HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-0602 Council Mtg MIN ~~l ~srrl?nd, Oregon, June 1Q~5. Thr; council rift irl regular session 2t 7;3Q o'clock p.iu~. on this date. Present IY.~.yor Johnson; Councilri~r,n Detrick, Hardy, ~'~i) ~~rigrt; absent Purdic, Haters. ~~ginutes of the rrevio~~s rr~~~etin~ w~'r~-' read and ppra+~ed. R~;port ~~?f H. Go4~dy, City Judge , for thy; mci;th of I.~y, l^~5, ~Rras rp~i and, on motion accepted, H~11 of Lloyd Cro~rsan, an:ountin-_~ to ~11.'~0, for re»airing Ford top dasr~gea by a rro- ~octing limb on H "treat, v~ras pr~;sented. ~O~ motion, s~~id bill ti~~~s referred to the Chief of police for investigation. T~~~e Pecorder tidy instructed not to issue t'ne ~'SO.OO check to tree ~.shland Hand until ~o~~e arrangau.ens have. been rra::e r~gardin~; tae n>>r~~ber of concerts that are to be given by t'r:e Rend during the surnn~er. Hills O.Ii'd by tree Finance Committee, amount ing; to ~'~,031.31 were r ead in total ~rlourlt only. S~otion we.s made arld sF~conded that said bills be a~1lo4K~~=°d and urarrants ordered drav~~n in pa~~ri;ent thereof. Tr;~ vote ~~~za as z"ollos~~s: ~:yosDetrick, Hardy, I~~iley, `E'rigrlt; nays none. Carried, iv~oved by Hardy :seconded 'nV ~"'r i g'cit ti~at t~ ~e rul ea be suss. eilizod ::nd t'r~e CCUnCi 1 pass to l~ninished busirl~~:s ~d c~~rsi~aer the ~~lida~'treet side~~alk rriatter at this time. Carried. "evera,l interested property o~~ners w--:ro pres~~rlt and twlkGd far and against the improverr~ent. 1!ft~r some discussion it ;t~~s rrloved by Detricl~~, s~ec~nded by ~rri~ht that a corrrriittee comipo5ed of the "treat Comrt~ittee, street Cotrn1issioner and Cit;f Fngine?x ~~ke ~r„ihveatigation end a report wt tl~e next mPe t irlg. Carried. Ccuncilmar! Detrick re;~orted thwt options r.~,d been secured on a,ltr~st all of the property comprising the pT^r05P.d I~Tor~~~l ~'chaal site, wrld t'r~at t~~"~' cost cf this land ~~euld be apbrosimately ~l~;~r~.ao. Tho council next rreceeda~d to consider a resolution entitled "Resolution calling a special p nit electors of t..e City of ;^srilarld, Ore~:on, t~~ be :field cn the 15th ~:ay 1 ion of tl. ~ L of June, 1~~5." The r~sclutior_, Having been re~.d the first ~i~ie, cn rr~tior., the .rules j~~-'re susper~aed, Four TTotin~; in fa?ror tr~erea~ , ~.n~ tic res~l~ation sews r.assed to the second reeding. I~:=~<<Ting boerl rp~ a tho saconx t i mA, rn 11 call Teas ordered on i t ~ adopt ic~n. The vote ~~as as folia4~~s: .Jas: ~~Atrick, ~~µrdy, Wiley, ~'ri~;htl nays none. Ther~~uporl the i~°~~.~.~o~~ dpcl~.red the resol~.rticn c.~ontnd. n vnph H. H^ldwin, repxesenting tl^P pond Firr~ of R~.lph "cli~zeelocl: Coir.~:~ny, m~e the council ttiie follc~„fin~f offer for tre ~'l~,n_On isuo yf City of ~srland "tote l~cr~~al ~choo~ Herus: l'aran:i accrued interest ar'?d tiie company to fury:ish tr:~r~ forms for the proc"eaings wn arpra~rin~ leggy cpiniori and the blank bonds. r~ovc;d by ~~right seconded by ti''iley that the nil ~~~~ept tY~~ ~rarositi^n a aut'~orizA the ~~'~yor .ord. R~corder~to ~ntAr in~~ ,a contra^t } t c.nc~gY Jd 1'~` c pony rn r+~aK<-y,u eF-w~ t ~,,thitl~ 9erure.s CQJ t ~ Mt1S YG. ufi with +ti;~ ~"~11:1 c~~,e 9 c~~' ~,0 die 'rota 0_:.445;5' dyes i~e~rl~'1i r^ ~~'r 'Vi'i ey, ~`,'rl~-''fi't ~ 4~ .~.W j A. ..fill Vl ~J bl ~ Y ..r 'J J 1 . N , ...~i l ` , l♦ na,,rs none . Caxr i ed. I~~oved by ~~~~il ey secarlded b~~ Hardy ~;t~:~t t' ~e Recorder bs authorized to transfer x'3700. (~0 from the ti"latsr ~ ,,:1 Fund tc the ~'::ter 3 ~`und. The vot o ~~_.s as fallc1us ; ~~rAs Detrick l~wrd;,l, ~e'ile;~, ?"'right; nays none. C~rri~d. I~~oved 'ay Har~l~r secc~isde~:i bJ tir~~rig~lt teat t %_e ccuncll return tc tii~ rE~gul ~r order of businesa. Carried. The count i 1 next considered cori~r+unioat ion from J.r1 McGee ca). ins the at t Pnt ion of the Council to the c~~nditian ^f tI1P park roue ~n the Enders tract 'aet~een Hargadine ^.nd Viat~. "treats on th~~ east ji.aF.'~ of Fork "tre?t. ~?n rrietian of VG'iley s~:;eondea by etrick Chia matter c~raa refsrr~d to the "treat ccrr,rr~ittee t~fith instructiana to a~tend therLto. Cor~~i~urlicatiol~ frorr.~ city Fngine4::r ~r~~,lker yaw read in 4~hich he r ecoir~ierds that the City auvance J.D.pefflyr ~lC'~.0~! on his contract for coz~truction~ cepsent ~~~alks on Laurel "treat. I~.~oved by >~ilr~,r~:: ~pconded by Detrick that ~~r . Peffly ro a.~.varced ~15p;:" from the "~neral Fund. mh~~ vets ~~~~~~as follows: Ay~~-a Petrie. H~ray, Ailey, ~~'right; ~i:~,ys none, ~x~. Carried. Engine :r !"'a,lk~;y also svbri;itted a report on tiie prcpoa~d extension of scenic Drive 1'_"Orji ctra~~'cerry Lane southerly to a connection 1,Nith. CTranite ctreot onnasite the City Park. On rc~cti~~m of Detrick sQcon~e~d by Hardy the "treat Committee instructed to investigate this rrla~tter. C.J.Bau~sman adaressad the council c.gain recommending that the City p~archase a~ditior~al fire e~~uipment , i~o act ion eras taken, ,P,~iovod by Ha-ray seconded by Apr i ~'rt tra.t tho I~~ayor and Recorder be authorized to ti ign a suit-claims decd to t~~:e County l~or trP piasrar.er property. The vote ~~,Pas as folioY s; ~.ye,~ D~~tric, tardy, ~`Piley, ~'ri~:ht; nays rune. C~.rried. On rnot ior., the cour~c i l ad journ~: d sub ~ act to c all . ~r t u: ~ I 6 ~ t ©c t • /1 ~1~aVOr  VOW nuu%wyv. J woo/