 00 Ol O c-1 N M (3) 0) Ol O O O O O O O O ri c-I i--I a--I ` a) Ol (n O O O O O O O O O O O O ra a--I e-i e-I N N N N N N N N N N N N N d \ \ / -2% \1 -4% -6% Year Figure 3-2: Total annual energy use (MWH) and population, yearly rates of growth. 3-3 50 12/9/13 9:00 AM, 45 -*-Monthly Peak Demand (MW) 43.49 MW 40 35 TI 11.1.1f 30 - 11 V4V V 1 3 2 25 Y 20 a 15 10 5 0 m m d ui Ln ~ W 1, r' 00 00 rn rn o o . i -1 N N m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Year Figure 3-3: Monthly peak demand. Table 3-2 City of Ashland - Monthly Peak (MW) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 January 30.1 33.2 36.4 34.1 38.7 36.6 34.5 30.1 36.4 34.5 40.7 February 30.8 33.1 33.1 34.9 34.1 35.6 32.0 29.7 32.9 33.3 33.3 March 27.5 29.3 28.1 33.2 32.8 32.5 32.1 30.5 28.8 33.7 30.7 April 28.2 25.2 28.5 29.0 29.3 31.4 28.4 28.0 29.4 30.5 28.2 May 25.9 23.4 28.6 30.7 28.7 34.6 29.0 24.6 22.9 24.7 25.1 June 31.6 29.2 28.7 37.8 28.7 32.6 25.0 26.1 26.9 25.3 33.9 July 38.6 37.2 37.2 40.1 39.0 37.3 40.4 34.2 29.6 33.0 40.1 August 32.2 36.6 36.7 31.7 35.3 39.2 36.5 35.4 32.4 37.6 32.5 September 33.3 24.0 26.2 29.7 30.4 30.0 31.4 29.4 30.6 28.9 33.0 October 26.7 28.7 27.7 29.7 28.9 26.5 28.5 27.0 27.3 26.6 27.2 November 31.3 34.2 34.6 35.3 34.0 29.3 31.1 33.7 30.7 29.2 33.8 December 32.7 34.0 36.7 36.5 35.1 38.3 40.2 33.4 35.8 33.7 43.5 Average 30.8 30.7 31.9 33.6 32.9 33.7 32.4 30.2 30.3 30.9 33.5 Summer Avg. 35.4 36.9 36.9 35.9 37.2 38.3 38.4 34.8 31.0 35.3 36.3 Winter Avg. 32.0 33.0 35.2 35.4 37.6 35.9 36.4 35.1 34.9 35.2 37.2 Notes: Summer average includes months of July and August. Winter average includes consecutive months of December and January (e.g., 2004 Winter Avg. includes Dec. '04 and Jan. '03). 3-4 B. WEATHER-RELATED CONSIDERATIONS In order to examine the effect of weather on system peak demand and energy use, we obtained Oregon Climate Service data from the Ashland weather station for 1963-2013. Analysis of the data for this period yields statistical 1 in 10 year cold and warm weather events of approximately 8 degrees F and 105 degrees F. Figures 3-4 and 3-5 show the annual heating degree days (HDD's) and cooling degree days (CDD's), respectively, for 2003-2013 against the 1981-2010 and 2003-2013 averages. HDD and CDD are measurements, based on outside air temperature, that are designed to reflect the demand for energy needed provide heat or cooling for a building or home for every degree above or below 65 degrees F. The data show that in the recent 10-year period, it was slightly colder in the winter and warmer in the summer than in the past 30 years. 6000 5500 - - AN o E5000 a HDD Actual i 4500 1981-2010 Average on a, 2003-2013 Average 0 tw 4000 r a~ x 3500 3000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year Figure 3-4: Heating degree days at Ashland weather station shown with long term averages. 3-5 600 -+--CDD Actual 500 1981-2010 Average 0 2003-2013 Average 0 400 T 0 300 L 00 0 00 S 200 0 0 U 100 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year Figure 3-5: Cooling degree days at Ashland weather station shown with long term averages. 3-6 Figure 3-6 shows the monthly mean demand for the City of Ashland plotted with the monthly mean temperature for 2003-2013. As noted in the previous study, there is a strong correlation between temperature and system power demand for both warm and cold temperatures. While less energy is used during the summer, Figure 3-3 shows that the summer peak demand is frequently at the same level as winter peak demand. 80 70 60 L 3 L 50 v Q. E 40 I ITT 3 30 Y 20 -%V VW -90-W WV %V NV Va VV 'p-W ~o a 10 -$--Monthly Mean Temperature (F) CtMonthly Mean Demand (MW) 0 M m ct -~t M Ln lD W r~ r~ W W M M o o .4 rH N N m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 5 c -5 c c c c - c -5 c 5 c Year Figure 3-6: Monthly mean temperature and monthly mean demand. Tables 3-3 and 3-4 show the three highest summer and winter peaks for 1998-2013 with correlated temperatures. It is reasonable to conservatively assume that if a 1 in 10 year warm weather event (105 deg. F) occurred in 2013 or 2014, the resulting peak demand would be similar in magnitude to the 43.49 MW cold weather peak experienced on December 9, 2013. The recent December 2013 peak will be used as the base case for the 5 and 10 year peak load growth projections. Table 3-3 Highest Winter Peaks and Correlated Temperatures Date Peak (MW) Temperature (F) 12/9/13 9:00 AM 43.49 8 12/22/98 9:00 AM 42.13 1 1/14/13 9:00 AM 40.65 13 3-7 Table 3-4 Highest Summer Peaks and Correlated Temperatures Date Peak (MW) Temperature (F) 7/28/09 5:00 PM 40.35 105 7/3/13 5:00 PM 40.13 100 7/24/06 5:00 PM 40.075 102 C. GROWTH FORECASTS The BPA annual peak forecast for the Ashland area is presented in Table 3-5 alongside the City of Ashland Peak Demand Forecast determined in this study. Table 3-5 PacifiCorp, BPA, and City Load Forecasts (2013-2023) BPA Forecast City of Ashland Peak Demand Year (MW) Forecast (MW) 2013 * 43.49 43.49 2014 37.20 43.95 2015 37.38 44.42 2016 37.57 44.89 2017 37.76 45.36 2018 37.95 45.84 2019 38.14 46.33 2020 38.33 46.82 2021 38.52 47.32 2022 38.71 47.82 2023 38.90 48.33 * Actual data used for 2013. The BPA forecast is based on a growth rate of 0.5% for the entire planning horizon. This growth rate is reasonable, but it must be noted that the BPA forecast uses a 1 in 2 year weather event as its planning criteria. By design, this results in peak demand estimates that do not account for the possibility of extreme cold or warm weather events. The actual 2013 Ashland system peak was significantly higher than the BPA forecast for 2023. PacifiCorp also provided a growth forecast for its Ashland Facilities for the 2014-2023 period which calls for zero growth through 2018 followed by an average annual growth rate of approximately 2.4% for the 2018 through 2023 period. According to PacifiCorp staff, this forecast is based simply on what they see the historical healthy growth rate to be (2.4%) and when they expect the City of Ashland to return to that healthy growth rate (2018). The end result 3-8 for 2023 is similar to the City of Ashland Peak Demand Forecast, but the PacifiCorp forecast is not based on a detailed analysis of population and economic trends. Consistent with the 2003 system planning study, it is recommended that the City should base its system planning on a minimum of at least a 1 in 10 weather criteria. The City of Ashland Peak Demand Forecast in Table 3-5 is based on this criteria and a growth rate of 1.06%. This growth rate is consistent with data provided by the City of Ashland and Jackson County planning departments. Since the City must be able to serve all customers reliably at peak load, system planning and design requirements should incorporate the City of Ashland Peak Demand Forecast. Figure 3-7 shows the historic yearly peak winter and summer demand with Ashland and BPA forecasts in context of the Ashland available transformation capacity under different system configurations. The available Ashland transformation capacity decreases slowly starting in 2014 due to PacifiCorp loads (at Ashland and Oak Knoll Substations) growing at the same rate as the rest of the system. 70 60 lftm-w 40 30 a Max Transformer Capacity (FA/FA) Transformer OA Capacity 20 Max w/Oak Knoll T-3234 Out Max w/Oak Knoll T-3856 Out Max w/Ashland Out Max w/Mtn Ave Out 10 --O--Actual Peak Demand (Summer) -*--Actual Peak Demand (Winter) • Ashland Peak Forecast • BPA Forecast 0 oc ° ti ti t. tih do t % o do (S"' titi titi ti~ ~o yo yo ,~o ~o yo ~o do d yo do ti ,y(Z;,- ,yo yo y(Z;, ,y(Z;", y6'- yo ,yo yo yo Year Figure 3-7: Peak demand data, projections, and transformation capacity available to the City. 3-9 D. CONCLUSIONS The recommended improvements and improvement schedule used in this study are based on the system peak demand calculations summarized in Table 3-6. These demands were determined using a population growth rate of 1.06% provided by the City of Ashland and Jackson County using the recent 2013 system peak of 43.49 MW as a base value. The schedule of improvements should be evaluated annually and modified as needed to correspond with actual growth and peak demand as load develops. Table 3-6 Study Load Forecast Summary 2013 Actual Peak 2018 Peak Load 2023 Peak Load Load (MW) (MW) (MW) 43.49 45.84 48.33 3-10 CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM PLANNING CRITERIA CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM PLANNING CRITERIA A. GENERAL As part of the planning study, specific guidelines and planning criteria were developed and tailored to the City of Ashland electric system and service objectives. Many of the criteria discussed below were established in the previous electric system planning study and are based on factors which affect system operations and maintenance, these include: • Providing dependable and economic electric service to ratepayers while giving strong attention to public and personal safety. • The planning, construction and operating practices of comparable electric utilities. • The risk taken by following less stringent planning practices. • The development of transmission and substation criteria so that in the future the City may take ownership, operate, and maintain such facilities. B. SYSTEM LOADING The City of Ashland experienced steady growth from the mid-1990s through approximately 2008 when both population and energy consumption decreased, as seen in Table 3-1. With the beginning of a recovery in recent years, local and regional planning entities project the population of the City of Ashland to increase throughout the planning period at an average annual rate of approximately 1.06%. An in-depth discussion of population and load growth is presented in Chapter 3 and specific areas of growth are presented in Chapter 7. Prudent utility practice requires that system improvements be implemented prior to load growth to allow the utility to meet customer service demand. On the other hand, existing facilities should be utilized to the maximum practical extent to avoid costly premature construction of new facilities. Therefore, the recommended improvements in this report should be made as needed based on the best available growth data. The time frame of improvement implementation should be adjusted if the actual load growth varies significantly from the load forecasts, but with sufficient time allowed for necessary engineering, permitting, material procurement and construction. C. SYSTEM RELIABILITY A primary consideration in system planning is reliability. As of the last study, the City adopted a single-contingency reliability criterion and this approach should be continued. Single- contingency reliability is achieved when an outage of any single major component of the electrical system (transmission or distribution line, substation transformer, protective device, cable segment, switching component, etc.) results in only minor service interruption to a limited number of customers while allowing the utility to meet expected peak demand. To meet this objective, and provide acceptable service continuity to the extent practical, the 4-1 following criteria and recommendations should be used in planning and operating the electric system: CRITERIA: • Substations should have at least one alternate transmission line source (looped). • Transmission line sections should be capable of being removed from service for maintenance without causing customer service interruptions. • Single substation transformer outages should not cause prolonged customer service interruptions. • The City should continue the practice of updating distribution circuit sectionalizing schemes. These schemes should allow for the transfer of load in case of the loss of any individual feeder or substation. • Distribution feeders should be designed to be loaded to a maximum of approximately 7.5- MW during normal operation and temporary loading up to I I-MW during planned maintenance or emergency system outages with load transfers. • Each distribution feeder should be capable of being supplied by one or more alternate distribution sources through group-operated, load-break switching devices installed at appropriate system locations. This will allow circuit breakers or reclosers and other feeder components to be taken out of service while maintenance is performed without causing lengthy customer service interruptions. RECOMMENDATIONS: • The City should have a documented emergency load curtailment plan that identifies probable load shedding schemes, critical loads, and establishes load restoration plans. • The City should perform periodic maintenance testing of all major electrical equipment in accordance with NETA guidelines. • The City should confirm and document that power providers have arrangements for substation emergency backup during failure or planned maintenance through use of mobile transformers or other means to ensure power delivery. • When feeder circuits are connected to two separate substation transformers (parallel operation or hot-transfer), load sharing between the two transformers will generally not be equal due to variations in the transformer impedance and line characteristic impedances. When opening feeder tie switches considerable current and voltage can exist across the switch. It is recommended that, to the extent possible, all tie switching involving connection and disconnection of two energized transformers be done via three- pole group-operated switches, preferably with load-break capability. 4-2 • During situations when PacifiCorp has substations served by different transmission systems, parallel operation or hot-transfer of feeders from the two substations served under this configuration should be avoided to prevent a condition of elevated fault current available at the tie point of the two sources. If the City determines it is absolutely necessary to parallel operation from two transmission systems it must first be confirmed that the two transmission systems are synchronized and transmission operators are notified. Additionally, since voltage angles might not match exactly between transmissions sources, load should be monitored at each substation to verify that circulating current does not exist on the distribution system. • The City should continue the practice of reviewing and updating the coordination of protective devices as needed to ensure proper protection of system components and to minimize the impact of faults and disturbances on adjacent portions of the system. • In addition to normal maintenance activities, The City should continue the practice of implementing specific preventive maintenance programs for major equipment. D. SYSTEM DESIGN The design of new facilities should be based on the following criteria and recommendations: CRITERIA: • The City should continue using the standard distribution conductor sizes selected in the previous electric planning study. The conductor selections and characteristics are presented in Tables 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, and 44A, B, C and D, shown below. The ampacities listed in these tables show that the distribution backbone conductors are capable of supporting greater loading than the design criteria, allowing for some reserve capacity. The design criteria philosophy is to allow any feeder to carry approximately two-thirds of an adjacent feeder's load in case of the loss of the adjacent feeder. Table 4-1 Overhead Conductors Voltage Conductor Circuit Application 12.47/7.2-KV 556.5-kcmil AAC Distribution Main Backbones 12.47/7.2-kV 336.4-kcmil AAC and 4/0-AAC Distribution Large Taps 12.47/7.2-kV 1/0 AAC and 42 AAC Distribution Small Taps Table 4-2 Underground Conductors Voltage Conductor Circuit Application 12.47/7.2-kV 750-kcmil AL Distribution Main Backbones 12.47/7.2-kV 500-kcmil AL and 4/0-AL Distribution Large Taps 12.47/7.2-kV #1/0-AL and #2-AL Distribution Small Taps The maximum ampacity rating and relative MW capacity for winter and summer loading for typical overhead and underground conductors and the City's standard conductor sizes are 4-3 shown in Tables 4-3 and 4-4 below: Table 4-3 Capacity Of Overhead Conductors MFRIIF"AD CONDUCTORS Conductor W'1111cr (b) SM11mcr (b) Coppcr A( SK A BC Ampacity NNW (c) Ampacity NM (c) #6 165 3.46 115 2.41 #4 225 4.71 155 3.25 #4 170 3.56 120 2.51 #4 165 3.46 115 2.41 92 290 6.08 200 4.19 #2 225 4.71 155 3.25 #2 220 4.61 150 3.14 41/0 295 6.18 205 4.29 41/0 300 6.29 205 4.29 #2/0 345 7.23 240 5.03 #2/0 345 7.23 240 5.03 #4/0 450 9.43 310 6.49 #4/0 465 9.74 320 6.70 336.4 670 14.04 465 9.74 336.4 630 13.20 435 9.11 556.5 925 19.38 640 13.41 556.5 870 18.23 600 12.57 a) Based on 75 Celsius (degrees) conductor temperature, 0 Celsius (degrees) Winter Ambient, 40 Celsius (degrees) Summer Ambient. b) Electric Transmission and Distributions Reference Book, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pg. 48, Figures 25 and 26. c) All MW ratings assume a three-phase system with 97% power factor. 4-4 TABLE 4-4A Underground Cable Capacity 7.2 kV, EPR 133%, Full Concentric (a) Conductor In Duct Bank (b) Dircct 13uricd (h) One Circuit Nl\V (e) M (C mps) (_lmhs) (I-Phase) #2 AL 130 0.91 180 1.23 #1/0 AL 170 1.19 235 1.64 #2/0 AL 200 1.40 270 1.89 #4/0 AL 260 1.82 350 2.44 a) Based on Okonite URO-J literature for ONE single-phase circuit, one conductor in one conduit, with 105 deg C, 220 mil, 133% EPR insulation level with full concentric neutral. b) 105 C conductor temperature, RHO = 90, 20 Celsius (degrees) ambient earth temperature, 100% load factor (applicable both summer and winter loading). c) All MW ratings assume a single-phase system with 97% power factor. TABLE 4-4B Underground Cable Capacity 15 kV, EPR 133%.113 Concentric (a) ('oltductor- In DUCT L3a11k (b) Onc Circuit Mb\' (C) (,~mhs) (~-Phase) #4/0 AL 245 5.13 500 kcmil AL 400 8.38 750 kcmil AL 490 10.27 a) Based on AIEE-ICEA Power Cable Ampacity Ratings, Volume I and 11 and Okonite URO-J literature for ONE three-phase circuit, three conductors in one conduit, with 105 deg C, 220 mil, 133% EPR insulation level with 1/3 concentric neutral. Deratin is s required for multiple circuits in a single duct bank. b) 105 C conductor temperature, RHO = 90, 20 Celsius (degrees) ambient earth temperature, 100% load factor (applicable both summer and winter loading). c) All MW ratings assume a three-phase system with 97% power factor. TABLE 4-4C Underground Cable Capacity - TWO Circuit Duct Bank (a) Conductor In Duct Bank (t)) T yo GirCllll N'IW (c) (Amps) _(')-Phase) #4/0 AL 222 4.65 500 kcmil AL 357 7.48 750 kcmil AL 438 9.18 a) Based on AIEE-ICEA Power Cable Ampacity Ratings, Volume I and II and Okonite URO-J literature for TWO three-phase circuit, three conductors in each conduit, with 105 deg C, 220 mil, 133%EPR insulation level with 1/3 concentric neutral b) 105 C conductor temperature, RHO = 90, 20 Celsius (degrees) ambient earth temperature, 100% load factor (applicable both summer and winter loading). c) All MW ratings assume a three-phase system with 97% power factor. 4-5 TABLE 4-4D Underground Cable Capacity - FOUR Circuit Duct Bank (a) C~~n~uctor In Ducl Bank (h) hv0 Cltcttlt MW (C) (/hips) (3-11ase) 500 kcmil AL 294 6.16 750 kcmil AL 359 7.52 a) Based on AIEE-ICEA Power Cable Ampacity Ratings, Volume I and II and Okonite URO-J literature for FOUR three-phase circuit, three conductors in each conduit, with 105 deg C, 220 mil, 133%EPR insulation level with 1/3 concentric neutral b) 105 C conductor temperature, RHO = 90, 20 Celsius (degrees) ambient earth temperature, 100% load factor (applicable both summer and winter loading). c) All MW ratings assume a three-phase system with 97% power factor. • New substations or substation expansions should be located near areas where load growth is expected to occur. This will allow capacity to be efficiently utilized. • Phase load imbalance on distribution feeders should be minimized to avoid overloading individual phases and reduce the need to oversize feeder backbone and tap conductors. If the imbalance on any feeder exceeds 15% during high load conditions, loads should be shifted between phases to reduce imbalance to 10% or below. This practice will help minimize neutral current and reduce neutral-to-ground potential. • Substation main regulated bus voltage should be maintained in a range of 122-volt to 126-volt on a 120-volt base. Acceptable voltage standards and ranges are presented in Table 6-7 appearing in Chapter 6, Distribution System Evaluation. • Voltage regulator settings should include first-house protection limiting the voltage to 126-volt maximum, and line drop compensation settings established to take into account line characteristic parameters. • During high load conditions, the capacity of voltage regulators can be increased by programming the regulator controller to limit the maximum voltage adjustment range from the normal +/-10% to a lesser range. This allows the regulator to carry greater load (current), known as the so-called "load bonus" capability of most regulator controls. The capabilities for "load bonus" operation are dependent on the specific regulators and associated regulator controllers. • Future substations should standardize on 15/20/25-MVA or 20/26.7/33.3-MVA, 115- 12.47/7.2-kV, with four or five feeder bay capacity. Substation improvement planning should begin when peak loading reaches the existing substation facilities' self-cooled transformer ratings, and if continued growth is expected to occur. 4-6 RECOMMENDATIONS: • The implementation of self-healing load-transfer smart switches at key locations within the distribution system should be considered as a long-term goal to increase system reliability and uninterrupted service. • The City should continue the practice of updating the geographic information mapping system so it can serve as a readily available component inventory and database. CAPACITOR BANKS • Capacitor banks should be used to maintain power factors between 97 to 99 percent lagging at peak load to avoid reactive power charges. • First preference for the location of capacitor banks should be at the customer's site, especially at industrial installations. • Total installed fixed capacitor bank installations should be limited to avoid an excessive leading power factor during low load conditions. • The difference in total kVAR of capacitors required and the kVAR of fixed capacitors represents the kVAR of suitable automatically-switched capacitors. • When installing or replacing capacitors the following guidelines should be observed: ■ Larger capacitor banks are typically more economical per kVAR than smaller banks, and it is generally best to avoid the use of capacitor banks less than 300 kVAR if possible. ■ Care should be exercised in sizing and locating switched capacitors so that the maximum primary voltage flicker does not exceed 3 volts (120 volt base) during normal capacitor switching. ■ Capacitors should not be installed on the load side of single-phase sectionalizing devices, as distorted or resonant voltage conditions may result from single- phasing. ■ Fixed capacitor banks should be manually switched seasonally as necessary to avoid excessive leading power factors during summer months. 4-7 CHAPTER 5 TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION PLANNING CHAPTER 5 TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION PLANNING A. TRANSMISSION SYSTEM EXISTING SYSTEM The City of Ashland's distribution service area is located within PacifiCorp's Medford service territory with power delivered to the City over the PacifCorp transmission system. Since the last study, PacifiCorp has completed the following upgrades to the Medford region transmission facilities (refer to Figures B-1 and B-2 in Appendix B for an up-to-date transmission map of the region): • Baldy Switching Station has been rebuilt to include a ring bus with three 115 kV circuit breakers. Transfer trip relaying has been installed, protecting each of the three transmission lines connected to the station. This improves the sectionalizing capabilities of the transmission system serving the City and should increase service reliability. • The former 69 kV transmission line from Ashland Substation to Belknap Substation has been partially reconductored, converted to 115 kV and connected to the existing 115 kV Line 74 at Voorhies Crossing. This improvement provides a substantially higher capacity path to Ashland Substation via Talent Substation. • A 115 kV circuit breaker has been installed at Ashland Substation on the line from Talent to Ashland. • Four transmission switches have been constructed at Voorhies Crossing to supply the 115 kV line to Talent and Belknap Substations. • The normal transmission source for the City of Ashland is now through Baldy Switching Station, Voorhies Crossing, and Talent Substation. The new alternate source provided by this connection is through Sage Road Substation. • The transmission protective relaying at Sage Road, Copco2 and Lone Pine Substations has been replaced in order to provide transfer trip coordination with new breakers at Baldy Switching Station and Ashland Substation. • The voltage controllers on two 230-115 kV transformer load tap changers at Lone Pine Substation have been replaced to improve 115 kV bus voltage regulation. • Two 250 MVA 230-115 kV transformers have been installed at Copco2 Substation in place of a single existing 125 MVA transformer. • The 69/115 kV auto-transformer at Ashland Substation has been moved to Belknap Substation. Since mid-2013, the City of Ashland's normal transmission supply has originated from the Lone Pine Substation Line 19 South (breaker 2R1). At the new Baldy Switching Station ring bus, Line 74 is tapped off of Line 19 and continues through Campbell Substation to Line 3 at Voorhies Crossing which passes through Talent Substation to Ashland Substation. After being tapped at 5-1 Baldy Switching Station, Line 19 provides a transmission path to Copco2 Substation. Line 19 is tapped between PacifiCorp's Green Springs Generation facility and Baldy Switching station, becoming PacifiCorp Line 82 providing service to the PacifiCorp Oak Knoll Substation. Line 82 is looped in-and-out of the Oak Knoll Substation and continues to PacifiCorp's Ashland Substation. Between the Oak Knoll and Ashland Substations Line 82 is also tapped to serve Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) Mountain Avenue Substation over a short 0.81 mile radial circuit owned by BPA. The normal 115 kV transmission source via Line 19 South, Baldy Switching Station, Line 74, Voorhies Crossing, and Line 3 has a combined length of approximately 19.6 miles. The other side of the loop from Line 19 South through Baldy Switching Station and Line 82 to Oak Knoll Substation has a combined length of 18.52 miles. The 115 kV Line 19 tap (breaker 2R1) that serves as the loop's normal source is fed from the north through the PacifiCorp Dixonville, Meridian, and Lone Pine Substations. However, the loop can also be fed from the south via the Copco2 Substation. Another alternate transmission path exists through Sage Road, Jacksonville, and Griffin Creek Substations on Line 74 to Voorhies Crossing. Breaker 3R1 at Lone Pine, which previously served the Ashland substation at 69 kV, now serves only the Foothills Road and Belknap Substations on Line 79. Additionally, there are normally open points between Voorhies Crossing and Griffin Creek Substations, as well as between the Line 82 tap and Copco2 substation. The rated summer capacity for each normal and alternate source is listed in Table 5-1, based on information provided by PacifiCorp. Winter ratings are higher. According to PacifiCorp, the Sage Road Backup Source may have limited capability to supply Ashland-Oak Knoll at summer peak due to other system load. All other sources should have sufficient capacity to serve current and future peak winter and summer loads into the long term future. Table 5-1 Transmission Source Continuous Rating Summer Source Name Description Rating (MVA) Normal Source to Line 19 South 4 Baldy Switching 4 Line 74 4 Voorhies Crossing 4 116 Ashland Substation Line 3 Talent Substation Ashland Substation Normal Source to Line 19 South Baldy Switching Line 19 Line 82 4 Oak Knoll Oak Knoll 97 Substation Substation Copco2 Backup Copco2 4 Baldy Switching 4 Ashland transmission loop 110 Source Sage Road Backup Sage Road 4 Jacksonville 4 Griffin Creek Voorhies Crossing ~ 101 Source Ashland transmission loop 5-2 PACIFICORP AND BPA PLANS BPA has no major modifications currently planned that would involve the transmission system serving the Ashland area. PacifiCorp planned improvements include: • Add a 115 kV circuit breaker at Oak Knoll Substation on the 115 kV supply from Baldy Switching Station via the Oak Knoll Line 82 tap. Install transfer trip relaying to coordinate with the Baldy Switching Station and the Copco2 Substation. DISCUSSION With the facility improvements made over the last 10 years, all normal transmission sources are now capable of serving the entire Ashland regional load (57.53 MW in 2013) into the long term future. The present looped configuration and available backup transmission paths provide the City with additional service integrity. Reliability criteria established for many major utilities dictates that any transmission line supplying 50 MW or more, or two or more substations, should be provided with the an adequate alternate looped source, if such capability can be provided at a reasonable cost. The Copco2 and Sage Road backup sources satisfy this reliability concern and transmission service to the region should be satisfactory for the foreseen future. A permanent fault on the 5.4 mile 115 kV Line 82 between the Ashland 115 kV breaker (28266) and the Oak Knoll 115 kV breaker (2R262) would interrupt supply to the entire City of Ashland for some period of time. Restoration of power would be the responsibility of PacifiCorp. If this does happen, PacifiCorp has stated that they will first remotely open the isolation switches at Oak Knoll and Ashland Substations and remotely close the 115 kV breakers to restore power to Ashland and Oak Knoll. Local PacifiCorp crews would then need to be dispatched to find the faulted segment and isolate it via manually operated line switches before restoring power to Mountain Avenue Substation. If possible, all customers would be restored before line crews would begin repair work on the faulted line segment. To reduce the impact of a 115 kV fault to the City, it would be necessary for PacifiCorp to install additional 115 kV circuit breakers and protective relaying to help automatically restrict the outage to a smaller portion of their transmission system. Alternatively, more remotely operated isolation switches could be installed. However, the present level of sectionalizing provided by PacifiCorp is typical for the number of substations and total number of customers involved. Improvements to the 115 kV system sectionalizing capability could be a point of future discussions between the City and PacifiCorp. The weak link in the transmission system is the 0.81 mile 115 kV radial segment tapped off Line 82 that serves Mountain Avenue Substation. An outage on this line would de-energize Mountain Avenue Substation until repairs are completed. This line is owned by BPA. As discussed above, an outage along Line 82 between Oak Knoll and Ashland Substations would require manual switching in order to restore service to Mountain Avenue. Although it would be desirable to have this tap looped and the switching automated, it is unlikely either will happen and this situation is not unusual given the short length of this tap. 5-3 PacifiCorp has provided a summary of transmission outages affecting service to the City of Ashland. Since 2003, there have been 19 outages of greater than 15 minutes with an average outage time of approximately 54 minutes and a most common outage time of 22.5 minutes. BPA also provided an incomplete outage report for Mountain Avenue Substation which listed four unique events in addition to some of the transmission outages provided by PacifiCorp. A complete list of the outages referenced here can be found in Appendix C. B. SUBSTATION SYSTEMS EXISTING SYSTEMS Three substations provide distribution service to the City of Ashland. The City itself owns no primary transformation facilities. PacifiCorp owns both the Ashland and Oak Knoll Substations providing service to the City of Ashland distribution points-of-delivery (POD) and BPA owns the Mountain Avenue Substation providing service to the City of Ashland distribution point-of- delivery (POD). All PODS are 12.47 W. Since the previous study, the City has extended the distribution rack at Mountain Avenue Substation to add more feeder positions, upgraded the protective devices at Ashland and Mountain Avenue Substations, and installed a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that now includes both Ashland and Mountain Avenue Substations. The City of Ashland SCADA system allows real time monitoring and control of connected system devices, such as substation reclosers and voltage regulators, from a computer terminal in the Electric Department main office. The addition of Oak Knoll Substation Feeders to the SCADA infrastructure is currently planned. The City purchases power from BPA with power delivered through a General Transfer Agreement via the PacifiCorp transmission system and facilities as described below. Under its contract with the City, PacifiCorp is responsible for providing service consistent with prudent utility practices. BPA meters these independent points of delivery as identified in Table 5-2. Table 5-2 BPA Metering Designation Meter Substation Feeder Name Number Ashland Business/North Main/Rail 575 Road/North Mountain East Main 1705 Oak Knoll Highway 66 1014 Highway 99 1304 Morton/South 1820 Mountain Avenue Mountain/Wightman The existing substation transformer nameplate capacity, manufacture date, winter ratings, and the transformation capacity available to serve City loads are shown in Table 5-3. 5-4 Table 5-3 Transformer Capacity Available to the City Transformer Maximum Maximum Deduct Total Capacity Substation Transformer Nameplate Rating Winter Planning PacifiCorp Available (MW)1,5 Rating (MW)2,3,5 Loads (MW)4 (MW)5,6 Ashland T-3499 (1974) 11.6/15.5/19.4 @ 65° C 26.1 @ 65° C 5.43 13.97 Mountain Ave. T-1573 (1978) 13/17.4/21.7 @ 65° C 30 @ 65° C 0 21.73 T-3234 (1967) 11.6/15.5/19.4 @ 65° C 23.3 @ 65° C 8.35 11.05 Oak Knoll T-3856 (1992) 14.6/19.4/24.3 @ 65° C 29.1 @ 65° C 0 24.25 Total Capacity Available (2 stages of fans @ 65° C rise) 71 Total with Oak Knoll T-3856 Out of Service (Others operating with 2 stages of fans @ 65° C rise) 46.75 Total with Ashland Out of Service (Others operating with 2 stages of fans @ 65° C rise) 57.03 Total with Mountain Avenue Out of Service (Others operating with 2 stages of fans @ 65° C rise) 49.27 Notes: 1. Based on nameplate rating and temperature rise. IEEE C57.91, standard 55° C rise rating was replaced by 55°/65° C in approximately 1966 and again by 65° C rise in 1977. 2. The winter planning rating for the PacifiCorp substation transformers was provided by PacifiCorp. 3. The winter planning rating for the BPA substation transformers is unchanged since the previous study at 138% of the normal maximum value. 4. PacifiCorp peak load is determined from each PacifiCorp transformer peak minus the city's peak for the same transformer. 5. MW values assume a 0.97 power factor. 6. Based on transformer maximum nameplate rating with 65° C rise. For each of the four substation transformers normally serving the City of Ashland, Table 5-4 shows the summer and winter ratings as well as peak load and capacity used under recent peak conditions. It is clear that under normal operating conditions, the existing substation transformation capacity can adequately support the City's present summer and winter peak loading in addition to PacifiCorp load. However, based on power flow modeling results in Chapter 7, the transformers may not have adequate capacity to serve future loads under some contingency operating conditions. 5-5 Table 5-4 Ashland Region Load Data (Including PacifiCorp Loads) Winter Summer Substation kVA Transformer Capacity kVA Transformer Capacity (Transformer) Load, Capacity (kVA) Used Load2 Capacity (kVA) Used Ashland (T-3499) 19,324 26,900 71.8% 14,279 20,000 71.4% Oak Knoll (T-3234) 14,816 24,000 61.7% 9,876 20,000 49.4% Oak Knoll (T-3856) 8,546 30,000 28.5% 8,608 25,000 34.4% Mountain (T-1573) 14,841 31,000 47.9% 16,546 22,400 73.9% TOTAL 57,527 111,900 51.4% 49,310 87,400 56.4% Notes: 1. Based on winter peak data from December 2013 with 100 A of load transferred from Ashland to Mountain Avenue Substation due to winter 2013-2014 construction on A2002 circuit. 2. Based on summer peak data from July 2013. One-line diagrams of each substation are presented in Appendix B as Figures B-3, B-4 and B-5. A brief description of each substation and its facilities that serve the City follows: ASHLAND SUBSTATION At Ashland Substation, the City takes delivery from the regulated 12.47/7.2 kV bus through one PacifiCorp secondary 1200 A breaker (5R241). This PacifiCorp breaker feeds a City-owned distribution rack and four City distribution reclosers serving four feeder circuits. Both the substation and the City-owned distribution rack were constructed in 1960s. The City of Ashland owns four reclosers serving the City feeders from the Ashland Substation and the City's distribution rack includes a fused bypass arrangement for each feeder, should a recloser be out-of-service or require maintenance. The feeder reclosers are rated 560 A with 400 A bypass fuses. In 2013 the City replaced and upgraded the recloser controllers, placing them in an existing City owned and refurbished building across Nevada Street from the Ashland Substation. The City has implemented SCADA capability for these four feeders and intends to replace the distribution rack in-place in 2014 due to age, reliability, and safety concerns. Also in 2013, PacifiCorp upgraded the 69 kV terminal of the Ashland Substation to 115 kV and removed the 69/115 kV auto-transformer. The substation is now looped at 115 kV. Distribution facilities are served through a 116 kV x 12.47/7.2 kV, 12/16/20 MVA transformer (T-3499) with a manufacture date of 1974, three single-phase voltage regulators, and a 12.47 kV distribution rack with main and auxiliary buses. The 115 kV transmission source from Talent Substation and Voorhies Crossing is protected with a primary circuit switcher. The 115 kV source on Line 82 from Oak Knoll Substation has a disconnect switch which can be remotely operated. In addition to breaker 5R241, a 15.5 kV, 1200 A secondary breaker (5R245) serves the PacifiCorp Valley View distribution circuit. Should breaker 5R241 serving the City fail or need to be removed from service, City loads would be protected by the City-owned reclosers, or 400A City owned recloser by-pass fuses, or transferred via the auxiliary bus to breaker PacifiCorp 5-6 5R245. Breaker 5R245 is scheduled to be replaced with a 1200 A rated breaker before the end of 2014. It will have the capacity to serve all Ashland Substation load in addition to the normal PacifiCorp loads should the need arise. The Ashland Substation transformer (T-3499) is not loaded as heavily as it was in the previous study, but it remains above 71 % of maximum rating under both summer and winter peak conditions (Table 5-4). OAK KNOLL SUBSTATION At Oak Knoll Substation, PacifiCorp provides 12.47 kV service to the City from three distribution breaker positions serving three separate PODS and City feeder circuits. City ownership of the Oak Knoll feeders begins just outside the substation. The PacifiCorp Oak Knoll Substation, constructed in 1965, has two 115 kV incoming terminals serving two power transformers with both transformers normally in service. Transformer T- 3234 (Bank #1) rated 116 kV x 12.47/7.2 kV, 12/16/20 MVA with a manufacture date of 1967, has load-tap changer regulation and normally feeds the substation bypass bus serving the PacifiCorp Siskiyou distribution feeder and the City of Ashland Highway 99 feeder. Transformer T-3856 (Bank 42) rated 116 kV x 12.47/7.2 kV, 15/20/25 MVA with a manufacture date of 1992, has secondary voltage regulation and normally feeds the substation main bus serving the City of Ashland Highway 66 and East Main feeders. Feeder breakers 5R56 and 5R93 are rated for 600 A, and 5R70 is rated for 1200 A. The substation also has a normally open 1200 A tie breaker that can connect the main and bypass busses. The substation configuration offers flexible switching should any one device fail or need to be out-of-service for maintenance. The City of Ashland owns no equipment within the Oak Knoll Substation. Under normal operating conditions, the transformer capacity at Oak Knoll is adequate for the expected peak loads. However, the loss of transformer T-3856 under peak conditions could create an overload condition on transformer T-3234 in the near future (Table 5-4). This was also noted in the previous study. The City is in the process of installing three separate pole-mounted reclosers just outside the PacifiCorp Oak Knoll Substation. This improvement will give the City the ability to directly control these feeders without involving PacifiCorp staff. The installation will include equipment with SCADA capability so the City will have the capability to remotely monitor and control these feeders. MOUNTAIN AVENUE SUBSTATION At Mountain Avenue Substation the site, high voltage equipment, control building and ancillary components are owned by BPA. The City takes delivery of power at 12.47 kV and owns the three-phase voltage regulator, two distribution racks plus sectionalizing equipment, and the six distribution reclosers and feeder getaway facilities presently serving four feeder circuits. The City also owns panel-mounted feeder recloser controllers and SCADA system equipment placed inside the BPA control building. 5-7 The BPA Mountain Avenue Substation, constructed in 1994, has one 115 kV incoming source. Distribution facilities are served through a 115 kV x 12.47/7.2 kV, 12/16/20 MVA rated transformer (T-1573) with a 1976 manufacture date and secondary voltage regulation feeding a 12.47 kV distribution rack with main and auxiliary busses. A 115 kV circuit switcher provides transformer protection. The original distribution facilities, consisting of a rack serving three City feeders through 560 A reclosers, were expanded by the City in 2010 to include the addition of a second distribution rack serving up to three additional City feeders. The distribution racks are configured with main and auxiliary busses allowing flexible switching arrangements so that load can be transferred to another source or circuit should a recloser need to be taken out-of-service. The racks are tied together via gang-operated load break tie switches and the second (new) distribution rack also contains a transformer bay to be served from a future second power transformer. Additional information regarding substation equipment, ratings, loading, and capacity is presented and discussed elsewhere in this section. PACIFICORP AND BPA SUBSTATION IMPROVEMENT PLANS According to BPA, there are no planned substation improvements scheduled to take place in the intermediate future. PacifiCorp intends to replace the existing feeder relays at Oak Knoll Substation and build a new control house in the near future. PacifiCorp will also replace breaker 5R245 at Ashland Substation with a 1200 A breaker by the end of 2014. DISCUSSION GENERAL In the previous study, discussions regarding equipment loading and system capacity focused on meeting winter peak demands. Since then, the summer peak demand has exceeded 40 MW and is often greater than or equal to the winter peak demand from the same year, as indicated in Figure 3-3. As stated in the Load Forecast chapter, it is expected that if a 1 in 10 year warm weather event were to occur in 2014, the resulting peak demand would be about the same as the 43.49 MW cold weather peak observed in December 2013. Figure 3-7 shows City's peak demand and growth with the transformation capacity available to the City. The summer demand must be monitored closely since electrical equipment such as transformers, regulators, and overhead lines have lower capacity in the summer compared to winter due to the higher ambient temperature. Figure 3-7 in Chapter 3, the Power Flow results in Chapter 7, and Tables 5-3 and 5-4 help illustrate the ability of the City to serve current and future loads under varying conditions and contingency scenarios with existing transformer capacity. As noted in Chapter 7, the data demonstrates that sufficient capacity is available to serve the City for the next 10 year period under normal conditions. However, the loss of the Mountain Avenue or Ashland Substation transformers under current peak load conditions would severely overload the remaining transformers and expose the city to the possible inability to meet the peak demand load. This concern was noted in the previous report and remains important today. 5-8 The best short-term solution to deal with the inadequate transformation capacity and sectionalizing limitations is to have pre-determined sectionalizing practices to transfer load, with alternative plans for various outages and emergency conditions. Sectionalizing plans should be written procedures and these plans should include a listing of loads that can be taken out of service if necessary. Critical loads that must be restored quickly should also be identified in the sectionalizing plans. These are fairly low probability scenarios, but it is important to have developed appropriate plans to deal with these emergency situations. We also recommend that the City continues to strengthen ties between feeders served from different substations and plan to add a second transformer at the Mountain Avenue Substation. PacifiCorp has indicated that if any transformer at Ashland or Oak Knoll Substation fails and a mobile transformer is required, it may be possible to place a unit from Medford in service within approximately 6 hours or less. If the unit stationed at Medford is in use, a duration of 14 hours is typically required. BPA has indicated that in the event of the Mountain Avenue Substation transformer failure, the initial action would need to be taken by the City to transfer load to PacifiCorp's Ashland and/or Oak Knoll Substations. If a mobile transformer is required, BPA would first try to provide a unit located at Alvey Substation in Eugene, Oregon. Should the failure occur while the mobile transformer in Alvey was deployed elsewhere, a mobile transformer from the Ross Complex in Vancouver, Washington would be provided. BPA has stated that restoration and installation time would vary due to site conditions, distances, weather, and crew availability. The BPA substation maintenance division estimates it may take a long as 48 hours to ready, deliver, install, and energize a mobile transformer for Mountain Avenue once notice is received. FUTURE SUBSTATION EXPANSION The 2003 study included recommendations for substation expansion. Due to the recession that began in 2008, the growth seen between 2003 and 2008 was not sustained, and the suggested improvements could be delayed. However, despite the recession, significant growth in peak demand has occurred since 2003. The power flow analysis indicates that the loss of either the Ashland or Mountain Avenue Substation transformer under current peak load conditions would lead to an inability to serve customers without significant transformer overload and accelerated transformer aging. The Ashland Substation is located close to the City's load center, but this facility is fairly congested with little room for expansion. The City is considering replacing the 12.47 kV distribution rack in-place in order to update but not expand this facility. The existing rack is old and its condition is deteriorating. The new distribution rack improvement would enhance flexibility and maintenance, however, the new distribution rack would still be served from a single PacifiCorp breaker. The City recently (2011) considered construction of a City-owned substation across Nevada Street from PacifiCorp's Ashland Substation, but this concept was not pursued. It is suggested that the option of a new substation near Ashland substation should still be evaluated before the Ashland Substation rack is replaced. The cost of a new rack would still be incurred with either approach. In addition, the City has access to the necessary land and the 5-9 control building is already in place. These factors will reduce the payback period for a new substation. The Oak Knoll Substation is located in the southeast region of the City's service area and is well situated for load growth in its general vicinity. Due to its location, this substation has rather limited ability for future expansion that could efficiently reach the City's present concentrated load center. As previously mentioned, the City is installing City-owned sectionalizing reclosers on the three Oak Knoll feeders outside the substation so that the City has control and can monitor these feeders. The most practical substation facility for consideration of future expansion and improvement is the Mountain Avenue Substation. This substation, constructed in 1994, is centrally located to the City's load and consists of a large developed site suitable for expansion. In 2008 the City expanded facilities it owns by adding a second distribution rack with three new feeder bays and transformer bay. The Mountain Avenue Substation is constructed so that capacity can be increased with the addition of a second power transformer installed as load develops. If loads grow as expected, the City will need additional substation transformation capacity within the intermediate (10 year) future to comply with the single-contingency planning criteria. This added capacity will be at the City's expense and will be necessary to allow the City to: • Meet its expected peak loads. • Provide single contingency outage flexibility at peak load. • Reduce the exposure to lengthy outages while a mobile transformer is placed in service. The recommended approach to meet these objectives is to add a second transformer at Mountain Avenue Substation. This places the additional capacity in a location that offers several advantages: • Site is designed to accommodate a second transformer. • Presently two additional feeder bays are unused and available for new feeders. • Avoids the further feeder congestion at the Ashland and Oak Knoll substations. • Strengthens the City's distribution feeders backup and sectionalizing capability. • Strengthens the ability to carry peak load with one substation out of service. • Mountain Avenue is an existing substation with sufficient room for expansion. • Does not involve acquiring a new substation site. • Does not require extensive planning or permitting. • There is existing looped transmission to the site's radial tap. SUBSTATION OWNERSHIP Because the City takes delivery of all power at the 12.47/7.2 kV secondary voltage it must pay a Utility Delivery Charge (UDC) for all energy purchased through BPA substations and a General Transfer Agreement (GTA) charge for all energy purchased through PacifiCorp substations. The UDC charge was put in place in 1996 to recover the costs of owning, operating, and maintaining low-voltage facilities (at or below 34.5 W). The GTA charge is designed to recover the cost of 5-10 low voltage transfer service, such as service provided by PacifiCorp to Ashland's Oak Knoll and Ashland points of delivery. Recently, both of these rates have changed. According to BPA, the last three transmission rate cases resulted in a UDC that did not fully recover costs. As of October 2013, the UDC increased by 25% for fiscal years 2014-2015 from $1.119 per kilowatt per month to $1.399 per kilowatt per month. BPA expects the current UDC rate to increase in every rate case until BPA achieves full cost recovery. Also in October 2013, the GTA rate went down to $0.82 per kilowatt per month. BPA does not have rate projections for the GTA rate, but expects this rate to stay roughly the same with adjustments for inflation over time. A slight difference between the UDC and GTA is that UDC billing is based on the City's demand at the hour of BPA's transmission usage peak and GTA billing is now based on the customer system peak. So, while the GTA rate has been reduced significantly Ashland will now always be charged for this service based on the hour of the City's maximum peak demand instead of the City's demand on the hour of the transmission usage peak. This difference generally makes the billing determinant for the GTA slightly higher than the UDC, but in most cases it should not have a large effect on the City's bills. The only way to reduce these delivery charges is to purchase power at the transmission voltage. This would occur with purchase and ownership of the Mountain Avenue Substation from BPA or construction of a new City-owned substation on Nevada Street across from PacifiCorp's Ashland Substation site. In the recent past (2004-2011), the City performed an economic evaluation regarding the purchase of Mountain Avenue Substation from BPA. This evaluation took into account reduced power costs due to the elimination of the UDC and was based on an expectation that additional load would be moved to Mountain Avenue substation in future years. We suggest that this evaluation, which includes the substation estimated price and reasonable costs for normal operation and maintenance, be updated to reflect current and future UDC charges, substation load changes and new rates. The City should also take into account its ability to use tax-exempt financing rather than to pay PacifiCorp or BPA for facility improvements on a long-term basis. While there are some cost savings to the City in not having complete ownership of the substations, there are also limitations and restrictions. This is especially true when planning for future improvements related to load growth or overall system reliability. Ownership would allow the City to independently determine substation facility needs and potentially reduce the total cost of providing service in the long run. However, the City would also assume the risk associated with owning substation and transmission facilities as well as operations and maintenance costs. With purchase of Mountain Avenue Substation, the City would need to come to an agreement with BPA for access to a mobile substation or transformer until the second transformer is added. Based on the calendar year 2013 average system monthly peak of 13,385-kW with the UDC rate of $1.399/kW, purchase of the Mountain Avenue Substation could save the City a maximum of $224,714 annually. These savings would be reduced to some extent by the necessary increase in 5-11 maintenance and operation costs. A second transformer at a City-owned Mountain Avenue Substation would allow the City to transfer load from other substations and further reduce delivery charges. With a GTA rate of $0.82/kW and an average monthly peak of 8,743 kW, construction of a City owned Nevada Street Substation could save the city $86,031 annually before accounting for operations and maintenance costs. IMPLICATIONS OF NERC BULK ELECTRIC SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION (BES) FERC has recently issued its Final Ruling regarding the NERC definition of the Bulk Electric System (BES). In its ruling it accepted the NERC definition of the BES. Portions of the electric power grid falling under the BES definition are required to maintain a specified level of reliability and security. This imposes additional record-keeping and documentation requirements on the owning utility and can result in the imposition of fines if the NERC requirements are not met. The basic rule is that transmission facilities operating at 100 kV or higher are considered part of the BES. However this voltage limit is not an absolute dividing line. There are several "Exclusions" and "Inclusions" that are applied that depend on system criteria other than voltage. If the City is required to purchase the 115 kV radial transmission line along with Mountain Avenue Substation, it is our opinion that none of the City-owned 115 kV system would create a condition that would cause the City's 115 kV system to fall into the BES designation. This is because of Exclusion E-1 in the NERC BES definition as described in the FERC ruling: "Exclusion El provides as follows: Radial systems: A group of contiguous transmission Elements that emanates from a single point of connection of 100 kV or higher and: a) Only serves Load. Or, b) Only includes generation resources, not identified in Inclusions 12, 13, or 14, with an aggregate capacity less than or equal to 75 MVA (gross nameplate rating). Or, c) Where the radial system serves Load and includes generation resources, not identified in Inclusion I2, 13, or 14, with an aggregate capacity of non-retail generation less than or equal to 75 MVA (gross nameplate rating). Note I - A normally open switching device between radial systems, as depicted on prints or on- line diagrams for example, does not affect this exclusion. Note 2 - The presence of a contiguous loop, operated at a voltage level of 50 kV or less, between configurations being considered as radial systems, does not affect this exclusion. " Since the City's system would serve only Load (as defined by NERC) and would be a radial system it would fall completely under Exclusion E-1 and would NOT be considered as part of the BES, in our opinion. In order to formalize this exemption, the City would need to visit the NERC website and complete the BES Notification and Exception Process. 5-12 C. CONCLUSION Over the last 10 years, PacifiCorp has made major improvements to the transmission facilities serving the City of Ashland. The current looped configuration and available backup transmission paths provide the City with satisfactory service reliability and capacity into the long term future. The substation facilities serving the City of Ashland provide adequate capacity to serve the City's winter and summer peak load under normal conditions. However, with additional load growth and in contingency situations, the City's electric system may not fully meet the single contingency outage criteria. As the City considers options for additional transformation capacity, it should also re-visit the option of substation ownership to reduce operating costs. D. RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations related to transmission and substation facilities serving the City of Ashland are outlined below in their order of priority. Summary descriptions and associated costs are shown in Table 2-1 and are provided below. Estimates are based on the assumption that the City pays directly for the improvements. These estimates do not include any site acquisition, establishment of right-of-ways and easements, or environmental and permitting. The proposed improvements are evaluated using an economic method called Simple Payback. Simple Payback is often used as a quick, but rough, approximation tool for appraising proposed investments. It does not factor in operation and maintenance costs or risk of ownership. It is suggested that the City thoroughly explore each recommended improvement and determine complete ownership costs prior to moving forward with any improvement option. IMPROVEMENT 1 - EVALUATE OPTIONS FOR CITY OWNERSHIP OF MOUNTAIN AVENUE AND ASHLAND SUBSTATIONS. Mountain Avenue Substation In September 2011, BPA offered to sell the substation and its 0.81-mile 115 kV radial transmission line for $1,645,000. The City made a counter-offer of $1,290,000 on February 29, 2012. Assuming a purchase price of $1,290,000 and the present annual UDC charges of $224,714, the simple payback would be about 6 years. It is our opinion that a payback shorter than 10 years merits serious consideration. This payback could be even shorter if increases in the UDC occur as expected and peak loads continue to increase. Ashland Substation Replacement Prior to replacement of the Ashland Substation rack, consideration should be given to construction of a new City substation directly across Nevada Street on property that is already owned by the City. We are referring to this possible substation as "Nevada Street Substation". Based on budgetary cost estimate of $1,200,000 and present delivery charges of $86,034, the simple payback would be 14 years ($1,200,000/86,031). Based on this payback duration, this improvement is not as attractive as purchase of Mountain Avenue substation. However, if allowances are made for expected increases in the GTA charges, the payback period could be shorter. Also, replacement of Ashland Substation with a City-owned substation would provide the City with much greater operational flexibility and growth options. Because of this, it is recommended that the substation ownership evaluation include replacement of Ashland substation as well as purchase of Mountain Avenue Substation. 5-13 IMPROVEMENT 2 - MOUNTAIN AVENUE SUBSTATION PURCHASE If the updated evaluation described above in Improvement 1 shows the expected cost benefits and an acceptable price can be negotiated, it is recommended that the City proceed with purchase and ownership of the BPA Mountain Avenue Substation. This purchase would include all facilities owned by BPA including the 115 kV radial transmission line, circuit switcher, power transformer, subsurface and buswork facilities, control building, protection devices, ancillary equipment and site, excluding BPA's metering and telemetry devices to be retained by BPA. Engineering estimates of the value of this equipment has been performed in the recent past. Based on terms offered by BPA in prior negotiations, this acquisition would have to include the purchase by the City of the 0.81-mile 115 kV transmission tap and termination facilities. The transmission line terminal consisting of three-way disconnects with remote supervisory control would be retained by PacifiCorp with only the tap disconnect owned and made operable by the City. With this purchase, the City would need to form an agreement with BPA for access to a backup mobile transformer or substation until the second transformer is added. In the long term, the relays for the existing transformer should be upgraded to include differential protection elements. IMPROVEMENT 2A - EXPAND MOUNTAIN AVENUE SUBSTATION Expand the Mountain Avenue Substation with installation of a second power transformer, circuit switcher, voltage regulator, structures, foundations and ancillary facilities as necessary. Installation of this transformer in a City-owned substation would allow transfer of load from other substations and further reduction of monthly delivery charges. This improvement includes installation of the necessary subsurface facilities and placement of the necessary control devices and ancillary equipment within the existing control building. In 2008 the City installed the second distribution rack including transformer bay and feeder bays needed to interconnect with this second transformer. Cost Estimate: Total Cost $1,008,000 IMPROVEMENT 3 - UPGRADE OR REPLACE EXISTING ASHLAND SUBSTATION DISTRIBUTION RACK. Due to age, reliability, and safety concerns, the existing 12.47 kV distribution rack inside Ashland Substation should be replaced in the near future. The best alternative to achieve this depends on the outcome of the substation ownership evaluation described in Improvement 1 as well as the City's long-term plans for the City-owned electric system. The lower cost option would be to simply replace the existing 12.47 kV distribution equipment with new equipment inside Ashland Substation. The other option would be to construct a new substation nearby. Since the City has already converted an existing structure into a control house and purchased new recloser controls, this work can be incorporated into either option. Cost Estimate: Substation (City-owned facility) $1,200,000 Distribution rack (City construction) 250,000 Total Cost $1,450,000 5-14 CHAPTER 6 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM EVALUATION CHAPTER 6 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM EVALUATION A.BACKGROUND The City of Ashland electrical distribution system was evaluated using recent peak demand in addition to light load conditions as the base case loads for the system analysis. To produce S- and 10-year estimates for analysis and planning, the base-case system peak demand has been adjusted to increase in correlation with population growth as outlined in Chapter 3. Specific areas of growth and allocations to the system model are covered in detail in Chapter 7. The loading conditions examined in this study are listed below in Table 6-1. Table 6-1 Study Loading Conditions Base Case Base Case 5-Year 10-Year (Light) (Peak) (2018) (2023) Modeled Load 10.6 MW 43.45 MW 45.8 MW 48.3 MW The preparation of this study is based on detailed distribution system information gathered from the City of Ashland GIS maps. The GIS maps include data on location, name, connectivity, size, and rating for system components such as conductors, transformers, capacitor banks, switches, protective devices, poles, and vaults. The model used in the analysis, which indicates analysis node and segment electrical data, is included in Appendix D. B. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CAPACITY According to recent modeling and analysis, the City's existing distribution system currently provides reliable service and acceptable voltage levels for all loading conditions up to the historical peak load when operating in a normal system configuration. Tables 6-2A and 6-213 present the energy use and peak demand data at all Mountain Avenue and Oak Knoll feeders for the 2013 service year. Substation totals and system totals are summarized in Table 6-2C. The data in Tables 6-2A, 6-213, and 6-2C shows that the City maintains a relatively high load factor, which benefits both the utility and the customer. These tables are located at the end of this chapter. Data for Mountain Avenue substation feeders came from the City of Ashland SCADA system. Oak Knoll substation feeder data and Ashland substation totals data came from BPA individual points of delivery. Individual feeder load data is not available for Ashland substation prior to December 2013 when it was incorporated into the City's SCADA system. As soon as Oak Knoll Substation is incorporated into the City's SCADA system, the City will have local access to load data for all system feeders on an individual feeder basis. Additionally, archived demand and energy use data for each point of delivery is available on the BPA website going back to 1994. 6-1 Another useful aid to help visualize system load characteristics are the winter and summer daily load profiles as seen in Figure 6-1 and 6-2, respectively. Peak loads are represented for each hour of the day, averaged separately for weekdays and weekends. The winter load profile, Figure 6-1, shows a trend similar to what was seen in the 2003 study with peaks in the morning and early evening hours as expected for a predominantly residential load system. The summer load profile, Figure 6-2, shows a different single peak characteristic that can most likely be attributed to air conditioning load. The general patterns seen in these daily load profiles can give the City a better idea of how to achieve system load balancing if needed, i.e. at which times of the day load might want to be shifted or additional loads encouraged, such as the operation of various motors to fill reservoirs or operate lift stations. 35000 32500 3 30000 -a C R E 27500 O OJ OD (0 25000 Q 22500 -$-Week Day Average Hourly Load (kW) -f-Weekend Day Average Hourly Load (kW) 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,y. ,y. h. ~0. Ib. 01. yO. yti. yam. y~' yp yt~' y~o' ,Cb' Hour of Day Figure 6-1: Average hourly peak load for December, 2013. 6-2 35000 30000 Y 25000 m E v 0 20000 ca L Q 15000 -4-Week Day Average Hourly Load (kW) -o-Weekend Day Average Hourly Load (kW) 10000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. I,,* titi "rl "I,* ti111• -I")* yam. ti yam. yam. ti0' ~ti ,VM O ti IV 4- 1,- h ~O ^0 Hour of Day Figure 6-2: Average hourly peak load for July, 2013. The City of Ashland provides quality electric service and has made many significant system improvements since the last study. With any one feeder out-of-service, the City now has the ability to serve loads from adjacent circuits even under peak conditions. However, loss of some feeder circuits during summer peak conditions will load parts of the system to capacity. Additionally, loss of a substation transformer at peak load can lead to severe transformer overload conditions at other substations. These conditions will become more severe as load growth occurs and could lead to the City not being able to meet single contingency outage criteria in the future without an increase in system capacity. On the basis of the most recent system peak (December 2013), all conductors and substation transformers have sufficient capacity to serve this peak load under normal operating conditions. However, loads will need to be rebalanced between feeders and additional transformation capacity will need to be added before the end of this planning period in order for the City to provide reliable service with substation or feeder outage conditions at the projected peak load of 48.3 MW. The electrical distribution system growth expansion patterns and necessary feeder additions, as they relate to system loading, are explained in the Power Flow Analysis Chapter. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The City's electric system serves customers from 10 distribution feeders, with a total of 12 substation feeder positions available. Tables 6-3A and 6-313 summarize the existing feeder voltage ratings; backbone conductor characteristics, capacities, kW ratings, recommended loading, and actual loading during the December 2013 peak. 6-3 Table 6-3A Existing Feeder Loading - Normal Conditions (SUMMER) I Peak Load Feeder Main Conductors Peak Load % of Conductor Substation Voltage Size/Material Rating Present Rec'm'd Rec'or'd Feeder (kV) Amps KW (kW) (kW) Rating Loading ASHLAND A2000 - 12.47/7.2 556 AAC 600 12,570 5,591 7,500 44.48% 74.55% Business A2001- 750 kcmil AL & 490 10,266 57.71% 12.47/7.2 556 AAC 600 12,570 5,924 7,500 47.13% 78.99/ North Main A2002 - 750 kcmil AL & 490 10,266 19.74% 27.01% AAC 2,026 7,16.12% 12.47/7.2 600 12,570 16.12% Railroad 556 OAK KNOLL 51156 - 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 435 9,114 6,470 7,500 70.99% 86.27% Highway 99 % 51170 - 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 435 9,114 4,660 7,500 51.13% 62.13 Highway 66 51193 - 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 435 9,114 3,970 7,500 43.56% 52.93% East Main MOUNTAIN AVENUE M3006 - N. 750 Al UG 490 10,266 9.75% 12.47/7.2 556 AAC 1,001 7,500 0 13.35% Mountain 600 12,570 7.96/ M3009 - 750 Al UG 490 10,266 59.46% 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 6 104 7 500 81.39% Morton 435 9,114 66.98% M3012 - S. 556 AAC 600 12,570 38.11% 63.88% 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 435 9,114 4,791 7,500 52.57% Mountain M3015 - 556 AAC 600 12,570 23.50% o 12.47/7.2 2,954 7,500 39.39/ Wightman 336 AAC 435 9,114 32.41% Notes: 1. Peak load data is coincidental, from recent historical peak occurring December 2013. 2. All kW ratings assume a three-phase system with 97% power factor. 3. Conductor size/material data obtained from City staff and GIS maps. 4. Overhead conductors shown with summer ampacity ratings. 5. Recommended loading is for normal conditions, non-sectionalized. 6-4 Table 6-3B Existing Feeder Loading- Normal Conditions (WINTER) Peak Load Feeder Main Conductors Peak Load % of Conductor Substation Voltage Size/Material Rating Present Rec'm`d Rec'm'd Feeder (W) Amps KW (kW) (kW) Rating Loading ASHLAND A2000- 12.47/7.2 556 AAC 870 18,227 5,591 7,500 30.67% 74.55% Business 750 AL UG 490 10,266 57.71% A2 12.47/7.2 556 AAC 870 18,227 5,924 7,500 32.50% 78.99% North h Main 750 AL UG 490 10,266 19.74% A2002 - 12.47/7.2 556 AAC 2,026 7,500 0 27.01% Railroad 870 18,227 11.12/ OAK KNOLL 51156- 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 630 13,199 6,470 7,500 49.02% 86.27% Highway 99 5R70- 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 630 13,199 4,660 7,500 35.31% 62.13% Highway 66 5R93- 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 630 13,199 3,970 7,500 30.08% 52.93% East Main MOUNTAIN AVENUE 750 Al UG 490 10,266 9.75% M3006 - N. 12.47/7.2 556 AAC 1,001 7,500 a 13.35% Mountain 870 18,227 5.49/ 750 Al UG 490 10,266 59.46% M3009 - 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 6,104 7,500 0 81.39% Morton 630 13,199 46.25 556 AAC 870 18,227 26.29% M3012 - S. 12.47/7.2 336 AAC 4,791 7,500 0 63.88% Mountain 630 13,199 36.30/ M3015 - 556 AAC 870 18,227 16.21% o 12.47/7.2 2,954 7,500 39.39/ Wightman 336 AAC 630 13,199 22.38% Notes: 1. Peak load data is coincidental, from recent historical peak occurring December 2013. 2. All kW ratings assume a three-phase system with 97% power factor. 3. Conductor size/material data obtained from City staff and GIS maps. 4. Overhead conductors shown with winter ampacity ratings. 5. Recommended loading is for normal conditions, non-sectionalized. The power flow study indicates that during the study period, the loading of the main system feeder backbone circuits as presently configured would approach the loading levels shown in Table 6-4. 6-5 Table 6-4 Feeder Backbone Conductor Loading Under Growth Conditions 2018 Forecast (5.4% 2023 Forecast (11.2% Feeder 2013 Peak Growth) Growth) A2000 - Business 44.48% 45.27% 46.07% A2001- N. Main 57.71% 61.60% 64.52% A2002 - Railroad 19.74% 20.71% 21.68% 51156 - Hwy 99 70.99% 72.09% 77.57% 5R70 - Hwy 66 51.13% 52.23% 53.32% 51193 - E. Main 43.56% 54.53% 65.50% M3006 - N. Mountain 9.75% 12.19% 13.16% M3009 - Morton 66.97% 68.07% 69.17% M3012 - S. Mountain 52.57% 53.66% 54.76% M3015 - Wightman 32.41% 33.51% 34.61% Notes: 1. Peak load data is coincidental, from recent historical peak occurring December 2013. 2. Smallest backbone conductor used with summer ampacity ratings from table 6-3A. All the feeders currently have adequate capacity to serve peak loads under normal conditions and under the emergency sectionalized conditions evaluated. However, some feeders are more heavily loaded than others. This loading imbalance reduces operational flexibility during emergency operating conditions. As future load growth occurs, the City will need to add additional feeders and strategically balance load between existing feeders to minimize feeder and conductor overloading under sectionalized conditions. CAPACITOR BANKS The City's electrical distribution system presently has eight 12.47 kV capacitor banks installed at various locations on distribution feeders. Capacitors are generally used to maintain adequate voltage and power factor, as well as reduce line losses. The existing capacitor banks, their feeder and locations, sizes, and types of control are described in Table 6-5. Since the previous study, many of the existing capacitor banks have been relocated and controls have been added for automatic switching based on measured system conditions. These changes were implemented using recommendations in the previous study. Based on the analysis results of the present system configuration, no additional capacitor installations are recommended within this intermediate planning period. For general recommendations regarding capacitor placement and configuration, see Chapter 4. 6-6 Table 6-5 Ashland Electric System Capacitor Banks Feeder Location Ratin Type and Status A2000 - Business Helman & Tracks 600 WAR Fixed "ON" At 12.47 kV A2001- N. Main Maple Street 600 WAR Fixed "ON" At 12.47 kV M3009 - Morton Morton & East Main 600 WAR Fixed "ON" At 12.47 kV M3012 - S. Mountain S. Mountain & Iowa 900 WAR Automatic M3015 - Wightman N. Mountain & Clear Creek 600 WAR Automatic 51156 - Hwy 99 35 Crowson Rd 600 WAR Automatic 5R70 - Hwy 66 Hwy 66 & Crowson Rd 600 WAR Automatic 5R93 - E. Main 3018 Green Springs Hwy 66 900 WAR Automatic C. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE SERVICE RELIABILITY As discussed in Chapter 5, reliability of electric service is a primary consideration in system planning. The City's electric system should use a single contingency reliability criterion, which means that the outage of any single major component of the electric system cannot result in a prolonged outage to any customer. The IEEE has developed specific guidelines through Standard 1366, Guide for Power Distribution Reliability Indices, to evaluate distribution reliability consisting of measures for monitoring outage duration and frequency. These reliability indices have received industry-wide acceptance and are divided into two categories, customer based and load based. Customer based indices record the frequency and duration of outages from individual customers and are used mainly in residential areas. Load-based indices record the frequency and duration of outages and are relevant for circuits that serve industrial and commercial loads. The IEEE sustained interruption indices are listed below for convenience. SAIFI System average interruption frequency index SAIFI Total number of customers interrupted = Total number of customers SAIDI System average interruption duration index SAIDI = Sum of customer interruption duration Total number of customers CAIDI Customer average interruption duration index CAIDI = Sum of customer interruption duration Total number of customer interruptions ASAI Average service availability index 6-7 ASAI = Customer hours service availability Customer hours service demand SAIFI is expressed with a unit of outages per year for the average customer. Both the SAIDI and CAIDI are expressed in minutes, and ASAI is a percentage. We suggest that the City establish a practice of determining the indices listed above annually or every few years and conform to these adopted standard utility practices. We acknowledge that steps are already being taken in this direction. Table 6-6 summarizes the outage data provided by the City. While the data provided for this report is not comprehensive enough to determine the indices listed above, it is still informative and useful. Table 6-6 City of Ashland Outage Data Year 2012 2013 Number of Outages 113 86 T pe Overhead 40% 60% Underground 50% 40% Cause Animals, Storms, & Cars 34% 31% Equipment failure 24% 26% Customer related 33% 43% Duration Over 2 hours 22% 83% 2 hours or less 67% 13% SYSTEM VOLTAGE LEVELS In accordance with standards established by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI C84.1, Range A), the voltage ranges in Table 6-7, shown as acceptable voltage or allowable voltage drop, should be maintained throughout the City's electric system. The voltages shown are presented on a 120 volt base, however the percentages indicated apply to any voltage base, for example 12.47/7.2 kV, 480/277 V, etc., that is applicable to the location. 6-8 Table 6-7 Acceptable City of Ashland Voltage Levels Acceptable Voltage or Acceptable Facility Allowable Voltage Drop (Volts) Percentage Bus voltage range at substation. 122 - 126 102%-105% Maximum voltage drop along a distribution feeder. 8 Voltage range at primary terminals of distribution transformers. 118-126 98%-105% Maximum voltage drop across distribution transformer and service conductors. 4 Voltage range at customer meter. 114-126 %-105% Voltage range at customers utilization equip. 110-126 92% - 105% The Base Case Power Flow results indicate that present system voltages under peak conditions are at acceptable levels, with the maximum voltage drop on any feeder between substation and last customer at approximately 2.2%. However, all substation voltages should be monitored to ensure proper distribution voltage levels are maintained. In addition, during substation outages or feeder transfers, feeder voltage levels should be monitored to assure proper voltage levels are maintained. The City should keep in mind the fact that minor voltage regulation can have noticeable effects on customer equipment. For example, a situation where typical household equipment experiences an under-voltage of 10 percent can result in reduced lighting output of 30 percent and can cut heating and range output by up to 20 percent. Over-voltage of 10 percent in household equipment can result in a reduction of lamp life up to 70 percent and cause overheating of heaters and ranges. Today, customers expect an extremely high quality of service and reliable power supply. Momentary interruptions, voltage disturbances, and sine wave distortions that would have gone unnoticed a few years ago are not as well tolerated with modern day loads. Among these sensitive loads are business and home computers, cash registers, burglar alarms, digital clocks, home business center and entertainment equipment, and other sensitive equipment. PHASE CURRENT IMBALANCE The primary concern of imbalanced loading between phases of a circuit is the resulting unbalanced phase voltages. Unbalanced voltages can cause additional negative sequence currents to circulate in three-phase motors. This negative sequence current can lead to motors overheating. Load imbalance also causes excessive neutral currents, which can cause increased system losses and can affect ground relaying. Because system loads are continually changing and since single phase loads are present on each feeder it is nearly impossible to achieve perfect phase balance. During high load conditions we recommend a policy of monitoring phase imbalance on each feeder. If the imbalance on any feeder exceeds 15%, loads should be shifted between phases to reduce imbalance to 10% or 6-9 below. System balance may fluctuate seasonally or with system peaks but these fluctuations should not be excessive if the policy above is followed. Imbalance percentages for Ashland and Mountain Avenue Substations are given on a per-feeder basis based on system load data from the City of Ashland SCADA system on December 11, 2013 at 9:00 AM. The actual winter peak occurred on December 9, 2013 but individual phase data from Ashland Substation were not available for this date. Railroad Feeder A2002 is not shown since it has been mostly out-of-service for re-conductoring since December 2013 when data capture began on Ashland Substation. Data for Oak Knoll Substation feeders was collected with line loggers in early March 2014 by City staff. Results are shown in Table 6-8. The results show that under recent winter peak conditions, some feeders do not stay within the 15% criterion. We recommend that the City continue to monitor the imbalance on all feeders during peak load conditions, with special attention given to those with imbalance above 15% in Table 6-8. If the imbalance on these feeders continues to exceed 15%, action should be taken to shift load and reduce imbalance to below 10%. A period of monitoring is necessary following field changes to any feeder to identify the effect of the change on feeder balance. Additionally, phase balance should be considered prior to adding or reconfiguring any feeder loads. Table 6-8 December 2013 Phase Imbalance Phase A Phase B Phase C Imbalance Imbalance Substation Feeder (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) Ashland A2000 1786.0 1828.0 1316.0 327.3 19.9% A2001 1238.0 1536.0 2062.0 450.0 27.9% M3006 359.0 369.0 367.0 6.0 1.6% M3009 2462.0 2143.0 2613.0 263.0 10.9% Mountain Avenue M3012 1649.0 1632.0 1385.0 170.3 11.0% M3015 992.0 920.0 710.0 164.0 18.8% 51156 941.8 1002.2 1432.1 306.7 27.3% Oak Knoll 51170 985.0 1003.7 871.2 82.1 8.6% 5R93 612.7 979.2 823.7 192.5 23.9% 6-10 i~0, 0, r1 -;t KZJ- LnLDriDDOtr,` - ~~~~m~LnLnLn~mw c Lo Ln Ln Ln LD Lo °LL1o00000000000 °LLo00000000000 J 00 Ol Ql Ql 00 c1 Q1 M r-I Ql Ql 00 N N w T m m O m O N M N 0 C) > y m CF) a) m m m r` w m m m m " Ql Ql 00 00 00 01 O Ql Ql 00 00 41 O r"o 01 01 Ql m Ql Ql m m 01 01 01 01 01 m 01 01 01 01 . m Q1 Ql O Q. o LL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a O O O o 0 0 r4 0 rco6 0 0 0 O O O O O O 00 00 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O o0 00 0 0 0 0 o O ^ 00 I~ t\ n Ol 01 DD o0 00 O0 'o 'o -14 -1 -1 ri 00 M M m M M ,rMj v m. ci ri m m m M m m --I M CL o n \ \ \ Ql 00 r-I O Ql r-I N - \ ri M r-I r-I r I r-i r-4 \ \ m Vt \ \ \ \ \ O c-i r-I N M l\D O\0 Ol Oo ri r-i N Ln lD r~ 00 Ql r-I r-I a ' -zt r-I m m o o ,-I -i ri o m r-I w cr m Kt O m m o m o0 L N N~~ N N 00 N O Ln oo r- o0 1-- N w m O Ill w m Ln F~ F, c Y lD M N Ql N I- O Ln Ln o O Ql N c1 I~ M m O r-I O -I m Ln N E Ln Uj L!'1 N N N N N m N N N N N G c c' E ° O O c--I M M a-I M O 00 L _ Ql Ol Ln e--I M O W r-I O _ ri M LD M I, V1 m 00 c yam- M O N ^ Ql -i cn lD O a-, N fP, I~ O M lD c I ~ I~ ~ IZT O r~ C. < m Q 00 w m f, r~ N M I~ _ 00 ~ uj ct Ln Ln lfl n m r-i w ? LO -:t ~ r, -;t `0 Ln M O Ln n O -4 N Ln LO rl Ch Ln r-I ri m Q r-I a-I rI a-I r-I c-I Ill m N Ln r, 00 ^a N r-i e-I -i N '.D LIl M -i ri N c-I , , ' i M r'4 O J OM m e-I 00 00 T L!1 N 00 00 O O M ~ Lf1 Lp t p N 0000 Ql Ln L G T rl a Zl o 00 <D Ol N m M O co 00 G 00 L. N N d' LD 00 r Ln m Ln N N L M al d' n ri O O Ol c-I c-I O u1 d' 00 O t\ -zT O N N lD M DD d' m LO a; ? N t\ oo ~ IM Ln LD O c Ln O O 00 V O cf M N ~t M c -i Ln 1, ~ Ln m ~ N N O N 01 LD Ln N 00 11' M -1 O Ol W W N O O O M e-I ri r-I c-I a LL Li fM N N N N N M N N N N M LL. e--I r-I .-i N C . -p o 00 t!1 r-i Ql M O I, O m O w O -c o e"'I M O N Ol lD O N Ln N Ln .--i LO LO lD In Ln Ji Ln LD ~ r-I ti lD I~ lD w <0 L11 w lD lD Ln lp N J Z' O O O O O O O O O O O O J° O O O O O O O O O O O O 3 L- I~ 00 0 0 0 0 Ln r-I w o O~ L m r, m O O w O m m m m ~ V1 m m m O O m w m 01 O O 01 ti ,n m m m m O O m O m m w m Gl o Ol 01 rn O O rn 01 01 01 O O m m m m m O O m O m m m m u O O O ri c-i O O O O r-I -i O a LL O O O O r-I r-I O r-I O O O O C 4! O Q O O O O p p° 00. 00. O O° O O°. ° p C) p o 00. °o 00. 00. 00 00 00 0 0 00 CR q CD CD 00 00 00 r M i r-i O r-i ri m -i Lf) Cl) y, 01 ri 00 ° °m0 -I rr-I r-I m c) ~ r-i c6 m m M m M M m m cH m m m M m m m m c-I M M ri m v m ,-i M m v d -i r4 c-I ri ci c-I \ ci C d ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ r-I \ \ 00 \ ^ n. \ \ ~ N \ \ \ \ 01 \ \ c ri N Ln m m _ r-I c-I W N co N lD \ \ \ E ri a-I c-I -p ci N \ lfl lD r W Ql c0-I r-i N N M ~ Ln L\O r, oo 0\1 0 N ei a M c v M u 0 = -i m Ol N LO T 00 01 Ol O 00 w k.0 N r-I CO N C c - l 1 ~ 00 o N Kt ^ 01 1- N N -1 C I- N M Ill Ln r4 m N r+ oo N c-I c O~ N r- O Ln m o o 00 00 M Y 01 ` 4 I, Ln O N 00 -1 O N~ o 'p C C ' Ql 00 1- 00 Lr c-I ri r-I ^ I~ C Q M M M M M M !Y1 M M Ln L C O N Ln 00 rn O < r 0 00 O M I:T ~ 0001 LO 00 t.0 :3 r~ 1 LO N N N 0 ? s lD O O 00 LO M LO M I- LO ri l0 00 M .,,I- O 00 l0 I- 00 Y N lD W O 1~ M m O N 00 " lp LO r M LO O d, LO N N Ln lD j o m ' Ln N Kt 6 00 m -4 c" i M N 00 aci LD s„ N r-I M N oo Ln N cq [C Y N N r-I M ri r-1 LD ^ N N N O O C o v m M 1~ Q1 Q1 I~ LD O lD 00 Ol Q1 Ln m m m m Ln I~ m m w O w LD w I~ n N NO m Ln m m N w m r,c " n Ol r1 W m m Ln Ql r-i I- 00 L s e-I 00 Ill I- N O N 00 Ql 41 N lO d' M N M Ql ci 00 00 ri J o -j N LO N -:F Ll M LO c-I M O a o m r, o0 w m LO Ln o0 0 00 w -6 o V rn rn m rn oo m v w ,-I r -I 1, N r I o I~ o m m w v w m r rn LD m Ln ~ r-+ Ln m M U) N v c v Ln It m m m d v m m N Ln LL nj ri cH r-1 r4 r-i -i -I -i r-i ri N ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LL -0 L T 0D Q > U ~ c N L (6 c 0D O' U> v N =S 75 7 1 v v o a~ ro °1 Q 3 Q Ln O Z O o - - : c m Q ro c Llu Q Q Ln O Z 0 Li z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r `o lD Itt w O Il oo N R oo IZI' Ln W LD I- LD - to Ln LD 1-0 Ln I- lD LD LL o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a, M m m I, W't m O Ln m m m S Ql Ql m Ql Ol m Ol Ol Ol 0) Ol M LL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD O O O O O O O O C) O O O O O O O O O p CD O O 00 LD I, m m J ri Dl Ql ri ri c-I ri m m M M M M M co M m m ri ~A rI 00 r-4 00 N m Lf L\D ^ 0000 Ql O r1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 c ? 00 00 <D N -1 a) N a) ~ W lD m. M LD ct ri Ol Ql (9) 0 O 00 w 4 m m m m m m m co rn r L f6 O O O O CD O 0 0 0 p p 0 E 3 ? m m Ln -i N E O N mm Djl LO Z m r-i r- lD r-I r-I 00 N c-i ri N ~ 3 c O m ill N rl Ln r, <0 00 00 N m O _ Lo Ln Ln ri CY) ri M N r-I r-i OA' f\ _ O O O O O O O O O O O O Ln I~ M N n r r~ N-:* 0 0 l0 O 00 Ln d LD m m I~ r LD Ln J a) v Ql ~ O w w Ln O L n LO O w Ln N LD ID Ln M l0 Ln oo ri Ln ri 00 I, Ln Ln LO O 00 LD w 00 M >L I LL N r1 ri ri ri c-I N e--I ri r-i ri N m~ o O 00 00 00 O m r-4 In r-I M ri N -o o N 61 N 00 N lD c-i O N lD m lD lD LD w W Ln M Ln m I- 1-0 w LA. -zt J l0 LD M M LO . LI. Ln m LO LD l0 J O O O O O O O O O O O O J~ 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T O LC F- 0 0 0 0 0 0 lD Q1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ol M 00 00 Dl Ol 0 0 0 0 v° 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ql (3) O O O O 3 u 0 CD CD a) O m m m m m m 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m O O O O (n r i . i r i r I c-i ri O O r i . i ci r I r-i r-i 0 0 0 0 0 0 ri ri r 1 ri - - - - - - - - - - - - C O O p p 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y o o p p C3) 00 DD 00 O O O ^ 00 r, 00 00 Ol (3) m 9 C) C3 0 ~C Oo 00 00 ri m Ol C3) C3) 00 ~ r-I ri ri Ii r-i m m m 00 O mI m -1 1-1 m m m m m m rm-i N rmi .mi 1M-1 -1 -1 M rmi ri ri \ a O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Ql N M c-I W N O\ C1\l c\-i N N Dl r 00 O O\ Ql ri N N to 1- E t-i r-I r-I N N \ ri m f14 c I r I N rp-I r4 m Ln L\D ^ 0000 (n pr-I N ri N M ;t m W m v _ 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T M W M W M t (.0 N N C3) I- E r - m ri w O Ln Ln N O r-- n c p Y c-I 00 Ln a) m LO N ri c-I n W 'E O N O m ~T O M Ln N (31 aE.LD cT m m c7 Lr d' M LD a: m m N N M M M N M M Y CO SZ (n a. - O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O C) O Ln ^ I~ O O O lD N (3) ci m p L Ln w to ri 4 Ln dM m ;I ° rn rn ri t oo ~ ri m _ Q W ao CF) ri o0 ^ N lD c--I p LLJ a; M C4 Ql Lr1 rn r ^ N C O Y r`i Ln lD 00 I~ I~ m d m ri c I m^ N N Ln ° v lD M Ln O O O O O O O O O O O O v OC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 Ln r-4 LD Ln LD T N tY Ln M O N Ln V O N m 00 m O M I~ O I d' Ln r-i O M Cr N ri 00 O0 rn l0 I- O ri am Ol N O m 00 w m u ? m 00 r, c-I O O 00 ri M Cf lD ~ d, ' lD N LD r-I oo N In ri r-I M N LD d' O w` s lD N d' O Ln W N M Lf'1 O I~ <D I~ N (3) W Ln Ln o to Ln r, o Dl 00 Ln -4 m N N lD M N M Ql 4! Li N N c-I r-I r-I r-I N r-I r-I c-I N N LL ri r-i ri r-i c-I ri r-I r-I r-I e--I ri ri E y y in L L 00 Q 4- > u u C co C R C 11 u O w Y fu C, m u 0 0) 75 Z5 75 Q Ln 0 Z 0 - Li Q Q LX O Z O z0 co Li Q - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 lD M DO M a1 Ln Ln a1 Ct Ql lD 'a o u1 M w 00 M l0 I L11 Q1 u1 w lO lD lD lO tl1 to Ln Ln W LD w o ; lD lp lD lD Ln Ln l0 Ln l0 W W J G„ O O O O O O O O O O O O - ,L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O m m ri In O O O M M M O m n N Ln W C) O O al al O Ql Ol Ql Ql Ql O O O O O O O M M O Q1 M O O O m O O O O al rn rn rn a1 O O O al Ql (3) O Ol Ql m Ql al O O O c~ r-I ri ri r-I O o 0 0 0 ri ri r1 d w O O O ri O O O O O O O O O 00 O O O O O O O O O O 00 00 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 00 O O O O N tD n al al O O O 00 00 00 00 m m w al a) rn rn 60 (5i r I ri r I e I M M -1 i 00 (3, 1-1 ri -1 ri c I M M Y m m m m m m m m m m ri ri m v ti m1 m m m m m m m r1 c-1 ri r-I r-L: N al N d' 00 M .-i N a) ~ 00 ri O al N N ri cI 0 m c-I ri \ M m \ N M \ ^ O M L) LO 00 m ~ LO 00 a1 ai ri o 0 Lf1 Lr1 O O m O O O O I O O Ln Ln Ln Ln O Ln O O O O O O N O Ln n O o 0 0 c Ln ^ ~"1 ri M N N a1 O a1 ra ri Ql ~t O N o d' 00 ri N O lD N N O al r-L m O r IW ~ lD M r-I r-I a M LO M M ri M r- c, o rn 0 00 Ln M O N M~ M M O G c-1 ri c-i ri r-I e--I ri ri c-I r--I r-I p m m N N M 'T m m N m~t 1D - O O Ln Ln O O O Ln Ln O O Ln o Ln Ln O O O Ln 0Lf) 0 Lrl 7 Ln O M O N N O O O N Lf) N > L- O ao Ln m ri N Ln f~1 N Ln DD m > I O N M m lD Ol M G1 Ol n O - w n 00 to 00 cf N N M V) -1 a T Q1 m lD N o0 00 M M M Q LD lD t~ Ol O 7 a' r N 00 N l"l c--I Q1 Ql c--I c--I N Y 00 m ri c-i LD 00 O Ln LD al t- a) i E w r1 t\ al lN Lry 00 m Ln ri - w r` M -zT m LV DD ri M 3 > (p y Q O O M M O M O M O O M O OD C o o M M O Ln O Ln 0 0 Ln O O ^ O W N Ln ri M N~ ri 0) 00 O O N N O N M n O Ln N O F- tb o0 m m Ln 0) n L(1 a1 a1 r, C ra fl O O O N ri W ri c,4 Ql Ql LfL 111 1O Ql LA r` Lr d 00 rn Lf1 O LO 00 N N n ct rfm rrLD 00 a1 ti M N O 00 N Ln rn r- (n M d' IZt ~p 7 Ln ;T ri o N e-i m m t- ~ M C c y' LO N O o n a) LO LO o O W N 0 O w' 00 Ln O N O N (.0 Q) M lO m M In al Lp Lr1 M N N & ~ M Ln r-1 LO Ln Ln Ln M LO Ln Ln Ln LD 00 c-I ri r-I r-I c-I ri r-I r-I ri ri ri N N E L M LD B a o lD Ct m LO Ln M Lfl W r- ri a o M ri d m tD N Lq ;t W m Ln lD t~ LD LO ID Ln Ln u1 r' <D l0 lD lp lD lD Lfl Ln Ln Ln Ln lD lD <D L LA J O 0000000000 O O co O O O O O O O O O m m F- C O O O O O G) N W CD O O O _ W Ln m m m 00 t~ Ql o o O O O O o O m m m m O O o a1 al m a) al m m al cn O O O O. o O O O O O m a) al al O O O ° a1 al m M M M M M M O O O c I r i e I r-, ri O O O O ri r 1 ri c- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ri ci ri (6 Lail O O o 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - C) 0 O O p 0 0 00 0 0 o0 op OO o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 t/f f lb 00 O0 co ri -1 M M 01 00 do 01 ri ri ri ri ri m m s Y M e-1 ri c-I rm-I rM.{ M m M M m m M r-I ri M M M M M -O M i \ \ c1 ri ri ri ri r-I \ \ C M rM-I rm-i m m m m m m c 00 i O00 r-1 OM ri N N r-I -1 \ M \\O -1 M \\O N 0 j a C \ \ \ \ \ \ lco-,D" cn ~t 00 ri N Ln LO ^ N Ln LO 00 a1 ri O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O M r- n O L n m cr al W rn O N r-4 ~T O ;T 00 LD M O r- 00 M L.D 00 ~ m M N lD -L 0 Ql O Ql r-I E -I O -I M L n 00 t, n LO al O0o lO 0) u e-i ri r-1 al 00 -1 M e-i ri a> ri e--I Y 0 - - - - - - - - - - it O O O O a O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v Ln t a v t 0 0 O O N N N lD 0 0 O ~ O m^ W W ri m w O 1--1 00 o O M Ln lD N O 00 lD 00 o d N d N N M M r L M ^ al N M Lp Lrj a) ^ m Q 00 00 00 & m Lll Lf1 ri N N 00 O m M N r-I k.0 In N Ln al LA d w m Lf1 ri 00 Q1 O m N al aci 00 00 N m c-i Ln M ri r-i t~ 3 W In w ri c-I N LO M N ri N Ln C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kzr Ito O O O O O O O O O O O O - 0 0 '6 N Lf1 w m M~ N r- r- N p Ln In O ri r•i O~ ri N Q1 O LD O d' N O N N O m W t- 0 0~ C cn L V' m o 00 N LO lfl a1 W 00 o a O Q1 Lrl N 00 ri "Z. j q r-I Lr1 M Y v i 00 00 O LD Lr1 O M F Ql M Y c 1 N LO m ri N a1 d' M Ln M ~e c Y Ln n N ri r1 N Ln Ln ri N m~ L E w 'J N O 0 00 m m M Cr r, m w ri lD m w r, Ln ri Ln m lD al n m N_0 Q Lf1 m m m M'T M m m Lri O lD Lri Lri -zT C* Lfi It 1:3' It Lf1 E E a in L W Q > U Ll r -0 (LL L !O _ 00 0- U > u m Li 2 Q o Q Ln 0 Z 0 LL Q Q Ln 0 Z 0 z L -L- CHAPTER 7 POWER FLOW ANALYSIS CHAPTER 7 POWER FLOW ANALYSIS A. METHOD The City of Ashland electrical distribution system was modeled based on the following data: • The City's geographic information system (GIS) maps and data compiled during the study process including: updated records of conductor type, size, and phasing; transformer locations, kVA ratings and phase connections; fuse locations and ratings; sectionalizing schemes, regulators and capacitor devices with ratings and interconnection type; and switching location and status. • BPA point-of-delivery meter data and Ashland SCADA data for the system, substations, feeders, and large industrial/commercial loads. • The most recent coincidental feeder and system peak demand of 43.49 MW, occurring in December 2013 was used as the Base Case Peak Load criteria, Case IA. • For Case I B, the Base Case Light Load condition, data from recent years was examined and a system load of 10.58 MW was modeled to recreate the conditions from May 5, 2013. • In the five-year growth case, Case 2A, a system peak demand of 45.84 MW was modeled based on the load forecast projections in Chapter 3. This case includes some system improvements with added kVA allocations as detailed in Section C of this chapter. • In the ten-year growth case, Case 213, a system peak demand of 48.33 MW was modeled based on the load forecast projections from Chapter 3. Allocations of additional kVA are detailed in Section C of this chapter. • To assess the loss of a substation transformer, the system was modeled under Base Case (1A) conditions with each substation power transformer individually removed from service and its load transferred to adjacent substation feeders. These transformer out-of-service models are evaluated and identified as Case 3-A, Case 3- OK1, 3-OK2 and Case 3-MA analyses. • To assess the loss of a feeder, the system was modeled under Base Case (IA) conditions with each feeder circuit removed individually from service and its load transferred to adjacent feeder circuit(s). These feeder out-of-service models are evaluated and identified as Case 4 analyses with unique feeder suffixes. 7-1 • Power factor was matched to the observed power factor at each individual feeder for the peak cold weather event which occurred on December 9, 2013. This power factor was used for all cases. • The voltage regulator on Oak Knoll Substation Bank #2 was set to match the Bank #I transformer load tap changer at approximately 123 V on a 120 V base. The voltage regulators at Ashland Substation were set at 124.5 on a 120 V base. Finally, the Mountain Avenue Substation transformer load tap changer was set at 121.2 on a 120 V base. All power flow system analyses have been configured based on the City's electric system maps and information, the EasyPower model can be found in Appendix D. The model bus names correspond to the junctions or interconnections matching the City's electric system. All power flow analyses were performed with the spot feeder loads scaled as necessary to simulate historic peak demand conditions, unless otherwise stated. Some loads were distributed across the various system sections proportionally to satisfy the peak conditions. Table 7-1 lists the 50 largest energy users of 2013 with their average demand. Table 7-1 Largest Industrial/Commercial Accounts by Peak Demand Meter Peak Demand Date of Business Name ID (kW) Peak _ 1 SOU/Physical Plant Department 721431 2037 9/24/2013 2 SOU/Physical Plant Department 721429 1438 6/25/2012 3 Ashland Comm. Health Care System 721439 856 7/15/2013 4 City Of Ashland, Sewage Disposal Plant 721311 706 5/9/2013 5 OSFA 721353 576 2/5/2013 6 Caldera Brewing Co 721508 345 1/8/2013 7 SOU/Physical Plant Department 721134 344 2/14/2013 8 Ashland Springs Hotel 721466 330 1/7/2014 9 Varsity Theatre 720959 328 1/8/2013 10 Ashland Public Schools 721135 324 1/17/2012 11 National Fish & Wildlife 721427 314 8/6/2013 12 Albertsons Inc. #573 721425 310 7/25/2013 13 Emeritus Corporation 720840 302 1/6/2014 14 Safeway Stores Inc. #4292 721380 300 7/12/2013 15 Nspired Natural Foods 721435 283 9/24/2012 16 OSFA 720967 240 8/8/2012 17 Ashland Public Schools 721402 227 1/10/2014 18 Market Of Choice #11 721361 225 7/17/2013 19 Ashland Public Schools 721061 212 7/13/2012 20 Skylark Assisted Living LLC 721276 210 12/24/2013 7-2 Table 7-1 Largest Industrial/Commercial Accounts by Peak Demand Meter Peak Demand Date of Business Name ID (kW) Peak 21 CenturyLink, Inc. 720742 208 4/27/2012 22 Hull Properties 721150 204 12/20/2013 23 Ashland Public Schools 721139 194 3/20/2012 24 Plaza Inn & Suites 720749 192 12/30/2013 25 City Of Ashland 721462 186 1/10/2012 26 OSFA 721354 172 7/8/2013 27 Ashland Food Cooperative 721358 169 8/1/2013 28 Independent Printing Co 721292 162 1/23/2013 29 Independent Printing Co 721255 147 4/23/2012 30 Ashland Public Schools 721397 145 10/24/2012 31 Ashland Shop N Kart 721443 142 2/22/2013 32 City Of Ashland, Service Ctr 720739 138 1/27/2012 33 Bi Mart 721175 134 8/26/2013 34 Ashland Shop N Kart 721449 131 8/26/2013 35 Ashland Public Schools 721491 130 10/9/2013 36 Ashland YMCA 721181 129 7/24/2013 37 Windsorlnn 721423 125 1/7/2014 38 Stratford Inn 721379 125 2/7/2012 39 Linda Vista-Prestige Care 721062 120 7/15/2013 40 Tpi/Rite Aid, Store # 5385 1408 721188 120 8/23/2012 41 OSFA 721355 117 8/9/2013 42 Ashland Public Schools 721404 109 10/10/2013 43 OSFA 720907 108 1/7/2014 44 Holiday Inn Express 720870 102 1/7/2014 45 SOU 721482 100 12/6/2012 46 Science Works 720836 92 1/3/2014 47 Jackson Co Library Sys 720718 89 8/28/2013 48 Mountain Meadows Homeowners Assoc. 721280 86 7/29/2013 49 OSFA 720916 83 7/8/2013 50 Standing Stone Brewing Co. 721373 76 9/7/2012 B. EVALUATING POWER FLOW RESULTS In general, caution should be practiced when interpreting system problems indicated by the power flow analyses. Power flow results typically identify system problems such as heavily loaded or overloaded conductors and undervoltage conditions. The modeled conditions are the result of analysis under peak or other `worst case' conditions that may be considered extreme. The goal is to evaluate system operation under realistic worst-case conditions. It is 7-3 recommended that where problems are noted, the City should verify that the actual system components and conditions support the analysis conclusions. Also, as with any model, the results will only be as accurate as the data used. For example, conductor sizes and materials, system component phasing, and interconnectivity are modeled using information from the City's GiS distribution system detail maps and correspondence with City staff. If there is inaccuracy in the map compilation or any parameter of the data characteristics, there will be inaccuracy in the results. C. POWER FLOW CASE LOAD ALLOCATION AND RESULTS CASE 1A. BASE CASE PEAK LOAD The Base Case Peak Load power flow analysis was performed on the existing system configuration under the most recent peak load conditions which occurred on December 9, 2013. A demand of 43.49 MW was modeled based on load data from BPA metering and the City of Ashland SCADA system. This power flow model evaluates the system in its normal configuration with three distribution substations serving 10 feeder circuits. The results of this analysis indicate that there are no conductor overload problems or low voltage conditions, defined as anything less than 95 percent of nominal bus voltage. However, the Ashland Substation transformer owned by PacifiCorp is loaded to 96.6% of its total fan cooled nameplate capacity (65 degree rise). The feeder loading (kW) and power factor from the power flow results of Case IA are shown in Table 7-2. Table 7-2 Base Case 1A Power Flow Details Feeder Load kW PF Amps A2000 - Business 5591 F1OO % 259 A2001- N. Main 5924 % 274 A2002 -Railroad 2026 % 94 A2003 - E . Nevada 0 100.0% 0 M3006 - N. Mountain 1001 100.0% 46 M3009 - Morton 6104 100.0% 283 M3012 - S. Mountain 4791 100.0% 222 M3015 - Wightman 2954 100.0% 137 51156 - Hwy 99 6470 100.00 300 51170 - Hwy 66 4660 100.0% 216 51193 - E. Main 3970 100.0% 184 Substation Load kW Ashland 13241 Mountain Ave. 15150 Oak Knoll Bank 1 6470 Oak Knoll Bank 2 8630 7-4 CASE 1B. BASE CASE LIGHT LOAD To determine representative conditions for modeling, BPA demand data was examined for typical light load conditions. A system demand of 10.58 MW, not including PacifiCorp load, was modeled based on data from May 2013. Load was distributed to each feeder using historical observations of both Ashland SCADA data and BPA data. The results indicate that there are no conductor overload problems or high voltage conditions, defined as anything greater than 105 percent of nominal bus voltage. The feeder loading (kW) and power factor from the power flow results of Case 113 are shown in Table 7-3. Table 7-3 Base Case 1B Power Flow Details Feeder Load kW PF Amps A2000 - Business 1480 100.0% 69 A2001- N. Main 1339 100.0% 62 A2002 - Railroad 240 100.0% 11 A2003 - E. Nevada 0 100.0% 0 M3006 - N. Mountain 299 100.0% 14 M3009 - Morton 1543 100.0% 71 M3012 - S. Mountain 1165 100.0% 54 M3015 - Wightman 816 100.0% 38 51156 - Hwy 99 1400 100.0% 65 51170 - Hwy 66 1220 100.0% 56 51193 - E. Main 1080 100.0% 50 Substation Load kW Ashland 3059 Mountain Ave. 3823 Oak Knoll Bank 1 1400 Oak Knoll Bank 2 2300 CASE 2A. FIVE-YEAR GROWTH CASE For the five-year growth case, the total load growth was based on data from Chapter 3. Five year developments and growth areas were discussed in depth with City staff, and the modeled allotment of new load to each feeder is listed in Table 7-4. The addition of these loads results in a combined peak load of 45.84 MW distributed as shown in Table 7-5. 7-5 Table 7-4 Five-Year Developments and Load Addition Expectations Peak Additional Load Description (kW) Load Type Feeder Normal neighborhood development (West of Clay St.) 1000 Residential 51193 New Apartment Complex 800 Residential A2001 Meadowbrook neighborhood growth (Plum Ridge Ct.) 250 Residential M3006 Residential/ A2000, A2002, Residential and commercial fill 300 Commercial M3009, M3012, M3015, 51156, 51170 Total Additional Load 2350 Table 7-5 Five-Year Growth Power Flow Details Feeder Load kW PF Amps A2000 - Business 5633 100.0% 263 A2001- N. Main 6724 100.0% 293 A2002 - Railroad 2068 100.0% 85 A2003 - E. Nevada 0 100.0% 0 M3006 - N. Mountain 1251 100.0% 58 M3009 - Morton 6146 100.0% 301 M3012 - S. Mountain 4833 100.0% 226 M3015 - Wightman 2996 100.0% 141 51156 - Hwy 99 6512 100.0% 304 51170 - Hwy 66 4702 100.0% 220 51193 - E. Main 4970 100.0% 230 Substation Load kW Ashland 14425 Mountain Ave. 15226 Oak Knoll Bank 1 6512 Oak Knoll Bank 2 9672 The Five-Year Growth Case power flow results show that there are no conductor overload or low bus voltage conditions. However, the Ashland Substation transformer is loaded to 106.8% of nameplate fan cooled capacity and the A2001 circuit is above recommended loading guidelines established in Chapter 4. In the coming years during peak winter and summer conditions, the Ashland Substation transformer loading should be monitored and the City should consider shifting some loads from Ashland to Mountain Avenue Substation feeders. 7-6 CASE 2B. TEN-YEAR GROWTH CASE Combined with the load additions for the five-year growth case, the Load Forecast presented in Chapter 3 calls for an additional 2.49 MW of peak demand growth. The modeled allotment of new load to each feeder is listed in Table 7-6. The addition of these loads results in a combined peak load of 48.33 MW distributed as shown in Table 7-7. Table 7-6 Ten-Year Developments and Load Addition Expectations Peak Description (kW) F Load Type Feeder Additional Normal neighborhood development (West of 1000 Residential 51193 Clay St.) Croman Mill beginning development 500 Industrial 51156 Verde Village 300 Residential A2001 A2000, A2002, Residential/ M3006, M3009, Residential and commercial fill 690 Commercial M3012, M3015, 51170 Total Additional Load. 2490 Table 7-7 Ten-Year Growth Power Flow Details Feeder Load kW PF Amps A2000 - Business 5731 100.0% 268 A2001- N. Main 7024 100.0% 307 A2002 - Railroad 2166 100.0% 89 A2003 - E. Nevada 0 100.0% 0 M3006 - N. Mountain 1349 100.0% 63 M3009 - Morton 6244 100.0% 306 M3012 - S. Mountain 4931 100.0% 231 M3015 - Wightman 3094 100.0% 146 51156 - Hwy 99 7012 100.0% 327 51170 - Hwy 66 4800 100.09/c 225 51193 - E. Main 5970 100.0% 276 Substation Load kW Ashland 14921 Mountain Ave. 15618 Oak Knoll Bank 1 7012 Oak Knoll Bank 2 10770 The Ten-Year Growth Case power flow results show that there are no conductor overload or low bus voltage conditions. However, the Ashland Substation transformer is loaded to 111.2% of nameplate fan cooled capacity and the A2001 circuit is above recommended 7-7 loading guidelines established in Chapter 4. During peak winter and summer conditions, the Ashland Substation transformer loading should be monitored and the City should consider shifting some loads from Ashland to Mountain Avenue Substation feeders. D. SECTIONALIZED CASES To evaluate the electric system's switching flexibility during outages and other abnormal conditions, power flow cases were performed under sectionalized conditions with the Base Case (Case IA) loading. The following scenarios were analyzed: • Individual substation transformer outages (Oak Knoll Bank #1, Oak Knoll Bank #2, Ashland, Mountain Avenue) • Individual distribution feeder outages (10) For each loss-of-substation scenario the system is configured as identified in Table 7-8, and for each individual feeder out-of-service condition the system is configured as identified in Table 7-9. CASE 3. LOSS-OF-SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER CASES GENERAL The loss of each substation transformer is analyzed individually in the cases below, with distribution circuit loads assumed to be transferred to the transformers remaining in operation. The basis for he sectionalizing methods used in these simulations was developed through in-depth discussions with City staff. The four loss-of-substation transformer cases presented below are summarized in Table 7-8, with additional analysis results appearing in Appendix F. CASE 3-A ASHLAND SUBSTATION OUT-OF-SERVICE: The following system switching was modeled to simulate the necessary switching and transfer of Ashland substation load to other substation transformers. • Close SW-1073 to tie A2001 to A2000, close SW-1064 to serve both A2000 and A2001 from M3006. • Close SW-1068 to serve A2002 from M3009. With the switching detailed above, all Ashland Substation load is transferred to Mountain Avenue Substation feeders. The Mountain Avenue Substation transformer is heavily overloaded to 145% of nameplate fan cooled capacity, the North Mountain Feeder is carrying 12.72 MW of load, and segments of conductor along the North Mountain Feeder are at capacity or overloaded as described below: • The main 750 kcmil UG getaway is loaded to 119.5% of capacity. • The section of 336.4 kcmil cable connecting M3006 to the Ashland Substation circuits is loaded to 100% of capacity. • The section of 750 kcmil UG cable between E6603 and E8601 is overloaded to 111.2% of capacity. 7-8 In order to avoid accelerated loss of transformer life, some Mountain Avenue Substation load could be transferred to Oak Knoll Substation, but significant overload would still exist on the Mountain Avenue Substation transformer. CASE 3-OK1 OAK KNOLL TRANSFORMER BANK #1 OUT-OF-SERVICE: Using the auxiliary bus, the Hwy 99 Feeder load and additional PacifiCorp loads can be transferred to Oak Knoll Bank #2. Under the peak load conditions modeled, the Oak Knoll Bank #2 transformer (T-3856) is loaded to 94.8% of nameplate fan cooled capacity. No additional overload or low voltage conditions are encountered. CASE 3-OK2 OAK KNOLL TRANSFORMER BANK #2 OUT-OF-SERVICE: Using the auxiliary bus, the Bank #2 feeder loads can be transferred to Oak Knoll Bank #1. Under the peak load conditions modeled, the Oak Knoll Bank #1 transformer (T-3234) is overloaded to 119.6% of nameplate fan cooled capacity. No additional overload or low voltage conditions are encountered. CASE 3-MA MOUNTAIN AVENUE SUBSTATION OUT-OF-SERVICE: The following system switching was modeled to simulate the necessary switching and transfer of Mountain Avenue substation load to other substation transformers. • Close SW-1062 to tie M3006 and M3012, and close SW-1064 to feed M3006 and M3012 from A2000. • Close SW-1068 to feed M3009 from A2002. • Close SW-1051 to feed M3015 from 5R93. With the switching detailed above, the Ashland Substation transformer and regulators are severely overloaded to 160.8% and 121.7%, respectively, of nameplate fan cooled capacity under peak loading with Mountain Avenue Substation out-of-service. No additional overload or low voltage conditions are encountered. SUBSTATION OUTAGE CONCLUSION While significant improvements have been made since the last study, power now modeling results show that the loss of Ashland or Mountain Avenue Substation transformers at peak load will lead to severe transformer overload conditions at other substations. The City might still be able to serve all load under these conditions, but it would risk accelerating the loss-of- life on overloaded transformers and cables. As observed in the previous study, loss of Oak Knoll Substation Bank #2 causes Bank #1 to be overloaded, but the load does not exceed winter capacity rating at this time. In fact, with Bank #2 out-of-service at current peak load, Bank #I is loaded to 99.7% of winter capacity. 7-9 CASE 4. FEEDER OUTAGES In the cases presented below and summarized in Table 7-9, each distribution feeder circuit is individually removed from service and its load is transferred to adjacent feeder(s). The sectionalizing methods used in these simulations come from in-depth discussions with City staff. Power flow analysis summary tables appear in Appendix F. ASHLAND SUBSTATION The cases below demonstrate the distribution switching options available for Ashland Substation feeders. CASE 4-A2000 ASHLAND SUBSTATION - FEEDER A2000 OUT-OF-SERVICE: System switching Close SW-1073 to feed A2000 from A2001. Results Feeder A2001 is loaded to 11.566 MW, just above the recommended 11 MW with load transfer during planned outages or emergency situations. The Ashland Substation transformer is loaded to 97.3% of nameplate fan cooled capacity, and no undervoltage conditions are indicated. CASE 4-A2001 ASHLAND SUBSTATION - FEEDER A2001 OUT-OF-SERVICE: System switching Close SW-1073 to feed A2001 from A2000. Results Feeder A2000 is loaded to 11.547 MW, just above the recommended 11 MW with load transfer during planned outages or emergency situations. Additionally, the 750 kcmil UG cable on A2001 between P7625 and E7551 is just above rated capacity and the Ashland Substation transformer is loaded to 97.4% of nameplate fan cooled capacity. No undervoltage conditions are indicated. CASE 4-A2002 ASHLAND SUBSTATION - FEEDER A2002 OUT-OF-SERVICE: System switching Close SW-1068 to feed A2002 from M3009. Results No additional overload or undervoltage conditions indicated. OAK KNOLL SUBSTATION Oak Knoll Substation has an auxiliary bus that can be used to serve multiple feeders from a single substation recloser. For any single feeder outage, load can be transferred through the auxiliary bus to another feeder with no significant overload or undervoltage conditions. The cases below demonstrate the distribution switching options available. 7-10 CASE 4-5R56 OAK KNOLL SUBSTATION - FEEDER SR56 OUT-OF-SERVICE: System switching Close SW-1039 to feed 5R56 from 5R70. Results No overload or undervoltage conditions indicated, however some of the main backbone conductor on the 5R70 (Hwy 66) feeder is heavily loaded (11.331 MW). CASE 4-SR70 OAK KNOLL SUBSTATION - FEEDER 5R70 OUT-OF-SERVICE: System switching Close SW-1039 to feed 5R70 from 5R56. Results No overload or undervoltage conditions indicated, however some of the main backbone conductor on the 5R56 (Hwy 99) feeder is heavily loaded (11.364 MW) and transformer T- 3234 is loaded to 101.9% of nameplate fan cooled capacity. CASE 4-SR93 OAK KNOLL SUBSTATION - FEEDER SR93 OUT-OF-SERVICE: System switching Close SW-1051 or SW-1052 to feed 5R93 from M3015. Results No overload or undervoltage conditions indicated. However, the Mountain Avenue substation transformer is at 94.9% of maximum force cooled capacity with this configuration. MOUNTAIN AVENUE SUBSTATION Mountain Avenue Substation has an auxiliary bus that can be used to serve multiple feeders from a single substation recloser. For any single feeder outage, load can be transferred through the auxiliary bus to another feeder with no significant overload or undervoltage conditions. The cases below demonstrate the distribution switching options available. CASE 4-M3006 MOUNTAIN AVE SUBSTATION - FEEDER M3006 OUT-OF- SERVICE: System switching Close the SW-1062 to feed M3006 from M3012. Results No additional overload or undervoltage conditions indicated. CASE 4-M3009 MOUNTAIN AVE SUBSTATION - FEEDER M3009 OUT-OF- SERVICE: System switching Close SW-1020 to feed M3009 from M3015. Results No additional overload or undervoltage conditions indicated. 7-11 CASE 4-M3012 MOUNTAIN AVE SUBSTATION - FEEDER M3012 OUT-OF- SERVICE: System switching Close SW-1062 to feed M3012 from M3006. Results No additional overload or undervoltage conditions indicated. CASE 4-M3015 MOUNTAIN AVE SUBSTATION - FEEDER M3015 OUT-OF- SERVICE: System switching Close SW-1051 to feed M3015 from 5R93. Results No additional overload or undervoltage conditions indicated. FEEDER OUTAGE CONCLUSION The results show that under modeled peak conditions, the city should be able to transfer all of the load from any one feeder to an adjacent feeder successfully. However, transferring Ashland Substation feeders A2000 and A2001 at peak load will become problematic if additional load growth occurs on either feeder. Preferred switching for the Oak Knoll Circuits can result in heavily loaded backbone conductors and transformers, this situation should also be monitored as load growth occurs. Many of the overload conditions noted so far are well within the winter ratings of conductors and transformers, but recent data shows the City's summer peak and winter peak can reach similar levels. As new load develops, the City will need to seek solutions to balance loads between feeders and potentially add more feeder circuits and transformation capacity to meet single contingency outage criteria. 7-12 W 0 U W N O N O m O O O m Q O w r, rn Ln to N Ln W Q1 Z Y et m a) Zt t~ 0 rn LL Q Q Q Ln O Q N Ln 00 lG l0 Q O O O IO LAJ u D Ln O w Q U Yt $k W Y Y N ~ C Q Y r N t0 w m m 0~1 O w O m G in ^ O O Q a M L o N dD M = N a 0 rn O m m a~ o u_ U O N y Y 4-LA J r` r w W CC r- Ln N N l0 d' Q1 00 d' L Z Y ~ QO) O iNy p tD rn ^ O O n rn N lzt F. O Q M Lr Lr N O ~ m ri l0 a H wa .1 H d co OA W O L M C LA O m GJ LA f6 m G W U a N cG 0 0 W m m lD 00 O1 r` w zt 3 Q w O O 0rn Ln Ln Zc v) ~ ,^r, ~ ^ rn z v v Ln lD rn LL 00 ~ m co oo ~t c~i O Q c0 I- ° f- a 1= c Lu z; (A O U 0) N E 3: r, cu "o -4 ~D Y N O rl M LO O 41 m N Ln Ql IA W Ln Ln m O q' 4 w lD m O C) C) M Ln -i r, Q. Q m U- iri r, % & 00 ff 11, ~ - ,6 N O J M N Y Y d L o O x m to > v C m Q a f0 m 0 - Ti ~ L 0 O l6 LA QN C Y C w c) N ir) o O ~--i N Y 3 O O rl ~-1 c tD 3G O M O 0 00 m u1 r m Q O O O O Q Q N (N Q O Lrcr- ) O~ Ln 8 2 2 2 2 0 a En 4 O O A a U M M M I rq Ll eq L L v O V ^ l0 N D7 7 Ol 00 00 w u, ni co io 't N ri a Y 4 w ° o o u ~ ~ a M-~ ui ~n N ti ~ a N vi ~ o f o N w ~ ~ G O U > .n w M 0 7 Q Y ° loo O ID N Vml N W O w a 3 Z Y N T O ° 7 l~ Ol O f~ O ~ a M N vl N N ~ a M ~y r-I Q F O V Q~ H w N w d ~ U O w N ~ ^ V1 ~ ~ `C rv o Ol M C z y U vi rn o ° L r; m o ^ m m a w ti N ~ r.i v m ~ 4 0~ vi N no W 6 V N ut O 3 0 d u~i ~.n o ~ 3 ^o a ^ ~ m ~ N w a W ~ m ao in Lrt LL ~ w rMi ~ vi N ~ ~O d` Q H v N c-I ~D a ~ o Lh w O U N J a y "-3 o a ^ o co °m o a a m z y v1Oi m c N 3 m ^ o o ^ m H Q O W E V1 111 N N N O r O M N N l0 V N OD w a O U C C w u o o ~ CY, o W ~ V N z y M ✓1 T O N ~ 3 M m O O ^ Q1 to ° a ~n vi N R r°- ti m a N E G a s" d h O T ~ C w ? M H n R I~ w g N m ~ O m 3 O V l0 Ol O ey h O1 oc~ Z- ai IL ~ a ~ vt to O~ ~ l0 a m N r-1 W V N ~ ~ V ut O w = N y W C N$ o ~ N ~ M ~ pNj ~ ~ ~ C z" ~n ~n 3 Mo o a ~ m ^ o o ^ m O w N N R O d N N LD 7 Y/1 N '-I lD N w 6 ~ ~ O ~n O U Q Y O ~ g$ ~ M N ~ vmt ~ ~ O W ~ C Z Y lD r. Q N O ° V lD O~ ^ O O 1~ 01 D a M N N ~ ~ a M N c-I tD a N Gam ~r~ ti 603 v° T o N a m M vt u1 N ~y tD V M .y .y - ~ o U L o Y ~ 3 C a. O .i C h L 6 o ~ o E `o t a a a O N 3 3 N S` a o m - vx ex vw vz a~+ a3 r em z 1 . APPENDIX A MAP OF RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS See Insert 1. A-1 APPENDIX B TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION DRAWINGS APPENDIX B TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION DRAWINGS B-1 a I~G w , t W Lo ? K t4 v3 & F K y W f~" V %7 W 3 F= { - ~R}~y. ~,t'7 i P. W ~ qq pp 11 ~ an T' (~y~ 3:: I tr yi T ''11 ~ f 1 1 41 t x z n ~ fi. _ ~ ro 2 I ~ nr'U3~1. ~ .r O_ Lil- 4-1 t I x ~ I N v kf~ 4~ t . 3 1 1 t ~ ~a u t r~ T S i ~ i5 x~ a e.• at i i F9---- j 7 E f I # t f S ~ t5 17 3 w4/ t a~ - - - - m ;h, fp 1-11 r y _ ( N CL U U i m GJ a - r L a I k V a , 1 f _ I Y # i.., „ ..EI .,.,.-c a _ • _ .z -i+-:. . r a~ _ 1 4 r~ r ,x 3 ray • ~ i ~ #T 11 .I x On CL N C > O •N Ln ro L O M r ~ Cl) L i It C O. O U .v d N ao 7 k i i i i { n9 J!fl 133W s311 .-ri. ar;J~ a. ~rrv..T . e- -K "1 ~ t ~(y r ( f 3 lFt;^ ~ W Os F 4! 4 n-r J1W E i W ~dW IF fa 1 w ! W ! W I t F I i 4 I I ! 1 1 ! i s i ~ 1 t ! ~ I ,t i ! E i I i ! 1 1 WC ~ ! 1 t r~ - _ ! 1 ! t ! E 1 1 I 1 1 I ! ! I L------------'----------------- f ! I I 1 I 1 I ~ I I ~ I i I f i C ! k 1 O lO 1 1 I - 1 i a I ~ i I cn r ( i ~ t E I i F 1 ~ I ~ f E 1 ~ I.L I 1 ~ I i ~ ( I 1 1 F ! ! I ~ 1 ( 1 t 1 ! t 0 k 1 i ! 1 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 i t ! i I t 1 1 I i 1 ! t I 4 ( ! ( 1 F i ~ I t 1 I 1 i i { F ' 1 k I 1 1 1 1 f r t E I E ~ I 1 ( r I k ' F ( ~ i 1 L---------------------------------- S t 1 ~ ~ LL i n>~sa- r r M 3 w w 7 J~~ r I f~ 1 { rr I r j f I 1 j I I ! i I ! x 1 ~ w I I i I = t i { 1 ; 1 ; W j I { j r3 1 I I ~x i f j 1 ( l0 ' F F-T M I i I 1 j f ! ~ f 1 i O f i x I f I r T YI I z i Y i - j I fD F i O co L I i I 3 I I I ~ I { f 11 1 1 I i I I f 1 1 I 1 f I i I i I I I 1 I r I ! K i E I I f ~~fi g i 1 1 u''"k~t`,~ 1 I I 1 I 1 - 1 1 f ~ mL ~ I I ~r I r ~ - r I f { ~ i I r r i 1 ! e 1 1 _ I I i I 1 1 I 1 I i 1 I i i ! I 1 ~ { i j j W 4 APPENDIX C TRANSMISSION OUTAGE DATA APPENDIX C TRANSMISSION OUTAGE DATA PACIFICORP DATA Transmission Supply Outages: Based on history of transmission and distribution bus voltages recorded at Ashland Substation since mid-2003, transmission service to Ashland, Oak Knoll and Mountain Avenue substations is likely to have experienced an outage greater than 15 minutes at the following times; duration is approximate. 2002 1. Telemetered data history not available 2003 1. 5/17/2012 14:15Transmission outage for 15 to 30 minutes 2004 1. 3/30/04 10:15 Transmission outage for 45 to 60 minutes 2. 7/24/04 20:00 Transmission outage for 15 to 30 minutes. 3. 12/2/04 7:15 Transmission outage for 15 to 30 minutes. 2005 1. 5/27/05 19:30 Transmission outage for 15 to 30 minutes 2. 5/28/05 4:15 Transmission outage for 15 to 30 minutes 3. 5/28/05 6:00 Transmission outage for 60 to 75 minutes 4. 9/20/05 14:00 Transmission outage for 75 to 90 minutes 5. 10/2/05 11:30 Transmission outage for 45 to 60 minutes 2006 1. 11/23/06 7:15 Transmission outage 30 to 45 minutes 2007 2. 2/22/07 3:30 Transmission outage for 105 to 120 minutes. 3. 8/30/07 15:30 Transmission outage for 15 to 30 minutes. 4. 12/3/07 13:45 Transmission outage for 15 to 30 minutes. 2008 1. 1/4/08 5:30 Transmission outage for 15 to 30 minutes. 2009 No transmission outages over 15 minutes duration. C-1 2010 1. 5/2/10 12:45 Transmission outage for 105 to 120 minutes. 2011 1. 7/15/11 19:00 Transmission outage for 125 to 135 minutes 2. 7/31/11 16:15 Transmission outage for 105 to 120 minutes. 2012 1. 5/1712012 14:15 Transmission outage for 15 to 30 minutes 2013 1. 2/13/2013 11:45 Transmission outage for 45 to 60minutes. C-2 m ~ o U ~ am v c U o c ~ a o d a ~ O Q S FE 5 o a m F: c a a ~ v a_ m F- .C E c E O F9 r ~ oo'P o ra N F a v a d C O O N O° a L .Y r- M j V ,N N O T9 y~ ~ ~ ~ fA1 J ~ ti } 10 G m~ s N m a 2 3 a v C 5 z tea' £ k~ o c n c a co z y t d o r o v E O Vi y L N C C C Q a 1a ~ 5 C j'y P L Q a yc W m `o g L ao G l ,Y A 3 O o A' y~~~ a a' C er'i E Q r C_ 3 Q ~aU. c_ In O1 Z^ c.C'n~toao 19c?°' o W S A o in A c d a ac 2 ~r~ °Da ~ E L c 4 0 E cv.~ ~ a c c ra 91 m m ~ g m W lLU 6 6 J O C YV Tv F- m o o p a m o s V W U 'P Y. rn y O OW p v m mTa vNirn m a LL 0 o a v A o c~i ~O~ w~$ 100oc~ E ~S d m AODO a. F~F~ L1ppY ) d o 2 aQ Al s2 A~ z 00 a a a a a a d a a a a d a~ 7 A Al L L ~ ~ J J ~ ~ ~ ~ L r o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a A C C C C C C C C C C C C y~ 'd a 0! d .N .a .N .a d a a a O O O LL O O LL O O O O O O O LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL 01 N m V am O 00 u7 1n r- o. O co M SD "t m 'd- If7 Lo 47 7 Q' w 1!7 0+ m 1n r W) co N OD y y w co N ~r 00 00 a 00 O N ID 01 M M <t V ~ V'1 V7 •D rv r 00 o' U > > 7 > > a 7 Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y h ~[Y K1 47 h 1i ICY 47 4? h M7 4Z (t' N N H N H {Y N {y ~ v v v v v v v v v c v v C d c c c c c c c c c c c c 1 m m m m m m m m A m m 1a r A L L L L L L L L L L L L M a a a a a a~a a a a a r O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 EL Ll a L- EL EL tl tl C) 8 C tl L) tl tl tl G t' C UcS ~c3 ~8 ~c3 ~ c~L9 8 A L- cv u3~cS d o 0 0 o o o m ~ 6 c 1O c 10 c c 1O c c 1O c c c c 1O c 'O c c~ c~ IcI77_ C~ cZ ct c~ Nc2 Mm v a aa~ 2 -IM o d o a d o a, u~ o a a a Q a ° a a ° a C m -2 -1 m c~ 0 1n °O N o °O O •C 4 7 O O O O O IV O O O 6a ~ L p O O Vm'i O N O N ON L2 O f`M'} I!1 Q d 17 O O N L5 N - Ci CV D U+ C N N ~ N ',p o M 0 n 1n o o rv O a o o 0 0 0 o a o O O N O O N N O N O N p O 4 a N ti [`F+ N p C a, N N N ti m r ',D N 00 47 m r I!'i O 1!] 7 1n O O M N N 1n V M 1A Q G o 6 rrv v r o u7 0_ U 04 w IN ,t d Ae O O O O O O O O O o 0 O d A i N N rN~ N N N N O N N N 04 N r'- lC 0 `D N CV N N N CO T N a o APPENDIX D EASYPOWER MODEL APPENDIX D EASYPOWER ONE-LINE DIAGRAM See Insert 2. D-I APPENDIX E BPA & PACIFICORP CORRESPONDENCE APPENDIX E BPA & PACIFICORP CORRESPONDENCE BPA RESPONSE TO DATA REQUEST Information Requested • A brief description and history of the BPA `Utility Delivery Charge' rates and schedules for BPA points-of-delivery from BPA owned facilities, including present charges and expected rates in future years. The Utility Delivery Charge (UDC) was instituted in 1996 and was put in place to recover the costs of awning/operating/maintaining low-voltage facilities. The UDC is a rate for the delivery of power to utility customers over the utility delivery segment, which includes substations and other transmission facilities that deliver power at voltages below 34.5 kV. As a result of the 1996 Rate case, BPA adopted a policy that gives customers the right to buy or lease, and commits BPA to sell or lease, BPA's Delivery Facilities and thus, eliminates the UDC. Settlement of the last three transmission rate cases resulted in a utility delivery charge that did not fully recover the costs of the segment. Effective 10/1/2013, the UDC increased by 25 percent for the FY 2014-2015 from $1.119 per kilowatt per month to $1.399 per kilowatt per month. For the current rate period, a full recovery of the UDC rate would have meant a rate of $2.577 per kilowatt per month (approximately a 130 % rate increase from the $1.119 per kilowatt per month). BPA currently allocates the utility delivery costs that are not recovered through the utility delivery charge to all other segements based on net plant inverstement. Although future rate case discussions have not commenced, the current UDC rate is expected to increase every rate case until BPA achieves full cost recovery. Effective 10/1/2013, the Network Integration (NT) rate increased from 1.298 per kilowatt per month to $1.741 per kilowatt per month. Preliminary estimates discussed in the Initial Program Review in January 2014 indicated an increase of 10.3 percent in transmission rates for the next rate period. BPA will continue to include facilities at voltages of 34.5 kilovolt and above in the Network Integration rate for the FY 2014-2015 (BPA divides its transmission system into seven segments. The costs of each segment are charged to the customers that use the facilities in that segment.). Some rate case parties argued that transmission facilities between 34.5 kV and 115 kV do not serve system wide functions and should not be included in the network segment or as part of the NT rate. BPA will soon be holding a regional discussion concerning segmentation. E-1 A brief description and history of the GTA agreement between BPA and PacifiCorp regarding `Utility Delivery Charge' rates and schedules for BPA points-of-delivery out of PacifiCorp-owned substations, including present charges and expected rates in future years. BPA's Power Services organization (BPAP) contracts for long term firm transmission capacity from PacifiCorp via a General Transfer Agreement (GTA). This GTA, which was established prior to the development of PacifiCorp's Open Access Transmission Tariff (GATT), provides capacity from points of interconnection between BPA and PacifiCorp to various customers' points of delivery (PODS), including Ashland's three PODS. For Mountain Avenue Substation, where BPAT owns the low voltage delivery facilities, the GTA provides for delivery to the point of interconnection between EPA's facilities at Mountain Avenue Substation and PacifiCorp's facilities. The GTA Delivery Charge is a charge designed to recover the cost of low voltage transfer service, such as the service provided by PacifiCorp to Ashland's Ashland POD, and Ashland's Oak Knoll POD. BPAP pays PacifiCorp under the GTA for use of the specific facilities needed to transmit power from the federal transmission system to each POD, and incurs additional cost when acquiring service over low voltage transformation and facilities. In order to recover these costs BPAP assesses customers the GTA Delivery Charge for deliveries to any PODS where BPA acquires non-federal low voltage transmission service. The GTA Delivery Charge recovers these costs using a single rate, rather than direct assignment costs to a customer for deliveries to that customer. This treatment is limited to current PODS, with BPAP requiring that customers desiring new low voltage transfer PODS be directly assigned the costs of low voltage transfer service. The GTA delivery charge may be viewed as Power Services' version of BPAT's Utility Delivery Charge. The rates are different since the BPAP charge seeks to recover the costs to BPAP of acquiring low voltage transfer service. • Present one-line diagram for the BPA Mountain Avenue Substation. See Appendix B E-2 • Annual Mountain Avenue Substation peak demand load (kW) for the transformer serving the City of Ashland for the period of 2002 through 2013. Energy Demand by Year and Overall Annual Annual Avg Peak Peak Power Load Year Avg kW kVAr kW kVAr Sum kW Sum kVAr Intervals Factor Factor 2002 7579 820 14725 3725 66388025 7181725 8223 99.42 54.83 2003 8027 335 13650 3225 70511200 2944900 8783 99.91 58.81 2004 8465 423 17000 4125 74157725 3705950 8759 99.88 49.8 2005 6400 1421 12125 4300 56065925 12446925 $693 97.62 53.19 2006 6170 1256 12075 4675 54047925 11003100 8629 97.99 51.87 2007 5360 677 12050 3900 55709525 5929025 8756 99.44 52.8 2008 6547 464 12300 3550 57512950 4078800 8782 99.75 53.24 2009 6849 437 16375 2800 58022825 3826775 8400 99.78 42,18 2010 7851 873 14250 4375 68777125 7647375 8759 99.39 55.1 2011 7579 820 14725 3725 66388025 7181725 8223 99.42 54.83 2012 8027 335 13650 3225 70511200 2944900 8783 99.91 58.81 2013 8465 423 17000 4125 74157725 3705950 8759 99.88 49.8 very (Avg) 7360 690 14160 3813 64354181 6049929 8629 99.37 52,94 • Available outage records identifying number of events and durations for the Mountain Avenue Substation serving the City of Ashland for the period of 2002 through 2013. Attached file contains all of the recorded automatic outages that BPA has in its database for Mountain Avenue substation, going back to 1/1/2002. Since this is a transferor-served point of delivery, it may not necessarily be a complete listing of outage events because BPA dispatchers sometimes do not receive complete reports of outages. • Description of emergency plan and duration required to place a mobile transformer in service at Mountain Avenue Substation should such a situation arise. If we have a transformer failure at Mountain Avenue Substation, the initial action taken would be to transfer load to PacifiCorp's Ashland and Oak Knoll substations. Currently, the BPA mobile spare transformer that could be assigned to Mountain Avenue Substation is located at the Alvey Substation in Eugene, OR. If the mobile transformer in Alvey were deployed elsewhere on the BPA system, then the second option would be a mobile transformer located at the Ross Complex in Vancouver, WA. Restoration and installation time will vary due to site conditions, distance, weather, and crew availability. For Mountain Avenue Substation, our substation maintenance staff estimates that it may take as much as 48 hours to ready, deliver, install and energize the mobile transformer once notice is received. We have not explored the possible use of a PacifiCorp spare transformer that may be situated closer to Ashland. • In the event of a major outage with loss of transmission facilities please identify the sequence of planned events leading to restoration for the City of Ashland point-of- delivery. E-3 If there is a major outage due to a loss of transmission facilities, the BPA dispatcher is normally apprised of it by PacifiCorp or the City of Ashland. Often, a customer experiencing a loss of power will call BPA and the BPA dispatcher will contact the transferor and obtain restoration time projection and other information. We encourage the customer to call BPA because we have good working relationships with the major utilities and the calls are recorded so everyone understands roles and responsibilities. Additionally, the interruption may be caused by our equipment and, if so, we can get our crew ready as soon as needed. • Please identify any known BPA major facility or system modifications planned for Mountain Avenue Substation. There are no major modifications planned for Mountain Avenue Substation at this time. • Please describe any planned load shedding schemes, if such sequences exist for this facility. The City of Ashland is in PacifiCorp's Balancing Authority Area. As the Balancing Authority Area operator, PacifiCorp is responsible for the development and implementation of load shedding schemes involving the Ashland's loads. BPA is not aware of any PacifiCorp load shedding scheme for the Ashland area. • Mountain Avenue Substation transformer Bank #1 typical delivery voltage range. Does the delivery voltage vary between summer and winter, and if so what percentage? Attached is the transformer loading guide for Mountain Avenue Substation bank T-1573. The high side tap is nominally at 115 kV. BPA does not change taps between summer and winter. BPA doesn't keep voltage charts for T-1573. • Mountain Avenue Substation transformer Bank #1 tap range/setting, and impedance, if different from 2002. No change from 2002. • Mountain Avenue Substation transformer Bank #1 winter planning rating, if different from 2002. No change from 2002. • Mou Avenue Substation primary relay protection, BE1-51 phase and neutral settings n 3C ,jiff different from 2002. E-4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (BPA) BPA FORECAST City of Ashland City of Ashland Total Retail Load Forecast Total Retail Load Forecast Energy Customer System Peak and Load Factor FY2014-1034 FY2014-2034 Fiscal Fiscal Year MWh aMW Growth Year MW LF Growth 2008 185,565 21.13 - 2008 39.2 54% - 2009 177,661 20,28 -4.0% 2009 40,4 50% 2.9% 2010 172,043 19.64 -3.2% 2010 40.2 49% -0.4% 2011 172,153 19.65 0.1% 2011 36.0 55% -103% 2012 178,255 20,29 3.3% 2012 37.3 54 /0 3.4% 2013 179,366 20,48 M% 2013 40.2 5111/0 7.8% 2014 179,909 20.54 0.3% 2014 37.2 55% -7.4% 2015 180,788 20.64 0.5% 2015 37.4 55% 0.5% 2016 182,128 20.73 0.5% 2016 37.6 55% M% 2017 182,558 20.84 0.5% 2017 37.8 55% 0.5% 2018 183,450 20.94 0.5% 2018 37.9 55% 0.5% 2019 184,346 21.04 0.5% 2019 38.1 55% 0.5% 2020 185,713 21.14 0.5% 2020 38.3 55% 0.5% 2021 186,152 21.25 0.5% 2021 38.5 55% 0.5% 2022 187,062 21.35 0.5% 2022 38.7 55% 0.5% 2023 187,976 21.46 0.5% 2023 38.9 55% 0.5% 2024 189,371 21.56 0.5% 2024 39.1 55% 0.5% 2025 189,818 21.67 0.5% 2025 39.3 55% 0.5% 2026 190,747 21.77 0.5% 2026 39.5 55% 0.5% 2027 191,679 21.88 0.5% 2027 39.7 55% 0.5% 2028 193,102 21.98 0.5% 2028 39.9 55% 0.5% 2029 193,559 22.10 0.5% 2029 40.1 55% 0.5% 2030 194,506 22.20 0.5% 2030 40.3 55% 0.5% 2031 195,457 22.31 0.5% 2031 40.5 55% 0.5% 2032 196,909 22.42 0.5% 2032 40.7 55% 0.5% 2033 197,374 22.53 0.5% 2033 40.9 55% 0.5% 2034 198,340 22.64 045% 2034 41.1 55% 0.5% AAGR 5 Year (2014- AAGR 5 Year 2014-2019 0.50/0 2019 0.5'IUl0 AAGR 10 Year (2014- AAGR 10 Year 2014-2024 0.50/0 2024 0.5010 AAGR 20 Year (2014- AAGR 20 Year 201.4-2034 0.5010 2034 0.5010 AAGR: Average Annual Growth Rate Forecasts include losses E-5 PACIFICORP RESPONSE TO DATA REQUEST TECHNICAL_ MEMORANDUM City of Ashland Electric System Planning Study PadfiCorp Information Request M Monty Mendenhall/ PadflCorp Regional Community Manager ,krry Wit.kowski/ CVO Bectri cal 31stems FRM Michael AntGnishenf CVO Bectried stems C Warren DiN'.apolit Ashland Eectric Department *stem Manager January 6, X114 DUE Asmentioned in our recent conversa ion, CVO BedTical Systems is preparing an Bectric Sfsten Study for the Casty of Ashland. The study will indudean overview of thetransmissirn and substation points-d-delivery that servethe City. if Plif€Corp amid assist usby providing the information requested below it would bectrmily appreciated . tf thereare different P'aacifCorp contacts to whore we should besubmitting this request, or if any of the information requests below are not dew, please let us know _ Information aMuested • Paciti Corp Medford Region construction activities since that imp ed the facilities 3er.;ng "'e City of Ashland. -3G-115 kV transformers at C cr2 Substation in place I 'y Station with 115 kV circa, t ersand ring busin orme' tap with motorized disconnect i "del 115 kV Line 74 at Voorhies Grossing top" . 7'-fn e 115 kV p i Ashland, Mountain Avenue and Oak K ;;i I ed 115 kV circarit breaker at Ashland Baia atior ' "carry Voorhies I t sn onprot ivered aF ~d,(--,rprx` ,Fine Sut 3 c rdinatewith new t i ~~e -a &k y :),uifchire on a;J " I . 'age ntrotl sc two 23&115 kV transformer I tap Chang Lone neSu ation to improve 115 kV bus voltage regulation- • Pacifi Corp Medford Region planned activities added since 2092 that have yet to take place that will impact thefacilities serving the City of Ashland. =ea'e%G10. 11Ysr , L LC a f crg 012M E-6 Add, 1~ kV circuit breaker at Oak Knoll Sibst ion on 115 kV supply from l -,;°y w tchi ng -Station via Oak Knoll Tap. • Padf Corp load forecast for the next 10 years or longer for theAsh] and area and a brief descri ption of the basis for the forecast radhodology. A AAl bW) S,J;;U4TICIN 2014 Y015 x016 2Q17 ` w 2016 `3919 2030 30x1 F 122 2025 hN1 "VI R"i Rdw' IM0 IFMI "T FI "'di RId Rdr;' .,TV.,.;1 31 R-0': R RddRF IMYPR WORT 1 P :4x1 R41W HOF- 4 r "r r4MI tx 61 1967 1847 r'14 144' 1481 'M)I Mfit 4fl JA4 14)7 f 1 I F F IC 11,111 811'1 14M MW 1.1411 FM 1432 101: ?rIi$ fA OAM,KN13LLSUb'5 .e7t1111t1 IHArJS-r-IVLkK •:T,4 ,r.5 ti ,-.f~ni .wv 2014 xDis 891e 2017 z, 2Di6 Z9t9 2U2D xBY1 2023 2923 Vd ddhl ht~ 1"'n' R4N1 IhT-r1 "'r1 Rdx' IM•VI "A R4: W1 INiA6" ?vnll R/~WYF;` IM/Af' ;Tvnl1 l :W71 Ir4++Ar' FTv;ni AI-ft 10" H44 15`44 1r 44 "AA ~i 10RfI H I; 11 1 IICc1 ILfs 11.59 :1 11'R 11.36 71.53 120.Q 1235 1:,_,1 12.5:? ^A4 1C 1:'1( I . L gSTA-1 H -I :.H F IQ11;R T-%,SR ~ut~ r~trv. •~xr.G'-iYs. 1117 1111: llrlli Anr 11171 -!111:1 --111'1!! i1V11 'lIG~ 1111:1 ..6 ~l U4., Intu'1 nTlJ ~'H! Unw,__ Iniu1 nTJ1 ul R .11-:t1 IN'_'A:I 94VAF: it•}JARI P wa TQAF;: IM I ,t, 31 RIVA rJ NTi-I AJ It-WA `•TAl "_'41 +IJ It "1141 5 1: F.1" 9.1) r 11 4 1: i.1 9,?a 14.22 _31 1DIU 43' P. 93311 ;34 931 Phi 9:93 1031 `•5 1i.3 seur i n in 5' Js, F fr-r - irk i Hof recant sto :I re - Pers'T)d it -z % n 9s cr!rr~1 : - . e .ow =tern! I rl 1 i orp e s.Il cu?A,ae, a meaty a Ash;.ia,~: ~ut-. ,ers,. • Annual substation summer and winter peak dernand.I'oads(kW)for transformers that servetheCity of Ashland for periordsof 2902through 2011 hefollowing loading s rrb entsthetotal of PacifiCorp and City of AsNand 1.17 o'n loaats: n A i LA N D 9J BSrA Tl 2004 F 11311 A U ' `JC 2004 20M FE13 -,V . 2005 AL i . 2006 J6, N 7--C . `:°003 JJL -XO EYS~ 5`rsrrWLX Nm2cF9 ITrM14 E-7 • MAR )7 JJ L J NOW SEp DEC ~Dog UL s 20 r 71 - , vtM f r `i 1L -2 AU€= =-'3 Y-kN • :I ~LJL -.`.t #J2 Ste. t?- NA FEB • UG E- ;?,p, 7 - J, i- • ' DES 2011 i t 7 • 2C1I A.UG X" DEC 175 ® X12 » U S X 3 ,.w N • LV 1' SJ L OAK KMA- 7 a138 &56 A=FB i F -,U- DEC 6 of S 11480 E-8 • 2(W FEB 3120 N 748} • " ( DEC 77,95 JJL 8897 r DEC T W 7344 DEC 7',13 AU' 11 DEC 7323 . JuQ AUG 4 . V3 AN 8421 . 2013 JJ L • Outage records identifying number of everts and durati'onsfor substations that serve the City of Ashland for periods of 2€1(12 through 2M3. 0 JL-' , i I Based tt,, " , yes: history o; tr :nsmi ssion and tl busvoltages record ad .1 ' r ind on,incemid t . _ si in tervicsetoAstl d, ak - if and '.I- v Ave€ue~it P ..s, i;sl , "~iy to haveexperienced outage, .Q, . T i Aesat th i times; duration is approximate. Teie eleed data history not available c = 5117"Y112 -14"15 ran ism i ''to 30 minutes fl4' 1' TrasmjSajnr } S' 271 { 193€3 Trwsmi i on = 15 to 3€1 a dt 51 2El D54 '5 Tran r _ 15to 30 i n ates "g1 'rate r ~ srr r - 6r7' 7 : Tr .:f for 45to60 ..rtes * t r i ige-0 to 45 minutes c X17 21 MI 7 1=-Nit age for 10to 120 minutes, . rT ~5:";Q -ran s r; outage for 15 to 32 inutm . 121 2~ 077 3 Ti-a sn; n it e for 15 to W minut . 114108 5.30 Transn r t rt efor 15 to 30 minut f No transmission c T 15minute5duration_ 10 5 71 10,12:45 Tr s n outage for 105 to 120 minutes. ~X11 eaxaa.~++.~ruc ass rsrd~na E-9 = 71 1 1 i a < Transmission outagef I to 135minutes - v r 11 i6.15Transmission i tagefor 105to IMminutes_ x)12 - 5t 171 '101214:15Tran iiAoi outagefor15to 3O mi;iu 13 2f IS 2013 11 45Transmission outage for 45 to 60 • Plan of events and duration required to placea mobile transformer n serviceat each summation should such astu,ation arise v If a r )bile transformer islocated in Medford and not already in use, it may be p e `eunit in serv°icewl:hi 3pn"^ irna~ely x hoursor less. A u, of ! :-3 may typically ' yiired !f a mi letr sforrner roust be tra rtff ~oxd from ano -r - * aorp servi area in Oregon.. • Intheeventofamajorv -tagewithlossoftrarsrrissicxifacilities~pl eidentifythe sequenceof planned eventsleeding to restoration for the City of Ashland pointsof- d3etivery_ Ir, C ,,i'J z rr hasbeen nerr.,^lly sif-" d the of s;, r. 'p intsof divery om Lone Mm- sb ' J0 ~ i' tg art t Ts nt s': i a aria sion, e ent darn c. i p= K, ,rhml rer t4y'<i providea :op 2S- i viaC 91 r _ jh Oak n r 1 3 paw cafe to ..,a: k'th d par e ' umLone Pin -ass con a _i5a '-:i__,I ;J onto Vc r _ri_ _i nd'Tallent.-Substation. • Please identify any known PaafiCorp major facility or system modifications that have tauten place since 2002 and any planned futuremodifications and timing for either of these substation facilities or their transmission saviom a Fang bi -r~te115 k Vbred ,rs as been built at Baldy g `a lion. Tran~a - : ae A,, i rote ng each of thetl e tr y - i tc n .a. i. linefi am Ash land Siation to Bel i--i aap ! recondu ored, converted to 1' i ,1 cor . F Line 74 atVoorhiesCrossing- - . rovement pre . y a capacity pcd a Ashl and Sib i viciTa lent sl _ 1 e I f r, ~ -a-- ' sicnswitche switcheiesCrossing to supply 115 kV linetcr - _ _ v rT ;p 7 i bst ation& Cons: i t:a, aj:t beta ,Ashl. Or the -rni-t- As -i_ T 1 .ip relaying Na been to the ne. _ m Ashlar -9, -o 'i:- b n . 4ic e_ - ig i4 S Road ' -%Nand ibsia# ~d 1 ;e Lone Rne-ilk 3- avide :-r trip rdim. .r ' i amity itching Seal i Relaying, a teca xi.s R%ESCF9 CIis E-10 o ie ,mil transrnix relaying at Cop %b ation Line 19 to provide -fr t°ip om : r with 5~d y '-is it:f,ing Station Relaying and future z I b r. S. 0_ l voltage c or -xs two '-°x-115 kV trap orm:ers at Lorne Rne - a non to pr. v : ?e , rr-ved regul ion of the normal 115 kV pply to sr ski rrzs =n t ~ )f Ashland- 0 I A 14, l ~ b c ruj:t rrreacer will be c strudad at Oak Knoll Sjbst iore on the a~etcNaif CA i~ nctlTap- Transfer trip r WingwiII installed to word :r ty N th relaying at Baldy witching Station and Copcra2 b ation_ • Rawdewnbeany planned load shedding schemes, if such sequences ed st, for each faci lity- u amt Knoll feeder 51-155 is part of the underfrequency load shedding program Yo, wout ~'r p if the electric system frequency A ere to slow. Slowing of power sfsz~~ f=- - isarareeaent affecting let ~'re r and ail utilities are req,;i r ed r ed i portion of load to protect le a, _ 4 system frorn tt kout. SaedficAMIMd 9jbstat-im nidijR mues • Re eprovidethepresentone-IinediagramfortfreAsrlsndSu atonfacilities- l 1es provided. • Transformer Berk #2 ty pical' del i very voltage rang& Does the delivery voltage vary between summer and winter, and if sowhat per=tage'? The regulator it 't!ar- sfrmerbark esdto ms-'' n Y!",nc load- Load dr co-,- -i asset to produce 12940' 16 MIN, and t j ce 1- ' # vk!-me° n e* of 14 VI. L i,! n-ii ion is irate- t - ;a ' - t,- - aj p in the c, d 'tee--T co nd `:)r to rnprc e . - I t- tourers. The-;I o e toles-noesofthev_,ta. r rna; .,_aseadist;i .tovary mewhat from the in r et" Transformer Bank #2 tap rangei setting, and impedance, i ° Afferent from 201121 Nod l 5i ~ 3 ~t ,g `1 V;lt load tap change -3+1-10%jmpedance9.T7% • Transformer ' x k 412winter planning rating if different f-non 2DO2 e4w ir,terplanning guideline rating fortransformer bank 42 (T-3499)is26,9 NV* A • Primary relay protection, BEI-51 phase settings, if d;iffere7t trorn 20W- Pleaseconfirm CT tops at 4(YT and that no neutral protection a xist& c tingsfil'e'AshlandT-3499,'~IR154.pdf' provided. • Capacitor Bank, var control type automatic or manual, number of stepsb if different from 2002 c C forb k -365is3.6MVAr 12- k' inasin l -tep. Thecontroiller ,3;.t re ire r sing type capable of automatic or i n , 3ration. • Voltage RaguIaicr Bank, settings and type of control ter, if di it our 2002 l L.a'controttcr: oltargetype e 3 u C 6rF9 D%mm E-11 E t, )dpoint: 121-5V, secondary Re- ar,!width: 2 V, secondary W -E`; : 'R compernsation:4 V, s =dary Rt- I -or Xcompensation: 0 V, secondary c, F2r-- arrrenttransformer psrimarrywinding.:1000Amps Regulator voltage transformer ratio: 7 :120, connected line to neutral S~cxandary breaker (5fR241) CO rd ay protection, phase and neutral' setfi ngs. Please confirm CT taps at 20UTand provide the redosi ng relay sequence. u Settingsflle'Ashiand 513241.pdf° provided.. Specific Oak Knoll 9abstafion Data fRacruest • Rease provide the present one-line di agramfor the Oak Knoll 9ibstationfacplitiem File provided. • Transformer Bank #1 anti 42 typical delivery voltage range. Does the delivery voltage vary between simmer and winter, and if so what percentage? 1 The load tap changer on transforms tank #1 (T-3234) i-- set en rr4rain 125 F}7 with no load. Load drop compensation isset to produce 4iN at awinter peak of 14.6 W, an Al + oduce 12730 V at a summer of ? E V . The performance toleran rs of the load tap +dlanger mav ca. r e e t u, voltagetovary i om theinte red settings. The regulator (R t.z e m sforrser -r E k ir- (T-38,.56) - -et to main' L "I V with no load. Load dr_ipi can .s ~42# to prods 12780 V a' a A T peak of 8.4 W, andp}re-ua 12 '1 3asummer - . i +?%i W, The performance tolerancesof tI cevoi: ;t_,! 3guIdorntay edistribution voltagetovary someouhot from theintEndad settinc. - • Transformer yak #1 and #2tap r gef sating, and irnped'ance t j Ierent from 20172. - _)r-,-er bank #i 7- 3d nor-oad tap tcnc: p -canes impedancegon ateof 12 6 Tra rmer bank #2T-3856na-Ioad tap setting 116D t; fi is changer rar,v+1 -10%; impedance9.11~ on hase of 15Ikvat. • Transformer Bank #1 and #2winter planning ratings, if different from 2i32. c- Transformer bank #€1 T-3234winter guideiinerating 24MVA Transformer bank T- winter guideline rating 33 MVA • Weassurnethe normal configuration consists of breakers SR56 and 5R65 served from bank #1, and bre ers5lUr0 and 5193 served farm bank 92 Is this a umption correct? ti Transformer bank #t normally supplies feeders 5R55 and 5R56- Transformer bank #2 normally supplies feeders 5R70 and SRS3, • eassume that although it is possible to tie bank #1 and bank #2 together they are not normally paralleled and when paralleled it is only for short durabons Aresthese assumptions correct? o Correct, thetraalormersarer t - °°de d during norm o eratio n- • Transformer Bank #t-primary relay plat • : co, BEl-51 phase and neutral settings if different from 2D(P Please confirm CTtai.- at 20T and 24CIT, respedively_ ('M3 4.. ,LLC F 7ar9 CBLZn4 E-12 c Settings file"Oak Knoll T-3234, 2RM,pdr provided. • Capacitor Bank, var control type automatic or manual, number of steps. It appears that the capacitor bank is normally only conri acted to bypass bus Please confirm if this assumption is csorred? _ Capacitor bank -242 is connected to the secondary of transformer bank #1 T- 3234; rated 2.4 MVAr in asingleep. TheoDntroll'er isare ivev sing typeoapableof automaticor manual operation.. • Transformer bask #t1 LTC regulation settings and type of control ter if different from c Load Tap Changer (LTC) controll : Voltage type LTC sttm int- 121 Vii', secondary LTC l dwijth-, ZV,se €ndary e LTC R coma nsation:3V, secondary c• LTC X owipen tion:OV, secondary LTC current transformer primary winding: 10MAmps o LTC voltage transformer ratio- T,12111-120, connected lineto neutral • Secondary breaker (SR-%) CO relay protection, phase and neutral setfingsif different from 2[1102. Please confirm CT taps at OBT and provide therezdosing relay sequ ce- o tincgsfile"Oak Knoll 5R56.pdf' provided.. • Transformer Bank 42- primary relay protection, BE1-51 phase and neutral settingsif different from 2MZ Please confirm CTtaps A 6Ur and 2440T, respectively. c Settiongs.file' Oak, Kno l T- 5, 2R274.pdf' provided- • VoltageR~ (j i t:; 1).x k,42settingsand typeof controller if different from 2 i u + ;r,r '--j -,,w ` d ne r gin- 3 , s ry x sk r. ir;l R c tr'i' ,r Ormerprir try winding. 1-2M Amps , . 1~ ~kxi ,ran ormer ratio. 720GA20, connected lineto neutrA • Secondary Baker (5fR70) CO relay protection, phase and neutral settings if different from 2002. Please confirm CT tapsat 8INand pronvidethereclosing relay sequence c tic'ngsfile`C€ak Knoll 5R73.pdf° provided , • Secondary breaker (5Fdp relay protection, phaseand neutral settings if different from 2002- PI'sage confirm CT taps at 12flT and provide therecloiing relay sequence c tingsfile'Oak Knoll -93.pdf' provided. The precious City ofA shfand Paafi Corp data request and the i nformaation provided by PadfiCorp for the City's electricsy stern planning study prepared in 2.IOLi is atlached for reference- If you fed there is any specific information that we haraenegiected to request that would be helpful with the preparation of the C ity selectric system study please let us know _ We appreciate your assistance with the gathering of this info3rmation. R edon't hesitate to caft us with any related questions you or staff might have. You can ctmtaact us as noYte d belo - c V05 9°tRMsMTBjR aeF9 M E-13 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (PACIFICORP) EMAIL 2/27/2014 From: Fortner, Glen [mailto: Glen. Fortner@pacificorp.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 8:04 AM To: Michael Antonishen Cc: Raypush Dombrowsky, Laura Subject: FW: Follow up questions An alternate sequence for item 4:- A permanent fault on the 5.4 mile transmission line between the Ashland 115 kV breaker and the 2014 breaker coming at Oak Knoll would interrupt supply to Ashland, BPA Mountain Avenue and Oak Knoll substations; dispatch would remotely open isolation switches at Oak Knoll and Ashland substations to separate station bus from Line 82; dispatch would then remotely close the Ashland and Oak Knoll 115 kV breakers to restore power to Ashland and Oak Knoll; local line crews would typically identify the faulted line segment and open manually operated line switches to isolate it; then dispatch would remotely close a substation switch at either Ashland or Oak Knoll to energize the unfaulted line segment to restore supply to BPA Mountain Avenue; all customers would be restored before line crews would begin repair work on the faulted line segment. From: Fortner, Glen Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 3:20 PM To: Raypush Dombrowsky, Laura Subject: RE: Follow up questions Responses are shown in red after the question. From: Michael Antonishen [maiIto: Michaei.Antonishen@cvoes.corn] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 1:37 PM To: Fortner, Glen; Raypush Dombrowsky, Laura Cc: 'Jerry Witkowski' Subject: Follow up questions Glen, Laura, Thank you both for taking the time to talk to me this week. I really appreciate it, but I do have a couple more questions that have arisen based on the information supplied. 1. With the improvements to the transmission system serving the City of Ashland, what does PacifiCorp use as the rated capacity of each source (listed below) for summer and winter conditions? (considering both breaker sizing and conductor capacity) a. Line 19 South 4 Baldy Switching 4 Line 74 4 Voorhies Crossing Line 3 ~ Talent & Ashland Substations NJosi 1in)'16ng conductor on path 1s summer rased 116 MVA conti11110us. E-14 b. Line 19 South 4 Baldy Switching 4 Line 19 4 Line 85 4 Oak Knoll Substation Most limiting conductor on path is summer rated 97 MVA conti11110us. c. Sage Road Jacksonville 4 Griffin Creek 4 Voorhies Crossing 4 Ashland transmission loop Most limiting conductor on path is sunimer° rated 101 VIVA continuous, d. Copco2 4 Baldy Switching 4 Ashland transmission loop Most lirriitin~l conductor on bath is summer rated 110 MVA continuous. 2. Under worst case summer loading, will any of these normal or alternate sources not be able to support current or future projected loads (including all PacifiCorp loads & substations connected as well)? Supl-~?y (c), an alternate transmission path xia Sege. Rd- Jacksonville-Griffin Ck.-Voorhies C. nLY-Ashland may have limited capability- to supply Ashland-Oak Knoll za summer peak due to other systL rn lord. 3. I noticed that there is a future connection at Ashland Substation, breaker 2R149. What is this for? Former supply to 1 l 5-69 kV transformer; ma% be used 101- I'utr11-e 115- 115 IN transformer. 4. I noticed that between switch 2R148/2R150 at Ashland Substation and switch 2R122 at Oak Knoll Substation, there are no protective devices capable of detecting and interrupting/isolating a fault (correct?). If a fault occurs on line 82 between Ashland and Oak Knoll Substation, how is it cleared (ideally) while maintaining service to all City of Ashland Substations? A permanent fault on the 5.4 mile transmission line between the Ashland 1 15 kV breaker and the 014 breaker conrino at Oak Knoll g$ o old irrterrrrpt supply to Ashtancl. BPA Mountain Avenue and (yak Knoll substations; local time crc"'s would tN;pI :ally Identify the faulted tine: sekinient and' opcir manually operated lira: snitches tt~ isolate it, then dispatch would remotely close the Ashland and Oak Knoll l 15 kV l1rezakers try restage power to all three stations. EMAIL 3/24/2014 From: Fortner, Glen [mailto:Glen.Fortner@pacificorp.com] Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 11:10 AM To: Michael.Antonishen@cvoes.com Cc: Raypush Dombrowsky, Laura; Frick, Larry Subject: FW: PacifiCorp response to data request from City of Ashland's consulting engineer Mike, .Here is the transformer information: T-3234: Westinghouse, 1967 T-3499: Westinghouse, 1974 T-3856: Magnetek, 1992 Glen Fortner PacifiCorp Area Planning (503) 813-6918 E-15 APPENDIX F POWER FLOW RESULTS APPENDIX F POWER FLOW SUMMARY RESULTS CASE 1A - BASE CASE PEAK LOAD Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total v1W" - MV,AR MVA PF Generation m System 57.262 4.916 57.473 0.99b Load in System 56,531 3.213 56.622 0.998 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.216 Losses in System 0.738 6.921 Check of Balance -0.008 -0.002 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 % Line Load From Bus To BUS Branch Rated Load Loaded', Overl_oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps 66-P4b00 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.0 4.1% -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.7 6.5% -93.5% 99-1`6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253.9 47.9% -52.1% 99-1`8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-1`8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 109.0 20.6% -79.4% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.6 9.7% -90.3% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 620.7 31.0% -69.0% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-1_A 2000.0 271.6 13.6% -86.4% IBUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_B 2000.0 93.3 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% B-1`3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.7 12.7% -873% B-1`8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.0% -90.0% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 _A 730.0 256.3 35.1% -64.9% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% I E NEVADA P5602 X-5 D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 4.2% -95.8% E1653 E 1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -989% F-1 Lima Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded',. OverLoaded%o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps i E1862 E1975 C-29 290.0 3.3 1.2% -98.81/0 E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.8 25.5% -74.5% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 86.8 29.9% -70,1% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.1 6.9% -93.1% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.8 13.0% -87.0% E2682 P2680 X-I8_A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.0% E2765 E2758 C-67 A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -1MMO E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.1 8.4% -91.6% E2929 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63 _E 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63 C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63 _D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.7 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1 -C 195.0 53.1 27.3% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4928 C-79 -B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3131 C-63B 290.0 39.3 13,1% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63_A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.2 17.0% -83.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 E4828 V2748 C-9 C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.7 9.9% -90.1% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 _A 530.0 160.2 30.2% -69.80/o E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.4 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7935 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 A 570,0 161.6 28.3% -71.7% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290,0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 144.8 29.6% -70.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.3 1.8% -98.2% F-2 Load Line From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.00/0 E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94.1% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.2 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5 C 490.0 167.1 34.1% -65.9% E7603 E8601 C-35_A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3_1) 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 C 490.0 227.7 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.4 2.3% -97:7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 35% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13_A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 El 825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -982% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.9 34.1% -65.9% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4%0 EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5_13 530.0 212.7 40.1% -59.9% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 295.5 55.8% -44.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5 A 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% 1 MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-I 17 230.0 61.7 26.8% -73.2% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 63.9 8.7% -91.3% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 57.4% -42.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% j MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-i_B 2000.0 46.2 2.3% -97.7% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% jBUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 455.2 22.8% -77.2% BUS j MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% ;BUS F-3 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loadedl,o Ovet-Loaded°o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.6 37.2% -62.81/. N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 46.2 9.4% -90.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% BUS OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 672.5 33.6% -66.4% P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.5 42.7% -57.3% P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P1176 E2153 C-7 -A 290.0 105.2 36.3% -63.7% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 42 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.8 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2679 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-PS526 X-178 530.0 125.2 23.6% -76.4% P1600 P1552 X49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.3 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 91 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 112 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 155.6 29.4% -70.6% P1803 E8534 C-76 _A 290.0 16.4 5.7% -94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100_A 340.0 72.0 21.2% -78.8% P2102 PI 176 X-96 340.0 105.2 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.1 5.6% -94.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3_C 340.0 117.8 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.0 17.9% -82.1% P2276 P1225 X-89 _A 730.0 22.0 10% -97.0% i P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% I P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 274.3 51.7% -48.3% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.90/0 P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.3 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2850 X-175 _A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -919% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 8.4% -91.6% P2550 P7500 X-4 -C 530.0 124.1 23.4% -76.6% P2550 E1328 C-6 _A 1900 .13.5 4.6% -95.4% P2624 P2550 X-4_A 530.0 137.5 25.9% -74.1% F-4 Line Load From Bus Co Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'o Overl-oadedo.o Comment Name Name Name Anrps Amps P2624 E3305 C-1 A 290.0 7.4 2.6% -97.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 177.2 33.4% -66.6% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9%m -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.3% -90.7% P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13 D 530.0 13.9 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 142 6.4% -93.6% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.2% -85.8% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -73.9% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.6 23.4% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.1 21.5% -78.5% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4%0 P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.4 32.0% -68.0% P3475 P2303 X-8 B 530.0 295.0 55.7% -44.3% -64.4 /o ~ P3603 P7625 X-4 E 730.0 260.1 35.6% o P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 169.6 23.2% -76.8% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.0 22.2% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0%a -100.0% i P3731 E3606 CA6 290.0 78.8 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.1 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.89,'o -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 226.6 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340.0 33.8 9.9% -90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 _A 530.0 197.7 37.3% -62.7% P4401 P1150 X-5 A 530.0 211.2 39.9% -60.1% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% F-5 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Leaded% Overloaded°o Comment Name Name Name Amps Aitips P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6_B 730.0 197.4 27.0% -73.0% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.5 8.0% -92.0% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.5 20.2% -79.8% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4700 P4750 X-12 _C 730.0 80.4 11.0% -89.0% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 78.8 10.8% -891% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% P4800 P3800 X-13_A 530.0 46.3 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.5 26.4% -73.6% j P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9 _B 570.0 82.6 14.5% -85.5% i P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.4 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% I P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 118.3 22.3% -77.7% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.4 23.5% -76.5% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.7 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3 _C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79_A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.8 16.0% -84.0% P4851 E3803 C4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.5 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12_B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% I P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 228.9 43.2% -56.8% P5127 P4126 X-17 _A 730.0 82.6 11.3% -88.7% i P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.0 13.8% -86.2% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.6 113% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 68.7 13.0% -87.0% 'P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.8 16.7% -83.3% F-6 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch RaW Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5602 E6603 X-5 C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/n P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.3 35.1% -64.9% P5652 P5551 X-7 -A 530.0 99.9 18.9% -81.1% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.1 8.8% -91.2% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.7 6.7% -93.3% I P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.6% -96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.4 7.5% -92.5% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.6 9.7% -90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0` 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.8 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.1 9.2% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 B 270.0 26.8 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12_D 530.0 161.6 30.5% -69.5% i P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.7 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9 _B 730.0 141.6 19.4% -80.6% i P7500 P5652 X-6 A 530.0 117.0 22.1% -77.9% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% I P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 12.9% -87.1% I P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.7 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.1 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 241.9 49.4% -50.6% I P7753 P6676 X-13 B 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.8% F-7 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loadedlo Overloaded°o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P78W P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 P7803 E7850 C4 -A 195.0 23.3 12.00/6 -88.00/0 P8101 P8163 X-69 _A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 P8125 P7151 X-1 1_A 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P8127 P2624 X-3_A 530.0 145.6 27.5% -72.5% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 _A 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% j P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.2% -94.8% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.4 23.3% -767% 1 P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C42_A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8°ro P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 333 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95A% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78.8% P9529 P9651 X-180 340.0 99.8 29.4% -70.6% P9575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.4 39.5% -60.5% P9575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.90% -98.20/. P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.80/. P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 212.9 29.2% -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 64.1 18.90/0 -81.1% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% `P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.7 16.8% -83.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8_C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83.3% PPL-POD A PPL-POD B BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3.8% -96.2% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16 _A 730.0 93.3 12.8% -87.2% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 20000 220.1 11.0% -89.0% F-8 Line Load Frnm Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°'o Overloaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps V2748 P4126 C-9 -A 490.0 82,6 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54 A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMANFDR WIGHTMANFDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -912% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 ° o - Transformer Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded". OverLoaded°,o Comment Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 905.1 73.3% -26.7%° BKR OK B2 REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 403.9 317% -673% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 74.6 74.3% -25.7% T-3234 (BANK # 1) PPL-POD _B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 75.6 75.3% -24.7% ~1 A` i,11 T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD_A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 43.4 34.6% -65.4% F-9 CASE 1B - BASE CASE LIGHT LOAD Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 14.621 0.547 14.631 0.999'i Load in System 14.575 2.408 14.773 0.987 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -1.830 Losses in System 0.045 -0.025 Check of Balance -0.000 -0.006 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 ° Line Load _ From Bus 1'o Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded*,. Overl,oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 1.6 0.9% -99.1% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 2.8 1.0% -99.0% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 3.0 1.7% -98.3% 99-1`6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 5.0 1.5% -98.5% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 53.9 10.2% -89.8% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 4.4 1.5% -98.5% I99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 23.1 4.4% -95.6% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 23.3 2.3% -97.7% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 139.1 7.0% -93.0% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-l A 2000.0 60.5 3.0% -97.0% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5 B 2000.0 11.1 0.6% -99.4% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 7.5 2.2% -97.8% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 6.4 2.8% -97.2% B-1`8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 3.5 1.5% -98.5% ~BUS-2 P8377 C-53A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 _A 730.0 67.5 9.3% -90.7% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 50.8 2.5% -97.5% E NEVADA P5602 X-5 _D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/. E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 1.4 1.0% -99.0% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 2.2 L1% -98.9% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 0.9 0.3% -99.7% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 24.0 8.3% -91.7% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 2.4 1.2% -98.8% E2682 E2604 C48 290.0 2.4 0.8% -99.2% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 2.0 1.5% -98.5% E2682 P2680 X-18 _A 120.0 1.1 0.9% -99.1% F-10 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded"o OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 A 290.0 2.3 0.8% -99.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/6 E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 5.2 2.2% -97.8% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 5.6 2.3% -97.7% E3136 E3157 C-63 -E 290.0 7.8 2.7% -97.3% E3136 E4831 C-63 C 290.0 3.0 1.0% -99.0% E3157 P3152 C-63_D 290.0 7.8 2.7% -97.3% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% E3606 E2682 C-1 _C 195.0 6.3 3.2% -96.9% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E4101 P4828 C-79 -B 145.0 2.8 2.0% -98.0% E4250 E3136 C-63 B 290.0 10.7 3.7% -96.3% E4306 E4250 C-63 A 290.0 11.1 3.8% -96.2% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 13.3 4.6% -95.4% E4828 V2748 C-9 -D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 E4828 V2748 C-9 C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 A 195.0 8.6 4.4% -95.6% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 6.1 2.5% -97.5% i E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 3.2 1.1 % -98.9% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 2.8 1.0% -99.0% E5829 P4827 X-12 _A 530.0 41.2 7.8% -92.2% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 1.9 0.6% -99.4% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 7.1 2.5% -97.5% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.2 0.1% -99.9% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 1.8 0.3% -99.7% I E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570.0 41.6 7.3% -92.7% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 4.5 1.5% -98.5% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 1.4 0.7% -993% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 36.9 7.5% -92.5% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 1.2 0.4% -99.6% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 2.0 0.7% -99.3% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 0.9 0.3% -99.7% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 11.4 3.9% -96.1% E7551 E7426 C-5 C 490.0 40.5 8.3% -91.7% E7603 E8601 C-35_A 290.0 2.1 03% -99.3% j E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% F-11 Line Load - - From Bus 1-0 Bus Branch Rated Load Loadedoo Overl-oaded% Comment ! Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 _D 195.0 2.2 1.2% -98.8% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C4 _C 490.0 51.7 10.6% -89A% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 1.9 1.0% -99.0% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 2.0 1.0% -99.0% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 5.7 2.0% -98.0% E8105 E8152 C-13 _A 290.0 1.1 0.4% -99.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 64.3 13.1% -86.9% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 5.5 2.5% -97.5% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 6.5 2.9% -97.1% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 3.4 1.2% -98.8% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 1.5 0.5% -99.5% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 4.1 0.6% -99.4% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 50.8 9.6% -90.4% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 4.1 1.5% -98.5% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5 _B 530.0 54.4 10.3% -89.7% HIGHWAY 99 FOR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 62.7 11.8% -88.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 54.4 23% -97.3% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5 A 2000.0 62.7 3.1% -96.9% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY4 2000.0 617 3.1% -96.9% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 11.6 4.0% -96.0% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 14.6 63% -93.7% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 15.0 2.1% -97.9% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 70.4 14.4% -85.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FOR BWY-1 2000.0 70.4 3.5% -96.5% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-I_B 2000.0 13.9 0.7% -99.3% TIE_A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 58.1 2.9% 97.1% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 58.1 2.9% -97.1% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FOR BWY-27 2000.0 37.5 1.9% -98.1% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 70.4 3.5% -965% BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 116.1 5.8% -94.2% BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FOR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 53.0 2.6% -97.4% !BUS N MAIN FOR P3603 X-111 730.0 60.5 8.3% -91.7% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 13.9 2.8% -97.2% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FOR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 50.8 2.5% -97.5% 'BUS 'OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 54.4 2.7% -97.3% BUS OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 176.0 8.8% -91.2% F-12 Lime Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoaded:b Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 57.4 10.8°,0 -89.2% P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 54.3 10.2°. o -89.8% P1176 E2153 C-7 A 290.0 29.2 10.1% -89.9% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 1.2 0.2% -99.8% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 12.0 2.3% -97.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 14.8 2.8% -97.2% P1327 P2326 X-45 530,0 8.0 1.5% -98.5% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 30.4 5.7% -94.3% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 26.5 5.0% -95.0% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 1.0 0.8% -99.2% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 15.8 4.7% -95.3% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 12.8 5.6% -94.4% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 2.6 1.3% -98.7% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 2.9 0.5% -99.5% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 44.7 8.4% -91.6% P1803 E8534 C-76 A 290.0 4.5 1.5% -98.5% P1854 P1700 X-100_A 340.0 19.9 5.9% -94.1% i P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 29.2 8.6% -91.4% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 19 1.6% -98.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 4.4 1.3% -98.7% P2250 P2102 X-3_C 340.0 32.7 9.6% -90.4% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 0.9 0.3% -9 P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 38.2 5.2% -94.8% P2276 P1225 X-89 A 730.0 6.2 0.8% -99.2% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 4.1 2.8% -97.2% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 58.3 11.0% -89.0% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.2 0.0% -100.00/0 P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 8.2 2.4% -97.6% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 29.1 5.5% -94,5% P2404 P2850 X-175 A 230.0 3.0 1.3% -98.7% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 3,2 1.8% -98.2% P2550 P7500 X-4 C 530.0 36.2 6.8% -93.2% P2550 E1328 C-6 A 290.0 3.6 1.2% -98.8% P2624 P2550 X4 A 530.0 39.8 7.5% -92.5% P2624 E3305 C-1 _A 290.0 2.0 0.7% -99.3% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 50.5 9.5% -90.5% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 0.4 0.2% -99.80/0 P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 26.6 5.0% -95.0% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 2.4 1.3% -98.7% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 0.3 0.3% -99.7% F-13 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loade&. OverLoaded°b Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 3.2 2.5% -97.5% P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.60/. P2825 P1801 X-13_D 530.0 3.6 0.7% -99.3% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 0.5 0.3% -99.7% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 3.9 1.8% -98.2% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 10.5 3.9% -96.1% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 7.8 2.7% -97.3% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 9.7 3.6% -96.4% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 24.4 7.2% -92.8% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 21.8 6.4% -93.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 152 4.5% -95.5% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 43.6 6.0% -94.0% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 6.0 1.8% -98.2% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 9.8 2.9% -97.1% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 1.6 0.9% -99.1% I P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 35.9 6.8% -93.2% P3475 P2303 X-8_B 530.0 62.7 11.8% -88.2% P3603 P7625 X4 E 730.0 58.2 8.0% 92.0% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 46.3 6.3% -93.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 44.6 6.1% -93.9% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C46 290.0 9.4 12% -96.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 75 22% -97.8% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 9.3 1.8% -98.21/. P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -991% P3877 E1929 C-31 220.0 4.1 1.9% -98.1% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 5.7 2.1% -97.9% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 57.5 11.7% -88.3% P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340.0 7.2 2.1% -97.9% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 1.3 02% -99.8% P4301 P3451 X-2_A 530.0 41.9 7.90/. -92.1% P4401 P1150 X-5_A 530.0 54.4 10.3% -89.7% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 52.5 9.9% -90.1% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 0.8 0.5% -9 P4626 P3604 X-6_B 730.0 52.5 7.2% -92.8% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 15.8 2.2% -97.8% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% F-14 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/. P4700 P4750 X-12 _C 730.0 9.5 1.3%s -98.7% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 47.4 6.5% -915%0 P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 7.1 4.0% -96.0% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 9.4 1.3% -98.70/. P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 4.1 1.5% -98.5% P4800 P3800 X-13_A 530.0 11.9 2.3% -97.7% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 112 6.8% -93.2% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 5.6 2.3% -97.7% P4801 V2748 C-9 B 570.0 9.8 1.7% -98.3% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 9.5 1.3% -98.7% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 1.6 0.5% -99.5% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 30.4 5.7% -94.3% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 32.0 6.0% -94.0% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 7.9 33% -96.7%. P4827 E5150 C-3 _C 290.0 1.0 0.3% -99.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 _A 83.0 0.7 0.8% -99.2% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 7.4 4.1% -95.9% P4851 E3803 C4 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 54.0 10.2% -89.8% P4853 P4729 X-12 B 530.0 52.6 9.9% -90.1% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 1.8 1.4% -98.6% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 2.7 1.4% -98.6% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 58.0 10.9% -89.1% P5127 P4126 X-17 _A 730.0 9.8 1.3% -98.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 4.7 3.3% -96.7% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 102 1.4% -98.6% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 21.3 4.0% -96.0% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 1.4 1.1% -98.91/. P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 52.5 9.9% -90.1% I P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 L4 0.7% -99.3% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 1.5 0.8% -99.2% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 1.5 0.8% -99.2% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 26.7 5.0% -95.0% I P5602 E6603 X-5 C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 6T5 9.3% -90.7% P5652 P5551 X-7 A 530.0 29.7 5.6% -94.4% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 4.6 2.4% -97.6% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 03 0.4% -99.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 9.6 1.8% -98.2% F-15 _Line Load From Bus 1'o Bus Branch Rated Load LoadedO, OverLoadad° o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 1.5 0.3% -99.7% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 2.6 1.0% -99.0% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 5.5 2.0% -98.0% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 13.8 2.6% -97.4% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 60.3 11.4% -88.6% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 3.5 2.7% -97.3% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 17.7 5.2% -94.8% l P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 3.1 1.4% -98.6% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 12 1.0% -99.0% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 1.1 0.6% -99.4% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 2.7 0.8% -99.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 8.2 3.4% -96.6% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 24.5 10.6% -89.4% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 8.3 1.1% -98.9% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 6.6 1.9% -98.1% i P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P6676 P6526 X-13 730,0 43.8 6.0% -94.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 12 1.1% -98.90/0 P7151 P7803 X4_B 270.0 6.9 2.6% -97.4% P7151 E6826 X-12 _D 530.0 41.6 7.9% -92.1% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 4.0 1.5% -98.5% i i P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 7.2 3.1% -96.9% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 0.9 0.1% -99.9% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 7.0 3.0% -97.0% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9_B 730.0 33.5 4.6% -95.4% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530.0 34.3 6.5% -93.5% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 1.3 0.7% -99.3% I P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 5.4 2.8% -97.2% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 9.9 2.9% -97.1% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 2.1 0.3% -99.7% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 54.6 11.1% -88.9% P7753 P6676 X-13 _B 730.0 43.8 6.0% -94.0% i P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 L6 0.3% 99.7% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P7803 E7850 C-4 _A 195.0 6.0 3.1% -96.9% 1 P8101 P9163 X-69 A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8125 P7151 X-11 _A 530.0 54.3 10.2% -89.8% P8127 P2624 X-3 _A 530.0 42.0 7.9% 92.1% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 1.9 1.0% -99.0% F-16 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 A 730.0 53.0 7.3% -92.7% P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 53.0 7.3% -92.7% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 37.5 5.1% -94.9% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 6.7 1.3% -98.7% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 11.9 4.1% -95.9% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 10.4 4.5% -95.5% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 16.3 3.1% -96.9% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 29.9 5.7% -94.3% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 0.5 0.3% -99.7% P8350 E7202 C42 A 290.0 1.2 0.4% -99.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 13.7 1.9% -98.1% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 2.0 0.7% -99.3% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 12.0 1.6% -98.4% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 10.0 1.4% -98.6% P8426 E7402 C-60 A 195.0 2.3 1.2% -98.8% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 8.0 L1% -98.9% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 31.7 6.0% -94.0% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 30.9 5.8% -94.2% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 21.2 6.2% -93.8% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 50.3 9.5% -90.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 0.9 0.4% -99.6% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 3.0 2.3% -97.7% i P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0. 0.4 0.3% -99.7% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 51.2 7.0% -93.0% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 116 4.0% -96.0% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 9.7 4.2% -95.8% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 2.3 1.2% -98.8% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 33.7 4.6% -95.4% i P8976 E1862 C-28 290.0 1.7 0.6% -99.4% P8876 P8726 X-8 C 730.0 33.7 4-6% -95.4% PPL-POD _A PPL-POD_B BWY-33 2000.0 19.5 L0% -99.01/0 PSEUDO P3476 X-78 A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16 _A 730.0 11.1 1.5% -98.5% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 510 2.6% -97.4% V2748 P4126 C-9 A 490.0 9.8 2.0% -98.0% W IGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54 A 730.0 37.5 5.1% -94.9% WIGHTMAN FDR WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-5 2000.0 37.5 1.9% -98.1% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 2.8 1.1% -98.9% F-17 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 % ( ransformer Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name N=e Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 216.6 17.5% -82.5% BKR OK_B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 108.4 8.8% -91.2% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 19.0 19.0% -81.0% T-3234 (BANK # 1) PPL-POD_B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 19.5 19.5% -80.5% T-3499 ASH TRAN PRI ASHLAND T-SEC 100.4 23.3 23.2% -76.8% T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 11.7 9.3% -90.7% F-18 CASE 2A - FIVE-YEAR GROWTH CASE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 60.609 5.557 60.863 0.996 Load in System 59.786 2.830 59.853 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.226 Losses in System 0.830 7.955 Check of Balance -0.007 -0.003 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold ° 10 00 % _ Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded9b OverI_oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps ~66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 b.0 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 10.9 4.1% -95.90/. 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.0 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.6 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 T0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 254.2 48.0% -52.0% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8526 P9529 X-179 530.0 109.1 20.6% -79.4% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 107.2 10.7% -89.3% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 696.1 34.8% -65.2% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-1_A 2000.0 346.9 17.3% -82.7% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_B 2000.0 93.3 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% i B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.7 12.7% -87.3% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.0% -90.0% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 53% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 A 730.0 256.4 35.1% -64.9% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 20K0 204.1 10.2% -89.8% E NEVADA P5602 X-5 D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/. E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 93 4.8% -95.2% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% Ell 862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.4 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 86.9 30.0% -70.0% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C48 290.0 20.2 6.9% -93.1% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.8 13.0% -87.0% E2682 P2690 X-18_A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.0% F-19 Load - I From Bas To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°o OverLoaded% Comment Name Nd e Name Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.0 8.3% -91.7% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 QO 0.0% -1000% E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.7 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63 _E 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63 _D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1_C 195.0 53.2 27.3% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79 _B 145.0 14.9 10.2% -89.8% E4250 E3136 C-63B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63 _A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.3 17.0°ro -83.0% E4828 V2749 C-9_D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 _A 195.0 45.6 23.4% -76.6% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.6 9.8% -90.2% i E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 17.7 6.1% -93.9% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 15.4 5.3% -94.7% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 159.3 30.1% -69.9% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.3 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7,2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 39.9 13.8% -86.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 06 0.3% -993% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.91/. E6826 E5829 C-89 A 570.0 160.7 28.2% -71.8% E7130 E7191 C-14 290,0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 184.7 37.7% -623% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 6.8 2.4% -97.6% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 17.8 6.1% -93.9% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 14.8 7.6% -92.4% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 62.9 21.7% -78.3% E7551 E7426 C-5 C 490.0 213.3 43.5% -56.5% E7603 E8601 C-35 _A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% i F-20 ~..T Lille Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded',; OverLoaded°o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 D 195.0 12.5 6.4% -93.6% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 C 490.0 290.8 59.3% -40.7% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13 _A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.9 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 204.1 38.5% -61.5% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 17.3 6.4% -916% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5 B 530.0 211.6 39.9% -60.1% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 A 530.0 295.9 55.8% -442% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-Z_A 2000.0 21L6 10.6% -89.4% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5 A 2000.0 295.9 14.8% -85.2% I HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY4 2000.0 295.9 14.8% -852% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 62.3 21.5% -78.P/o MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 78.9 34.3% -65.7% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 82.2 11.3% -88.7% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 5Z4% -42.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-I_B 2000.0 57.4 2.9% -97.1% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26 A 2000.0 231.4 11.6% -88.4% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 231.4 11.6% -88.4% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 4618 23.1% -76.9% BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 346.9 47.5% -52.5% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 57.4 11.7% -88.3% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 204.1 10.2°,o -89.8% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 211.6 10.6% -89.4% BUS OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 694.0 34.7% -65.3% F-21 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Lcade&, OverLoaded;o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.6 42.7% -57.3% P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 209.7 39.6% -60.4% P1176 E2153 C-7 A 290.0 105.3 36.3% -63.7% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.2 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.4 9.3%u -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/. P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.9 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X45 530.0 33.1 63% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.4 23.7% -76.3% i P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.1 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 176.5 33.3% -66.7% P1803 E8534 C-76_A 290.0 18.6 6.4% -93.6%a P1854 P1700 X-100_A 340.0 72.0 21.2% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.3 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.1 5.6% -94.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8%a -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 _C 340.0 117.9 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.0 18.0% -82.0% P2276 P1225 X-89 _A 730.0 22.0 3.0%0 -97.0% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -869% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 274.6 51.8% -48.2% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 302 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.4 25.9% -74.1% I P2404 P2850 X-175 _A 230.0 14.1 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.1 8.4% -91.6% l P2550 P7500 X-4 _C 530.0 140.6 26.5% -73.5% P2550 E1328 C-6 _A 290.0 15.3 53% -94.7% f P2624 P2550 X-4 A 530.0 155.9 29.4% -70.6% P2624 E3305 C-1 _A 290.0 8.4 2.9% -97.1% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 201.0 37.9% -62.1% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 12 0.6% -99.4% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% I P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% F-22 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°a OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2751 P26W X-147 130.0 133 10.5% -89.5% P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13 D 530.0 13.8 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14:2 6.4% -93.6% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.2% -85.8% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -719% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.7 23.4% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.2 21.5% -78.5% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.6 32.0% -68.0% P3475 P2303 X-8 _B 530.0 295.4 55.7% -44.3% P3603 P7625 X4 -E 730.0 332.2 45.5% -54.5% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 169.7 23.2% -76.8% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.1 22.2% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 QO 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C46 290.0 78.9 27.2% -72.81/a P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 35.9 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% I P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 226.6 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340.0 33-8 10.0% -90.0% I P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 A 530.0 197.9 37.3% -62.7% P4401 P1150 X-5 A 530.0 210.0 39.6% -60.4% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247.8 46.8% -512% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6_B 730.0 197.5 27.1% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.5 8.0°6 -92.0% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.5 20.2% -79.80/. P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 F-23 From Bus Io Bus Line Branch Load Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded°b Comment Name Name Name Amps AntpS P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4700 P4750 X-12 _C 730.0 805 11.0% -89.0% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 78.9 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 17.3 6.4% -93.6% P4800 P3800 X-13 _A 530.0 46.1 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.2 26.2% -73.8% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.7 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9 B 570.0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% I P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.1 2.1% -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 117.6 22.2% -77.8% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 123.7 23.3% -76.7% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.6 12.7% -87.3% P4827 E5150 C-3 C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 A 83.0 3.4 4.1% -95.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.6 15.9% -84.1% P4851 E3803 C4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.5 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12 B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 229.0 43.2% -56.8% P5127 P4126 X-17 A 730.0 817 11.3% -88.7% i - P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 26.3 18.1% -81.9% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.6 11.7% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 77.6 14.6% 85.4% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 6.1 4.7% -95.3% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.8 46.8% -53.2% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 33% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 6.5 13% -96.7% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 6.5 3.3% 96.7% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 100.5 19.0% -81.0% P5602 E6603 X-5 _C 530.0 0.0 0.0% 100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.4 35.1% -64.9% P5652 P5551 X-7 _A 530.0 113.2 21.3% -78.7% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 19.5 10.0% -90.0% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 40.6 7.7% 92.3% F-24 Line Load [ rom Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded,. OverLoaded;b Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 6.2 1.2% 98.8% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 11.2 4.2% -95.8% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 23.2 8.6% -914% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 58.7 11.1% -88.9% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.9 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 143 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95A% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% 97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.2 9.2% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.9 22.0% -78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4_B 270.0 26.7 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X- 12-D 530.0 160.7 30.3% -69.7% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.3 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 39.9 17.4% -82.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 46 0.6% -99.4% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% I P7404 MN-P7400 X-9 _B 730.0 181.6 24.9% -75A% P7500 P5652 X-6 A 530.0 1316 25.0% -75.0% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 5.5 18% -97.2% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.8 13.8% -86.2% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.1 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 309.0 611% -36.9% P7753 P6676 X-13 B 730.0 160.9 22.00%0 -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.80/0 P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P7803 E7850 C4_A 195.0 23.2 11.9% -88.1% P8101 P8163 X-69 A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8125 P7151 X-11 _A 530.0 209.7 39.60,/0 -60.4% P8127 P2624 X-3 _A 530.0 165.1 31.1% -68.9% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 8.0 4.1% -95.90/. F-25 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Overl-oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 A 730.0 2X1 30.1% -69.9% P8151 P9629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% P8175 P9976 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4%a P9278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.2% -94.8% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.5 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42 _A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 56.8 7.8% -92.2% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 51.2 7.0% -93.0% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 44.5 6.1% -93.9% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% I P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78.8% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.9 294% -70.6% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.5 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 213.0 292% -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 642 18.9% -81.1% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 153% -84.7% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 1218 16.8% -832%0 P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 62 2.1% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83.3% PPL-POD A PPL-POD B BWY-33 2000.0 78.0 3.9% -96.1% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16 _A 730.0 93.3 12.9% -87.2% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.00/0 V2748 P4126 C-9_A 490.0 817 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMAN FDR WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.80,% -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% i F-26 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 nn o Transformer Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded% Overl-oaded°u Comment Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 1003.9 81.3% -18.7% BKR OK_132_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 429.4 34.8% -65.2% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 75.9 75.6% -24.4% T-3234 (BANK # 1) PPL-POD_B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 78.0 77.7% -223% zlcj; 1Si: 1 RAN PZi 1il_,1 .)'i 1 t` ? 107.2 f.8` G i i Vi t.-l 'i T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD_A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 46.2 36.8% -63.2% F-27 CASE 2B - TEN-YEAR GROWTH CASE Power Flow Summary Report Svatem Summary Report Total MW MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 64.078 6.699 64.427 0.995'i Load in System 63.145 3.011 63.217 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.228 Losses in System 0.943 8.918 Check of Balance -0.010 -0.002 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 % _ Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load; LoWed9o Overloaded°.'o Comment Name Name Name Amps --Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.2 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.2 4.2% -95.8% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 62 3.2% -96.8% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.9 6.6% -93.4% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 25.7 7.6% -92.4% i 99-1`8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 273.9 51.7% -48.3% 99-1`8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 22.0 7.6% -92.4% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 117.6 22.2% -77.8% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 111.6 11.2% -88.8% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 716.3 35.8% -64.2% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-1 A 2000.0 358.3 17.9% -8 BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_B 2000.0 97.2 4.9% -95.1% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 27.1 8.0% -92.0% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 25.2 12.9% -87.1% B-PS526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.6 10.2% -89.8% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 123 5.4% -94.6% BUS-2 P8377 C-53A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% i BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81A 730.0 261.3 35.8% -64.2% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 250.7 12.5% -87.5% E NEVADA P5602 X-5_D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% ~E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.8 4.7% -95.3% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 11.4 59% -94.1% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 L1°/0 -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 35 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 75.3 26.0% -74.0% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 88.6 30.5% -69.5% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.6 4.9°,/o -95.1% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.1 6.90l0 -93.1% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.8 12.9% -87.1% E2682 P2680 X-18 A 120.0 9.5 8.0% -92.0% F-28 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 _A 290.0 8.2 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.5 8.5% -91.5% E2829 E2826 ' C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 22.3 9.3% -90.7% E3136 E3157 C-63 -E 290.0 29.1 10.0% -90.0% E3136 E4831 C-63 C 290.0 11.0 3.8% -96.2% E3157 P3152 C-63 -D 290.0 29.1 10.0% -90.0% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.7 9.6% -90.4% i E3606 E2682 C-1 -c 195.0 53.0 27.2% -72.8% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.2 4.9% -95.1% E4101 P4828 C-79 B 145.0 15.3 10.6% -89.4% E4250 E3136 C-63 B 290.0 40.1 13.8% -862% E4306 E4250 ' C-63 -A 290.0 42.0 14.5% -85.5% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 50.2 17.3% -82.7% E4828 V2748 C-9 -D 490.0 0.0 0,0% -100.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 A 195.0 421 24.2% -75.8% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 24.2 10.1% -89.9% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 18.2 6.3% -93.7% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 15.9 5.5% -94.5% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 163.3 30.8% -69.2% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.7 5.4% -94.6% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.5 2.6% -97.4% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -993% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 A 570.0 164.7 28.9% -71.1% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.8 6.1% -93.9% i E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.6 5.0% -95.0% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.4 2.89% -97.2% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 190.7 38.9% -61.1% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 22.3 7.7% -92.3% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 19 L0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 15.3 7.8% -922% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 64.9 22.4% -77.6% E7551 E7426 C-5 C 490.0 220.3 44.9% -55.1% E7603 E8601 C-35_A 290.0 71 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% F-29 - -Line Load Prom Bus Io Bus Branch Rated Load Loade&° OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 D 195.0 12.9 6.6% -93.4% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 _C 490.0 300.3 61.3% -38.7% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 5.9 10% -97.0% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.5 3.9% -96.1% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 22.4 7.7% -92.3% E8105 E8152 C-13_A 290.0 4.3 1.5% -98.5% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 260.3 53.1% -46.9% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 23.1 10.5% -89.5% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 27.4 12.5% -87.5% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% I E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98,2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 250.7 47.3% -52.7% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 21.4 7.9% -92.1% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5_B 530.0 2168 40.9% -59.1% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 318.5 60.1% -39.9% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 216.8 10.8% -89.2% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 318.5 15.9% -84.1% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 318.5 15.9% -84.1% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 64.4 22.2% -77.8% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 81.5 35.4% -64.6% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 85.0 11.6% -88.4% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 287.0 58.6% -41.4% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 287.0 14.3% -85.7% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_B 2000.0 61.9 3.1% -96.9% TIE_A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 238.6 11.9% -88.1% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 238.6 11.9% -88.1% BUS MTNAVEMAIN WIGHTMANFDR BWY-27 2000.0 140.7 7.0% -93.0% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 287.0 14.3% -85,7% BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 477.1 219% -76.1% BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 226.3 11.3% -88.7% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-1 11 730.0 358.3 49.1% -50.9% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 61.9 126% -87.4% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 250.7 12.5% -87.5% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 216.8 10.8% -89.2% BUS OAK KN SRC I TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-l l 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TEE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000,0 737.1 36.9% -63.1% F-30 Lme Load From 13 [is To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name AMrs Amps P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 230.0 43.4% -56.6%a P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 215.0 40.6% -59.4% P1176 E2153 C-7 _A 290.0 107.3 37.0% -63.0% P1225 P9377 X-93 730.0 4.3 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 50.8 9.6% -90.4% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.00/0 -100.0°/u P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 62.6 11.8% -88.2% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 34.1 6.4% -93.6% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 114.9 21.7% -783% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 1351 25.5% -74.5% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.2 3.3% -96.7% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 58.5 17.2% -82.8% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 47.6 20.7% -79.3% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.3 4.8% -95.2% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.4 2.2% -97.8% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 218.4 41.2% -58.8% P1803 E8534 C-76 -A 290.0 22.9 7.9%0 -92.1%a P1854 P1700 X-100_A 340.0 73.4 21.6% -78.4% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 107.3 31.6% -68.4% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.3 5.7% -94.3% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 17.2 5.0% -95.0% P2250 P2102 X-3 C 340.0 120.2 35.4% -64.6% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0°/a -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 133.5 18.3% -81.7% P2276 P1225 X-89_A 730.0 22.4 11% -96.9% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 204 14.1% -95.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 295.8 55.8% -44.2% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.8 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 31.5 9.3% -90.7% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 148.1 27.9% -711% P2404 P2850 X-175 A 230.0 15.1 6.6% -93.4% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 16.2 9.0% -91.0% I P2550 P7500 X-4 _C 530.0 174.3 32.9% -67.1% P2550 E1328 C-6 _A 290.0 18.9 6.5% -93.5% P2624 P2550 X-4 _A 530.0 193.1 36.4% -63.6% P2624 E3305 C-1_A 290.0 10.4 3.6% -96.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 248.6 46.9% -53.1% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.4 0.7% -99.3% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 100.5 19.0% -81.0% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 9.1 5.1% -94.9% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% F-31 Lana Load - From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 16.9 13.0% -87.0% P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 11.1 5.7% -94.3% P2825 P1801 X-13_D 530.0 14.1 2.7% -973% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 143 6.7% -93.3% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 39.8 14.7% -85.3% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 29.1 10.0% -90.0% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 36.9 13.7% -86.3% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 92.2 27.1% -729% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 817 24.3% -75.7% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 60.1 17.7% -82.3% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 160.2 21.9% -78.1% I P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 22.5 6.6% -93.4% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 37.7 11.1% -88.9% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 8.3 4.6% -95.4% j P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 182.8 34.5% -65.5% P3475 P2303 X-8 _B 530.0 318.2 60.0% -40.0% P3603 P7625 X-4 E 730.0 343.1 47.0% -53.0% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 172.9 23.7% -76.3% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 165.2 22.6% -77.4% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C46 290.0 78.6 27.1% -72.9% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 27.1 8.0% -92.0% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.8 6.9% -911% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.3 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 5.8 1.1% -9849% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.6 7.1% -92.9% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 21.4 7.9% -92.1% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 230.0 46.9% -53.1% j P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340.0 36.5 10.7% -89.3% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.5 1.2% -98.8% P4301 P3451 X-2 A 530.0 213.2 40.2% -59.8% P4401 P1150 X-5 _A 530.0 215.3 40.6% -59.4% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 267.0 50.4% -49.6% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.9% -98.1% P4626 P3604 X-6 _B 730.0 201.2 27.6% -72.4% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 59.7 8.2% -91.8% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 59.7 20.6% 79.4°/n P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 F-32 [.ina Load From Bus 1'o Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded° o OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4700 P4750 X-12_C 730.0 801 11.0% -89.00/0 P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 181.3 24.8% -75.2% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 26.6 14.8% -85.2% P4750 P3731 X-15_A 730.0 78.6 10.80/0 -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 21.4 7.9% -92.1% P4800 P3800 X-13_A 530.0 47.2 8.9% -91.1% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 48.4 26.9% -73.1% P4800 E3127 C-95 240,0 22.3 9.3% -90.7% P4801 V2748 C-9 -B 570.0 82.4 14.4% -85.6% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.2 11.0% -89.00/. P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.3 2.2% -97.8% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 120.6 22J% -77.3% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 126.8 23.9% -76.1% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 31.3 13.1% -869% P4827 E5150 C-3 _C 290.0 3.8 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79_A 83.0 3.5 4.3% -95.7% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 29.3 16.3% -83.7% P4851 E3803 C4 290.0 15.8 5.4% -94.6% P4851 P4853 X-2 530,0 2143 40.4% -59,6% P4853 P4729 X-12 B 530.0 207.5 39.2% -60.8% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.8 5.2% -94.8% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.4 5.3% -94.7% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 232.5 43.9% -56.1% P5127 P4126 X-17 A 730.0 82.4 11.3% -88.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 27.1 18.7% -81.3% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 89.6 12.3% -87.7% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 96.5 18.2% -81.8% 'P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 7.6 5.8% -94.2% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 267.0 50.4% -49.6% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.9 3.5% -96.5% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 8.0 4.1% -95.9% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 8.0 4.1% -95,9% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 124.7 23.5% -76,5% i P5602 E6603 X-5_C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 261.3 35.8% -642% P5652 P5551 X-7 _A 530.0 140.4 26.5% -73.5% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 24.1 12.3% -87.7% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.9 L5% -98.5% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 50.1 9.5% -90.5% F-33 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load loaded°o Overloaded%o Comment, Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 7.6 1.4% -98.6% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 13.8 5.1% -94.90./0 P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 28.6 10.6% -89.4% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 72.5 13.7% -86.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 242.8 45.8% -54.2% P6278 P6955 X-53 130.0 14.7 11.3% -88.7% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 70.1 20.6% -79.4% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.7 5.1% -94.9% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.6 3.8% -96.2% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 43 14% -97.6% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 13.8 4.1% -95.9% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 30.5 12.7% -87.3% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 96.2 41.8% -58.2% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 32.0 4.4% -95.6% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 33.6 9.9% -90.1% P6630 P6751 X-191 340,0 16.8 4.9% -95.1% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 161.4 22.1% -77.9% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.3 4.8% -95.2% P7151 P7803 X-4_B 270.0 27.3 10.1% -89.9% P7151 E6826 X-12_D 530.0 164.7 31.1% -68.9% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.9 2.0% -98.0% P715 t E6176 X-149 270.0 15.7 5.8% -94.2% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 41.3 17.9% -82.1% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 4.7 0.6% 99.4% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 29.7 12.9% -87.1% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9_B 730.0 187.6 25.7% -74.3% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530.0 164.4 31.0% -69.0% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 6.8 3.5% -96.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 20.1 10.3% -89.7% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 50.4 14.8% -85.21/. P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.9 1.5% -98.5% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 319.1 65.1% -34.9% P7753 P6676 X-13 _B 730.0 161.4 22.1% -77.9% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.4 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P7803 E7850 C-4 _A 195.0 23.8 12.2% -87.8% P8101 P8163 X-69 A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8125 P7151 X-11 _A 530.0 215.0 40.6% -59.4% P8127 P2624 X-3 A 530.0 204.4 38.6% -61.4% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% i F-34 Line Load - From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8151 S MOUN'T'AIN FDR X-31_A 730.0 226.3 31.0% -69.0% P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 2263 31.0% 69.0% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 140.7 19.3% -80.7% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 28.6 5.4% -94.6% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 50.5 17.4% -82.6% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 44.0 19.1% -80.9% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 68.9 13.0% -87.0% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 127.0 24.0% -76.0% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C42_A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 61.3 8.4% -91.6% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 55.8 7.6% -914% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 49.0 6.7% -93.3% P8426 E7402 C-60 A 195.0 8.9 4.6% -95.4% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.7% -95.3% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 120.1 22.7% -77.3% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 116.9 22.1% -77.9% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 107.7 31.7% -683% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 215.3 40.6% -59.4% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.6 1.9% -98.1% I P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.6 9.7% -90.3% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 219.0 30.0% -70.0% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 69.2 20.4% -79.6% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.9 15.6% -84.4% J P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.5 4.4% -95.6% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 127.5 175°/ -82.5°/ P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.4 2.2% -97.8% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 126.4 17.3% -82.7% PPL-POD _A PPL-POD_B BWY-33 2000.0 83.3 4.2% -95.8% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 -A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -1W0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16_A 730.0 97.2 13.3% -86.7% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 226.3 11.3% -88.7% V2748 P4126 C-9_A 490.0 82.4 16.8% -83.2% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 140.7 19.3% -80.7% WIGHTMAN FDR WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-5 2000.0 140.7 7.0% -93.0% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.8 4.0% -96.0% F-35 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold= 10.00% Transformer Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded% Overl-oaded% Comment Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 1047.2 84.8% -15.2% BKR OK_B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 482.9 39.1% -60.9% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 78.2 77.9% -211% T-3234 (BANK # 1) PPL-POD_B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 833 83.0% -17.0% 1-3499 SI T 1';21 iIt ,t I S F{' n;., d i 1 6 11 V't>i. =lI T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD_A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 51.9 41.4% -58.6% F-36 CASE 3-A - ASHLAND SUBSTATION OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW WAR Z,1VA PF Generation in System 57.681 5.772 57.969 0.995, Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.161 Losses in System 1.043 8.273 Check ofBalance -0.001 0.001 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold= 10.00% Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.0 4.1%° -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.7 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% 99-1`8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253,9 47.9% -52.1% 99-1`8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 109.0 20.6% -79.4% i 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 27.5 2.8% -97.2% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. BKR BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 27.1 8.0% -92.0% B-P3725 E2829 C49 195.0 25.2 129% -87.1% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.6 10.3% -89.7% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.4 5.4% -94.6% BUS-2 P8377 C-53_A 570.0 277.6 48.7°,/o -51.3% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 _A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% E NEVADA P5602 X-5_13 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95,6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 81 4.2% -95,8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98,9% Ell 862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.4 1.2% -98,8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 75.4 26.0% -74.0% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 88.7 30.6% -69A% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95,2% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.3 7.0% -93.0% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 17.0 13.1% -86.9% i E2682 P2680 X-18_A 120.0 9.6 80% -92.09/o E2765 E2758 C-67A 290.0 8.2 2.8% 97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% F-37 Line - Load Prom Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Lagded°, OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.1 8.4% -91.6% E2829 E2926 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63_E 290.0 29.0 10.0% -90.0% E3136 E4831 C-63 _C 290.0 11.0 318% -96.2% E3157 P3152 C-63 _D 290.0 29.0 10.0% -90.0% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.9 9.7% -90.3% E3606 E2682 C-1_C 195.0 53.6 27.5% -72.5% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.2 4.9% -95.1% E4101 P4828 C-79_B 145.0 11.3 7.8% -92.2% E4250 E3136 C-63 _B 290.0 40.0 13.8% -86.2% E4306 E4250 C-63A 290.0 41.9 14.5% -85.5% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 50.1 17.3% -82.7% E4828 V2748 C-9_D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 _A 195.0 36.5 18.7% -81.3% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.7 9.9% -90.1% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 14.1 4.9% -95.1% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.3 4.3% -95.7% E5829 P4827 X-12 _A 530.0 160.2 30.2% -69.8% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.4 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 32.0 11.0% -89.0% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% .°-3Z -`r9(i.0 5=1>J} 1t ~ , Ei t'li>1 ~=.i E6826 E5829 C-99_A 570.0 161.6 28.4% -71.6% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.4 2.8% -97.2% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 130.3 26.6% -73.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.5 1.9% -98.1% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.70'o E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.8 6.1% -93.9% E7551 E6528 C 65 290.0 50.3 17.4% -82.6% E7551 E7426 C-5_C 490.0 107.3 21.9% -78.1% E7603 E8601 C-35 -A 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3_D 195.0 10.0 5.1-94.9% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 _C 490.0 45.1 9.2% -90.8% F-38 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded,; OveeLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWUR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.6 23% -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7953 E7935 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3%a E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13_A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 349.7 71.4% -28.6% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 225 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 552.2 75.6% -24.4% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.9 34.1% -65.9% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0%0 -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5 _B 530.0 212.7 40.1% -59.9% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 295.5 55.8% -44.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 49.8 17.2% -82.8% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 63.1 27.4% -72.6% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 212.6 29.1% -70.9% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 375.4 76.6% -23.4% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 375.4 18.8% -812% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_13 2000.0 5853 293% -70.7% TIE_A MORTON FDR MTNAVEAUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 438.5 21.9% -78.1% TIE A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 438.5 21.9% -78.1% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% I BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 375.4 18.8% -812% BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 877.0 419% -56.1%a lBUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89,0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% 1'1 :E Al OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% BUS OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 672.5 33.6% -66.4% P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 320.6 60.5% -39.5% P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% F-39 - Line _ Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Napte Name Amps Amps P1176 E2153 C-7 A 290.0 107.5 37.1°/0 -62.9% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 281.9 38.6% -61.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.9 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.2 23.6% -76.4% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 32% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 58.6 17.2% -82.8% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 47.7 20.7% -79.3% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.3 4.8% -95.2% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 155.6 29.4% -70.6% P1803 E8534 C-76 _A 290.0 16.4 5.7% -94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100 A 340.0 73.5 21.6% -78.4% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 107.5 31.6% -68.4% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.4 5.8% -94.2% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.9% -95.1% P-250 P2102 X-3 _C 340.0 120.4 35.4% -64.6% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 133.6 18.3% -81.7% P2276 P1225 X-89_A 730.0 300.0 41.1% -58.9% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 274.3 51.7% -48.3% P2326 P4300 X46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.3 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.3 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2850 X-175_A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 84% -91.6% P2550 P7500 X-4 _C 530.0 124.1 23.4% -76.6% P2550 E1328 C-6_A 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P2624 P2550 X-4 A 530.0 137.5 25.9% -74.1% P2624 E3305 C-1 _A 290.0 7.4 2.6% -97.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 177.2 33.4% -66.6% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.7 2.2% -97.8% P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.3% -90.7% I P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% F-40 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°jo OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2825 P1801 X-13 D 530.0 13.9 2.6io -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.4% -93.6% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.2% -85.8% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 29.0 10.0% 90.00/0 P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -73.9% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.7 23.4% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/. P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.8 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 437.4 59.9% -40.1% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.4% -93.6% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.2 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.4 32.0% -68.0% P3475 P2303 X-8 B 530.0 295.0 55.7% -44.3% P3603 P7625 X-4 E 730.0 11.8 1.6% -98.4% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 450.3 61.7% -38.3% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 442.4 60.6% -39.4% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 79.4 27.4% -72.6% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 27.1 8.0% -92.0% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.1 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 320.6 65.4% -34.6% P4301 P4150 X-1 _B 340.0 33.8 9.9% -90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 A 530.0 197.7 37.3% -62.7% I P4401 P1150 X-5 A 530.0 211.2 39.9% -60.1% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% i P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6 _B 730.0 478.7 65.6% -34.4% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 59.5 8.2% -91.8% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 59.5 20.5% -79.5% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.00% -100.0°/Q P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4700 P4750 X-12_C 730.0 81.0 11.1% -88.9% F-41 Load Flom Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load, Loaded°j6 OvelLoaded°o Comment Name Name Namic Amps Amps P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 180.2 24.7% -75.3% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 79.4 10.9% -89.1% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% P4800 P3800 X-13 A 530.0 46.3 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.5 26.4% -73.6% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.9 9.1%0 -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9 _B 570.0 10.8 1.9%0 -98.1% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 110 1.8% -98.2% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1 %u -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 118.3 22.3% -77.7% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.4 23.5% -76.5% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.7 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3 C 290.0 3.7 13% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 _A 83.0 2.6 3.2% -96.8% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.8 16.0% -84.0% P4851 E3803 C4 290.0 15.2 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 305.4 57.6% -42.4% P4853 P4700 X-2 -B 530.0 94.0 17.7% -82.3% P4853 P4729 X-12_B 530.0 205.4 38.8% -61.2% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.6 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 323.0 60.9% -39.1% P5127 P4126 X-17 A 730.0 10.8 1.5% -98.5% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.5 14.1% -85.9% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 7.8 1.1% -98.9% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 68.7 13.0% -87.0% I P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9%u i P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.5 463% -53.3% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1%n i P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.8 16.7% -83.3% n _ cis `i y?;;f, o lfltli i?N P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 538.9 73.8% -26.2% P5652 P5551 X-7_A 530.0 99.9 18.9% 81.1% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.1 8.8% -91.2%a P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.7 6.7% -93.3% P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0% F-42 _ Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', Overloaded°6 Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.6% -96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.4 7.5% -92.5% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.6 9.7% -90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 332.9 62.8% -372% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.3 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.2 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 18% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.4 40.2% -59.8% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.7 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.1 92% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 161.2 22.1% -77.9% i P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 B 270.0 26.8 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12_D 530.0 161.6 30.5% -69.5% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 31.4 13.6% -86.4% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 274.0 37.5% -62.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9 _B 730.0 135.4 18.6% -81.4% P7500 P5652 X-6 A 530.0 117.0 22.1% -77.9% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 253 110% -87.0% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.7 13.7% -86.3% I P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.1 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 30.5 6.2% -93.8% P7753 P6676 X-13 _B 730.0 161.2 22.1% -77.9% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P7803 E7850 C-4 _A 195.0 23.3 12.0% -88.0% P8101 P8163 X-69 _A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P8125 P7151 X-11 _A 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P8127 P2624 X-3_A 530.0 145.6 27.5% -72.5% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% PS151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31_A 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% F-43 Sine Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded' Overl-oade Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30A% -69.9% P8175 P8976 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.2% -94.81/. P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.5 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42 _A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 584.8 80.1% -19.9% P8376 BUS-2 C-74 _A 490.0 277.6 56.7% -43.3% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.8 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 579.2 79.3% -20.7% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 572.4 78.4% -21.6% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.9 4.6% -95.4% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 565.8 77.5% -22.5% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.6 4.7'o -95.3% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78.8% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.8 29.4% -70.6% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.4 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% -98.2% I P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% I P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 213.0 29.2% -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 64.1 18.9% -81.1% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 36.0 15.6% -84.4% `P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.6 4.4% -95.6% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.8 16.8% -83.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 12L8 16.7% -83.3% PPL-POD_A PPL-POD _13 BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3,8% -96.2% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 _A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% I RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16_A 730,0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% V2748 P4126 C-9 A 490.0 10.8 22% 97.8% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMAN FDR WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -962% F-44 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold= 10.00 % Transformer Lead Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load LoadeO,, Overl-oaded% Comment Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_RL(iS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 2560 20.7% -79.3% BKR OK_B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 404.3 32.7% -67.3% BUS L-1573 'I,. POD '0IN A%,i INt' IF IiW).7. l<d5.+> $,'IN V;OIX i i)N T-3234 (BANK #1) PPL-POD_B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 75.6 75.3% -24.7% T-3499 ASH TRAN PRI ASHLAND T-SEC 100.4 27.5 27.4% -72.6% T-3856 (BANK 92) PPL-POD_A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 43.4 34.6% -65.4% F-45 CASE 3-OK1 - OAK KNOLL BANK #1 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW WAR WA PF Generation in System 57.426 5.605 57.699 0.995 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.241 Losses in System 0.790 8.180 Check of Balance -0.004 0.007 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 % Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% (herLoaded"Comment Name Name Name Arnps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 10.9 4.1% -95.91/. 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.0 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.6 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.5 6.9% -911% 99-1`8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 251.2 47.4% -52.6% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.2 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 107.8 20.3% -79.7% I 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.7 9.7% -90.3% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.5 31.1% -68.9% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-1_A 2000.0 271.9 13.6% -86.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_13 2000.0 93.4 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.8 12.7% -87.3% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 211 10.1% -89.9% B-1`8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 0.0 Q0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 _A 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 180.0 9.0% -91.0% E NEVADA P5602 X-5 _D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.3% -95.7% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.1 4,2% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.3 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 86.9 30.0% -70.0% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.2 7.0% -93.0% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.9 13.0% -87.0% E2682 P2680 X-18 _A 120.0 9.6 8.0°,10 -92.0% F-46 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loadedlo OverLoaded% Comment j Name Name Name Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 _A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00% E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.0 8.3% -91.7% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0-0 0.0% -100.00/0 E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.8 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63E 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63 _C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63_D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1_C 195.0 512 273% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79 B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -923% E4250 E3136 C-63 _B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -8 E4306 E4250 C-63 _A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/u E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77_A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.6 9.8% -90.2% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 159.4 30.1% -69.9% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.3 5.3% -94.7% I E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570.0 160.8 28.2% -71.8% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 171 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -97.3% i E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 145.0 29.6% -70.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% I E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94.1% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5 _C 490.0 167.3 34.2% -65.8% E7603 E8601 C-35 _A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% F-47 Fine load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', Overloaded°'b Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.00/6 E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 C 490.0 228.0 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -973% E7901 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13_A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 2200 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.7 5.4% -94.6% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.0 34.0% -66.0% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94A% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5 B 530.0 211.7 39.9% -60.1% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 A 530.0 292.4 55.2% -44.8% I HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 211.7 10.6% -89.4% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 292.4 14.6% -85.4% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY4 2000.0 376.4 18.8% -81.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290,0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% IMN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 63.9 8.8%0 -91.2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 57.4% 42.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_13 2000.0 46.2 2.3% -97.7% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% TIE_A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000,0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281,2 14,1% -85,9% ,BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000,0 455.2 22.8% -77.2% BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000,0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.9 37.3% -62.7% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 46.2 9.4% -90.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.0 9.00/0 -91.0% IBUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 20000 211.7 10.6% -89.40/. :BUS OAK KN MAIN HW99 FDR TIE BWY-8 2000.0 665.5 33.3% -66.7% BUS OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 F-48 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded''. OVerLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.5 42.7% -57.3% P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 209.8 39.6% -60.4% P1176 E2153 C-7 -A 290.0 105.4 36.3% -63.7% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 42 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.8 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 123.9 23.4% -76.6% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 154.8 29.2% -70.9% P1803 E8534 C-76_A 290.0 16.3 5.6% -94.4% P1854 P1700 X-100_A 340.0 711 21.2% -78,8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% -69.0% I j P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 _C 340.0 118.0 34.7% -653% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730,0 131.1 18.0% -82.0% P2276 P1225 X-89 -A 730.0 22.0 3.0% -97.0% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 18.8 12.9% -87.1% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 271.4 51.2% -48.8% I P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1 -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1°//0 P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 135.8 25.6% -74.4% P2404 P2850 X-175 A 230.0 13.9 6.0°i5 -94.0% I ~P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 14.9 8.3% -91,7% P2550 P7500 X-4 C 530.0 123.4 23.3% -76.7% P2550 E1328 C-6 _A 290.0 13.4 4.6% -95,4% P2624 P2550 X-4-A 530.0 136.8 25.8% -74.2% P2624 E3305 C-1 _A 290.0 7.4 15% -97,5% I P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 176.3 33.3% -66.7% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99,5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% L2671 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9°/° 95.1°0 o 80 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% F-49 Line Load - From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°lo OverLoaded95 Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.2% -90.80/0 P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13 D 530.0 13.8 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.4% -93.6% i P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.2% -85.8% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -73.9% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.6 23.4% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.3 21.6% -78.4% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.6 42% -95.8% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 167.6 31.6% -68.4% P3475 P2303 X-8 B 530.0 291.9 55.1% -44.9% P3603 P7625 X-4 _E 730.0 260.4 35.7% -64.3% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 169.8 23.3% -76.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.2 22.2% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 789 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 35.9 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 32% -96.8% I P3828 P5801 X432 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 El 828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 226.6 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-l B 340.0 33.4 9.8% -90.2% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 A 530.0 195.6 36.9% -63.1% P4401 P1150 X-5_A 530.0 210.1 39.7% -60.3% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 244.9 46.2% -53.8% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -982% P4626 P3604 X-6 -B 730.0 197.6 27.1% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.6 8.0% -92.0% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.6 20.2% -79.8% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% I P4677 P4650 X-195 - 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% F-50 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded,; Overloaded°6 Comment Name Name Namg Amps Amps P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4700 P4750 X-12_C 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 78.9 10.80/. -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94A% P4800 P3800 X-13_A 530.0 46.1 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.2 26.2% -73.8% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.8 9.1% -90-9% P4801 V2748 C-9 _B 570.0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.1 2.1% -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 117.6 22.2% -77.8% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 123.8 23.4% -76.6% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.6 12.7% -87.3% P4827 E5150 C-3 C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.6 15.9% -84.1% P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.5 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12 B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 228-9 432% -56.8% i P5127 P4126 X-17 _A 730.0 82.7 11.3% -88.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.7 11.7% -88.3% I P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 68.3 12.9% -87.1% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 244.9 46.2% -53.8% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.3 3.2% -96.8% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.3 16.7% -83.3% P5602 E6603 X-5 -C 530.0 0.0 0.0%0 -100.01/. P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% P5652 P5551 X-7 A 530.0 99.4 18.8% -81.2% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.0 8.7% -91.3% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35-5 6.7% -93.3% F-51 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.8 3.6% -96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.3 7.5% -915% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.3 9.7% -90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.8 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.7 3.7% -96.3% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 30.8 9.1% -90.9% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.4 4.5% -95.5% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 _B 270.0 26.7 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12 _D 530.0 160.8 30.3% -69.7% I P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.3 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9_B 730A 141.8 19.4% -80.6% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530.0 116.4 22.0% -78.0% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 252 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.2 116% -86.4% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.0 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 242.2 49.4% -50.6% P7753 P6676 X-13_B 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P7803 E7850 C-4 _A 195.0 23.2 11.9% -88.1% P8101 P8163 X-69_A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8125 P7151 X-11 A 530.0 209.8 39.6% -60.4% P8127 P2624 X-3 _A 530.0 144.8 27.3% -72.7% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% F-52 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Nane Name Name Amps Amps P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 _A 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9°/0 P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.90/0 P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 2T8 5.2% -94.8% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.4 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42 _A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P9400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 33% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78.8% I P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 98.7 29.0% -71.0% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.4 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 122 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 212.9 29.2% -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 63.5 18.7% -81.3% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.7 168% -83.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83.3% PPL-POD A PPL-POD B BWY-33 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 PSEUDO P3476 X-78_A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL. ROAD FDR, P5225 X-16_A 730.0 93.4 12.8% -87.2% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% V2748 P4126 C-9 A 490.0 82.7 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMANFDR P8175 X-54 _A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMAN FDR WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% F-53 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold= 1000 Transformer Name Irum Bus Load - To Bus Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded°o Comment Name Narne Amps Amps ASHLAND PEGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 899.0 72.8% -27.2% BKR OK_B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 1110.8 90.0% -10.00/0 BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 74.6 74.3% -25.7% T-3234 (BANK # 1) PPL-POD B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 0.0 0.0°,/0 -100.0% ti 111) i3 .13 u• Llll . S; F-54 CASE 3-OK2 - OAK KNOLL BANK #2 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 57.501 6.617 57.881 0.993 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.9991 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.200 Losses in System 0.865 9.160 Check of Balance -0.004 -0.002 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 % Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded%b Overloaded°.o Comment Name Name None Amps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4°io -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.1 4.1% -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.7 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253.7 47.9% -52.1% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 108.9 20.5% -79.5% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.7 9.7% -90.3% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.5 31.1% -68.9% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-1_A 2000.0 2719 13.6% -86.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_13 2000.0 93.4 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.8 123% -87.3% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.1% -899% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 _A 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 181.6 9.1% -90.9% 1 E NEVADA P5602 X-5 D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 4.2% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.3 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% E2153 El 881 C-8 290- 86.9 30.0% -70.0% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 95 4.9% -95.1% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.2 7.0% -93.00/. I E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.9 13.0% -87.0% E2682 P2680 X-18 _A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.0% i F-55 Line Load _ From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'; OverLoade& Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67_A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.00/0 -100.0% E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.2 8.4% -91.6% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.00/0 -100.00/6 E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 22.0 9.2% -90.8% E3136 E3157 C-63_E 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63C 290,0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63 _D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1 _C 195.0 53.2 27.3% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79 -B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63_A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E4828 V2748 C-9_D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/a E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 _A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.8 9.9% -90.1% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 160.9 30.4% -69.6% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.5 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89_A 570.0 162.3 28.5% -71.5% E7130 E7191 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 23% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 145.0 29.6% -70.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% E7427 P9401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94.1% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5 C 490.0 167.4 34.2% -65.8% E7603 E8601 C-35 _A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% i, E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% F-56 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.06 E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 _C 490.0 228.0 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -977% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7935 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13 _A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 111% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.20/0 EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 181.6 34.3% -65.7% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.3 5.7% -94.3% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5_13 530.0 2116 403% -59.7% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 295.2 55.7% -44.3% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 213.6 10.7% -89.3% ITW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5 A 2000.0 295.2 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 295.2 14.8% -85.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 63.9 8.8% -91.2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 57.4% -42.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1 B 2000.0 46.2 2.3% -97.7% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -912% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 455.2 22.8% -77.2% BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.9 37.3% -62.7% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 46.2 9.4% -90.6% OAK KN MAIN OAK KN SRC 2 TIE BWY-6 2000.0 395.1 19.8% -80.2% BUS OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 181.6 9.1% -90.9% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 213.6 10.7% -89.3% BUS OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 671.9 33.6% -664% F-57 Line Load From Bus To Bus Blanch Rated Load LoadedN Overf-oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.5 42.7% -57.3% P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 211.8 40.0%0 -60.0% P1176 E2153 C-7 A 290.0 105.4 363% -63.7% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.2 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 P1305 P1301 X41 530.0 60.8 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.1 23.6% -76.4% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.3 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P9127 X-127 530.0 156.3 29.5% -70.5% P1803 E8534 C-76 _A 290.0 16.5 5.7% -94.3% I P1854 P1700 X-100 A 340.0 72.1 21.2% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 _C 340.0 118.0 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 33 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.1 18.0% -82.0% I P2276 P1225 X-89 A 730.0 22.0 3.0% -97.0% - i P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 18.9 13.1% -86.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 274.0 51.7% -48.3% i P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9°/ P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.1 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2850 X-175 _A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 83% -91.7% P2550 P7500 X-4 C 530.0 124.6 23.5% -76.5% P2550 E1328 C-6 -A 290.0 13.5 4.7% -95.3% i P2624 P2550 X-4 A 530.0 138.1 26.1% -73.9% P2624 E3305 C-l A 290.0 7.4 2.6% -97.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 178.0 33.6% -66.4% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 IA 0.5% -99.5% i P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% F-58 Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.1 9.30/6 -90.71,,. P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13_D 530.0 13.9 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.4% -93.6% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.2% -85.8% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 261% -73.9% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.6 23.4% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.3 21.6% -78.4% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.3 31.9% -68.1% P3475 P2303 X-8 B 530.0 294.7 55.6% -44.4% P3603 P7625 X-4 E 730.0 260.4 35.7% -64.3% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 169.8 23.3% -76.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.2 22.2% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 78.9 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.2 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.2 0.811/0 -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 226.6 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340.0 33.8 9.9% -90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 11% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 _A 530.0 197.5 37.3% -62.79/0 P4401 PI 150 X-5 -A 530.0 212.2 40.0% -60.0% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 2473 463% -53.3% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6_B 730.0 197.6 27.1% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.6 8.0% -92.0% 1 P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.6 20.2% -79.8% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.00/1. -100.01/0 F-59 Tine Load Fiona BLLs To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4700 P4750 X-12 _C 730.0 80.5 11.00/0 -89.00/0 P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.40/. P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 A 730.0 78.9 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.3 5.7% 94.3% P4800 P3800 X-13 _A 530.0 46.5 8.8% -91.2% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.7 26.5% -73.5% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 22.0 9.2% -90.8% P4801 V2748 C-9_B 570.0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% I P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530,0 118.8 22.4% 77.6% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 125.0 23.6% -76.4% P4827 E5701 C-92 240,0 30.9 12.9% -87.1% P4827 E5150 C-3_C 290,0 3.8 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 _A 83,0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180,0 28.9 16.1% -83.9% P4851 E3803 C4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% ~P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.5 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12 B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195,0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 228.9 43.2% -56.8% P5127 P4126 X-17_A 730.0 82.7 11.3% -88.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2% I P5225 P5127 X-71 730,0 85.7 11.7% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 69.0 13.0% -87.0% P5251 P6521 X-131 130,0 5.4 4.2% -95.81/0 P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.3 46.7% -53.3% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 33% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195,0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195,0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% I I P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 89.2 16.8% -83.2% P5602 E6603 X-5 C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% P5652 P5551 X-7_A 530,0 100.4 18.9% -81.1% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 1Z2 8.8% -91.2% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.8 6.8% -93.2% i F-60 Line - - - Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load LoadeP° OverLoaded46 Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.5 1.0% -99.0% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.7% -96.3% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.5 7.6% -92.4% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.8 9.8% -90.2% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.8 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1%0 P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% i P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.1 9.1% -90.9% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 B 270.0 26.9 10.0% -90.0% P7151 E6826 X-12_D 530.0 162.3 30.6% -69.4% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.9 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.5 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9_8 730.0 141.8 19.4% -80.6% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530.0 117.6 22.2% -77.8% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.9 2.5% -97.5% i P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 252 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.7 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.1 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 242.3 49.4% -50,6% P7753 P6676 X-13_B 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0°% -100.0% P7803 E7850 C-4 _A 195.0 23.4 12.0% -88.0% P8101 P8163 X-69 -A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8125 P7151 X-11 _A 530.0 211.8 40.0% -60.0% P8127 P2624 X-3 _A 530.0 146.2 27.6% -72.4% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% F-61 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°,u OverLoaded %o Comment Name Nwuv Name Amps Amps P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 _A 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% P9278 P8625 X-37 530.0 278 5.2% -94.8% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 169% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.4 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C -42-A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -963% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% I P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 212% -78.8% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.7 29.3% -70.7% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.4 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% 98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 212.9 29.2% -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 64.1 18.8% 81.2% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.7 16.8% -83.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83.3% PPL-POD A PPL-POD _B BWY-33 2000.0 120.1 6.0% -94.0% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 _A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16_A 730.0 93.4 12.8% -87.2% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% V2748 P4126 C-9 _A 490.0 82.7 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMANFDR WIGHTMANFDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% TIE l WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% F-62 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10.00 % Transformer Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded° o OverLoaded% Comment Name None Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND 'F-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 903.2 73.2% -26.8% BKR T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE' 100.4 74.6 74.3% -25.7% kN `iRC "CIE l~)ti_4 1 ai_ i t I tI°~, 1 :VP c; ~ T 7, F-63 CASE 3-MA - MOUNTAIN AVENUE SUBSTATION OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 57.844 9.697 58.651 0.986 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.188 Losses in System 1.205 12.224 Check of Balance -0.001 0.002 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 W % Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Overl.oaded% Continent Name Name Name Amps Amps 6b-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.0 4.1% -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.7 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.6 7.0% -93.0% 99-1`8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 252.3 47.6% -52.4% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.2 7.0% -93.0% 99-PS526 P8529 X-179 530.0 108.3 20.4% -79.6% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 161.5 161% -83.9% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 1174.5 58.7% -41.3% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-1_A 2000.0 273.0 116% -86.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5 B 2000.0 376.4 18.8% -81.2% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.7 7.9% -92.1% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.9 12.7% -87.3% B-P8526 P9426 X-105 230.0 23.2 10.1% -89.9% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.2 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 1`8377 C-53A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 A 730.0 525.3 72.0% -28.0% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 317.6 15.9% -84.1% E NEVADA P5602 X-5 -D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% I E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.3% -95.7% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 4.2% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.4 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 74.2 25.6% -74.4% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 87.3 30.1% -69.9% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C48 290.0 20.3 7.0% -93.0% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 170 13.1 °.'6 -86.9% E2682 P2680 X-18_A 120.0 9.7 8.1% -91.9% F-64 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°o Ovei-Loaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 _A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/6 E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.0 8.3% -91.7% E2829 E2926 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.8 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63_E 290.0 28.6 9.9% -90.1% E3136 E4831 C-63C 290.0 10.9 3.8% -96.2% E3157 P3152 C-63 _D 290.0 28.6 9.9% -90.1% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.9 9.7% -90.3% E3606 E2692 C-1 _C 195.0 517 27.5% -72.5% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79 B 145.0 11.2 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63B 290.0 39.5 13.6% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63_A 290.0 41.4 143% -85.7% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.5 17.1% -82.9% E4828 V2748 C-9 D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/a E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77_A 195.0 35.9 18.4% -81.6% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.7 9.9% 90.1% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 119 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 159.6 30.1% -699% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.3 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.3 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.4 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 261.7 45.9% -54.1% E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570.0 161.0 28.3% -71.7% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.2 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.1 4.9% -95.1% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 53 23% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 145.6 29.7° o -70.3% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.9% -98.1% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 6.0% -94.0% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.5 17.1% -82.9% E7551 E7426 C-5_C 490.0 168.0 34.3% -65.7% E7603 E8601 C-35 _A 290.0 7.1 2.5% -97.5% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.7% -96.3% F-65 Load - F rum Bus To Bus Br,mch Rated Load LoadedN Overl,oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3_D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4_C 490.0 228.9 46.7% -53.3% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7801 E6193 C-123 195,0 6.8 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7935 C-125 195.0 7.3 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.7 7.5% -925% E8105 E8152 C-13 _A 290.0 4.2 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490,0 25.9 5.3% -94.7% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.6 10.3% -89.7% E8127 E1825 C-26 220,0 26.8 12.2% -87.8% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.7 5A% -94.6% E8556 E8403 C-41 290,0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% 'E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 254.5 349% -65.1% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 317.6 59.9% -40.1% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270,0 15.4 53% -943% i EM-136601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5_B 530,0 212.0 40.0% -60.0% I HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8_A 530,0 293.7 55.4% -44.6% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2 A 2000.0 212.0 10.6% -89.4% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 293.7 14.7% 85.30' HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY4 2000.0 293.7 14.7% 85.3% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 49.0 16.9% -83.1% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 62.0 27.0% -73.0% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 64.2 8.8% 91.2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 273.0 37.4% -62.6% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490,0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 317.6 15.9% -84.1% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.0 10.6% -89.4% BUS OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000,0 668.3 33.4% -66.6% P-4800 P4851 X-114 530,0 55.3 10.4% -89.6% P1150 P8125 X-142 530,0 210.2 39.7% -60.3% P1176 E2153 C-7 A 290.0 105.8 36.5% -63.5% I P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.3 0.6% -99.4% i P1301 P1327 X-42 530,0 49.7 9.4% -90.6% r P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% 100.0% P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 61.3 11.6% -88.4% P1327 P2326 X45 530.0 33.4 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 38.1 Z2% -92.8% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 124.4 23.5% -76.5% F-66 Line Load From Bus To Sus Branch Rated Load Loaded',; OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps ~Adnps P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.2 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.6 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.9 20.4% -79.6% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 293.6 55.4% -44.6% P1803 E8534 C-76_A 290.0 16.4 5.7% -94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100 A 340.0 72.4 21.3% -78.7% P2102 PH76 X-96 340.0 105.8 31.1% -68.9% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.7% -94.3% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.9% -95.1% P2250 P2102 X-3_C 340.0 118.5 34.8% -65.2% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.6 18.0% -82.0% P2276 P1225 X-89_A 730.0 22.1 3.0% -97.0% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 18.8 13.0% -87.0% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 272.5 51.4% -48.6% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.8 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.4 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 136.4 25.7% -74.3% P2404 P2850 X-175 _A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 14.9 8.3% -91.7% P2550 P7500 X-4 _C 530.0 261.9 49.4°1° -50.6% P2550 E1328 C-6 _A 290.0 13.6 4.7% -95.3% P2624 P2550 X-4 _A 530.0 275.4 52.0% -48.0% P2624 E3305 C-1 A 290.0 7.4 2.6%a -97.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 315.2 59.5% -40.5% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5%0 -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 480 9.1% -90.9% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.9 4.9% -95.1% i P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.7 2.2% -97.8% P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12. t 93% -90.71/o P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13 D 530.0 13.8 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 143 6.5% -93.5% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.7 14.3% -85.7% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.6 9.9% -90.1% A P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.9 13.3% -86.7% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 89.6 26.4% -73.6% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 80.4 23.6% -76.4% F-67 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°,o Overl,oaded% Comment Nume Name Name, Amps. Amps P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/o P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.9 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.9 21.6% -78.4% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.7 6.4% -93.6% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 363 10.7% -89.3% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 168.3 31.8% -68.2% P3475 P2303 X-8 B 530.0 293.2 55.3% -44.7% P3603 P7625 X-4 _E 730.0 261.4 35.8% -64.2% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 170.5 23.4% -76.6% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.8 22.3% -77.7% P3653 P4650 X-64 530,0 137.0 25.9% -74.1% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 79.6 27.4% -72.6% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.7 7.9% -92.1% P3800 P2825 X-152 530,0 36.0 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.2 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220,0 15.2 6.9% -93.1% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270,0 20.8 7.7% -92.3% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 55.3 11.3% -88.7% I P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340,0 33.6 9.9% -90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1,1% -9 P4301 P3451 X-2 A 530.0 196.4 37.1% -62.9% P4401 P1150 X-5 A 530.0 210.5 39.7% -60.3% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 246.0 46.4% -53.6% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98,2% P4626 P3604 X-6 B 730,0 198.4 27.2% -72.8% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.8 8.1% -91.9% P4627 E4678 C-62 290,0 58.8 20.3% -79.7% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530,0 137.0 25.9% -74.1% P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 137.0 25.9% -74.1% P4700 P4750 X-12 _C 730,0 81.2 11.1% -88.9% ~ P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 Al 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730,0 180.6 24.7% -75.3% I P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.6 14.2% -85.8% i P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730,0 79.6 10.9% -89.1% I P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% P4800 P3800 X-13 _A 530.0 462 8.7% -91.390 P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.3 26.3% -73.7% F-68 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch [sated Load Loaded% OverLoaded;6 Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.8 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2749 C-9 B 570.0 365.7 64.2% -35.8% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 363.5 49.8% -50.2% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.1 2.1% -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 117.8 22.2% -77.8% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.0 23.4% -76.6% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.6 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3 _C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 _A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.7 15.9% -84.1% P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.2 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 70.5 13.3% -86.7% P4853 P4700 X-2 _B 530.0 282.6 53.3% -46.7% P4853 P4729 X-12_B 530.0 205.9 38.9% -61.1% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.6 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 52.8 10.0% -90.0% P5127 P4126 X-17 _A 730.0 365.7 50.1% -49.9% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.9% -86.1% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 368.7 50.5% -49.5% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 69.3 111% -86.9% I P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.2% -95.8% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 246.0 46.4% -53.6% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.3 3.3% -967% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.8 3.0% -97.0% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.8 3.0% -97.0% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 89.6 16.9% -83.1% P5602 E6603 X-5 _C 530.0 267.8 50.5% -49.5% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 257.6 35.3% -64.7% P5652 P5551 X-7 A 530.0 100.9 19.0% -81.0% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.3 8.9% -91.1% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% I P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 36.0 6.8% -932% P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.5 1.0% -99.0% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.7% -96.3% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 52.1 9.8% -90.2% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 42.8 8.1% -91.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.4 11.1% -88.9% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.5 19.8% -80.2% F-69 Linz Load i From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P6326 P5426 X-28 230,0 11.3 4.9% -95.1°/0 P6326 P6377 X-23 230,0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180,0 4.2 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.7 3.7% -96.3% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.4 12.3% -87.7% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.6 40.3% -59.7% P6526 P7527 X-25 730,0 36.8 5.00/0 -95.0% lI P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 30.9 9.1% -90.9% P6630 P6751 X-191 340,0 15.5 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 161.5 22.1% -77.9% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P7151 P7803 X-4 _B 270.0 26.7 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X- 12-D 530.0 161.0 30.4% -69.6% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 153 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.9 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P9376 X-119 730,0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 29.1 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9_B 730,0 142.4 19.5% -80.5% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530,0 254.9 48.1% -51.9% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.9 2.5% -97.5% i P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.3 13.0% -87.0% P7601 P6630 X-184 340,0 46.4 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.0 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 243.2 49.6% -50.4% P7753 P6676 X-13 B 730.0 161.5 22.1% -77.9% P7800 P5825 X-162 530,0 6.3 1.2% 98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P7803 E7850 C4 A 195.0 23.2 11.9% -88.1% P8101 P8163 X-69 A 730.0 221.5 30.3% -69.7% i P8125 P7151 X-11 A 530.0 210.2 39.7% -60.3% P8127 P2624 X-3 A 530.0 283.5 53.5% -46.5% P8t27 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96A% P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 -A 730,0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°l0 P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 221.5 30.3% -69.7% PS163 P8151 X-32_A 730.0 221.5 30.3% -69.7% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 0.0 0.00/0 -100.00/. P8278 P8625 X-37 530,0 28.0 5.3% -94.7% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.4 17.1% -82.9% P8278 P7277 X-51 230,0 43.1 18.7% -81.3% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.5 12.7% -87.3% F-70 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'. OverLoaded°b Comment I, Name Name Name Amps Amps P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 124.3 23.4% -76.6% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42 _A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 222.1 30.4% -69.6% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.8 2.3% -97.7% P9400 P8350 X-68 730.0 227.7 31.2% -68.8% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 234.4 32.1% -67.9% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 241.0 33.0% -67.0% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.7% -95.3% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 35.2 6.6% -93.4% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 37.1 7.0% -910% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.2 29.2% -70.8% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 210.8 39.8% -60.2% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.6 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.3 9.5% -90.5% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 214.3 29.4% -70.6% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 63.7 18.7% -81.3% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.4 15.4% -84.6% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 31.3 4.3% -95.7% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.3 2.2% -97.8% P8876 P8726 X$ _C 730.0 13.9 1.9% -98.1% PPL-POD_A PPL-POD B BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3.8% -96.2% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 _A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16 _A 730.0 376.4 51.6% -48.4% V2748 P4126 C-9_A 490.0 365.7 74.6% -25.4% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.5 3.9% -96.1% Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold- 10.00% Transformer Load _ Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Amps Amps kir OK_B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 547.8 44.4% -55.6% BUS T-3234 (BANK 41) PPL-POD _B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 75.6 75.3% -24.7% AS I T 2 l F' 1 3'1'-S1, I 0) :1 161.5 1101 _ I'l uN T-3856 (BANK ~f2) PPL-POD A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 58.8 46.8°,, -53.2% F-71 CASE 4-A2000 - FEEDER A2000 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 57.517 4.839 57.721 0.996 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.198 Losses in System 0.870 7.376 [Check of Balance 0.007 0.001 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10.00 % Line :...Load _ Prom Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°-o Overl oaded% Comment Name Naive Name Amps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-1`4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.0 4.1% -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -969% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.7 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253.9 47.9% -52.1% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-1`8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 109.0 20.6% -79.4% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 97.8 9.8% -90.2% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 624.8 31.2% -68.8% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-1_A 2000.0 531.7 26.6% -73.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5 B 2000.0 93.2 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.9 7.9% -92.1% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 25.1 12.8% -87.2% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.3 10.2% -89.8% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.2 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53A 570.0 259.1 45.5% -54.5% BUSINESS FDR P5604 I X-81 A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% E NEVADA P5602 X-5_13 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E1325 E8534 66 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 4.2% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% El 862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.3 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 74.6 25.7% -74.3% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 87.8 30.3% -69.7% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.1 6.9% -93.1% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.8 12.9% -87.1% E-1682 P2680 X-18 _A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.0% F-72 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°,o OverLoaded° o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 -A 290.0 8.2 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/6 E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.1 8.4% -91.6% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63 _E 290.0 28.9 10.0% -90.0% E3136 E4831 C-63 _C 290.0 11.0 3.8% -962% E3157 P3152 C-63_D 290.0 28.9 10.0% -90.0% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.7 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1 _C 195.0 53.1 27.2% -72.8% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.1 4.9% -95.1% E4101 P4828 C-79_B 145.0 11.2 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63 _B 290.0 39.9 13.7% -86.3% E4306 E4250 C-63_A 290.0 41.8 14.4% -85.6% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.9 17.2% -82.8% E4828 V2748 C-9 D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -1000% E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77_A 195.0 35.8 18.4% -81.6% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.7 99% -90.1% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.9 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 160.2 30.2% -69.8% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.4 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.4 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570.0 161.6 28.3% -71.7% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 53 23% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 404.4 82.5% -17.5% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.9% -98.1% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 6.0% -94.0% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.4 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5 C 490.0 426.9 87.1% -12.9% E7603 E8601 C-35_A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% F-73 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', Overl-wde&° Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0°0 E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C- 13-A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 0-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.9 34.1% 65.9% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5_13 530.0 212.7 40.1% -59.9% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 295.5 55.8% 44.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 2117 10.6% -89.4% j HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5 A 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 49.0 16.9% -811% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 62.0 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 323.0 44.3% -55.7% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 57.4% -42.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_B 2000.0 46.2 2.3% -97.7% TIE_A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26 A 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% TIE _A BUS j MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.2 14,1% -85.9% iMT S NAVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 455.2 22.8% -772% S MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 531.7 72.8% -27.2% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 46.2 9.4% -90.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% IBUS OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TEE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 672.5 33.6% -66.4% P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.5 42.7% -57.3% F-74 Loud From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°-o OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 210.9 39.8%0 -60.2% P1176 E2153 C-7 _A 290.0 106.4 36.7%a -63.3% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 254.8 34.9% -65.1% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.8 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7%u P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.2 23.6% -76,4% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.9 17.0% -83.0% P1727 P9677 X-102 230.0 47.2 20.5% -79.5% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9,2 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 155.6 29.4% -70.6% P1803 E8534 C-76 -A 290.0 16.4 5.7% -94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100 _A 340.0 72.8 21.4% -78.6% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 106.4 31.3% -68.7% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.3 5.7% -94.3% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2%a j P2250 P2102 X-3 _C 340.0 119.1 35.0% -65.0%a P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 33 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 132.3 18.1% -81.9% P2276 P1225 X-89_A 730.0 237.0 32.5% -67.5% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-163 530.0 274.3 51.7% -48.3% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30,2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.3 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2850 X-175 A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 8.4% -91.6% P2550 P7500 X-4_C 530.0 124.1 23.4% -76.6% P2550 E1329 C-6 A 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4%0 P2624 P2550 X-4 A 530.0 137.5 25.9% -74.1 %a P2624 E3305 C-I_A 290.0 7.4 2.6% -97.4% P2625 P1903 X-126 530.0 177.2 33.4% -66.6% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 49% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.3% -90,7% F-75 Line Load Rom Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°o QverLoaded°b Comment ~ Name Name Name Amps Amps P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13 -D 530.0 13.9 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.4% -93.60/. P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.2% -85.80/. P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.9 10.0% -90.01/. P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -73.9% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.6 23.4% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 101.1 13.9% -86.1% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.4 32.0% -68.0% P3475 P2303 X-8 B 530.0 295.0 55.7% -44.3% P3603 P7625 X-4_E 730.0 520.2 71.3% -28.7% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 88.3 12.1% -87.9% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 96.1 13.2% -86.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C46 290.0 78.7 27.2% 72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.9 7.9% -92.1% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.1 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% 96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% i P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 226.6 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340.0 33.8 9.9% -90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2_A 530,0 197.7 37.3% -62.7% P4401 P1150 X-5 -A 530.0 211.2 39.9% -60.1% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247,5 46.7% -53.3% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6 B 730.0 59.9 82% -9 i P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 59.3 8.1% -91.9% P4627 E4679 C-62 290.0 59.3 20.4% -79.6% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% F-76 - Line Load From bus ro Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded° a Comment Name Name Name Imps Amps P4700 P4750 X-12 C 730.0 80.3 11.00/0 -89.0% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 783 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% P4800 P3800 X-13_A 530.0 463 8.7% -913% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.5 26.4% -73.6% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9 B 570.0 82.5 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.3 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 118.3 22.3% -77.7% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.4 23.5% -76.5% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.7 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3 C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 -A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.8 16.0% -84.0% P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.5 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12 _B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% X-21 530.0 228.9 43.2% -56.8% ~P5126 P4132 P5127 P4126 X-17 _A 730.0 82.5 11.3% -88.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.9% -86.1% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.5 11.7% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 68.7 13.0% -87.0% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9% P1450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 33% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% I P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.8 16.7% -83.3% i P5602 E6603 X-5_C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 I P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5652 P5551 X-7 _A 530.0 99.9 18.9% -81.1% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.1 8.8% -91.2% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.7 6.7% -93.3% P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0% F-77 _ Line Load From Bus lo Bus Branch Rated Load Loadedl,o Overl_oaded°b Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P6602 X-137 270,0 9.9 3.6% -96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.4 7.5% -92.5% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.6 9.7% -90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.8 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.1 9.2% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4_B 270.0 26.8 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12_D 530.0 161.6 30.5% -69.5% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X 149 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.9 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 262.7 36.0% -64.0% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9_B 730.0 400.4 54.9% -45.2% P7500 P5652 X-6 -A 530.0 117.0 22.1% -77.9% P7500 E6677 C-83 195,0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 252 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.7 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 101 1.4% -98.6°/6 1 .r zr, "-f31 "'f:1P.l ti 2, 4 101 , ~lfv P7753 P6676 X-13 B 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% i P7803 E7850 C4 A 195.0 233 12.0% -88.0% P8101 P8163 X-69 A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8125 P7151 X-11 A 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P8127 P2624 X-3_A 530.0 145.6 27.5% -72.5% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 _A 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% I F-78 Luis Load From Bu's To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded° ° CJverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8151 P9629 X-34 730.0 220:1 30.1% -69.9% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 52% -94,8% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% i P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.4 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42_A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8376 BUS-2 C-74_A 4900 259.1 52.9% -47.1% P9400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.8 4.5% -95.5% P9500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26,7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78,8% P9529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.8 29.4% -70.6% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.4 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 112 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 212.9 292% -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 64.1 18.9% -81.1% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.6 15.5% -84.50/% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.5 4.3% -95,7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.7 16.8% -83.2% P8876 E1962 C-28 290.0 6.2 2.1 °/o -979% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83.3% PPL-POD _A PPL-POD_B BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3.8% -962% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 A 120.0 OA 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16_A 730.0 93.2 12.8% -87.2% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR SWY-2 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% V2748 P4126 C-9_A 490.0 82.5 16.8% -83.2% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54 _A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMANFDR WIGHTMANFDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% F-79 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10.00 % Transfor er Load - - - Flame From Bus To Bus Ratcd Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment ~Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 902.9 73.1 %o -26.9% BKR OK_B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 403.9 32.7% -67.3% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 74.6 74.3% -25.7% T-3234 (BANK # I) PPL-POD _B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 75.6 75.3% -24.7% _3 491; `1. l;t.-.\ I'iZl ..tii'_{' 4 8 T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD_A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 43.4 34.6% -65.4% F-80 CASE 4-A2001 - FEEDER A2001 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW MNIAR M','A PF Generation in System 57.440 4.654 57.028 0997' Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.211 Losses in System 0.806 7.207 Check of Balance -0.006 -0.001 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loade&° Overloaded°Q Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.0 4.1% -95.91/. 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.7 6.5% -93,5010 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253.9 47.9% -52.1% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 109.0 20.6% -79.4% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 97.2 9.7% -90.3% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.5 31.1% -68.91/o BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_B 2000.0 93.1 4.7% -95,3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.7 12.7% -87.3% B-138526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.1% -89.9% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 272.2 47.8% -52.2% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81_A 730.0 528.6 72.4% -27.6% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% E NEVADA P5602 X-5 _D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E1325 E8534 66 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 42% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.3 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 74.0 25.5% -74,5% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 87.0 30.0% -70.0% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.1 6.9% -911% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.8 12.9% -87.1% E2682 P2680 X-18 A 120.0 9.5 8.0% -92.0% E2765 E2758 C-67_A 290.0 8.0 2.8% -97.2% F-81 Line Load From Bus to Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Ovetloaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E2927 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.1 84% -91.6% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.90/0 E3136 E3157 C-63 E 290.0 28.4 9.8% -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63 _C 290.0 10.8 3.7°% -96.3°% E3157 P3152 C-63 D 290.0 28.4 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.7 9.6% -90A% E3606 E2682 C-1 C 195.0 53.0 27.2% -72.8% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 13.9 4.8% -952% E4101 P4828 C-79_B 145.0 1l'1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63B 290.0 39.3 13.5% -86.5% 1 E4306 E4250 C-63A 290.0 41.1 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.2 16.9% -811% E4828 V2748 C-9_D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/6 E5479 T5478 C-77 _A 195.0 35.8 18.3% -81.7% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.7 9.9% -90.1% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.9 4.8% -95.2% 1 E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 160.2 30.2% -69.8°% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.4 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570.0 161.6 28.3% -71.7°% E7130 E7181 C44 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 53 2.7% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 127.7 26.1°/0 -73.9% E7426 E9450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 6.0% -94.0% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5 C 490.0 1052 21.5% -78.5% E7603 E8601 C-35 _A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3_D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% F-82 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Overl-oadrd% Comment , Name Name Name Amps Amps ~ E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4_C 490.0 44.2 9,0fo -91.0% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 T4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-I3_A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 121% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -9842% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.9 34.1% -65.9% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94,4% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5 _B 530.0 212.7 40.1% -59,9% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8_A 530.0 295.5 55.8% -44.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2-A 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85,2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.9 16.8% -83.2% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 208.5 28.6% -71.4% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 57.4% -42.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-I 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% MORTONFDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1 B 2000.0 462 2.3% -97.7% TIE_A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93,2% I BUS TIE ~MTNAVEMAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% IBUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 455.2 22.8% -77.2% IBUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% BUS NMAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/. N. MOUNTAIN 138101 C-129 490.0 46.2 9.4% -90.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.00./0 IBUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% BUS OAK KN SRC I TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-I 1 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 672.5 33.6% -66.4% P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.5 42.7% -57.3% I F-83 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded',; OverLoadecf% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps 1`1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% ~ PI 176 E2153 C-7_A 290.0 105.4 364% -63.6% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 276.5 37.9% -62.1% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.4 93% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.8 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530,0 110.6 20,9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.2 216% -76.4% P1600 P1552 X-49 1300 4.1 32% -968% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.8 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% PI got P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97,9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 155.6 29.4% -70.6% P1803 E8534 C-76 A 290.0 16.4 5.7% -94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100 _A 340.0 72.1 21.2% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 C 340.0 118.1 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.01/. P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.2 18.0% -82.0% P2276 P1225 X-89 _A 730.0 294.2 40.3% -59.7% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 274.3 51.7% -48.3% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.3 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2850 X-175_A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 8.4% -91.6% P2550 P7500 X-4 C 530.0 124.1 23.4% 76.6% P2550 E1328 C-6_A 290,0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P2624 P2550 X4_A 530.0 137.5 25,9% -74.1% P2624 E3305 C-1 _A 290.0 7.4 2.6% -97.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 177.2 33.4% -66.6% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.3% -90.7% L F-84 - Line Load ` - 1 From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2777 RUH C-10 195.0 10,7 5.5% -94.51,'0 P2825 P1801 X-13_D 530.0 13.9 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9°/0 P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.4% -93.6% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.2% -85.8% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.4 9.8% -90.2% i P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -73.9% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.6 23.4% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 573 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 429.1 58.8% -41.2% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4%0 P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.4 32.0% -68.0% P3475 P2303 X-8 B 530.0 295.0 55.7% -44.3% P3603 P7625 X-4 _E 730.0 11.6 1.6% -98.4% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 441.7 60.5% -39.5% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 434.0 59.5% -40.5% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 78.6 27.1% -72.9% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.1 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 226.6 462% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-1-B 340.0 33.8 9.9% -90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% i P4301 P3451 X-2 _A 530.0 197.7 373% -62.7% P4401 P1150 X-5 _A 530.0 211.2 39.9% -60.1% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247.5 467% -533% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6_B 730.0 469.6 64.3% -35,7% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.4 8.0% -910% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.4 20.1% -79.9% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 F-85 ......Line Load From Bus lo Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', OverLoaded°o Comment None Mine Name Amps Amps P4700 P4750 X-12 C 730.0 80.2 11.0% -89.0% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15_A 730.0 78.6 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 152 5.6% -94.4% P4800 P3800 X-13 _A 530.0 46.3 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4950 X-153 180.0 47.5 26.4% -73.6% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9 _B 570.0 82.4 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.2 11.0% -89.0% I P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 118.3 22.3% -727% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.4 23.5% -76.5% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.7 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3 _C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.8 16.0% -84.0% P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.5 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X- 12_B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 228.9 43.2% -56.8% P5127 P4126 X-17 A 730.0 82.4 11.3% -88.7% I P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.4 11.7% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 68.7 13.0% -87.0% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.5 467% -.53.3% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.8 16.7% -83.3% P5602 E6603 X-5 _C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 528.6 72.4% -27.6% P5652 P5551 X-7 A 530.0 99.9 18.9% -81.1% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.1 8.8% -91.2% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.7 6.7% -93.3% P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0°/ F-86 - Line Load Frotn Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Overtoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.6% -96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.4 7.5% -92.5% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.6 9.7% -90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.8 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 3L1 9.2% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 -B 270.0 26.8 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12 _D 530.0 161.6 30.5% -69.5% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 268.7 36.8% -63.2% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6°/0 -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9 _B 730.0 133.0 18.2% -81.8% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530.0 117.0 22.1% -77.9°/0 P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.7 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 101 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 29.9 6.1% -93.9% P7753 P6676 X-13 B 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 12% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/0 P7803 E7850 C-4 _A 195.0 23.3 12.0% -88.0% P8101 P8163 X-69 _A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8125 P7151 X-11 A 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P8127 P2624 X-3 _A 530.0 145.6 27.5% -72.5% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% P8151 SMOUNTAINFDR X-31_A 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% i F-87 _ Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Overl.oaded% Comment 'I Name Name Name Amps Amps P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 52% -94.8%0 P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.4 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42 _A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P9350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8376 BUS-2 C-74 _A 490.0 272.2 55.6% -44.4% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78.8% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.8 29.4% -70.6% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.4 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 212.9 29.2% -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 64.1 18.9% -81.1% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.3 15.3% -84.7% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.7 16.8% -83.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 11% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83.3% PPL-POD _A PPL-POD _B BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3.8% -96.2% PSEUDO P3476 X-78_A 120.0 0.0 Q0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16 _A 730.0 93.1 12.7% -873% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% V2748 P4126 C-9 A 490.0 82.4 16.8% -83.2% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMAN FDR WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% F-88 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10.00% Lad TranSfonFrer Name From Bus To Bits Rated Load Loaded'-. Overloaded%u Comment Name Name Amps tlmps ASHLAND REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 910.3 73.7% -26.3% BKR OK-B2 REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 403.9 32.7%0 -67.3% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 74.6 74.3% -25.7% T-3234 (BANK # 1) PPL-POD_B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 75.6 75.3% -24.7% iSl? t;Z,`•. f?!Z! ht':1. 1 ,3 ; ti!`ft ; <; ;'Y`c "<< `.i €rti•s:;t T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 43.4 34.6% -65.4% F-89 CASE 4-A2002 -FEEDER A2002 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW MVAR N1VA PF Generation in System 57.381 4.139 57.530 0.997 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.198 Losses in System 0.745 6.680 Check of Balance -0.004 -0.003 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 % _ Lane Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded' Overl,oaded;o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270,0 11.0 4.1% -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195,0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-1`4600 X-155 180,0 11.7 6.5% -93.5% ~99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340,0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% 199-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253.9 47.9% 52.1% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290,0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-PS526 P8529 X-179 530.0 109.0 20.6% -79.4% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 86.0 8.6% -914% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 529.7 26.5% -73.5% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-l A 2000.0 272.6 13.6% -86.4% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340,0 26.7 7.8% -92.2% B-1`3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.8 12.7% -87.3% B-1`8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.2 10.1% -89.90/0 B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 111 5.3% -94.7° BUS-2 P8377 C-53 A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 _A 730.0 257.2 35.2% -64.8% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000,0 180.9 9.0% -9L0% E NEVADA P5602 X-5_1) 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 42% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195,0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290,0 3.4 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 74.1 25.6% -74.4% E2153 El 881 C-8 290.0 87.2 30.1% -69.9% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C-48 290,0 20.3 7.0% -93.0% E2682 P4500 X-74 130,0 17.0 13.1% -86.9% E2682 P2680 X-18 _A 120.0 9.7 8.1% -91.9% ~i E2765 E2758 C-67_A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% F-90 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'. OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.1 8.4% -91.6% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63 _E 290.0 28.6 9.9% -90.1% E3136 E4831 C-63 _C 290.0 10.9 3.7% -963% E3157 P3152 C-63 D 290.0 28.6 9.9% -90.1% E3606 E3750 C47 195.0 18.9 9.7% -90.3% E3606 E2682 C-1 _C 195.0 53.7 27.5% -72.5% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79 _B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63_B 290.0 39.5 13.6% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63 A 290.0 41.3 14.3% -85.7% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.4 17.0% -83.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77A 195.0 35.8 18.4% -81.6% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.7 9.9% -90.1% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.9 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 160.2 30.2% -69.8% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.4 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% i E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.4 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 A 570.0 161.6 28.3% -71.7% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9%0 -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 1453 29.7% -70.3% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% I E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 6.0% -94.0% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.4 17.0% -83.0% i E7551 E7426 C-5_C 490.0 167.7 34.2% -65.8% E7603 E8601 C-35 A 290.0 7.1 2.5% -97.5% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 _D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.00,/0 F-91 Line Load _ I From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Overloaded°,u Comment Name Name Name Amps ,'imps E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C4 _C 490.0 228.5 46.6% -53.4% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.8 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.6 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13 A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 350.3 71.5% -28.5% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.7 111% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% 'E8556 E8403 C41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -981% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.9 34.1% -65.9% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5 B 530.0 212.7 40.1% -59.9% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 295.5 55.8% -44.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% i HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.9 16.9% -83.1% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.9 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 64.1 8.8% -91.2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 376.0 76.7% -23.3% MORTON FDR T1E MORTON FDR BWY-I 2000.0 376.0 18.8% -81.2% I MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_B 2000.0 46.3 2.3% -97.7% TIE A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 259.4 13.0% -87.0% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 259.4 13.0% 87.0% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.8 68% -93.2% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 376.0 18.8% -81.2% BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 518.9 25.9% -74,1% iBUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.4 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 272.6 37.3% -62.7% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 463 9.4% -90.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% :BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% BUS OAK KN SRC I TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 672.5 33.6% -66.4% P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 321.1 60.6% -39.4% F-92 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°'o OverLoaded;b Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P1176 E2153 C-7_A 290.0 105.6 36.4% -63.6% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.3 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.5 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 61.0 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.2 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.8 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.2 23.6% -76.4% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.5 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.8 20.4% -79.6% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P78011 X-161 530.0 111 2.1% 97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 155.6 29.4% -70.6% P1803 E8534 C-76 A 290.0 16.4 5.7% -94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100 _A 340.0 72.2 21.2% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.6 31.1% -68.9% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.7% -94.3% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.9% -95.1% P2250 P2102 X-3 C 340.0 118.3 34.8% -65.2% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.4 18.0% -82.0% I P2276 P1225 X-99_A 730.0 22.1 3.0% -97.0% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 2743 51.7% -48.3% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.8 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.3 8.9% -91.1% I P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.3 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2850 X-175 _A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -919% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 8.4% -91.6% 'P2550 P7500 X4_C 530.0 124.1 23.4% -76.6% P2550 E1328 C-6 A 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P2624 P2550 X4 A 530.0 137.5 25.9% -74.1% i P2624 E3305 C-1 A 290.0 7.4 16% -97.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 177.2 33.4% -66.6% I P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 97.0 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.7 2.2% -97.8% P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.3% -90.7% F-93 Line Load From Bus l'o Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2777 RGF1 C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13 _D 530.0 13.9 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 4103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.5% -93.5% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.4 14.2% -85.8% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.6 9.9% -90.1% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.6 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 89.0 26.2% -73.8% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.8 23.5% -76.5% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.9 17.0% -810% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 1527 21.6% -78.4% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.7 6.4% -916% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.2 10.7% -89.3% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.4 32.0% -68.0% P3475 P2303 X-8 B 530.0 295.0 55.7% -44.3% P3603 P7625 X-4 _E 730.0 261.0 35.8% -64.2% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 170.2 23.3% -76.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.6 22.3% 77.7% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 79.6 27.4% -72.6% i P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.7 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.1 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.1 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 Z6% -92.4% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 321.1 65.5% -34.5% P4301 P4150 X-1_B 340.0 33.8 9.9% -90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 L1% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 _A 530.0 197.7 37.3% -62.7% P4401 P1150 X-5_A 530.0 211.2 39.9% -60.1% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6 _B 730.0 198.1 27.1% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.7 8.0% -92.0% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.7 20.2% -79.8% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°./0 F-94 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load LoadcO, Overloaded %o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P4700 P4750 X-12 _C 730.0 81.2 11.1% -88.9% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 180.5 24.7% -75.390 P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.6 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15_A 730.0 79.6 10.9°% -89.1% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% P4800 P3800 X-13_A 530.0 46.3 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.5 26.4% -73.6% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9 _B 570.0 10.8 1.9% -98.1% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 13.0 1.8% -98.2% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97,9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 118.3 22.3% -77.7% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.4 23.5% -76.5% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.7 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3_C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 -A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.8 16.0% -84.0% P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.2 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 305.9 57.7% -42.3% P4853 P4700 X-2 _B 530.0 94.2 17.8% -82.2% P4853 P4729 X-12_B 530.0 205.8 38.8% -61.2% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.6 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94,90/a P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 323.5 61.0% -39.0% i, P5127 P4126 X-17_A 730.0 10.8 1.5% -98.5% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.9% -86.1% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 7.8 1.1% -98.9% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 68.7 13.0% -87.0% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.390 P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.8 16.7% -83.3% P5602 E6603 X-5 C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 257.2 35.2% -64.8% P5652 P5551 X-7 _A 530.0 99.9 18.9% -81.1% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.1 8.8% -91.2% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.7 6.7% -933% F-95 Line - Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded',. OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0%a -99,0% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.6% -96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.4 7.5% -92.5% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.6 9.7% -90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.00/0 -100.00/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 333.5 62.9% -37.1% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.00% -89.01/. P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.4 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.3 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.2 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.4 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.5 40.2% -59.8% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.7 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.1 9.2% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 161.4 22.1% -77.9% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 _B 270.0 26.8 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12 _D 530.0 161.6 30.5% -69.5% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% 'P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 29.0 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9-B, 730,0 1411 19.5% -80.5% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530.0 1120 22.1% -77.9% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.3 13.0% -87.0%a P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.7 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.1 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 242.8 49.6% -50.4% P7753 P6676 X-13 B. 730.0 161.4 22.1% -77.9% P7900 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.80/0 P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 P7803 E7850 C4_A 195.0 233 12.0% -88.0°/10 P8101 P8163 X-69 A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8125 P7151 X-I 1_A 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P8127 P2624 X-3 _A 530.0 145.6 27.5% -72.5% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6%0 -96.4% F-9b Load From Bus To Bus Branch Ported Load LoadetdN OverLoaded°'. Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 _A 730.0 220.4 30.2% -69.8% P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.4 30.2% -69.8% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.8 18.6% -81.4% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.9 5.3% -94.7% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.2 17.0% -83.0% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.1 12.7% -87.3% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.7 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42_A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.7 6.3% -93.7% P9400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.8 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.1 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95,4% P8426 E7402 C-60_A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 135 4.7% -95.3% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.8 21.9% -78.1% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.8 21.3% -78.7% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.8 29.4% -70.6% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.8 39.6% -60.4% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.6 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 213.3 29.2% -70,8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 64.1 18.9% -81,1% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.3 15.4% -84.601o P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.301'. -917% I P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 123.0 16.8% -83.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 11% -97.90/. P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 122.0 16.7% -83.3%0 PPL-POD_A PPL-POD _B BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3.8% -962% PSEUDO P3476 X-78_A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16_A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 220.4 11.0% -89.0% j V2748 P4126 C-9 A 490.0 10.8 2.2% -97.8% WIGHTMANFDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 135.8 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMAN FDR WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.8 6.8%0 -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% F-97 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10.00% Transfornier Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded% CherLoaded% Comment Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 802.3 65.0% -35.0% BKR OK_B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 404.0 32.7% -67.3% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 85.1 84.7% -15.3% T-3234 (BANK #1) PPL-POD B OAK KN SRC 2 TEE 100.4 75.6 75.3% -24.7% T-3499 ASH TRAN PRI ASHLAND T-SEC 100.4 86.0 85.6% -14.4% T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 43.4 34.6% -65.4% F-98 CASE 4-SR56 - FEEDER SR56 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW MVAR WA PF Generation in System 57.615 4.782 57.814 0,997 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.196 Losses in System 0.972 7.315 Check of Balance 0.004 0.004 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold= 10.00% _ Line - Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Lojded% OverLoaded" CORITIlem Name Name Name kings Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.2 3.4° o -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.1 4.1% -95.9% 66-1`4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.8 6.6% -93.4% 99-136526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.9 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 50.6 9.6% -90.4% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.8 7.2% -92.8% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 190.8 36.0% -64.0% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.8 9.7% -90.3% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.4 31.1% -68.9% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-l A 2000.0 271.9 13.6% -86.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_13 2000.0 93.4 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.8 12.7% -87.3% B-1`8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.1% -89.9% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 _A 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 179.9 9.0% -91.0% E NEVADA P5602 X-5 _D 730.0 0.0 0.0% 100.0% E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.5 4.5% -955% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.1 4.2% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -989% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.3 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 86.9 30.0% -70.0% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.6 4.9% -95.1% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.2 7.0% -93.0% E2682 1`4500 X-74 130.0 16.9 13.0% -87.0°% E2682 P2690 X-18 A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.00/0 F-99 l ne _ _ Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load LoadedN OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2%0 E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.4 8.5% -91.5% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 22.1 9.2% -90.8% E3136 F3157 C-63_E 290.0 28.5 9.80/0 -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63_C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63 _D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1 _C 195.0 53.2 27.3% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79 B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63_A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 493 17.0% -83.0% I E4828 V2748 C-9 _D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/a E4828 V2748 C-9 C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% I E5479 T5479 C-77 A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 24.0 10.0% -90.0% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% I E5829 P4827 X-12_A 530.0 461.7 87.1% -12.9% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.5 5.4% -94.6% E6183 E7835 C-124 29Q.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 03% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.90/. E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570.0 463.1 81.2% -18.8% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 17% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 145.0 29.6% -70.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% i E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94.1%0 E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5 _C 490.0 167.3 34.2% -65.8% E7603 E8601 C-35 _A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% ~ I F-100 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded',. OverLoaded°o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 -D 195.0 9.8 5.00/0 -95.0°4 E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 _C 490.0 228.0 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3%m E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% I E8105 E8152 C-13_A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6%Q E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 16.2 5.6% -94A% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 179.9 34.0% -66.0% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270. 15.1 5.6% -94.4% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% rf E ,:I`-d1 i E,.; iR t=.t =t1( l , art (i ; P HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 A 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2 A 2000.0 513.5 25.7% -74.3% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% I MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 63.9 8.8% -91.2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 57.4% -42.6% I MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 20000 281.2 14.1% -85.9%0 MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_B 2000.0 46.2 2.3% -97.7% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26 A 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 455.2 22.8% -77.2% ;BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.9 37.2% -62.8% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 46.2 9.4% -90.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 179.9 9.0% -91.0% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 513.5 25.7% -74.3% BUS OAK KN SRC I TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 378.5 18.9% -81.1% P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226,5 42.7% -57.30/a F-101 Line Load C From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment I Name Name Name Amps Amps P1176 E2153 C-7 A 290.0 105.4 36.3% -63.7% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.2 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.8 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 174.6 33.0% -67.0% P1600 P1552 X49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 311.1 58.7% -41.3% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 154.7 29.2% -70.8% P1803 E8534 C-76_A 290.0 163 5.6% -94.4% P1854 P1700 X-100 A 340.0 72.1 21.2% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% 69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 _C 340.0 118.0 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.1 18.0% -82.0% I P2276 P1225 X-89 A 730.0 22.0 3.0% -97.0% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.4 13.4% -86.6% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 35.0 6.6% -93.4% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 162.6 30.7% -69.3% P2404 P2850 X-175 _A 230.0 14.2 6.2% -93.8% I P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.2 8.4% -91.6% P2550 P7500 X-4 _C 530.0 123.4 23.3% -76.7% P2550 E1328 C-6 A 290.0 13.4 4.6% -95.4% I P2624 P2550 X-4 _A 530.0 136.7 25.8% -74.2% P2624 E3305 C-1 _A 290.0 7.4 2.5% -97.5% I P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 176.2 312% -66.8% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.9% i i P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.2% -90.8% P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% F-102 Line load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Annps P2825 P1801 X-13_D 530.0 313.8 59.2% -40.8% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.10/0 -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.4% -93.6% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.20/o -85.8% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -902% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% 86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -73.9% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.6 214% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X- 16 340.0 573 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.3 21.5% -78.5% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.8 4.3% -95,7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 130.8 24.7% -75.3% P3475 P2303 X-8_B 530.0 27.5 5.2% -94,8% i P3603 P7625 X-4 _E 730.0 260.4 35.7% -64.3% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 169.8 23.3% -76.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.2 222% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 78.9 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 336.2 63.4% -36.6% P3800 E3101 C-99 195,0 63 3.2% -96,8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 226.6 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-1_B 340.0 34.2 10.1% -89.90/0 P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.1 1.2%a -98,80/0 P4301 P3451 X-2 A 530.0 103.1 19.4%a -80.6% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 56.2 10.6% -89.4% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6 B 730.0 197.6 271% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.6 8.0% -92.0% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.6 20.2% -79.8% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% i P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100,0% P4700 P4750 X-12 _C 730.0 W5 11.0% 89.0°e P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.10/0 -999% F-103 Line Load - From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Nance Amps Amps P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 78.9 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.1 5.6% -94.4% P4800 P3800 X-13 _A 530.0 346.6 65.4% -34.6% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 48.0 26.7% -73.3% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 22.1 9.2% -90.8% P4801 V2748 C-9 _B 570.0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 419.3 79.1% -20.9% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 425.5 80.3% -19.7% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 31.1 12.9% -87.1% P4827 E5150 C-3 _C 290.0 3.8 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 29.1 16.2% -818% P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.5 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12 B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 228.9 43.2% -56.8% P5127 P4126 X-17 A 730.0 82.7 11.3% -88.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.7 11.7% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 683 12.9% -87.1% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.3 4.1% -95.9% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 56.2 10.6% -89.4% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.5 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% I P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.3 16.7% -83.3% P5602 E6603 X-5 _C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% ~P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% P5652 P5551 X-7 A 530.0 99.4 18.7% -81.3% I P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.0 8.7% -91.3% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 18 1.5% -98.5% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.5 6.7% -93.3% P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0% 'P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.8 3.6% 96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.3 7.5% -92.5% F-104 Line Lead From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded". Comment Name Name Milne Amps Amps P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.3 9.7% -90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.8 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.91/0 P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.3 9.2% -90.80/0 P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.7 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.8 22.0% 78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 _B 270.0 27.1 10.0% -90.0% P7151 E6826 X-12_D 530.0 463.1 87.4% -12.6% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.9 10% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.5 5.8% -94.2% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -874% I P7404 MN-P7400 X-9 _B 730.0 141.8 19.4% -80.6% P7500 P5652 X-6 A 530.0 116.4 22.0% -78.0% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 129% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.9 13.8% -862% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 289.6 39.7% 60.3% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 242.2 49.4% -50.6% P7753 P6676 X-13_B 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.4 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 299.7 41.1% -58.9% P7801 P7701 X-194 730.0 299.7 41.1% -58.9% P7803 E7850 C-4 A 195.0 23.5 12.1% -879% P8101 P8163 X-69 A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0%0 dl__ ti .^3 I: P8127 P2624 X-3 _A 530.0 144.8 27.3% -72.7% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 6.9 3.6% -96.4% I P8151 SMOUNTAINFDR X-31_A 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% I ~ F-105 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded" e OverLoaded°b Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P9278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.2% -94.8% P8278 E9127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.4 23.3% -763% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 CA2_A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 333 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78.8% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 200.0 58.8% -41.2% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.4 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% 98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 212.9 29.2% -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 235.6 69.3% -30.7% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% P9677 Et653 C-56 195.0 8.4 43% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.7 16.8% -83.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 21% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83.3% PPL-POD_A PPL-POD _B BWY-33 2000.0 415 2.1% -97.9% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0° 0 RAIL, ROAD FDR P5225 X-I6_A 730.0 93.4 12.8% -87.2% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% V2748 P4126 C-9 A 490.0 82.7 16.9% -811% i W IGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMANFDR WIGHTMANFDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10.00 % 'I ransforrner Load Name Froin Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded'. OverLoaded% Comment i Name Name Amps - Amps F-106 Transformer Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loadedlo OverLoade&'. Comment Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 895.6 72.5% -27.5% BKR OK B2 REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 720.3 58.3% 41.7% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 74.6 74.3% -25.7% T-3234 (BANK #1) PPL-POD_B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 42.5 42.4% -57.6% ltil l'aZ,iNlI'Zl ti? U Ot>g } v €tt::_; T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD_A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 77.3 6L6% -38.4% F-107 CASE 4-SR70 - FEEDER SR70 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Iola] MW MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 57.719 6.153 58.046 0.994 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.171 Losses in System 1.084 8.666 Check of Balance -0.004 -0.002 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10 00 % Line Load From Bus To Bus R3 Mch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.3 3.5% -96.5% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.4 4.2% -95.8% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 63 3.2% -96.8% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 12.1 6.7% -93.3% 99-1`6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 242 7.1% -92.9% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.5 7.1% -92.9% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 331.4 62.5% -37.5% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.7 9.7% -90.3% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.5 31.1% -68.9% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-l A 2000.0 271.9 13.6% -86.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_B 2000.0 93.4 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% B-P3725 F2929 C-49 195.0 24.8 12.7% -87.3% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.1% -89.9% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -94.7% I BUS-2 P8377 C-53A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESSFDR P5604 X-81_A 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 180.0 9.0% -91.0% E NEVADA P5602 X-5_1) 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°% E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.1 4.2% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.3 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% I E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 86.9 30.0% -70.0% F2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.2 7.0% -93.0% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 169 110% -87.0% E2682 P2680 X-18 A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.0% F-108 Line - - Load - From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Arttps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 -A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°,/0 E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.8 8.7% -91.3% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 22.7 9.4% -90.6% E3136 E3157 C-63_E 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63 _C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63_D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1 _C 195.0 512 27.3% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14,0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79-B 145.0 11.1 7.7%0 -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63 _B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63 A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 _D 490.0 0.0 0.01/0 -100.00/0 E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 _A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 24.6 10.3% -89.7% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12_A 530.0 59.8 11.3% -88.7% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 16.0 5.5% -94.5% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 A 570.0 58.4 10.2% -89.8% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94,1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490,0 145.0 29.6% -70.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98,2% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97,7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99,0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94,1% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 493 17.0% -810% E7551 E7426 C-5 C 490.0 167.4 34.2% -65,8% E7603 E8601 C-35_A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% F-109 _ Line Load From Bas Fo Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded',. Overl-oade&. Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 _C 490.0 228.0 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% I E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 33% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13 _A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.9 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% i E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.0 34.0% -660% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.1 5.6% -94.4% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5 _B 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 519.3 26.0% -74.00/0 HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 519.3 26.0% -74.0% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 63.9 8.8% -91.2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 57.4% -42.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1 B 2000.0 46.2 2.3% -97.7% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26 A 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% BUS MTNAVEMAIN WIGHTMANFDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% i BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% !BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 455.2 22.8% -77.2% IBUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.9 37.3% -62.7% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 462 9.4% -90.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.0 9.0% -91.0% !BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% ;BUS I OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 896.0 44.8% -552% P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.5 42.7% -57.3% P1 150 P8125 X-142 530.0 272 5.1% -94.9% F-110 Line Load From Bus Fo Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded,. OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P1176 E2153 C-7 A 290.0 105.4 36.3% -633% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.2 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0%° P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.8 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 347.8 65.6% -34.4% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 209.5 39.5% -60.5% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 154.7 29.2% -70.8% P1803 E8534 C-76 _A 290.0 16.3 5.6% -94.4% P1854 P1700 X-100 _A 340.0 72.1 21.2% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 _C 340.0 118.0 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.00/10 -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.1 18.0% -82.0% P2276 P1225 X-89 A 730.0 22.0 3.0% -97.0%° P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% i P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 360.0 67.9% -32.1% P2404 P2850 X-175 -A 230.0 14.2 6.2% -93.8% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.2 8.5% -91.5% P2550 P7500 X-4_C 530.0 123.4 23.3% -76.7% P2550 E1328 C-6 _A 290.0 13.4 4.6% -95.4% P2624 P2550 X-4 _A 530.0 136.7 25.8% -74.2% P2624 E3305 C-1 A 290.0 7.4 2.5% -97.5% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 176.2 33.2% -66.8% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% I P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8%° P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.2% -90.8% P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13 D 530.0 206.8 39.0% -61.0% F-111 Linz _ Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Lead Loaded', OVerLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.90/4 P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.4% -93.6% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.2% -85.8% P3152 E3901 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% -86.80/a P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -73.9% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.6 23.40/. -76.60/. P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.3 21.6% -78.4% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 63% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.8 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 392.5 74.1% -25.9% -20",,, Wac mul P3603 P7625 X-4 E 730.0 260.4 35.7% -64.3% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 169.8 23.3% -76.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 1622 22.2% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 78.9 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 184.0 34.7% -65.3% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.4 3.3% -96.7% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P4800 C-7 490.0 226.6 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340.0 34.2 10.1% -89.9% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.1 1.1% -98.91/. P4301 P3451 X-2 _A 530.0 421.1 79.5% -20.5% I P4401 P1150 X-5_A 530.0 27.1 5.1% -94.9% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 471.5 89.0% -11.0% I P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.4 1.9% -98.1% P4626 P3604 X-6_B 730.0 197.6 271% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.6 8.0% -92.0% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.6 20.2% -79.8% v P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P4700 P4750 X-12_C 730.0 80.5 1L0% -89.0% `P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X42 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.4% i F-112 - L-me Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'jo Overl-oadedl,b Comment Name Name Name Amps temps P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 78.9 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.1 5.6% -944% P4800 P3800 X-13 _A 530.0 173.5 32.7% -67.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 49.2 27.4% -716% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 22.7 9.4% -90.6% P4801 V2748 C-9 B 570.0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.4 2.2% 97.8% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 100.6 19.0% -81.0% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 94.4 17.8% -82.2% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 31.9 13.3% -86.7% 1 P4827 E5150 C-3_C 290.0 3.9 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 29.8 16.6% -83.4% P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0- 211.5 39.9% 60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12 _B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 228.9 43.2% -56.8% P5127 P4126 X-17 _A 730.0 82.7 11.3% -88.7% 1 P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2%_ P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.7 11.7% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 68.3 12.9% -87.1% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 4715 89.0% -11.01/0 P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.3 16.7% -833% P5602 E6603 X-5 _C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.90/. P5652 P5551 X-7 _A 530.0 99.4 18.7% -81.3% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.0 8.7% -91.3% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.9 1.5% -98.5% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.5 6.7% -93.3% P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.8 3.6% -96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.3 7.5% -92.5% P5901 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.3 9.7% -90.3% F-113 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Overloaded°'o Comment Name Narne Name Amps Amps P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.8 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6955 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340,0 672 19.80/0 -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230,0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340,0 13.0 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 401% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340,0 31.7 9.3% -90.7% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.9 4.7% -95.3% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0%n P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 _B 270,0 27.9 10.3% -89.7% P7151 E6826 X-12_D 530.0 58.4 11.0% -89.0% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 4.0 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 16.0 5.9% -94.1% P7200 P5200 X-124 230,0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730,0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230,0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9_B 730.0 141.8 19.4% -80.6% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530,0 116.4 22.0% -78.0% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 47.5 14.0% -86.0% P7601 P7701 X-187 730,0 231.2 31.7% -68.3% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490,0 2423 49.4% -50.6% P7753 P6676 X-13 B 730,0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.5 1.2% -98.8% 'P7800 P7801 X-163 730,0 221.0 30.3% -69.7% P7801 P7701 X-194 730.0 221.0 303% -69.7% P7803 E7850 C4_A 195.0 242 12.4%u -8T6% P9101 P8163 X-69 A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8125 P7151 X-11 _A 530.0 27.2 5.1% -94.9% P8127 P2624 X-3 A 530.0 144.8 27.3% -72.7% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31_A 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% j P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% F-114 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load LoadedO, Overloaded°o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.2% -94.8% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.4 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C42_A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 23% -97.7% P9400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 333 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P8526 P9527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78,8% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.4 39.5%0 -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 212.9 29.2% -70.8% P9651 P7601 X-183 340.0 286.0 84.1% -15.9% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 43% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.7 16.8% -83,2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 62 2.1% -97,9°1° P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83.3% PPL-POD_A PPL-POD B BWY-33 2000.0 101.9 5.1% -94.9% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 _A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-I6_A 730.0 93.4 12.8% -87.2% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% V2748 P4126 C-9_A 490.0 82.7 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMANFDR P8175 X-54 A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMANFDR WIGHTMANFDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10.00 % transformer Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated load Loaded`.''. Overloaded",. Comment I Name Name Amps-- Amps F-115 i Transformer Load Name From Bas To Bus Rated Load Loadedlo OverLoaded°o Comment Name Name Amp Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 903.4 73.2% -26.80/. BKR OK B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 185.9 15.1% -84.9% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 74.6 74.3% -25.7% e'OD h ~ f N, SRC 21,11; 100,4 117. > ~°'>v 4'IC?L_~"t1 o N, S#. Si:C i s 3Yar r _z T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD_A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 20.0 15.9% -84.1% F-116 CASE 4-SR93 - FEEDER SR93 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW WAR MVA PF Generation in System 57.471 4.952 57.683 0.996 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.171 Losses in System 0.826 7.462 Check of Balance 0.005 0.002 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold= 10.00% Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load LoadcO° OverLoaded°o Comment Name Name Name Amps "letups 166-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.o°/0 66-1`4750 1`5654 X-156 270.0 11.0 4.1% -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -969% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.6 6.5% -915% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% j99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253.9 47.9% -52.1% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 109.0 20.6% -79.4% 1115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.8 9.7% -903% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.4 31.1% -68.9°.10 BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-1_A 2000.0 271.9 13.6% -86.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_13 2000.0 93.4 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-1`3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.8 12.7% -87.3% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.1% -89.9% B-1`8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 _A 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% E NEVADA P5602 X-5 _D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E1325 E8534 66 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.3 4.3% -95.7% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 11% -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.4 12% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 869 30.0% -70.0% I E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.2 7.0% -93.0°,/o E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.9 13.0% -87.0% E2682 P2680 X-18 _A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.0% E2765 E2758 C-67 _A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% F-117 Liae Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load LoadedN OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps :~c»tps E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.0 8.3% -91.7% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/6 E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.8 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63 _E 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% F3136 E4831 C-63C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63 _D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1_C 195.0 53.2 27.3% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79 B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63_B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -864% E4306 E4250 C-63_A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E4828 V2748 C-9_D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77_A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% i E5701 E5725 C-93 240,0 23.6 9.8% -90.2% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 _A 530,0 159.5 30.1% -69.9% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 153 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% I E6528 E5752 C-68 290,0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195,0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570,0 160.9 28.2% -71.80/. E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -952% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 145.0 29.6% -70.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290,0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% I E7530 E7427 C-35 290,0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7579 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94.1% ' E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5_C 490.0 167.3 34.2% -65.8% E7603 E8601 C-35_A 290,0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% j E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3-D 195,0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% ~ I F-118 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Ratite Load Loaded°%° Overl-oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 C 490.0 228.0 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.8 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% ES 105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-I3_A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.7 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% ° -89.8 E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 266 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C41 290.0 52 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% i EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.5 5.7% -943% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5_13 530.0 211.8 40.0% -60.0% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 295.5 55.8% -44.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 211.8 10.6% -89.4% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR. BWY-5_A 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 63.9 8.8% -91,2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.3 57.4% -42.6% 'MORTON FDR TIE MORTONFDR BWY-1 2000.0 281.3 14.1% -85.91/0 MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_B 2000.0 46.2 2.3% -97.7% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTNAVEAUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 289.4 14.5% -85.5% TIE_A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 289.4 14.5% -85.5% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 320.6 16.0% -84.0%° BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.3 14.1% -85.9% BUS MTNAVEMAIN MTNAVEINCTIE BWY-22 2000.0 578.7 28.9% -71.1% 'BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.9 37.2% -62.8% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 46.2 9.4% -90.6% I OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 ,BUS i I OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 211.8 10.6% -89.4io BUS OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 672.5 33.6% -66.4% P4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.6 42.8°l° -57.2% I 1 F-119 Line Load Fr am Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoaded°b Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 210.0 39.6% -60.4% P1176 E2153 C-7 _A 290.0 MA 36.3% -63.7% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.2 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.9 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 63% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 292.7 55.2% -44.8% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.2 23.6% -76.4% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 48.4 9.1% -90.9% P1803 E8534 C-76 _A 290.0 16.8 5.8% -94.2% P1854 P1700 X-100 _A 340.0 72.1 21.2% -78.8% P2102 PI 176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 _C 340.0 118.0 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.1 18.0% -82.0% P2276 P1225 X-89_A 730.0 22.0 3.0% -97.0% i P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 274.3 51.7% -48.3% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.3 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2850 X-175_A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 8.4% -91.6% P2550 P7500 X-4 C 530.0 68.5 12.9% -87.1% P2550 E1328 C-6 A 290.0 13.7 4.7% -95.3% P2624 P2550 X-4 _A 530.0 58.7 11.1% -889% P2624 E3305 C-1 A 290.0 7.5 2.6% -97.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 41.7 7.9% -92.1% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.1 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 279.0 52.61/. -47.41/. P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2690 P3476 X-76 120.0 16 22% -97.8% i P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% 1 F-120 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', Overloaded°u Comment Flame Name Name Amps Amps P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13 _D 530.0 13.8 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 143 6.5% -93.5% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 222.7 82.5% -17.5% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.8 13.3% -86.7% P3175 P3828 X-59 270.0 185.1 68.5% -31.5% i P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 270.8 79.6% -20.4% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 261.5 76.9% -23.1% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.3 21.5% -78.5% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6A% -93.6% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.4 32.0% -68.00/. P3475 P2303 X-8 _B 530.0 295.0 55.7% -44.3% P3603 P7625 X-4 _E 730.0 260.4 35.7% -64.3% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 169.8 23.3% -76.7%a P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.2 22.2% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 78.9 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 35.9 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 181.3 34.2% -65.8% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.2 6.9% -93.1% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.8 7.7% -92.3% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 226.7 46.3% -53.7% P4301 P4150 X-1B 340.0 33.8 9.9% -90.1%a P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1*/0 -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 A 530.0 197.7 37.3% -62.7% P4401 P1150 X-5 A 530.0 210.3 39.7% -60.3% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6 B 730.0 197.6 27.1% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.6 8.0% -92.0% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.6 20.2% -79.8% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0%u -100.0% i P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0014 F-121 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Over ,oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -IM 0% P4700 P4750 X-12 _C 730.0 80.5 I L0% -89.0% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.9 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15_A 730.0 78.9 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.5 5.7% -94.3% P4800 P3800 X-13_A 530.0 46.1 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.3 26.3% -73.7% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.8 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9 _B 570.0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.1 2.1% -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 117.7 22.2% -77.8% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 123.9 23.4% -76.6% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.6 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3 _C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79_A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.7 15.9% -84.1% P4851 E3803 C4 290.0 15.1 52% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.6 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12 _B 530.0 205.1 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 229.0 43.2% -56.8% P5127 P4126 X-17 A 7X0 82.7 11.3% -88.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.7 11.7% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 117.7 22.2% -77.8% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.5 4.2% -95.8% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% i P5450 E6200 C-114 19540 6.4 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.8 3.0% -97.0% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.8 3.0% -97.0% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 98.4 18.6% -81.4% P5602 E6603 X-5_C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% P5652 P5551 X-7 A 530.0 89.2 16.8% -83.2% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.4 89% -91.1% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 36.2 6.8% -93.2% i F-122 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.5 1.01"0 -99.00/0 P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 10.0 3.7% -96.3% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.7 7.7% -92.3% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 52.4 9.9% -90.1% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.9 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.1 9.2% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.9 22.0% -78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 -B 270.0 26.7 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12 _D 530.0 160.9 30.4% -69.6% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.3 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9_B 730,0 141.8 19.4% -80k% P7500 P5652 X-6 A 530.0 73.8 13.9% -86.1% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.9 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 463 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.1 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 242.2 49.4% -50.6% P7753 P6676 X-13B 730.0 160.9 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P7803 E7850 C4_A 195.0 232 11.9% -88.1% P8101 P8163 X-69 A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -1000% P8125 P7151 X-11 _A 530.0 210.0 39.6% -60.4% P8127 P2624 X-3 A 530.0 52.9 10.0% -90.0% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% F-123 Lint Loa From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded"; Overi oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 A 730.0 220.1 30.2% -69.8% P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30.2% -69.9% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 320.6 43.9% -56.1% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.2% -94.80/. P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P9279 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.49/6 P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.7% -87.3% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 1235 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42 _A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -973% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 297.7 56.2% -43.8% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 294.6 55.6% 44.4% I P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.8 29.4% -70.6% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.5 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% 98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 213.0 29.2% -70.8% P9651 P7601 X-183 340.0 64.1 18.9% -81.1% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% I P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 304.9 41.8% -58.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 306.8 42.0% -58.0% PPL-POD A PPL-POD B BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3.8% -96.2% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 _A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16_A 730.0 93.4 12.8% 87.2% i S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 220.1 11.0% -8 V2748 P4126 C-9 A 490.0 82.7 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMAN FDR P9175 X-54 A 730.0 320.6 43.9% -56.1% WiGHTMANFDR WIGHTMANFDR BWY-5 2000.0 320.6 16.0°f° -84.00/. TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.5 3.9% -96.1% I - ~ F-124 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold= 10.00 % Transformer Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded° o Overl-oaded% Comment Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 895.6 72.5% -27.5% BKR OK B2 REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 218.9 17.7% -82.3% BUS 1I" 1 [;v 1 11".1 .9 ! 55 , Wrr€m. T-3234 (BANK #1) PPL-POD-B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 75.6 75.3% -24.7% 1 1 I r -6'S -A 3 , f "x'amplg T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD-A BANK 2 SEC 1255 23.5 18.7% -81,3% F-125 CASE 4-M3006 - FEEDER M3006 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW WAR MVA PP Generation in System 57.374 4.356 57.539 0.997 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.220 Losses in System 0.738 6.926 Check of Balance -0.004 -0.009 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold = l o no % Line _ Lcad From B&is [o Bus Branch Rated I oad Loaded°u OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-1`4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.0 4.1% -95.9% 166-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.7 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.6 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 252.3 47.6% -52.4% 99-1`8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.2 7.0% -93.0% 99-1`8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 108.3 20.4% -79.6% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.7 9.7% -9 ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.5 31.1% -68.91/. BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN NMAIN FDR BWY-1_A 2000.0 271.9 13.6% -86.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_B 2000.0 93.4 4.7% -953% BUS 13-133725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.8 12.7% -87.3% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.1% -89.9% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°io BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 _A 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% E NEVADA P5602 X-5 D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/. E1325 E8534 66 C-108 145.0 6.3 43% -95.7% El 328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 4.2% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% i El 862 E1875 C-29 290.0 33 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 86.9 30.0% -70.0% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C-48 290.0 20.2 7.00,% -93.0% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.9 13.0% -87.0% E2682 P2680 X-I8_A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.0% F-126 - Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoade&: Comment Name Name Nate Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 _A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.1 8.4% -91.6% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63 _E 290.0 28.5 9.80/6 -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63 _C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63_D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1_C 195.0 53.2 273% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -952% E4101 P4828 C-79 B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63 B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63 _A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 _A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 217 9.9% -90.1% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 160.2 30.2% -69.8% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.4 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -9U% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570.0 161.6 28.4% -71.6% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 145.0 29.6% -70.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94.1% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5 C 490.0 167.3 34.2% -65.8% E7603 E8601 C-35 -A 290.0 71 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% F-127 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°,o Overl-oade&'Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 _C 490.0 228.0 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13_A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.7 5.4% -94.6% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.9 34.1% -65.9% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5_B 530.0 212.7 40.1% -59.9% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 293.7 55.4% -44.6% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 293.7 14.7% -85.3% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 293.7 14.7% -85.3% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% i MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 63.9 8.8% -91.2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 57.4% -42.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26 A 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% TIE A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 227.6 11.4% -88.6% BUS IMTNAVEMAIN WIGHTMANFDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% IBUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 455.2 22.8% -77.2% BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 266.1 13.3% -86.7% BUS f N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.9 37.2% -62.8% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% !BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% BUS OAK KN SRC I TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-I 1 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 668.3 33.4% -66.6% P-4800 P4951 X-114 530.0 226.5 42.7% -57.3% I P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% F-128 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'. OverLoaded°,'o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps PI 176 E2153 C-7 -A 290.0 105.4 36.3% -63.71/a P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.2 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X42 530.0 49.4 93% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.8 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 124.4 23.5% -76.5% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 23040 463 20.3% -79.7% ~P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97.9°!° P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 155.6 29.4% -70.6% P1803 E8534 C-76_A 290.0 16.4 53% 94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100 _A 340.0 72.1 21.2% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.4% P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 C 340.0 118.0 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.1 18.0% -82.0% 1 ~ F2276 P1225 X-89 -A 730.0 22.0 3.0% -97,0°!° P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 18.8 13.0% -87.0% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 272.5 51.4% -48.6% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1°!° -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 136.4 25.7% -74.3% P2404 P2850 X-I75_A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 14.9 8.3% -91.7% P2550 P7500 X-4 C 530.0 124.1 23.4% -76.6% P2550 E1328 C-6 A 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P2624 P2550 X-4 _A 530,0 137.5 25.9% -74.1% P2624 E3305 C-1 A 290.0 7.4 2.69o -97.4% P2625 P1903 X-126 530.0 177.2 33.4% -66.6% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2679 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.3% -90.7% P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94.5% F-129 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loade&° OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps I P2825 P1801 X-13 D 530.0 13.9 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.4% -93.6% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 383 14.2% -85.80/. P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270,0 35.5 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -73.9% P3200 P3151 X4 340,0 79.6 23.4% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.3 21.5% -78.5% 113377 P3379 X-29 340,0 21.6 6.3% -917% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 168.3 31.8% -68.2% P3475 P2303 X-8_B 530.0 293.2 55.3% -44.7% P3603 P7625 X-4_E 730.0 260.4 35.7% -64.3% P3604 P3651 X-84 730,0 169.8 23.3% -76.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.2 22.2% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 78.9 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340,0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.1 6.8% -9 P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 62 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% I 113877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P4132 P4800 C-2 490.0 226.6 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340.0 33.6 9.9% 90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 -A 530.0 196.4 37.1% -62.9% P4401 PI 150 X-5 A 530.0 211.2 39.9% -60.1% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 246.0 46.4% -53.6% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 33 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6 B 730.0 197.6 27.1% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730,0 58.6 8.0% -92.01/o P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.6 20.2% -79.8% P4652 P5554 X-116 180,0 0.0 0.0% 100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 'P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/6 P4700 P4750 X-12 C 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% F-130 Line Load From Bus To 13 us Branch Rated Load Loaded°o OverLoaded;b Comment ~Name Name Name Amps Amps P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 78.9 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% P4800 P3800 X-13_A 530.0 46.3 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.5 26.4% -73.6% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9 _B 570.0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1% -979% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 118.3 22.3% -77.7% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.4 23.5% 76.5% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.7 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3 _C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 _A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.8 16.0% -84.0% P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 21L5 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12 _B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 228.9 43.2% -56.80/. P5127 P4126 X-17-A 730.0 82.7 11.3% -88.7% I P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.7 1 L7% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 68.7 13.0% -87.0% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 246.0 46.4% -53.6% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.3 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.8 16.7% -83.3% P5602 E6603 X-5 _C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.99/4 P5652 P5551 X-7 _A 530.0 99.9 18.9% -81.1% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.1 8.8% -91.2% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.7 6.7% -93.3% P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.6% -96.4% F-131 Line Load f From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°o Overl-oaded:a Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.4 7.5% -92.5% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.6 9.7% -90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.8 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.7 3.7% -96.3% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 30.9 9.1% -90.9% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.5 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% i P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 _B 270.0 26.8 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12 _D 530.0 161.6 30.5% -69.5% I P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% IP7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9 _B 730.0 141.8 19.4% -80.6% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530.0 117.0 22.1% -77.9% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.4 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.0 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 242.2 49.4% -50.6% P7753 P6676 X-13 _B 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78,0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 12% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X463 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P7803 E7850 C-4 _A 195.0 23.3 12.0% -88.0% P8101 P8163 X-69 A 730.0 46.2 6.3% -93.7% l P8125 P7151 X-I I_A 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P8127 P2624 X-3 A 530.0 145.6 27.5% -72.5% 1 P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 _A 730.0 266.1 36.5% -63.5% P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.1 30.1% -69.9% F-132 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°o Overl-oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8163 P8151 X-32 _A 730.0 46.2 6.3% -93.7% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.2% -94.8% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 418 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.4 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C42_A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 23%u -97.7% P8400 P8310 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 _A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P9526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78.8% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.2 29.2% -70.8% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.4 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4%0 -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 212.9 29.2% -X8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 63.7 18.7% -81.3% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.7 16.8% -83.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83.3% i PPL-POD A PPL-POD B BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3.8% -96.2% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 _A 120.0 0.0 0.0%u -100.0% I RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16 A 730.0 93.4 12.8% -87.2% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 266.1 13.3% -86.7% V2749 P4126 C-9 _A 490.0 82.7 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMANFDR WIGHTMANFDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -962% Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold= 10.00% Transformer Load _ _i F-133 Name -From Bus To Bus hated Load Loaded°'a Overloaded°. Coriirnent ~ Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND 'I'-SEC ASH MAIN SEC; 1234.6 897.7 72.7% -27.3% BKR OK_B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 404.4 32.8% -67.2% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 74.6 74.3% -25.7% T-3234 (BANK #1) PPL-POD _B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 75.6 75.3% -24.7% RAN PRI 10"'A -3 r;rnr~T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 43.4 34.6% -65.4% F-134 CASE 4-M3009 - FEEDER M3009 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW _ MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 57.396 4.478 57.571 0.997 Load in System 56.640 1659 56702 0.999 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.210 Losses in System 0.752 7.028 Check of Balance 0.005 0.001 Line Overload Report _ Overload Threshold= 10.00% Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load I aaded°o Overloaded°.o Comment Name Name Name Arrrps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.0 4.1% -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.7 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253.9 47.9% -52.1% 99-1`8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 109.0 20.6% -79.4% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.8 9.7% -903% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.4 31.1% -68.9% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-l A 2000.0 271.9 13.6% -86.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5 B 2000.0 93.4 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.8 12.7% -87.3% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.1% -89.9% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81A 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9°,/0 E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% i E NEVADA 1`5602 X-5 D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. E1325 E8534 66 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 42% -95.81/0 E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1o,/o -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.4 1.2% -98.8% I E1881 1`1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% ~ E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 86.9 30.0% -70.0% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 E2604 C48 290.0 20.2 20% -93.0% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.9 13.0% -87.0% E2682 P2680 X-18 _A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.0% F-135 Line - Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoaded° o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 A 290.0 8.1 18% -972% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/a E2827 E2177 C-t04 240.0 20.1 84% -91.6% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63 E 290.4 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63 C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63 D 290.0 28.5 9.80/0 -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1 _C 195.0 53.2 27.3% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% i E4101 P4828 C-79 B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63_B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -86.4% j E4306 E4250 C-63 _A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E4828 V2748 C-9_D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 -C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% I E5479 T5479 C-77 A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% E5701 E5725 C-93 240,0 23.7 9.9% -90.1% I E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5929 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 160.2 30.2% -69.8% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.4 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.3 2.5% -9 E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 A 570.0 161.6 28.3% -71.7% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.2 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.1 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -97.3% 7 E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 145.0 29.6% -70.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0°/n E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94.1% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% j E7551 E7426 C-5_C 490.0 167.3 342% -65.8% E7603 E8601 C-35 _A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 16% -96.4% F-136 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'. Overl-oaded°a Comment Name Nance Name Aittps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 _C 490.0 228.0 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3%u -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.8 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.3 3.7% -96.3%n E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.7 7.5% -92.5% E8105 E8152 C-13 _A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 25.8 5.3% -94.7% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.9 34.1% -65.9% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 152 5.6% -94.4% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FOR P4401 X-5 _B 530.0 212.7 40.1% -59.9% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 A 530.0 295.5 55.8% -44.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2 A 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 63.9 8.8% -912% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_B 2000.0 46.2 2.3% -97.7% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 227.8 11.4% -88.6% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 227.8 11.4% -88.6% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 417.2 20.9% -79.1% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 455.6 22.8% -77.2% BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 220.2 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.9 37.2% -62.8% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 46.2 9.4% -90.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.4% BUS OAK KN SRC 1 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 672.5 33.6% -66.4% P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 55.2 10.4% -89.6% F-137 - Line - - - load - From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', Qverl-oaded° o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 210,9 39.8% -60.2% P1176 E2153 C-7 _A 290.0 t05.4 36.3% -63.7% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.2 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.()% P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.9 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 6.3% -93.7% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.9 20,9% -79,1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.2 23.6% -76.4% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 155.6 29.4% -70.6% P1803 E8534 C-76 _A 290.0 16.4 5.7% -94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100 _A 340.0 72.1 21.2% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.4% 1 P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 _C 340.0 118.0 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.1 18.0% -820% P2276 P1225 X-89_A 730.0 22.0 3.0% -97.0% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 274.3 51.7% -48.3% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% 'P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.3 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2950 X-175 A 230.0 14,0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 8.4% -91.6% P2550 P7500 X-4 -C 530.0 124,1 23.4% -76.6% P2550 E1328 C-6 A 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P2624 P2550 X-4 _A 530.0 137.5 25.9% -74.1% P2624 E3305 C-1_A 290.0 7.4 2.6% -97.4% ~ P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 177.2 33.4% -66.6°/6 P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 97.1 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.3% -90.7% F-138 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Overl-oaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2777 RGl1 C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -945% P2825 P1801 X-13_D 530.0 13.9 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% 98.9'0/0 P3151 E2825 C-7 220.0 14.2 6.5% -93.50//o P315I P3I75 X-6 270.0 38.4 14.2% -85.8010 P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.6 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 89.0 26.2% -73.8% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.8 23.5% -76.5% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100,0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.3 21.5% -78.5% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.4 32.0% -68.0% P3475 P2303 X-8 _B 530.0 295.0 55.7% -44.3% P3603 P7625 X-4 _E 730.0 260.4 35.7% -64,3% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 169.8 23.3% -76.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.2 22.2% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 78.9 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.1 6.8% -932% l P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.1 6.9% -93.1% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92,4% P4132 P4800 C-2 490.0 55.1 11.3% -88.7% P4301 P4150 X-1_B 340.0 33.8 9.9% -90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 _A 530.0 197.7 37.30.% -62.7% P4401 PI 150 X-5 _A 530.0 211.2 39.9% -60.1% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% P455I P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6 B 730.0 197.6 27.1% -72.9% I - f P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.6 8.0% -92.0% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.6 20.2% -79.8% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% F-139 Load From BUS To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded a Comment ~ Name Name Name Amps Amps P4700 P4750 X-12 C 730.0 80.5 11.0°/0 -89.0% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 102.4 14.0% -86.0% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.80/0 P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 78.9 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.40/o P4800 P3800 X-13 A 530.0 46.3 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.5 26.4% -73.6% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% I P4801 V2748 C-9 _B 570.0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% i P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% i P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 118.3 22.3% -77.7% P4927 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.4 215% 76.5% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.7 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3_C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.8 16.0% -84.0% P4851 E3803 C4 290.0 15.2 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 70.3 13.3% -86.7% P4853 P4729 X-12_B 530.0 76.9 14.5% -85.5% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.6 540% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 52.7 9.9% -90.1% P5127 P4126 X-17_A 730.0 82.7 11.3% -88.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2% 1`5225 PS 127 X-71 730.0 85.7 11.7% -88.3% P5251 P5901 X-130 530.0 68.7 13.0% -87.0% ~ P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.5 46.7% -533% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.8 16.7% -833% P5602 E6603 X-5 C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% P5652 P5551 X-7 _A 530.0 99.9 18.9% -81.1% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.1 8.8% -91.2% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.7 6.7% -93.3% P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0% F-140 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', Overl-oaded° o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P6ti02 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.6% -96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.4 7.5% -92.5% P5901 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.6 9.7% 90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/0 P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 417 8.1% -91.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 18% -96,2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 245.1 33.6% -66.4% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.1 9.2% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 121.7 16.7% -83.3% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7903 X-4 B 270.0 26.8 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12_D 530.0 161.6 30.5% -69.5% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.4 5.7% -943% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9 B 730.0 141.8 19.4% -80.6% I P7500 P5652 X-6_A 530.0 117.0 22.1% -77.9% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.7 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.1 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 242.2 49.4/o -50.6% P7753 P6676 X-13 B 730.0 121.7 16.7% -83.3% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% 100.0% P7803 E7850 C-4 _A 195.0 213 110% -88.0% P8101 P8163 X-69_A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P9125 P7151 X-1 1_A 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P8127 P2624 X-3 _A 530.0 145.6 27.5% -72.5% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% f P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31_A 730.0 220.2 30.2% -69.810 i F-141 Line Load From Bus To Bus Brwich Rated Load Loadedl~e OverLoaded°o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.2 30 20/. -69.8% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 417.2 57.1% -42.9% P8278 P9625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.3% -94.7% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -811% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P9327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.1 12.7% -87.3% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.5 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C42 195,0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42 _A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P9350 P8101 X-69 730,0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730,0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60 A 195,0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290,0 13.5 4k% -95.4% P8526 P7527 X-27 730.0 281.5 38.6% 61.4% P8526 P8527 X-33 530,0 115.9 21.9% -78.1% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 1118 21.3% -78.7% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.8 29.4% -70.6% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.5 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195,0 35 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 213.0 292% -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 34Q0 64.1 18.9% -81.1% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 84 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 401.8 55.0% -45.0% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 403.4 553% -44.7% PPL-POD_A PPL-POD_B BWY-33 2000A 75.6 3.8% -96.2% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 A 120,0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16 _A 730,0 93.4 12.8% -87.2% S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000,0 220.2 11.0% -89.0% V2748 P4126 C-9_A 490.0 82.7 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMAN FDR P8175 X-54_A 730.0 4172 57.1% -42.9% WIGHTMAN FDR WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-5 2000.0 417.2 20.9% -79.1% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.9% -96.1% F-142 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold -_1-0.00 % Transformer Load Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded'o Oherl-oaded% Comment Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND BEGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 895.6 72.5% -275% BKR OK_132_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 403.9 32.7% -67.3% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 74.7 74.4% -25.6% T-3234 (BANK # 1) PPL-POD_B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 100.4 75-6 75.3% -24.7% I.tt•i 1Kit +S1?I_,AND.3 S~t_ iAz .a ri . T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD_A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 43.4 34.6% -65.4% F-143 CASE 4-M3012 - FEEDER M3012 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total I&1W MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 57.389 4.396 57.557 0.997 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.9991 Shunt Load in System -0.000 -5.212 Losses in System 0.745 6.948 Check of Balance 0.005 0.001 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold= 10 00 ° o Line Load Flom Bus To Bu, B€anch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded''o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps 166-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 1LO 4.1% -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 11.7 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253.9 47.9% -52.1% 99-138376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-138526 P8529 X-179 530.0 109.0 20.6% -79.4% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.8 9.7% -90.3% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.4 31.1% -68.9% BKR BUS j ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-1_A 2000.0 271.9 13.6% -86.4% IBUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5_B 2000.0 93.4 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-1`3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 Z8% -92.2% B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.8 12.7% -87.3% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.1% -89.9% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 12.1 5.3% -943% BUS-2 P8377 C-53 _A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81_A 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% E NEVADA P5602 X-5_D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% E1328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 4.2% -95.8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1. 1% -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.4 1.2% -98.8% E1981 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 86.9 30.0% -70.0% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8°0 -95.2% i E2682 E2604 C48 290.0 20.2 7.0% -910% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.9 13.0% -87.0% t E2682 P2680 X-18 _A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92.0% F-144 Lino Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'. OverLoade&; Comment Name Name Name Amts Amps E2765 E2758 C-67 A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. E2826 E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.1 8.4% -91.6% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% E3136 E3157 C-63 _E 240.0 28.5 9.80/. -90.21/6 E3136 E4831 C-63 _C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63 _D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1 _C 195.0 512 27.3% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79 B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63 _B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63 _A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E4828 V2748 C-9 _C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 _A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 23.7 9.9% -90.1% E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 _A 530.0 160.2 30.2% -69.8% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.4 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 2.5% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2% E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570.0 161.6 28.3% -71.7% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.1 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% i E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -97.3% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 145.0 29.6% -70.4% E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.0% E7551 E7578 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94.1% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5 _C 490.0 167.3 34.2% -65.8% E7603 E8601 C-35 _A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 16% -96.4% F-145 Line Load From Bus ToBLis Branch Rated Load Loade&. Overloaded % Comment Name Natne Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3 D 195.0 9.8 5.0% -95.0% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 C 490.0 228.0 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7901 E6193 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7935 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -963% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13 _A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.6 52.2% -47.8;'0 E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 El 825 C-26 220.0 26.7 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.80/0 -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 180.9 34.1% -65.9% EM-P3777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5 _B 530.0 212.7 40.1% -59.9% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 295.5 55.8% -44.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2_A 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -894% HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY4 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 63.9 8.8% -91.2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 281.2 57.4% -42.6% MORTON FDR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_B 2000.0 266.3 13.3% -86.7% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 227.7 11.4% -58.6% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 227.7 11.4% -88.6% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 135.6 6-8% -93.2% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 281.2 14.1% -85.9% BUS I MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 455.4 22.8% -77.2% BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.9 37.2% -62.8% N. MOUNTAIN P8101 C-129 490.0 266.3 54.4% -45.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 180.9 9.0% -91.0% BUS IOAKKNMAIN HW66FDRTIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.7 10.6% -89.40/o 'BUS OAK KN SRC 1 T1E OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% I OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 672.5 33.6% -66.4% F-146 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded%e OverLoaded°o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.5 42.7% -57.3% P1150 P8125 X-142' 530.0 210.9 39.8% -60.2% P1176 E2153 C-7 _A 290.0 105.4 36.3% -63.7% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.2 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.4 9.3% -90.7% P1301 P11504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/. P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.9 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.2 6.3% -93.7%0 P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 110.6 20.9% -79.1% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.2 23.6% -76.4% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3%0 -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -953% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97.9% I P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 155.6 29.4% -7Q6% P1803 E8534 C-76_A 290.0 16.4 5.7% -94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100_A 340.0 72.1 212% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.41/. P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.5 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3_C 340.0 118.0 34.7% -65.3% I P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.1 18.0% -82.0% P2276 P1225 X-89_A 730.0 22.0 3.0% -97.0% P2303 E1325 C-107 145.0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 274.3 51.7% -48.3% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.3 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2850 X-175_A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 8.4% -91.6% P2550 P7500 X-4 _C 530.0 124.1 23.4% -76.6% P2550 E1328 C-6_A 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% P2624 P2550 X-4 _A 530.0 137.5 25.9% -74.1% P2624 E3305 C-I_A 290.0 7.4 2.6% -97.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 177.2 33.4% -66.6% P2625 E2627 C-76 195.0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 96.8 18.3% -81.7% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.8 4.9% -95.1% P2680 P3476 X-76 120.0 2.6 2.2% -97.8% F-147 Lisic Load from 13W 'I'D Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded, OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name' Amps inFs P2751 P2600 X-147 130.0 12.0 9.3% -90.7% P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.7 5.5% -94,1% P2825 P1801 X-13_D 530.0 13.9 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2930 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2925 C-7 220.0 142 6.4% -93.6% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.3 14.2% -85.81/o ~ P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.5 13.2% -86.8% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 88.8 26.1% -73.91/. P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 79.6 23.4% -76.6% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 OA% -100.00/o P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.7 17.0% -83.0% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.3 21.5% -78.5% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% l P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.4 32.0% -68.0% P3475 P2303 X-8 _B 530.0 295.0 55.7% -44.3% P3603 P7625 X4 _E 730,0 260.4 35.7% -64.3% P3604 P3651 X-84 730,0 169.8 23.3% -76.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.2 22.2% -77.8% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% i P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 78.9 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 36.1 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 3.2% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.1 0.8% -99.2% P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.0 6.8% -93.2% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.6 7.6% -914% P4132 P-4800 C-2 490.0 226.6 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-t B 340.0 33.8 9.9% -90.1% i P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% I P4301 P3451 X-2 _A 530,0 197.7 37.3% -62.7% P4401 P1150 X-5_A 530.0 211.2 39.9% -60.1% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 3.3 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6_B 730.0 197.6 27.1% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.6 8.0% -92.0% P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.6 20.2% -79.8% i P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% F-148 Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded° o OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P4700 P4750 X-12_C 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.8 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.2% -85.8% P4750 P3731 X-15 _A 730.0 78.9 10.9% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.2 5.6% -94.4% P4800 P3800 X-13 _A 530.0 46.3 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 47.5 26.4% -73.6% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.9 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9_B 570.0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% 89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 118.3 22.3% -77.7% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.4 23.5% -76.5% P4827 E5701 C-92 240.0 30.7 12.9% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3 C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 _A 83.0 2.6 3.1% 96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.8 16.0% -84.0%a P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.5 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12 B 530.0 205.0 38.7% -61.3% P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 10.0 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 229.0 43.2% -56.8% P5127 P4126 X-17 A 730.0 82.7 11.3% -88.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.7 11.7% -88.30/. P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 68.7 13.0% -87.0% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.1% -95.9% P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 6.4 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.7 2.9% -97.1% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 88.8 16.7% -83.3% I P5602 E6603 X-5 C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% P5652 P5551 X-7 _A 530.0 99.9 18.9% -81.1% P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.1 8.8% -91.2% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 35.7 6.7% -93.3% F-149 Line Load _ From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loadedl'o OverLoaded;o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.4 1.0% -99.0% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.6% -96.4% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.4 7.5% -92.5% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 51.6 9.7% -90.3% P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% 400.0% P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.9 45.1% -54.9% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 67.2 19.8% -80.2% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340,0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.3 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.2 40.1% -59.9% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% I P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.1 9.2% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% I P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195,0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4 _B 270.0 26.8 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X-12 _D 530.0 161.6 30.5% -69.5% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 3.8 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9 B 730.0 141.8 19.4% -80.6% P7500 P5652 X-6 _A 530.0 117.0 22.1% -77.9% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.8 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 129% -87.1% `P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.7 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.1 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 242.2 49.4% -50.6% P7753 P6676 X-13 _B 730.0 160.8 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P7803 E7850 C4 _A 195.0 23.3 12.0% -88.0% P8101 P8163 X-69_A 730.0 220.2 30.2% -69.8% P8125 P7151 X-11 _A 530.0 2109 39.8% -60.2% ~ P8127 P2624 X-3 A 530.0 145.6 27.5% -72.5% P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% F-150 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'. 0VCTI oade& Comment Natne Name Name Amps Anttps P8151 5 MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 _A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 220.2 30.2% -69.80/. P8163 P8151 X-32-A 730.0 220.2 30.2% -69.8% P9175 P8876 X-54 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.3% -94.7% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.2 17.0% -83.00/. P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.8 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530. 67.1 12.7% -87.3% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.5 23.3°,/0 -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C42_A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60-A 195,0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% -95.4% J P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 115.6 21.8% -78.2% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 112.6 21.2% -78.8% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.8 29.4% -70.6% j P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 209.6 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 1.8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 12% -98,8% P9629 P8575 X-5 730.0 213.1 29.2%0 -70.8% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 64.1 18.9% -81.1% P9677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 122.7 16.8% -83.2% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.2 2.1% -97.9% P8876 P8726 X-8 _C 730.0 121.8 16.7% -83,3% PPL-POD A PPL-POD B BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3.8% -962% PSEUDO P3476 X-78-A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16 A 730.0 93.4 12.8% -87.2% V2748 P4126 C-9 A 490.0 82.7 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMANFDR P8175 X-54 A 730.0 135.6 18.6% -81.4% WIGHTMANFDR WIGHTMANFDR BWY-5 2000.0 135.6 6.8% -93.2% TIE WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.4 3.8% -96.2% F-151 Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 10.00 % Transformer - - -Load Name Flom Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded%o OverLoaded°o Comment Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 895.6 72.5% -27.5% BKR OK_B2_REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 403.9 32.7% -67.3% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 74.7 74.4% -25.6% T-3234 (BANK #1) PPL-POD B OAK KN SRC 2 TIE 1004 75.6 75.3% -24.7% T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD_A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 43.4 34.6% -65.4% F-152 CASE 4-M3015 - FEEDER M3015 OUT-OF-SERVICE Power Flow Summary Report System Summary Report Total MW MVAR MVA PF Generation in System 57.509 4.643 57.696 0.997 Load in System 56.640 2.659 56.702 0.999 Shunt Load in System 4000 -5.206 Losses in System 0.864 7.189 Check of Balance 0.005 0.001 Line Overload Report Overload Threshold= 10.00% Line Load _ From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'- Overl_oaded`o Continent Name Name Name Amps Amps 66-P4600 P4551 X-157 180.0 6.1 3.4% -96.6% 66-P4750 P5654 X-156 270.0 11.0 4.1% -95.9% 66-P4750 E3782 C-100 195.0 6.1 3.1% -96.9% 66-P4750 66-P4600 X-155 180.0 IL7 6.5% -93.5% 99-P6526 P6476 X-189 340.0 23.8 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8376 P5450 X-166 530.0 253.9 47.9% -52.1% 99-P8376 E8200 C-112 290.0 20.4 7.0% -93.0% 99-P8526 P8529 X-179 530.0 109.0 20.6% -79.4% 115 KV INCOMING ASH TRAN PRI BWY-34 1000.0 96.8 9.7% -90.3% ASH MAIN SEC ASHLAND MAIN BWY-35 2000.0 621.4 31.1% -68.9% BKR BUS ASHLAND MAIN N MAIN FDR BWY-I_A 2000.0 271.9 13.6% -86.4% BUS ASHLAND MAIN RAIL ROAD FDR BWY-5 B 2000.0 93.4 4.7% -95.3% BUS B-P3725 P3750 X-85 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% I B-P3725 E2829 C-49 195.0 24.8 12.7% -87.3% B-P8526 P8426 X-105 230.0 23.1 10.1% -89.9% B-P8526 P7678 X-104 230.0 111 5.3% -94.7% BUS-2 P8377 C-53_A 570.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUSINESS FDR P5604 X-81 A 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% E MAIN FDR TIE EAST MAIN FDR BWY-20 2000.0 317.6 15.9% -84.1% E NEVADA P5602 X-5 _D 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E1325 E853466 C-108 145.0 6.3 4.4% -95.6% Ell 328 E1327 C-128 195.0 8.2 4.2% -95,8% E1653 E1785 C-57 195.0 2.2 1.1% -98.9% E1862 E1875 C-29 290.0 3.4 1.2% -98.8% E1881 P1854 C-55 290.0 73.9 25.5% -74.5% E2153 E1881 C-8 290.0 86.9 30.0% -70.0% E2177 E2130 C-105 195.0 9.4 4.8% -95.2% E2682 F-2604 C-48 290.0 202 7.0% -93.0% E2682 P4500 X-74 130.0 16.9 13.0% -87.0% E2682 P2680 X-I8 A 120.0 9.6 8.0% -92,0% F-153 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded', OverLoaded% Comment Name Name Name "nps Amps 1 E2765 E2758 C-67 _A 290.0 8.1 2.8% -97.2% E2826 B-PPL X-86 230.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 E2827 E2177 C-104 240.0 20.0 83% -91.7% E2829 E2826 C-50 290.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°io E3127 E4100 C-96 240.0 21.8 9.1% -90.9% F-3136 E3157 C-63 -E 290.0 28.5 9.80/. -90.2% E3136 E4831 C-63 C 290.0 10.8 3.7% -96.3% E3157 P3152 C-63_D 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% E3606 E3750 C-47 195.0 18.8 9.6% -90.4% E3606 E2682 C-1 -C 195.0 512 27.3% -72.7% E3801 E2765 C-67 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E4101 P4828 C-79 B 145.0 11.1 7.7% -92.3% E4250 E3136 C-63 B 290.0 39.4 13.6% -86.4% E4306 E4250 C-63_A 290.0 41.2 14.2% -85.8% E4678 E4306 C-63 290.0 49.3 17.0% -83.0% i E4828 V2748 C-9 _D 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0°/a E4828 V2748 C-9 C 490.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% E5479 T5478 C-77 A 195.0 35.7 18.3% -81.7% 'E5701 E5725 C-93 240.0 217 9.9% -90.1% i !E5752 P4652 C-73 290.0 13.8 4.8% -95.2% E5752 P4703 C-72 290.0 12.1 4.2% -95.8% E5829 P4827 X-12 A 530.0 159.6 30.1% -69.9% E6176 BUS-21 C-91 290.0 15.3 5.3% -94.7% E6183 E7835 C-124 290.0 7.2 15% -97.5% E6528 E5752 C-68 290.0 31.3 10.8% -89.2% E6603 H6605 C-126 195.0 0.6 0.3% -99.7% E6603 E7652 C-127 195.0 5.5 2.8% -97.2°io E6603 E8601 C-32 570.0 6.1 1.1% -98.9% E6826 E5829 C-89 _A 570.0 161.0 28.3% -71.7% E7130 E7181 C-14 290.0 17.0 5.9% -94.1% E7181 E6183 C-15 290.0 14.0 4.8% -95.2% E7402 E5677 C-60 195.0 5.3 2.7% -973% E7426 P7404 C-74 490.0 145.0 29.6% -70.4% `E7426 E8450 C-75 290.0 5.4 1.8% -98.2% I E7427 P8401 C-37 290.0 6.6 2.3% -97.7% E7530 E7427 C-35 290.0 2.9 1.0% -99.00/0 E7551 E7579 C-64 195.0 11.6 5.9% -94.1% E7551 E6528 C-65 290.0 493 17.0% -83.0% E7551 E7426 C-5_C 490.0 167.3 34.2% -65.8% E7603 E8601 C-35 _A 290.0 7.1 2.4% -97.6% E7603 E7653 C-33 195.0 7.1 3.6% -96.4% F-154 Line La From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% Overl-oade&'. Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps E7627-BR-SWGR E6604 C-3-1) 195.0 9.8 5.0% 95.0% E7627-BR-SWGR E7551 C-4 _C 490.0 228.0 46.5% -53.5% E7627-BR-SWGR E7527 C-121 195.0 4.5 2.3% -97.7% E7801 E6183 C-123 195.0 6.7 3.5% -96.5% E7853 E7835 C-125 195.0 7.2 3.7% -96.3% E8105 E7130 C-13 290.0 21.5 7.4% -92.6% E8105 E8152 C-13 _A 290.0 4.1 1.4% -98.6% E8105 P6125 C-9 490.0 255.4 52.1% -47.9% E8127 E2155 C-25 220.0 22.5 10.2% -89.8% E8127 E1825 C-26 220.0 26.6 12.1% -87.9% E8200 E7328 C-113 290.0 15.8 5.5% -94.5% E8556 E8403 C-41 290.0 5.2 1.8% -98.2% E8601 P8500 X-65 730.0 13.2 1.8% -98.2% EAST MAIN FDR P2625 X-125 530.0 317.6 59.9% -40.1% EM-133777 P2751 X-144 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% EM-P6601 P6751 X-193 140.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% HIGHWAY 66 FDR P4401 X-5-13 530.0 212.0 40.0% -60.0% HIGHWAY 99 FDR P3475 X-8 _A 530.0 295.5 55.8% -44.2% HW66 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 66 FDR BWY-2 A 2000.0 212.0 10.6% -89.4%a HW99 FDR TIE HIGHWAY 99 FDR BWY-5_A 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% HW99 FDR TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-4 2000.0 295.5 14.8% -85.2% MN-P5426 E5479 C-77 290.0 48.8 16.8% -83.2% I MN-P7400 MN-P5426 X-117 230.0 61.8 26.9% -73.1% MN-P7400 P7200 X-118 730.0 619 8.8% -91.2% MORTON FDR E8105 C-1 490.0 280.9 57.3% -42.7% MORTON FOR TIE MORTON FDR BWY-1 2000.0 280.9 14.0% -86.0% MORTON FDR N. MOUNTAIN BWY-1_B 2000.0 46.1 2.3% -97.7% TIE _A MORTON FDR MTN AVE AUX BWY-26_A 2000.0 182.3 9.1% -90.9% TIE _A BUS MTN AVE INC TIE MTN AVE AUX BWY-23 2000.0 182.3 9.1% -90.9% BUS MTN AVE MAIN WIGHTMAN FDR BWY-27 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% BUS TIE MTN AVE MAIN MORTON FDR TIE BWY-32 2000.0 280.9 14.0% -86.0% BUS MTN AVE MAIN MTN AVE INC TIE BWY-22 2000.0 364.6 18.2% -81.8% BUS MTN AVE MAIN S MTN FDR TIE BWY-24 2000.0 219.9 11.0% -89.0% BUS N MAIN FDR P3603 X-111 730.0 271.9 37.2% -62.8% N. MOUNTAIN 138101 C-129 490.0 46.1 9.4%0 -90.6% OAK KN MAIN E MAIN FDR TIE BWY-12 2000.0 317.6 15.9% -84.1% BUS OAK KN MAIN HW66 FDR TIE BWY-14 2000.0 212.0 10.6%0 -89.4% BUS OAK KN SRC I TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-11 2000.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% OAK KN SRC 2 TIE OAK KN AUX BUS BWY-3 2000.0 672.5 33.6% -66.4% F-155 Line - Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded°o OverLoaded% Comment Flame Name Nape Amps Amps P-4800 P4851 X-114 530.0 226.3 42.7% -57.3% P1150 P8125 X-142 530.0 210.2 39.7% -60.3% P1176 E2153 C-7 _A 290.0 105.4 36.3% -63.7% P1225 P8377 X-93 730.0 4.2 0.6% -99.4% P1301 P1327 X-42 530.0 49.3 9.3% -90.7% . P1301 P1504 X-44 180.0 0.0 0.00/0 -100.0% P1305 P1301 X-41 530.0 60.8 11.5% -88.5% P1327 P2326 X-45 530.0 33.1 6.2% -93.8% P1502 P2678 X-57 530.0 38.1 7.2% -92.8% P1553 99-P8526 X-178 530.0 125.2 23.6% -76.4% P1600 P1552 X-49 130.0 4.1 3.2% -96.8% I P1700 P1727 X-100 340.0 57.4 16.9% -83.1% P1727 P8677 X-102 230.0 46.7 20.3% -79.7% P1727 V1726 C-59 195.0 9.1 4.7% -95.3% P1801 P7800 X-161 530.0 11.2 2.1% -97.9% P1803 P8127 X-127 530.0 293.6 55.4% -44.6% P1803 E8534 C-76 A 290.0 16.4 5.7% -94.3% P1854 P1700 X-100 -A 340.0 72.1 21.2% -78.8% P2102 P1176 X-96 340.0 105.4 31.0% -69.0% P2102 P1251 X-77 180.0 10.2 5.6% -94.4% I P2177 P2777 X-19 340.0 16.4 4.8% -95.2% P2250 P2102 X-3 C 340,0 118.0 34.7% -65.3% P2276 P3129 X-91 340.0 3.3 1.0% -99.0% P2276 P2250 X-89 730.0 131.1 18.0% -82.0% P2276 P1225 X-89 A 730.0 22.0 3.0% -97.0% P2303 E1325 C-107 145,0 19.0 13.1% -86.9% P2303 99-P8376 X-165 530.0 274.3 51.7% -48.3% P2326 P4300 X-46 530.0 0.7 0.1% -99.9% P2377 P2177 X-18 340.0 30.2 8.9% -91.1% P2404 P1553 X-173 530.0 137.3 25.9% -74.1% P2404 P2850 X-175_A 230.0 14.0 6.1% -93.9% P2404 P1279 X-175 180.0 15.0 8.4% -91,6% P2550 P7500 X-4 _C 530.0 261.9 49.4% -50.6% P2550 E1328 C-6 -A 290,0 13.6 4.7% -95.3% P2624 P2550 X-4 _A 530.0 275.4 52.0% -48.0% P2624 E3305 C-i_A 290.0 7.4 2.6% -97.4% P2625 P1803 X-126 530.0 315.2 59.5% -40.5% P2625 E2627 C-76 195,0 1.0 0.5% -99.5% P2678 P3653 X-3 530.0 48.0 9.1% -90.9% P2678 P2876 X-58 180.0 8.9 4.9% -95.1% 1 l ' P2680 P3476 X-76 1200 .2.6 2.2% -97.8% F-156 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded,. Overloaded*,. Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P2751 P26W X-147 130.0 12.1 9.3% -90.7% P2777 RGH C-10 195.0 10.6 5.5% -94.5% P2825 P1801 X-13_D 530.0 13.8 2.6% -97.4% P2825 E2830 C-103 195.0 2.1 1.1% -98.9% P3151 E2925 C-7 220.0 14.3 6.5% -93.5% P3151 P3175 X-6 270.0 38.7 14.3% -85.7% P3152 E3801 C-66 290.0 28.5 9.8% -90.2% P3175 P3877 X-60 270.0 35.9 13.3% -86.7% P3200 P3653 X-196 340.0 89.6 26.4% -716% P3200 P3151 X-4 340.0 80.4 23.6% -76.4% P3325 P3326 X-80 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P3326 P3377 X-16 340.0 57.6 16.9% -83.1% P3354 P2276 X-88 730.0 157.3 21.5% -78.5% P3377 P3379 X-29 340.0 21.6 6.3% -93.7% P3377 P2377 X-17 340.0 36.1 10.6% -89.4% P3451 P3401 X-169 180.0 7.7 4.3% -95.7% P3451 P2404 X-171 530.0 169.4 32.0% -68.0% P3475 P2303 X-8 B 530.0 295.0 55.7% -44.3% P3603 P7625 X4 E 730.0 260.4 35.7% -64.3% P3604 P3651 X-84 730.0 169.8 23.3% -76.7% P3651 P3354 X-87 730.0 162.2 22.2% -77.8% P3653 P4650 X-64 530.0 137.0 25.9% -74.1% P3725 EM-P3777 X-146 270.0 0.0 0.0% -100.01/0 P3731 E3606 C-46 290.0 78.9 27.2% -72.8% P3750 P3604 X-83 340.0 26.6 7.8% -92.2% P3800 P2825 X-152 530.0 35-9 6.8% -93.2% P3800 E3101 C-99 195.0 6.2 12% -96.8% P3828 P5801 X-132 530.0 4.2 0.8% -99.2% I P3877 E1828 C-31 220.0 15.2 6.9% -93.1% P3877 WP3875 X-61 270.0 20.8 7.7% -92.3% P4132 P4800 C-2 490.0 226.4 46.2% -53.8% P4301 P4150 X-1 B 340.0 33.8 9-9% -90.1% P4301 99-P5200 X-170 530.0 6.0 1.1% -98.9% P4301 P3451 X-2 A 530.0 197.7 37.3% -62.7% P4401 PI 150 X-5_A 530.0 2105 39.7% -60.3% P4450 P4301 X-168 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% P4551 P4550 X-158 180.0 33 1.8% -98.2% P4626 P3604 X-6 _B 730.0 197.6 27.10,% -72.9% P4626 P4627 X-82 730.0 58.6 8.0% -92.0% ~ P4627 E4678 C-62 290.0 58.6 20.2% -79.8% P4652 P5554 X-116 180.0 0.0 0.00/. -100.00/. F-157 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded° o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P4677 P4650 X-195 530.0 137.0 25.9% -74.1% P4677 P5652 X-128 530.0 137.0 25.9% -74.1% P4700 P4750 X-12 C 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4725 E4626 C-79 195.0 0.1 0.1% -99.9% P4729 P7753 X-12 730.0 179.7 24.6% -75.4% P4729 P4603 X-7 180.0 25.5 14.1% -85.9% P4750 P3731 X-15 A 730.0 78.9 10.8% -89.2% P4753 EM-P3777 X-143 270.0 15.4 5.7% -94.3% P4800 P3800 X-13 A 530.0 46.2 8.7% -91.3% P4800 P4850 X-153 180.0 473 26.3% -73.7% P4800 E3127 C-95 240.0 21.8 9.1% -90.9% P4801 V2748 C-9 B 570,0 82.7 14.5% -85.5% P4801 P4700 X-73 730.0 80.5 11.0% -89.0% P4826 E4830 C-94 290.0 6.1 2.1% -97.9% j P4826 P4800 X-151 530.0 117.8 22.2% -77.8% P4827 P4826 X-150 530.0 124.0 23.4% -76.6% i P4827 E5701 C-92 240,0 30.6 12.8% -87.2% P4827 E5150 C-3_C 290.0 3.7 1.3% -98.7% P4828 P4725 C-79 A 83.0 2.6 3.1% -96.9% P4850 66-P4750 X-154 180.0 28.7 15.9% -84.1% P4851 E3803 C-4 290.0 15.1 5.2% -94.8% P4851 P4853 X-2 530.0 211.3 39.9% -60.1% P4853 P4729 X-12_B 530.0 204.8 38.6% -61.4% I P4853 P3875 X-22 130.0 6.5 5.0% -95.0% P5126 P5126 TAP C-16 195.0 9.9 5.1% -94.9% P5126 P4132 X-21 530.0 2287 43.2% -56.8% P5127 P4126 X-17 A 730.0 82.7 11.3% -88.7% P5200 E4101 C-78 145.0 20.1 13.8% -86.2% P5225 P5127 X-71 730.0 85.7 11.7% -88.3% P5251 P5801 X-130 530.0 69.3 13.1% -86.9% P5251 P6521 X-131 130.0 5.4 4.2% -95.8% I P5450 P4450 X-167 530.0 247.5 46.7% -53.3% P5450 E6200 C-114 195.0 64 3.3% -96.7% P5551 BUS-15 C-85 195.0 5.8 3.0% -97.0% P5551 BUS-10 C-84 195.0 5.8 3.0% -97.0% P5551 P5251 X-129 530.0 89.6 16.9% -83.1% P5602 E6603 X-5 _C 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P5604 P4626 X-81 730.0 256.6 35.1% -64.9% P5652 P5551 X-7 _A 530.0 100.9 19.0% -81.0% f P5652 E4525 C-86 195.0 17.3 8.9% -91.1% P5654 BUS-31 C-101 195.0 2.8 1.4% -98.6% F-158 Lune Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded% OverLoaded% Comment ~ Name Name Name Amps Amps P5703 P5752 X-136 530.0 36.0 6.8% -93.2% P5752 P5552 X-140 530.0 5.5 1.0% -99.0% P5752 P6602 X-137 270.0 9.9 3.7% -963% P5752 P4753 X-138 270.0 20.6 7.6% -92.4% P5801 P5703 X-133 530.0 52.1 9.8% -90.21/o P5825 P5802 X-164 530.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P6125 P5126 X-1 530.0 238.6 45.0% -55.0% P6278 P6855 X-53 130.0 14.3 11.0% -89.0% P6326 P3326 X-15 340.0 6T1 19.7% -80.3% P6326 P5426 X-28 230.0 11.2 4.9% -95.1% P6326 P6377 X-23 230.0 8.3 3.6% -96.4% P6377 P4352 X-26 180.0 4.1 2.3% -97.7% P6476 99-P5450 X-190 340.0 12.8 3.8% -96.2% P6526 P6526 TAP X-24 240.0 29.2 12.2% -87.8% P6526 P6326 X-14 230.0 92.1 40.0% -60.0% P6526 P7527 X-25 730.0 36.6 5.0% -95.0% P6630 99-P6526 X-188 340.0 31.1 9.2% -90.8% P6630 P6751 X-191 340.0 15.6 4.6% -95.4% P6676 P6526 X-13 730.0 160.7 22.0% -78.0% P6855 E6751 C-27 195.0 9.0 4.6% -95.4% P7151 P7803 X-4_B 270.0 26.7 9.9% -90.1% P7151 E6826 X- 12_D 530.0 161.0 30.4% -69.6% P7151 BUS-3 C-89 195.0 18 2.0% -98.0% P7151 E6176 X-149 270.0 15.3 5.7% -94.3% P7200 P5200 X-124 230.0 30.8 13.4% -86.6% P7200 P8376 X-119 730.0 3.6 0.5% -99.5% P7277 P6278 X-52 230.0 28.9 12.6% -87.4% P7404 MN-P7400 X-9_B 730.0 141.8 19.4% -80.6% P7500 P5652 X-6_A 530.0 254.9 481% -51.9% P7500 E6677 C-83 195.0 4.9 2.5% -97.5% P7527 P7527 TAP C-17 195.0 25.2 12.9% -87.1% P7601 P6630 X-184 340.0 46.7 13.7% -86.3% P7601 P7701 X-187 730.0 10.1 1.4% -98.6% P7625 E7627-BR-SWGR C-54 490.0 242.2 49.4% -50.6% P7753 P6676 X-I3_B 730.0 160.7 22.0% -78.0% P7800 P5825 X-162 530.0 6.3 1.2% -98.8% P7800 P7801 X-163 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 P7803 E7850 C-4 A 195.0 23.2 11.9% -88.1% P8101 P8163 X-69 _A 730.0 0.0 0.0%0 -100.00/0 P8125 P7151 X-11_A 530.0 210.2 39.7% -60.3% P8127 P2624 X-3 A 530.0 283.5 53.5% -46.5% F-159 Line Load From Bus To Bus Branch Rated Load Loaded'. Overloaded %o Comment Name Name Name Amps Amps P8127 E1376 C-80 195.0 7.0 3.6% -96.4% P8151 S MOUNTAIN FDR X-31 _A 730.0 219.9 30.1% -69.9% P8151 P8629 X-34 730.0 219.9 30.1% -69.9% P8175 P8876 X-54 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% P8278 P8625 X-37 530.0 27.8 5.2% -94.8% P8278 E8127 C-24 290.0 49.1 16.9% -83.1% P8278 P7277 X-51 230.0 42.7 18.6% -81.4% P8327 P1305 X-36 530.0 67.0 12.6% -87.4% P8327 P8278 X-35 530.0 123.3 23.3% -76.7% P8350 E8125 C-42 195.0 1.6 0.8% -99.2% P8350 E7202 C-42 _A 290.0 4.0 1.4% -98.6% P8350 P8101 X-69 730.0 45.6 6.2% -93.8% P8400 E8403 C-39 290.0 6.7 2.3% -97.7% P8400 P8350 X-68 730.0 40.0 5.5% -94.5% P8401 P8400 X-67 730.0 33.3 4.6% -95.4% P8426 E7402 C-60_A 195.0 8.7 4.5% -95.5% P8500 P8401 X-66 730.0 26.7 3.7% -96.3% P8500 E8502 C-38 290.0 13.5 4.6% 95.4% P8526 P8527 X-33 530.0 35.2 6.6% -93.4% P8527 P1502 X-55 530.0 37.1 7.0% -93.0% P8529 P8651 X-180 340.0 99.8 29.4% -70.6% P8575 P8327 X-9 530.0 2092 39.5% -60.5% P8575 BUS-34 C-5 195.0 3.5 L8% -98.2% P8625 P1600 X-39 130.0 12.2 9.4% -90.6% P8629 BUS-24 C-19 145.0 1.7 1.2% -98.8% P8629 P8575 X-5 730.0 212.8 29.1% -70.9% P8651 P7601 X-183 340.0 64.1 18.9% -81.1% P8677 B-P8526 X-103 230.0 35.2 15.3% -84.7% P8677 E1653 C-56 195.0 8.4 4.3% -95.7% I P8726 P8526 X-8 730.0 31.3 4.3% -95.7% P8876 E1862 C-28 290.0 6.3 2.2% -97.8% P8876 P8726 X-8 C 730.0 13.9 1.9% -98.1 % PPL-POD_A PPL-POD_B BWY-33 2000.0 75.6 3.8% -96.2% PSEUDO P3476 X-78 _A 120.0 0.0 0.0% -100.00/0 RAIL ROAD FDR P5225 X-16 A 730.0 93.4 12.8% -87.2% I S MTN FDR TIE S MOUNTAIN FDR BWY-2 2000.0 219.9 11.0% -89.0% V2748 P4126 C-9 A 490.0 82.7 16.9% -83.1% WIGHTMANFDR P8175 X-54 _A 730.0 0.0 0.0% -100.0% WP3875 P2854 X-63 270.0 10.5 3.9% -96.1% Transformer Overload Report Overload Threshold = 1000 I ~ u ansforrnar - Load - - F-160 Name From Bus To Bus Rated Load Loaded4o OverLoaded% Comment ' Name Name Amps Amps ASHLAND_REGS ASHLAND T-SEC ASH MAIN SEC 1234.6 895.6 72.5% -27.5% BKR OK B2 REGS BANK 2 SEC OAK KN MAIN 1234.6 547.1 44.3% -55.7% BUS T-1573 PPL-POD MTN AVE INC TIE 100.4 59.8 59.5% -40.5% T-3234 (BANK # 1) PPL-POD_13 OAK KN SRC 2 TIE ]100.4 75.6 75.3% -24.7% '~}_E _1 .,.A"', 1'I:1 9("K .L rEll T-3856 (BANK #2) PPL-POD-A BANK 2 SEC 125.5 58.8 46.9% -53.1% F-161 CITY ©f ASHLAND Electric System Study Improvements Electric Department CIRCUIT MAP y Yr~~'i Oa KnnlYS umber, Name ' { ~Op 3~~ r >RS& Hwy 99 Main - j EloA~nt i;,, 5P,70, Hwy 66 ,_001 (}Iltr E Main j Ashland j- - - A2000, Business r - A200 1, N Main r j" A2002, Railroad / Et A?003, E Nevada i Mountain N43006, MaunWn - M3009M S-2, S`3 Orton t in r A.._....... r -M301 2Sgounta I M301>, wi htman t \ PP&.L 4 r1 an Fuwd Cutout i Bossiness Solid Black Cutout A2000 Recl ttr O Open Poinl I r Swiwh -l D r r r I , If% 99 S-1 r- A.hl.nd S.b.wl.. _ Wk Knoll `9➢W49an Mmnl.ln Av.... 19i6.Mllun ~ ~n a (r., FNMt M0000 Feeder A3016 - l01.0 5PS8 1 R0Wr 11111011'r L _ T- 1 t 't ~ c f x 1 w 1 i l f I r_ , 1 Y 77-77 1 I I .i