HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-02 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes September 2,2015 Community Development/Engineering Services Building –51 Winburn Way –Siskiyou Room .–SISKIYOU ROOM in the Community REGULAR MEETING -CALL TO ORDER6:02p.m Development/Engineering Services Building, located at 51 Winburn Way Mr. Skibby, Mr. Swink, Ms. Kencairn, Ms. Renwick, Mr. Whitford, Historic Commissioners Present: Mr. Emery, Mr. Ladygo, Mr. Shostrom Mr. Giordano (U) Commission Members Absent: Carol Voisin Council Liaison: Staff Liaison:Mark Schexnayder; Clerk: ReganTrapp Staff Present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Whitford motioned to approve minuteswith correctionfrom August 5,2015.Mr. Shostrom seconded. No one opposed. Minutes were approved with correction by Mr. Shostrom for adding not a parkrow at the curbinPA-2015-01496. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one in the audience wishing to speak. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Ms. Voisin gave the Council Liaison report. OLD BUSINESS Update from Parks Department staff in regards to the Butler-Perozzi Fountain. Michael Black, Parks Director and Bruce Dickens Parks Superintendant with Ashland Parks and Recreationgave a presentationregarding the Butler-Perozzi Fountain to the Historic Commission. Mr. Black and Mr. Dickensgave a short history on the funding process of the Butler-Perozzi Fountain. They are looking at all avenues to save the fountain. They explained that Ashland Parks Foundation did a fundraiser and raised a few thousand dollars towards theproject and there are other fundraisersin the works.Mr. Dickens explained that they are questioning if the structureand the stairs need to be fully restored or just repaired. At this time they are unsure. The Commission hasrequested that if the fountain is ever on the Parks Commission agenda that they be invited to attend. Mr. Dickensagreed. Mr. Skibby read aloud the procedures for public hearings. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW: PA-2015-01115 PLANNING ACTION: 34 S Pioneer Street SUBJECT PROPERTY: Oregon Shakespeare Festival OWNER/APPLICANT: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a temporary food vendor in the DESCRIPTION: Chautauqua Square plaza. The applicant has yet to decide on a vendor and, therefore, signage and design of the food cart is in the conceptual design stages. The location of the proposed food vendor is in a prominent area of the Oregon Shakespeare Grounds and is in the Downtown Historic District. Downtown;C-1-D; COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:ZONING: ASSESSOR’S 39 1E 09BC; : 1100 MAP: TAX LOT Mr. Schexnayder gave thestaff report on PA-2015-01115. Mr. Skibby opened the public hearing to the applicant. An email submitted on August 19, 2015 by Alan Harper requested to supplement their original application materials. Alan Harper, Attorney at Law, representing Oregon ShakespeareFestival, addressed the Commission. He spoke in depth about the list of conditions from the Planning department and defined the position of Oregon Shakespeare Festival in regards to these conditions. Mr. Skibby closed the public hearing and opened to the Commission. Mr. Shostrom motioned to approve PA-2015-01115 with the draftconditionsas written #1–7. Mr. Ladygo seconded. No one opposed. (Draft Conditions for PA-2015-01115) Brig 1.ht or neon colors used extensively to attract attention to the food cart(s) or use are prohibited. Final size, scale, color and materials of cart(s) to be reviewed by the Historic Commission Review Board and approved by the Staff Advisor before commencement of the temporary use. The food cart(s) and other site appurtenances associated with the temporary use (i.e. tables, umbrellas, etc.) should consist of colors that blend into the adjacent surroundings and back drop buildings. 2.A plan establishing a six-foot wide pedestrian path through the plaza from the stairs adjacent to Pioneer St. to the sidewalk on Main St., and a clear path to the front entrances of the Black Swan Theater and Chamber of Commerce shall be submitted for review and approval of the StaffAdvisor before the commencement of the temporary use. The temporary use (e.g., food cart, tables, chairs) shall be located outside of the approved pedestrian path. 3.The seating walls around the existing planters shall be accessible and usable for pedestrians and the food cart tables and chairs shall be located a minimum of three feet from the seating walls. 4.A maximum of 15 square feet of signage will be allowed. Any signage applied to the cart awning/umbrella is limited to five square feet. Any remaining signage can be divided between two facades of the food cart, to be installed flush with the cart body. 5.The food cart is allowed two exempt incidental signs, not to exceed five square feet in combined total. If the temporary use utilizes a portable sign, the area of the portable sign shall be deducted from the five square feet aggregate sign allowed for exempt incidental signs. Furthermore, portable signs must be placed immediately adjacent to the food cart. 6.No signs shall use plastic as part of theexterior visual effects or be internally illuminated. 7.All applicable building and fire codes must be met before food cart can begin operation. PA-2015-01496 PLANNING ACTION: 35 South Second Street SUBJECT PROPERTY: MPM Investments OWNER/APPLICANT: Kistler, Small & White, Architects AGENT: A request for Conditional Use Permit and Site Design Review approvals DESCRIPTION: to allow 3,051 square feet of additions including a new kitchen, new bar, laundry room, two new second floor offices and an accessible lift, and the conversion of the existing kitchen into bussing and storage areas for the Winchester Inn located at 35 S. Second St. Also included are requests for Tree Removal Permits to remove two trees: a six-inch diameter Plum tree located within the footprint of the proposed new bar, and an eight-inch diameter Birch tree within the footprint of the addition at the rear of the main house; and Exception to the Street Standards to retain the existing curbside sidewalk along the perimeter of the property. Commercial Downtown; COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING: -1-D;39 1E 09BD; : 5600-5700 CASSESSOR’S MAP: TAX LOTS Mr. Schexnayder gave to staff report on PA-2015-01496. Mr. Skibby opened the public hearing to the applicants. Matt Small,with Kistler, Small,Whitepresented to the Commission.Mr. Small stated that the proposal includes a new bar, two second floor offices, a new kitchen, a new laundry room and the remodel of the existing kitchen into the bussing station and storage areas. The additions proposed are a 360 square foot bar on the south side of the existing main building, adjacent to the existing dining area. The new full service kitchen will occupy the first floor of the west side of the main facility. The proposed new square footage of the kitchen is 869 square feet.Theexisting height and setback of the building is unchanged. The massing of the building will continue to be appropriate to the existing Victorian architecture, and smaller than the other commercial buildings in the immediate neighborhood. Mr. Skibby closed the public hearing and openedto the Commission. Ms. Kencairn motioned to approve PA-2015-01496as submitted. Ms. Renwick seconded. No one opposed. PA-2015-01512 PLANNING ACTION: 198 Hillcrest Street SUBJECT PROPERTY: Britt Pearson OWNER/APPLICANT: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to alter a non-conforming structure. The DESCRIPTION: applicant proposes to add a second story balcony (6.5’ x 20’) extending out from the East side of the existing two story dwelling. Single-Family Residential;R-1-7.5; COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:ZONING: 39 1E 09CA; : 9900 ASSESSOR’S MAP: TAX LOT Mr. Schexnayder gave the staff report on PA-2015-01512 Mr. Skibby opened the public hearingto the applicants. Theapplicants were not present. Mr. Skibby closed the public hearing and opened to the Commission. Mr. Shostrom motioned to approve PA-2015-01512 as submitted. Ms. Kencairn seconded. No one opposed. NEW ITEMS: Review board schedule Project assignments for planning actions CLG study session, September 17, 2015 at 11am. Mr. Schexnayder spokeregarding the CLG study session on September 17, 2015. The Commission agreed that it would be a good idea to drive aroundthe Historic Districtand take pictures of bad examplesof exterior work. They discussed and decided that a few Commissioners would each take certain areasof the district and report back to Ms. Trapp with their picture results for the CLG meeting. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to discuss. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Mr. Skibby addressed the Commission regarding appointing a liaison to attend the City Council meetings. The Commission discussed this and decided that they would not want to appoint a certain person and would like to take it on a case by case basis depending on the need. Downtown Plaza project. Mr. Schexnayder gave a report on the Downtown plaza project. Katherine Thaldon, Landscape Architect, addressed the Commissionregardingher ideas for the Downtown Plaza project.Ms. Thaldon statedthat she was approached by several members of the City Council to help them in reading the plans for the Downtown Plaza project. She emphasized that the plantingsin the Plazaare in good condition except for the bare area behind the information booth.She spoke about fencing options and what would possibly work for the Plaza area. Ms. Thaldonrecommendedusing substantial green plantings instead of ashorter fence. After much discussion, the Commissionbriefly outlinedsome recommendations that they would like to send to the City Council regarding the project. The recommendation of the Historic Commission is to use substantial plantings of fencing instead to make the space look less confined. The plantings would be much more cost effective and safer than a fence. The Historic Commission recommends 5 gallon plants, closely spaced together to create a natural foliage barrier. By planting evergreen or big leafy type plants (drought tolerant if possible) it would make the space lush and welcoming. Adding an anchor evergreen plant in each pot for winter interest would be a nice touch. COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: There was nothing to discuss. Review Board Schedule September 17Terry, Sam, Kerry th September 24Terry,Allison, Tom th October 1stTerry, Andrew, Bill October8Terry, Andrew, Keith th Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA-2014-01956Lithia&FirstAll PA-2014-00710/711143/135NutleySwink & Whitford PA-2014-01283172SkidmoreShostrom PA-2014-0025130S.First StWhitford BD-2013-00813374HargadineSwink PA-2013-01828310Oak St.(Thompson)Shostrom PA-2014-02206485AStreetRenwick PA-2015-00178156VanNess AveKencairn PA-2015-00374160LithiaWayEmery PA-2015-00541345LithiaWayGiordano & Renwick PA-2015-0049337N.MainSkibby PA-2015-0087835 S. PioneerLadygo PA-2015-01163868 A’ StreetKencairn PA-2015-00980637 B’ StreetShostrom PA-2015-00797266 ThirdLadygo PA-2015-0111534 S. PioneerLadygo PA-2015-0149635 S. Second-Winchester InnShostrom PA-2015-01512198 HillcrestSwink ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Next meeting is scheduled forOctober 7,2015,6:00pm. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:45pm Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp