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1898-003 Water Rights - Irrigation Ditch - Anderson
00 fl: r ,;y a - e - ti y` \ Y 4S 3 Tn. tL Circuit },~~xrt of t:,e Unit$u Mates Af Anxarica , a! 4'int% Oudicial CGircuit,TNort.,ern "District of Cali-`'orni-;. --------000-------- j vdwRrd N.Gorliss,Complairant. vs W.,.) ,Virr~in.a.o..n ~,Fa1tAn aI COb v P ,q!7.R,And:rs]n ~7md t.,e City of A^..lar:ci.a munimipal Gorl.,oration Oregon,Tx.a Qs.,lanr Woolen Mills and A5.'.1ard 9 "loux ",ill, 3. lefandan.ts. i 000 j vow Y -13 1-13 mbov-~ n %~I:id de" ir;rin,tto~.n F.pelton C ieil,''.K.anc?erson,W.F.a?acobs,"'~.e City o As'-.land and answer] /0;MUe complaint of I..r® p1~ intif 7 it abova entitled caus:, . I! Defandants dal.y i_.at., eVe7 lince Fabruary ')4~t:. 1RP1 t=ae mini ditc ~enti.~nar. in. said hill aas beer used to convey water from ~3 A-,Lland ,$or f ',I~ill creek to said riolden '71.eece vin.s,ir p-arguance t 1 " said r.ot'ice or ot.,,3rwis e . 161 4ay deny tt•at t:, said aitcl, ..as ever ,at any time, in any /'year since ISel or before been. used to convey any water at all 0 for any +.urNosa rt.siring t.ae dry GRason or irric:ation season or a~ / any time at l:)w stake of water in said er?or.. j Daf 3rdants deny t ,at at tlaa time or t'•.,,.3 i. >n `or said. "'inirE (,qitc`,,to-wit; on Pabruary ?At-:,.1 ^Rt no person or -s;sr Qans ..aci apiropriat3d appropriated and ta'Xar. pogsession of t.ae waters 3f a.g:,lard (.%,re k_ and deny t..at said. appropriators were first °)r the only appr,)~riat:or9 and posGessorg of t..: wa- ~~f v~T 6 a~~ sa7.d Greah. W4 7 Ae'a Aa2 t. Ogi-l % t:. it 3=l ~.ri T.t?.An! 'T`;Ir't di.f!' ev'3r L? S? t7 7,9~ 'Woody or to any one elc;g any riC:A to tik3 t:,s waters ol. said creek t%rmtg14 said rr;ir:ir,=` ditc., exlaj't It SIm"', tiles as t.,a -aid ditci..by custor~.,ri~j..ta and user wag artitlid to water. As t~ t, .te lea>e .fro,.. said IZ.A. "-oody to saitiM.q and. as to t•ae3 trans!-ars tl areof and t%a 1.ro'risi:on4 t.,':.,eren"F t: ;53 dr3- 1 3/±Ifsndarts avs no nnowled;.e or infor=idat,ion s'u.77ici:3r', r,o -,r,: ? belief and tuere "ox e deny t%e sar.io ••zr r~ -i o~ - , L ~c 71,oit, cq, to t.,,s -~in rt t, of n3 AY!9~ oxpandad by. said r'rai%a i or s -u i~ s;rnvv: t¢~nt.~e in and about t.:.A 3 saki rzir2TiJ property and ng ti t,.,.) actual tim-i t.,A said, OTF11,arz, t.,-ss der misin'.3 np :_t)ow_ e( ,O ()r it-! fI,-) oAt i ,,)n quT"it7 i!a W, L-) `'ar e n b3i f a' and t:.:.ri7ore dar.y t..- ai'lefations q-17 C.mipIRiwmts bill ralati,r, t'-srsto. 7 n erdar:t dor..a., t..at IiC r'e :n-z ar6 sat. on %A inar't, cart xf ait,Lar of t.:Am wori:ad V i s_nid, proi:arl.y ±7,tendi-1y ar r `r.§nt 5d deny t;b.at, t;.:y or r:atayf t:.at.did on t,>.tr ?T at sInl' 'At1,0 .i -3 L iv in oAnv water fr.an L:ja iaifO nir.irl cli.tcli oxnal-It to ramT-m3 Obst,riinti.onq 1 C:IR`tIS t-) .)a ^ tlot 7.Y'trAt11;q '.ai~a~E:37..ij:',lGeid ?r i'.'^.. ti;I s t..wi} 6:. arna l of A Q:_Za v CY,3 X tF'r) ~ Avf~r~t Vie T~*lS,tiQl !5~'r )i;? sa#.d areak into gr~ict rlintr tt.itaz,~w'.ic_ o` eitraiti.onq were b. re c4w,t, €'ind wire aulaw-r-illy A.,7.aaed t:.or"e and intarfw_-d wjt:. V y ~~egt,ad. ri -ts n" t.:.a eie'fandants.bnt, ns to rsriovi,ns; suel, aelnwi . fii1 7b°ktvant.i.ons ti.9 def ardarts aftit t .e Sams , 'Ie'->3n ants ds! y t%vO. t ..ey d if, ,.rorrart, said wat. ar `r :zr.- 71w.., iz" i#,q nC^u^ t.;a^rad ro;r. dur, xr. I a* watr nr. a: a:3 r3 MUPJ. Rat,C' "",ennon as ;,lairti.f7's E1 `art did ITrm6di.at.ely h. f 0r3 t:,-,-' IAL_-. )f tape, aforasaid urlawfr.).l17.searotely .7rd iU Al" It. #>°:,e ^ )nsant, of t:4-- der. =rdant -n or o%►"v wf tL im exterg' a „I y' o10 Srt,.f t%gxRkxw 1w water cri.ann-3I .r AA:41!md Crean ant i fi lofteneants of x94-talext wnt.ar w"iCa bel:,nLed: t ~~II t"A.ar..T%-A d+,'7am a t is in.'c,msd. Ar;6 nlla~.3~ on itfor"r-►at,i;in and mot - „ ~s hake.f t ,.a:s... id ~l,=ke -z r.c;i rtrc#,etct on 1...e 94.t,:: or t. o, ~ ~ I ')are dants dany t,:.at Complainant 4as been da,%a4sd in t,.wa ci a^Asw; in t..y.,e R3t:3Eat o7 ~15C)O )r in any -.Bari, P.'::^twt, V?:,at.evar r ag on o t:..3 net or daf' zrdantg it nny if t .gym: ~`3 * "ft'}dolrlt. deny t:.nt _4. ' vlt uo V.4,3 X1``3_:45 la inants~ q ipt rant r: gfiid :ine is t".8 auri of ~ nO'7); ;'1 -,.n sum W"atevor, ~.y rAintts deny ti atY t.>.aro wns s'vey any a 3abinin& or c;yTte ~f~.. n z-rrkTAr.,~ tit:. Pmysne in ) elatior, to Raid water on tLe part 01 Vi de-7erdantq :)r ir.7 ea.f t,:4er.""any t' nt, t:,ey IT any Of t:4_3N 4WO i 3' Fade arw t_.raspt.s ~ley".PTA i,'.'Yeat s to arrest ary ppy%- 3 ? int?r* aring wit'-, t',s nntu- iral and ac^ust,©^!ec't flow of wat,9r° dovm. S--,id creak, 1-f( -Ie*"',ardantg d,3ny tl.at anyt:,ing they or any o7 =,ave done , in. t',e preriin's are cintrary to equity or 7;aoct conRcience,and % deny t:,at any wr 3n,;r or any injury ',as been dons to t:,e coni"la', G ant or :,at any wrong or =any inji).ry was ever intanded. Fztj t.l,or answering and f'.>r a com:,l.3ta da7en. to t:,a claim or ~ ~Iplai nti~fs in t'As ca?zse t1:, defendants a li® , T. ni p N ,r,F31t.on are .at, t..e de,.erc~ant.s ~1,~7,4'ir;:,n,~, ,.Yei1 and ','Ipartners and ire t'-,3 ownars,ol:-srators and ~ropr:i-_I ors or 9 1 i o,sl,lanct Fl,)-urin& Mi Lis and tl,e As-.land F1ourinb ?rill flan twat zr l.t,s and nppni, t;enfances and :_ava been 7or -avsral jr°ars ".1st, past .`i"~,at t=,-3 tract of land embracing said niill.%ill sla^ae and. store ~iuilc~ ire g,s ,eds and appurtenances is situated in L.',e amity, -f' As",AF.k d ,jackev)n G anty,Oregon on t-te WivIlrS ar ill or As:,lr.~ 6 ! uraak,sr id tiac# 0eing known and dasienatad on t_:e a ili.%al pla~. ~r said. City as tl,e .AsiAland Flourin& Lill i'ract and ambraces a- Q bout dive afrfas o- land. Tx:at said flours.n raill was built and puL ire a~3ra`~iOn Carin t:,e year 18 ,,,4 an(I itlamxxxi tLare w=as tl,-n duly ap-ro,6;x iat,3!1 fr t .e w=tt€3rs of said A.sLland Creak as and -or .)owar to ran and o_ grate t,%3 same t:.,a amo-ant of 1000 miners, inc-,ss o'r gat ~r i,ae :i-Awa9 )ainE und.3x six inai prassura and it t';.3n requirad said. a l/ moar.t o~ water to run said .,Fill to its ull cai:acity and said am•j+znt was then condunted to said mill t=,r:)uL,,,:, a flume or ditc` -r,3 t'-misanr: feat in len t ,,connectiu~6 said creak wit!, rdll.Mat ever since said Limo naid n.ill !,as bee in constant gperatior and I.Las always used said Cite, and said a -)Luit' of water t ,rots d, said ditcl.►,ihi an sufficient wittar it skid creak,T ..at saki dafandant,s still oj-,arata t-.a saMs ::till an i lase t,.e '%,ater af:7rasaid t~,rJ d ;s, t.',9 6<'A",43 dltvl, any. ug3 t4e sam p )irt br place of intake tLat !,as alwa'ys beat: used and as ori6 inall,* aDpropri.atad and 1,aoatad. ''.,at said t3af3nd3ntn and tl,air rrac?scetsors in interest always usad,claimad,and -)wnad said tr tt an( rir:As -since Octabar 18v-4.7"Li•at said da:-7andnnts ria'.,t was aid pis 4rior to any c1Qi*r►,rit,or ar:propriation f''ar and belongin,j i ~r appertrtininw tc srt id °Jnin- dit 0- arA said i i :.t :zas navar -)-3an y-aast.ior3d Is t148 'ifM19 l"OW <iXeat.inngd '`-4y L'~.e owner 0- i aid Clft,c tom' t?deT T;. L for aI740'st 47 yaarr' t.:Ae Said da- 3I' 4aP .a ~vir.._ir po,-s, T~ 3lt"'r and L AIr »3'-.Aid pre3dac sor + in j irtf3X33t. %1VO ..*3l(l ^nd -11c Ame4 laid ' iL--t r.dvarfsgly to avsryon; vmrt:.ar nmemarin`; t %a de`endants allega t_,at during, or pri- ;ir t.-i ^ctob,-r iP=`--4 AL.D.Ffal-l:ian arScted a ^aw fnill on ;aid Cloak r1bout VkI)n- {3a )131ow said "locuin( t,All Sind api,roj)ris_ited alb. t:.3 votar s o-' Said C:T ' o-'T 17.)T, --:)w-ir an6, (id coast vov!.t1 a ditc.. 131(1inE, "rani r c. cjea:t Lo S tid saw ~..111 and aid "~)r .i')~a year ZSa V'010 lro',,as iii r:ora of witer or 1', ')w3r all we.i n'.4 :,ad taaan M'Uy %ppi opriated mm6 *PAs in nor, `4tant, im are. still i- ii :fa in g 'astid t o sama ditc:., to run and operat3 a _ uart7 /y slid rir,=.t was irior.r;~~ari)r and aL;ipAd of' tiny rig:,t ; 3Tt.F~lr lily to }r nAnin& diLc4 am still is, r z:.aat, (Iurinp, 'j..a ysar iWS4 Bennett Yillion appropT iated ""or irr i s t. i _rn am' :ryes t, to ;,l rpos as T~ inc..as and f*r. ):;3 L:,a wa- tare QA" paid nxaa : and '.,as always usad and 'ilmirasd aac:, ai-Pro- ;rintian anrA *,e:L'j Vaa advarsaly to veTY 7>na -r"Ir 4.0 year: or moxe,t,:.a point of 1nt pie buinzi w.4,ira said Yelm-n mill rags / dl~ln',oArf'ea3 t,-.4e ':'c.t:ar into s. id ks:.lard Cr9s , '-24-it duri.ty; E._. 3 'Y-ar t P11 r2. or IP° '4 '.L.!`ar''vftin9 _uly apizo-• I~ a'' i w-,j 1,ars of s:-, id rA crag;( Iror irri at,icn and ~y rY ,T;ast,ic y ;zr _~as - Ir;:-rs in--.as of" w'.tar .:°,-j, t-'.3r. ninstrumIt diLc.':att.a3 ,',A nt of intr~a )Sin%. a.)o.i+ Intl 7e at -a t,' a in- tax-:3. o.L t.'.e -1^.i ri n& '?All far0i 'r:ir are- ciparat -3-1. ~ lit. ;7.)r ~i~ a >*:'~ar years ?zr~t.it 1fR?, 3t V.4ia:, t.i`~e U e rif tr~r5{ar_qLl ',r1 t.,a wF:.t it Lm.r, 4'!1 ua,3e'. vvtir since byl : is rr3ntses sqnd t l--atv assi n% ad JarQly to t,:4q Y i',..te anc~. cli of ev"!rv ~)n' e . T%at t,'.a RT~o~s',:}l~ to rid ^t, ~:s: ',1PO.roilrint',ions a~ wa-01r . r.43 i, `i~Aid n-rep"T at t S titie )*I- tLa "a ppY'opri.vitfior, for 93 iid t'sir•.inc, 3 it<c~a,4?`r! exiRt~i,nk nr~or. t;'.ernt^ gram inc:.er. or •:.ore all OfP ri:1,1'.tg find, a :pra ,ri *,it~n a ra evex gear A .nt,air}ad grad ~5~ are still prior and a sand o< any n1nimn ""or tlto mi.nin6 dit:cL. i.31t3?;~. ?td r!? rl nr3r r my ri 'at tievaE;;t,ory 4,' Ti~i'-t x~ ra° ;.;ct ? t.' ` 4_•J w(#~Y.ry...i i,`.. :I3I~ 317 SSi{t. .31 rmd C'AT~.I.Isy ~ ire n~~ =a 'it.^-1 itj w~?~ intJ_~r-n~i~t ~~o ~~:~r~•~;ri~t~ Orly. ,y.~ ~AT- 'b x t~ c rc and n 31t r1tL kT.,IRT 'A'r-f 3T t e6n~ nt. in ; %rc -x 3"r C'r r Ar- ey• Crtl ix rind A ..r31t. LTi' fif IJW9 3L Rnd i.. LIA3 irm- I''t. -Cial'fJaq R1t,l.1~t.9 i j,]? t 6tti~ 'S ~ ~.1~ a a~ 3Y»a3 Va . Y ^tt~1..~ 4i i1 3..sC1 S'+:i air: :,t zr.c~ i~►tlrt; #~;neT; ri i 7xo a4., ~.nb t o M t•1. .t 7 3' r'ax-ninc. a do-i . ' ntl I?r x'y o w' Tty on ;;nawr as t-+9 Ann' Ir-aid Canyon 7,,ts -lalt<imy, crow is -An iri'reort-,A nt al3?.ant. J'r. i;q .-'jal I 1., 49 R'rAta Iy •J. Rf-a1.1aa "+{{+e- anti it T~ ad C'4ira is etn vv-_ t 3r ,nd rjora car, ALs i l by dlitc%55 ar] t~ "Sl il17.i'i t~ j G:~s3 r 3iat, w +~'1~ yi SV" IW5 RTI `-"llt--3 ..:,f31 f.ilj;+t .T n-" 1r nt-37' e4,3'-xn a Vjx;y r-Aj.4t~4 and ' Ctarenft,.ir ` rr? Ii t.il ti'3 T 1 r7 in% raa3t• in .*'a wmt3r in °i:A.Ld, mreer- will not. 101.{ 171 ir,n.,tis lAnd t:,e }..i7l!3- and I11 xr^rIA Q I~ yt1 t"14-3 m h?tR.i '=AS lT' e~Y~ao ibll ~,vl to o,zrt", :il it:r 9 t,~iy~ '~~tj.'+J~ 3.~.~~~ ~Ii°.w • a-'e ')y i"enion of it y scr,: 'iita'y',TAs `vvA-%;%)n ba3n anil is n- ?;6 t i ly r 11915 t,`aa dry Only t;n'I t,sa3 1 3t, o' k a_-y". tJ ,"u%- ::filly art 3n,.4~3 TLOR-AP IL ly W -iw jn t,-. if Da,.3t*t? er '~11-1 t,.. =et. c~an"X:A7~ aj.1L`V7i n'-_ • 5 T kt, ri3V"17' .+42n ie , c' ar t.'_~? 3 '31313?; in avjrl;,3 `1. , ~ 1 t V11101 iti^tlT in cv%ie, ar` e, dw~r~ n i~.ry s3E°ir:.n.Ar..Q or it sl 1 *3 W-J,Cx' X3`3!1 7 ~T i 2y tt '9''lgitt !r'3(3 '7 7`.Lx' 3i w` vat, T4irintj dit,eVi. e.-arln,- Any dry "5a~'.?~'~t! =twig nor .,a-t 3l'y p' t:.-3 a~i ►~t~::7V1 '+'~x n ~,"x a%in I.X;- tJ.J.t,'. av r fi.i.-iimad nor 10.0 el t.43 ,taan ~3ut ( iI 3 r•ax (,Iii n ir`r r•io',t. V-) 6fl) c,o. j~u7'- n--'fA 06 _ri",:.' r, to v tonT -roll 6rni f!fVdk -7T „ity ii"S3 &it,'' "'or t:.,s ~ t*ke t?~.a f1?lt, st':trR of vre ors . a; gala v~ u 7 c3t,r ;a ;W d wi-a cif- w tox;` s"ox irri> mk t i r; and dor.aeLi: ar,3 ;13f~t~3C~. ~ l~ xwo ~~;ao,t Q of or ~S r,t .my y'4r'rc ~%m5 ariid Lily as ex -~raicltaaitling said cre:3k al:d j.n ;4,'~j to 4. Lill,s na'+ -viid ^rev4,Eand in ranioving deari5 frovi t:.3 ^xe ar,r in rs- alai watar and pr3171intin'- wagte,3vai~oritior anc seai,aLs and :.,as (C tlia Ase o gac for %Any y')%hy`i ait,(5 ^,#,1Z1 iI.S-. y 5r 3s -an(ft snjoys latVat itq Idler t,.taT'aof .,a ; Tl'3v31° in- t,1-3rf3r3d Wit.t ,injr ritn"A,; fertairing t') cviid mit?.1.n, ilit,c:. and it., :,as n 3ver pervartad- any 'iat,3r fro::, sail, 61' 14c:.. ii or ..a5 it c aver inter-grad vit:. t:.3 cOLi:tJ1~7a.`Ii7t' q in any" manner. U! i <.=tt t,:.8 3ri-)d t)atwe3I1 alnd Z>aW G1'~t~3T' iT any year iS /0 at a very raw days,it3 fray. 'va t-) t ao days r rCf L A. resent year it, was less t,:,an -iva days, i:.at t, ,is y3ar t-.a ca,A'., :r t A. - LAy ties ,_)od Li:il Qu ust ?3rd ano ,vat°r wfsS t,.,3n lliu :im u or t 4e ',18tA, t,:,Br3 was t'2•)t, can-,)u ,;.t water in t,:,a crealk 3 ,)x'e ary d.ivsrsi~an Was mrida tfi a fUll 1.33,71 o' w:at.ar /f- { )r' :.3 mills,t u_v it,nat 10CO r,-An3rs irc:,3s. ^3rd. If A.u_ust, 1P 4A t, Ae d. :3- ,ndants dg- t, 9 ( 7, a!_en#,, ef111'tT1or, t.:,Ft., ti, a ntiT1in / dii C'., i0e, ^ IoSe(i and :t3 nar,,Ianted do so Rn'' 1,14asee d3`3ndarts , 7LTlf..)TnI90 r:IW. V3ri- y belie',I'3 t:,at la, said {nnon did Aa i"1^;180iIt,11 r t'.,;3 int,a3K3 o- aiid T"inino dit,^.:. Fmd did i 21 b,,Aild anJ oatis3 ''7?)_1Zt, a d.yX,3 or dam clan-, %I^.r•JaS u:,u a~ 1,~, ^raa { anCr di(k' arla:.=:- 11117 gcivsrL and a'. in a ~o,It -,ally ors :.,al o t-: ii cr9etL,irto4 t`:.3 obstra^t.iLr or ciLy'ka i:Iac3c t:.ore 5^ was, ttr_ at,'tla'~:aTy ant Di fiira^t con=flict wit:, L:,a ri,_,:.ts of t.,s ✓~(p !",SgUon ,'S,'I:371'Eoiin.obi an And'rcion n..rd t:t :3y Tf'j '';.il!$3ta. ,%,.Ad_ )3;tT u,3tior, to iJ:? T'0-;?S7'.Id. _2:,Jr9 INIS no r3sintflnce a','3rad to ,.~c r."Dual n,,.)r did t..., said 3Var c,mi.lain /6A to t.i,e^A ds-3t'.Clnnt,s FA 2,a xrst, saiu in r3,~;JvinE; ULe ~~yka or obs vactions a oresaid t,:•3 de9 eT1Q3ilts did not inter- 43 w1t, t1.e ca9 ot.iaTy cor..ditior t-.3 1-nIat, Lo s`+.id 7i in- in& ditc:, but otaly ~~it:. t.,e ftyiee S.Aaced in ,aid creek arlaw- ; 3 frilly ;)y t:~9 corij~lainant, ear .,is aF.ant:.s.'':,at, t ll IArd, on w..ic:. 36/ nni(,, ray-ice was buLilt wRq, not. M_3 yx)Yexty of -,aid I.''..And3r•;on ri )r -.ac's ti,e eor'► lainanj; any rig'_A or aut:,ority rota t:,9 owner C, of said land. to erect any dy ,a or data on said land. "MrI 'ata wa4 Willing fins wanted t:,e obstructI,)n rataoved. 2 7?e:"endants f-art,:,ar tillage t.s.,zt on }aly IOt-,,1.F6,7 . n^ab '4"+, 3 nar,C.Larles F'.rlum rind Albart G.T~.ocki'allow were t.,Q owrars tbf y said - ininr ditc`~, and all s*,f ar xi;;:atg part~k inin~ t.,ereto,and. t..ep did an sn:icT c'riy,f'or valua,make.exacate and deliver to VA River Vrt lley Woolen iWanu.f a ctur ing Co jlany , of Ag:,la nd, ^z :i on a dead of reline=uis Ament of water riLlat psrtaininL to said di,tc:, for t'*,e banafit of xaUxa ttl A<Aland Woolen %Till,4 to suc2a ir extent ns t'A,e needs of said n4ill alaauld rem~jui.re. /p 7"-.at said dead was duly reoordad in d83d ruuards of said M oic.,t an County in book 4 of deeds or. 154f, on t.a a 1.i t.*" day of -.1 - ixly.IP67. T :,at sv►id mill yaas ewer iince anc`.E is r..)w asi.t - °,nd exercising /y said `rig_,t. mm(R-,)mxKmxzxm#m s ex,,. 9 "a pt as prev3nt.ad by M cats /~-of Ooriploinant and t;*a restrainina order of t%is Co~art.~,at t',e amount of wat.ar required to rim • nd m:)parat,a snick -Sill to it,s full capacity is VROO inc:aes or water, ,miners maasare and 1,:4ar e .as not, been Vl:at a^+o-ant in As:.l nd Creek since t,La ?A naFendant E.X.Andaxson is now t..a ownsr ,a'" Quid Wool:an mills i ^ ranning anO. oparmt,in_ t,I,9 stmie and Baas baan since al.)oi3t, j z7, ~~7y,±f {~.Ta,at t.:.a dnrla~e t3 said derandant by mason of 023 said restraining order and t:Ae unlaw!"-ul ob traction of said ~y creak is '%1~0.00 per day. 1".At, ""or t%e didtance )f ano mile or -,,ire nlonz r,,id oraek wi l,',in said City of As'-,land t ,e banks nT said. creek nre 10^11- l:xQd wits, ^3illa and mill fltautaa and !gill rnoes.r.,nt, t:.e As,,f ,ig'landt 71,iitric TdEE%t, and Fowar Conipwny,^,e .aac_)hs Box and 71.Lr-. Jq ni.tt xa fnct,ory.t"a .A.C,'land Flousing 17illa,tj4a As.,land Woolan ~D 'rills nnci tI.e Fir:kq (rarta mill and As:,land. TidinL5 Pri.ntin 0,7 -ice are and 4ave been for Haan ~3l Y Years aui~I)lieci wit:, .nTvar from said Creep at°id all usi,n&. ;49 %arna quantity yar wFt,~r,to- i wit 1000 inol.es,mingra r,easure.nnd all usin6 tae same water 3y =,nd L:.e r~ fsra;at,s dq.:sa- to said r,illg by bain& dai,rived o7 3S_t,:4e use a" wntar' by t,,e complainant, is not, leas t_-,an WC ,scar day.. > '°.at: t:la d r ac;a to d3. 3ndants ,'dirk it ,Palton FAnd :Nail is nt t CJ 1 r ~ 13 r~ W AAl l a r . 0 :,Pk tt t it t~ tl'r. i~~ .l l it ~ t. :a ~ I^: O r = cif t, o vrit.ar 4g;:.I~Ml Craa x 1- ror:7 Qr si2>ca i.;1,;.-ijst. ?'Td, pf ~r.fl'. '-f, V.9 't,ina if t'-.o ],n1rar-aTfarce r)u-,j,jain,3o ~f ^..)j)la].wint sin f 4: e:? t 'k Q3 ind iny ri--i~.s in s- Ad t) b,.:) era t=., d.jr3rdatnts ar,", t.%at. •t:.a prFAyar o7 t-,e 0011.d1dain i i 9 n?: n-)t, rantad,T',at '-/a n) ralia" in t_. pre*~,i~es,~.at ~Q ~iIraiId I-II, . t*! illf'`_ ::C! , f ,.t.t t. t..t cC`rc :7.~~I1?tlfii for t_l13 dFAnI c^raad a<m,iriva1,' t,o L'-.I dal-andants ir. t.:.is ivdt and for /ct?, t,%air 6x .ansas.costs ^nd dlsblaTsannant,s in t ae iaj.al'L7 o t.iry , 3 ialtse txxUxx 3xDardad and to -~)u incar ad and -or Luc'.. 17-art..ar 194- 'w as ig aqaitfl Ae . (o defandnnts ft `7 1 ^,itars it:C++ iClit2.:'tv1 7,,a ( 3 3! t"~L~ .S w .,;In Tl;.X . Andarson and City or' Wind. Stets of OrQ )n) + r E.X..Andsison. t.P.~tai,l,W.J ir,in and W.,..cia- .y7 i-,i ona of ULa d,;- obs 7E?lil ..:1ly gwoi n d•:s ~ /YG~fr~ j ,+s ,~1p~~~ ~t s3 .,J+..a'i,•rd, 6i } 7~fp p RI ai.„ ;dRnt~ in ~`J ec;oir.Ly eptIll-3.7 '..LPp%lc~ ,a 10i4 XS1~~~R~%N~ l+r~~'- r p T: JBm%*Aav Y w,d "inn know U%a ..opt" "Mt° t:.3T:330'77 end t..a s i". i-i iq3 t,) t,-Aa 'Ale&ation t'-main alla~?3cl to ~a on infor= tr. t79 Y;ia. ruaE.ion' and 3oli:~~; 7wli:~'~c~ ~ila•;;atione, FUbscx ib-36 rind sworn ~.o e: ors :R sT-liRY o •,9~;i . t ` v/u ot. ~r•. i~1ia ~ ac san Count, nrsc: on. „ ~ti Ashland, Oregon, Nov. 3, 1909. For and in consideration of the sum of twenty dollars, to me in hand paid by the City of Ashland, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I hereby covenant and agree to convey to the said and City of Ashland, Oregon, all right, title,^interest in a certain ditch known as the ArBerson Mi ng_d tchaO all riparian rights pertaining thereto together with a transcript~ of the record ownerahip of such ditch from date of appropriation of water therefor from Ashland Creek to the present time such transfer of said property and not later than the 15th day of November, 1909, to be made as soon as practicableAand in consideration therefor, the said City of Ashland covenants and agrees to pay me the further sum of Three Thousand Nine hundred and Eighty Dollars, making a total compensation for said property of Four Thousand Dollars. Done in the Presence of: G7 t a 74, CA" ✓1/~ ~/~t1Z~/Yh/ ~ ' ~ q~vr~ tin (D~u~J/ !r-,,~ . ~ Gr ` ~)'lv 04z-t pl, ~ T - ✓ c c~ l ~~z 44J O-L ~-Eta-l'1 cv /I%►tiv►-c~,, ~G.~,~J ~-~-P~~ N. 2~''~-~r- ~ ~ ~I,+~z-c-~ ~ N-v~J~r~rc 1,4 ~h P l' 1~ G✓~'`~^e ~D~I'o~e~"`~t ~i~-u~4,~^5 ~Gtti""" i1~//Ci/F(~ G"2 ~vvi~v l~u 2v7~"tl~~ I'L lvo,& p 4/'CI~ 4+~P /V~-, t~Ltt,/k ftL ~4 ;4 E-/ f4~~ -A4 ITO- /j,xc A40 -17 "Z x A S,4 14 Av lit- cc%c X tTl , ell -d"1-7 e4 GL✓~~^~f ~Gt vt~~ C` a-~ti~y~ D..tc~~~ ~ ~fr~~~~~ D, Ce~.~ IPMA~ Try~r /YX 74 . , y a4l l ✓dtit ~~!/f'G~tiJ 4- of - C/! 4-1 v~ Luger AV 4Z J"'L (,z 4~V1A4t4-j A,~, 14,1` l frf f C 4t4 ).A-~,e IS-2- f J a .Y ` Alt- t i J a { 4 s r: p ry~ C i J. P. DODGE, r1ayor. couNclumEm. Milton Berry, tReeovder. The C. P. Jones, Marsha:. Willits, C. H. Staupel, B. Million. TOILY o S h 1a n d' HB. ' $ 4'. Cart Carter, n, Street Tneasuner. er L/ ~ C. H. Fo, Gillette, C C. . Crider. D. F. Fox, U1. J. Sa chmidt. Jesse McCall, Surveyor. C. 8. Watson, City Attonney. OREGON. v 4 3 741 7 2V/e A-Z 44 t CA-Ca ~L4~ ~!/k /b"A AV a Zt Uu4d ~x~ ---76 t U TUA- ) t7` 2- J. P. DODGE, Mayor. COUg1CtIamE~1. Milton Harry, Reeorder. C. P. Jones, Marsha[. C. H. uaupel, W. H. Million. 6~y Ll H. R. Willits, Street Com'r, c n d, S• y Caller, Treasurer. C. H. Gillette, C. H. Crisler. The As h I Jesse MZCatl, Surveyor. D. F• Fox, W. J. Sehmidt. C. H, Watson, City Attorney. OREGON. A-J l/ Ad7 1'" l , A4 A"v~ z9~ ~IaZ4 X-44M/6' Sh 10, lk~ ct-0 z "4~j W~~ -Ad"-!~t 0--,,~ 10 A., w mom" -4 "w~~ J. P. DODGE, flayor. Milton Benny, Reeorder. COUNCILIMEN. C. P. Jones, Marshal. C. H. Yaupel, LU. B. Million. R. The City of Ashland, Carter, , TSStreet afest neasu Cre V. . C. H Gillette, C. B. Cnisler. S Y. Jesse maCall, Surveyor. D. F. Fox, U-1. J. Sehmidt. C. B. Watson, City Attorney. o OREGON. G~ /Sw Yo 4#1ov Ivle"dd /~w ~,4 0 "-a LIU R~ 1;_Al~ uli4 elk 6_4 h"k-tt 41,vv At,4_4 p-Z Wd- 4 l ~ v I l n7 Aj~ T~ ~7 At_t _,jr,~ 0-~ 0-2- T -V M J. P. DODGE, Ilayor. _ Milton Benny, Reeorden. COUHC14i71Ep1. C. P. Jones, Marshal. C. H. Staupet, CU. B. Million. The ' (//~it J of AshlanJ, s. R. e,, comm. C. H. Oillette, C C. . 13. . Cnisisl er. 11 v \JY \.l E. S[ . Caft Carter, Treasu neasunen. D. F. Fox, D"1. J. Schmidt. Jesse maCail, Sunveyon. C. 8. Watson, City Attorney. - OREGON. lee, d (CA G~ C/y Q / pia t~ 11 1 ~ 3--je-a AP4 cam, ML- e 0-2 col A-4 _dl/ ~ ivy ov, A" /IX-~ AA k+b-a-ql-o~ a4 X lw_/~~ J. P. DODGE, Mayor. COUr1C1GME)'1. Milton Berry, Reeorder. The C. P. Jones, Marshal. C. H. V.Upel, W. B. Million. City ° 13. R. Willits, Street Com'r. C. H. Gillette, C. 13. Crisler. of s h 1 o n d, E. v. Carter, Treecurer. D. F Fox, W. U. Schmidt. Jesse McCall, Surveyor. C. Watson, City Attorney. - OREGON. v-- U 2~4 D a &U,4 Oen J~ T. 3f o ~ ,ta u-N a~vvc Ak 2✓ 0^ A lo C O ~ ~ t~; 23~ 14 ~lla1 ~ /fV cam` 'ga/t _Z8 o- ` ,f~ 11-4 641 N J. P. DODGE, Mayor. COUHCI4MEH• Milton Berry, Reeorder. C. P. Jones, Marshal, C. H. Slaupel, LL3. B. Million. LT 8, R, Luillits, street Com'r. C. H. Gillette, C. S. Crisler. The C ' y o f s h l ei n J E. V. Carter, Treasurer. D. F. Fox, U1. J. Sehmidt. J I Jesse meCap, Surveyor. C. B. Watson, City Attorney. - OREGON. Gt t'kj *4A af-( Ike 'Z~Z~ )FAA~ 71 17 _Z Aw P~ J. P. DODGE, Mayor. .r COUplC1[aME]~1. Milton Berry, Rooordev. C. P. Jones, Me rshel. C. H. vaupei, UY. B. Million. B. R. Willits, Street Com'r. The Clty of `A s h I o n J, E. V. Carter, Treasurer. C. H. Gillette, C. B. Cnisler. Jesse maC b• F. Fox, iL1. U. Schmidt. a11, Surveyor. C. B. Watson, City Attorney. -cam - OREGON. t /l•~s~ Gj~eo, ~ , l ~ D Wt4 141 e-IU4" 14-10~ 1 kxx~ a--4 /c "A V D0_ , OZ_ a~ /3-~nd--a t-c mod, Ae Ap a W 7 ~Ya~ Ke ;mil Z414AQ ~i7`~,, t~ This indenture witnesseth; That the City of Ashland, a mun- icipal corporation, in Jackson County, Oregon, for and in consid- eration of the sum of one dollar and other good and valuable con- siderations %-aid and granted by E. K. Anderson, the owner of cer- tain water .rights, in, to, and from Ashland Creek, formerly known, as Pfill Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, has bargained and grant- ed and by these presents does grant, bargain and convey unto said E. K. Anderson and his successors in ownership of "-he property commonly known as t he Ashland Nollen lfills, the same being a part i of Block 17 in the City of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, the right after November 1st, 1898 to tap the upper or lower system of the City water system as the present City Council may determine, with a four inch tap near where said system crosses Ashland Creek` immediately above the int=:.Ike of the Ashland Flouring Mills flume or ditch or at some convenient place on lower system and conduct I the water from said system in a pipe or casing not larger than foirr inches in diameter to the Ashland Woolen Mills and use the same f the purpose of an assistant power for the said Fills through a noz zle, the apperture not to exceed one half an inch in diameter, at' discharge, the same to be used in the operation of said Vills, or in running machinery at any and all times when not in conflict with the conditions in a certain deed and executed by E. K. Anderson and E. N. Anderson, his wife, to the said City of Ashland, and dated the eleventh day of Yay, 1898. The discharge from said apperture j shall be above the race leading to what is now known as the Hicks !ICompary's quartz Yill. The said E. K. Anderson and his successors` to have said right free of any charge or compensation other than 9 d the grant and concessions made by the said E. K. Anderson and wife in the said deed to the said City of Ashland. s s The said City of Ashland hereby agrees to and with the said E. K. Anderson, his successors and assigns, that it will on or be- fore January 1st 1899, improve its lower system of water works so as to keep a full head of water therein, when sufficient water in the creek. The right hereby granted to be a vested and irrevocable right and inure to the benefit of E. K. Anderson, his successors, admin- istrators and assigns, for the purpose of running any and all machinery now placed or to be hereafter placed on said described property, now and forever. Provided that in case of accident to i or destruction of the City 'Eater System the City shall not be liable in damages to second party of assig0s. in witness whereof the 1:'ayor of said City, J. P. Dodge, and Recorder thereof, 1:Tilton Berry, hereunto have set their hands and the seal of the said City this Eighteenth day of May, 1898. Under and by virtue and in pursuance of ordinance number 182 of said City of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon. Made anti approved on the 18th day of May, 1898. Done in presence of CITY OF ASHLAND r W. A. Patrick By J. P. Dodge MAYOR, Seal. CITY OF A& ELAND E. D. Briggs By Milton Berry, Recorder Seal I State of Oregon ) } Jackson County I hereby certify that on this the 18th day of I ay,1898, came before me personally J. P. Dodge, personally known to me and! known to me to be the Y'ayor of the City of As#land and Tilton Berry personally known to me and known to me to be the Recorder of the City of Ashland and they respectively acknowledge that they in their respective capacities as Mayor and Recorder of the City of Ashland, executed the foregoing deed and of their own free will, for and on behalf of the City of Ashland. And the said Milton Berry as Recorder affixed the corporate seal of said City then anc there in °y presence. 4? E. D. Briggs Votary Public, Jackson County. -2- I'; L E AS E. This witnesseth: That E.,.s`nderson,of the CountVT of Jackson, ts.te of Ore,-on,fo-r and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Dol- lars to him in hand paid,the receipt of which is hereby s.cl:rovledg- ed,d.oes hereby grant and permit the City of Ashland,its officers and a•ents to use the intake and upper end of the -iring Ditch, knov,n as the .nderson :_ining ditch from its point of intake to the point in said ditch lying west of the intake of the lower system intake,with right to repair and maintain the dam at the joint of intake of said raining ditch.This priviled e to hold good during the lovi stage of viater for the season of 1905. It is understood however that the said Anderson shall not be held liable to an offense under the order and decree of injunction issued from the Circuit Court in and for the County of Jackson, State of Oregon in the suit of Virgin,_-~elton and Itieil against the said E-.;7.I,nderson and others,b-,v any act on the pert of the cit,r in passing water through the said---ditch. In witr_ess ,.Thereof these presents are executed this 27th day of July,1905. 4 f `TitneL~sses/ ~ Affidavit. State of Oregon, ) )ss County of Jackson. ) I,E.K.Anderson,being first duly sworn.,say that for many years,I was the oi,.ner of what is cor-inionly known as the Ashland luining Ditch having its source u :.n Ashland Creek about two miles above the Plaza in City of Ashland,Oregon,-_:nd running thence in a Northwesterly diredtion to what is known as the Davenport Diggings; That I recently sold the said Ditch and its water-rights to the City of Ashland,Cregon,and that I had not, previous to said sale,sold any interest in said Ditch or the water-rights belonging thereto to any person whomsoever; that for some years past,I have allowed J.C.I'raytor to have some water for looking after the upper end of the ditch and its flumes, but no contract,written or verbal,v.as ever made between myself and the sand Praytor or ary one else whereby such person or perscn J were to acquire any permanent right in said Ditch or water-rights. ~I witness my :and this 24th day of November A.D. if 1909. I i 1 , i Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of %ovember A.D.1909. Notary Public or Cregon. i' 71 - 1~7s , 4/ Z/,9 8u - - 2 T one This 0denthre sath; t'_,.. E, Anderson of Jackson P~a cL AgA und Crook V Ashland, Jackso COMM of ~M Woolen Mills at Ashland. Oi'_'.;;on and the S°du.tor rig;°hts u dons;, ;.rit- is wife, E. N. A r?erso_ , parties of he firvt n_ , AW V, _o c 2ideration of +hT sup of one dollnr t,.~.e ...c;_ ..ir.. o v .O. , copsideratio.s to .ho . r. !III, 109 .;Y! c' - o D C i:-., of Ashlgrd (Do ( ,1u"ckaj ^or Oo -c:. Of '-e 9V - of Or. party of second part, the follows .F water ri f-.f,s privilec'#-es to-'"it; The runt at all times, 'ior and over s>' id Woolen Mills and Mining ditch rights, to sake, have, o'. r? an& divert frog said or A5hlandA Hill Creek at a point or ? of is i or above said city u-. `laid creek, through the ;'later systems of said city sufficient wat--r- + for do e 7 c purpo s for all the inhabi s of caif city, '.tile w er to o used economically _>C' not t c exceed o? e 1"__C'pe ( 0{') Miner's inches o-'grit; what '.Eater vould low 'trough in arpert _se 100 inches long and one inch high uDder sir inch pressure.) The forgoing 100 inches of water to be exclusive of prior rights M onclusive of nhe +;ei taken in rooli ,.Aid :,'"sr':ems and Cis- • charg c' ..,.erefro:. 1 uid creek bove A c' F _ ol-. 0 , Mills i i + ake, or info he Woolen Mills flu: or ditch, nn? also enclu im of any ana all water that ray be used by said E. K. ^nd.ersoul '"pis Successors or assigns i ,e ownership of the Ashland Woolen ?di" E; property r0: l ator sys'; o ms of ,id TM`r=ms city for use in "bolt .V Wuolen Nil" pr•oi,e:-ty. AKo T all ?'raters of said creek for nrot pct ion' ag ainst fire in _ wcttxal progro .s, and also t7 e full right to use all th wators of said Ashland Creek throe t the City Z' ester systems, for donest is use and for irrigating on each and every Sunday. Also t n ri,_;hO to use for domestic purposes and inri_-;ating not to exceed ore hundred Wonoy fiv:, (125) Miner's inches of water from 6 A. M. to 6 P. A on .:,c nva cv y Tuesday and Friday of each and every w3ek fr ozn Ju r) . ~J SC 1 ._.L , i1' ~j• a c_. ivn in Tzr~ _ _ , ZA. ovary years Walur systalsx for cloven (11) consecutive ~Ours ca Oncing at 6 P. M. of e ac! _ =C c' ave „ Tuesday .p.c'_ Fr id y o C cool "~C every 7 k from July 15th to Scptemb::-,r 15th inclusive, i ~ 3ch and every ynar, and also Vhc right to irri - at any and all times Surplus ?pater passes the Woolen- Mi-_2$' -,"Inne■ And also the right to use ti`T'l,ter for irrigating at ah a:"'ca all other t i_ ps, pro- Vi _ 0 uSOd for i ri;ating, domesticf nec'"'a n- Hc::I li _)o:ics .G ...:.05 nnC r^f 0. n I-arr).dred Mi-ner'S i-'QheS■ it iq fur. hor P'.dc s'`' C oC_ a,, . cd by Y parties hereto, that no water stall he turned ',o or allowed to _ai_ W the afo:: said Anderson Mining Ditch whenever there is insufficient water to run thT Adhland Flour"- 7 Mills their present capacity or the Aqhl. yh Wool on Mills _ , air } _'7 ;=ent p city Bi _ish watcr as herein granted to said City. To hzv and to told said rights c' "i•, a to _id city uf Ashland for ev-P. +rri s ri'l'l' , - r~ - State of Oregon, ) ss County of Jackson ) t,0 , 1e, , No-1;wry IAibl °_c and '-'or s:,,zid Cou: ty w__C? St a e, 1 h111 narzed E, I..'. A.A crson and E■ 1'1„ k1C'.erso='':,.ir T:f1 L t0 personally k:~.OtVn to be 'rhC ] C1C'1t,1C Zl T?erSO'_1 d8 ac1'ibed in wild >0 e1~eClltcd tl e w- ithin i"_is runent, and Ck`lOt"~,^C1_ 'C to rie ',.,ha :zey e..ecuted "the sw.c freely aid volu:. Maril.y i'or Lhc uses and zi:l rT G~