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the Council next iroeeec.ied 'to consider proposed Cit~% Crdinance entitlec'ti "An ordin- ance a~r,e;~~di ng aectio n XIX of Cite Or. dinance No • the
s~~1e '~E~iri~ ~h:~o:~~dinailce
f ixin~ rates to ne ctia;rged in the City of Ashland for wate~~ serviee•" The ordinance
we,s recd tlAe first title but no further action ~►as taken.
l;~ovecl 'ny Frost, seconded by Shinn the,t the RecorEi.er 'oe a?zt'.~lorized to ;~~v 5O cents
peg' ~~o~king day fox ~ anitor ~~~prlc, The srete ~~►a,, fo11ow5: Ages ~'r. o..~t, iUlcGee, ?in?,Z~er,
Shinn; nays none. Carried.
~lE✓ counct~ next cliscuss~.d t~~e l;~a ute.. of ~.n u~.ng a po.,. flop o~ the rout trl Str~,et
sire Stati~rl for a pool hall. Dn l~lotion, the City ~ttornE;y we.s insirt?cted to draw up
a lease ~tp ~.L.'~~1.~ ~ on for a terr,~ of ore year at ~1~, G4 per trionth for t11e west roorn of
t%e Fou.rtiz street Fir4~ Station ~uildin~. T'.~ie vote csa.; Allows: Ages Frost, ,,icGeE',
l~rininger, Shinil; na~Ts none. Carried,
1~oved by Shinn, seconded by ilinin~er that t11E~ Matter of bua.ldng hitehing racks on the Cit~~~ s prp~oert~T on ~'ir~at Street 'oe r. f~ferred to
the Strut Coruf~ittee with po~a~er to
act. The Vote- ~F~as as follows: .oyes pros'., 1~cGee, Mini per, Shinn; nays none. Carried.
i~~,r. McGee asked to he excused. His request wa gr~~nted•
~n st~ot~i~E3Yi of i~Ir. Shinn, i~:~ir~ ?~iningA~' was instrLlcted to ~~.scertain what it wi1.1 cost to
put the l~ulice caz' in good repair.
'the cot?nci'. next disctas,ed the matter of heat in` the Coi•:~lnercial C1Ltb ~oora~. Jn
r~~otion sar.~le teas referred to 'the electric might Corninittee 1'ritil pourer to act,
On »tion, tllE c,~uncii ac's ~~urned.
~~1or Y
Attest: `
~ ~JA-/~J^' ~ _r~
~ vity P,COrd?r•
A5'11and., Ci'P~on, Dec. rj, , x~,^•
The co~.~nc i.l rlet in ,^e~ular $E'S~i~;n ;a:t ~ o~ cJ.oc'~c f•:~. nn thE~ f'.7E-r.''~ ~ f t'~ tE; ~ ~ o is
rr~;:-ent Pv~,~yor. T~rtkin; C~►~ncilinen Frost, ':_cGPp, Shinn; ~~.bsent Santa., ~~in:~.nger, Turner. i
~~`inutes of the r~~,.~;eting of No~~ ?~?th an~~. Doc. 1st ti~~er. a read o,nd a,LlaroV'c:u.
Bill~~ 0,~'' :1 'oy tho finance Cora~;i~i ttee and ~rlnunting to y~~.~~ tedE?_rp read in total
~TtloL:nt Oi~ly• 1~~:~Ot?.on iilade a?"i(? E?C';r:?~E=~i tYic ~ fic!~~?.e ~"~C =:~.1.1.Q,~'Evf? ~`ll(J ti`Jc~.Y'r'aT1tS dr?~t77 jn ~)%~~~r"'!F?nt
t~~i~?i'FQf • ~'17.E:'. Vpte Vla~ C~,~i f o1~.Q'd~'~ ~TPq ~Oti '''C eE?, ~'l11'1..~; ~1`~~l S i'C(iEas rprZ'7.P.i+•
VoilLlll~.ni C=3,t ?.C'1'' r"[.'pill T11F'. ~aClf7. C; Tei. CgC Tea•rif? • 1'E'C~U.E?~tin~ pE",Y_7lil. ~;s10n tp r~'p1~:~;E'
t'lW r' poles on t',~e C it~r~ s I~~ro;~e?:'t~ ~rif tl~e ~!nint. cr:~;E1rr; i4ortl;. i;~~in St, inte;~sects the
pro;?E~rt r of the Roilr. oacl C i;~p~r~T was re~.~a• iRnVF~~. 'mr ~ , 'Fa, , t 3 0' , r0 fit, fir- cC.i~~..,c. Cy ~.ri.i r~,n
tll~ ta~i~ math=r be rF~ferrfac7 t.o the ~e~~,l t~;;r Car..~~,:~i,tteF• CwrriPCi.
~%o~t~11171i C?~t1Cn f I'piil h'arriGon ~rOS. ~ -}'~].n~ that %i?Py hE~ ~l;.oi~►C",.k ~~~o i1pVC %~,1~. C1Z:C7'ent
on one meter. , also a"r:ing that ~l,l,e City C?.nce~ the bill of i<'~4c,~ ^n cr;.~rged ~a:g~,insi; there
fpr +CVrr.~r~ ~r~a,c; YlE;x1:• ConG).E~r'r!'n.. ':~!QjT°~ 1Cvp 1,`C;I~rE?Ea, eCOnCiE',C ~y4v. i~Z'O.;t tila,i ti;e ii1?,tter
b)e rt-?i'~?y';'~'ii t.,0 t11P ~.~i.ECt?.'1C ~~l~iit r'.oi711°~ll,ttE'E? f~i?" ~,ul.7St` ~;;'i~a'~~ ~_J'hE' V~7tE' V1r~„~, ~.q fQ1.~i.0~~~+S:
Ages Frost, 1wcG?e, Shinn; nags nnne; C,ry'i e~1.
ia:I'. ??^E'l:ali(~., rppresentin~ the Coast Cil?IVeI't and Fl.I~;~E? vori~;c~,T~y aclc~.rass=~:~ tide c~O1~nCa.l
rPlatiVE~ to selling the City a Jarnlin Roa~~. ~ixe~'. No ~.cf.a.on ~ra,~ teker~.
is°r. Shinn r?po~~tec~ ~ rP~uest for a stret-~t: li~'~it cn U~erlin StreE:i~.• 14oved. ~j~r
Frost, reconc~ec? ley l~icGE=e th?t the i:'~attPr t.;e lef.t to the Electric 7,,.g,,,t COY,x~iittPe with.
Ct1r{'•: f' "LC ~Ji; t, C-~,r:~'1 ali.•
r. Grt?E'I' a«~''C't'~~EC t;f CGUnCJ.I C.Sr:lnv t'1%~,t tl'ie C1~~'~' f`'i~;hP,I" ' E; 'r~ ~ ii ?,t
~3 a~, t.:i a 1e.171e t t:riP i1p.r',~, 1;i.i1F of tixP, I~ll.n„~~,.'~.Qt~~ ZQt Or ~ Cpritinu'E' it ~?cbS'~ %ie ~Ui1?~?:1pV~~ prOpFZ'ty
l;p tr1.E?
a ~ nor'~h. ?ins of A1dE~r Street. Ao actio:~ ~v~:r ta;~~er at this time.
'"1^.e cotar.cil next ;n°~ E;eedp~~ to consider C~~ty Grdinance No, i~0~ entitles;. "An or~?.in-
anon to levy for rr~unicipa.l At~zpn~-~~q l.s,x ?appn ~~.11 the ta;~a'oJ.e pro;~Firty Vtri~t,l;in ~;~iE, cdr-
rorc.,tc lil.it o:F' tl~e Cii;y of Ashla,nc~., Cre~on, for tiiE' ~;elzere,l expenses of cai~a ni.ty far tia8 ye?.r ~1, ~1r; rP^~?~_i.rli]~
the RP,COr±~P.,r tp Yapt].fy t11.e Counter AS"P,Sror ~,n7 UOI.?T?ty
Clerk of Jackson Counter, State of Oregon, as regt~i.r~~d by Section 2 of Article i~ pf the
Char+~er of tine s~+,i~; Ci ter o,nr~ 1.~~i~rg of t'~e State of OrE•r~on." The or. d finance havin~:~ 'aeerl
read tl~e first ti~:~:e, on laotion, th.e rules werF; suspel~dec,, t~~c-tr~irds ;noting in fa,VOr
ti'1.e =E:~~,f anc3 ~;he ordinance v~r~.~ c,,"led to the secpnfa reading. H?~vin~r heei~ :read the socorad
~r,i~le, a~all c~.~.l was or~.crEad on thE? '~.tiopti o~: of tl~e ordir~e,rlcE;• The vote v~ras as fol~.ows:
Ayes Frost, h~cGeEa, Shinn; na,;~s none.
Thereupon the =ayor declared Cit~l Ord 'nance Sao. i k l aclec teca.
The council prod eked to eonsid ,r Cite Ordinance lro, reaia. e first tir'ne
.0CPC. 1P- t, entitled "An ordinance ,1e dingy- section XIX c, Cit~T Ordin~,r cr Teo. the, ra; e being an ordinance f rrR e o be
cILar ed ir, e Ci ~ 1• f 1
-I .a.nd or v~. ~Pr 8i:rvi ce, she ordin.anc;e hcsvinC Deer t'-,,.e. c;econd tir;je, roll Ca i1 l?'c'~, Ori n"'ri% on
1-1 L,.nP, c-.,C_?Up UlOn oa t.!e ord.inar-ce. The VOUP a" lollows. k;res F o t,, I-CkrPf', tllnll;
f!ay5 i".nne.
TIir'^c?ur, -n it: Ta-;,or declaxed Ciu7 Ordinance "0 r-tc.O))teCi. r'
i ltt7,) s ~'1 !1 «1~r r~ C~,E, ~ ♦ r^ ~ ~ M' _ ~ J. 1+..1 ~ r ~,i r, ' ' `l l IJ: '.i~ E.~fl '
(l \~r ~C. ~.iE) ,!i t -1 ?'1 (S l~, r~~ ~r~Y' y ~ ~ " w L
tyaY:SfE'Y:'?'l.n~,' G~Tc?t21' :~')'0;:~ 'i;11e ~"ref.'k line, t0 t~0 aCt't~"ez''r~. raCl~'7.r3 ~%?x?~"~. r~ also S~:COT,L"1En~i
~1 PCi t'1~,t ti"?,e SOll~hern 1~~,Ci Fi X0.1 C ~,'~~,ar ro.~i;E? 'tJf', ;~'?:1"C'.C. ~.Ji1 i°4~`~'`.~CY'. Of :".r. j~''7.nf1 thE=
~J~ter Sept. ~~`~~r~.~ a,uthori ^E~(7. to ~:°F.cor~iriend ~ca.i(, i~~nprovc~„ient i;o I~r. Fitzgerald a.t i~t~1n51+itlir.
IIoveci by Sh=n recondecx b~~ :~'r.ost tl~i?t the ~{fater S~.zpt, tie :~ii~;~~;,l,rtE~~? to '~u;j a sui t;;ble
I'!ietP.;r' tQ ii(',tf_'S' t1:e Vdatel" tl~~Ed c?t t11e C0,)Ct. 1'tle VOtE: ~",-Cb" c.^ lO1ZOSirS: tS',~y'eS rro±~ 1rCGee. ~l.lnrl; ?'18.~rS Y10nC';
~ orriecl~
George Flor~~i~,or~ ~,r-,~,rE?~^ec~. t11e coun~,:iJ in ~'e~;e.r.'c3. to t~~ie fz.re alar;r: sy;~t:err~ r.ecornm.er~c'-
in~.~ tlir,t t11e r~vera~l fire boxed be installed, ir~~ iile Fir.P Depe~?°tr:°ent, h.oved. by P~zcCee,
geQOndF~d 'oy most tr}.at ti:e Chief l:~e in~.trttctPCi to co .~uri ca.te ~^r~.tr tie Znsv,r.anee eompani
ir? regard to C'fi~n~lnr tl~ie ~?oxF~s. C?r~'ie(?..
On r~1pt1.C~Y! tiiE' ('f}ttl'LC 1,l- :~~i,l n1.?:~''~E'fa to e(at r?C'C. ~~~li, '?.t ~(i n ~ '~.Qt)'t~ A~i .
Affect: a
~ r c
vl.tt7 ~E~COrf~~~~~~
Ashland,, Oregon, i~ee. 1 ~<0 f°
The COUnCiI met purstunt tp l~~ct ~rz~ ~,l?rnI;ierit at 9:~~i Ot COOCIC A.,~. Oil tills u~?.tP,. t
Pr~~~,~.nt i~~~~,~ro.r Laa~~;kin; Cou:~cil~tien Frost, %icC~ee, P~ar,~nger, S'rlinr]; a~,sF~n' ~a.nta, Ttt:rner.
The CGt?.[it;i~. -~`OCeNr~Hd tc~ COrlsli:C'T r' ~'r0y)CPiE.% r(',c~1L?t1,0~1 E~~~titlei " ~erolt.ttl.~n
~tlt,~ior~.7~I.1^i;,V; c nCi C1.1reCi~Il~~ i;iie exte;;C:l.n~ 0-~ the ~)'~0+~0 cE~d ivil.ll Stre~ t p~.V].n~ ~0 c, aint ~pproxirna,tely a~pp~ite the
Setttll Brie of vsriat i.~; x.nol~~rri -~s ti7e "13ttng~alo~ Property".
`~'i1E? rE'sOlut7.orl 'r;aving been rP,,aC;, tilE' f l.rst tJ.l71e, UYl t"iiptlQn, tll(~ '~"ltles V'rei°e ~i.14nFnC'iP~,
t.~"10-t'iilrci. Votin{ ].n fever tlier'P,of anC~. tiiP, I'e~Olut1011 W?.", +)~,fi;ed t0 the ~ECOnd readl.Ii~'.
u~,,,ring~. been r a,d the sc~cancl ti;,ie, roll cr~l_l tt►;~,r= order' ca on the ~.doptlon of the r~~;~olu~io
Tile. vVOtP., W'3.4 as fo~.lot~r,: ,'~'E'9 Fr0`it, ~~tiCCrP..e, i4inince3", ~i'liiiYl; 2'1c:V9 none. 4
ThP,ratt~?nP. t~lp i,~Vp~. (%F.,-. ?.~i.Y`E?(]' ti, E; 1'f'cGl'tFtion c~.Cip,?t, f:ti~
The counci]. r~.ext rli.5cussF~~1 fil~.e ,~t~!tt~r of c~~nstrtactina a circle of a e,ving irl the
I~la,za Qr Wlfie ~0?.'t10r1 of l ill Street nPer. ;Ate I~ithia e,n~t soda sprin~;s~ a.n(% conaicle-r~.d
a ;~xol~osed resolttti.on ent~.tled ":iesolta.tion aut~,oririn~- ~ ~ eonst:~'uction of a circle
of pa.virg in the Plant, or v~i~lc~ ~~orti~.~ of mill Sfrec~t ~t ,~)nint opproxia~e~'_ely in front
of ~~rlle,t i s known. aq ti;Ge "FUn~re,lovr Pyo~ e'°ty" and. near tl~e L:lti17. ~ a.rd Scc,a Spy ir_;;~ in
Li~hia Park in tree Cit~,~ of ,~sl.lancl. Tile re~;c~It;tion leaving been read the first tirrae,
cn r.~o La.on, t1~F~ riles t~ve;~e susprr~ded, f,x►o•tlt~rd, 1rotin~r in ra.ti•or tllerFOf and. fhe r~'.solu- g' tion vas passed to the second re~,r~ing.
~Iaving beer re:a.cl the second tir-;E~, roll.. salt
wC'„ j or. cier~~d on tie a~lo~~tion of the resoluti.nn. The vote vr~~,,~ ar follo~~s: AV~S Frost, l~'cG
~~cGee, ~lininge.r, Shinn; r~a;;~q alone. E
. Therc,tlpox~ thy: I:~~ayor deciare~i the r~~soltation a,clopted. j'
k iyloverl. by l~ininaer, econEiP~t bzT 1~~oGfr=e th~?,t tl~e council rr3yve tie confiic~.~~r~3.ti.ori of
the Cit~r Er.~;ineer.'s p1~3,n~~ ante specificcj,tion9 ~riieri s~ar~~e ;;hall ll~ve 'neer~ filers s~rith the
i. Cit~r Recorder they sl'i~.ll tye deer":ed to h~,vc, b~;=en ~a:pliroveu b~~ the cour,.cil.. Tl~e ,rate on ';he ~~~tion sti;~~ follo~~rs. 'r']'n~;t,
lTini_n~,~«~r, Sh~.r;ri; r~;a,~~,,~., none. C~.--~-r'ieG. , r , . , x,1.7
~r"~', Shinn repo rted ~~.hat the Co,1 ~ .r orni~~~- Ore~orc Pot~rt~~~r Co. i con ~::or~~pl.atir~~ the
'cuil.r+in~~,~ of a ti~iree-p'riase l.a.ne nesr file Liti:ia Springs ~~.nri e,n;~. rc;c;~1.Yr,~Yended that tre
Citsr investiu,~ate flee liiat'tf-r t~rith ~ vieJ to s~=ct-rin~ ctlr'~~Pnt for the op~r~.t~cn of the
nioto~r c~,t the springs. On ~~~ot~on o'`' lir, I~ininger this matter W~~.,g ~°efer'Eed to the Electric I,i4°!it Cor.'~J~li t1;ee foz• inves ti~;ation.
l~lr. h?~.r_i n~;er ~~~,rked. to be excused ar; ~ 1~; g request v~r~,s ~rar~t E;cl.
The rc:~corder rf~~%=..(a. to the cottr~cil a pro,)osed agreement bet~reen tide City of
1icl~la.nd and the t"~estern Ur.ion. TE?le~;roph Company gya~~tin~ laid corrlre,ny the usE' o.f the
City's ;olFS in Peil's Alley. Can r~~~~t._~n of b~'r. Frost the a.~ree~,ex~t arras ~.pproved and
the ~e~or ar~d Recorder at.rthor. i7Ad to e_~E~ct?te ser~~e and the action of the council in re~;ar(~ to flee COY1traCt preGc'nteca. at the meeting
held Dec. lst way rescinded. The vote
an the met?-on h►;~:~~, as follot~rs: ~'es Frost, r,~cGee, Shinn; n~,~rs nine. C
P:'ov~-~d'o~r Frost, secondf~d uy Shinn fha.t tees City Engineer be instructed to mike plan ,
to cut off a portion of tii.e ~icie-~,~alk at ties sottthtj~eat corner of Granite and Nor.ti:t I~ait~
Streets and report at the next council rri~.E:ting. Carried..
On 2Tlotj.ni~, the ~ounci]. ac~7 ourn~~E~ to r~f~et Tuesd~+.y, Dec. 1.4t~~,, s,t tlYe usual .~ottr.
. 't u~~ C~~V r V p I.
attest. n
CJ-1 _ ....u~
ity Recor . de_ ,