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1919-1021 Council Mtg MIN
grading; and The plans and specifications of ga.id proposed paving as presented by Engineer "~'alr:c;r at ~;re m~:ctiiag '~elcl iept. 7.Oth last ware ap~oved by the council. '!'he council then designated Tuesday,' Qct, 2$t~, , lyl9, at,8 0' clock P.Paf. ~ as ~~pe ~1me ,~hen~Fth~ c©urieil~ shall open a,nd considez~ bids .for grading ane? pa~~Ting of said Str~:Ct9. the council n.-xt considered proposed c.~anges to be r~~ade in the electric li~;~it rates. After considerable discussion, the council agreed to again ta'~te up the matter of said proposed rat@E at the meeting to be held Oct. Zlet next. Request of 'r. :Roberts, 'for a 'ten days; vacation on full pay ~~as read, ~pVed by Frost, Seconded by Banta that the request be laid on the table till the next rncetin~; of the council on account of the absence off' the •"a,~or, Carried, ~ ` Report of the Park Cor7mission for the m,~nth of Sept., 1918, was read a,nd,on motion, accepted and ordered placed on file. There being; no fur. then business, on motion, the oouncil adj ournd, ~ :boy r. Attest: C,;ity ecorder. Aghlar~d, Oregon, Oct. ~ 1, 1919. The counci~ met in regular gessicr. at ~ o ~ clock 1~.I~i, on the e~renin~ of t~~ic date. Pres~:nt t~~ayor Larrkin; Councilmen Banta, IpicGee, iVin~nger, ~~hinn, Frost'; absent TurriE~r. the r~inutes of the previcus meeting Urere read and approTled as rea,d~ H. G. Enders was present and. addressed thc~ council stating that he he,d purc?~.aeed a lot on the south side of A Street or. which he intends to erf,ct a ~vareiiouse and asked that the city v~.cate the street arid. park row add ~acert to said lot, He slap ~..sked pe:r- ~:~ission to inst~Lli scales in the sidewalk ~.~nd d.esirss a franchise to cross Pioneer Ave. with a spur track. Afton some disc,~.$sion, th.e council decid.en to meet mb.,.~°sd~y,._,Oct. ~~rd,. a.t~ 9 0' clock A.~. to investigate said mattFrs. A petition signed by R. C. Goodman, "J. I''. Dewitt, and other residents on Allison Street, a.akin~; that the council have said Streeter letreled and graded, ~►a.s next considered by the council. 1~~'r. Goodrlan ~vag present a,nd addressed the council in support of said petiti~~n. The council dPCic~ed. tc have this work done as soon as the Street Commi9sicner can procuro the necessary tean~and Iabor. t Report o f the Recorder for the month of Sept. , 1 al~~, ara,s read and, on mot ion, ~w~:.,Fpt~dA P.nd o.rderrd placed on file. Request of D. Pittman for a, ten da,ya leave off' absence tivas read. roved by ar ta, geconcle~i by Nininger that said r~gLest be granted. Carried. Communication fror,1 ~J'n,rgaret Applegate asking; that the City b~a,r half the expense of constructing a cerlent i~r~~Il bet~~~~►cen her prop~:rty and that of the City wag congid~red. Aftr;r some discussion, ~~:n rrotia~i:~~the Recorder wag irsgtructed to notif;~ ~~lrs. Applegate that since the patxncil ~~aa not a party to building the pall they feel they are not liable for the expense. The vote an the motion wa,s as follows: Ayes Banta, ~~cGee, I~'inin~;er, Shinn., r'rost; flhxsrhone; absent Turner. Carried. Councilman Banta addressed the council relative to the matter of constructing cement crossings on Fifth Street and reconmP nded that three be built b,~ the city. loved by ?~ininger, seconded b~ u~ e Y 'cG e, tat said crossings be constructed by the City, one across the alley and tiro across F~~~'`~h Street. The r~ I~'ininger, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent Turner, Garrie~s as follow.. Ayes .Santa, I~~cGee :fir. Shinn brought up the :natter of a lead which hA thought the Pac. Tel. Tel, Co. were considering building on the Boulevard and stated that he thought this should nit bs allowed if the council has the power to require that the wires be laid unc~Fr round. Moved by Frost seconded b Nin~n~er ~3,~. r g Y ~ t this :a:~tte, be referred to t~~e City Attorney for ar? opinifin. Ca.rried~ 47. B. Pracht asked t:~at the council pause Rn a.lley to bs opened tl^~rough Peachblow Parz.dise Addition. ~~oveci by 1~1ininger, seconded by Trost, that this natter be referred to the .Realty Committee with power to act. Carried. There being no further bt~sine$s, on rnotior~, the council adjourned. to meet Tuesda Oct► ~~th, at the usual hour. Y, ~ 1. agar Attest: Recorder.