HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-11 PC Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 11, 1989 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Dave Bernard. Also present was Dan Harris. Jenifer Carr arrived at 7:45 p.m. Staff present were John McLaughlin, Bill Molnar and Susan Honts. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 89-036 REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR PHASE 1 OF A SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION. LOCATED BETWEEN CLAY STREET AND JAQUELYN STREET, ALONG THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF DIANE STREET. PHASE 1 TO INCLUDE LOTS FRONTING ON JAQUELYN STREET APPLICANT: PACIFIC WEST COAST CONSTRUCTION Site visits were made by all. Harris noted that he represents a party that is involved in a dispute with the applicant, however, is not related to this action in any way. STAFF REPORT The Planning Commission gave Outline Plan Approval for this project in February. The Final Plan approval was called up for a public hearing by a neighbor. The applicant has provided Staff with revised site plans for the Outline and Final plan. They have also submitted elevations for the common wall structure. All structures meet solar access. The applicant has submitted documentation concerning CC&R's and floodplain elevations. Staff recommended approval. PUBLIC HEARING PAUL HOPKER, 2591 Eaton Drive, Medford, representing the applicant, said he did not have any control over the concerns (water quality and assessment) of Mr. Stitt, the neighbor that called this action up. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Harris stated that the objections raised by the neighbor have been resolved and therefore moved to adopt Planning Action 89-036 and the Findings. Bernard seconded the motion and it was carried. PLANNING ACTION 89-049 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE EXPANSION OF A NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURE (DUPLEX) NON-CONFORMITY DUE TO FRONT YARD SETBACK LESS THAN 20 FEET 92 CHURCH STREET APPLICANT: MARK JENNE Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT This lot is approximately 8,925 square feet, located at the intersection of Church and High Street. The structure is non-conforming because of the 15 foot front yard setback on Church Street. The proposal involves a two-story addition onto the existing building and would include a two-car garage on the bottom floor. Staff felt any impact would be minimal. The applicant submitted a new elevation on this date. Staff's major concern was the bulk and size of the addition. It would add about 1100 square feet. The question with this application is a matter of interpretation of the Ordinance. Staff interprets the Ordinance in terms of a rear yard setback of 20 feet to be measured to any portion of the two-story building, whether it is a lower story or upper story. The applicant disagreed and would like to see it remain at 10 feet, as proposed. Staff recommended approval with the attached conditions. The Historic Commission sub- committee reviewed the applicant's revised plans and recommended approval. PUBLIC HEARING MARK JENNE, 92 Church Street, said that in the pre-application conference the rear yard setback was approved. He noted that there is a 10 foot side yard on High Street and the other side yard is over 50 feet. Jenne said he would do everything possible to save the walnut tree. LLOYD HAINES, 290 North Main Street, representing Raymond and Thurley Bowles, neighbors of the applicant, do not object to the addition, however, not one of this size. Haines had not seen the revised plan. He referred to the petition that was submitted by the neighbors. He pointed out that this is a non-conforming structure and the neighbors have reason to believe there are three residences there now because of three mailboxes and if the addition is approved, it could create a fourth unit. Haines added that the applicant has failed to meet the burden of proof and does not conform with the Comp Plan because it is a tri-plex. The location and size is not compatible with the neighborhood and will affect the views the neighbors now enjoy. Additional traffic is a problem. If this application is approved, the neighbors would request that the plan be amended to one-story or condensed in size. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 11, 1989 2 ED ZOBEL, 29 Granite, objected to the building of the structure because it would obstruct his view of the hills. Traffic is a concern also. LARRY CARLSON, 109 Church Street, was concerned that there are three families living in the house now and this could turn into a four-plex. There have been numerous accidents on Church and High and adding more parking on the street will only add to the danger. He objected to the addition as it will look like a solid wall along High and would change the character of the neighborhood. BETTY BIBER, 29 Granite Street, said the revised plans were an improvement but does not like the solid wall look along High Street. This structure will have a significant impact on her view and she was also concerned about congestion on the street. BEA CARLSON, 109 Church Street, shared the same objections as her neighbors. MARK JENNE, wanted to clarify the number of residents now living in the house and how many will live there. Three people live there at this time. After Jenne moves in, it will be his family and one other resident. Jenne said that he added a garage so he will not have to park on the street. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Harris said that the loss of view would be related to harmony and scale, however, little can be done. He would interpret the Ordinance as 20 feet to the closest structure. Perhaps the second garage could be eliminated. Carr agreed with Harris regarding the setback but did not know if it would warrant readjusting the plan. Bernard was generally in agreement, however, liked the look of the garage because it softened the facade. He did not believe there would be a large impact on the neighbors. He is concerned about the long wall look along High Street. Bernard also was inclined to leave the off-street parking and reduce the setback in exchange for the applicant increasing the setback on the High Street side. After additional discussion regarding setback, the Commissioners agreed that the house had a more compatible look if the setback was measured from the second story. Harris moved to approve Planning Action 89-049 with the attached conditions with the following amendments. Condition #2 - that the existing walnut tree be retained and preserved in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the letter entered into the record by Jenne. Omit Condition #1 and adopt the amended site plan. Delete ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 11, 1989 3 Condition #4 and add #3 that the remodel match the roof pitch and the siding and trim of the existing house as presented on the elevations. Carr seconded and the motion it was carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 89-055 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION AND BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT TO DIVIDE THE PARCEL AT 1045 TOLMAN CREEK ROAD INTO THREE PARCELS. THE TWO REAR LOTS WILL ACCESS FROM SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: TOM HANNA Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT The applicant is proposing to split this parcel into three lots and will use R-1-5. There is a garage/workshop that will be converted to a dwelling. Staff has recommended that this be processed as a Major Land Partition, granting similar access to the two rear parcels except rather than developing flag lots, granting an easement to extend access to two rear parcels. This would retain a larger lot area for the commercial parcel, allowing a 50 foot frontage along Siskiyou Boulevard. If the lot is less than 50 feet, a free standing sign would not be allowed. Staff recommended approval with the attached conditions. PUBLIC HEARING MICHAEL HANNA, Medford, said they saw no problem with the easement change. They plan to make improvements to the property. DON BALLEW, 2315 Siskiyou Boulevard, likes the idea of residences, but believes the lots are too small and do not conform to the rest of the neighborhood. He said there should be one lot in the rear. DENNIS DEBEY, 2475 Siskiyou Boulevard, submitted a letter from Tax Lot 900. He felt the lots are too small and would like to see the commercial lot remain commercial. McLaughlin stated that the applicant would be required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit to change the commercial structure to a residence. BEVERLY SELE, 1045 Tolman Creek Road, is the owner of the parcel in this application and stated that the buyers would be building for resale. Bernard read the letter from Donald McCoy into the record. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 11, 1989 4 COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Harris stated that based on the testimony by the applicant, the criteria that the ordinance sets forth has been satisfied. Carr was concerned about security of the storage area but the applicant responded that if someone was living there, it should improve security. Carr also favored the access. Bernard was generally supportive and even though it seemed like a lot of houses for a small area, that is the way it is zoned. Carr moved to approve Planning Action 89-055 with the attached conditions. Harris seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 89-057 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE TEMPORARY COMMERCIAL USE OF THE PROPERTY ALONG GUANAJUATO WAY (ASHLAND MARKETPLACE). REQUEST INVOLVES PERMANENT APPROVAL OF USE FOR THIS LOCATION. APPLICANT: JUDIE BUNCH Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT Staff decided to extend permanent approval of the Ashland Marketplace and see it as a contribution to Ashland's downtown. PUBLIC HEARING JUDIE BUNCH, 1520 Windsor, was delighted that Staff decided to extend permanent approval. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Harris moved to approve Planning Action 89-057 and add Condition #5 that if the ownership changes at any time, that the new owner would have to go through a Type I review. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 11, 1989 5 TYPE 1 PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 89-043 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION AND SITE REVIEW TO SPLIT THE PARCEL AND ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEVEN APARTMENTS 132 VAN NESS AVENUE APPLICANT: DAVIDSON/TUCEK The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 89-046 REQUEST FOR A BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT AND MINOR LAND PARTITION TO CREATE FOUR LOTS FROM THE THREE EXISTING LOTS. 239 HERSEY STREET APPLICANT: MCKENNA/CAPPODONA The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 89-047 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION 945 NORTH MOUNTAIN AVENUE APPLICANT: DANIAL WHITE The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 89-048 REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 20 FEET TO 15 FEET FOR THE PROPERTY AT 898 MORTON STREET APPLICANT: DAVE LEWIS The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 89-051 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 6650 SQ. FT. OFFICE/COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE 415 WILLIAMSON WAY APPLICANT: FOLKER WEISS The action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 11, 1989 6 PLANNING ACTION 89-052 REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR A 13 LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION. PROPERTY BETWEEN TOLMAN CREEK ROAD AND JAQUELYN STREET, IMMEDIATELY SOUTH AND ADJACENT TO TOLMAN CREEK MEADOWS SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: HAROLD T. GENTRY The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 89-054 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR APARTMENTS ON THE FLAG LOT APPROXIMATELY 330 FEET NORTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF HERSEY AND LAUREL STREET APPLICANT: BRODSKY/ALBERTSON The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 89-056 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO CREATE A NEW LOT 950 CLAY STREET APPLICANT: KITTIE DECKER The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 89-059 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO CREATE A NEW LOT 248 WIMER STREET APPLICANT: PAULSON/JONES This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 89-060 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 57 APARTMENTS ACCESS TO UNITS TO BE FROM SISKIYOU BOULEVARD AND CLAY STREET REQUEST ALSO INVOLVES A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO SEPARATE THE EXISTING HOUSE ONTO ITS OWN PARCEL NEAR 2225 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD APPLICANT: ADROIT CONSTRUCTION The application was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 11, 1989 7 PLANNING ACTION 89-062 REQUEST FOR A MODIFICATION OF THE SITE PLAN OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MINI-STORAGE UNITS 3315 EAST MAIN STREET APPLICANT: WAYNE CAHILL The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 89-064 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A CHANGE IN A NON-CONFORMING USE NEW USE TO BE PRODUCTION OF HANDCRAFTED WOOD GARDEN ACCESSORIES AND BIRD FEEDERS PROPERTY LOCATED BEHIND 520 FORDYCE STREET APPLICANT: GARY SCHRODT The action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 11, 1989 8