HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-0217 Council Mtg MIN r~ _ _ _ _ ,rr■rr.. _
The Sanitary Committee was instructea to investigate the complaint of ~~,Irs.
Eagon regarding the rabbit pen being built ~y ~d High adjoining her property.
The Finance Committee recommended that the request of the ti~faverly Bai~y Home of
Portland fora contribution to their Building. Fund be not granted.
r~~2oved by Claycomb seconded by Bergner that the Recorder advertise notice of inten- tion to construct a sewer on Garfield Street, to be 'mown as
Surfer District ido. 33, and
Feb 17th, at 8 o'clock P.~T be fixed as the time for the hearing of any that Tuesuay, •
objections they°eto. Carried.
The rTayor recommended that all penalties ar~u. overcharges added_to the final pay-
- meat on the paving assessment of C. I'littenbach be refunded. ~~Zoved by Bergner seconded
by Hersey that 1~~'~. Wittenbach be instructed that t~rhen he shall have paid the assessment ~ and overcharges the City will refund all overcharges.
The vote was as follows; Ayes
Bergner, Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, Tayler, ~`den~er; nays none. Carried.
roved by Bergner seconded by Blake that the I;~Iayor be authorized to have the old
diseased fruit trees removed from the hospital grounds. Carried.
T. P• Ooleman addressed the council regarding the suit filed t against him by the City. Action on the matter was deferred awaiting the return of
the City Attorney.
The council next proceeded to consider a resolution entitled "Resolution aa.thoriz-
ing and directing the construction of a setiTrer in SE~~'FR DISTRICT IdO. 32, in Ashland,
Oregon, the extent of said district being described herein, the cost of such sewer
construction to be paid by special assessment and levy on the property specially bene-
fited thereby in proportion to the respective r~enefits thereto." The resolution having
s been read the first time, on motion, the rules were suspended, six voting in favor thereof and the resolution eras passed to the second reading.
Having been r coed the
second time, roll call was oral on its adoption. The vote was as follov~rs: Ayes
Bergner, Blake, Claycomb, He~~sey, Tayler, t'~er_ner; nays none.
Thereupon the ?~ayor declared the resolution adopted.
The City Engineer presented plans and specifications for the sewer to be constructed
in Sewer Distric+ ~~o. s 2. .loved by Blake seconded by Claycomb that the plans and spe- cifications ~e ~dopted~~. Carried.
On motion, the council adjourned subject to the call of the ~~~~yor. f'
4 ~c
i y Recor er.
Ashland, Ore~:on,
Feb. 17, 1931.
The council r~~et in regular session at 7:30 o'clock P.~~7. on this date. Present
~~F T~~~ayor Thornton; Councilr~en Bergner, Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, Tayler, '~uenner; absent
~ none ,
?inutes of the previous meeting ~~rere read and approved as read. f`
Reports of E. R. Ilosler, C. ~3d. Clause and E. F. Cooper for the month of January,
1931, were read and, on motion, accepted and order~Jd placed on file. i~
The follolving building permits were granted;
Ido. 159 J. C. Kaegi, To rer:lodel dwelling- 87 Third St. 5500.00
" 160 G. S. Butler, To repair d~Frelling garage- 830 Iotixaa St. 300.00
" 161 J. E. Gregory, To erect dwelling- Palm Ave. 1,200.00
r,~oved by Bergner seconded by Hey°sey that the Recorder be authorized to make a
temporary transfer from the Electric Zi~:~ht Fund to take care of the payments on the ~
Airport Site which were due Feb. 1. The vote eras as follovrs : Ayes Bergner, Blake,
Claycomb, Hersey, Tayler, ti'Jenner; nays none. Carried.
The request of Dr. Oeser for permission to construct a sidewalk in ~~'ront of his
service station of Bitumuls or Colas Pavement was referred to the Street Committee.
roved by Claycomb seconded by Blake that the I~Iayor r_nd Recorder be instructed to
sign the agreement between the City of Ashland and the 6~restern Union Telegraph Company
covering the continued usa,}~e of poles in Peil's Al1eJr,~ The vote was as follows, Ayes
Bergner, Blake, Claycomb, Ilersey, Tayler, ~r~ier~n~r; nays none. Carried. YliP t 4 .
The hour of 8 o'clock P.?~y2. having arrived, the Recorder stated that there has been no,bids filed with her for the construction of a setixrer in
Sewer District Ito. 32.
TR,,....a rr,,,.~r,.,, ~„~«~a~a 'htr 'R'i~1rn t'h~~ +l~o f!ifsr 1''iv~rri~aar ha inefr~ir.tpr~ t11'~('.P.P.C~ Wlt~'1
.L. U~ AGt~G~ aGVVltuGU uy JJSanu V,.L vlly 'a".vJ
the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 32, according to the plans and speci-
fications approved oy the Council. The vote wa-s as follows: Ages Bergner, Blake,
Claycomb, Hersey, Tayler, Wenner; nays none. Carried.
-j - - - -
a k The hour of 8:~5 having arrived, the council proceeded tivith the hearing of any
objections to the proposed construction of a surer in Sev:~er District No. 33. No one
2~~~ appeared to make objection thereto. .fir
~~1. F. Thomas asked that the City construct a see=er 150 feet long, on Grant Street,
to accomodate his property, 11oved by Claycomb seconded by Bergner that the tifater Supt. be authorized to proceed with the construction of the sewer
as soon as I`:~r. Thomas shall
have signed the necessary papers. Carried.
Ps. J. I.I. ~~~,'auchope presented his report for the month of Jan., 1931, and his annual
report for the year 1930, including Budget for the year 1931.
P.~oved by Tayler seconded by Claycomb that i,~Ir. Longstreet's lease covering the Ila 4w~ ~~Zyers tract at the Airport, be rene~~red on the sane terms
as last year. Carried.
~~s. Bearss adressed the council asking for permission to maintain a baseball diamond
in the southwest corner of the Airport Site. The council agreed to meet with the B~.seball
League to investigate the matter. ;M
The council next proceeded to consider a resolution entitled " Sesolution authorizing and directing the construction of a sevr~er in Setiver District T~Io.
33, in Ashland, Oregon,
the extent of said district being described herein. the cost of such seer construction
to be paid by special .assessment and levy on the property benefited theroby in proportion
to the respective benefits thereto." The resolution having been read the first tirr~, on
motion, the rules were suspended, six voting in favor thereof, and the resolution eras
passed to the second reading. ~Iaving been read the second time, roll call was ordered on
its adoption. The vote was as follows: Ayes Bergner, Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, Tayler,
~Jenner; ~~lays none. Thew°eupon the P,~Iayor declared the Resolution adopted.
T~Ioved by ~a~enner, seconded by Tayler that the plans and specifications presented by
~J~~:~ the City Engineer for Sewer District I'to. 33 be approved. Carried.
On motion, the council adjourne~, subject to call of the Mayor. .rX. ,
w ~f I:~Iayor
Att t:
a Recorder.
.~.shland, Oregon, a
P;~arch 3, 191.
The council met in re ular session a ' ~-.AI. r r~ g t 7 •~0 o clock on thin da ~,e. .resent
P;~~yor P'hornton; Councilmen Bergner, Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, ~;~ienner; absent Tayler.
I~.~Iinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Reports of Blanche E. hicks and L. A. Roberts for the month of iiebruary, 1931, Tf~rere
read and, on r~~otion, approved anc~ ordered placed on file .
Bills O.K'd by the I'ina.~lce Committee, amounting to <>11,81'7,83, ~ver•e read in total amount only. ~otion wc:s made and seconded that said bills be
allo~,-~ed and warrants
ordered drati~m in pa gent the~~eof. The vote was ~s folloti~~s: A`,Tes Bergner, Blake, ClatiT-
comb, Hersey, !'~enner; nays none. Carried. ~9
„ The follotix;ing r~uilaing permit vras granted:
No. 163 Isl. Beaver, To build garage at 916 Ioh~a St. 5>150.00
The request of the Claycomb _:_otor Co. for a permit to install a gasoline tank at T?o. ~0 idorth ~~.in Street- (Tjo. 164- a~~roximate cost ~"'00.00)
w° s referred to the
Street Committee with pov~rer to act. x
I~:Toved by Blake seconded 'oy Clayco~:b that the I~T~.yor be authorised to sign the
contract for chlorine for the year 1931. Carried.
~ Councilman Claycomb reported that the Street Committee had instructedf,~to build the
a sidewalk in front of his service s~atio -w of concrete. ~.'oved by Claycomb secon.r~Ar~ by
Hersey that the City A-~~torneJ be authorized to prepare the necessary papers and to get
Dr. Oeser's signature thereon for the construction of side~ty7alk and ~~rive by the City.
~ ~ The hour of 8 o'clock ~~.P:~, having arrived the council proceeded to consider the bids
submitted for the construction of a sei~~~.r in Sewer District No. 33. Bids v~ere received
from Frank Jordan and J. C. Beagle. the bid of I~~r. Beagle being found to be the lowest r
it was moved py :-jersey seconded by ~~enner tn.at the City award him the contract. The vote
was as foh.ov~rs: ayes Bergner, Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, ~~`lenner; nays none. Carried. a~.
Moved by Bergner seconded by Blake the t the Recorder be authorizes: to transfer F~3600 from the Electric Light Fund to the Se~,~:~er District lo. 3 ~
Fund as a loan. The vote
on the .motion was as fcllo~°~s: Ayes Bergner, Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, ~`~enner; nays none.
r ~ „a
, "oved by Bergner second „d by Blake that the Recor r be authorized to transfer p500 from the 'electric L i`ht Fund to Sewer District 1-100
Fund as a loan. The vote tiflas
as follows: Ayes Bergner, Blake) C1p ycomb, T~ersey, 'jTenner; nays none. Carried.