HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-31 Planning MIN_Exhibit 21 Normal Neighborhood PlanNormal Neighborhood Plan Planning Commission Planning Commission March 31, 2015March 31, 2015 Community Development Department Original Land Use FrameworkOriginal StreetFramework EXHIBIT #2 2 Normal Neighborhood Plan Working Group  Recommended Land Use  Framework Land Use and Housing Density: 1.Housing Density gradation should move from south to north. This would place higher density development near the railroad tracks and within a relativelyshortdistancetotransitlinesparksandrelatively short distance to transit lines, parks and community facilities. This approach will also protect the existing viewshed. 2.Zoning designations applied within the Normal neighborhood area should be consistent with the zoning of adjacent land within the City Limits, and use zoning labels that are comparable to those used in the rest of the city while recognizing the Normal Neighborhood (NN) district.g() 3.Maintain option for neighborhood serving businesses and services close to East Main St near the northeast corner of the plan area. Open Space: 1.Maintain the approach toward designation of open space and conservation areas proposed in the draft plan. The plan has been amended to allow non-conservation open space to be relocated Normal Neighborhood Plan Working Group  Recommended Open Space Framework provided there is no reduction in areathrough a minor amendment process. A reduction in area would require a major plan amendment 2.Obtain a review of the final plan by the Parks Department prior to adoption. Design issues: 1.Maintain a maximum building height of 35 feet. 2.Encourage the development of clustered housing that integrates with open space and respects the viewshed. 3.Provide for a smooth transition between adjacent developments to promote neighborhood cohesiveness, provide open space in a coordinated manner, and secure an efficient circulation system. EXHIBIT #2 3 Transportation: 1.The local neighborhood street network should incorporate multiple connections with East Main St as shown, and maintain the Normal Collector as designated in the draft plan. Normal Neighborhood Plan Working Group  Recommended Street Framework designated in the draft plan. 2. Local neighborhood streets should be aligned to provide a grid pattern, including clear east-west connections. 3. Pedestrian and bicycle pathways are critical, especially as a means to connect residents with the middle school and the existing bike path. 4. Perimiter transportation improvements, including the railroad crossing and improvements to East Main St., are integral and should proceed in concert with development. Street Framework Changes Original ProposalRevised Proposal EXHIBIT #2 4 Land Use Framework Changes Original ProposalRevised Proposal Housing Density Changes Previous Land Use Designations (4/2014) Revised Land Use Designations (3/2015)(3/2015) ZoneDensity ZoneDensity NN-015 units per acre NN-1-54.5 units per acre NN-0210 units per acre NN-1-3.57.2 units per acre NN-0315 units per acre NN-1-3.5-C13.5 units per acre + mixed-use NN-03C15 units per acre + mixed-use NN-213.5 units per acre EXHIBIT #2 5 Normal Neighborhood Plan Vicinity Revised plan Normal Neighborhood Plan Working Group  Next Steps •Normal Neighborhood Plan Working Group Update  (4/15/2015) •Planning Commission Public Hearing (4/28/2015) •City Council Public Hearings (5/19/2015 & 6/16/2015). EXHIBIT #2 6 Appendix Code sectionChange proposed C.1 Added“A change in the Plan layout that provides an additional vehicular access point onto East Main Street or Clay Street.” as a major amendment requiring a Type II public hearing. A.1-4 Modified Land Use designations to NN-1-5, NN-1-3.5, NN-1-3.5-C, and NN-2. Additionally changed the definition of NN-1-3.5-C to state “multiple compact attached and/or detached dwellings”instead of “multiple dwelling units”. 18.3.040 TableModified Land Use designations to NN-1-5, NN-1-3.5, NN-1-3.5-C, and NN-2. Noted the CottageHousingresidentialuselineisprovidedasaplaceholdertobeconsistentwithUnifiedCottage Housingresidential use line is provided as a placeholder to be consistent with Unified Land Use Ordinance when amended. 18.3.050 TableIncluded newly adopted dimensional standards (ULUO) for: Minimum Front Yard to an unenclosed front porch -8ft. or width of a public easement whichever is greater Maintained 35ft or 2.5 story maximum height. (An increase to 40ft or three-stories through a conditional use permit process was recommended by the Planning Commission but not recommended by the working group. Amended Maximum Lot Coverage percentages downward to match comparable city zones (NN-1-5 = 50%, NN-1-3.5= 55%, NN-2 = 65%) Amended Minimum Required Landscaping percentages upward to match comparable city zones (NN-1-5 = 50%, NN-1-3.5= 45%, NN-2 = 35%) Amended Minimum Outdoor Recreation Space requirement for NN-1-3.5 to match comparable city zones (NN-1-3.5 = not applicable) B. 2Cottage Housing standards were amended to note the requirements and applicable density bonuses are pending ULUO amendments. a placeholder section to accommodate any future provisions relating to the establishment and applicability of an advance financing district within the area. Complete ordinanceCorrected numerous references to the final adopted ULUO section and subsection numbering. EXHIBIT #2 7 EXHIBIT #2