HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-03 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes December 3,2014 Community Development/Engineering Services Building –51 Winburn Way – Siskiyou Room REGULAR MEETING -CALL TO ORDER6;05,p.m .–SISKIYOU ROOM in the Community Development/Engineering Services Building, located at 51 Winburn Way Historic Commissioners Present: Mr. Giordano, Ms. Renwick, Mr. Whitford, Mr. Shostrom, Mr. Skibby, Mr. Swink, Mr. Ladygo Commission Members Absent: Ms. Kencairn (U), Mr. Emery(E) Council Liaison : Mike Morris Staff Present: Staff Liaison: Amy Gunter, Clerk: Regan Trapp APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Whitford motioned that the minutes be approved from November 5, 2014. Mr. Swink seconded. Mr. Giordano abstained.No one opposed PUBLIC FORUM: There was no one in the audience wishing to speak. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT :Mr. Morris gave the council liaison report. Mr. Morris discussedsome changes to theland use ordinance and that it went through first readingwith the City Council. Mr. Morris reportedthat the Normal plan is going back to the parks, traffic, and planning commissions forfurther review. Mr. Skibby read aloud the procedures for public hearings. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW : PLANNING ACTION: PA-2014-01880 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 280 Liberty Street APPLICANT: Jason Eaton (Conscious Construction, Inc.) OWNER: Joan Kleen DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review and Conditional Use Permit approvals to construct a new approximately 400 square foot accessory residential unit for the COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: property located at 280 Liberty Street. ; ZONING: ASSESSOR’S MAP: ; Single Family ResidentialR-1-7.5;39 1E 09DA TAX LOT: 4500 Ms. Gunter gave the staff report on this planning action and she remarked that staff concerns were the orientation to the alley. Mr. Skibby opened the public hearing to the applicant. Jason Eaton, contractor, resides at 865 Henry Street, explainedthatthe propertyis not in the local historic district but in the national historic district. Mr. Eaton spokein detailabout the small accessory residential unit they are adding.Main house has vertical siding, standards state new construction shall be contemporary in design and shall be differentiated from historic residence. Applicant has proposed 12 inch board and batten siding with no corner trim, 2x2 window trim, and 6/12 pitch roof, with a galvanized steel shed roof over porch. Mr. Shostrom motioned to approved PA- 2014-01880as depicted,with the revised elevations.Mr.Giordano seconded. No one opposed. PLANNING ACTION: 2014-01956 SUBJECT PROPERTY: First Place Subdivision, corner of Lithia Way & First Street OWNER/APPLICANT: First Place Partners, LLC DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review approval to construct the second and third phases of the First Place Subdivision for the property located at the corner of Lithia Way and First Street. Phase One, a three-story 18,577 square foot mixed-use Plaza West building () consisting of basement parking, commercial and residential space on the first floor and residential space on the second and third floors was COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: recently completed at 175 Lithia Way. ZONING:ASSESSOR’S MAP: TAX LOT: Commercial; C-1; 39 1E 09DA; 10100, 11601, 11701 and 15000 Plaza NorthBuilding Ms. Gunter gave the staff report onthePlaza North building on First Street(across from the post office). Mr.Skibby openedthe public hearing to the applicants. The applicantsspoke about Plaza Northbuildingand it’s history. MarkKnox, applicant representative,briefly went through the site planfor Plaza North. Mr. Knox showed renderings of different perspectives/elevations and what the building will look like. SteveEnnis, project architect,spoke about the shape of the lot,floor plans,materials used in the design,andspoke aboutwhy they used the stepping designon this building. Mr. Skibby closedthe public hearing to the applicantsand opened to the commission for comments. Mr. Colin Swales, 96 Coolidge,sent an email of public comments to be readat the hearing in regards to the Plaza Westbuilding. Mr. Swink read the email into record. His concerns are height, setbacks, massing, color, building and window design. Mr. Skibby closed the public hearing and opened up to comments from the commission. Mr. Shostrom expressed concern that the buildingdidn’t haveany headers near the entrance and noticedthe elevationpicturesmakeit look recessed and dark around the Lithia Way approach. The Commission agreed that the addition of a lintil would add interest to the entranceat the intersection of theSouth and east facades,and the street,and break up the massing on that recessed entrance. Plaza EastBuilding Ms. Gunter gave the staff report on the Plaza East building. Mr. Skibby opened thepublic hearing to the applicants. Mark Knox andJerome White, project architectdiscussedthe Plaza Eastbuilding. The applicants addressed design of the building,including materials and window selections. Mr. Skibby closed the public hearing to the applicants and opened to the commission for comments. Mr. Knox provided rebuttal to Mr. Swalesemailby stating that the design is subjective.They have addressedall the standards and feel they comply with the criteria for the exceptions. He feels like there has been a commendable effortby the owner and the architects. Mr. Whitford motioned to approve PA-2014-01956withthe conditions, regarding Plaza North that the addition of a lintil would add interest to the entrance at the intersection of the South and east facades, and the street, and break up the massing on that recessed entrance.Mr.Shostrom seconded. No one opposed. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to discuss. NEW ITEMS: A. Review Board Schedule B. Project Assignments for planning actions C. Welcometo Andrew Ladygo. Mr. Ladygo told the commission about his qualifications and experience and remarked that he is excited about this opportunity. DISCUSSION ITEMS: There were no items for discussion. Review Board Schedule December 4thSam, Keith, Allison th December 11Allison, Andrew, Bill th December 18Tom, Andrew, Bill December 24thAllison, Terry, Dale December 31stDale, Terry January 8thSam, Keith, Allison Project Assignments for Planning Actions –Review Update All PA-2014-01956Lithia Way & FirstCommissioners PA-2014-01880280 LibertySkibby PA-2014-01388107 Fork St.Emery 345 Lithia Way-Gas station conversion to PA-2014-01126retail/restaurant-No permit as of yetGiordano PA-2014-00725121Manzanita-Under constructionWhitford PA-2014-00725469 Allison-Under constructionSwink PA-2014-Swink and 00710/711143/135 NutleyWhitford PA-2014-01283172 SkidmoreShostrom BD-2013-00256175 Lithia Way –Under constructionGiordano BD-2013-007185B Street –Under construction/ almost doneNot assigned PA-2014-0025130 S. First St. –No new permits issuedWhitford PA-2014-00491566 Fairview St. –Under construction/almost doneShostrom BD-2013-00813374 Hargadine–Under construction/almost doneSwink PA-2013-0138814 Calle Guanajuato(Sandlers) Restaurant-Under construction/almost doneRenwick PA-2013-01421270 N. First St.(Nisha Jackson)-Building permits issuedRenwick PA-2013-0182960 AlidaSt. (Lieberman) -CompleteShostrom PA-2013-01828310 Oak St. (Thompson) –No new permits issuedShostrom ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Next meeting is scheduled for January 7, 2015,6:00pm. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp