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1925-1020 Council Mtg MIN
~ ~ . ~ r_ ~ . G,d ~..1 X « sb Asl~lana, Or~;gorl, Oct. lc, l.g~~. T~:e council mgt pu~~ scant to last adjournment at 8 0' dock P.M. on t~iis cat,:. Pr~scnt - ~iayor Jo~~nson; Cauncilm~n Detrick, Hardy, Peters, Wiley; s~bs-~nt Buraic, t~right. read and Minutes of trr; previous meat ing w~-re/sr~raved as corrected. ,,E-. The hour of ~ :30 0' cloak having ar~~ivad th~~ council procEeded to open the bids of _ x . ~ ~.H.~~~ultby and Michael & P~_rks far construct ing cem°rt curb ane gutter on C rtre~~;t. ~a Bias w~:rY.~l~o open~a fc~r tre fug=nishir~g of crushed rock fo~~~ improving C. Ctr-~~t Bid of 0.".~~•asterling wG.s the only on- received. y. P Motion made ane seconded that trc cfontract for constructing cement curb ane gutter be avdarde~ to Michael & Parks. h:: vote was as follavds: Ayes Detrick, Hardy, P;t~:rs, ~~ilcy; nays none. Carried. Mohan 1T~ade and s~;conued t~jat tl:e biu of 0.~.lastrling for furnisi.ing curshec~ rock for C "trQet be accepted. The vote was e.s falloti~~s: Ayes Detrick, He~ray, Peterti, ~"i1ey~ n~,y~ none. Carried. Bids for painting ~T2d k.~l5omining the Recorder's Office were n~;xt considered. Bids r e + t by Jo'~~r R; 6g ~ . ~ . Bl ' ~ ~ n~rp ~ g e ~ by ~'Pt er ~ ~ w~ ~reserl ~ ~ ~ r ~ ac~.~ell ~,mu ~,,,r~n~n Car lvovcu ~ , ~ se~orl~~-a 4 by Hardy thwt the corstract b~ a~fdaraaa tQ "warming ~ Gea.r. ThP vt?t° wdr ^.s~ follows: Ayes Detrick, ri=~ ~.y, Peters, wiley; nays node. Carried. ~~r. Detrick stated that ~_a gad interviewed the ~;arties interested in the extenUian of Holly ane Henry "tracts but no Qptiarls ~~td been tu~en. Air. Detrick stated that tre land x can be purchased in each c~_~se e~_cept t?iat of Mr. Rudd who wishes to sell. the house and lot for ~~OO.C'0. Tl~e matter of trading Mr. Putnam a city lot for his lot on B-eeh street ~Tas ~ f~~'° discussed. Motion made and seconded tr~.at ti.e Mayor appoint a corr~nittee of tY~ree to confer with N~ . Putnam. Carried. Tre M~-y ar apps int ed as such commit t ee Counc i lm~;n ~1r i ght , Buruic, Peter. - . Mr. Detrick ~er~aerWtiRris resignation a,s Councilman.. to take effect at once. Mohan mane ~~d seconded th~1.t s.{.id resignation. be accepted. Carried unanimously. ~ n The M~~yor next appointed Mr. Datrick sta~rekeeper for the v~~rious departrr~cnt~ in the ~ ry w~.re1ouse. ~llotion made arld seconded that ti:e appointm~:nt be confirmed. Th e vote was as follo~ls: Ay~;s Harry, Miley, Peters; nays none. C~..rriEd. L On motion, t'r~e caurcil adjourned. Mayor k Attest : ' L, ~ f ~~caruer. G' Ashland, Or~agon, Oct. 2D ~ 1~~ J. The council m;~t in regalar c.es•sion at ~ o'clock P.I~~. orl t'r.~.is de.t~.. Present I+~.yor Johnson; Caurlc i lmtn, Burdic, H~~rdy, P=it ~~:r s , ~ it ey, ~~r fight; absent none;. ~ Minutes oi° the previous rrleetin~ were read an.:l ap~?rov~a as r°~d. ' Dr. M. B.e "haw presented ~a bill... of ~0 for repairing bent rods on her car -which she claimed L~~~,s damaged by an iron tad lift in the stre~;t. Moved by Hardy seconded by ~`~~rig~ that s:~id bill be all aw;d . Carried. Corxnuni~ation from r~rs. Hdn~ Braxburn asking permission to er-ct a c~.bin on her tract fir. th.~~ Canyon for the use of timber porkers, also :asking that she be given a key to the gate ~~~ws rF~a: ani, on motion, referred to the City Attorney s~rith instructions t© correspond with ~~.ra. B~*a:~burn. Mir. ~~right report~:~ teat he hs,~ irt~~rvis~►r~;~/yMr. Putnam regarw_ing t~* matter of trading him ane of the Cit,~ ~ lots for hip lot an B~;~Gh street. HFL/+ :,~a~-,~.. ~h~t ~,r. Putn:ar~ ~~ill accept a iot on the Boulevard or a 50-foot front on Fourth ctre~t in ex~hangf, for his rrop_.rty. AftPr sor~P :i:cussion, it ~~~~~s move; by Peters sPconde~ by H~x~~y that the Committ~p be aut'~orized to rr~,ke a trace ~~~ith I~r. ?~~tnam for ~ ~Q foot :ot ar. tie BUUiavsx~. Tina vote gas follows: Ayes Herdic, H~.M xy~ _Pet~~rs, ~~il~y, ~~rigrt; nays none. Carried. , .4 ~~A l~~ove~d by Hardy aecon`~~_d by Ailey that the car~rnitte: be inatructaa to sae if an option A~ can b~, cured on the Jones property and at wh at trice. Carxi?l unanimously. Corr:riunication from G.M.Frost, V~~.H.Rartg~s ~n~ oth~ar5 ~~:s reGd ag~~~~ng to pry ~S.OO ~ for crushed rook to be usd on Grandview Lrive, provi~:~~e~d the City will haul saint rock ane _ . , _ _ . ~t,,, n ~dntror'+ rtr ~~r:ii~ ~ar:nn:-.. by ~"#1~~,. - ~ _ s .D t L... ~ ~ ~ 1, n r i In n. r n v dace 1L aL Lne L_lace5 spc'ulll~u V rliC ;>LL4;J.dl161,z,1 1 ~Lvl,_ CV MJ YJ that ; ai offer be acdepted ana the ,-tret Commissioner instructe,- to carry out the work. s^ Carr i e~ unD.Inimous ly. "haw regar:-Ang the matter The City Attorney r porter th~t he h!-~,: intc"rvi~wua pr. Hattie of purchase of a five: foot strip off her rror--rty on C "treet -and that she hay agreed to a i ~ sell the Cit3 ~ ~wfu strip of lan'l for tr10.nC~ proviLied cen~nt .,i:eWa~;lk5 be laid in front of her rro.ert rson-Fowl, r Lumber Co. on C "try et . Move by Ha,ruy tbo6nded an,--I that of the Ca ~r Y by Bur :Ac that aaia olf r be accez t,:, and the or an Recorder author ized to sign a warrant w - _ - o~+ ~,3 ~ for ~'1~(?,0O cov-=ring cost cf comr~~yanca of this deed, Ca~~ri~~ unanimously. The council next rroe~.::ae~. to eonsi~.er a rropos?a city or~~inanee ~ntitl~d "Or~inanee creating tie office of purchasing Agent of thq City of Aahlana, Oregon, and defining the powers ~,n.- duties of ;;uch Agent." The or~inance h~:ving been rr~,d the first time, on motion, th~~ rules were suspf;n~ed, five voting in favor there=:of , and the ordinance was passed to tha secor~ ruing. Having been read the seconl time, roll call was ordered on the a.~option of the ordnance. The vote .gas as follows: Ayes Hardie, Hardy, Peters, Wiley, Aright; nays rune. Trereupon the M~~or declared City Ordinance No. g l 2. ~ adopted. Moved by Hardy , sconaed by Bur:~ic that the council return to tlbw business an, tak?_ uw the .matter of appointr~~ent of Bu~~get Committee. On motion, T. H. "~npson, B.M."hou~y , J. H. McGwe, B. Mc~►:~ir, A. E. Kinney, E.D. Briggs and C. C. V~ei: enburger were appointed th-. Budget Committee and the Recorder instructed to notify them of their appointment, Tuesday, Novemb:~x end, 1g~5, at ~ o' clock P.M was set as the time, for the meeting of said committee. The matter of requiring A.M.Clark to remove .hid oLa lamb-r from the r~ospitwl tract eras referre,~ to t,~; Cr~lief of Police. T~~e counoil next proc4eµa~ to conai,~er an orwir~nce entitled "Ordinance ?ev~,~ing special ben~;f it assessments in the matter of t:~.e ocnstNuct ion of cement si:Aew~ lks when same wore not alrea:iy laid on Alida Avenue between East ~~~,in "treat and the Boulevard, d~ir~cting payment from the .serest fund of the City of sum suffici nt to defray the expenses of the street coossings in connection with such improvem~=nt ~:n~w !^ermitting the awrn~r5 of the property affected to t~.Lke a~~vantagf~ of the provisions of the 8~:~ncroft Act," The ordinance having been rear the first time, cn motion, tre rules ware susrended,five voting in favor thereof, and the ara~nance was passed to the s~~ticon~ reading, Having been read the seconi time, roll calf ~ was or~ered ~n its ~.optio~l. 'lhe vote was ws follows; Ayes Burdic, Hardy, Pet~:rs, ~iley,~~~~h,,- nays none . There~.t pop the mayor d~clar ed City Ordinance No. 8' I ~ ~ adopted. Counci~rrlen Hardy and pate=rs were excused, ~n Mot ion, the City Attorney ~trwasi instructp:~ tv craft a buil~~ng ordinance an . to present same at the next rrreeting of tx~~=: council. On motion. the council adjourned subject to call. _._____._.~yor attest: - _ I ` I I ecorder: Ashland, Gregon, Nov. , 1925. The council met in regular session at 8 0' clock P.~~I. on this date. Present Co-a.ncilmen Burdic, F~iardy, Peters, ~~Jiley, ~r~lri~ht; absent Yiayor Johnson. Councilman ~.~Jright, Cha,irrlan of the council, presided and proceeded to administer the ~Sth of office to H.C.ligh, ~~rho v~ras elected to fill the unexpired term of R.F.Detriek. councilman. I~iinutes of the previous meeting; were read and approved as read. The matter ~f turning the Chautauqua Buildir_~ over to the Park Board was r~e~t discussed. .After some discussion it was moved by Hardy seconded by Burdic that the care and custody ~ of the Chautauqua grounds and buildings be turned over to the Park Board, they to'receive j - the income from the Building and to care for the grounds. The vote was as follows: Ayes Burdic, Hardy, High, Peters, '~"diley, ,'right; nays none. Carried. Moved by Burdic seconded by 'cyiley that the council resolve itself into a Budget Committee. Carried. ~2r. H.H.Elhart, i~rirs. V.~U.l~ills ~~nd ar. C.'~`+•Fraley were appointed to act on said committee in place of I~r. B.I~.Shoudy, fir, J.H.HcGee and .D•Biegs ~xaho were absent. I The Budget Committee, consisting of T.ri.Sim~,son, S. B• Mciuair, A.~.Kinney, C. C. '~~eisenburger, H.H.Flhart, V. V. Mills and C.~4'J.Fraley, then proceeded to elect ICI. ',right Chairman and S.A. Peters secretary of said committee. The6Rece~~.e~-then-~eaa~he Proposed Budget for the year 1926, as prepared by the Retarder and Finance Cor~mittee was next read. It 1~1as moved by Simpson, seconded by Kinney that the Budget as recommended by the .Finance Committee, be adopted. Carried unanimously. I~lotion made anti seconded that the Recorder be instructed to Dave the Bud g _ pub~.ished. Fy~iday, Nov. 2'7th, 1925, ~~~as set as the time for the final hearing on the r budget. ~arr~.ed. Report of G.1.Frost, City Judge, wa.- read and-, on motion, accepted and ordered placed on file. Bills O.K'd by file Finance Committee, amounting to 6Q08.48 were presented . Hotion made an' seconded that Qaid bills be allowed, including the Calif- Oregon Power Co's bill when the sane shall have been O.K'd by sir. i.alone. Carried unanimous) y. Request of C..Clause for permission to take his vacation was read and on motion granted.