HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-24 Planning MIN_Exhibit A1 Normal Avenue Normal Avenue NeighborhoodPlanNeighborhoodPlan Planning Commission September 24, 2013 Neighborhood PlanNeighborhood Plan Community Development Department Plan Components Existing Conditions Land Use Framework TttiFkTransportationFramework Code Amendments EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 2 Existing Conditions Comprehensive Comprehensive Plan Plan Land Use Land Use DesignationsDesignations Existing Conditions Wetlands and Streams •Clay Creek •Cemetery Creek •Inventoried wetlands EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 3 Existing Conditions Parks and Schools •Ashland Middle School •Walker Elementary •SOU Campus Fields •Hunter Park •Sherwood Park •Clay Street Park •YMCA Park Existing Conditions Transportation System Plan •Normal Avenue •Railroad Crossing •Planned Bike Path/Greenway •Central Bike Path •NorthsidePath Adopted TSP Detail map EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 4 Draft Land Use Framework NANA--0101 Single Family Residential 5 units per acre NANA--0202 Mixed housing types 10 units per acre NANA--0303 Multiple dwelling residential 15 units per acre NANA--OSOS Open space and Natural Areas Draft Streets & Openspace Network Draft Plan EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 5 Draft Bicycle & Pedestrian Network Draft Plan Draft Street Classifications •Neighborhood Collector NihbhdStt•Neighborhood Street •Woonerf •Rear Lane (Alley) •Multi Use Path EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 6 Alternative Street Types Neighborhood Collector 1b. Parking on both sides (standard neighborhood collector) Alternative Street Types Neighborhood Collector 1a. Parking one side (revision with no sidewalk on wetland side) Wetland area EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 7 Alternative Street Types Woonerf Woonerf(new street type) Wetland / Riparian area 4. woonerfcross section 25’ Alternative Street Types Neighborhood Street with Diagonal Parking Diagonal Parking option EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 8 Multi-use Paths Multi-use Paths Draft Code Amendments •Implement the Normal Avenue Neighborhood Development Plan. •Promote a variety of housing •Provide general design standards Ptid•Preserve open spaces, stream corridors, wetlands, and other significant natural features. EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 9 Draft Code Amendments •Minor amendment •Minor and Major Amendments •Use Regulations process •Major amendment process g •Dimensional Regulations •Site Design and Use Standards process Draft Code Amendments •Minor and Major Amendments •Use Regulations •Land Use Designation g •Dimensional Regulations •Site Design and Use Standards NA-01 NA-02 NA-03 NA-OS •Variety of housing typesygyp •Neighborhood business and services overlay EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 10 Draft Code Amendments •Residential Base Densities •NA-01 : 5 units per acre •Minor and Major Amendments •Use Regulations p •NA-02 : 10 units per acre •NA-03 : 15 units per acre •Maximum Building Height •2.5 Stories or 35 feet •ClusteredHousingStandards g •Dimensional Regulations •Site Design and Use Standards Clustered Housing Standards •1000sq.ft. footprint •Private open space minimum •Public open space minimum Draft Code Amendments •Minor and Major Amendments •Use Regulations •The Normal Avenue Neighborhood Design Standards provide specific requirements for the physical g •Dimensional Regulations •Site Design and Use Standards qpy orientation, uses and arrangement of buildings; the management of parking; and access to development parcels. •Street Design and Access •Building and Lot orientation CtifNtlA•Conservation of Natural Areas •Stormwatermanagement •Solar Orientation and Shading EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes 11 Upcoming Upcoming MeetingsMeetings Planning Transportation Commission: Tuesday 10/08 7:00pm Commission: Thursday 9/26 6:00pm www.ashland.or.us/normalplanwww.ashland.or.us/normalplan EXHIBIT ASeptember 24, 2013Planning Commission Minutes