HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-0322 Council Mtg MIN - - _ 1 G. ~ » _ ;e. l~y~ov~d by Jcy, seconc~ea bj h ~rncr that the "trot Corr~ittee be instructed to place a aea,a-rr,an Trrhere CTranite Street intersects north :.i~in aid to place danger sisals on Gr;~nlte "tr~~et, Tho vote ,~1as a~s fnllotvs: Ayes Mari er, Jcy, "bier.; nays Blake, Frost, Pierce, .~,yor Larrkin voted y►es anu decl~,rea the rr~~ctfon c~sried, Chief cf P~ lice hatcher r~:~de re~,~aisition far a ne:~~r Bat eery for the r_cli~oe car, Ir . Pie~~ce s tat ~d that a rie~~r battery cnu11 be purc'1~, ed of r~~ur~;hy Electric Chap for OC, i~~io t i on r~~.~~.e ~.~„i s econd:,a that trin r ~~qui a i t ion be granted. Carried. i,{,. . Pinion asked that vt~ater mains '~e laid in the ne~r4 cemetery. ~~~otian m~~e ar~d seconds°~ :that m~,ir_s be laid in one section. The vote ~~;a,s as follo~srsL Ayes rlal~e, Frost , iiarner , Joy, Pierce, Shinn; naya r~one, Carried. T~-ie council next discussed the rr:atter of raising the darns, lvx, Frost stated t,~,at frcr~ t~:e irlvectigations made it seerr~ed t~~1e greatest benefit to be deris~d from _ tl~e least ex~~~i~~ctaf money ~Noul~a be to raise the lo~,~er aam~, Moved by Frost, seconded t. by Chinn t~~,t t!e City; raise the lctdt~• a"~1 in accor;Larlce with t~le report and recari~men- da,tians of l,~r. 11,'~.~.,ll.er. The voto en t}jp mrtian ;~~~,s as follotivs: rhyes Blake, Frost, earner, Joy, Pierce, C~ZirLL~~.; n a~Js rune, C~~rried, On motion, t' e council a.~:~.jcurr~ed, , r~~yor- Attest:_ r r- _ E Ii ty Re cord r U ,,r:~ Ashland, Oregon, ~~~i:rxch ~2, 1g22, The council met in regular session at 7:30 o'clock P,t~, on this date. Present l~,i:a,yor Lr~nkin; Councilmen Blake, Frost, i3arner, Pierce; abs~;nt Jay, Chinn. ~~~~inutc~s of the pre•~ious Meeting ti~tere rend and ap~~rnved as r~a,d, Count i lmer~ Joy a,nd C"riinn entered dun in the r o~;.ding o f the minutes , 1~~~ , ?henry a~i~ares5ed the council asi.in~r teat re be appointed to earn for Ashland Cemetery in place of i~~r , r~ertz, ;rho no longer cared to do t~~is work, He asked tl~a,t the ca~ancil m~ e an a rro~ria,tion to a~ in<m for clears ~.r the cemeter . p. ~ p 1 _ ~.z Y Tho Recorder read a petition signed by numeroua o~Trners of lots at Asj1land ~ ~ Cemetery askink; that the Council appoint G,C,Creighton as caxetaker, I~~~~oved by Frost, seconded bar Blake t~~,t the request of the petitioners be granted, Carried, C, B, Glisan a~~dressed the cauncil asking that the City cause cement side~rralis to be constructed on "ixth "trz~t. Action t~~~s deferred to a subsequent meeting, l~ir. Letiri~ ~r~d C.~.ro and as~~ed that t~ e City lo~~~Je~ t..n lice._se fee on cars E running between. to~vnU, T~~~is zratter 1rTas referred to tie Ordinance Cor~ntittee for roves- tigation. P~~~r . Dix asked t~~a,t the City take act ion to cause the ~er~laval of two telephone poles now located in front of his garage. On notion of I~,~r , ~iarr~er this matter was referred to the Electric Ligrt Corrm~ittee for investigation ar~d report at a later meet ing, ~~r . Jac~Lson addressed the council a,.sking t~~,t culvert be put in and the ditch filled at tl:e intersection of i~~~,nzarita ant Almond Streets. This 1~ tter was left to the Street Comrr~ittee ~rit'~ pntiyer to act. TY~Ie Recorder ~e~ a cot~~:~unica,t ion from t'1e riesse l,`~artin Iran ti'~orks asking that the Cit ii.:~ke another payment of ~~5~0, "~u on the re~mlvir~g ~rvater screen ordered of them, l~soved by Ching seccnde~d by Blake that~'..thia ar.~~ount '~e Paid in accordance with the request of the compa:~y. T.ae vote trTas as follows: Ayes Blake, Frost, T,axner, Joy. Piorco, Shinn. Carried; T~va,sr ead A Petition signed by numerous prone: tJr o~~~mers asking that the cc~a~ncil cause the rant is~l ly burned building situate ne:~,r the north~vest corner of B and Fifth Stn` ~~t~ to be repaired cr removed, iY~oved b~~ Blake, secan~ie~. by Ernst ~ti~a,t saiu petition be ;;ranted. Carried. The City Attorney ;vas i:~tructed to rrerare the~~r~ec~asary notice, Bi11:4~cf Billings Carriage a~id Auto Y':~'orlrs in the amount of ~3~,00 r~~as presented On motion of ~~~~r . Joy, same was alloyed, Bids of T,F~,Simpson and P~rost Bros, an X00 feet of chemical hose far the fire ~ , ~aepartment ~we~e read, l~aotion node anti seconded that this r~,tter~ be referred to the Fire Committee ~~rith N~owrr to act, The vote 'rra,s as follov~s: Ayes Blake, Frost, i1a,rner ,Toy, Pierce, Shinn; nays Wane, Carried.  ia`oved by frost, seconded brr Flake that the 'Recorder be authorized to pay taxes of city properties when they become due. The vote was as follolvs: dyes Flake, Frost, darner, Joy, Pierce, Shinn; 'Ir. Shinn asked that the Council~cyrant the Electric Li-ht ComAttee po,.ver to act in the matter as to T.7hether or, not the City -will guarantee a right of t,.Tay for a pole line to tie Pac. Tel. ec Tel. Co. through the alley --max- 1V~ s i # ~ m~. i~~2oved by Ratner, seconded by '~la,ke that the Electric Ligj~t Committee be autharized ~ to guarantee the Telephane Company a right of rr~~y for the pole line in case they decide ~a t~^ jain the City. The vats trtas as follolr~~s: A.yCS; Blake, mast, Iiarner, Joy, Pierce, "hinn; nays none. Carried. 1~~~:-~yar Larri~in stated that W tract of land h~~d bean purchased on Granite Street for p:-~rk purposes, ~,lation made and seconded that the City Engineer be instructed j to furnish the necessary descrirtion of the 1~1r1d fox file deed, Also that the City Attorney drati~~ t~~e deed and the ~,iayor and Recar~.ier authorized to execute the same, ~ the cost of the land, amounting to ~'~50,00, to be paid frerr~ the General l~,irld if passible. k:>; The vats ti~la,s -.~a follo,~~s: Ayes Blake, Trost, Harter, Joy, ?ierce, Shi~.~~~~; nays none. a 5 Carried. w ~ ~~Ir. Spratt 1~`~ells asked that he be granted r~armission to erect a barn obi hie nraperty ~ on 1, ~ 1~ con ed by Iiarner tr.~t ''rater Street recently rurc'nased of t'~e City 'loved b; r ~~e, se ? T this r,-:~tt~lr be r~;fa~~~~cd to the "anitary Con~~itt~e ~,~~tith po~~xver tc ~.:~t. Ca,rricu, T~,e City En~ineLr ~~as instrl.~cted to ,e a S'_lr~ey of t~:is rraperty and set the st~~ :es. I~.~ovea by Shinn, seconded by Blake ti~,t file matter cf grading and dr,~ining t:r:e south sine of Ia~~~~a Street bet~~eerl Liberty and Beech Stredd be r~fer~~e~d to the Strut Committee i or investigation ar~d reror t. Carried. ' ~ ~ -p r , , ~ , r_r,, ~ r , r r, r r , l~~~r . ~ ietce ~eparte~ tli:~t .~r , jl~:~vner h:.~ finished his :ti~ork on .,outh ler~a~c~ ~tret.t Exte.:~ion. h~tion ti~e~~ n~~de and seconae~ tY~,t I~~~ir H~,vner s bill be a,llo;veu ~,l.en :resented and O.h' u by the Finance Corrn~it tee, 'he vote on the rz~,~t ion eras as follows : Ayes Blake, groat, Ha~rner, JO;,r, Pierce, Shirn, nays none. Carried. ,Motion rrk~da an~~ second~u that bill o+ .:a1.Jenes, arnoun~in~ ~o ~:~.00, gar cle~~ :ing rouse on ~~`eehanie Street, be allo~~,~ed, C-waled, ~e sz:~ ~~oved by "'r~inn, secon~i~~d by Jo_r that t~~:e r ~att~.r of repairing the house on ~~7echanic ~ ~ Street, recently damu,ged by Fire, ':~c left to the Realty Cor~rittee for investigation a~na report. Carried, On n~~atia.~, the caurcil adjourned, x irk. ~yar At ~ ~'"t _ City pecor~er. k ~:s~ilanu, Oras;orl, April 1~~2, 1.,., "i1F~ council rret ir. regular sessian a,t ;':3G c'clack :'..:i' ~'rasent 1,iwyor i~rr;~~in; Ceu.rcilr~,en Frost, Varner, fierce, Shinn; absent Pla,ke, Jay, ~ Ti~~e r~.inutE~s of the ~reviaus meeti:~ t,~ere read aµrd approved as read, Cauncilman L~lake entered the room during tie reading of the minutes, Levris and I~~rr , ~-1o~r~ad again addressed tae council relative to the lovtTerino cf the license rrytes cn cars eperwting 'cet~wreen tos~~mis. After some discussion it ~~as nav~;d b" "hir~r ~ seconded by ~l~d~e t~'.at an ordinance be dra.~~n rr~~kin~" t1.,e licence gee s r:~ .t. ~u~, ~ 11; 1. on auto buses runrirg bety~ean torr~ns ~`~15.00 far up to a~~~d irlcluaing ten passengers and- a ~~20, 00 ~ or over ten pas sen~rer s. Carried, a r~~~r. ~~~1.nta a~~.~ressed the council stating; t'^~,t he thou~rl~zt t~~e City should pu_~ci.ase 1 a sri~,11 tract of lurid near::th~ ~~~el~san ~~r1ch, oti~med by t?~e ti`~~arrent Cor~structian Co, ~,r far a e~;ravel nit, l~~~oved by S?~inr~, seconded by Faake that this matter be referred to the ~ r ~ R' t t v ti+ r r r~• n ~ 1 treat Con~~it ~~ritr. pourer to wet, l~ e ~o ~.a~ a~ folloav,~. A4reti, lil~~.c, Frost, ~:arrer, Pierce, "~'~:irL~'; nays :one, Carded. 1~'s, E. r. Jac~~:Uon addressed the cauncil, ~on~plaini:isr of t~~C ;;arlaitior~ c1 the ells Y ne~~r i.~s ~rapert;;r an Alric,na "treat ~~rld :asking that the Council t =i:e steps to 'rk~ve ~ .~e opened. T'ris ma,ttet ~~ra,U referred tc t'le rtr~~~t Cammit~~e~~ for investig~tian, :~4s , R.li. Staley asi~ed tr~,t he be granted additional t ir~.e ire ,nfhich to rra~k~; the back payr~lents on propert~r recently purc?~lased '^~,r him of the City, On rriation, rs , Sta:~wley' a ~ re~,~est eras grart~;a. ~ti Y ~ a far tale ....nth of j~wtirc?i, 1 J~.~, , Repo_°ts ~~~f the City Judge and Stteat Corrr~~issioner and uarterly repast cf the City Treasurer ~Frer~ read a~n , ors rncti~~n, accepted and orde_~nd placed on file. loved ~ Frost, secon~ed bar Shinn tliat the Finance Cor~~r:ittee 'ae en~. od~Tered to take u y ~ p p tree rr~,tt~,r of irwestirlg ~arplus funds ~~th~~hhe City Treasurer, s~tiid come«itt~e to have pa~r~r~;r to :.~t. The ~rot~; cn the rrlotion ti~~ras as folloTr~s: Ayes Bl~~.ke, Frost, Rarrer, ~ Pierce, r :R ~~hinrl, Carr ie~~, r~ ~ Bills O,i,' ~ by t'-le Fin:~rlce Co7~xaittee, ~arrlaurlt ing tc~ ~7G,:~1, 03, s~rere recd in total ~ ~~~cunt only motion rrad~ and secor~~'e:i that sar~~e be wllo~,ed a ~~a,r~_~arlts ard~;~ , . ~ red ax~,tirn in payr~lent t':jerc:of, T'r~e vats ~~~as as follo~r,a: Ayes Elai.e, Feast, Horner, Piece, ~hirn; l.~ , nave . C--~..~ i ~;u,  0.7uc t of C. . lillion for ermissior to erect barn on his rronerty on O~,Y "t, ^r s rc and or. r~; L,.r. refer to uhe ani tart' Commit ~ee with o'rer to act. The t~ecorder next re ~a a Cor. .:unicwtion from roster & K].eisex, asking; that they be granted permission to eroc~'sign boards of two tracts of lan'I otrmed by the City and offe, ink to -nay a r-ntal of to h a a a. 1 i , r lry~ r l • CO Y'C r ~8' x ' or ,are,, 1-) I ~ ~ .cti-n .r..~s maz lo end soconle-" ghat e request not gr~art nud. ti' J l'' s Cwrried,