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July 22, 2014
Chair Richard Kaplan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main
Commissioners Present: Staff Present:
Troy J. Brown, Jr. Bill Molnar, Community Development Director
Michael Dawkins Maria Harris, Planning Manager
Richard Kaplan April Lucas, Administrative Supervisor
Debbie Miller
Melanie Mindlin
Tracy Peddicord
Lynn Thompson
Absent Members: Council Liaison:
None Mike Morris, absent
Normal Neighborhood Plan Working Group: Commissioner Kaplan stated 15-20 members of the public attended
the last meeting and the group shared their preferences on where the densities, roads, and open space should be
located. He stated there were some areas of agreement, but also a lot of differences. The group discussed density,
affordable housing requirements, and the NN-03-C commercial zone. Areas of consensus seemed to be moving the
higher densities closer to Ashland Street and away from East Main, placing the NN-02 zone in the interior of the plan
area, and making the streets more grid like. There was also a request to not use the NN zoning designations and use
the City’s existing zones (R-1, R-2, R-3, etc.) instead.
Commissioner Kaplan was asked if the plan put forward by the Commission has been rejected and if the Council was
starting over. Kaplan replied that the plan will likely be amended before it is approved by the City Council. Comment
was made expressing concern that the Council is just moving the discomfort around. Additional comment was made
that no member of the public indicated to them that they wanted the density placed in the center of the plan area.
Downtown Beautification Committee: Commissioner Dawkins stated this group’s work is coming to an end and
provided a list of identified projects, including: the walkway by Earthly Goods (lighting/artwork), Lithia/Pioneer
sidewalks, historical markers, OSF/Black Swan area, and bringing furnishings onto the Plaza. Dawkins added there
is still funding available to complete some of these items.
Colin Swales/95 Coolidge/Commented on the ULUO process and remarked that the stated intent is to provide
predictability to the planning process, but disagreed with this and stated the process is not suppose to be predictable,
but fair. Mr. Swales voiced his disappointment with how the focus groups and open houses were done and stated the
professionals who participated put forward a wish list of what they would like to see to maximize their investments.
He stated he was also disappointed with the 2006 Siegel Report which took away citizen input and allowed more
actions to be approved at the staff level. Mr. Swales asked the Commission to consider the Comprehensive Plan and
goals for the City as they review the proposed changes to the land use code.
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DESCRIPTION: A request to modify Title 18 of the Ashland Municipal Code to combine the land use
ordinance language and related development standards into one document with improved organization,
wording, formatting, and graphics. Amendments are included to address outstanding items from the
2006 Land Use Ordinance Review by Siegel Planning Services LLC, recommendations from the planning
application procedure and green development audits, inconsistencies, and ambiguous wording. The
land use ordinance implement the community’s vision as expressed in the Ashland Comprehensive Plan
and governs the development of property within the City limits.
Staff Report
Planning Manager Maria Harris explained this action replaces Title 18 of the Ashland Municipal Code in its entirety
with a revised land use ordinance that includes the Site Design & Use Standards and the Street Standards and
improves the organization, formatting and graphics. The proposed document also includes amendments addressed
in the 2006 Siegel land use ordinance review, recommendations from the application procedures and green
development audits, and inconsistencies and ambiguous wording. Ms. Harris noted there have been approximately
30 meetings on this project over the last two years and clarified the Planning Commission is tasked with making a
recommendation to the City Council, who will make the final decision.
Ms. Harris provided a presentation that covered the key proposed amendments:
Building Heights in Downtown Ashland. Currently the maximum height is 40 ft. with the potential to go up
to 55 ft. with a conditional use permit. The proposal is to keep the 40 ft. maximum, but if the structure is
more than 100 ft. from a residential zone they can go up to 55 ft. There is also an exemption from the plaza
space requirement for the fourth floor (large scale developments only); an exemption of the C-1 zone from
the solar setback standards (except for properties that are within 100 ft of a residential zone); and an
exemption for parapets.
Building Street Frontage. For non-residential development there is currently a disconnect between the
written standards and the concept plans. The proposed amendments require parking to be located either
behind or on one side of the building, and for the building’s façade to occupy the majority of the street
frontage. Ms. Harris added more building frontage on the street will improve the pedestrian environment and
be more in line with current standards. Additional changes to the design standards that apply to non-
residential zones include the vision clearance exemption, building separation requirements, and the
hotel/motel definitions.
Cottage Housing. The proposed language makes it possible to do cottage housing in single family zones,
and allows for two small cottages for every regular single family home.
Solar Orientation. This amendment applies to land divisions in residential zones and requires the layout of
new streets to be as close as possible to a north-south and east-west axis; to orient buildings so that the
long sides face north and south; and to design habitable structures so the primary living space is located on
the south side of the building.
Building Separation. The proposed language applies the building separation standard uniformly in
residential zones and requires the minimum separation between buildings to equal half the height of the
tallest building, where building height is measured at the two closest exterior walls. The maximum required
separation is 12 ft.
Accessory Residential Units. The proposed change removes the conditional use requirement and makes
accessory residential units a site design review application.
Other Changes to the Design Standards in Residential Zones include the porous pavement exemption,
half story setback, side and rear yard exceptions, single-family parking, and solar setback exemption for
architectural projections.
Procedural Amendments. In the Basic Site Review Zone, a public hearing would be required if the building
is more than 15,000 sq.ft. (instead of current 10,000 sq.ft.) or if the proposed addition is more than 50% of
the existing buildings square footage.
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Other Changes to Procedures include planning approval expiration and extension, affordable housing
density bonus, maximum density bonus, conditional use permit approval criteria, and variance approval
Questions of Staff
Staff was asked if outdoor lighting is required. Ms. Harris clarified street lights are required along sidewalks and
stated within the site light cannot spill over into residential zones. In order to meet the latter requirement, staff needs
to know where the lights will be placed.
Staff was asked whether the performance standards option (PSO) would be applied throughout town. Ms. Harris
clarified this was originally recommended, but it was determined that this was a bigger issue that would require more
discussion. She added this could be controversial, especially as it applies to flag lots. Comment was made that this
was good idea and recommending it not be abandoned. Mr. Molnar commented that the performance standards
option already applies to a number of areas in town, and noted there is existing criteria that allows staff to approve a
performance standards development even if it is not within a PSO overlay.
Public Testimony
Colin Swales/95 Coolidge/Recommended the code allow for variability to the solar access requirement and the
manner in which subdivisions are oriented in order to deal with topography. Mr. Swales expressed concern with the
vision clearance amendment for commercial zones in the downtown and stated the current requirement makes for
safer and more attractive buildings. He shared his concern with the increased building height allowance and the
parapet exemption. Mr. Swales stated his objection to the fourth floor plaza space exemption and the change in the
hotel/motel definition. He also recommended the variance language be changed to specify that the circumstances
have not been self imposed by the property owner OR the previous owner.
Discussions and Deliberations
Commissioner Thompson questioned the proposed wording regarding residential uses in commercial and
employment zones in developments with more than one building on the same site. Ms. Harris clarified the language
was meant to clarify what you count as residential and non residential. Mr. Molnar added this applies to
developments that have multiple buildings with a standalone residence building. Thompson recommended staff make
this clearer in the way it is written and received unanimous support from the Commission.
Commissioner Thompson asked about the building separation requirements and whether this is consistent with the
character of the historic districts. Ms. Harris clarified that the proposed standard has been used in performance
standards options subdivisions throughout Ashland, including in the historic districts, for more than 20 years.
Commissioner Thompson questioned the solar orientation standards and expressed concern with the rigidity of this
standard. Mr. Molnar commented that the City adopted the solar access ordinance in the early 1980s and stated if
you don’t consider solar orientation in the beginning stages of a development you may lose this option entirely.
Several commissions voiced support retaining the solar standards. Comment was made that this is a simple way to
take advantage of the environment and retain all options for the future.
Commissioner Dawkins questioned the proposed change to the vision clearance standard. Ms. Harris clarified the
vision clearance standard currently applies to the C-1-D zone (not C-1 or E-1), and the proposed change would make
C-1-D exempt like the other two commercial zones. Dawkins voiced his concern and stated that extra space provides
the driver of a vehicle a little more room to see, rather than pulling into the sidewalk. Commissioner Peddicord
commented that this may need to be a case-by-case evaluation, rather than a flat exemption. Commissioner Brown
noted that large vehicles parked on the street can also impact the driver’s vision clearance, and this is not something
the business owner has control over. Commissioner Miller questioned if they should be evaluating this standard for
other areas of town as well. Due to the various concerns expressed by the Commission, general consensus was
reached to pull the vision clearance amendment in order to study the larger issue.
Commissioner Mindlin questioned the reasoning for changing the corner lot size requirements. Mr. Molnar clarified
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the current lot size requirements for corner lots in the R-1-5 zone is 1,000 sq.ft. larger than interior lots and the
proposed amendment would keep all lots the same with a 5,000 sq.ft. minimum. He added this was one of the Siegel
Report recommendations. Mindlin stated the Commission has had applications come before them where because of
a smaller lot size, applicants felt entitled to a variance approval to build the large house they want. She stated she
would rather stick with the 6,000 sq.ft. minimum for corner lots and added the reasoning behind the original
requirement is still sound. The Commission voiced their support with Mindlin and consensus was reached to keep
corner lots in the R-1-5 zone at a 6,000 sq.ft. minimum and to not put forward this amendment.
Commissioner Mindlin voiced her concern with changing the setbacks in commercial and employment zones from
abutting residential zones. She commented that the separation between commercial and residential should be at
least the same as they get from residence to residence and stated she is not in favor of reducing this to five feet per
story. She added she is in favor of growing up and not out, but does not support a five foot per story setback for side
and rear yards. The Commission voiced their support with Mindlin and consensus was reached for the required
setbacks in the C-1, C-1-D and E-1 zones from residential zones to be 10 ft. per story for rear yards, and 10 ft. for
side yards.
Commissioner Mindlin questioned why the flag lot interpretation is not included in this project. Ms. Harris clarified that
staff did introduce potential language earlier on in the process, but the Commission tabled it in order have further
community discussion. Staff indicated that this could be brought back for discussion at a later date. Recommendation
was made for staff to add this as a discussion item at the Commission’s next goal setting session.
Commissioners Miller/Kaplan m/s to extend the meeting to 10 p.m. Voice Vote: all AYES.
Deliberations and Decision
Planning Secretary April Lucas read aloud the agreed upon modifications to the proposed code:
1)Clarify the language regarding residential uses in commercial and employment zones in developments with
more than one building on the same site (Amendment Matrix, pg. 1)
2)Remove the proposed vision clearance standard exemption for the C-1-D zone and study the larger issue
(Amendment Matrix, pg. 10)
3)Retain the current 6,000 sq.ft. minimum lot size for corner lots in the R-1-5 zone (Amendment Matrix, pg. 2)
4)Require 10 ft. per story rear yard setbacks and 10 ft. side yard setbacks from residential zones in the C-1,
C-1-D, and E-1 zones (Amendment Matrix, pg. 3)
Commissioners Mindlin/Dawkins m/s to recommend approval of the unified land use code with the
modification just read. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Brown, Miller, Dawkins, Mindlin, Thompson,
Peddicord, and Kaplan, YES. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Submitted by, April Lucas
Administrative Supervisor
Ashland Planning Commission
July 22, 2014
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