HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-0315 Council Mtg MIN k, Ashland, Oregon, ~ ~:~,arch 15 , 1932 . ' ~~he council met in regular session a t ~ :~°0 0 clock I.'=, on this date. l-resent i~f~~yor ~'~1or11to11; C,oL?ncilr:~en Bergner, Blare, C1`~yeor~b, tr,_-rsey, iayler, ~~enner; absent none. ;.`:mutes of the previous meeting:; vTere a~~p~oved. il,~ Reports of R. ~iosler, Blanche T?iclis, ~rnest Cooper, C. Clause and J. ~'uuchope for the month of February, 1932, ~~rerc;~ rear and, an r~lotion, accepted and ordered ~ placed on file. g Bills 0.1~~'d by 1:ae 4'iliunce Comr~litte<~, a~loan ~ir1~ ~ to x;129.91, LT;r" re~c~ in total arlount only. T:~otion ~~~as r~~ade arla seconded that sai~. bills be allo1,~:Toct ~;nc ~,--arrants orderod dramrn in payment thereof. the vote ti=ns as follotirs: .yes- ~3er~~ner, Blake, Cl~rcomb, ~~ersey, fib. ayler, '~denner; nays done. CGrried. 1he folloti~ring builr~ing perrlits tdrel:~~ granted: ~f ~ 170. 226 Brethren Church, Adriition to Church, 1100 Ion-~ra St. ~p100.00 227 Thos. hi:! 1, remodel ~~~relling, 143 Gl~anit~ St. 500.00 228 Riley ~Y Grubb, remodel repair d~rrelling at 77 'lied ~t. 330.00 229 rjellie ~ic'tiey, reslirlgle d~-relling at O1~ oulevard 135.00 3' - 100 00 230 ~~m. dray, build garage a11d re_~lodel caddy f~~,ctor~r, Oberlin ~~t. 231 B. I,. pelsman, e~'ect dtiRTellin~_ 011 yob rill t. 5,OOO.CO t.~ ~ sirs. 'i. reerlan addressed the council as~~~ing if srle ;~~rould be required to construct aseptic tank on her Oberlin Otreet property. Uhe said she coulr. not afferc~ to d.o so ~t t. this time. 1'he proposed construction of a sejy~er on O~erlin tivas ag~~_in discussed a,nd this matter ~r1as referred to the ~~anitary Committee and City ~n~;ineer for investiga.tiorl <=.nd ~ report at the next meeting. ;a3 On motion, 1:~ss . R. ~a. Jordan ~~~,,as ~,lat~lted free tiaatel ~zn~~ lig~t.~ to July 1, 19~:~,. Councilman '~laycomb rc~portea tha the :irpor~> Comr~littee and l~'loyd Dickey h«t talked over' the rsattel' of a fee for t'.ne use of a Y~art of the ~"~irport `~roLlrlds on ~=rhich rickey ' ` Vrishes to build a riangar. 'he Committee ha~~ decided to allover ~ ~:r. _ickey to construct either a single or a double hangar, the rental char~~e to be ~f5.00 per month. In ord,~r to promote the buil~_i11~_; of hangars the Conlrnittee hac~ ofi'~red to `give him the ir.-:t six lllonti~ls re?1t free. ~jo action tiaras t~.?~en oll the ~<~tter ~~.t tt~~is time. ~vJw_7. Briggs asked that a. street light 'ae installed on yioneer'.venue ne~.r the ll5rin Plunges, anc that ~ ioneer Ave~~lue be graded unusually ,,ell. '~hese clatters ~,:el'e re ~ erred to the'"lectric 1:i~;ht Committee anci.~treet Cori}zittee t~:~ith po-:~cr to act. ~ 011 notion, the council ~-~.~,l,iourlled sub ~:~o cai.1 of the .~.~~_~,ror. ~n ~Y y 2 1'he courci.l met in regular sessio~l ~~t '7;30 o'clock ~~.Tr. on t~zis date. Present ?~oTa~~or ~~hol°ntorl; Cou~lcillrlen i~ergner, Blake, Claycor~~, ,jersey, `~'~Ayler, '~~'enner; ~4bserlt none. ~~,~inutes of the previous sleeting ti~rere approved. Bills O.~r'd b~~ tale .'Finance Corunittee, ~.~_lounting to ;;:8,845,43, l~rere rea~~ in total amoLUlt only. ':notion ti'ras made .~,:con~.et. that s° ic_ bills be ~.lloirrt;d ~:rl~:_ v~rarrants orde:::"d dra~-~n in payr_1e11t thereof. :'ale vote on tale Ylotlorl ~~r~~. ~ 1olloti-,~s: ~,~f~~s ~~.~~r~-.r1~,~', Bla~~e, vla`yCO"1~, Tr8rs8~'r, ia~'18l', .'~~1:181'; nc~?S 710118• Carl'].8d. Comr~unication i'I'o'~ 'Jlry°il G. ~el,ap of~;rillg t18 Cit~r nis services as auditor arras reaa. ~:t'he Recorder ~~~ras instl'ucted to advise ~ s. DeL~p that the ~::ccounts of the City of Ashl,~r_U_ for the ~,re~,r 1J31 have been audited. `s'he application of I'.T.CoI°ecr, ~~ivil 'engineer, ~~'ar the positio} of '-later `:orks ?:~:rlager c:!ic~ ~':cl~;ineer tirras read uut :~o ~±cti on eras t~-.~i~~~1. Corrlr~unication f_~om ''~rs. T~~ettie ~'-ood asking; that she be allo~red to postpone the pay:~ent of l~ler v~rater light bills until such time as she shall have I'eceived r~~one~? ~-nom her ~itizells Bank account v~r~:s read and referred to the 1i'later ~unerintender.t. Council~^Za11 ';1a~,?comb brour~h t up t~Le ~_~atter of pavin€ Trob 'rill street. F"after some C1SCL1ssi0n t~18 vl.t`r ~rigln8er anti '.inter ll'~er1I1rt:8nC.211t ~~°8i'8 lns~':?:'ucted t0 1nvPStl~'ate a11d re~~ort on the apnroxir~late cost of Y,avinrn anc la~:,Tirl~; ne~~,~ t-rater r^i~a ins o~ wob '~i'~.1 a~ ?sigh ,streets.  '.,ile (;ity liglneer preseniea a. plan or -uile proposea ~!arEaciine Tree-u paving improve ment. -The RecorCL-r was instl°ucteCL to ,Iotify the interesteu -property,. ovmers that their may offer any suggestions or oi~ jec ~lo~a to ~,L;icl 1 ~ ,t a ~~~_,rlTeich Ls to be ?-,old at 8 o'clock ".-cril 19th. T-)r. _;1«ke submitted an estl~-l1. to of the co t of c o n s t P icE 111~ ~ s ;er on Oberlin Street. It was roved by -la 'Len scoii d_ea by Claycomb that the Recorder be in:.-eructed to publish notice of intention to cons-;~,uct a sewer on Oberlin Street. 'uesday, Aril