HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-06 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes November 6, 2013 Community Development/Engineering Services Building –51 Winburn Way –Siskiyou Room ChairmanSkibby Call To Order –Regular Meeting, 6:05pm Dale Shostrom, Keith Swink, Kerry Kencairn, Allison Renwick, Sam Whitford, Historic Commissioners Present: Tom Giordano, Terry Skibby, Ally Phelps, Victoria Law Tom Giordano Commission Members Absent: Greg Lemhouse absent Council Liaison: None Appointed High School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: Staff Liaison: Amy Gunter, Clerk: Billie Boswell Staff Present: Ms.Renwickmade a motion to approve the minutes of the October 2, 2013 meeting, APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr.Whitfordseconded the motion. Ms. Lawabstained due to being absent. The minutes were approved unanimously by the remaining Commissioners. : There being no onewishingto speak, the Public Forum was closed. PUBLIC FORUM None COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: PA2013-01476 108 N. Second Street Dudley Rood Ms. Kencairn recused herself due to her working relationship with the applicant. No other exparte contact or conflict of interest. Ms. Gunter reviewed the prior hearing before the Commission for the remodel done. She explained that the applicant, Dudley Rood, has decided to live in the upstairs apartment and rent the two Travelers Accommodations on the main floor. This Conditional Use is for the Traveler’s Accommodations. Mr. Rood said that no upgrades or changes need to be made to the structure. He feels the use will not detract from the mixed use neighborhood since 75% of the structures are commercial. Mr. Shostrom and Mr. Whitford both commented on how much they like the remodel that was done. There being no further questions of the applicant and no one in the audience wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Mr.Shostrommovedto recommend approval.Mr. Swink seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA-2013-01388 14 Calle Guanajuato Allan Sandler Ms. Gunter shared the details of the submittedbuilding plans showing exterior detail and finishes. Mr. Shostrom stated that the windowshould have real mullions applied to the glass and not inside the glass or tape on glass. Overall the Commissioners liked the design. PA-2013-01421 270 N First Street RNN Properties, LLC Chairman Skibby confirmed there was no conflict of interest or exparte contact. Ms. Gunter reviewed the staff report with the Commissioners explaining that the existing structure would be torn down and a new 2-story, 1300 sq.ft. residence built. The front yard setback was reduced to only 6 feet to conform to other front yards along the street. Windows will be primarily double hung. No driveway would be allowed due to spacing issues on First St so the parking would be in the rear off the alley. They are requesting to keepthe 3-foot side yard setback due to the narrowness of the lot. The lot is adjacent to commercial zoning on the north and is considered a transitional structure. The roof would be metal to accommodate water collection efforts and Leeds requirements.Ms. Gunter summarized the concern letters received from neighbors stating issues with the parking, the size of the structure (2-story), the metal roof and other window and trim details that seem to givethe structure a more commercial rather than a residential look more compatiblewith the other houses in the neighborhood. NishaJackson, the applicant, said the lot has commercial businesses on three sides. Due to the extreme narrowness of the lot the proposed home will only have 1300 square feet on two floors. The exterior finish will be a combination of stucco and wood. Ms. Jackson desires to make the home Leeds Certified at the Silver level. The metal roof contributes to that goal to aid in rainwater recycling. Chairman Skibby commented that the existing house was built in the 40’s and is in poor shape and has little to contribute to the Historic district. There were no further questions of the applicant and the meeting was opened to those in the audience wishing to speak. Patricia Way of Ashland stated she was there also representing her daughter that lived next door and they were both opposed to the project. She had concerns regarding the metal roof and other commercial aspects of the design. She also felt the size and scale, specifically the 2-story design, made the house bigger than any other residences on the block. There was also resistance to the parking being in the back yard and felt it would negatively affect the neighboring back yard.Chairman Skibby asked what other type of roofing material could be used. If a composition roof were done it could make the Leeds certification harder to meet. Ms. Way also questioned why a front porch was allowed,when her daughter was not able to add a porch. Ms. Gunter explained the situation was not the same. Ms. Jackson clarified that they would have an eight foot frontyard setback instead of the six feet allowed by averaging. There being no one else in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Chairman Skibby commented on the challenge of building on such a small lot size. He was also concerned about the metal roof. Ms. Kencairn pointed out that the metal roof was needed for the rainwater collection system and she did not feel it was inappropriate because of the transitional area. Mr. Whitford agreed. Ms. Law was concerned about the 2-story size and that it blocked views. Mr. Shostrom felt the 2-story mass was an issue but the step-back of the second story made it fit better. Ms. Renwick suggested the two double-hung windows be separated by at least 4 inches to give a more period look. She was also struggling with the scale and size. Mr. Shostrom said the large scale and commercial look was in stark contrast to the other residences in the neighborhood. Mr. Swink supported the project as the best use of the property. Mr. Whitford made a motion torecommend approval of the project adding the recommendation that a minimum of four inches between the double-hung windows be required. Ms. Kencairn seconded the motion. Swink, Whitford, Renwick, Kencairn and Phelps voted to approve the motion. Shostrom and Law voted against it. The motion passed by majority vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Brochures–Discussed the mailing and distributionof the Historic Brochures. Amy needs lists and suggestions sent to her of who to send to. NEW BUSINESS: A.Review Board Schedule November 7Ally, Keith November 14Sam, Dale, Tom November 21Terry, Allison, Tom Wed, November 27Terry, Allison, th December 5Keith, Kerry, Victoria B.Project Assignments for Planning Actions: BD-2011-01029400 Allison (Robin Biermann) New SFR Whitford/Renwick (under construction) BD-2011-0062189 Oak St (Amorotico) New façade on building Shostrom (under construction) BD-2013-00256175 Lithia Wy (First Place Partners) 3-story mixed use building Giordano (under constr) BD-2013-00388522 Rock (Wallace) 4 Accessory Units (1 under construction)Shostrom BD-2013-00093Shostrom 108 Second (Dudley Rood) CUP and Solar Waiver for 2story unit nd (under constr) BD-2013-00378245 Van Ness (Nate Witemburg & Brint Borgilt) Addition Kencairn (under constr) PA-2013-0036657 N Main St. (North) Mix Sweet Shop entry door ()Phelps complete BD-2013-007185 B Street (Spartan Properties) New Comm Bldg Phelps (under construction) BD-2013-0079615 N First (Amuse) Walk in Cooler (under construction) BD-2013-01363370 E Main (Staunton) Front Façade Shostrom (under construction) PreApp19 Gresham / 374 HargadineSwink PA-2013-0138814 Calle Guanajuato(Sandlers) RestaurantRenwick PA-2013-01421270 N First St(Nisha Jackson) New SFRRenwick COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA: Photo boards –Commission needs to identify businesses they can be placed in. Historic District Books –suggest having them scanned in by an Intern to create an online file for reference. ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Next meeting is scheduled for December 4, 2013, 6:00 pm. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:00pm. Respectfully submitted by Billie Boswell.