HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-0407 Council Mtg MIN
Ashland, Oregon, April. 1Q~5.
` TYie council met in regular session at ? :30 0' clock P.~y~. on this date. Present ~iayar Johnson; Co~~ncilmen Burdic, Detrick, Hardy.;' Peters,
wiles, ~1rig~'it; absent none,
Minutes of the previous met;ting were read and approved as read.
Report of ~~.H.Goti~Tdy, City Judge, for the month of l~~,rch, 125, was read and, on
motion, accepted.
Bill of Billings Agency far insurance on Chautauqua Building:, ar~i Pioneer Hall, amount- ing to ~~l~.oo, was presented, roved by wiles seconded by
Wright that said bill be paid
by the Ganeral Fund, Tree vote 1~:.~s as follows: Ayes Burlic, Detrick, Hardy, Peters, ~~i~r
Wright; nays none. Carried.
Bills O.K'd by t~~e Fin:=once Comr~ittee, ar~ouilting to .,,~~0.11, ~~ere red. in total
ar~~ount only. Motion made and seconded that said bills be a1lot~ed arjd warrants ordered drau~n
in paymf:nt thereof . The vote wa,s as follo~~s; Ayes Buriic, Detrick, Hardy, Peters, ~ailey,
~j+rigY~t; nays none. Carried,
"tatement from the Talent Irrigation District was read sho~~in~: fc~llo ~~ing amounts due
~"rora the pity:
Balance on construction charge 620.04
Operation and maintenance charge 1,~3~(?.00
PY~oved by Peters seconded by Bui'dic that the council approve the statement of the balance
due on the purchase price for the water rigY~t to 600 acre Feet of ~~►ater and that the natter
of the sale of ~8~4. of "pedal Obligation I~Jotes be left to the Finance Committee v~~ith po~~ver to ac;t, The rote w~.~~ as follows; r'lyes
Burdic,DEtrick, Lardy, Peters, Wiley, Wright; nays
none, Carried,
l~ioved by Purdic, seconded by Peters that the operation an;Y rriaintei~nce charge be approved
ana tYle I~~;corder instructed to pay one-?:alf thereof. The vote was as follows ; l~,yes Hardie,
I?~trick, Hardy, Peters, ~fiiley, Wright; nays none. .Carried,
ThE; rF;carder next read a communication from G.F.Biliings amain asking that some arrange- ment be made whereby those people owning land on the west side
of the City could obtain water
from ~~,loht .7rriga'tian C^..~. t?^~rcu~h tHe;:~itch the cite is di5ging.
r~~r. Walker stated that up to the present nat'~ing definite had. been determined upon by
r~Jlr. Billings, no-land had beers signed up for water and no wtiter had been purchases or provided
from the Talent Irrigation nistrict and no define knowledge now existed as to requirements
of r~r. Billings for any cE:rt~~ir~ ar at all def~~.ite amount of water. ~~here as the City is now
constructing and has to continue to construct ~ complete her work for her o~m requirements
hence raotrjing can noel be done by the city except ~ aYlead ~vith her own r_.lams and then if fir. Killings decides ~.~pon some definite requirements
in the future the city can then do all
possible and re~~sonab:e to assist him if it is thought a,d-risable at that time. The P~ecorder
vre,s instructed to inform NIA, Billings of the facts as stated by Engineer ~'~alker.
~hru an error
Tl~e council next considered a communication frnrp G.H.Billings stating that the County/
had d~;f;ded the city w 10 aor~ tract belonging to C.D.cava,ge when the taxes had already been
paid, hir. Billings requested that the A~,ayor and Recoraer be authorized to sib a xelease.
On motion of Hardie the City 1'~ttorney was instructed to prepaxe a deed retuxnirlk the property upon -receipt of the tax receipt.
e T.i ~ r e ew ks s at in that somPthin should be done for At this tim .F.s,for JoY~n~on mad a f remar t g g
the boys who would no longer ~,P permitted to enter gaol rooms. He recommended that some
steps be taken to pure ~ .E the Natatorium tuhich could be fitted up for the use of the boys.
The request of ~~rs. Ben Garnett for permission to erect a building on the lot adjoining
Holmes Grocery Stare was read :end on motion of wri~;ht seconded by Detrick the matter ZRfas left in the hands of ,tYie finance Comr~ittee for. investigation
and report at thy; next meeting.
The council next consid~;rE~d the request of C.A.~~alone asking that a committee from
the Electric bight and water Departmetrts be appointed to investite and report on the
particular t ~ e of building the may deer; suitable for a warehouse. ?~doved by Detrick
seconded ~}y Bur~.ic that a committee ba appointed to investigate the different plans. Carried,
Thereupon t:~e ~~ayar appointed a,s such con:~~ittee Councilmen I~Ptrick, :~F~~'zrdy and Bur~.ie.
The "treet Committee recommended that sidewalks be ordered in on bath sides of ~urel
treat between Almond and North ~~ain street ~ and on the east s iae of Granite "treat from
I7orth l~~ain "treet to the second piece of gro~~nd owned by ~fss. Oeder.
N,rs. Oeder vas present and objected to the improv~rrient on the ground that the improvement
~~rould regl~ir.•e a f ill on bier property which ~yould kill the trees.
After somf~ siscussion the council proceeded to c^nsider a resolution entitled "Resolution
or~cring the construction of cement sidewalks on the easterly silo of Granite "t, between North
~~ain "t. and a point cn tY,e easterly sicF line oz" Granite arproxirc~,tely ~+5 feet northerly from
the cornar of the Emma L. Oe;Yer tr~~t. etc." The resolution having been read the first tir~le, an motion, thE; xules ~~~c;re suspended, six voting
in savor thereof, and the resolution was
passed to the second resti~ir~g, T~aving been read the second time, roll call urns ordered an the
nr~nr~+inr~ of +l~c~ vncn1~~+~nr~ ml~a trn~a r~~hc r~C ~n~ ~n~c ~11~C 1~ttrril n ~t5~7'jf~11 U~Nl~IT _ URt.PT'C _
'-Row :L.1L=IULW11 ul. to LVQVlU{IlVll• 111G YVwv r:'a,y GW J.W&LWPlp• ".y L64.& %w auvv+AP v•*? iawaw~ avvv+~+1
Wiley, Wrig~.t; nays none,
Trier eupon the Mayor declared the resolution adopted,
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The council nest roceeded to con.> ~ f~~ ~ r sr~j p id~.r a r~,.~alvtion en~itled ; Resolution arder~ng t.~e
cons~ructian of cerlent sidewalks on Laurel "tre~:t ire the City of Ashland, Jackson Co., Ore~~on. between t~lorth T~~~ain an`i Almar~ "rre~~t , ~~~here said
sidewalks are not a1rF~a,~y laid, aria giving the
prop~;rty owners her~;in of ~ected the; privilege of car~:m~e;ncin~; construct ion work an such sike~alks
~ ~rithin ten clays to avoid such can:~truction work being doze by the city and assessed against
their respective property." The resolution having been read tha first time, on motion the rules
" were suspended, six voting irl fGvor ther~.o?, a,nd the resolution wa,s passed to the second reading.
Ha~vir~g been r~;ad the second time, roll eal.l ~va.s oreered on its adopt ion. The ~mte ws,s a,s follows ;
~ Ayes Bur~~ic, Hardy, DE,trie~~:, Peters, whey, ~~'rig'~lt; nays none,
Thereupon tl,e 1~.~,yor declared the resolution adapted.
On mot ion, the mat tr ~r of pbt t ing a culY~~r t across the road near the INorrr~al grounds
vas Ief t to the "treet committee anu City F.~gineer with pourer to act.
On motion of Hurdle, seconded by Hardy the Realty Committee was authorized to finish and
oil t"r~~~ door and r~;pair ~hE: roof of tr+e n~v~ office adjoiring tt~e Ch~mb~r of Com~~erce, also to G
purchase a srlade and make such improvemients as they may deem necessary. Thy; vote U~~as as follows:
Ayes Buruic, Detrick, Hardyn: Peters, ~giiley, ~~right; nays i~JnE'. Carri~:d.
k ?loved by Petrick secon~~;d by wrigrlt that r~r. Pinion be aut~larized to spend ~~5,c~a in
cleaning up Ashl~.nd cemc;tery. The vote ~~~as as follows, Ades Eurdic, Letric;, Hardy, Peters,
'Wiley, ti4'rigrit; rays none. Carried. '
oaf AftF=r somE; di~~cussion it leas moved by Hardie seconded by ]lardy that the City Attorney
be instructed to draft a new ordinance repealing Ordinance Na,77~ and changing thE~ clause providir~
r#V~{ that minors must not enter a pool soon to l'lOt being allowed to loiter therein. GaSried,
T The City Attorney stated that "drool Diet, ]10, 5 still ogres the City X500 on Lot 1
,elms !edition, which they purchased from the city, and recornrnended t.sat some definite action
be taken by tie council to collect laid amount, On motion of Hardie seconded by whey the Chairn~n of the Finance Committee was inJtructed to meet with
the school Board and see if they
cannot arr~vg~at soma agreement. Carried.
The City Attorney rresented w xesolutian recon~r~anued by the JacY~scn Co, Bar A~~sociation,
asking that the County Court be asked. to defer action in regard to making any large expenditure
~x on thf~ present Court House in J~~cksonF~ille and that matters be al].o~M~:ed to rest as nearly a~.
practic~~ble in the condition they nmw ire, until the people aQ Jackson County shall have
y been given an opportunity to torte upon~t:le question as tc whetr.er it would not be advisable to rc~ove the presE~nt county seat to 1~1~eefQrd and erect
a modern: court house there. The resolution
:wing been road tree f it t time , on rnc~ t o r~, the rules ~~er e suspended , six voting in f avor
thereof, an;? the resolution w~ passed to the second reading, ~~aving been rep:. thy- second tir.:e,
roll cwll was ordered on the adoption of thy; resalut ion.. The T,rote was as follows ; Ayes Hardie ~ u~7
D~;trick, Hardy, Peters, whey, Wright; nays nano, Carried,
On motion, the council aljourrlea subject to c all.
Attest; ~ ~ Recorder.