HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-0817 Council Mtg MIN rs _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ - - _ 33 Ashland, Oregon, August l~j, 1920. The council met in regular session at 8 0' clack Pad. on the e~Fening of this date Present Councilmen Banta, Frost, P~cGee, Shinn; absent ~~ayar Lamkin; councilmen Ninin~;er Turner. On motian, Mr• Banta was appointed Chairman of the Council pro-tem. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The hour of 8 o'clock having arrived the council proceeded with the hearing in the matter of the prapo5ed construction of cement sidewalks on the southerly side of Allison Street, between Gresham and Union Struts, as per advertisement publi~dhed in tre Ashland Tidings, c?ate of first publication being August 4, 1920. No one appearing to make objection to said proposed improvement the council proceeded to consider a resolute tion providing; for construction of said cement sidewalk. The resolution, having been read the first time, on motion, the rules were suspended, two-thirds voting in favor thereof and the resolution was gassed to the second reading. Having been read the second time, roll call was ordered an the adoption of the resolution. The vote was as follows: 1~yes Banta, Frost, McGee, ~hi~nn; rays none; absent N~ninger, Turner. Thereupon the Chairman declared the ~~so~`a.~~Q.n duly adopted. Repo°t of the Auditing Committee stating that they had exsrnined and audited the .accounts of the City Recorder for the period beginning Jan. 1920, and ending June 30, 1920, and found the same to be correct, was read. On motion of ~+lr• McGee the reports of the Recorder for the past si:c ,~.onths and report of the auditing committee here accepted and ordered placed on file. Report of the Ashland Park Commission for the month of June, 1920, was read and on, motion, accepted and ordered placed on file. Claims of C, Banta and G. M. Frost amounting to X15. CO each, for lab `~r in check- ing the accounts of the City Recorder were presented. On motian of Mr. Shinn, same were allowed and ordered paid. Bill of Oskar Huber. for asphalt for tht~ Street Department in the amount of X38.11 w was presffinted. On motion of Mr. Frost, same wow allowed and ordered paid. Com.munica.tion from Harrison Bros and C. H, Pierce asking that they be granted a permit to erect a garage on what is known as the Ashland House lot was next considered. Moved by Shinn, aeconded by Frost, that the requet for permission to drect a building be granted and the Engineer instructed to establish street grade and property line. Carried. Verbal ,Requests of Calla Biegel and Gertrude Riede for their annual vacations, souls, to be taken at their convenience, was considered. Moved by Shinn, seconded by Frost, that formal requests be filed for retard and the same ` be grated. Carried. The hour of o'clock having arrived the council proceeded with the hearing of any objections or suggestions relative to the Board of Vies;►ers findings incident to the paving with bitulithic pavement of that part of the Boulevard extending from the end of ' the present paver~ent on said Bouleva~~d to Ashland Street and also that part of Ashland Stre r~ C:~tending from the Boulevard to Walker Avenue, in compliance with noti~¢e of hearing published in the Ashland Tidings, date of first publication being Aug. 4•, 1920, There being no objections or suggestions offered ,the Recorder proceeded tc read the report o~ the Viewers making special benefit assessments for the paving of the streets aforesaid. The report of the Viewers having been read, it eras moved by Frost, seconded by Shinn, that the report of be approved. The vote was as follows: Banta, Frost, McGee, Shinn; nays none. Carried. Mr. Hosler reported that the small motor used at the Lithia Springs had burned out. Motion made and seconded that the matter of repairing the motor be referred to the Auxiliary Water Committee with power to act. The vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes Banta, Frost, McGee, Shinn; nays none, Carried. The council next consider d the matter o:f cleaning and purifying the •l~ake :in the park. On motion of Mr. Shinn, this matter was referred to the Sanitary Committee Frith power to act, said. committee to take this matter up with the Park Board. Carried. The matter of opening the alley back of the Pei1 Block was discussed. Engineer Talker having reported the bridge in an unsafe condition it was moved by Shinn, seconded by :Santa, that dir. Fraley be requested to repair the bridge and make same safe for travel, ..f satisfactory to Mr• Pesl. Carried. on A Stre et owned by the city and ~.r. Banta brought up the matter or rental on lots used by Carson Fowler Lbr. Co. for a Woodyard, and recommended that same be fixed at ~.OO per year. On motion of ~~r• Shinn, the Realty Committee was instructed to rent this property for X100 per year the rent to be collected at that rate from May 22, 1919. The vote on the r~o t ion was as follows: Ayes Banta, Frost, D~;cGee, Shinn; rays done.. Carried. the matter o f grant ing free 1 igh ~ s and water to On motion of Mr• Frost, 1Mrs. Prescott, at 826 B Stree was referred to the Indigent • Committee with power to act. j` The hour of 8:30 0' clock having arrived. the council nrnePerlPri th the haarircr  I%W of any objections or suggestions relative to'the Board of viewers findings incidenttt> to th construction of a sewer in what is known as south Granite Street SeWrr District or Sewer District No. 19, in compliance with the notice of hearing published in The Ashland Tiding date of first publication being Agg. 4, 1920. There being no objections or suggestions offered, the Recorder proceeded to read the report of the Viewers making special benefit assessments for the constructi'n of the aforensmed sewer. The report of.the Viewers having been read, it Nvas moved by McGee, seconded by Frost, that the reportof the Viewers be approved. The vote was as follows: Ayes Banta, Frost, McGee, `"hinn; rays none. Carried. !J~ Engineer balker reported that he had spent several days in the canyon investigating the proposed dam site ,digging test pits, me .surfing the flour of water etc. q: Mr. Fr st br u •ht u the attcr f de tr in the 1 water an li ht recei t 0 og p m o s oy g od d g s ps ' and moved that the City Recorder be instructed to destroy same up to tyro years ~6rewi~us ' to fan. 1, 1 ~;,~20. Seconded and carried. 4y. The council next proceeded to consider a proposed City Ordinance No• 41 entitled "An ordinance vacating a part of .ash Street, in the City of Ashland son County, Oregon." The ordinance having been read the first time, o~ motion, the rules were suspended, t~vo-thirds voting in favor thereof and the ordinance was passed to the second reading, Having been read the Second time, .roll call was ordered on the adoption of the ordinance. The vote was as follotivs; Ayes Frost, McGee, Shinn; nay. Banta. F Thereupon : the Chairman declared the ordinance duly adopted. The council next proceeded to consider a proposed City Ordinance No. entitled "An ordinance levying an assessment for special benefits to accrue to owners of property abutting on the bit~..~lithic paving improvement of that part of the Boulevard extending from the east end of the present pavement on said ~ulevard to Ashland Street and also that part of Ashland Street extendint; from the $oulevard tp Talker Avenue in the City of Ashland, Oregon." The ordinance having been read the first time, an moticjn, the rules were suspended, twothirds voting in favor thereof, and the ordinance was passed to the second reading. Having been read the second time, .roll call was ordered on the adoption of the ordinance. The vote was aw follows: Ayes Banta, Frost, McGee, Shinn3 nays none. Thereupon the Chairman declared the ordinance duly d,dopted. Na • 'j 0~ The council next ~~roceeded t;. consider a proposed ordinance entitled" An ordinance levying an assesgnent for special benefits to accrue to property owners in So+~i~i Granite Street Sewer District or Sewer District No• 1~." The ordinance having been read the first time, on motion, the rules were suspended, two-thirds voting in favor thereof, and the ordinance was passed to the second reading. Having been read thf~second time, .roll gall was ordered on the adoption of the ordinance. The vote was asfollows: Ayes ants, Frest, Mc~ee, Shinn; nays none. Thereupon the Chairman declared the ordinance duly adapted. There being no further business, on motion, the council adjourned. Mayor At to s ~ Q ~ City ecorde~. . Ashland, Oregon, dust 31, 1920. The council met in special session at the call of the ,ayor at 9 o'clock A.M. an this date for the purpose of considering thc~rnatter of disposing of the Houck lot at the corner of N. Main Street and the Plaza. Present Mayor Lamkin Councilmen Banta,, Nininger, Shinn; absent Frost,~rcGee, Turner Mr. Pierce eras present and addr~as~d.:the-~~ouncil in regard to purchasing said lot. and made tho city an~a°ft'ar .for same. After some discussion, on motion, a ten,rninute recess was had for the purpose of giving dir. Stearns an opportunity Gf bidding on this property. The council was again called to order and it was moved by Banta, seconded by Nininger, that V~B, after careful consideration and due attention to the best business interests of the City of Ashland,, it appears that the sai~~ city should re-sell the prcrpert~ ~~known as the "Houck Block" located at the corner of Plaza and North r~~ain Street in said city, ~1E~~'~A'S, it appears that one C. H Pierce offers the best price and terms therefor, That the Cit~T of 1{ahland sell to said C. H. Pierce said "Houck Black" reserving a 10 foot strip along the westerly side for street purposes, and sufficient amount of land from the southerly side in order to make the strut side line describe;`,a ct?rue from the corner of the Farlow Building northerly. That said sale shall transfer to said C. H. Pierce the entire building, excepting the south and westerly foundation walls, which shall remair. where they now are. That the purchase price to be'paid for said property shall be X2,500 ~~00.04 to be paid down in cash, and tre balance to be paid in yearlS~ installments of ~400.oa or more, interest on unpaid balance to be at the rate oP six per cent per annum payable semi-annually. That the City Attorney be hereby instructed to prepare the necessary papers and the Idayor and Recorder authorized and instructed to sign sane far said city of Ashland. That tine Cit Engineer be instructed to lay out the new street and sidewalk lines prior ~ to October 1st, 920. The vote on the motion wa,l~ as follows: eyes Banta, Nininger, Shinn, nays none. Absent Frost, ~~cGee, Turner. Carried. T1'1A nA11Ytf+~~ Y1AY'F- l~7cI~11aDOA +1'1O m7~'~'[~r n~ rornn+irrr ri ~rt Tnnaiv,n~ Y,o,+minn~.,,n e,..nn~  +.aav vv Vlrrv i.6 rrv:iV uiu VUNJ A7%0.A Vrrv rli G6V VU1 Y1 E~1 LAAA V.L11f5 1:. +4t. 1.1 c611UL115 p/.1111 i%1 O.L V 11 VU G1 GliV ~ a barn x±xthxx xHxxa± on his property on Iowa Street between Garfield and Palm. Ave and the matter was referred to the Sanitarv Committee -°Tith power to act. tn:::~t3drifrR :.~ina.n~er, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a notice and the Mayor and Recorder instructed to execute sage at once, giving Dlr. Stearns thirty days notice to vacate the property occupied by him at the corner of the Plaza and North Main Street in said city.