HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-0322 Council Mtg MIN Ashland, Oregon, %r~iarch 2S, 1921. ~ The council met pursuant to last adjournment at 8;30 o'clock F on this date. PresQnt i:~ayor ~amkin; Councilmen Blake, i~rost, Haxner, Joy, Pierce, Shinn; absent none. z The minut?s of the m~~etirgs of march 16th and 17th were read and approved as read. A remonstrance against the construction of a sewer on Ohio,Laurel,~~illow,Otis Sts. and Orange Avenue, signed by ~Y.A.Mills, G.ti~.Hake, H.H.Hoyt and others, was presented. to the council. The City Engineer not yet having reported on the probable cost of the construction of a set~r~~r in this district, no action was taken an the remonstrance at this time. The council next considered a proposed City Ordinance Igo. entitled 'PAn ordin- ance levying assessments for srecia~~ benefits to accrue to the several lots and pieces of land fronting on the improvement, -.-~ith bitulitrlic paving, of that p~ rt of iv~ill Street or Park Avenue extending from the Bridge over Ashland Creak at the back and of the Peil Block southerly to Alder Street just north of the Lithia Fountain".The ordinance having been read the first time, on ,Motion, the rules were... suspended, tti~o-thirds voting in favor thereof and the ordinance vaas gassed to the second reading. Havi~!g been read the second time, roll call ryas oxdered on the adoption of the ordinance. The vote was as 6.: folloc~s; Ayas Blake, Frost, Harper, Joy, fierce,,. Shinn; nays none. Ther~u7 on the i~iay~r declared City Ordinance loo. ~1I~f adopted. The council next discussed the matter of granting free lights and w~aer to S.G. Edwards on 'ak Street. On motion, the request v~Tas granted. lair. Frost reported in the Natter of the proposed sale of a 7~~ortion of the hitch rack property on ~'+ater atr~~t to ir~r~ French, stating that under the conditions of the, agreement bet~veen the City of Ashland and the Ashland Flouring i.ill Co. said property cou3.d not be sold the city having, leased. same for a term of 40 years. F irr. Joy re~~~orted iii the rIlatter of the request of certain parties for permission to cut several trees on Ashland Street, rec~m~mending that said request be not granted. Dr. Blake reported that the Finance Committee had investigated the matter of the proposed issuance of bonds and made the following recorn~~.lendations;~ That the amount of the bond issue be x;65,000.00, said bonds to mature at the rate of X5,000 each year beginning r~~ith the year 1938. It vas r.~oved by Fierce, seconded by Flake th~.t the report of the Finance Committee be adopted and the City Attorney be instructed. to prepare the. necessary resolution, etc. calling a special election for the purpose of voting on said bond issue. The vote ~~.~as as follo~.:-s: ~~yas Blake, Frost, Harper, Joy, fierce, Shinn; nays none; Carried. City Attorney Briggs stated that ~+~s~~ Yookey had ref~zsec3 to.: sign a waiver in the matter of the proposed purchase of land from ~Ir. ping for right of way for the extension of Scenic Briva, and he reco~.~rnended that the eit~;- take steps to conde~:ln the right of ~~jay for the road. Thereupon he presented a -resolution entitled "t~esolution decl~.ring the intention of the Common Council of the Citv,- of ~~shland to condeln a right-of-way for an t'~'xtens~.on of Scenic Brive" fro.:: 1?utley Street southerly to an intersQction ~~,rith Straw- berr~,T L<,ne ~.nd instructing tr.e City engineer to prepare and file a neV,~ survey of the same and cancelling x:.11 :~mr~:er ~~esolutions ~.nd acts of the Council and its :1.e1~1bers in relation to said ir:~provement. ~ The resolution having been read the first time, on motion, the rules ~r.ere suspended, t~o0thirds voting in favor the reof~und the resolution ~r~Tas passed to the second reading. Having been read the second ti.~e, roll call ,,,as orderdd on the adoption of the resolution. The vats vas as follo~:s; eyes Blake, Frost, Horner, Joy, Shinn; ,na~~:~:none. ib'1r. Pierce v~ras excus?d (roll voting. Thereupon the ,,ayor declared the resolution ~ dopted. Cn motion of i~~ir. Joy the City Engineer vas instructed to make ~a survey of the pro- posed road connecting Terrace Street and Glenn View Brive. ~'hA vote on the Notion ~~~.~as as follo~°rs: 11yes Blake, Frost, Horner, Joy, Fierce, Shinn; nays none. Carried. On m:~tion the council ~.d ;carped. ~~~or itii;~ t~tt~st 1 r ~ i y ecorder. i it