HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-0421 Council Mtg MIN _ ~ , n.. , r_w ~ . _ ~ 1 r Ashland, Oregon, April ~1, 1925. The council met in regular session at ~ o'clock P.lv1. ^rl this, date. Present r~~yor Johnson; Councilmfn Burdic, Detrick, ~~aruy, Peters, V~Jiley, wright; bent-none, Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as r~:ad. Bills O.K'd by the Finance Committee, arnourting tc~ 1,21.57, were read in total amount ; only. ~~4ot ion made and seconded that said bills be allowed and ~~arrants ordered drawn in pay- Trent thereof. The votd ,~~as a~s follows: Ayes ~.irdic, Detrick, Hardy, Peters, Wiley, wright; nays none. Carried. Moved by Hardy, seconded by V~rgYlt that x,000 additional be transferred frorr~ the Water Fund to the ~41ater Ditch Fund. The vote wa,s as follows; Ayed Buxdie, Detrick, Hardy, Peters, Wiley, ti°lright; nays none. Carried. The council next cons iderEd a corr~~unication frar~r{Arthur Bob►er asking that he be granted a permit to erect a service station on the ".outraern Pacific Railroad Co.'s lot, adjoining the Ford Garage. ~~oved by Detrick, seconded by ~?iley that this rna~ter be left to the Building & rtx~~~ ~omziittees for investigation. Carried. The request of J.D.Jordan for a driveway across East I~,in "treat to the building he is about to construct was reaa,and on ration cif Detrick seconded by ~'~tiley referred to the Building ~ Rc;a,l.ty Committees for investigation. and report at the next meeting. 1~~. A. C. Joy addressed tale council ir: the inteN~;sts of the f4xmers residing south of the City, asking that the council take steps to clean the city. du:~rp ground, c~hich he stated was in very bad conditicn, or purchase a now site for said purpose. I~ss. ~i'ucker, Mr. Y1ei1 and Beebe also addressFd the council in support of 2,~x. Joy's ,request. On ration of Hardy seconded by ~~iley this matter was left to the `unitary Committee for investigation. The Fix; Chief reported that the shack on B "treed bet~uean Fifth and sixth rte., owned by l~rs. Barron, was a fire menace and recamrr~end~d tl~at:'steps be taken to have same removed. He also reported that the steel avrr~ing on l~.~s, Pelto:b'~s Building on Fourth "treet should be repaired or tern uo~Yn. lvgoved by Eurdic seconded by w~:ley that these matters be left to the Fire Comr~ittee for investigation and report. Carrie; Tre "treet Comr:~ittleF xecor.~,ended that the railroad crossings be leveled. AftEr some ~.iscussian it ryas rtloved by Miley seconded by C~right`that the Kecorder be instructed to notify the P. Co, the Cannery and the Iron works to level the xailroa~ crossing on Human "t. and to lengtY~erl tYle culvert. Carried. ~~ovcd by wrig~lt seconded by 'r~ardy that the P. Co. be requested to inst~.ll a rl~oving signal at Helrt~n street Grassing at once. Carried. Frank, Jordan subrrlitted plans for a rest roor~ to built at the entrance to the park. Moved by ~►iley seconded by Burdic trot this matter be referred back to the Bulld~ng Committee for invc:stigatian. Carried. moved by Hard•~r seconded by Burdic that lvlr . Peters be authorized to rake a deal with Be=rt Tyiomas far the fencing on thr; city's lot adjoining the hospital. Carried. Councilrr~.ri D~;trick reported that the ~";~~reous~ Committee trlet with the City Engineer and City Electrici~:zn ar~d went into are d~;tails of the plans dra.~vn up by tree Engineering Departtr~~:nt Tie stated that tYle Committee favored tine plans submitted. ~~oved '~y peters seconded by Burdic that the report be accepted and the cor~~rl itfiee continued. Carried. Moved by Wiley seconded by Aright teat the plans be ~zcc,eptf;d as submitted and the City Engineer and City F1eGtz°ici~n be instructed to draw u~~ specifications in order to submit the rropositi~:~n for bids. Carxi~_d. r~ ~ r; ~ ' l~~e ~ order be instructed to advertise for bids tw~ov ~c~ by Buralc s . con~aed by ~ r i ~.,ht that t R c on thf~ construcs~Tiorl of c~~rler~t sideti~~~lks ~vrlere bat already ].aid on Laurel ~treetm betweEn ~~ain arld Almond "assets, said bias to be basE,d on clans a,nd specifications to b:' _rrepared by the C~t,~ Engineer, exceptng fror~~ the said advortiseti~ents all sidew{~lks adjacent to rropertie-~ j ,~a~1ere the owners have alr~U~ay started construction trlemselves or nave satisfied the City Record~~;r that t'tlc;y intend to corr~cnce such construction v.ork without delay. The vote ~~as as follows: Ayes B1.iruiG, seasick, Hardy, Peters, ti"~iley, ~right;~; nays none, Carried. Moved by Burdic seconded by ~~ardy that tY~e City RF:corder be instructed to advexti~e for bids on tree construcMarl of ce;r~ent sidewalks where not a1rE;ady laid on Granite "treet bet~een l~.ain "t. and the point on the easterly side of Grar:ite rt. ~pmrr~xirr~tely ~5 feet northerly from the ".tip carne:r of the E~~~;a L.OPd~r tract, s~id bids to be based on plans and specifications to be prepa;:~ed by the City Fngirec~r, Fxc~;pting from tY~e said advertiser,er~t all sidew~,.lks adjacent to propErties where tree o~~nE1rs have already started construction therr~selves or have s~.tisfied the City Recorder trot tYiey inter~~ to com~ence such construction work without inlay. The vote wa,s as follo~?s: Ayes Burdic, Detric?, ~Iardy, Paters, ~~~iley, wright; nays none. Carried. ~~~OVed by B~ardie seconded by Hardy that the council adjourn subjedt to call. Carried. Attest: ~l _ ~L~ ~ ~;ayor  ---756-6r,