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1920-0120 Council Mtg MIN
r- Communication from The ~bursen Construction Company of Nevi York asking that the Ambursen Concrete Dam be considered in ease the City should decide to guild a ~ dam, way; road. ~da~►ed by Banta, seconded by Frost that the Recarde.r bG regUe9ted t0 write ^~,id company that no action has been taken but they will be remembered,~~rd'" ~~id I®ttdr ~ox'dered placed on file. Carried.. Request of ?ire. H. cash asking teat she be allowed to rent the septic tank tract for. the coming year was next considered. Moved. b;; Frost, seconded by Shinn, that tris land be rented to fidrs. Hash for the co~:ing year Carried. Councilr,~an Frost reported for t~~e t~bm.~itteP appointed to ascertain the coat of oil u~~~d at the dump ground, stating that he found the pric© to be X1.75 per barxel plug ~1.7y for freight, arld r. ecor~mended that, na m-ore carcasser~ be buried, the ccmr~ittee having found that the ordinaneQ requires that all carcasses be burned. ~[ctian made and ;~econdec~, that the repoxt be approved. Carried. On Notion, the council adi Darned. ayor Attest' t Re~co~rrder. Ashland,Oregon, Jan. 2p, 192a. The council met in re~~lar session at n o"clank P.M. cn the evening of this date. Pres~nt pJiayor La~:kir:, councilMen Banta, Nininger, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent ~dcGee, Turner. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Communication from the County Clerk in regard to the boundaries of the voting precincts of the City of Ashland v~Tas read. Moved by Nininger, seconded by Shinn, that the came he turned over to the Ci ty Attorney. Ca: ried. ; ; Requisition of C. t~'. Fraley, Street Commissioner, far one grader blade for the Street departrr!ent was next considered. i~o'1ed 'oy Ban ta, seconded by Nininger fret the me~tter'be iFift to the Street Committee ~,~rith pow pr to act. Carried. Communication from the Secretary of StatE ir. regard to voting machines recommended by the State Board of Exa~ni,ner:~ was read beat no action t~lcen. Moved by Shinn, seconded b3~ Nininger that the Finance Corm:ittee be requ:~sted uo a,t~.dit the accounts of the Treasurer and Recorder for, the year lglq. The vote CJaa as f.ollaws: ,ArvPs Bar.ta, Nininger, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent McGee, Turner. married. Councilman Frost re~~orted that Mr. Kish had attempted to clean up his lots on Alida Street but conditions were about as bad a,s be ;,re. After some discussfcn this + mat;er wa,~~ again referred to the Sanitary Comrr_ittee. Mayor Lamkin Stated that co~nplaint had bpe made to him that property ownFrs in various parts c~ the city had not connected t~gith ±he se~aer. Moved by Banta, eeconded by Shinn. that the matter be referred to the Sanitary Corvnittee with po~aer to act. Carried. The Recorder +hen read to the council. requests for an increase in the salaries of the following named persons: ~Pm~ Payer, J. W. Hatcher, J. T. P.oberts, J. P,. Robison Geo. Robison, F. R. Hosier, I. D. Pittrnan, C. Fraley, Calla Biegel and Gertrude ,Bie;ie Moved by Frost, seconded by Nininger that the council grant said requests for increase in salaries, aar~e to tare effect Jan. 1, 1;~G. The note was as follows: Ayes 8:~:~~c:., Nininger, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent McGee, 't'urner. t~arriFd. The council next proceeded to consider a proposed City Ordinance No. b89 entitled NAn ordinance providing for andring tre salaries anal compen$ation of elective and appointive officers of the Gity of Ashland for the year l9?C." The ordina:1~~ Y:avirg bPfar x•ea tyf, first time, on motion, the rules were suspended, two- third.s eating ~.r~ favor thereof, and the ordinance '~~aS passed to the second reariin~. Ha~~ing been read the second time, roll call tigas ordered on the ac?rptian of the ordin- ance. The vote,v~as as folloy~s: Ayres Banta, NiningeN, "rinn, Fran±; nays none; absent :McGee, Turner. Garrd~ed. Thereupon t'_c.e MayTor declared. City G ~~dinance No. b89 adopted. '"he courca.l next proceeded to congid.er a prcpoged City Crdir~ance N~~ Ec,O .entitled '"An ordinance pro-ridr.g for the appointment of city officers ar~d appointees -nd prescribinq; their respective duties." The ordinance having been reasthe firPt time, on motion, the rules were suspended, two-thirds votir.,a in favor therm', irnl le ,econd readinc*. Having been read the second time the ordinance was passed to tr time, roll c a~.l was ordered on the adoption of the orelinanee. ThP vats was as F,;_iows : ".yes Banta, Hini:Zer, Shinn, Frost; nays nrre; absent McGee, Turner. Thereupon the Mayor declAred City Ordinance No. 600 adopted. i y s, The council next proceeded to ^^~~~i~.h., City Crain~►rcP No. d91 entitled "An ordinance regulating public dances jai thin. the ;ity c~' Ashlars:~, and requiring a lic;;r.se therefor, Find amending City Gxdinance h7o. 6; 6". The ordir~~nce having' been { read the firstt time, on motion, the rules, were suspended, two-thirds voting in favor thereof and the ordinance eras passEd to the second reading. Having beep ` c: the ~;ECond tir,_e, roll call was ordered on th~~adoption of the ordinance. The vote was pis foll,owg: Ayes Banta, Nininger; nay$ Shinn, Frost; absent McGee, Turner. The 'rote resulting; in a tie the mayor voted in favor of the ordinance ~ and declared the s~r~e adopted. There bEing no fuxther business, aL1 motion, the cotzncil adjourned. v o r P 7~j f 1 r.~~~~~f:.i.i...r.a.a .~a.rwan ,stay o r Attest: .5^k Y i5 r 1,_r City e corder. ~k ll .r ~~s Ashland, Oregon, Fsb. 1920. The council in regular session at 8 otclock P.M. on the evening of tries date Present Mayor hamkin; Councilmen Banta, McGee, Shinn, Frost; absent Nininger, Turner• Minutes o.f thr. previous meeting were read and approved as read. Representatives of the LTnian ~ Cil Co. a~ere present and addresser the council ~elatve~ to obtaining permission to install two 550-gallon gasoline tanks within the city limits. After some discussion this matter was deferred to a subsequent z~ meeting when an ordinance covering this matter will be considered. k` Monthly reports of D. M. Brower, Judge of the City Court, and C. W Frale Street Commissioner, were read and, on motion, accepted and arde~red placed on file. ' ~~k f Report of the Auditing Committee oti ~ . ~ the accounts of the City Treasurer and City Recorder for the year lyl~, was read and, on mc;tion, e,ccepted and ordered placed on file, Claims of C. W. Banta and G. M Fro st mounting to X38.25 each, for cheekin accounts of Treasurer and Recorder for the year 1919, also claims of X4.20 eachg for tacking up street signs were presented and motion made and seconded that said bills be allowed and warrants drawn in payment thereof. The vote was as follows; " Ayes Banta, McGee, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent Nininger, Turner. Carried. Councilman Santa recommended that the Recorder's accounts be checked monthl heEeafter. After some discussion the Finance Committee was instructed to carryy out said recommendation. Bi11 of Nims and Saunders for supplies, Amounting $"o ~3.9o was presented. Moved by Shinn, ascended by McGee that said bill be allowed. Carried. Bills O.I~'d by the Finance Committee, and amounting to ~5,1j~.35 were read in total amount only. Moved by Shinn, seconded by McGee, that said bills be allow~,d and warrants ordered drawn in payment thereof. The vote was as follows: A es Banta, McGee, Shinn, Frost; nays none; absent 1~Tininger, Turner. Carried. y t Councilman Frost brought up the matter of granting parties living at 14 Granite Street permission to build retaining wall in front of their propert 3 statin that if the wall is built where it should be it would necessitate removing several g trees. Engineer balker addressed the council in regard to this matter st at ~ the walk would have to be built out in tree street three or four fee ins that around the trees. Moved by Shinn, seconded by McGee trot them tin order to get the Street Committee with power to act. Carried. after be left to B The council next discussed the matter of paving part of Park Street. Council ante stated that he was of the opinion that a petit ion signed by numerous promir~entn taxpayers should be presented before ~y action is taken by the council. ~ ve ~ Shinn, seconded by McGee, that th~snatter of securing said petition be left o d by Stre E:t Committee. Carried. to the ji~oved by Banta, seconded by McGee, that Mr• 1~Tininger be appointed Chairma the Council for the ensuin n of g year. Carried. Moved by Shinn, seconded by McGee, that a committee of three be a ointe £y Mayor to be known as the Automobile Committee. Carried. pp d by the Thereuunn th~MAVnr ar~n4r,+oa ~~e o_„_.~_~_ ~ - wrl+vsaa %o %A uua 1 V11ow ing ;ommlztee: ~ C. W. Banta W. A. Turner A. C. Nininger.