HomeMy WebLinkAboutSheridan-Prim_PA-2014-00969 Zhnbra https:/L?'- ,bra.ashland.or.us/h/printmessage?id=96280&1 Prim St. From Julian and Ellen Hamer Tue, Aug 12, 2014 02:23 PM <jehamer@mighty. net> Subject Prim t. suncrest@mind.net planning@ashland.or.us External images are not displayed. Display images below Hi Charlie; We've received the various documents from the City concerning the Sheridan/Prim property ( PA®2014-00969) There is one issue of concern to us which is the required "improvement" to the unfinished section of Prim. It is so lovely as it currently is with the naturally worn winding path through the grass, the few small trees and rose bushes as compared to redoing it with decomposed granite or some such material which is colorless, bland and dusty. We strongly hope you can convince the City to just leave it in its natural state which people currently use and enjoy. Hope all is going well . Best, Julian and Ellen Hamer 1 of 2 8/12/2014 2:50 PM k Af d r 0 o f' ' ' f 'Y f ,t ~~''~i_ r'i' -r ~ -~~c~-• `i y_e...s~ Grp t O _ _ J~ - = - 1 Y o " n ' ~t Zimbra https://zimbra.ashland.or.us/h/printmessage?id=92593&1 i r seversod@ashland.or.us Drain Sheridan n i r :Amy Gunter Fri, Jun 27, 2014 01:30 PM <guntera@ashland.or. us> Subject Storm Drain at Sheridan and Prim :John Peterson <petersoj@ashland.or.us>, 'Derek Severson' <derek.severson@ashland.or.us> :'Scott Fleury' <fleurys@ashland.or. us>, arker@mind.net ora r, L L-) P~~,~°G rparker@mind.net ST. Hi Guys, i I got a call regarding the storm drain at the intersection of Sheridan and Prim (the call about the planning action in the vicinity). According to Mr. Parker and the neighbors in the area, that storm drain grate does not allow water into it, the water passes over and at times pools and breeds mosquitoes. I wanted to make everyone aware so that the new partition does not increase capacity if there is none. Or if it needs to be cleaned, that can be done soon. Mr. Parker is copied on the email if anyone would like to contact him further. Thank you. Amy D. Gunter, Assistant Planner 1 of 2 7/10/2014 11:54 AM To: Ashland Planning Department Re: Planning Action - 2014- 00969 Land Partition Corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets This is a response to the requests in the land partition application noted above. 1. I have no objection to the creation of three lots from the subject property. 2. I have no objection to the exception of building only curbside sidewalks. 3. 1 do have concerns. They are: In my opinion inadequate storm drain facilities exist for three more houses. A "bubble basin" grate exists at the corner or Prim and Sheridan that has runoff 24/7 everyday all year. The flow is down Sheridan St. to a catch basin near the intersection of Monte Vista Street. During cold weather the water freezes blocking flow to the catch basin and creating a layer of hazardous ice in a short but steep section of the pavement. In warmer weather and with lower flow volume some stagnant water appears to foster mosquito propagation creating a health hazard. "Wiggler" type larvae have been observed in the grated area pool. Surface oil can prevent hatching but would ultimately end up in Bear Creek an undesirable conclusion. I have heard from others (hear say) that there was a verbal commitment at the time of development of Prim St. to complete the storm drain down Sheridan St. when they developed the subject property. In my opinion completing an underground storm drain system with greater capacity would reduce the hazards listed above could best be accomplished when the lots are developed and sidewalks are being built. After a conversation and a site visit by one of the City's Engineers he has verbally agreed with me. Wayne A. Sorsoli 495 Sheridan Street' 6 Zimbra https://7 inbra.ashland.or,us/h/printmessage?id=92638&1 ti. i r Inlet Curb connection destination required for PA - From : Pieter Smeenk Mon, Jun 30, 2014 03:35 PM <smeenkp@ashland.or.us> A attachment Subject :Curb Inlet and SD connection to nearest destination required for PA 2014-969 To : Derek Severson <seversod@ashland.or. us> :'Karl Johnson' <johnsonk@ashland. or. us>, 'Scott Fleury' <fleurys@ashland.or. us>, michael ping <michael.pina@ashland.or.us> When this development comes in for approval, please let the developer know that they will need to connect to the existing Curb Inlet at the intersection of Sheridan & Monte Vista. A new curb inlet will be needed as well as a pipe up to the existing bubbler at Prim and Sheridan. ~aur 671 K 1 of 1 7/7/2014 4:12 PM _ C.TY 07 a July 31, 2014 CORRF,CT11'.ll Notice of Final Decision On July 31, 2014, the Community Development Director approved the request for the following: Planning Action: 2014-00969 Subject Property: Corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets Applicant: Charlie Hamilton, Suncrest Homes LLC Description: A request for a Land Partition to create three lots for the property located at the corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets. Also included is a request for an Exception to Street Standards to install curbside sidewalks along the property's Sheridan Street frontage, where a sidewalk and parkrow planting strips would typically be required. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 39 lE 05 BD; TAX LOT: 701 [NOTE: The originally mailed notice included an incorrect description ahove. The corrected notice herc includes can accurate description of the proposal, as do the findings originally provided and inchaded again here.) The Community Development Director's decision becomes final and is effective on the 13`h day after the Notice of Final Decision was originally mailed. Approval is valid for a period of one year and all conditions of approval identified on the attached Findings are required to be met prior to project completion. The application, all associated documents and evidence submitted, and the applicable criteria are available for review at the Ashland Community Development Department, located at 51 Winburn Way. Copies of file documents can be requested and are charged based on the City of Ashland copy fee schedule. Prior to the final decision date, anyone who was mailed this Notice of Final Decision may request a reconsideration of the action as set forth in the Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO) 18.108.070(B)(2)(b) and/or file an appeal to the Ashland Planning Commission as provided in ALUO 18.108.070(B)(2)(c). The ALUO sections covering reconsideration and appeal procedures are attached. The appeal may not be made directly to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. If you have any questions regarding this decision, please contact Derek Severson in the Community Development Department at (541) 488-5305. cc: Parties of record and property owners within 200 ft COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541A88-5305 51 Winburn Way Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 1 SECTION 18.108.070(B)2 Effective Date of Decision and Appeals. B. Actions subject to appeal: 2. Type I Planning Actions. a. Effective Date of Decision. The final decision of the City for planning actions resulting from the Type I Planning Procedure shall be the Staff Advisor decision, effective on the 13th day after notice of the decision is mailed unless reconsideration of the action is approved by the Staff Advisor or appealed to the Commission as provided in section 18.108.070(B)(2)(c). b. Reconsideration. The Staff Advisor may reconsider Type I planning actions as set forth below, i. Any party entitled to notice of the planning action, or any City Agency may request reconsideration of the action after the decision has been made by providing evidence to the Staff Advisor that a factual error occurred through no fault of the party asking for reconsideration, which in the opinion of the staff advisor, might affect the decision. Reconsideration requests are limited to factual errors and not the failure of an issue to be raised by letter or evidence during the opportunity to provide public input on the application sufficient to afford the Staff Advisor an opportunity to respond to the issue prior to making a decision. ii. Reconsideration requests shall be received within five (5) days of mailing. The Staff Advisor shall decide within three (3) days whether to reconsider the matter. iii. If the Planning Staff Advisor is satisfied that an error occurred crucial to the decision, the Staff Advisor shall withdraw the decision for purposes of reconsideration. The Staff Advisor shall decide within ten (10) days to affirm, modify, or reverse the original decision. The Staff Advisor shall send notice of the reconsideration decision to affirm, modify, or reverse to any party entitled to notice of the planning action. iv. If the Staff Advisor is not satisfied that an error occurred crucial to the decision, the Staff Advisor shall deny the reconsideration request. Notice of denial shall be sent to those parties that requested reconsideration. c. Appeal. i. Within twelve (12) days of the date of the mailing of the Staff Advisor's final decision, including any approved reconsideration request, the decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by any party entitled to receive notice of the planning action. The appeal shall be submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary on a form approved by the City Administrator, be accompanied by a fee established pursuant to City Council action, and be received by the city no later than 4:30 p.m, on the 12th day after the notice of decision is mailed, ii. If an appellant prevails at the hearing or upon subsequent appeal, the fee for the initial hearing shall be refunded. The fee required in this section shall not apply to appeals made by neighborhood or community organizations recognized by the city and whose boundaries include the site. iii. The appeal shall be considered at the next regular Planning Commission or Hearings Board meeting. The appeal shall be a de novo hearing and shall be considered the initial evidentiary hearing required under ALUO 18.108.050 and ORS 197.763 as the basis for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. The Planning Commission or Hearings Board decision on appeal shall be effective 13 days after the findings adopted by the Commission or Board are signed by the Chair of the Commission or Board and mailed to the parties. iv. The appeal requirements of this section must be fully met or the appeal will be considered by the city as a jurisdictional defect and will not be heard or considered. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541-488-5305. 51 Winburn Way Fax: 541 X52-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 ` i ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS & ORDERS PLANNING ACTION: PA-2014-00969 SUBJECT PROPERTY: Corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets OWNER/APPLICANT: Charlie Hamilton, Suncrest Homes LLC DESCRIPTION: A request for a Land Partition to create three lots for the property located at the comer of Sheridan and Prim Streets. Also included is a request for an Exception to Street Standards to install curbside sidewalks along the property's Sheridan Street frontage, where a sidewalk and parkrow planting strips would typically be required. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 39 lE 05 BD; TAX LOT: 701; SUBMITTAL DATE: June 9, 2014 DEEMED COMPLETE DATE: June 25, 2014 STAFF APPROVAL DATE: July 31, 2014 APPEAL DEADLINE: August 12, 2014 FINAL DECISION DATE: August 13, 2014 APPROVAL EXPIRATION DATE: August 13, 2015 DECISION The current request is for a Land Partition to create three lots for the property located at the corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets. Also included is a request for an Exception to Street Standards to install curbside sidewalks along the property's Sheridan Street frontage, where a sidewalk and parkrow planting strips would typically be required. The application materials provided note that the request is: for a 3 lot partition for a 1.33 acre parcel on the corner of Sheridan and Prim (39.1E 05 BD TL701). This parcel is zoned R-1-7.5 and is characterized by a fairly even 18 percent slope to the north with a fully-improved Sheridan Street (excluding sidewalks) and an improved Prim Street except for curbs, gutters and sidewalks on the east side. One of the main features of this site is... four large pine trees along Sheridan Street, it is the full intent of the applicant to preserve these. Parcel 1 is (proposed as) a 14,962 square foot parcel. The applicant has shown a possible driveway on Sheridan that could be placed between the large pine trees... (and) a possible alternate driveway for access to Parcel 1 that could reduce the impact on the pine trees via an easement on Parcel 3. Parcel 2 is (proposed as) a 14,854 square foot parcel that has frontage on both Sheridan and the improved portion of Prim. The applicant has shown a driveway off of Prim again trying to stay away from the existing pines as much as possible. PA #2014-00969 Sheridan & Prim/dds Page 1 Y Parcel 3 is (proposed as) a 27,555 square foot parcel that would be accessed off of the improved portion of Prim. This is a larger parcel and it does have the possibility to be divided at a later date into two additional parcels. On the submitted partition plat is an easement for an alternate driveway to Parcel 1. The applicant has met with the Fire Department and will be providing a standard fire truck turn-around; since the improved part of Prim is already at 18 percent (slope) the fire department requested that any extension of Prim... complete the fire turn-around be at no more that 15 percent, which what the applicant has shown. The subject property is located at the cornet of Sheridan and Prim Streets, just east of their intersection with Lakota Way. The subject property has an area of approximately 1.33 acres and is zoned R-1-7.5, a single family residential zoning with a minimum lot size requirement of 7,500 square feet. As noted by the applicant, the subject property has a slope of approximately 18 percent down to the north, and has a number of large trees including most notably four large pines along the Sheridan Street frontage that the applicant seeks to preserve with this request. A tree inventory, identifying 22 trees of six-inches in diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) or greater on or adjacent to the property has been provided. This plan details 11 trees of six-inch d.b.h. or greater to be removed. On vacant R-1 zoned property where none of the trees to be removed has diameters greater than 18-inches, no tree removal permits are required. The applicant has provided an arborist's report and tree protection details for the trees to be retained. Sheridan Street is classified as a residential neighborhood street in the Transportation System Plan (TSP). Along the subject property's frontage, Sheridan Street is improved with curbs, gutters, and paving, but while there are curbside sidewalks on the north side of the street, none are in place along the subject property's frontage. The applicant would typically be required to install seven- to eight-foot foot park row planting strips behind the curb and five- to six-foot wide sidewalks along the subject property's full frontage, but has requested an Exception to Street Standards in order to install curbside sidewalks. Prim Street, also a residential neighborhood street, is paved for only approximately 170 feet south of Sheridan Street, with no curbs, gutters or sidewalks in place on the applicant's frontage. The remainder of the Prim Street right-of-way from the end of the existing pavement 225 feet south to Tucker Street is unimproved. The applicant would typically be required to extend full city standard street improvements to the south boundary of the subject property, but has provided a letter from their engineer explaining that if the existing Prim Street improvements were continued from their current terminus up to Tucker Street at the maximum allowed street grade of 15 percent, the resultant road would be more than 13 feet below the existing level of the Tucker Street improvements where they connected. The applicant is instead proposing to improve the existing section of Prim Street by adding curbs, gutters, park-tow planting strips, and sidewalks, and to provide a fire truck turn-around at the terminus of the improvements. Parcels #2 and #3 would take driveway access directly from Prim Street, and the applicant has proposed a driveway and utility easement that would allow Parcel #1 to take access from Prim Street as well. The applicant proposes no further street improvements south of the turn-around. The Public Works/Engineering Department has considered this, concurred with the applicant's assessment, and expressed their support for not continuing Prim Street further south toward Tucker. Street. In considering the Partition request, the first criterion for Partition approval is that, "The future use for urban purposes of the remainder of the tract will not be impeded." The subject property's R-1-7.5 zoning has a base density of 3.6 units per acre, meaning that the 1.33-acre property could accommodate PA #2014-00969 Sheridan & Prim/dds Page 2 4.79 units through a Performance Standards Subdivision, and could easily accommodate five lots through a standard subdivision. The applicant has proposed to create three lots, and notes that Parcel #3 at 27,755 square feet could easily be partitioned to accommodate a fourth. To preserve the future use for urban purposes of the tract, staff has included a condition below that Parcel #2 have its lot area increased to 15,000 square feet in the final partition plat to retain its potential for future partitioning. With the ability to further partition Parcels #2 and #3, the future use for urban purposes of the remainder of the tract will not be impeded. The second criterion for Partition approval is that, "The development of the remainder of any adjoining land or access thereto will not be impeded" As proposed, the development will not impede the development of any adjoining land. The third criterion for approval is that, "The tract of land has not been partitioned for 12 months." The applicant notes, and city and county records confirm, that the subject parcel has not been partitioned in the last 12 months. The fourth approval criterion is that, "The partitioning is not in conflict with any law, ordinance or resolution applicable to the land." The applicant notes that it is his intent to demonstrate compliance with all laws, ordinances and resolutions applicable to the land, and he asserts that the application is in compliance with all laws, ordinances and resolutions. The fifth criterion is that, "The partitioning is in accordance with the design and street standards contained in the Chapter 18.88, Performance Standards Options." As noted above, the applicant has requested Exception to the Street Standards in order to install curbside sidewalks along the subject property's Sheridan Street frontage, and to improve Prim Street only to the required fire truck turn- around and not to fully extend street improvements for Prim Street to the property's south boundary. The approval of an Exception to Street Standards requires a demonstration that there is a demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of the site or its proposed use; that the Exception will result in equal or superior transportation facilities and connectivity; that the Exception is the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty; and that the exception is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Performance Standards Options Chapter, which generally provides for a broader degree of flexibility in exchange for "energy efficiency, architectural creativity and innovation, use of the natural features of the landscape to their greatest advantage, provide a quality of life equal to or greater than that provided in developments built under the standard zoning codes, be aesthetically pleasing, provide for more efficient land use, and reduce the impact of development on the natural environment and neighborhood." With regard to the applicant's proposed installation of curbside sidewalks along the property's Sheridan Street frontage, staff would note that there are four large pines at the top of the slight cut slope adjacent to Sheridan Street which the applicant hopes to preserve by installing curbside sidewalks and by taking driveway access for the proposed Parcel #1 from and easement off of Prim Street rather than via Sheridan Street. In providing a continuation of the sidewalk from the subdivision above and preserving the existing large stature trees along the street, this would provide equivalent facilities while preserving the trees as the most significant natural features of the site, and in staff's assessment the topography and development pattern downhill are more likely to accommodate curbside sidewalks in the long term. PA #2014-00969 Sheridan & Prim/dds Page 3 With regard to the proposed partial improvements to Prim Street, the application shows 22-foot wide paving improvement proposed, with a seven-foot parkrow planting strip and five-foot sidewalk along the Prim Street frontage of Parcel #1, with a fire truck turn-around and driveway access near the northern boundary of Parcel #3. These improvements are consistent with city street standards, and the applicant proposes to dedicate the necessary additional right-of-way to accommodate the improvements with signature of the final survey plat. As proposed by the applicant, Prim Street would remain unimproved between the proposed turn-around and the south boundary of Parcel #3. The application materials emphasize that the submitted plans show full street improvements along the frontages of the three lots for those portions of the frontages that have vehicular access. The applicant notes that they have met with Ashland Fire and Rescue Division Chief Hickman and that she has requested that any additional improvements to Prim Street for a fire turn-around should be installed at a grade not to exceed 15 percent. The application emphasizes that this request is consistent with city standards since street grades are not to exceed 15 percent, or with a Variance 18 percent but not for a distance in excess of 200 feet. The applicant points out that if Prim Street improvements were to be continued from their current location up to Tucker Street at the maximum 15 percent grade, it would result in Prim Street being more than 13 feet beneath the level of Tucker Street at their connection. In staff's view, after consulting the materials provided by the applicant's surveyor and the City Public Works/Engineering Department, the grade issues between the existing terminus of Prim Street and Tucker Street pose a demonstrable difficulty in meeting city street standards. Staff believes that the applicant's proposed improvement largely provide an equivalent facility to serve the development, however staff further believes that there should be some consideration for at least preserving a measure of pedestrian connectivity between the existing terminus of Prim and Tucker Streets, and a condition has accordingly been included to require that the existing informal pedestrian path within the Prim Street right-of-way between the terminus of the proposed sidewalk and Tucker Street be improved by the applicant in decomposed granite or similar material to provide an equivalent measure of pedestrian connectivity, provide a greater quality of life to the residents of the development and off-set impacts of the proposed development to the neighborhood. A condition has also been included to require that the applicant sign in favor of a future Local Improvement District (LID) should the city ultimately address the grade issues and fully extend Prim Street between Sheridan and Tucker Streets. The sixth approval criterion is that the proposed Partition may be approved, "When there exists adequate public facilities, or proof that such facilities can be provided, as determined by the Public Tf7or°ks Director and specified by City documents, for water, sanitary sewers, storm sewer, and electr°icity." Here, the applicant notes: There is an eight-inch waterline coming down the unimproved portion of Prim Street from Tucker Street; the applicant is showing water services to all three lots from this line. Accessing water from this line saves trenching off of Sheridan and further (reduces) impact of the fir trees. Storm drain for Parcel #3 is via the existing storm drain line in Prim Street and Parcels #1 and #2 will install curb outlets as shown on the plan.... Sewer (services) for all three lots are (to be) accessed via the existing (eight-inch) sewer line in Sheridan Street, see sewer lateral locations shown on the submitted plans. PA #2014-00969 Sheridan & Priin/dds Page 4 Subsequent to the mailing of a Notice of Complete Application, four neighbors provided written comments on the development. Neighbors were not generally opposed to the development, but several raised the issue that the existing "bubbler" storm drain at the corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets lacked the capacity to accommodate increased stolmwater flows. There is an existing 12-inch storm drain line in Sheridan Street; storm water flows to a "bubbler" at Sheridan and Prim Streets, and then flows in the gutter downhill to a curb inlet at Monte Vista Street, but the bubbler is typically full even during dry periods. These neighbors further expressed concerns that the resultant standing water poses a health . hazard in providing a breeding place for mosquitoes. In reviewing these concerns, the Engineering Division determined that the proposal would need to provide a storm drain connection to the existing curb inlet at Sheridan and Monte Vista Streets, and that a new curb inlet would be needed as well as piping up to the existing bubbler at Prim and Sheridan Streets. A conceptual drawing from the Engineering Division depicting the necessary storm drain improvements is attached as Staff Exhibit A. These concerns, and the detail of Engineering Division recommendations, have been provided to the applicant and a condition requiring the Engineering Division recommended storm drainage improvements be made conditions of the approval added below. One neighbor also sought assurances that the electrical facilities would be undergrounded with the development, noting that previous efforts to underground services in the neighborhood were appreciated, and it was his hope that in the long-term the few remaining overhead services would be eliminated. Undergrounding of services is a requirement both in terms both of the land use regulations and as a policy of the city as a utility, and conditions to require that an approved electrical service plan for the undergrounding of services to serve the proposed parcels have been included below. The seventh approval criterion for a partition provides for approval, "When there exists a 20 foot wide access along the entire street frontage of the parcel to the nearest fully improved collector or arterial street, as designated in the Comprehensive Plan. Such access shall be improved with an asphaltic concrete pavement designed for the use of the proposed street. The minimum width of the street shall be 20 feet with all work done under permit of the Public Works Department." The application materials provided explain that a 20-foot wide paved access to the nearest collector or arterial, which is in this case North Main Street, is accomplished by Sheridan Street, which the applicant has measured as 20 feet wide from curb to curb all the way from the subject property to North Main Street. The application also emphasizes that there are a number of additional routes to access North Main Street - taking Sheridan west to Schofield, Sheridan east to Monte Vista to Schofield Sheridan east to Walnut to Grant, Sheridan east to Walnut to Wiley to Chestnut to Maple. The final approval criterion for a land partition is that, "Where an alley exists adjacent to the partition, access may be required to be provided from the alley and prohibited from the street." In this instance, no alley access is available and as such the criterion does not apply. The criteria for a Land Partition are described in AMC Chapter 18.76 as follows: A. The future use for urban purposes of the remainder of the tract will not be impeded. B, The development of the remainder of any adjoining land or access thereto will not be impeded. PA 92014-00969 Sheridan & Prim/dds Page 5 t C. The tract of land has not been partitioned for 12 months. D. The partitioning is not in conflict with any law, ordinance or resolution applicable to the land. E. The partitioning is in accordance with the design and street standards contained in the Chapter 18.88, Performance Standards Options. (Ord 2836 S8, 1999) F. When there exists adequate public facilities, or proof that such facilities can be provided, as determined by the Public Works Director and specified by City documents, for water; sanitary sewers, storm sewer, and electricity. G. When there exists a 20-foot wide access along the entire street frontage of the parcel to the nearest fully improved collector or arterial street, as designated in the Comprehensive Plan. Such access shall be improved with an asphaltic concrete pavement designed for the use of the proposed street. The minimum width of the street shall be 20-feet with all work done under permit of the Public Works Department. 1, The Public Works Director may allow an unpaved street for access for a minor land partition when all of the following conditions exist: a. The unpaved street is at least 20-feet wide to the nearest fully improved collector or arterial street. b. The centerline grade on any portion of the unpaved street does not exceed ten percent. 2. Should the partition be on an unpaved street and paving is not required, the applicant shall agree C to participate in the costs and to waive the rights of the owner of the subject property to remonstrate both with respect to the owners agreeing to participate in the cost of full street improvements and to not remonstrate to the formation of a local improvement district to cover such improvements and costs thereof. Full street improvements shall include paving, curb, gutter, sidewalks and the under grounding of utilities. This requirement shall be precedent to the signing of the final survey plat, and if the owner declines to so agree, then the application shall be denied. H. Where an alley exists adjacent to the partition, access may be required to be provided from the alley and prohibited from the street. The criteria for an Exception to Street Standards are described in AMC Chapter 18.88.050.F as follows: A. There is demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements of this chapter due to a unique or unusual aspect of the site or proposed use of the site. 8. The variance will result in equal or superior transportation facilities and connectivity; C. The variance is the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty; and D. The variance is consistent with the stated Purpose and Intent of the Performance Standards Options Chapter. Planning Action #2014-00969 is approved with the following conditions. Further, if any one or more of the following conditions are found to be invalid for any reason whatsoever, then Planning Action #2014- 00969 is denied. The following are the conditions and they are attached to the approval: PA 42014-00969 Sheridan & Prim/dds Page 6 1) That all proposals of the applicant shall be conditions of approval unless otherwise modified herein. 2) That a final survey plat shall be submitted within 12 months and approved by the City of Ashland within 18 months of this approval. In the final plat, the lot area of Parcel #2 shall be at least 15,000 square. feet in order to preserve its future ability to partition. 3) All easements for public and private utilities, fire apparatus access, and reciprocal utility, maintenance, and access, and any necessary right-of-way dedications to accommodate the required frontage improvements, shall be indicated on the final survey plat as required by the Ashland Engineering Division. 4) That a final utility plan for the parcels shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning, Engineering, Building and Electrical Divisions prior to signature of the final survey plat. The utility plan shall include the location of connections to all public facilities including the locations of water lines and meter sizes, fire hydrants, sanitary sewer lines,.storm drain lines and electric services. 5) That a final engineered street improvement and storm drainage plan for Sheridan and Prim Streets shall be submitted for review and approval of the Ashland Planning and Engineering Divisions prior to signature of the final survey plat. 6) That the engineered construction drawings for the public street improvements on Prim Street shall be submitted for review and approval of the Ashland Planning and Engineering Divisions prior to work in the street right-of-way and prior to installation of improvements. The street improvements shall be widened to a width of 22 feet, with curbs and gutters to be installed for the extent of the proposed improvements. The sidewalk shall be a minimum of five feet in width with seven foot landscaped parkrows between the sidewalk and the street, and an approved fire truck turn-around shall be completed at the end of the street improvements. All frontage improvements shall be constructed to city standards, including but not limited to the sidewalk, street trees, and street lighting, for the full extent of the proposed improvement. In addition, the existing informal pedestrian path within the Prim Street right-of-way between the terminus of the proposed sidewalk and Tucker Street be improved by the applicant in decomposed granite or similar material. 7) That the engineered construction drawings for the public sidewalk along.Sheridan Street shall be submitted for review and approval of the Ashland Planning and Engineering Divisions prior to work in the street right-of-way and prior to installation of improvements in the pedestrian corridor. The sidewalk shall be a minimum of five feet in width and installed at curbside. 8) That all public improvements including but not limited to the sidewalk, street trees, and street lighting shall be installed to City of Ashland standards under permit from the Public Works Department and in accordance with the approved plan prior to signature of the final survey plat, or a bond or other security instrument acceptable to the Staff Advisor provided. 9) Sidewalks shall be constructed to City of Ashland Street Standards, and if necessary for alignment of frontage improvements, area for street improvements shall be dedicated as public street right-of-way. The right-of-way dedication shall be submitted for review and approval of the City of Ashland Planning and Engineering Divisions. 10) That the location and final engineering for all storm drainage improvements associated with the project, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Departments of Public Works, Planning and Building Divisions prior to signature of the final survey plat. Storm drainage improvements shall include a storm drain connection to the existing curb inlet at Sheridan and Monte Vista Streets, and a new curb inlet and piping up to the existing bubbler at Prim and PA #2014-00969 Sheridan & Prim/dds Page 7 t Sheridan Streets as detailed in the attached Staff Exhibit A. 11) That the property owner shall sign in favor of a Local Improvement District (LID) for the future street improvements to Prim Street prior to signature of the final survey plat. The agreement shall be signed and recorded concurrently with the final survey plat. (Nothing in this condition is intended to prohibit an owner/developer, their successors or assigns fNom exercising their eights to freedoni of speech and expression by orally objecting or participating in the LID hearing or to take advantage of any protection afforded any party by City ordinances and resolutions.) 12) That the applicant shall submit an electric design and distribution plan including load calculations and locations of all primary and secondary services including transformers, cabinets and all other necessary equipment to provide underground electrical service to each of the three proposed parcels. Transformers and cabinets shall be located in areas least visible from streets, while considering the access needs of the Electric Department. This plan must be reviewed and approved by the Planning, Building, Engineering and Electric Departments prior to installation, and underground electrical services installed to serve the three proposed parcels prior to signature of the final survey plat. (At the discretion of the Staff Advisor, a bond may be posted for the full amount of underground service installation (with necessary permits and connection fees paid) as an alternative to installation of service prior to signature of the final survey plat. 13) That sanitary sewer laterals and water services including connection with meters at the street shall be installed for the three proposed parcels prior to the signature of final survey plat. 14) That tree protection fencing shall be installed according to the approved plan and those trees proposed for removal identified appropriately on site prior to any site work, storage of materials or issuance of the building permit. The tree protection shall be chain link fencing six feet tall and installed in. accordance with No construction shall occur within the tree protection zone including dumping or storage of materials such as building supplies, soil, waste, equipment, or parked vehicles except as provided for in the approved tree protection plan. The tree protection and tree removal identification shall be inspected and approved by the Staff Advisor prior to site work, storage of materials and/or the issuance of a building permit. 15) That the new driveway approach on Prim Street shall be permitted through the Engineering Division. The existing curb cut on Sheridan Street identified for removal shall be removed, and the new Prim Street approach installed, prior to signature of the final survey plat. As proposed by the applicant, no driveway approaches shall be installed on Sheridan Street in order to avoid impact on the existing Pine trees which are to be preserved. 16) That the requirements of the Fire Department shall be satisfactorily addressed, including approved addressing; fire apparatus access, turn-around, any associated access easements, and limitations on gates, fences or other obstructions; fire hydrant distance to structures; firefighter access pathways; fire flow; fire hydrant clearance; fire department work area; and fire sprinklers if found to be required based on final road slope and building permit submittal details. July 31, 2014 ia Harris, Planning Manager Date Department of Community Development PA #2014-00969 Sheridan & Prim/dds Page 8 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 707 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 405 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 501 ARMSTRONG PATRICIA BAHR MICHAEL C/SUSAN M BELCASTRO PETE J/CHRISTINE 695 WALNUT ST P O BOX 1023 447 MONTE VISTA DR ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 403 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2208 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 802 DICKEY TERRY P TRUSTEE ET AL DUTSON VAL J TRUSTEE ET AL ELL MARK G/JANET M 465 SHERIDAN ST 725 PRIM ST PO BOX 2197 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 CLACKAMAS, OR 97015 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 402 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2206 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 701 HALDERMAN MICHAEL J TRUSTEE HAMER JULIAN TRUSTEE ET AL HAMILTON CHARLIE 445 SHERIDAN ST 491 TUCKER ST PO BOX 1313 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 TALENT, OR 97540 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1000 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 703 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1600 HILL ADRIENNE J LENK MARTIN C/KAREN L YOUNG- LESSMEIER MICHAEL L TRUSTEE ET 667 WALNUT ST 410 SHERIDAN 448 TUCKER ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 801 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1700 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2203 LIVNI KATHLEEN MARIE DALEY MADSON LOIS L MILLER PAULEEN L/RICHARD A 2532 OLD MILL WAY 4733 SAN ANTONIO CT 507 TUCKER ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93111 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2314 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2322 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1802 PAYSEUR CHARLES TRUSTEE ET AL PEAKE CAROLYN S PRAZENICA CHARLES C/CATHERINE 515 SHERIDAN ST 500 LAKOTA WAY 669 PRIM ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 700 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2315 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 705 SMITH BRUCE D TRUSTEE ET AL SORSOLI WAYNE A TRUSTEE ET AL UDOM ANNETTE F/JARIN VIT SR 707 WALNUT ST 495 SHERIDAN ST 1224 KAELELOI PL ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 HONOLULU, HI 96821 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 800 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 803 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 702 VAUGHAN ANTONIA W TRSTE FBO WATT EVELYN C/RANDOLPH H WAY ANTHONY E TRUSTEE ET AL 21427 IBANEZ AVE PO BOX 853 400 SHERIDAN ST WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91364 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 704 PA-2014-00969 PA-2014-00969 WESTERMAN PAUL E/ANNE K RONALD PARKER WAYNE A. SORSOLI 420 SHERIDAN ST 501 SCHOFIELD ST 495 SHERIDAN ST. ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 PA-2014-00969 VAL AND JERRY DUTSON OOCORNER OF SHERIDAN AND PRIM 725 PRIM ST. 07/3-1)2014-NOD ASHLAND, OR 97520 28 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF OREGON ) County of Jackson ) The undersigned being first duly sworn states that: 1. I am employed by the City of Ashland, 20 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520, in the Community Development Department. 2. On August 5, 2014 1 caused to be mailed, by regular mail, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, a copy of the attached planning action notice to each person listed on the attached mailing list at such addresses as set forth on this list under each person's name for Planning Action #2014-00969, Corner of Sheridan and Prim. Signature of Employee Documen@ 815/2014 I; CITY 07 July 31, 2014 Notice of Final Decision On July 31, 2014, the Community Development Director approved the request for the following: Planning Action: 2014-00969 Subject Property: Corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets I Applicant: Charlie Hamilton, Suncrest Homes LLC Description: A request for Site Review approval to construct a three-story mixed-use 10,748 square foot building at the corner of Fair Oaks Avenue and Plum Ridge Drive. The building will consist of six residential units on the upper two floors and one commercial space, with the option for interim residential use, on the ground floor along with five parking spaces. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: North Mountain, Neighborhood Central Overlay; ZONING: NM-C; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 39 lE 04 AD TAX LOTS: 5900. The Community Development Director's decision becomes final and is effective on the 13th day after the Notice of Final Decision is mailed. Approval is valid for a period of one year and all conditions of approval identified on the attached Findings are required to be met prior to project completion. The application, all associated documents and evidence submitted, and the applicable criteria are available for review at the Ashland Community Development Department, located at 51 Winburn Way. Copies of file documents can be requested and are charged based on the City of Ashland copy fee schedule. Prior to the final decision date, anyone who was mailed this Notice of Final Decision may request a reconsideration of the action as set forth in the Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO) 18.108.070(B)(2)(b) and/or file an appeal to the Ashland Planning Commission as provided in ALUO 18.108.070(B)(2)(c). The ALUO sections covering reconsideration and appeal procedures are attached. The appeal may not be made directly to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. If you have any questions regarding this decision, please contact Derek Severson in the Community Development Department at (541) 488-5305. cc: Parties of record and property owners within 200 ft COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 51 Winburn Way Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 ~1 md.or.us SECTION 15.108.070(B)2 Effective Date of Decision and Appeals. B. Actions subject to appeal: ~ 2. Type I Planning Actions. a. Effective Date of Decision. The final decision of the City for planning actions resulting from the Type I Planning Procedure shall be the Staff Advisor decision, effective on the 13ei day after notice of the decision is mailed unless reconsideration of the action is approved by the Staff Advisor or appealed to the Commission as provided in section 18.108.070(B)(2)(c). b. Reconsideration. The Staff Advisor may reconsider Type I planning actions as set forth below. i. Any party entitled to notice of the planning action, or any City Agency may request reconsideration of the action after the decision has been made by providing evidence to the Staff Advisor that a factual error occurred through no fault of the party asking for reconsideration, which in the opinion of the staff advisor, might affect the decision. Reconsideration requests are limited to factual errors and not the failure of an issue to be raised by letter or evidence during the opportunity to provide public input on the application sufficient to afford the Staff Advisor an opportunity to respond to the issue prior to making a decision. ii. Reconsideration requests shall be received within five (5) days of mailing. The Staff Advisor shall decide within three (3) days whether to reconsider the matter. iii. If the Planning Staff Advisor is satisfied that an error occurred crucial to the decision, the Staff Advisor shall withdraw the decision for purposes of reconsideration. The Staff Advisor shall decide within ten (10) days to affirm, modify, or reverse the original decision. The Staff Advisor shall send notice of the reconsideration decision to affirm, modify, or reverse to any party entitled to notice of the planning action. iv. If the Staff Advisor is not satisfied that an error occurred crucial to the decision, the Staff Advisor shall deny the reconsideration request. Notice of denial shall be sent to those parties that requested reconsideration. c. Appeal. i. Within twelve (12) days of the date of the mailing of the Staff Advisor's final decision, including any approved reconsideration request, the decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by any party entitled to receive notice of the planning action. The appeal shall be submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary on a form approved by the City Administrator, be accompanied by a fee established pursuant to City Council action, and be received by the city no later than 4:30 p.m. on the 12th day after the notice of decision is mailed. ii. If an appellant prevails at the hearing or upon subsequent appeal, the fee for the initial hearing shall be refunded. The fee required in this section shall not apply to appeals made by neighborhood or community organizations recognized by the city and whose boundaries include the site. iii. The appeal shall be considered at the next regular Planning Commission or Hearings Board meeting. The appeal shall be a de novo hearing and shall be considered the initial evidentiary hearing required under ALUO 18.108.050 and ORS 197.763 as the basis for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. The Planning Commission or Hearings Board decision on appeal shall be effective 13 days after the findings adopted by the Commission or Board are signed by the Chair of the Commission or Board and mailed to the parties. iv. The appeal requirements of this section must be fully met or the appeal will be considered by the city as a jurisdictional defect and will not be heard or considered. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541488-5305 51 Winburn Way Fax: 541-552-2050 , Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 vvwwashland.or.us ~ ~ i AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF OREGON ) County of Jackson ) The undersigned being first duly sworn states that: 1. I am employed by the City of Ashland, 20 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520, in the Community Development Department. 2. On July 31, 2014 1 caused to be mailed, by regular mail, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, a copy of the attached planning action notice to each person listed on the attached mailing list at such addresses as set forth on this list under each person's name for Planning Action #2014-00969, Corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets. wig 1 ~t Sign `dre of Employee Dcamen@ 7131/2014 EcoEriendly Easy Peel@ Labels i 1 7 Bend along line to I ®4E460T~ Use Avery® Template 51600 j 'eed Paper expose Pop-up EdgeTM j AL/.~d 1 s PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 707 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 405 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 501 ARMSTRONG PATRICIA BAHR MICHAEL C/SUSAN M BELCASTRO PETE J/CHRISTINE 695 WALNUT ST P O BOX 1023 447 MONTE VISTA DR ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 403 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2208 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 802 DICKEY TERRY P TRUSTEE ET AL DUTSON VAL J TRUSTEE ET AL ELL MARK G/JANET M 465 SHERIDAN ST 725 PRIM ST PO BOX 2197 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 CLACKAMAS, OR 97015 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 402 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2206 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 701 HALDERMAN MICHAEL J TRUSTEE HAMER JULIAN TRUSTEE ET AL HAMILTON CHARLIE 445 SHERIDAN ST 491 TUCKER ST PO BOX 1313 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 TALENT, OR 97540 I' PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1000 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 703 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1600 HILL ADRIENNE J LENK MARTIN C/KAREN L YOUNG- LESSMEIER MICHAEL L TRUSTEE ET 667 WALNUT ST 410 SHERIDAN 448 TUCKER ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 801 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1700 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2203 . LIVNI KATHLEEN MARIE DALEY MADSON LOIS L MILLER PAULEEN L/RICHARD A 2532 OLD MILL WAY 4733 SAN ANTONIO CT 507 TUCKER ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93111 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2314 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2322 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1802 PAYSEUR CHARLES TRUSTEE ET AL PEAKE CAROLYN S PRAZENICA CHARLES C/CATHERINE 515 SHERIDAN ST 500 LAKOTA WAY 669 PRIM ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 700 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2315 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 705 SMITH BRUCE D TRUSTEE ET AL SORSOLI WAYNE A TRUSTEE ET AL UDOM ANNETTE F/JARIN VIT SR 707 WALNUT ST 495 SHERIDAN ST 1224 KAELELOI PL ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 HONOLULU, HI 96821 PA-2014-00969 391EMBD 800 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 803 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 702 VAUGHAN ANTONIA W TRSTE FBO WATT EVELYN C/RANDOLPH H WAY ANTHONY E TRUSTEE ET AL 21427 IBANEZ AVE PO BOX 853 400 SHERIDAN ST WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91364 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 704 PA-2014-00969 PA-2014-00969 WESTERMAN PAUL E/ANNE K RONALD PARKER WAYNE A. SORSOLI 420. SHERIDAN ST 501 SCHOFIELD ST 495 SHERIDAN ST. ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 PA-2014-00969 VAL AND JERRY DUTSON OOCORNER OF SHERIDAN AND PRIM 725 PRIM ST. 07/31/2014 NOD ASHLAND, OR 97520 28 biquees faciles a peter I Repliez a la hachure afin de I www.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit AVERY@ 51600 i Sens de chargement reveler le rebord Pop-upme 1-800-GO-AVERY J ~ Staff Exhibit A. Required Storm Drainage Improvements per Engineering Division i u t r{{,~I~ { pJ !f I ~ 1 I~ ~I ~ I 11 E Ott , I !1I 11 a' 1! 1 4~~ ~II~J ,I~' i +itl~ 1714 PA#2014-60969 IEila:f~ r SHERIDAN & PRIM I' L-L SUBJECT PROPERTY ~2C 4ta Sao Ili ; _ _ ~ I y. ILI r r ! r ;tI 707. 703 eds. 1 ~ ~ ai!Y~ - 'I 4 yiPb } 7. }};;1 ~ ICJ rropeny Imes Qr-nibrrefere}nce only, n+Ji S:;ai - to PA #2014-00969 Sheridan & Prim/dds Page 9 i _l A LO N III 4 i z f 1 1 1 N f f f I Planning Department, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 C I T Y - 541-488-5305 Fax:541-552-2050 www.ashland.or,us TTY:1-800-735-2900 -ASHLAJ'j..~ NOTICE OF APPLICATION i PLANNING ACTION: 2014-00969 SUBJECT PROPERTY: Corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets OWNER/APPLICANT: Charlie Hamilton DESCRIPTION: A request for a Land Partition to create three lots for the property located at the corner of Sheridan and Prim Streets. Also included is a request for an Exception to Street Standards to install curbside sidewalks along the property's Sheridan Street frontage, where a ,sidewalk and parkrow planting strips would typically be required. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 39 1E 05 BD; TAX LOT: 701. NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 25, 2014 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS: July 9, 2014 I SHERIDAN ST PA #2014-00969 C SHERIDAN & PRIM SUBJECT PROPERTY L - Q ~n - t ;i N 453 - 1 O 15 30 60 Feet A'oPcrty Lincs arc for rrcncc only, not sccsZcobLc The Ashland Planning Division Staff has received a complete application for the property noted above. Any affected property owner or resident has a right to submit written comments to the City of Ashland Planning Division, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 prior to 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date shown above. Ashland Planning Division Staff determine if a Land Use application is complete within 30 days of submittal. Upon determination of completeness, a notice is sent to surrounding properties within 200 feet of the property submitting application which allows for a 14 day comment period. After the comment period and not more than 45 days from the application being deemed complete, the Planning Division Staff shall make a final decision on the application. A notice of decision is mailed to the same properties within 5 days of decision. An appeal to the Planning Commission of the Planning Division Staffs decision must be made in writing to the Ashland Planning Division within 12 days from the date of the mailing of final decision. (AMC 18.108.040) The ordinance criteria applicable to this application are attached to this notice. Oregon law states that failure to raise an objection concerning this application, by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes your right of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Failure to specify which ordinance criterion the objection is based on also precludes your right of appeal to LUBA on that criterion. Failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow this Department to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost, if requested. All materials are available at the Ashland Planning Division, Community Development & Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520. If you have questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to contact the Ashland Planning Division at 541-488-5305. G:\comm-dev\planning\Planning Actions\Noticing FolderWailed Notices & Signs\2014\PA-2014-00969.docx MINOR LAND PARTITION CRITERIA Section 18.76.050 Preliminary Approval An application for a preliminary partition shall be approved when the following conditions exist: A. The future use for urban purposes of the remainder of the tract will not be impeded. B. The development of the remainder of any adjoining land or access thereto will not be impeded. C. The tract of land has not been partitioned for 12 months. D. The partitioning is not in conflict with any law, ordinance or resolution applicable to the land. E. The partitioning is in accordance with the design and street standards contained in the Chapter 18.88, Performance Standards Options. (ORD 2836, 1999) F. When there exists adequate public facilities, or proof that such facilities can be provided, as determined by the Public Works Director and specified by City documents, for water, sanitary sewers, storm sewer, and electricity. G. When there exists a 20-foot wide access along the entire street frontage of the parcel to the nearest fully improved collector or arterial street, as designated in the Comprehensive Plan. Such access shall be improved with an asphaltic concrete pavement designed for the use of the proposed street. The minimum width of the street shall be 20-feet with all work done under permit of the Public Works Department. 1. The Public Works Director may allow an unpaved street for access for a minor land partition when all of the following conditions exist: a. The unpaved street is at least 20-feet wide to the nearest fully improved collector or arterial street. b. The centerline grade on any portion of the unpaved street does not exceed ten percent. 2. Should the partition be on an unpaved street and paving is not required, the applicant shall agree to participate in the costs and to waive the rights of the owner of the subject property to remonstrate both with respect to the owners agreeing to participate in the cost of full street improvements and to not remonstrate to the formation of a local improvement district to cover such improvements and costs thereof. Full street improvements shall include paving, curb, gutter, sidewalks and the undergrounding of utilities. This requirement shall be precedent to the signing of the final survey plat, and if the owner declines to so agree, then the application shall be denied. H. Where an alley exists adjacent to the partition, access may be required to be provided from the alley and prohibited from the street. (ORD 2951, 2008) EXCEPTION TO STREET STANDARDS 18.88.050 F - Exception to Street Standards An exception to the Street Standards is not subject to the Variance requirements of section 18.100 and may be granted with respect to the Street Standards in 18.88.050 if all of the following circumstances are found to exist: A. There is demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements of this chapter due to a unique or unusual aspect of the site or proposed use of the site. B. The variance will result in equal or superior transportation facilities and connectivity; C. The variance is the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty; and D. The variance is consistent with the stated Purpose and Intent of the Performance Standards Options Chapter. (ORD 2951, 2008; ORD 2836, 1999) Document] AMAtl-09°00 -6 wdn.dOdpaogaa al aalanaJ juawa6aeq: ( 0965 Aa3AV jpege6 al zasimn ap sues wo'AJane•A ; op ul}e aangaeq el a zalida0 salad q selpej sonanbiq PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 707 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 405 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 501 ARMSTRONG PATRICIA BAHR MICHAEL C/SUSAN M BELCASTRO PETE J/CHRISTINE 695 WALNUT ST P O BOX 1023 447 MONTE VISTA DR ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 403 PA-2014-00969 39lE05BD 2208, PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 802 DICKEY TERRY P TRUSTEE ET AL DUTSON VAL J TRUSTEE ET AL ELL MARK G/JANET M 465 SHERIDAN ST 725 PRIM ST PO BOX 2197 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 CLACKAMAS, OR 97015 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 402 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2206 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 701 HALDERMAN MICHAEL J TRUSTEE HAMER JULIAN TRUSTEE ET AL HAMILTON CHARLIE 445 SHERIDAN ST 491 TUCKER ST PO BOX 1313 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 TALENT, OR 97540 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1000 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 703 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1600 HILL ADRIENNE J LENK MARTIN C/KAREN L YOUNG- LESSMEIER MICHAEL L TRUSTEE ET 667 WALNUT ST 410 SHERIDAN 448 TUCKER ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 801 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 1700 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2203 LIVNI KATHLEEN MARIE DALEY MADSON LOIS L MILLER PAULEEN L/RICHARD A 2532 OLD MILL WAY 4733 SAN ANTONIO CT 507 TUCKER ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93111 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2314 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2322 PA-20.14-00969 391E05BD 1802 PAYSEUR CHARLES TRUSTEE ET AL PEAKS CAROLYN S PRAZENICA CHARLES C/CATHERINE 515 SHERIDAN ST 500 LAKOTA WAY 669 PRIM ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 i PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 700 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 2315 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 705 SMITH BRUCE D TRUSTEE ET AL SORSOLI WAYNE A TRUSTEE ET AL UDOM ANNETTE F/JARIN VIT SR 707 WALNUT ST 495 SHERIDAN ST 1224 KAELELOI PL ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 HONOLULU, HI 96821 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 800 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 803 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 702 VAUGHAN ANTONIA W TRSTE FBO WATT EVELYN C/RANDOLPH H WAY ANTHONY E TRUSTEE ET AL 21427 IBANEZ AVE PO BOX 853 400 SHERIDAN ST WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91364 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2014-00969 391E05BD 704 WESTERMAN PAUL E/ANNE K 420 SHERIDAN ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 r 1a6P3 do°dod asodxa waded RDA r 6096a aleldwaiL @fueAv asn ~wb®9b ® off. aull Ouole pusa r ® slopq ®@aad Ase3 Alpua!jAo,3 11 t. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF OREGON ) County of Jackson ) The undersigned being first duly sworn states that: 1. 1 am employed by the City of Ashland, 20 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520, in the Community Development Department. 2. On June 25, 2014 1 caused to be mailed, by regular mail, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, a copy of the attached planning action notice to each person listed on the attached mailing list at such addresses as set forth on this list under each person's name for Planning Action #2014-00969, Corner of Sheridan and Prim Street. Signature of Employee Documend 6126/2014 7-1 I T ' 4 re 4 La got j r - t Application for 3 lot partition This application is for a 3 lot partition for a 1.33 acre parcel on the corner of Sheridan and Prim (391E 05 BD TI-701). This parcel is zone R-1-7.5 and is characterized by a fairly even 18% slope to the North with a fully improved Sheridan (excluding sidewalk) and an improved Prim St. except for curb and gutter and sidewalk on the East side. One of the main features of this site is also the four large pine trees along Sheridan, it is the full intent of the applicant to preserve these. For Parcel 1 is a 14,962 Sq. Ft. parcel, the applicant has shown a possible driveway on Sheridan that could be place between the large pine trees, you will also note a possible alternate driveway for access to parcel 1 that could reduce the impact on the pine trees via an easement on Parcel 3 (more on that below). Parcel 2 is a 14,854 Sq Ft. parcel that has frontage on both Sheridan and the improved portion of Prim. The applicant has shown a driveway off of Prim again trying to stay away from the existing pines as much as possible. Parcel 3 is a 27, 555 Sq. Ft. parcel that would be accessed off of the improved portion of Prim. This is a larger parcel and it does have the possibility to be divided at a later date into two additional parcels. On the submitted partition plat is an easement for an alternate driveway to parcel 1. The applicant has met with the Fire Department and will be providing a standard fire truck turn around, since the improved part of Prim is already at 18% the fire department requested that any extension of Prim to complete the fire turn around be at no more that 15%, which what the applicant has shown. 18.76.050 Preliminary Approval by the Planning Commission An application for a preliminary partition shall be approved when the following conditions exist: A. The future use for urban purposes of the remainder of the tract will not be impeded. This tract of land is the remainder piece in this neighborhood and no track of land is impeded from being developed. B. The development of the remainder of any adjoining land or access thereto will not be impeded. This tract of land is the remainder piece in this neighborhood and no track of land is impeded from being developed. Parcel #3 is large enough that if someone wanted it could be split at a later date utilizing the alternate access to lot #1 as the primary access. So not even a future partition is impeded with this application. C. The tract of land has not been partitioned for 12 months. The subject parcel of land has not been partitioned in the last 12 months. D. The partitioning is not in conflict with any law, ordinance or resolution applicable to the land. It is the intent of this application and associated submittal to demonstrate compliance with all laws, ordinances and resolutions applicable to the land. The applicant has shown this application to be in compliance with all laws, ordinances and resolutions. E. The partitioning is in accordance with the design and street standards contained in the Chapter 18.88, Performance Standards Options. (Ord 2836 S8,1999) As required under the street grade provisions the extension of Prim to accommodate the fire turnaround will occur at 15% since no variances may be granted for a steeper grade as stated under Chapter 18.88. Regarding the improvements for widening Prim St. the applicant has shown a 22' wide road, with 7 plant strip and a 5' sidewalk as shown in the City of Ashland's handbook for Planning and Design Streets for streets with less than 1,500 or less motor vehicle trips. Sheridan St. is already improved to a 20' width with curb and gutter on both sides. The applicant is proposing to put the sidewalk at the curb along Sheridan to save the two fir trees at the property line and reduce the impact of the four big ones along Sheridan. In order to install a plant strip between curb and sidewalk there would have to be a substantial amount of cutting into the hill and retaining both tree # 5 & 12 would have to be removed and the roots of the 4 big fir tree would also be further impacted. In addition the City has both a power pole and transformer that would be in the way if the sidewalk was 7' form the curb. The applicant is willing to install a 7' plant strip and sidewalk along Sheridan if the City so chooses but it appears this would run counter to all the efforts to save the fir trees along Sheridan. The applicant will still be planting street trees every 30' as required along Sheridan and Prim. Both the sidewalk and street trees will be installed at time of house construction in order to assure a water supply to the trees and that the sidewalk doesn't get busted up during construction, as a requirement of C of O. F. When there exists an adequate public facility, or proof that such facilities can be provided, as determined by the Public Works Director and specified by City documents, for water, sanitary sewers, storm sewer, and electricity. There is an 8' water line coming down the unimproved portion of Prim from Tucker, the applicant is showing water services to all three lots from this line. Accessing water from this line saves trenching off of Sheridan and further impact of the fir trees. Storm drain for lot #3 is via the existing storm drain line in Prim and lots 1 & 2 will install curb outlets as shown on the plan. It was recently reviewed and decided by the City with the approval of the 2 partitions at Helman and Nevada- that partitions do not fall under the water quality post development/pre-development flow requirements. Sewer for all three lots are accessed via the existing sewer line in Sheridan, see sewer lateral locations shown on the submitted plans. G. When there exists a 20-foot wide access along the entire street frontage of the parcel to the nearest fully improved collector or arterial street, as designated in the Comprehensive Plan. Such access shall be improved with an asphaltic concrete pavement designed for the use of the proposed street. The minimum width of the street shall be 20-feet with all work done under permit of the Public Works Department. If you take the literal words of section G - the subject parcel's frontage does not extend to the nearest collector/arterial so this section is not applicable. If you take the intent of section G that you need a 20' paved access to the nearest collector/arterial, which is Main St., this is accomplished by via Sheridan, which the applicant has measured and is 20' wide curb to curb all the way from the subject property to Main St.. Further there are many additional ways to access Main st. - Sheridan West to Schofield, Sheridan East to Monte Vista to Schofield, Sheridan East to Walnut to Grant, Sheridan East to Walnut to Wiley to Chestnut to Maple. The one thing that section G does not say is that this route must be the shortest distance, section G is satisfied each possible way you look at it. me s. 1. The Public Works Director may allow an unpaved street for access for a minor land partition when all of the following conditions exist: a. The unpaved street is at least 20-feet wide to the nearest fully improved collector or arterial street. NA b. The centerline grade on any portion of the unpaved street does not exceed ten percent. NA 2. Should the partition be on an unpaved street and paving is not required, the applicant shall agree to participate in the costs and to waive the rights of the owner of the subject property to remonstrate both with respect to the owners agreeing to participate in the cost of full street improvements and to not remonstrate to the formation of a local improvement district to cover such improvements and costs thereof. Full street improvements shall include paving, curb, gutter, sidewalks and the undergrounding of utilities. This requirement shall be precedent to the signing of the final survey plat, and if the owner declines to so agree, then the application shall be denied. The submitted plans show full street improvements along the frontage of the three lots for that portion that has vehicle access. There is an unimproved portion of Prim that is very steep. The applicant has met with Division Chief Hickman and she has requested that any additional improvements to Prim st. for the fire turn around be installed at 15%. This request is consistent since no variances may be granted for a steeper grade than 15% as stated under Chapter 18.88. Hypothetically if Prim St. was continued from its current location up to Tucker at the required 15% it would end up being 13.16' under the ground at Tucker. So to continue Prim any further than that required for the turnaround would basically be building a road to nowhere, we all have heard about how popular the Alaskan bridge to nowhere was. An additional note during a neighborhood meeting held by the applicant, regarding the discussion of the extension of Prim St. not a single neighbor was in favor and in fact most were vocal against. The neighbor that put in the improved portion of Prim was there and said she was told specifically that Prim was never to go through. H. Where an alley exists adjacent to the partition, access may be required to be provided from the alley and prohibited from the street. No alley exists or is proposed with this application. 18.61.200 Tree Protection Tree Protection as required by this section is applicable to any planning action or building permit. The applicant has submitted an arborist report and a tree protection plan. It should be noted that all trees to be removed are for the health and consideration of nearby trees or are "trash" trees except tree #12 the 12" Maple on parcel #3 this tree is to removed because of its location. The applicant agrees to abide by section 18.61.084 section "A", the replanting of a tree, as a condition of Certificate of Occupancy for Parcel #3. Controlled Access/Consolidate Driveways: The applicant is proposing an alternate driveway for the access of lot # 1 to consolidate driveways access and to reduce the impact on the fir trees along Sheridan. Since Lot #1 has legal access from Sheridan this driveway does not fall under the flag lot section of the ordinance. Lot Coverage's: The lot coverage allowed in the R-1-7.5 zoning is 45% of the submitted lots sizes. Parcel #1 is 14,962 Sq. Ft. which would allow 6,732.9 Sq. Ft. of lot coverage. s. Parcel #2 is 14,854 Sq. Ft. which would allow 6,984.3 of lot coverage. s. Parcel #3 is 27,755 Sq. Ft. which would allow 12,489.75 Sq. Ft of lot coverage. At this time no additional information is being submitted since this topic would be covered at time of building plan submittal which would then show driveway and all concrete together with the house location and size. Street Trees: The applicant agrees to meet the street tree requirement of 1 tree for every 30' of street frontage for each lot which will be satisfied at time of completion of a home on each lot as a requirement of certificate of Occupancy. The timing of the street trees with the C of 0 assures a consistent ~ z water supply and maintenance of the street trees. All street trees will be selected from the street tree list. 18.70.050 Solar Access Performance Standard The property has a consistent 18% slope to the North as calculated by the topographical map completed by Friar & Associates. As stated in 18.70.050 lots with a slope greater than 15% are to use Formula II when calculating North/South lot dimensions. Using Formula II which is 10/(.445-.18)= 37.73' as a minimum North/South lot. In the R-1-7.5 zone the minimum lot width is 65' and depth of 80'since the required North/South property line in the R-1-7.5 is longer than that calculated by Formula II Solar Set back Standard "B" is what is required. See submitted table for the solar envelope for Parcel #3. Parcels 1 & 2 have Sheridan to the North. Also as part of 18.70.050 is the requirement for a 21' tall structure to be able to fit and not exceed more than half of a lots N/S lot dimension. Parcel #3 has a N/S lot dimension of 133', and the solar table shows that the setback for a 21.3' high structure is 20', which is clearly less than half of 13 3'. The applicant believes they have met all the requirements for a minor land partition and respectively request City staff approval. Please don't hesitate if any additional findings or information is required. Sincerely, Charlie Hamilton Suncrest Homes LLC E / ~~al~Z ~ R R k RA W°F a rd ~ i ~ tC~u B~'~~oo ~W~z~~ • ~ a. ~°WWgW i ~ S R & tl i~N~;~ p° a (aixtz F~ a eazu ~6 ~ , A M,S tt _N ndn3 a, qp p o e z I) az g § .t p p ~ c~ ~ #G 1 !'Oi A D d' d ~M 2 3(d 10 dOYd GG 2 ¢ q ~ M.eYZ.ias , ~I\ ~ s p R 1 g n^1 m p F ~Y / o t gpg• r, it a.: rJ ~ m 8 9 II A 9 I O p g l 8@@ I o A~ x y ~ /I 2 F ~1 9 ~o ~1 ~ ~ 0 0~~ p Ik p r,~iy iaua MN, aao s .o n E .9 R3 E t EHQ <M + q Mz pp l q m ~p _ vw _ \ Q dJ OI 3Y- ~ RI ~ ~ p p - _ HSMf a • F ~ m as g e soze kz ~t ~ ! ~a g ~f pq@~g~6 6a 30 ~8~ d a WWW~ f ilpla-m 11i'l It g ° g"~~=Wp~ oyi ~g a ' a ((6.TULZL m ~ g n Fi / 3 g~~ a a 5 .13 ~ pgpg or o~ ado d~ k s ~ ~ rc W~ Ea' 1 R M.aY,t Wi ~ ~ Q U ~~pa R t ~ap/ ~a. s a g§~u T ~,l!L ~ iF 6 I tl A 1 II M l tl @ Q ~ Yl /I R a old k b N1LL M/tl, ¢350 0 a tld - d - - - - R(3~ i E G ~ + OOUI d f aA 6 p i ~ - p9 esa k}}" I. p i ~ M 9 \ 2 ~ Ef Y ~ 3 d4~41 I A ~8 18 ~ it ocze q ;aW) tl pp p U455 tl ~ ~d gg ~9d€~d ~p7 Sg 3g ~6~ ~i ~ ~ 6d a S bl ~~p R9 8 g tl d~ 2q ~eee p~ a \ qy ~ lut r R9 nzio U z 3W 0 a a co 16z Mpg3 o o~~ 'd o x "Ta ~6 rc 1 g' I r ~ $ F 2~ eaa a o as as end -s pp a « """444 aa' a u,era wR , ~ 3 ~ g ~ Shy ~ ~d a a ER § S a ~ 9g b~ d R k tl N #1 tl R Po 9 e a8 i gt ~ I IfYf e», \ t 9~ d~ g NNN ~ Qi d3 91 3 Yfi'0 A5 ~ - nxec ' ~ ~ ~ ~0 p 6 g acne y 3g 2ig P 9 6 At y F Q ~ ~20 ~'seail m 3i,°Is l ii A p~ A b o~ a ~ o g~~~i~daA~d ~ w o g~ s~ alj ~ a➢ teiru F2 ~ ~ 3~ a esuz fi~ d~' F M'➢,f1,f05) J k jmv% i lit F z x 6 a, e e Cttiy k t~ p e L g a bYd t tl0f 3i A ~ d Hd R py ~ e IIICCC i 11 I d6' C M.L),z 109 ~ N ~ / _ gg g I p d 4 I d d d To Y Yin IYN1Y0 MJtl, 09➢Od0 ~ g__~_ @ 0091 A 4.. 6B ,I m 0 3 ~ ~ L,CQ I'M p dW) 1 osze kG ~ ~ 8~g¢8 s a$ ~8. lea s ~ I ➢0 ~ A-;l z~g all - n 'ag„zio w q , ~ z H~SOp,S'~~o g I 9W ~ad o w w q n a~ 0. ~N N3N$ah.~ d z~~q A a ~ x (eixw ~'Q ~ ~ A e6ttz R^ ° r a,.ar k E VVV ~n a ~r} ~ ~ ~ Mld l E'OJ 3, , 0~ , 'm d tld ,,eaz ios q I\ z fires r~QU~~ 2 ~ y b I ~~I ~ ~ oo O °}~#°~k 67 * rnu,o nl,. m9o a ° 0 ! R3tla~ i s ~ ~ oom s ` 1. m p d~ i 01 3.9Z g q N Vi ~S ~ I ~ \ tl d101 3 Y69 - _ - _ p I i ~ sau zw I ~ ~ Ir h , I „so< k ~ ~ ~ ' >ro ppa A e wxe p r 4 a,~i t ptl a NI MIT APPLICATION PlanningDivision C I T Y OF 51 Winburn Way, Ashland OR 97520 FILE # AS H LAND 541-488-5305 Fax 541-488-6006 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Pursuing LEEDO Certification? ❑ YES LWNO Street Address c al'lt Q - %,elyd of v rmi Assessor's Map No. 39 1 E 0 S, 0 0 Tax Lot(s) -7®' Zoning ^ 1-7. Comp Plan Designation _ Stit/9k &M14 APPLICANT Name_ d ar~l e ~t~71*'y Phone S(fl~ qqq-31'7& E-Mail.5c4ltlcle57 ltf,;1./tle7- Address 6) t)%k- (313 City fcylet'l- -1-5W -zip PROPERTY OWNER Name 50M-e- 015 1'C0(V_t'_ Phone E-Mail Address city Zip SURVEYOR ENGINEER ARCHITECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OTHER Title u1'0egG/ Name Pm ex Phone (5 YO 7720.-2712E-Mail L j 000_-earn Address AU S1Sffj'V'ej A/W. CityM4_4 061 Zip q 7S'® Title Name C (&1?' UCt Phone f4l) 77 7 E-Mail _$a zle eq!/Ci Pee /Lei Address City Pd%~i` Zip 1 hereby certify that the statements and information contained in this application, including the enclosed drawings and the required findings of fact are in all respects, true and correct. I understand that all property pins must be shown on the drawings and visible upon the site inspection. In the event the pins are not shown or their location found to be incorrect the owner assumes full responsibility. I further understand that if this request is subsequently contested, the burden will be on me to establish: 1) that I produced sufficient factual evidence at the hearing to support this request; 2) that the findings of fact furnished justifies the granting of the request 3) that the findings of fact furnished by me are adequate; and further 4) that all structures or improvements are properly located on the ground. Failure in this regard ill result most likely in not onl quest being set aside, but also possibly in my structures being built in reliance thereon being required to be removed at my e pen If I have any am advised to seek competent professional advice and asssi~stance./ Applicant' gnature -~-F Date As owner of the property involved in this request, I have read and understood the complete application and its consequences to me as a property owner. /1 (y Property Own 's Signature (required) Date fro be completed by City Steil] Date Received Zoning Permit Type Filing Fee $ OVER U:4:omm-d cVCpl a IMIJLE T'o Mli & Handouts\Zouiog Permit Application.doc Job Address: 0 TBA Contractor: ASHLAND OR 97520 Address: C Owner's Name: HAMILTON CHARLES ® Phone: f~ Customer 07802 N State Lie No: HAMILTON CHARLES T City Lie No: Applicant: 2277 SUNCREST RD R Address: TALENT OR 97540 q C C Sub-Contractor: A Phone: T Address: Applied: 06/09/2014 T Issued: Expires: 12/06/2014 Phone: State Lie No: Maplot: City Lie No: DESCRIPTION: Corner of Sheridan And Prim 05BD 701 VALUATION Occupancy Type Construction Units Rate Amt Actual Amt Constuction Description Total for Valuation: MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL STRUCTURAL PERMIT FEE DETAIL Fee Description Amount Fee Description Amount Land Partition (type 1) 1,196.00 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 East Main St. Fax: 541-488-5311 Ashland, OR 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashiand.orus Inspection Request Line: 541-552-2080 C I T Y OF ASHLAND III / I hereby certify the contents of this application to be correct to the best of my knowledge, and furthermore, that I have read, Fee Summary Paid Amounts understood and agreed to the following: Building: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 1. This permit shall remain valid only in accordance with code State Surcharge: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 or regulation provisions relating to time lapse and revocation Development Fees: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 (180 days). 2. Work shall not proceed past approved inspection stage. All Systems Development Charges: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 required inspections shall be called for 24 hours in advance. Utility Connection Fees: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 3. Any modifications in plans or work shall be reported in advance to the department. Public Works Fees: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 4. Responsibility for complying with all applicable federal, state, Planning Fees: $ 1,196.00 $ 1,196.00 or local laws, ordinances, or regulations rests solely with the applicant. Sub-Total: $ 1,196.00 Fees Paid: $ 1,196.00 Applicant Date Total Amount Due: $ 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 East Main St. Fax: 541-488-5311 Ashland, OR 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Inspection Request Line: 541-552-2080 CITY F ASHLAND