HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-0505 Council Mtg MIN
Ashland Ore on Ma' h lq~ .
Th? council met in re alar session at :~3 o'cl k
g' ~ O oc P M. on t rim .ate. Pr event Mayor Janson; Ca~ancilrnen Rurdic, Hardy, Peters, ~~'iley, ~"fright; absent Detrick.
Minutes of the previous me;,ting ~r~re read and approved.
The hour of ~ o'clock having arrived the coun~oil proceeded to corsider the bids
submitted for the constructicr. of ceirent side~~lks on Laurel and Granite street. g y
Pies ti~ere read from Frank Jordan, Michael ~ Parks , John O' Conner and J .D .Ref f ly.
The bid of lair. :?ef i ly being found to be the to«est cf those svhmit ted, i t tfia~ moved
by !Miley seconded by Hardy that he be awarded the contr~.ct. Thy voe was as follows:
Ayes: Burdic, Hardy, Peters, ~"iley, je'ri;~ht; nays nare. Carried.
Report of tree City Judge for the month cf April , 1g~5, was read ana, on nation,
accepted. sti:
Rills O.K'd by the Finance Carr~nittae, amounting to ~10,~1~. j~ were read in total
amount only, Moved by Peters seconded by ~'il;;y t:.a~t said bills 'oe allowed and v~~rrants
ordered drawn in payment thereof. The Grote ~ra,s as follows: Ayes L~urdic, Hardy, Peters, ~y
~i 1 ey, wr fight ; nays rune. Carried.
The council nest proceeded to consider a rro~osed ordinance entitled"Ordinance
granting to the Union Oil Comp~~ny of California, a corporation, its successors and assigns,
permission to locate, erect , operate and maintain a warehouse or tankage, or both, for the storage, sa,Ie and distribution of petroleum, end itti products,
etc." The ordinance
having been read the first time, on motion, the rules ~•ere suspended, five voting in favor
thereof and tree ordinance Leas passed to the second rea,dirg. 'rlaving been read the second time,
roll gall was ordPr~-~d an its adortinn.M The ~r~^tA ~~~~s as follnt~rs: Asfes: far sic, ;hardy,
Paters , ~ it ey, ~r fight; naye none, Carl fed.
Thereuron the ~~~,yor declared Ordinance ~~~o. X45 adopted.
The council next consider-d a co~imunicatinn from the Odd Fellows asking that the City
grant ..themt~he use of the Chautauqua Building install decorative lights for the Odd
Fellows Convention a.n3 anent to various ot~~er matters.
Moved by H~tirdy aeconded by F,urdic thatthe recorr~n~nda.tion in reference to the citizens
puttir~ their properties in shape be taken care of by proclamation of the lY~ayor, Carried.
s Moved by Burdic seconded by Hardy that the sidewa.lka on Fourth Street be ordered ~ repaired. Garr i ed.
"oved by Hardy secan:~.ed by Ailey that the free use c?f the Chaut~uaua L~uilding be
granted the Odd Fellows during their convention. Carried,
~~iOVad by Hardy seconded by Burdic that the xe~ueat for tre decoration of tree str~;~ts
be placed in the hands of t:~e "treet Corr~ittee. Carried. x
Moved by 'e'ri~;~~~t seconded by Peters tha the matter of :~usrendin~ trees from trio ceiling
of tie ~hautau~ua Eldg, for tine purpose of correcting the wccoustics be left to tre F.Li~;ht
rep:~r Lr~~ent , Brie park to be ~aorle una~r tie 5up~r~ris ion of N~ . ~~~.lone. Carried.
On rr~otion of Peters acconaed by Hardy the rr~atter of painting the grarldstanl, digging
and pruning the reses and gettir~~ sa,~~dust far the Chautau~,ua ~aildinF~ Xmas left to tree
Roalt~r Corrurittee , s~.id corr~ratt~;F~ tc confer with Mr. Fuller
The ~.~tter of g~r~=nting permission for the erection r.f a service station at the corner
of Water arld North N~ain StrF~~=~ts ~~~~~us a~ga~in censid~r~d. Moved by peters seconded by l~~d:l~
that I~r. Bayer be granted permission to erect the station, as requested at ~ f.~rtrier me:.;ting.
The vote was as follot~rs; Ayes Rurdic, Hardy, Peters, ~"iley, P`right; nays none. Carried.
~~aved by Peters secon:::ed by fright that J.S.Jardan by ~~ranted a crassine on Fast Main
"tre~~~t. The vote ~s as follows: Ayes ?~~rdic, Hardy, Peters, ti~'iley, ~rright; nays mne.
q Carried, c t
Corc~l~unication from J.H.NcGee asking, for a rermit to erect a building on his lot on
Fast Main Street betti~reen S.Pioneer and First "treets ~'ws read. proved b;r Eurdic, seconded by
~'ri~ht that said request be granted, tarried.
The council next considered a carr~r~unication from "eeley & Ce. stating that the premiums
on the bonds of F.R.Ho~ler and O.I'~.E~sterling are ovFrdue and that ~anleds they are paid at once said bonds will be cancelled. Motion rr~dA and seconded
that Hoslpr's bond be
reneth~ed and ~,~ir. F~:~sterling's c~.ncellPd. Carrie:.
Reryuisition of the 'e'ater Supt. far supplies, amo~_~xltin~ to ~4hq.~O was xead. Motion rr~de
and seconded that said requisition be allcc~ed. The vrte ~~~a~, as fol,o~~rs: Ayes l~,irdis, Hardy, ~ y;~~,'.
Paters, Ailey, Fright; nays none. Carried. ~ c
Com~nunicatiorl frorii Margaret Ywster offering to sell the city a tract of land for a dump
ground read and on motion, laid orl the table.
Petition of property o~c~ners asking that ce~.er~t sides►Talks be constructed on bath skies
of Alidd Streit was read. Notion ~~ade and seconded treat tine Pecorder be instructed to
1^11ti'!~~cdh mtjr~o of ~ha~:rinrr to 'ham 'h:ri ~'1t~c~~~tr i~d~~r 1st}, i~~'2!"~ n~nlnnlr ~ AP rarriari
}v.vai"at aaaY+VV V+ »1V'.;li~lb YV 11G L.W~+ 1LtGr~V4CA~, lY1W~ iJYll WY V+VI,i V V1VVA A. •17:0 VW111Vk0
i B Comparative report of the earnings of the Flec ric Light T)epartment for 1st quarter
192' and 1025 vas read and on motion, accented and ordered paced on file.
The council next proceeded to consider a proposed ordinance entitled "Ordinance
divining the City of Ashland into two zones designated as Zone No. 1 and Zone No, 2
• E ?
and defining the bo~.lndaries thereof; declaring it unlawful to construct and operate
service atatior:s or ga~ra~es ~r~ithin sa.i~:i Zone No. 1, esceptin~ Pram tine ef~ect of t'nis
ordinance for p~~~riad cf t~~~o years any rerson, firm or corporation no9~~ owr~ir:g the prem-
ises in wY~lich any garage cr service std-ti;~n b~.~siness is being conducted bT~ such c~~npr, and
fl~rther excepting garages Wnd service stations no~~T in operation but on leased property
until tl~ieir present lamas expire, ar:d rrovi~ing a ~ena.lty for t'~ e violation hereof I~tion my?e era seconded that s.~ai~:i ordinance be ].aid on the
t able, The j~ote as follo~~rs
Ayes: Hardie, Hardy, Peters, ~'il~;y, ~rri~ht; nays none. Carriv~d.
The council next proceeded to cor:sider a rroposF~d oity ordinance entitled " Ordinance
ar~,enain~, Ordinance Y1o. 7~ to regulate tr: time and r~lannar of parking automobiles on the
streets of the City of Asc~i~l:~." Tht~ ordirancw ,laving been re:~~ the first tirr:e, on m:{~tion,
the rues were susended ,five voting; in favor ther-of, and t'~.e ordinance was passed to the second r~::a-ping. I~=Aving been react the second tirrla,
rel' c~.ll v~~_s a~^darad on its aaortl~ri.
TY~ie Mote ~~ti~aS follows: Ayes: Rurdic, Hardy, PF~ters, V~iley, ~~right; nays none. Carried.
TY.areupon the A^~yor dacla.red City Ordinance No. ~Q ~ adopted,
Tb:e council.rext rxoeeeded to can~id~ar a ~ro?^osed City ~'~rdinance entitled "ordinance
d~-~clarin~r it ~anla~~~ful to erect cr rrlaintair. any partition between that portion of a roo~a~
used far~~pocl, billiards cr c4~rds ar.;i that portion used for soft drinks and tnercz.~~ndise deffining what sx:~all be ;~ernied as or:t, room under the
nrovisiors of tr~is ora~n~.~,e, 1e~l.~ring
it ur:1.~1Y~ful to erect er ,Maintain any screen, T~~ir:aaw back, Frosted winuaw, display signs
adv~}rt istm~nts or ctr;er o'os ~ructior: pr,~}venting a clear view into any public care, pool or
billiard room from tht: strut, anarroviaing a penalty for the violatior: hers of."
I~~otian made ar~d sec~~nded that said ordinance bP gassed to tY~e st~con:i ra~~,in~;. The vote
S,ti~aS as follo~rs: ~'}yeas Pete#~s, ~R'iley, Fright; nays ~urdic, Hardy. Tile ordinance was
di;~cu:>aed but no further action aids taken.
On motion, t~r~e council ad jou_rned, subject to call.
_ _ ~i ty Fecor~~r .
Aprr ova ad :
_ -.~.-yo r :
-r r ~ 1 Ashland, oxegc~n, ~~ay 11, 1;25.
The council met at~~~~he~.:ca1~l~,~af the r~ayor at 7:3~ o'cl~~ck P.h~. on this date.
err-:sent ~~~Yror Johnson; Councilr~.en BurdIc, Peters, ~~'il=;y,r'ardy, Detrick, ~'ri~ht; a~baent none.
I7iUVed by V~'il~~y cc~rd.~d by Fright that t~i 5urr~ of X500.00 be paid frorr~ the General
Fund by tY~e City Recoruer to an in.~ivi:zual to be ss~tisf~ctory to th? Mayor and Jour. H.
puller, r~>`ember of tree Board a~ R~~gt,nts as a~ land for such indi r~3u~1 to expend, in the
a~~curirl~ of aptians en ~^roposed Ivor~:a.l "drool cites, sucYi indivi~.uals to cor^~r~nce !A~or); 1~* r' n r , } G, :1
r im,~~:,~i-~t~;ly, and to r-:port ba~r~ to the Caun,,il ~,t its next r~;eet;ing as to tl,~ exn~-ndi~ur.,s Made by him aria t7le v~rork done. ~.ll
l~rlusFd maney to be r F~turned to the G~: neral Fund of
;;aid City. Ayes Hardie, DetricY~<., :hardy, Pet~~~rs, V"iley, ~~rri~~lt; nays node. Carried.
Fovea by Har;:y seconded by Pt:~tors that the Recorder be a~~thorizrd to advertise
far bids for ~iousa o~rned ~y CWrson ark. the City. Carrie-d.
On oration, t ° council ~-3jc~urne3.
_ _ _ _.~.F,~ . r ~ . ~r o =fir - ~
A.sr~land, Qre~on, Y~~ay 15, 1525.
TY~~-; council mat in regular sfssion at 7:~4 o'clock P.I~:. on this ante. Present
Counciln~~en Rurdic, D~~txick, ?right; absent ~~.yor Johnson, Councilman Hardy, Peters, Wiley.
r~~oved by ?~ardic seconded by Petrick that t'rie cot~r~cil adjourr: subject to call. Carried.
R ccrder,