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The Top Five Things to Know About
the Municipal Clerk Position
Editor's Note: This article was originally published in the ICMA Clerks work behind the scenes to ensure the smooth
newsletter. It is reprinted with permission. operation of local government. In order to facilitate
this role, the Clerk's office is becoming professional-
On April 17, 2013, the small city of West, TX, expe- ized. Many states mandate professional certification
to secure or maintain the position of clerk. The Inter-
rienced amajor tragedy. A massive explosion at a fertil- national Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) has
izer plant killed 14 people, including 10 first responders. 5,828 members with active Certified Municipal Clerk
More than 50 percent of the buildings were damaged,
and for a short time, the city was in disarray. and Master Municipal Clerk designations. Certi-
fication through the states and the international
Joey Pustejovsky, who was the city secretary with organization requires a minimum of 120 hours
the responsibility to manage the city and also served as of in-class training. Some states require a higher
a volunteer firefighter, was one of those first respond- standard. Texas, for example, requires 200 hours of
ers. Municipal clerks are sometimes also known as city independent study and attendance at eight, two-day
clerks, town clerks, or city secretaries. As a credit to seminars.
their profession, municipal clerks in Texas immediately 2. Secretariat to the governing body. The Clerk posi-
offered assistance to step in and help fulfill the necessary tion is one of the oldest in local government. When
duties for the city clerk's office in West. the early colonists came to America, they set up
The role of a Municipal Clerk is often a misunder- forms of local government to which they had been
stood position in local government. To the uninformed, accustomed, and the office of clerk was one of the
clerks are often thought to fulfill a primarily clerical first to be established. Today, as in those first posi-
role. The importance of the position's role, however, is tions, clerks are selected for their attention to detail,
quite clear. The tasks are dictated by law or statute and as well as their ability to be forward thinking and to
include some of the most basic services expected by anticipate problems. One task associated with this
residents. role is to ensure that public meetings are properly
In fact, municipal clerks are often the first and most posted. This might seem mundane, but consider the
direct link between residents and government. The posi- following true story. A city secretary described what
tion is also responsible for providing transparency in happened at a gathering of individuals to celebrate
local government. the opening of a new store. A resident reported to the
While clerks are tasked with some functions that city secretary that the assembly being held was ille-
are clerical in nature, the professionalism associated gal. This group involved local residents and a quorum
with this position is apparent to those familiar with local of councilmembers. While no business of the city
government functions. Clerks are knowledgeable about was expected to be discussed, it inevitably was and
day-to-day operations in their communities, and manag- thus, constituted a meeting of the council. The Open
ers can be among the people who benefit from their Meetings Act dictates that meetings must be posted.
knowledge and strengths. The secretary, who assures compliance with the act,
was able to advise that the meeting had been posted.
1. Professionalism. A strong, positive professional
relationship between the clerk and the manager is Continued on page 19
important for effective service delivery to residents.
18 September 2015
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The Top Five Things to Know About the Municipal Clerk Position.. .
Continued from page ]S
3. Records management. A Clerk is the official keeper rights had not been conveyed. The Clerk told the
of records. This responsibility includes the legal lawyer from the stand that the document was incom-
liability associated with tasks that involve enormous plete and was not what she had originally submitted
legal accountability for a local government. While as evidence from city records. The judge asked if she
state and local laws and ordinances may vary with could produce the original document, which origi-
respect to specific tasks and functions, in general nated from the early 1900s. The Clerk noted that
clerks maintain official records, documents, vital this particular document was located in the clerk's
statistics, and financial records. They also record office vault. When she produced the evidence, one
and publish council meetings, ordinances, and juror stated it was the "magic" that decided the case,
resolutions; retain custody of the official seal; issue and the city retained the mineral rights and money
licenses and permits; retain historical records; and associated with it. This type of attention to detail
record contracts and agreements, bids, deeds, maps, related to records can save a local government time
and various licenses'. A Clerk was recently on the and money.
witness stand at a hearing involving land that had 4. Public information. Clerks are now reporting that
been donated to a city almost 100 years earlier. The fulfilling requests for access to public information
land included mineral rights that were conveyed and is the greatest demand on their time. Thousands
a family member was suing the city, claiming she of individuals and entities are requesting hundreds
was the rightful beneficiary of the millions of dollars of thousands of pieces of public information for a
the city had earned because of these rights. The variety of reasons, and state and federal laws dictate
family member's lawyer produced a document that
was incomplete and seemed to indicate that mineral Continued on page 23
ttyland's (In Base Arenda Management sututiun i,i i .,I r; "OnBaseeliminate%late nights forthe
rr: nr nn:_ printers and volunteers"needed to
i . , assemble and distribute agenda packets.
The manager's staff now assemble, order
areatnl:nr thr ersrr<r na:^rt:nr~ IIn'te4, tram tart to timsh and distribute electronic versions of the
enda packets with mouse clicks instead
.t`.c uualsr~4 h+etus itt ,tlC,crtt.l.t C+rc•li<~ta,iwt :+r?ef ce~rsl%i hsfiori aoff manual labor."
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September 2015 19
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The Top Five Things to Know About the Municipal Clerk Position...
Continued from page 79
that public information be made available to those accessibility; distributing election supplies and equip-
who request such information. Managing this role
. While some went; obtaining lists of registered voters; preparing
is proving to be a weighty obligation
localities are able to provide staff to assist in this in the manner dictated by law; processing
role, not all do even though the number of requests applications from potential candidates for elected
may not be proportionately smaller in these places. A office; properly publicizing elections and results of
, for example, may request information that tion elections; and properly recording necessary informa-
businessdoes not get proportionately smaller with the popula-
tion size. Or, an individual resident may repeatedly Clerks have had to become familiar with the Supreme
ask for large amounts of information. This, too, is Court decision (June 25, 2013) that changed parts of the
not dependent on the size of the town or the number Voting Rights Act of 1965. Fifteen states (nine states and
of staff the community may have for fulfilling public parts of six other states) that had required preclearance
information requests. In a recent publication by for any changes to election procedures or practices are
a state's municipal league, the authors encourage now (tentatively) freed from this requirement, pending
public officials to fully understand laws related to decisions from recent legal challenges to this decision.
public information above all other laws'. In 2011, As the primary election officials, clerks are working
a city manager commented in PM that she wished closely with officials to learn the practical implications
she would have more fully understood the impact of this decision for their jurisdictions'.
that requests for public information were having on References
her city secretary's office and the resulting criticism
because of such high demand'. (1) Dolan, Drew A. (2007) "The Clerk," Managing Local Government
Services: A Practical Guide, ICMA Press. (2) Texas Municipal League
5. Elections. Clerks are often tasked with adminis- (2013) 1~xas Town and City, "50 Survival Tips for Elected Municipal
tering local elections. This can include such duties Officials." (3) Yelverton, Shana (2011) "On Point" Public Management,
as: ensuring that polling places meet standards of July 2011, page 4. (4) History of the Municipal Clerk, IIMC website
Proven value
Through Lest- in-Cass Coc itication Services
1 Rt Aid
• -
Codification Division
September 2015 23