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t ~ On mot:~.on, the matter of securing a -stove fo~~the Fou~~th Street Police St•~.tian
,~~as ref e ^~°ed to the l~~e,~ror with poir~er to act.
r. H~~wlcs complained of e,n eleuric light pole near his ~,ara~e on Factory Street
and asked that serve be gloved. On notion of.:1~r Ninin~;er, this matter ~R~as referred to the Alec' ric Li~~ht Committee with po?~aer to act.
On motion the council adjourned.
Ashland, Ore~ar~, Nov i ;20.
Thy Cplnr:i•:1~. 1;18t lri re~ula,r ~c~~:ion _at ;i'; p~ cloclti P.i. cI1 ii1C Cveriin Of tiii
C~~.~.ve. Pre,~t'31t L'.u,Jor I:~~,~;~nln,. COtln~lh;ian ahirlit, ~~,,,,El~t ~~,nt~,, i+r0.~t, i~,.CGee, ly In .n._~,EI',
On rlotivn, t11e cot~.ncil r~~~lj!~>>rnecl to ;~~eE~t 1'reE?r~E:~;d~~y , Gov. Ord at the usue.l hnl~r.
Atte ~t: _:'~~.~ror
~~'CO per.
. Ashl~,ns, Oregon, ~~ov. 3, 1~2C.
The coun~:il met pursv.an to 1~,rt ae~j ot~rn,~iellt at 7:3~? o' clod: p.?~. on the :
ez~~enin~~ of this dote. Pr~~~et1t ~yor L~~~~.kin; Council►~en .~~~nta, Frost, I'cGee,
TTinir.er. , S-.inn; ~~usP::t Ttrrr~E,r,
'nl^ ~ t}~ca rieet i~.~~~-~ , of Cit. l~~tl~. t?.n~~' l~ov. 2nd la r;t -~rc~re re~,ci and ~e r~in~ztes v~.
approved as .read.
by l~sl~a~ ~ul~er
The RBGOrder .LCJ.7.c4 be=cor~~- thc~ council ~;oa,le~t 'aic~ filet, t~~itla leer for f~~x~nis~;-
in`; x~i~~terial and constrt~.c-~in~ street ~ao,ver;ient for the City of Ashla~d, Oregon
c,n the oast side of North l~i.tin Street betwF=en !,deter Street vn tl~e north and t're corner of :~~s,in anti North aviain on th~~ south, ac, per
ad~~e,-rt iselllent ;at~.'ol isl~eEi in -the
As~~~1~~r.E>> D~~i7.y Tidings, r~atE o fir. t pu'olic~~tion ~ein~~ Oct. lath, 190.
The prices 'oid ~.~rere arv follows;
24 V". ycas. Cr1lSiled irc~.i1'el, loose r~~~e~>•>>are, 4`4, ~0 ner ctn. ~rc~. 5"q6. CO
2~4 Sq. yds. Stv.ndard 13ituiit;hic P~~vc:r.~ent, r~, jrnxir;rately
60~1~`?00 1'0. ~atcl~ES C~ u'10.0(? per 'oe.tch sO~.00
22~ ~;allons~it.;sh coat or1 uc3,~>e :,°ock, 1(~ cents jeer gallon ,c.Ob
This bid w-~s accoi~lparlied 'oy a check drawn in favor of the Cite of tishland.
in the slim of :40.00.
The council 1lavin~; Bete:r,nined the 1~id of Oskar Tuber to 'oe the lo~~~est e,nd
best ( it hein~, the only 'oid a~ahr,rit~te~l~ it wos r~loved by i~~,nt8,, secor~~~~ed ~~y~1~-tam
that the bica of Oskar rItz,;~er be acrevted and the 1~~~~yor and Recorde~~ inst.rt.~ctEs~ to
sign the neeessa7~~r contract. The vote ti~a,~; a.s follo~'~ Ales ~~,r~1;a,, Frost, ~~:c~ee,
Ninin~ er, Shinn; nays none. Carried. i
;Zeports of t11e C it,r Jtrd~e and Street Cowl ~ ssioner for thE; month of Oct. , 120, wE,rEl read a.nc'., on rrotivY~, accepted ~~:nc~. ordered
places. v~1 fi1e, j
Cottncilrran Tlinin~or rey~orted t~~.a,t he ha`~ E;xa~~.7ineE1 Seventh Street and reccm~nended ~
that nv T.vork tie lone on c~tii:l str. eet ~,t this ti~re it z:~;~a~ not in a ~?d cond~.tion. ~
~;"r• S,iinn stated that tl~e city ti~rot~ld be corlpelled to r~~vve t11e tra~~c~'v7°r~le.r~ on I, the i~-e plr~rlt property. On nlotivn of ~ir~
P~inir~er this r~iattei' w~zs left to the
electric Li;~'~t CEr~,i ttec with pvt~~er to act. T11e vote ~F~a~ a.~ fol?_ows: Ayos ~a.nta,
.~rost, ~~cGee, liriin~~•er, Shinn; nays none;
,~t].1._rln c~1:~0 ~.tOL1~,tit U.} t;11e jalattE2. 4 7. E'nail 1?1~; CE;:'E'nt s1Ge?~ ~~lf 5 lri ','a~'.-i.Otls
part, of the city and recora~mended that the city take steps t have said ~vork done
at once. On motion of it~ir• dinin~er this ~~atter was left to t'r~eDStreet Corrrmittee,
they to consult the City Attorney s:s to the potice required to"tY;.e work done le-ally.
The vote was as follows: Ayes Banta, Frost, LIc~ee, mini er, Shinn; nays none.
Carries,, t(
'M~urec while c"', Sum"
ncil Jr. ~.nt Corm-imnication from J.T.Roberts, i} iE.ht polic~>>::an, asking that e cou i.11°l the difference bP,t'tTe n rli~ re'ul?:'
S lc,',)° °~'YC'LE: nn%;i1 pf Oct. and tie.. ^1~ico nt
0 F,.11or,d xdi,i by the State accident Corunis~-,>_ori end , ~aa s ovork, ivas nex1, consiIjPrc.d.
Pd by by Shinn, seconde ,,r Frost, teat the request be b- anted ,and ir. pobe. be
paid -[-.he sur;i of :;;`44.17. The vole w,-L s as .f.ollo~ov-s: Ayes Banta., Frost, i~~cGee, Ninin4 er