HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-0317 Council Mtg MIN e)~'1 ~e ~k ~y y .S,f a'-; motion, the rules werf; suspended, six voting in favor theNeof, and the ordinance eras passed to the secon~: reading. Having been read the second time, roll call w~~s ordered an its adopt ion, The vote ~'~ds as follows ; Ayes Hardie, Detrick, Hardy, Peters~~ Upiley Upright; nays Wane. Thereupon the ~~~yor declared City Ordinance No. ~t~2 adopted. tiA issue of ~~~tion was made arks. sedonded that the City Attorney be authorized to sell the entire/ Chautauqua Bonds to ~r~ . Berwick at ~.he best interest rate possible, but not to exceed five ana one-~c~ur~; per cont. The vote ~.~as as follows; Ayes Burdic, Detrick, Hardy, xA Peters, ~111ey, Upright; nays none. Carried, There being no further business, on motion, the council adjourned. ~ . ~ k.-~v G..~.~"' Attest : yor ~ ~ ~ _ ~y ecor er, Ashland, Oregon, March 17, 1925. Thy council met in regular ;session at 7:.,0 o'clock P.~~l, orY this date. Present s, ~~ayor Johnson; Coun~ailmen Bux~dic, Hardy, Filey, absent Detrick, Peters, U~right. Minutes of the previous met;ting ~rerf read and approved as read. Councilmen Detrick and Upright entered during thy; r~aaing of the ~:inutes anti v~ere askna5~ledged present . ! dills O,h'd by the Finance Corr~mittee, amounting to ~~5.19, were read in total amount only. Motion made anti seconded that said bills be paid. The vote was as follows Ayes Burdic, Petrick, Hardy, U'i~ey, Upright; nays none. Carried. s~~~~ ~z~n Moved by Fright, seconded by Burdic that tr1e action of the "treet Committee in purchasing 1 het "taldard Trackson for the "trec;t Department be confirrrled. The vote eras as follows; Ayes Hardie, retr?ck, Hardy, Ailey, lUright; nays none. Carried, moved by Burdic sPCOnaed by ~Tiley that the I~~yer and Recorder be authcrized to ~ enter into an agreement with Harrison Bros, ~ahereby one-:calf of the cost of the Trackson ~ is to be paid when the first half of the taxes are received, yhe~-~er~,inder to be paid when C the second half of the taxes are; received, interest at 6 par cent per annum to be paid .ti ' on the unpaid balance, The vote was as follows: Ayes Burdic, Detrick Hardy, Ailey, ~ Clr i grt ; nays none . Carried. ~v r Request of ~>Y~ittle Transfer Co, for permission to build a garage on the lot adjair~irlg the Telephone Office nn n~k street, and to canstr.uct a fuel oil plant on Water street, ~~~s read, Moved by Y~ardy secancied by Detrick t. ~ t the request be granted. The vote "'ids as follo~=~s: Ayes Buraic, Detrick, Hardy, V~iley, ~Tri~;~~t; nays none. Carried. The council next considered a corrrrunication from A.v.~~'hitney corr~plainir~g of the smoke from tYie California Box ~ Lurrlber Co, i1o action was taken. Detrick, Chairman cf the Electric Light Comrr~ittee, presented a cor.~~r~unicatian fror~ ~~r. ~~,lone regaxd~.ng the estimated cost of repaixing the pipe line from the Fast Ydioverl by ~~rr i pht , sec ~ y ~ y ~ and ~Uest Fork intakes to the Poti~er Plant. on~ea b ~~ilE that this r~~,tter be referred to the Electric Light and Pater Committees for investigation and repcxt at an adjaurne~d regular mF~Elt,ing to be held Tues~~y, r~~arch ~~4th. Carried, 4 k.,.. 1~ . Detrick also presented a corrr~unicat ion from ~r~r . ~~alone relating to the cost ~ of overi~auling and remodeling the E.Light Dept. cars. On rr~otion of Petrick seconded by~ . Ailey this matter was also laid asiat; till the next mee~~ing. Engineer Falker reported the ditch for tl~e Emigrant Creek V~ater to be practically cori~p 1 et ed and the p i?ae for syphon and metal f lams ordered. ~C4 y: 4.!. ~U.~:~.Briggs ad~ressed the council recorr~rr,Pndin~T that an aggressive campaign be made to induce people to construct cement walks. fix. Detr icik reported that the "treat Committee had looked over the situation on { i k : ~~a. ' Laurel "treat. Engine~,r Uvalker also addressed t~'ie council regarding the grade on said street aid recorr~r~~nding trot sidE~.:walks thereon be five feet in ~•idth. ~;e, Councilman Filey reported that the Fourth "treet Fire "tation roof and Chautauqua Building were badly in need of repair. After ycr~e discussion it vvas ~~oved by Burdic seconded by Detrick that the Realty Cc~rr~ittee be instructed to look over the Chautauqua F~:ilding, FourtYl ct, Fire "tWtion Bldg., pioneer Hall and the Re-charging; station in the Park aria to submit a report as to tivhat repairs are needed. Carried. water The ordinance providing that all/meter custcnie~~s be placed vn a flat rate from (pct. ist of eacYi year to April 1st ~~as again read. Moved by V~'il~y seconded by Burciic that the n~~atter be laid on the table. Carried,  The coumil next proceeded to consider an ordinance entitled "An ordinance; amending Ordinance No. 80-0, of the City of Ashland, as regards the salaries of the City Judge and City Treasurer." The ordinance laving been read the first time, on motion, the rules were suspended, 1-17i-,.re ro ting in favor thereof , and the ordinance was passed to 4he second i a5 ....Y... ~ _ !.,1 ~ reading. Having been read the second time, roll call ~*ds oraer~d on its adoption. The vote ~~as as follows: Ayes Burdic, Hetrick, Hardy, Wile~r, ~~right; nays none. Thereupon the r,~ayax declared City Ordinance No. ~0~ adopted. The recorder next read a cor:~:unica,tion from the City Attorney in reference to the matter of ~c~ning the City of ~~shland. The; matter t~•us referred to the Ordinance Committee with instructions to obtain asm~ch data on the subject as possible. Motion made and secandE=d that all free w~.ter and light usE~rs, with the exception of 1~~xs. Freeman, be granted free water ~ ~ li~~hts fox a period of six months and teat r~ir. ~.".DuPeau be granted free water anti lights to Mat 1st. Carried. On motion, the council adjournF~d to meet Tuesday, P~~ch ~~th, 1g~5, at the usual hour, nl-- y~v.. Attest : yor_= _ _ ~ ~ ~y 'decor er. Ashl~nci, Oregon, March 1g~5. Thy; council met, pursuant to last adjournment, at 7:x+5 o'clock P.I. on this date. Pres~,nt ~:~yor Johnson; Councilmen Burdic, Hardy, Peters, Wiley, Wright; absent Detrick. ~ ~ r~inutes of the ~reTrious meeting were read and approved as read. The council next proceeded to consider a communication from the Y.M,C.A. asking that they be granted a three years lease of t'ioneer Hall, for the use of the various boys club w~~ich are conducted under their guidance. Pxaf. Brascoe ~~as present and addressed the council in suy~port of this petition. Moved bvr Burdic secon~~ied by Hardy that tl~e Y.M.C.A be granted the use of Pioneer Hall for a period of one y°ar at a rental of X7.00 per month. The rote w~~s as fallo4~s: Ayes Burdic, Hardy, Peters, Wiley, 4~right; nays none, Darried. Fiw e Chief F3?,ugt~~nan reported that he had investigated the complaint of A,V,~Chitney and found the smoke from the ~a.lif-Oregon Box & Lumber Co, to be a damage to the Whitney property. H~; recommended that the Company be requested to place a screen over the smoke stack. The matter of repairing the power pipe line was again taken up. Councilman Hardy reported that the Electric Light and V~'a,ter Committees had made an investigation and they were of the Fpinion that the trestles should be repaired as fast as needed and the repairs along the line made, as suggested by N:r. P~lone. The Committees also raco~~iended that the cost of the improvement should be borne solely by the E. Light Depreciation Fund. After some; discussion it was moved by Hardy seconded by Burdic that E. Light Department be instructed to order the pipe, as suggested in Mr. ~~.alone's report, and that they be granted ~zthcrity to repair the trestles as fast as it becomes necessary. The vote was as follows: Ayes Burciic, Hardy, Paters, Wiley, ~~right; nays nave. ~axried. The Electric Light Committee also reported favorably on the reciuest of Mr. Malone that he be authorized to have the E.Light Dept's cars repaired and improved. It was moved by Hardy seconded by ~~Tright that riir. P~alone be instructed to make the improvement in the equipment as requested. The vote was as follows: Ayes Burdic, Hardy, Peters, Wiley,Wrigr~t; nays none. Carried, Councilman Wiley submitted a bid from H,C.High for remodeling the room adjoining the Chamber of Commerce office. After some discussion it was moved by Buxdic seconded by ti~'iley that the contract for this work be a~~~arded to r~r , High, the cost of the improvement to be ~'~~0.00 plus the cost of the glass. The vote on the matian was as follows; Ayes Burdic, Hardy, Peters, Wiley, Wright; nays none. Carried. Councilman ~!riley reported that the Realty Committee had looked over the Fourth street Fire station and found that thy; cost of a new rood would be ,~g0.f~. On motion of Burdic, seconded by Hardy that utter was 1Pft to the Realty Committee with power to act. The vote was ds follows; Ayes Burdic, Hardy, Peters, Wiley, Wright; na~~ n`~ne. Carr e d. No action eras taken on the request of Per. Whittle that he bP granted the use of this b~~ilding at a rental of x'55.00 per month . Councilman Wiley also reported that the Committee was having the roof of the Chautauqua Building; repaired by Par. High. On motion of Burdic, seconded by Hardy the Realty Committee was gr~r~tcd a,ut'nority to ~r~ake all necessary repairs to the Chautauqua Building. The vote was as follows: Ares ~.irdic, Hardy, Peters, Bliley, ~'ri~ht;;na~ss~N1nane. Carried. The P;4ayor named P~onday, April nth, as Clean-Up Day, A representative of the Western Auto supply Co. addressed the council asking whether or not the owners of gas tank in front of the property occupied by acid Compar~r, could be compelled to remove the tank, On motion of Burdic, seconded by Hardym this matter was __,l___~_~ 1L.., nl......1 ~'1~w......jL.4.w.. ...;11n w..w.r..~ti Ln nn~  reierruu tou ~uf; tires UUtillul 6 UGC uul UII Pv«rl Lou Uk~tj.