HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-0519 Council Mtg MIN e_1 ~ ~ , y rshland, Oregon, ~~y 19, 1927. The council met pursuant to last adjournment at 7;50 o'clock P.?:s. on this date. Present Councilmen Bargner, :ray, Peters, Thornton, r~~hite, ~`~ooas; absent IJiayor Pi =rce. Councilman Thornton, Chairman of the Council, presided. I~~inutes of the meetings of ~v~ay 54d, 4th, 9th and 17th tivere read and approved as read. communication from E.V.Carter, President of the Carter Land Co=rpany,, regarding a small tract of lend owned by said Company, adjoining the City Park, which theyU~ii~:~ deed to the City if the City Attorney can suggest a vray in vrhich they can legally do so, was read. 94 I:'~oved by Bergner seconded by '~'~oods that t:e matter be refe,~~red to the City r_ttorney to be handled in the most advantageous manner, and that . Carter be notified of the action of the council and thanked for his offer. Carried. Communmcation from A.O.Hess asking that the roadway around the new city reservoir be repaired w~:.s read. roved by Kay seconded by Woods that the City~gineer be notified to 95 instruct the Contractor to put the road in passable condition. C~.rried. Bond of H. C . ~righ ~~vith J.C .~Iopper, Leo Jammerthal and 'i. J.01son as sureties wa read. Roved by V~oods seconded by t~~hite that said bond be accepted. C~ cried. Proposed agreement between the.City and the Southern P~_cific Co. regarding pipe cross- ing oh ~~,1ain Street, point of crossing being gineer Station 1153 plus 22, was read. 96 ~~2oved by y"Jhite secondee by Peters that said agreement be approved abc~ the ~Tayor ~~nd Recorder authorized to sign the same. Carried. i;2oved by hay seconded by ti~ooas that the r ire Chief be authorized to purchase the larger of the t~vo sirens tried out ana that ?,~r..!:alone be authorized to do the wiring, the total cost of the Siren, switch and ~~~iz°ing to be yr465.00. ~'he vote on the motion was :~.s follo~~Urs : 97 Ayes. Bergner. ~~~ay, Peters, Thornton: ~~'~hite, '~dooas. flays none. Carried. After some aiscussiorr it tivas moved by t'toods seconded by Lay t'~at the matter of repairing the road at the intersection of ~ourltain '.venue and ~~evaaa 5~~reot be left to the Street g$ Commissioner to be taken care of ~:.t thy; groper time. Carried. I'~iovea by 'Nooc±s secon~.ea b`,T '~xJhite that the City Engineer be instructed to survey anothergg section at Iiountain Vietiv Cemetery anc~ a plat for a potters field. Ca~~ried. The r.~atter of raising the price of cemetery lots, drainage of cemetery etc. eras referred to the Cemetery Committee for investigation. 100 Councilman +~ooas reported that the matter of cleaning up the property in the rear of the past Side Pharmacy i-ri11 be taken care of by ,~.~s. Lamb. On recommendation of ~~~r. Thornton it was moved by ~voods secoxiaed by Peters that the 101 water and light bills of ln~rs. C. Myers to June 3rd be remitted. Carried. The City Attorney stated that the Southern Oregon Gas Co. have decided that they want only 100 feet fron~;age of the tract on T3orth i~~~in Street on ~;~rhich their tank is located, and w.ll pay ;:150.00 therefor and agree to keep it parked. The City Attorney aske~. that he be 102 j granted authority to close the c_eal. ~~~ioved by '~G~ooas seconded by Kay that the City Attorney ~ be granted authority to close the t.-:~ansact~on. Carried. j The City ~ittorney brought up the matter of the claim of h-~r. and ?;~Zrs Heath for X25.00 for damages to their trees, berries, etc. I~:~oved by Bergnor seconded by Kay that the final X25.00 be paid to close the deal. Car~~ied. ~.oved by uVoods seconded by Bergner th- t the Chief of Pollee be granted authority to 103 f interview the 1-'ootal Department re~;~rwing_~the m~tter'.of moving the mail boxes at the inter- j section of Avery Street ana. the ~~ighvray. Carried. The council next proceeded to consi~zer an ordinance entitled "Ordinance amending Ordinance quo. 854, in order to reduce .he seasonal rates on lawn and garden irrigation, a:nd to permit the payment for acreage irrigation on the basis of one cuarter of an acre." The ordinance having been re~_d the first time, on motion, the rules ~vere suspended, six voting. in favor thereof, and the orain~:~nce eras passed to the second reading. Having been read the second time, roll call was ordered on its a~.option. The vote was as follows: Ayes Bergner, Kay, Peters, Thornton, TdVhite, a~Joods; nays none. Thereupon the acting Mayor decl~~.red City Ordinance i~o. 855 adopted. The council next proceeded to consider an ordinance entitled T'Orainance making it un- la~vful for any person or persons to permit any dog or dogs owned by them to run at large ~vithin the limits of the City of Ashland; defining the me~..ning of the term "running at large' ana providing a loe,salty for the violation hereof." .The ordinance having been read. the first time, on motion, the rules were suspended, six voting in fa~.vor thereof, anc. the ordinance was passed to the second rea~.~ing. H~:ving beers read the second time, roll call was ordered on its adoption. The vote ~~:gas as ~`olloTr~is; Ayes Bergner, Kay, ~''eters, i.'hornton, ~'~hite, `Moods; nays none. Thereupon the ~;iayor declared City Ordinance ~~~o. 858 adopted. On motion, the council a~ journec. subject to call. !1 .~ll~ rylay or .  Attest: 11~; Recoraer.