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1924-0108 Council Mtg MIN
_ y► n ib, A shlanci , Oregon, Jan. S, 1~2~. The council met pursuant to la~7t ad~ournr~►er~t at 7:30 o'clock P,M, on the evening of this date. Preset ~~i~~yor Loorr~is; Councilmen r?a,rber, T3urdic, Lininger, neters, Pierce, T~olcott; abrEnt none. r~~inutes of the meetings of Dec, lath and 2r~th were read and approved as read. Report of the Treasurer far the quarter ending Pec. 3l, TQ23, was read and, an motion, accepted. Application of P~~,rshal Barber for a position at the power house was read. ~~~OVed by Pierce, seconded by ~~~olcott that the request of w number of property c~ners for a street light a,t the corner of Eighth and A Streets be granted. Carried. On mat ion of r~~r . Pierce, Mr.J.M.Miller residing on Indiana St, wa,s granted free lights anti water for a reriad of four months. Moved by Walcott, seconded by Burdic teat the Southern P~~,cific Compam~ be requested to repair the Oak Street and Holman Street crossir~g*s. C:~rried. l~~ov~~d by Burdic, seconded by Talcott that tre salary of the Fire Chief be raised to ~~125.00 per month. ~~The~~rdte wa°~ a,s follows; Ayes Barber, Burdic, Lininger, Peters, Pierce, ~~olcatt; nays nnae, carried. The council next disc~~ssed the matter of purcr~asing several tracts of land in the ~Ta.ter shed. It eras moved by 1~'alcott, seconded by Burdic that the City purchase the TT.A.Jones tract, consisting a-0 aprxoximately ten acres, at a cost of X32.50 and the ~~ary Dunn tract, consisting cf five or six acres at a cast of X10.00 per care, The vote on the motion was as fol~a~~s: !yes Barber, Burdic, Linir:~;er, Peters, Pierce, ~~olcott; nays nine. Carried.. On ~lotian, tTie City Engineer ~~as instructed tc survey the Jones a,nd Dunn tracts. The ~f~yor stated that the appointments of officers and committees would be the same as m' ~ e in J~~ , 1823. On m~tian, the appointments ~vere confirmed, all the councilmen voting in favor thereof . ~:~OVed by ~~olcatt, secona©d by Barber that the a~.lary of the Assistant Recorder be fixed ~r..-~ at x;100.00 per month beginning Jan 1st, and t~~e salary of the Recorder be fixed at w150.00 per rr~~onth. The vote was ac follows: Ayes Ba.r'^er, Burdic, Lininger, Peters, Pierce, ~dolcott; nays none. Car. ried. The council next proceeded to consider a proposed city ordinance entitled ~ An ordinance proveding far and fixing the swlaries and compensation of elective and appointive officers of the Cit;}~ of Ashland, fox t}ie year 1~~~." The ordinance having been reari the first tirr~e, on motion, the rules wF~~re suspended, six. voting irl favor theF~eof, ar~d the crciinarce was paased to its sECOn;i rc;auing. raving been read the secan~? time, roll call was ardc;rcd on the ~:~option cf the ordinance. The vote t~~s as follows: Ayes Berber, Burdic, Lininger, Peters, Pierce, ~r'alcatt; nays none. Thereupon the Mayor declared City Ordinance Tdo. '~~1`? adopted. The City Dn~~;ir~eer r~;comr~ended that the T'►ecordE;r be granted authority to advance the Truscon Steel Corrmany their fee of ~~150.00 for plans for the ~mrehouse, t~aved by iurdic seconded by Lininger that the Recorder be instructed to pay far said plans as requested. The vote ti~~as as follows: Ayes Farber, Burdic, Lininger., Peters, Pierce, T~olcott; nays none. Carr f ed. Engineer ~~~~lker addrossed the council explaining that an error had been made in the assessments levied against the property owners on I3igh and Church Streets on account of the cost of crosswalks being assessed to the ~ronerty a~vners instead of the city, and recon;ri~ended that the amounts of the~avercharge be refunded. Moved by Burdic, seconded by ~~olcott that the ?Tecorder be instructed to refund the overcharge, as reco~~rr~endei by the Engineer. Carried. T,rir s . Barber tivas excused. The ~~Y~alror appointed ~4~sr. Pierce, r~ir. Lininger and l+~r. G.I~~.Frost a committee to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and Pecordr~r for the year 123. On motion. the council ad~aurned. ~ Attest: yor ~.z~ Recor r .