HomeMy WebLinkAboutInsurace Certificate: Ashland School District 5 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE DATE 6/28/2016 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION AGENT Brown & Brown Northwest ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 3256 Hillcrest Park Drive HOLDER OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED IN THE COVERAGE Medford, OR 97504 DOCUMENT. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE COVERAGE DOCUMENTS LISTED HEREIN. www.bbnw.com COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE NAMED PARTICIPANT Property Casualty Coverage for Education COMPANY A: Ashland School District #5 885 Siskiyou BlvdGenesis Insurance Company COMPANY B: Ashland OR 97520 COMPANY C: COMPANY D: COMPANY E: COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT COVERAGE DOCUMENTS LISTED HEREIN HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE NAMED PARTICIPANT HEREIN FOR THE COVERAGE PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE COVERAGE DOCUMENTS LISTED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO AL L THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF SUCH COVERAGE DOCUMENTS. AGGREGATE LIMITS WHICH ARE SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, SUITS OR ACTIONS. THE TITLES REFERENCED UNDER TYPE OF COVERAGE ARE INSERTED SOLELY FOR CONVENIENCE OF REFERENCE AND SHALL NOT BE DEEMED IN ANY WAY TO LIMIT OR EFFECT THE PROVISIONS TO WHICH THEY RELATE. CO EFFECTIVE DATEEXPIRATION DATE LIMITS COVERAGE DOCUMENT NUMBER LTRTYPE OF INSURANCE (MM/DD/YYYY)(MM/DD/YYYY) GENERAL LIABILITY 20,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 31P60056-106 A7/1/20167/1/2017 3 500,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 3 PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY 3 EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES 3 OCCURRENCE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 20,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE$ A31P60056-1067/1/20167/1/2017 3 10,000,000 SCHEDULED AUTOS EACH OCCURRENCE $ 3 HIRED AUTOS 3 NON-OWNED AUTOS AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE SCHEDULED AUTOSPER SCHEDULE A31P60056-1067/1/20167/1/2017 HIRED AND NON- 3 SCHEDULED AUTOS 100 Comp/500 Coll OWNED AUTOS$ 3 HIRED AUTOS 3 NON-OWNED AUTOS 20,000,000 EXCESS LIABILITY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE A31P60056-1067/1/20167/1/2017 3 9,500,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITYEACH OCCURRENCE $ 3 PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY B 3 EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES 3 AUTO LIABILITY PROPERTY DESCRIPTION All operations of the insured that use City of Ashland premises. 3 CERTIFICATE TYPE EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANT CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE HOLDERCANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE COVERAGE DOCUMENTS HEREIN BE cCANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, PACE WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL City of Ashland, WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED HEREIN, BUT FAILURE its elected officials, officers & employees Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY 20 E Main Street KIND UPON REPRESENTATIVES. Ashland OR 97520 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Sandy L. Orr 30643461 | 16-17 GL/AUTO/UMB | Sandy L. Orr | 6/28/2016 11:53:07 AM (PDT) | Page 1 of 2 ApplicableCoverageDocumentDefinitions: Thefollowingdefinitionsareprovidedsolelyforconvenienceofreferenceandshallnotbedeemedin anywaytolimitoraffecttheprovisionstowhichtheyrelate,forcompletedetailsontheterms, conditionsandexclusionsofapplicableCoverageDocumentspleaserefertotheSDAOLiability CoverageDocument. Participantmeans: TheNamedParticipantandeachofthefollowingwhileactingwithinthecourseandscopeoftheir dutiesassuch: 1.Thedirectors,officers,Employees andagents(pursuanttoORS30.285)ofthe Named Participant,includingvolunteersauthorizedtoactonbehalfofthe NamedParticipant,while actingwithinthescopeoftheiremploymentorduties,whetherarisingoutofagovernmentalor proprietaryfunction;and 2.Anyboard,commission,governmentalagency,subdivision,department,municipalbody,not-for profitcorporation,associationorotherunitoperatedbythe NamedParticipant,orunderthe NamedParticipant’s jurisdiction,willqualifyasa Participant ifthereisnoothersimilar insuranceinplaceforthatorganization. 3.Anyperson,entityoranyorganizationthe NamedParticipant isrequiredbyan Insured Contract toincludeasa Participant.Thiscoveragewillbelimitedtotheextentofcoverage and LimitsofLiability requiredbythe InsuredContract andwillnotincreasethelimits statedinSECTIONV.–LIMITSOFLIABILITYoralteranyofthetermsofcoveragestatedinthis CoverageDocument.The InsuredContract mustbeeffectiveandexecutedpriortoacovered Occurrence or WrongfulAct.InnoeventshallcoverageunderthisCoverageDocument extendtoanypartyforany Claim,SuitorAction,howeverorwheneverasserted,arisingout ofsuchparty’ssolenegligence. a.Theterm“AdditionalInsured”ifusedinanInsuredContractshallbeunderstoodtomean thesameasAdditionalParticipant. InsuredContractmeans: 1.Aleaseofpremisesasitrelatesto Tort liabilitiesassumedbythe NamedParticipant arising outofthelease,suchassumptionoccurringinwritingpriortothedateof Occurrence; 2.Asidetrackagreement; 3.Anyeasementorlicenseagreement; 4.Anobligation,asrequiredbyordinance,toindemnifya PublicBody; 5.Anelevatormaintenanceagreement; 6.Thatpartofanyothercontractoragreementpertainingtothe NamedParticipant’s operations (includinganindemnificationofa PublicBody inconnectionwithworkperformedbyorfora PublicBody)underwhichthe NamedParticipant assumesthe Tort liabilityofanotherperson orentityfor BodilyInjury or PropertyDamage toathirdpersonororganization,provided the BodilyInjury or PropertyDamage occurssubsequenttotheexecutionofthecontractor agreement;and 7.Contractsforserviceswith PublicBodies. Notwithstandingtheforegoing,an InsuredContract doesnotincludethatpartofanycontractor agreement: 1.Thatindemnifiesanarchitect,engineerorsurveyoractingasanindependentcontractorfor injuryor Damages arisingoutofprofessionalerrorsoromissions; 2.Thatindemnifiesanypersonororganizationfor Damages byfire,topremisesrentedorloaned tothe Participant,foranamountgreaterthan$1million;and 3.Thatinvolvethepurchaseorsaleofrealpropertyorpersonalproperty. 30643461 | 16-17 GL/AUTO/UMB | Sandy L. Orr | 6/28/2016 11:53:07 AM (PDT) | Page 2 of 2