HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-231 MOU - City Council-Parks Commission
Agreement made this day of August, 2014, between the Ashland City Council
and the Ashland Park and Recreation Commission and is effective upon signing by the
City and Parks.
A. Under the Ashland City Charter, the Ashland City Council is the sovereign
authority over all matters of City-wide concern and the owner of all land and other
assets held in title by the City.
B. The Ashland City Charter creates an elected Ashland Park Commission,
which also serves as the Ashland Recreation Commission, and empowers the
Commission with "control and management of all the lands here dedicated for park
purposes," and further empowers the Commission with "control and management of all
park funds, whether the same is obtained by taxation, donation or otherwise."
C. The City Council and Parks Commission wish to clearly define what is meant
by "management," and what the responsibility of each entity is within each aspect of
management and to memorialize these responsibilities in this memorandum of
D. Management is generally defined as planning, organizing, budgeting,
directing and evaluating as described in exhibit A.
E. For purposes of this agreement, "City" means the Ashland City Council or the
City Administrator, to whom the Council has delegated management responsibility, as
well as any other individuals to whom the City Administrator has delegated specific
responsibilities as contained herein. "Parks" means the Ashland Parks and Recreation
Commission or the Parks and Recreation Director, to whom the Commission has
delegated management responsibility, as well as any other individuals to whom the
Parks and Recreation Director has delegated specific responsibilities as contained
Now, therefore, the City and Parks agree as follows:
1. Planning.
A. Parks responsibilities:
1) Parks will develop master plans for the development, operation and maintenance
of lands and facilities under its control.
2) Parks will develop and execute functional plans regarding the allocation of staff
and monetary resources for the operation of facilities and delivery of services
within its scope of authority.
3) Parks will develop and propose capital improvement plans (CIPs) for the
expenditure of funds that have been dedicated to land acquisition and park/open
space development.
4) Parks will create rules for use of park land and facilities, providing such rules are
not in conflict with other ordinances of the City.
B. City responsibilities:
1) The City will maintain and periodically update the Comprehensive Plan, including
Chapter VIII, Parks, Open Space and Aesthetics, which serves as the guiding
document for all master plans, functional plans and capital improvement plans.
The City will consider and respond to recommendations from Parks when
amending or updating the comprehensive plan.
2) The City will include the Parks CIP in its biennial budget, subject to section 3.B,
below. The City will determine and implement all funding mechanisms for capital
improvements (including Parks SDCs), other than donations and grants from
non-City sources, and will determine the timing, manner and method of debt
financing, if necessary.
3) The City will, as necessary and upon the advice of the Park Commission, adopt
or amend the ordinances comprising Chapter 10.68 of the Ashland Municipal
Code (Public Parks).
2. Organizing
A. Parks responsibilities
1) Parks will determine the nature and structure of functional divisions in the
Department and how best to structure day-to-day responsibilities among and
within functional divisions.
2) Parks will allocate appropriated resources within budget limits for the purpose of
achieving its adopted goals and objectives, as well as the smooth day-to-day
operation of the Department.
3) Parks will continue to contract for services as necessary and appropriate. When
contracting for services, Parks will adhere to all provisions of AMC Chapter 2.50,
Local Public Contract Review Board, and shall use only those bid forms and
contracts that have been approved by the Finance Director, Public Contracting
Officer and City Attorney.
4) Per City Council Resolution 2013-25 and AMC 2.16, Parks will, with the
assistance of the Human Resources Office, hire its parks and recreation director,
including development of search criteria and interview processes.
5) Parks will continue to provide a representative to the City risk management
B. City responsibilities
1) The City will serve as the Local Contract Review Board.
2) The City will develop and enforce all codified public contracting rules.
3) The City will develop and enforce all codified personnel rules, as well as
administrative policies necessary for compliance with state and federal laws.
4) The City will develop and enforce all risk management policies.
5) The city administrator will seek input from the parks & recreation director when
developing public contracting rules, personnel rules and administrative policies,
and risk management policies, whether for formal adoption by the City Council or
administrative approval.
3. Budgeting and Financial Management
A. Parks responsibilities
1) As part of each annual or biennial budget process, using whatever process it
deems appropriate, Parks will develop and recommend a budget to the Budget
2) Parks will set recreation fees and rental rates for all Parks-related facilities except
the Community Center, Pioneer Hall and the Grove, for which Parks will
recommend rates for adoption in the City rate review process. All Parks fees and
rates will be included in the City's Master Rate and Fee Schedule.
B. City responsibilities
1) The City reserves and will employ all authority assigned to it under Oregon Local
Budget Law (ORS 294), the Ashland City Charter and any other applicable law.
This includes the authority to:
a) Appropriate funds;
b) Adopt an annual or biennial budget;
c) Refer tax measures to the voters;
d) Set the City tax rate within the limits of the City's Measure 50 permanent tax
e) Provide funding for capital improvements, including the issuance of debt;
f) Establish new, increased or decreased taxes, fees and charges (except fees
and rental or program rates set by Parks), including such taxes, fees and
charges as may be established without voter approval; and
g) Commit discrete revenue streams to specific purposes.
C. Other responsibilities for accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, purchasing,
cash receipts, fixed assets and project accounting are shown in the attached exhibit B.
4. Directing
A. Parks responsibilities
1) Parks will assign duties and responsibilities to Parks staff, consistent with
position descriptions and the operational requirements of Parks.
2) Parks will develop and implement policies and procedures regarding park land
3) Parks will establish priorities for Parks staff.
4) Parks will implement procedural work policies for Parks staff.
5) Parks will create and maintain current position descriptions for all Parks staff
positions. All position descriptions will continue to be reviewed as to form by the
City Human Resources Manager.
6) In directing the work of Parks staff:
a) Parks will continue to adhere to all provisions of AMC 3.08, General
Personnel Policies and Employment Responsibilities.
b) Parks will continue to adhere to all City administrative policies. Parks may
adopt rules, regulations, procedures and administrative policies that are
specific to its operations. Such administrative policies shall be in harmony
with the requirements established in the City's codified personnel policies and
adopted administrative policies and shall in no case be less restrictive than
the City's adopted policies. Parks shall continue to adhere to the City's
adopted administrative policies regarding Prevention of Violence in the
Workplace, Harassment and Non-Discrimination, Vehicle and Motorized
Equipment Driving, IT Security, Electronic Media and Technology Use, Family
Medical Leave, Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action, and
Military Leave.
c) Parks will continue to take no disciplinary action against any employee
beyond a verbal reprimand without first consulting with the City Attorney and
Human Resources Manager.
d) Parks will continue to ensure that all employees attend mandatory trainings;
whether mandatory as determined by the City Human Resources Manager,
the City Risk Manager or by state or federal law.
e) Parks and Recreation Director will, in consultation with the human resources
manager, establish classifications for Parks employees. The Parks and
Recreation Director will also establish compensation and benefit packages for
Parks employees, subject to the statutory budget process.
f) Parks, with the advisement of the City Human Resources Manager, will
establish COLAs for Parks & Recreation employees, subject to the statutory
budget process.
g) Parks will continue to complete Personnel Action forms, under the supervision
of the Human Resources Manager.
h) Parks will coordinate all Parks-related worker's compensation claims, under
the supervision of the Human Resources Manager
i) The Parks Department can develop its own Facebook and Twitter pages, as
well as YouTube videos for instructional and educational purposes. The
Parks Department will comply with the City's Website and Social Media
policy, except that the Parks Department may develop non city-standard web
sites for senior populations and stand-alone recreation enterprises. Parks
will, to the greatest extent practical, adhere to the provisions of the City of
Ashland Employee Communication Guide, until the Department, in
cooperation with the City, prepares its own Employee Communication Guide.
B. City responsibilities
1) The City will establish citywide personnel rules and policies.
2) The City will establish city classifications and compensation rates. Parks will
work toward aligning classification and compensation rates with City structure
whenever it is possible and appropriate.
3) The City will maintain all personnel files, including Parks', which will be kept in
secured storage in the Human Resources Office. Personnel files will include
training records. Electronic versions of Personnel Action Forms prepared by
Parks staff will be stored in a secure folder on the City network, to which City HR
staff has access.
4) The City will process all worker's compensation claims and will complete the
annual OR-OSHA 300 Log.
5) The City will continue to coordinate the enrollment of all Parks employees in City
benefit programs.
6) With the exception of the Parks and Recreation Director, the City will oversee all
recruitment and selection processes, including:
a) All job postings will be processed through the Human Resources Office and
posted using NEOGOV or any succeeding software.
b) Interviews will be scheduled/coordinated by the Human Resources Office,
which will also provide input and assistance with the interview process,
including development of interview questions, providing instructions to
panelists, and distributing final interview packets to panelists. Panelists will
be selected by the hiring manager in Parks. A Human Resources
representative can serve as a panelist if desired by the hiring manager.
c) Written job offers and advanced acknowledgement of the "critical" City
policies will be handled by the Human Resources Office (excluding part-time
temporary hires).
d) The City will conduct background checks on all new hires in temporary or
regular positions, using a third party vendor if necessary.
e) In coordination with Parks, the City will provide orientation on City benefits for
all new hires, or employees who promote into a regular position with benefits.
5. Evaluating
A. Parks responsibilities
1) Parks will evaluate employee performance (supervisors) and conduct annual
reviews using City-standard evaluation forms or other forms that have been
approved by the Human Resources Manager.
2) The Parks Commission will evaluate the performance of the director.
3) Parks will analyze program performance to ensure effective and efficient service
4) Parks will review and analyze all general ledger activity reports to ensure
5) Parks will analyze and categorize physical conditions of facilities under Parks
6) Parks will cooperate with auditors during on-site audits and throughout the year,
and shall accept the CUFR after it is approved by the Municipal Audit
B. City responsibilities
1) The City will monitor budget compliance
2) The City will prepare for annual audit, including:
a) Compile year-end figures and financial reports, and assure balancing of funds
b) Work with auditors during on-site audits and throughout year
c) Generate CUFR (or blended CAM if required by GASB 61)
d) Communicate with and staff the Audit Committee
e) Assure compliance with State of Oregon Statutes and provide documentation
to State
For the Parks & Recreation Commission: For the Ashland City Council:
Stefani flinger, chi f n Stromberg, mayor
Exhibit A
Management: Planning; Organizing; Budgeting; Directing; Evaluating
Parks ciiy
Master plans Comprehensive plan (parks input)
Functional plans CIP funding, incl. debt financing
Capital improvement plans
Create rules for use of park land and facilities
Parks Cites
Determine functional divisions Local Contract Review Board
Allocation of appropriated resources
Contract for services within limits
Parks City
Recommend budget to Budget Officer Appropriate funds and adopt budget
Set recreation fees and rental rates* Refer tax measures, set tax rate
* exc. Comm. Ctr., Pioneer Hall and The Grov CIP funding, incl. debt financing
Establish other revenue streams
Establish SDCs
Parks City-
Assign duties and responsibilities to Parks staff Establish citywide personnel rules and policies
Establish priorities for Parks staff Establish city classifications and compensation rate
Procedural work policies
Policies re park land maintenance
Establish personnel rules and policies
(with guidance from Legal, Finance and Personnel)
Establish classifications and compensation rates
Determine COLAs and benefits
Evaluating City
Parks Monitor budget compliance
Evaluate employee performance (supervisors)
Evaluate director (commission)
Analyze program performance
Monitor budget compliance
Analyze and categorize physical conditions
Service C"r 's Responsibility. Parks' Responsibility
Accounts Payable:
- The process for issuing Enter the expense in correct period (monthly) Validate that the expenses are necessary and needed
checks for all invoices. Request and manage w-9's from the vendor Approve all expenses
Ensure payment is correct, accurate and on time. Code the expense to the proper category
Maintain all documentation for review Turn in paperwork on timely basis.
Report and maintain 1099's Attach the appropriate documentation
Accounts Receivable:
- The process for issuing Enter the revenue in the correct period (monthly) Validate that revenue on bills is correct and
invoices (bills) owed to Parks. Enter and mail out the invoice on a timely basis meets current rates.
Ensure the payment is received Code the Revenue to the proper category
Notify the department of status Turn in paper work on timely basis.
Maintain all the documentation for review
- The process for issuing Enter payroll costs in correct period Validate the employee's FTE & coding
employees pay. Ensure checks are issued on time and accurate Review and approve timesheets to ensure employee is recording
Report W-2's their time correctly
Report Federal and State Taxes Turn in timesheets on a timely basis
Maintain all the documentation for review Review and ensure employees are in compliance with using
leave that is available.
Issue Purchase order Ensure employees are purchasing only appropriate items
Maintain back-up documentation Following the purchasing rules and regulations
Assist with bids & quotes for purchases Turn in appropriate documentation
Cash Receipts:
Balance to the bank accounts Enter it into Financial System on a daily basis
Be consistent when posting to Revenue
Notify supervisors of substantial discrepancies Validate that the daily deposits match the Cash receipts
Fixed Assets:
Enter, Maintain and disposal of assets in Financial System Sign off quarterly of Listing
Keep all records Ensure that fixed assets are kept safely and prevent
loss of assets
Dispose of the fixed assets per code.
Proiect Accounting:
Generate Project number Request number for project
Provide informational reports Turn in proper documentation
Make project Adjustments Code Revenues a and Expenses to project as needed
Notify staff of project status
Have reports available for review on a consistent basis To be able to speak to abnormal changes
Be able to tie the numbers To be able to speak to your activities
To understand and fully review all monthly activity reports
from the GL and be able to analyze data to
ensure that it is accurate and reasonable.
MOU Exhibit B City-Parks.xls 8/13/2014 8:54 AM