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1919-1229 Council Mtg MIN
- - g =t . ~II nays none; absent Turner. Carried. nk Request of Mrs. Bunnell that she be granted free water wag next considere~~ by the council. Moved by Shinn, seconded by Nininger, that the request be granted. Carried. The council next discussed th? matter cf remitting the penalty on the delin- quent water rent of J.S.Philips. Moved by► Nininger, gPcan~ed by Shinn, that the penalties be rer~itted. Carried. There being; na further business, on motion, the cc►uncil adjourned. ; r~.. . I[a o r Attest E, . , . ~ . 4 ~ ~~4. eordar. ~i U t~,. Ashland, Oregon, Dec. 29, 1919. The council met in regular session at 7:45 o'clock P.M: on the evening of thie~ date. Present Mayor Lamkir~; Councilmen ~eCee, Shinn, Frost; absent Banta, Nininger, Turner. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. n Mr. Landing was present and addressed the council stating that Yii9 horses hs,c~ been ~npaunded and while in the Pound had bean fed hay which consisted of fox tail ~~nd needy grass, He stated that as a result he had been obliged to secure the services of a veti~nary. After some discussion the council decried to take up this matter later in the evening ~Iir. Banta entered the roam and was acknowledged present: Reports of the Recorder. far the months of qct. and Nov. , 1919, were read and, on motion, accepted and ordered placed on file. loved by Shinn, seconded, by Banta, that the balance in the Decor~a,tive Light Fund be transferred to the Electric Light Fund and the Decorative bight Fund be closed. Carried. Request of E. C. Payne, a.gking that he be granted a refund of 94, being the amount of penalty charged him on paving assessment, was read. Moved b,y Banta, seconded by Frost, that said request be granted and the penalty returned to Mr• Fayne. Carried. The matter of buying hay for the elk in the park wag discussed. After some discussion the council decided to 1Qa•~e this matter +.o the Finance Committee. The matter of the hay at the Pound was again discussed and the Mayor appointed Councilmen Nininger, Frost and Shinn to inveAtigate same. l~r. Shinn stated the.t the Electric Light Committee had hoped to haQe the ordinance fixing new electric light rates ready for- considF~ration at this time, but the corrmittee vas waiting fo.r data from the City Electrician hence wa,9 not prepare~~~to submit said ordinance. Mayor La,mlcin asked that the, council set a price on the tract an N. Main Street deeded to the .City by Mr• Billings. Moved by Frost, seconded by Shinn that this matter be referred to the Realty Committee with power to act. The vote was as follow: Ayes Banta, McGee, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent Nininger, Turner. Carried. The council next considered the matter of granting ~2ra. Macomber free ws~ter and lights. Moved by Banta, seconded by Shinn, that the City furnish l~rs. B~acamber free water and lights. Carried. The Mayor nominated the following named persons to serve a$ Library Trustees; Mr~►, F. J. Shinn 1~rs. E. V. Carter Mr• K. S. Palmerlee ~ Mr• h. T. Elmore ~Ir • F, E . Watson. Moved by Frost, gecanded by Santa that said nominations be confirmed by the council. Carried. EnginAWr F. H. 'balker adrre$sed the council stating that he a,nd Water Supt. Howler had investigated the matter of installing a a~ettling tank at the power house, but were rot prepared to submit a report at this time as to the cost ect. They found the present building could be used and I~r. balker stated that he was of the opinion that at the present prices the cost would be in the neighborhood of $6,000. i ~T~ R t i` The council °next roceeded to consider a ro owed Cit Ordinance N~, ~ p P P Y 68~ entitled "An ordinance requiring the Recorder of the City off; Ashland, Oregon; to notify `the " Co~~rity Assessor and Coun+y _CTerk of Jackson County, Oregon, of all d"elj.nquent special benefit~assesements an+] docketed city liens, together with interest a;nd penalties thereon, a9 required by Section 2 0#' Article i2 of. the Charter of said City," e ordinance in favor thereof and the rdinance - a trirds votin having been read the first time, an motion, the rules were suspended, two- g o was gassed to the second reading. Having been read- the second time, roll ca11 wag ordered on the adoption of the ordinance ~ The v ~ was as follows: Ayes Banta. McGee, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent Nininger, Turner. Thereupon the Mayan declared City Ordinance No, duly adopted. ' Mayor. Lamkin brought up the matter' of eetabliahing voting precincts for theCity of Ashland. Moved by Banta, seconded by 1~cGee, that the B~ayor appoint a cor~mitt;ee of four, he to be the Chairman, to map nut the precincts far the city elections,. Carried. Motion made and seconded that the council adjourn to meet Monda;~, Dec. ?.4, 1919. 2'1 ti. " ~ ......r,_ B~ayor of s~arand. Attest: M City Recorder. `i . ; Ashland, Oregon, Dec. 29, 1919. Ttie council rnet at 8 0' clack P.~~i. on the evening of this date. Present 3~ayc~ L Lamkin; Councilmen. Banta, Nininger, 1'roat; absent 1~acGee, Turner, Shinn. K ~iinuteq of the previous rneeting wen.e read a,nd approved as read. -Amos Graves was present and add-reseed the council asking that the city allow him extra. compensation for btar.~ring carcasses Gn his or.oiler.ty ingtgac~ ef. 'curnin~ game on the city dump ground. He ~ ~,laa :~vshed to kno~r what the c~tv' ?gas going; to allo~r'~him for his phone, After some digcuasion, it wao Moved by Frost, seconded by Nininger that the city ~a11ow ~Mr+ Gra~eA the~:pri~e of two barrels of oil which ~r~uld have been used had he burned the carcasses, the coat of the oil to be the s~~rne as that paid by the School Board. Carried, Moved by Nininger, seconded by Banta, that Mr~ Graves be allowed one dollar per month for his phone for the corning year. Carried. dills O.K~d by the Finance Committee, anc~ amounting to ~359~.~gwere read in total amount t~nly. tdotion made and seconded that said bi11g be allowed and warrants drawn in payment thereof. The vote was as follows; Ayes Banta, Nininger, Frost; nays none; absent ~~(cC,ee, Turner, Sinn. Carried. Councilman Nininger reported that the corimittee had inapect?d',the hav fed to animal, ~ r + o ` gin the Pound and ha.d nstyuc ,pd the Pound Mast ,,r to nixrchase a then hay. L ~dayor Lamkin brought up the matter of granting Mr• banding a refund on Pound -fees recently paid by him. Moved by Nininger, seconded by Frost, that the Cit=, refund i!ir.. J~anding X4.40 on Pound fees.. Carried. Councilman Te,nta reported for the Realty Committee stating that he had received a list of properties to be sold for delinquent taxes in January a.nd he found that a great deal of this p~a,~y was property on which the city had liens.- Nov~ud b 5 Front, seconded. by l~ininger. that the matter of delinquett ~aroperties be left to the Realty Committee with power to act and Mr. Banta be sent to Jacksonville to negotiate with the Sheriff. as to said sale. The vote an the motion was as f:~llows: Ayes :Santa, Nininger, Fr©st, nays none; absent ~dc`~ee, Turner, Shinn. Carried. 4' rb~ayar I~a'nkin reported that a number of property owners on Oberlin Street had asked t~.o.t a street lfght,~eved by Nininger, seconded by Banta that this matter be left to the ~'lectric Light Commit tee with power to act. Mayor Lamkin also reported a street light otit near the Billings Bridge. ~n motion, this matter was referred to the electric Light Committee. Carried. The council next duscuseed the. matter. of the propoaee contr~.ct between the City of. Ashland and F. Russill, Moved by Nininger, seconded by Front,-that the council favors the contract with Mr' Russill providing the name meets with the approval- of the F+;lectr.is Light Committee and the City Attorney be authorized to-draw a lease with i~r. Russill and Cdr. Clam to deliver current to the City same a$ heretofore for ~250,OQ~per month, The vote wag as follows; Ayee Ns.ninger, Frost, nays Banta; absent .~cGeP, Burner, Shinn. Carried. ' There being no further business, on mot ion, the council Rd~i ~~urned. r -c- Mayor Attest: City Recorder,