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1919-1028 Council Mtg MIN
3 x,~ f~ < < Ashland, Cxenn, Oct. 28, 1;1~a. The council rnet purscant to last adj ourrL'nent at $ o' clock P.Id. on the e7ening E o.f this date. Present ~~ayor. Larnkin; ^r,~ancilmpn Banta, McGee, fihinn, Frost; absent ~ tlininger, Turner. The minutes of the presrious meeting were read and approved as corrected. The hour of ~ o' clock p.m. having; arrived the Re carder ].aid before the council sealed bici filed with h~ for the grading and ft~~ni.~'~ing material a,nd constructing street paver~ent for the City of A.~hland, Oregon, on that part of the Boulevard extend- ing from the east end of the press-ant pavanent on said Boulevard to Ashland Street, and also on that part of Ashland Street extending from the Boulevard to balker Avenue, as per advertisement published in the Ashland Daily Tidings for the ten days pr~ceding,date of first publzaation being Oc~.l~, 1919. The proposal •Nas then opened and rF~ad to the council x.;~a as fo110,~s: PROPOSAL To the Common. Council of the City of Ashland: The undersigned, as bidder, declares That the only persons or pa,~•ties interested in this proposal as principals are those nsmed r.erein ; That tiffs proposal is made without collusion with any other persons, firm o:r cor- poration; that he haq carefully examined the plans, specifications, and fo.j. or contract ther~;for on file in the ofriLe of the City Recorder; ta. That he has persanal.ly inspected the actual locatio~l of the work and all other local _ con~ditiona affecting it; That he submits this proposal subject to the tprrr,w and eonditian3 sta~ec~ in the pre- cedin "Inatr~ g .actions ~o Bidderd, That he hag Satisfied himself as to the quantities and conditions and ~~rdc~rstands that in signing this proposal, he waives all right to plead ar.y rlisundergtanding regaxding the n~~B; And he proposes and agrees, if this bid ie accepted, that he will contract with said City of Ashland, in the said f©xm of contract, to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus, and other r.~eans of construction, and to do all the work and furnish all the mat- erials specified in the contract, in the manner and. time herein prescribed, and according to the requirements of t13e Engineer a,S the~~ein set forth, and That he will twice in full payr~ent therefor sums aCOOrdj.r." ~o tr.e ac+.~~~~ amounts of vrork perfarmec~ of the various cZecrvs and tre rf:spective unit prices bid as given in the ~a fo11a!vin~; 3chedulc~: x,000 cu. yd3. Comrr,on ex.ca,vatian for sixt;~ cents ,aPr eu. Yd. •-•~1, 200.00 100 " " Snlid Rock Excavation for One Dollar and fifty cents u pEr. cubic yard --r••-.___._•____rr.rrr._rrr_.__r._.~_.r j 1 40 UGC, " per 11QQ ft. Overhaul for three cents per Cu. Yd. rr per l~n lt. ._r•rrrr_.w__.r...•..s- r-r~.rra+r•..._r_rr_.._rr_ lS.QO 60 Lin. ~~t. Plain Concrete Pipe, 12" d:ia.~n. Fox One Dolla,.r and twenty-five c~;nts pEr Lin. Ft • 7 j 00 Lin. ft. ?'lain Concrete Pipe, 1$" Diam. for Tv~ro Dollar3 and fifty cen±g per Lir_. Ft. -•r-.____.____...__ 7~.CC 10 Cu• yds. Cla,r~ ' concrete for Twenty Dol~.arg per Cu. Yd.---- 2t?t~.00 900 " Crushed Gra~rel- Loo^f~ ~,~easure for Four dollars p?r CUb, v yard --~~-w___rr._-~... r_..r rr rr r.wr r.-r-r-..rr_ra ~'6~~•~Q 4,000 S,q. yds. Standard BitL~lithic Pavement, Tppe ":F", for One 'Dollar end ninety-nine cents peN sq. Yd. Based on ~zsing gravel in t~~.e mineral ~~ghre6ate of the wearing surface _____..__.._____..r.-.r.~_w 7, 960.00 4,~CO Lin. ft. broken Stone yr Gravel Shoulders for six cents per . Lin. Ft. _..._.._...___..,,__......_.._r__....rr.._.__.__..___.__ 2$x.00 r Accompanying this proposal is Cashier's check for Seven Hundred Dollars equal in amount to five per cent of the total amount of the bid. If this proposal shall be accepted amd the undersigned shall fail or negJ.ect to contract ag afores~~,id, and. to give the bond in the svm of one-'ralf off' the total am.t~~ant of the cid as afo~•esaid ~~~ith aurety ,atisfactory to the City Council,~aithin five day s (not including Sunday, .f r.o,n uho date of the rnailin of the notice fra:n the Cit Co~n'~cil to hijn ac~ordin to the address here,~ith + ' Y ~ g liven that she contract xs ready for signature, the City Cou:lcil ;nay, at itS option, determine that the bidder had abandoned the contract, and thereupon forfeiture of the security acco?npanying this pro- posal shall operate and the earns shall be the property of said City of Aghlar_c~. The full name and residence of all the pE~rsons and parties inte~~ested in the foregoing praposs.lg as principals are as follo~vs: "Oskar Huber -he:!lcck BldL7. , Portlanj- Gre. Dated Oct. 28, 1919 0SKAR MJBER By (Sio;ned) C. A. Dunn. A ~i { This bid was accompanied by a draft of the yirat j~ational Bark of Portland Oregon, dr~ww in fa~ror of the City Recorder off' City cf As~l?nd, Oregon, for the aum of w70Q. CO The council having determined the bid of Oskar Huber (it being the only bid sub- muted} to be the Zowest and best it was ,iovE;~~ by i3antq► seconded by Frost, th ~t the ri of Gal~ar Huber ae accepted. The Mote o~~ the m Eton w~,s as folloV~s: Ayes Banta, ~QcGee, Shinn, Trost; nays none; absent Nininge„, Turner. Carried. V e ~ ~ 6. ~ due S. Clute for materittl and labor in k Rstimate of .engineer Talker of k37 3 constructing 347 linEal feet of conexete walk 7 feet wade on west side of Fifth Street at points between "B" and }gain Street;, 31 so 112 square feet alley crossing, was stizb- E muted to the council. ~ovE;d ar~d~ seenr~~~ed thd.t the Ci;~y accept ;he bill of ~:r • C1u*,e g and pay' him X300. AO on ^aU~e and the Recorder be instructed to transfer this armunt from the 'Water Sinking Fund to the Street fund for said purpose. The vote was e.s follows: s A;;re9 Banta, McGee, Shinn, Frost; nays Wane; absent Nininger, Turnex. Carried. sn T'r:e ~~ecorder next read an order of the Public Ser.rice "ommisgion of Oregon uesig- nating ~ielm an Street Crossing a Stop Crossing. The fo3~lo~.~'ing ~~relea~e ~ ~.6 ,~aaq next read: RELEASE. s ~'~REAS , in a certain demo r~andum of agreer~lent, dated, aJia.rch j , 191 in a car tain cas3e pending in the United. States District Court for the Eastern District of Hentucky, ~~~ti:~_~~rein ` the Ca,~neron Septic Ts.nk Co. and Hubert D. '7y11ie ;xF~ plaintiffs, and the City of Shelby-, Sri ll e i c d~:~f endant, at Law, ?~'o . 864, it was agreed, under. certain Bondi tions and provided no municipality of over five thousand (5,000; poplzlatioY~ shoved after ds,id. date be adrnitt~~i ti to membership in said S,oague to have x;e^efit, of the sPttl~i:~ent, that upon tine payment p the said plaintiffs of thr: sure of Five thousand (wj,004.Q4} Dollard or. o:^ 'oefore "apt. bar of the National ~fp~~ 1, 191,, plaintiffs would t1lereupon irarneaia,tely release ach mere Process Protective League, as g~1own by the books of the League on September 1, 1819, from any and all claims oi' infi~nge-nent, darnageq and prof itq or otherwise arising in any m:~nner under the Cameron patent i~o. 6,34,423, dated October 3, 1$yoj; and ~'1:r~REAS, said plaintiffs did in that r~emorandum of agreement agrPQ to issue to each such r~~;~~'cer cf sc:.i Lec.;Tv~. throug~i ~ secretary, an individual full release of all clai:~:d o.f every c'na.racter under said patent; and ~Yii~~;AB, there has no~N 'Dean paid to said plaintiffs the sum of Five Thous?.nd (~S,000} Dallas. ~3, in accorda,nc~~ with 3.nd as pro~rided in eaid. me~~~orand~un of agreement; and 'AREAS, t'.ce municipality of 9shland, Oregon, iq and. bras, prior to September 1st, 1918 a member of said Tat tonal Septic Pro ce9n Protective Laaa~ie, and is entitled to receive from said plaintiffs, an individ~.aal full release of all claims of every character, against said. member a,s to itself or anyone else, ur.rlsr said patent. n?Gy~ TKE'~FORE, ir, consideration of the premises, the ~zndersigned Cameron ~Pptic Tark Company, by and th.rotzgh its proper officers, and the undersigned, Hubert D. Vlyllie, do hereb~~ release said Ashland, Gregor.., fxom an;1 and all claims of infringement, damages a~1d profits, or otherwise ari~~ing ~~aingt said inember a,s to itself of anyone° else, in ar_y manner uncle the Cerr;eron Patent No. 634, 423, d:~,ted October 3, 1399, or under or growing out of anything aloe whatsoever to the day of the data of this r?alege, g,nd hereby acknotpled- gas full pa;,r;rent, settlement and satisfaction o7 all claimd of every cr~aracter whatsoever against said rnerr~ber as to itself of anyone else, under or growing dui of said patent, or under or grcwinU out of anything else ~,~hatsoever to t~~e day of the date of t'.^lis release. , ~ Dated at Chicago, Ill.m this 2nd da,,~ of September, 1919. CAI~RON S'H'PT 7 C TAI~~~ .COMPANY Attest: y (Signed) H. D. l~Vyllie BY (Signed } G. yV. F_r der Secretary `li ce rresident ',~litnessPs: (Signed) Ge Ma,nisle (Signed )Hubert D. 'VJ11 i e (~EAI, ) H I , s1. Gurran The council next d~;scz~sed the proposed ne~~► electric rates. D~o~rPd by Shinn, decondQd by Banda t~ZS,t the City :Hake a 1leating rs,te of 1 cent per K.~.H in cage heat is tina.nted or deme,ndPd. '"'1e vote was as followa: Acres Banta, McGee, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent ~Tinin~;er, Turner. Carried. There being no further 'oudinegs, an motion, the council ad~i ~,urned. / , kayo r r Attest; City Recorder. VI