HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-1202 Council Mtg MIN U i I NTH ~ Sfi N91 BONDS FUND , ~ r: Interest on ~8,OgA Original 'Sewer Bonds ~3~60.00 ~ N 175; x'00 5 ~ Aux. dater Bends 8, 750.00 5, o00 5 Park Bo ride 750.00 " " 6:540 5 "Refunding Bonds _ ~ 3,14'.50 P merit on~~ 040 4 "Original Sewer Bands 1,Q00.00 aY General Bond Sin,~ning Fund 2 6 1 2 1.2 9. a Total levy allowed 7.41 mills. RECD General Fund 4.24 mills 11,021.2$ Interest and Bonds 'x.41 " lg, 261.2'6 Library 1.21 " 3,14 .23 ee 1. " 4 41~. 1 Str t 7 $9 Pub • & Chaut. ~ 2'J " 701. 2 Park 1.6g 4, 3g?.. g2 Ff re Dept. 1. ~6 " 4, X55. o0 Cemetery .04 " lo3•g7 Sewer .0$ " 20 . Total 1 .2 " 7, , 0 .34 ~o~~d~by Banta, seconded by;Niuinger, .that the levy_f©r General. Bgn~~ .Sinking Funr~ ,be fixed: ~t 2 :~i~le~ ~ The yate wgs ; as fol~lowe: Ayes Banta, McGee, Nininger, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent Turner, Carried. The Council next praoeeded to consider a proposed city Ordinance No. 6$6 entitled "An ordinance to levy for municipal purposes a tax upon all the tax- able property whin the corporate limits of the City of Ashland, Oregon, for the general expensed of said city for the year 120, and requiring the Recorder to n©tfy-the County Assessor and County Clerk of Jackson County, State of Oregon, as required by Section 2 of Article 12 of the Charter of said City, an~~ laws 4f the State of Oregon. The ordinance having been read the first time, on motion, the - rules were suspended, two•third$ voting in favor thereof, and the ordinance was passed to the second reading. Ha=ring been read the second time, roll cell was ordered on the adoption of the ordinance. The rote was a$ follows: Ayes Banta. McGee, Nininger, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent Turner. Therupon the Mayor declared City Ordinance No. 686 duly adopted. There being no further business, on motion, the council adjourned. ~,~.6_ _ ~ M~Yor Attest~,~ < \ Cit Recorde~ Ashland, Oregon, Dec. 2, lglg. The council met in regular se$sion at 8 o'c1ocY P.M• on the evening of this data. Pr. went Mayor Lamkin; Councilmen Banta, Nininger, Shinn; absent McGee, Turner, Fro at. The minutes of the previous meeting sere read and approved as read. Cour~ciL~nen McGee and Frost entered the raom and were acknowledged present. Reports of C.V~.Fralsy, Street Commissioner, and D.M.Brower, Judge of the Ci~r Court, for the month of November, lglg, were read and., vn. motion, accepted aMd ordered placed o~ file. ' Bills C.F~d by the Finance Committee, amounting to ~ 4,1~~.59, were pr.egented to the council. Motion made and seconded that said bills be allowed and warrants ~ ' ordered drawn in payment thereof. The vote was as follows: Ayes Banta, ~`cGee, , AI?.n~nger, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent Turner. Carried. Mr• Banta reported that dir. Freeman wishes to rent the City's two lots on B Street and recommended thatrthe the City grant his request. Moved by ~7ininger, eQCOn+ied by McGee that the`'~ent Mr. Freeruan said lots as ~eco~ended by the Committee, said land to be leased to Mr• Freeman s,nd the leaoe to contain a sale clause. Carried. The council next discussed the ~aatter of renting the blaa~ssrtith shop owned "by. the city. Motion made and seconded tYzat this matter be left to the Realty Cor~Aittee. Carried. Motion made and seconded that said committee also attend to having the hitching racks on C and First Ste. repaired. Carried.  yLL,orney noverLs a,aaressea Lne councii stating tnat ne was not prepared at this time to submit an opinion as to whether or not the city could reassess the Nichols property can Ferk Street, for the curb and gutter constructal on .said street, but-he thought" the m&tter *4s doubtful. The contract between the City of Ashland and Oskar Huber , signed byOskar Huber and the Mayor and Recorder, also accompanying bond of the Fidelity and. Deposit Company of Maryland in the surd of $ 61781. rO, were read to the council. lioeed by Nininger, seconded by Shinn, that said contract be approved and the bond be accepted. The vote was as follows: Ayes Banta, McGee, Nininger, Shinn,Frost; - g ~r: ~ nays none; absent Turner, Carried. Request of Mrs. $unnell that she be granted free water was next considered by the council. Moved by Shinn, seconded by Nininger, that the request be granted. Carried. The council next discussed th? matter cf remitting the penalty on the delin~ guest water rent of J.S.Philips. Moved b3* Nininger, seconded by Shinn, that the penalties bP remitted. Carried. ' There being; no further business, or~ motion, the cc+uncil adjourned. a~ Ma o r Attest j corder. Ashland, Qregon~, Dec, 29, 1919• The council met in regular session at 7:45 o~clock P.M: on the evening of thi~~ date. Present Mayor Lamkir~; Councilmen McGee, Rhnn, Frost; absent Be,nta, Nininger, Turner. ~ .~inutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Mr, Landing was present and addrestied the cotancil stating that his horses hack been impounded and while in the Pound had been fad hay which consisted of fox ..tail ~~nd needle grass, He stated that as a result he had been obliged to sUcure the services of a veti~nary. After some discussion the council deci~~ed to take up this _ matter later in the evening. Mr. Banta entered -the roam and -was acknowledged present: Reports of-the :Recorder. for the months of Oct. and Nov. ? 1919, were read and, on motion, accepted and orde?°ed placed on file. loved by Shinn, seconded, by Banta, that the balance in the Decot~ative Light Fund be transferred to the Electric Light Fund and the Decorative bight Fund be closed. Carried. Request of E. C. Payne, asking that he be granted a refund of g4, being the amount of penalty charged him on paving assessment, was reed. ~doved b,y Banta, geccinded by Frost, that said request be granted and the penalty returned to Mr• Fayne. Carried. The matter of buying hay for the -elk in the park was discussed, After some discussion the council decided t© 1Qave this matter +,o the Finance Committee. The matter of the-hay at the Pound was .again discussed and the Mayor appointed Councilmen Nininger, Frost and Shinn to investigate seine. Mr. Shinn stated that the Electric Light Car~nnittee had hoped to have the ordinance fixing new electric light rates ready for-consideration at this time, but the corrmittee ~►ag waiting fa.r data from the City Electrician hence wag not prepape~~~ta submit said ordinance. Mayor Ls,mkin asked that the. council set a prate on the tract an N. Main Street deeded to the .City by Mr• Billings. Moved by Frost, seconded by Shinn that thin matter be referred to the Realty Committee with power to act. The vote was as follow: Ayes Banta, McGee, Shinn, Frost; nays Wane; absent Nininger, Turner. Carried. The council next considered the matter of granting ~2ra. Macomber free ws,ter and lights. M©ved by Banta, secanded by Shinn, that the City furnish Mrs. Macomber free water and lights. Carried. The Mayor nominated the following named persons to serve as Library Trustees; - Mrs, F. J. Shinn 7~drs. E. V. Carter Mr• N. S. Palmerlee Mr • h. T. Elmore I~r • F, E . Watson. Moved by Frost, seconded3 by Banta that said nominations be conf irmAd by the council, Carried. Engina~r F. H. ~lalke~r addressed the council stating that he and Water Supt. Hosier had investigated the matter of installing a ~tettling tank at the power house, but were rot prepared to submit a report at this time as tb the co9t ect. They found the present building could be used and Mr. balker stated that he wac of the opinion that at the  present prices the cost waul.d be in the neighborhood of ;6,000. i i