HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-0106 Council Mtg MIN ~1 Ashland, Oregon, Jan. 1g20. Thv council ~i~Ct in regular sassivn at ~ o' c~.ock P.I. on the evening of this date. Present ;~f ~~or Lamkin; Counc~lr~en Be,nta, ~►cC~e, Shim, Trost; absent Nininger, Turner• ~~yar' Larr~sin was called from the ~ room and ~,ppo inted Council~an Ban 4.a to preside during hip absence, Minutes of the previous meeting vuLre read and approved as read. D~ayor I~amkin returned an,i taok his spat as presiding officer. I'he,~Ma3►or addressed :the c;~uncil recommending th~.,t they buy an engine sufficiently strong to run the road grader also that a King drag be procur. cd for '~asP of theStreet Departrr~ent. He also r~:corlmended that during the coming yev,r shoo ~ four times as much work be ~a,~r.e as c?t;ririg the previous year. The Mayor t'~c:n proceeded to make the follovring appointment of ecmmittees for the yQ».r 1~?0; FINANCE A. Tuxnc~x C. ~~:nta G. :~rest ORDIN,~NCE F. J . Shi nr, - J. H. McGe® C. Banta ELAICTRI C LIGHT F. J . Shinn W. A. Turner J. H. McGee ~ WATLR G . Rant a V~. A. Turner J. H. McGee ,a STREET G. M. Frast A. Turner A. C. ~TiniA~t;Er FIFA F. J. Shinn W. A. Turner G. M. Frost CEMETERY A. C. Nininger A. Turner F. J. Shinn INDIGENT J. N. McGee A. C. Nininger C. W. Banta SANITARY G. P~. Frost A. G. Nininger J. N. McGee j BLDG. & REALTY C. W. Banta Vl. A. Turner J. H. McGee BOARD OF ~ALTH F. G. S~~edenburg G. Gregg A. C. Nininger F. J. Shinn J. H. McGee at: the request ~f. the Recorder, ~Ialror Laskin appointed Miag Calla Riegel as Assistant kecorder. He also made the fallo~►ing app©ntments: City Attorney elm. M. Briggs City J~~dge DF~. D. M. Brower City Engineer F. H. Walker t Chief of Police J. W. Hatcher Aae'nt Police J. T. Roberts City Electrician 0. S. Easterling dater Supt. F. R. Hosier Street Commissioner C. ~l. Fra~py Fire Chief G. M. Robison Ass'r~t Fireman Wm. Myer " " J. R. Robison Supt. Cemeteries M. B. Pinion Caretaker•lhunp Grcund A. A. Graz►ea Park Commissioner to a succeed ~'.E.Watson.  resigned A. E. Kinney City Chaperon of the dance Miss Blanche Hicks. These appointments were made with the understanding that they can be* changed by either party at any time on fifteen deys notice. Moved by Shinn, seconded by Banta, that bald,. appointments be confirmed by the council. The votewas as follows: Ayes Banta, McGee, Shinn, Frost, nays none; absent Nininger, Turner.* Carried. } Mr. J. ~i. Philpott and A. Storey we.r.e present and adkres.~ed the council complain- ins of the unsanitary condition of certain lots an A1ida Street where ~r. High was keeping ten or more head of stock. They also complained of stagnant water on the same street and asked that the council take steps to remedy the matter .r Moved by Bants, seconded by Shinn, that the matter be left to the Sanitary Committee with potivpr to act. Carried. The Recorder next reed to the council a proposed agreement betr~een F. E. Russill, Jesse Clary and the City of Ashland, whQrsby F.E.Russill ~.nd. Jes^e Clary propose to n t~. furnish the City the maximum current the power plant is ;capa'o1ew4~f ;oraducing for a consideration of ~3, OQ0.00 per year 'co be paid in monthly installments of X254. ~J4. Moved by Frost, seconded by McGee t'nat the contract as read be ratified by the Council. Councilman Banta addressed the council stating that he could not vote for the contract and giving hie reasons far his stand. Roll call vas then rrdered on the adoption of the motion and resulted as follows: Ayes McGee, Shinn, Frost; nays Banta, Absent Nininger, Turner. There being three votes ir.:'3-tor thereof and one against the sa~~~e the mat.or declared the motion adopted. ' K, The council next proceeded to consider a proposed City Ordinance Ne.~g~ entitled " An ordinance further regulating the use, conduct and operation of vehicles operated on the public roads, streets and highv~ays of the City of AeYlland, t~regon. To :repeal all conflicting ordinances and to providt~ p~ariisYunent for the violation thereof." The ordinance having been read the first time, on motion, the rules were suspended, two thirds voting in favor thereof, and the ordinance was passed to the gECand re~~,ling. Having barn read the secar.d rime, motion ma9. made and seconded that an emergency is decl~~red to exist :xrad said ordinance shall become immediately operative. Carried. r~~ The vote on the adoption of the ordinance resulted as fallaws: Ayes Banta, McGee;; Shinn, Frost, nays none; absent Turner, Nininger. Thereupon the Mayor declared City Grdinance 110.E duly adopted. v Councilman 1.~cCv~L~ ~s~ced to bE excused and his request was granted. .;k The following reports were then read and, on motion, accepted and ordered placed on file: Annual report of J. ~7. Hatcher, Chic:f of Pali es and Pound Master. Annual report of An^,os Graves, Caretaker of the Dump Ground. Quarterly repot of G. G. Eubanks, City Treasurer. Reports of C. 1~1. Fraley and Judge Brower for the month of DecembEr, 191. r€ . ft Bill of Bushong ~c Co. Portxand, amounting to X4.00, .for four tires for officA omnibus tiKra:~ hresent~d and discussed. Moved by Shinn, seconded by Frost, that the matter be referred to ~l^e , finance Co~unittee with pow~:r tr, act Carried. '"'nQ following bills, 0.:~.',d by the Cit3► Engineer, •vere next considered : Cs'~ar ~~uber, grading extension of Ashland Strec: '~etween Boulevard and ti~~r~lker Avenue wl, 248.50 ~~w; Dollarhide & Kart, ulea,ring and drubbing trees an right of way ps for extension of Ashland Street east to City lirni is i'ru:1i Boulevard ~ 43 , a '_'olla~rhide & Hart, rorce account ~roek on dowering culvert and excavation for drainage on Boulevard at ,junction of Ashl~d Street 56~ ~7 Motion made and seconded that the b~lls p~f~sented by the City Engineer be allowed and the Recorder be instructed to trans .r ~1,10Q from the dater Fund to pay sn.id bills. The vatF +,vas a~ follows: r.;~~~s Banta, Shinn, Frost, nays none; absent b~cGee: NiningAx, Turner. Carried. ~a Bills O.K.'d by the Finance Committee and amounting to ~1,03~.31 were read in r total amount only. lotion made arc seconded that said bi119 be allowed and warrants ardor. ed drwwn zn payment thereof. The vote ~►as as follo'~vs ~ Ayes ~a,r, ~a, ~:iron, ~'+ost; nays none; absent McGee, Tkr~ng~^, Nininger. Carried. Resignation of E. 'Matson as Park Comrrissionar was read. ~~otion made ar.d seconded that sgme be accepted. Carried -~k ,mti; y Communica,t ~on from H. C. StainQrook asking that he re granted a refund an his auto truck license ,was read. ldoved by► Banta, seconded by Shinn, that the Recorder instructed to r~- ~ify ?~ir• tain'arook that the council feel they could not make an;y refund under the Esi~ii:~g ordinance. Carried. ' Comr,~unication from tho Standard Oil Co. asking that they be ;rarAte„? nerzniasion to cross tre tr. iangular strip of ground owned by the City tinier a~i underground sewer, ~ wag read. Motion made and seconded. that said request be gra,rte~i qL,'o~ ect to the approval of of the C~.ty Attorney and City Engineer. Carried. ~ ,  F N . FF .y 4 f~„ ~~P"i ~iA. r ~J Commhnieation from The Arr:bursen Construction Company of Neer York asking that the Ambursen Concrete Dam be considered in case the;City should decide to build a darn, wag read. ~fo~►ed by Banta, seconded by Frost that the Recorder be requested to gate said company that no action hag been taken but they will be remembered, rhrd' ~~aid letter ordered placed on file. Carried.. Request of ?dry. H. cash asking that she be allowed to rent the septic tank tract far, the coming year was next considered. Moved. by Frost, seconded by Shinn, the~t thi a land be rented to ~drs . Hash for the corn ng year Carried. Councilman Frost reported for the dbmmittee appointed to ascertain the co:~t of oil u~~~~d at the dump ground, stating that he found the pricQ to be ~1.~5 per bar.xel plug ~1.'jy for freight, ar,d r.ecor~mended that, no rnoxe carcasses be buried, the ccmr~it;tee having found that the ordinance requires that all carcasses be burned. • Motion made and :~econdec~, that the report be approved. Carried. On n~o t ion, the counci 1 ads o~arned. ayor Attest' L Recorder. 4' Ashland, Oregon, Jan. 2O, 192p. The council met in reg+.~lar session at 8 0' clock P.M. cn the evening of this date. Present ~dayor Lamkir~, councilr~en Banta, Nininger, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent D~cGee, Turner. ~hinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved a:~ read. Communication from the county Clerk in regard to the boundaries of the voting precincts of t,~e City of Ashland v~Tas read. Moved by Nininger, seconded by Shinn, that the same he turned over to the Ci ty Attorney. Carried. Requisition of C. ~~1, Frale;~, Street Commissioner, for one grader blade for the Street department was next considered. idoved 'oy Ban ta, gecondPct by Nini.n~:er teat the matter{'ae ic;ft to the Street Committee ~~rith power to act. Carried. Communication from the Secretary of State ir. regard to voting machines recommended by the State Board of Fxarniner^ was read beat no action taken. Moved by Shinn, seconded by Nininger that the Finance Corm:ittee be requwsted t~o audit the accounts of the Treasurer and Recorder for. the year 1919. The vote ~~ag ag follows: Ayes Banta,, Nininger, Shinn, Frost; rays none; absent McGee, Turner. Ca::ied. Councilman Frost reported that Mr• Hash had attempted to clean up hi~+ lots on Alida Street beat conditions were about as bad ~zs Bea ire. After some discussion this mater v~►s,~3 again referred to the Sanitary Cornu~ittee. Mayor Lamkin stated that conpl~Nint had bee made to him that property awnFrs in vo,riou4 parts of the city had not connected Math tre sc~t~er. T+~oved by Banta, seconded by Shier. that the matter be referred to the Sanitary Committee with po~aer to act. Carried. r The Recorder then react to the council. requests for an increa9e in the salaries of the fcllowang named persons: ~Pm• 1',iyer, J. ~f. Hatcher, J. T. Roberts, J. P►►. Robison Geo. Robison, F. R. .Holler, I. D. Pittrnan, C. Fraley, Calla Biegel and Gertrude Bie;ie roved by Frost, seconc'.ed by Nininger that the council grant said requests for increase ire salaries, see to take effsct Jan, 1, 1;20. The vote ~Na.s as follows: Ayes B~~_~~~., Nininger, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent McGee, ~'urnor. GarriFd. The council next proceeded to consider a proposed City Qrdinanoo No. 689 ~ entitled "An ordirance providing for and °:~in~, tre salaries and compensation of elective and appointive officers of the Gity of Ashland for the year 1920," The ordin~,.~~~~: k:avirg b~:~~r z•ea t~if~ first time, on motion, the rules were susperd.ed, two- third.s voting ~_r~ favor thereof, ar.d the ordinance ~~~as passed to the second rea~iin~. Ha~~ing been read tre second time, roll call tigas ordered an the ac'cptian of the ordin- once. The vote,was as fallo~~s: Ayres Banta, Niningor, "hinn, Fros±; nays none; absent McGee, Turner. Carried. Thereupon t'_ze Mayor declared. Caty C ~•dinance ~To. 689 adopted. . ~ , '"~1e counc~.l next proceeded to consider a proposed City Ordinance N~~ E~50 entitled "An ordinance pro-ri~+ir.g for the appointment of city affac¢rs and appointees  -nd prescribinq; their respective duties." The ordinance having been reasthe firot time, on motion, the rules were suspended, two-thirds votir.,a in favor therej7, the ordinance was passed to tree Pecend readin . Having been read the second time, roll ca.2.1 was ordered on the adoption of the ordinance. The vote was as f,~_iow2! Ayes Banta, Nini%er, Shinn, Frost; nays nr,rc; absent McGee, Turner. Thereupon the Mayov declAred City Ordinance No. 6QO adopted.