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1932-0816 Council Mtg MIN
1~/~ the matter of a contract between ~r'he California Oregon Povaer Company ana the City of r,..~ Ashland, and three propositions were submitted, of which a proposition covering a flat kilowatt hour rate was the most acceptable. Gde ~~rish to again present this proposition to you in such form that it may be officially accepted by both the City anti ourselves. Lhe proposition referred to is as follows : The present contract between the City of Ashland and The California Oregon Power Company, dated April 1st, 1929, will be extended for a period of one year beginning July 1, 1932, providea same may be cancelled upon sixty days ~rritten notice by either-- party after six months from date hereof and provided further that in all other provisions the contract shall remain unchanged, except as follows: (a) In paragraph 1, the rate will be 9 mills per kilowatt hour without a demand charge, and with a yearly minimum guarantee of X6,000.00, payable at not less than `400.00 per month. (b) In making this reduction effective ~t is the unaerstan~.ing that curing the life of said contract the City of Ashland will buy all of its energy over and above the amount generated by the present installed generating plant, from The California Oregon Power Y Company. fiery truly yours, THE CALIFORNIA OREGON PO'~~~'R COI~H'ANY (Signed? J. C. Thompson, DIVISION F~ATuAGER. and. ~'JHER AS , THE SAID OFFER S CON~'AINED IN SAID COMP~iL'NICATION has been recommended. and approved by the Electric Light Committee of the Common Council, NO~`+ TH"R'~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the T~ayor ana Cordon Council that said proposition be accepted and the existing contract of the City with The California Oregon Po~~~er Company be modified to the extent provided in said communication, effective as of July 1st, 1932. The resolution having been read the first time, on motion, the rules were suspended, five voting in favor thereof, and the resolution was passed to the second reading. Having been read the second time, roll call was ordered on its adoption. The vote was as folla~rs: Ayes- Bergner, Blake, Clayco,b, Kersey, Tayler; nays none. The~f~eupon the ~~ayor declared the resolution adopted. -loved by Bergner seconded uy Blake that the %ia ypr be authorized to sign an application for Federal Funds for the purpose of installing a Diesel electric plant and laying 13,000 feet of water mains, as per the application submitted by the City Attorney. The vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes- Bergner, Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, Ta yler~. nays none. Carried. The 1.~~ or reported on the results of the meeting with the uigh~~:~ay Commissi on indicat- ing that he felt sure Southern Oregon would receive a large amount for road mmprovement, largely on the .~iskiyous. Discussion followed as to the possibility of cutting the expense in the electric department. It was reported to the Council that Elmer Riegel had successfully passed the examination for licensed electrical engineer. It was moved by Bergner seconded by Hersey that T~~r. U~Jauchope be given notice that his services will not be needed after wept. 1st, 1932, ~~ith a vacation thereafter for 30 days on full pay, and that Sept. 1st Elmer Biegel be employed as Superintendent at X150.00 per month, and that ~d. E. B~rtelt be retained in the office at a salary of ;120.00 from Sept. 1st. Carried. T~oved by Bergner seconded by Hersey that it is the sense Qf the council that all new construction or reconstruction work, in the electric department bn curtailed until further orders, except as necessary in the opinion of the electric co~mittee, ana further that the services of T~cCoy and Templer be dispensed with Sept. 1st, ~93~~. Carried. On motion, the council adjourned. yar Attest: Recorder pro em Ashland, Oregon, Aug. 16, 1932. The council met in regular session at '7:30 o'clock P.M. on this .ate. Present Mayor Thornton; Councilmen Blake, Claycor~b, He~~°sey, Tayler, d*~enner; absent Bergner. ~~~inutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Reports of C. J. Baughman, F. R. Hosler, C. W. Clause, E. F. Cooper and J. M. Wauchope for the month of July, 1932, were read and, on motion, accepted and ordered placed on file. The matter of repairing the City Hall roof was referred to the Realty Committee. i Bill of 1111ayor Thornton for expenses to nmgene and return, amounting to 15 cents, was presented, lotion was made and seconded that said bill be laid on the table. Carried. `I ~J R.,< '-'n a Request of G. P,~I. Frost for a vacation ~~~as referred to the Cemetery Committ~~~ with po4ver to act, Bill of G. Frost for miscellaneous items amounting, to X4.81 was read and, on motion, ordered paid when the same shall have been O.K'd by the Finance Committee. On motion, the council adjourned subject to c~.ll of the h~yor. I~~a ycr ' Attest : l ~ Recorder ~ Ashland, Oregon, w~ Sept. 6, 1932. The council met in regular session at 7;30 o'clock P.I~I. on this gate. Present i~Trayor Thornton; Councilmen Claycomb, G~enner; absent- Bergner, Blake, Tayler, Hersey. On motion, the council adjourned to meet at the call of the I~~ayor, yor Attest: , II ~~J t Recorder. xW ~F Ashland, Oregon, Sept. 9, 1932. The council met at the call of the Mayor at 4:30 o'clock P.Q.T. on this date. Present 1~Tayor Thornton; Councilmer~ Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, Tayler, dVenner; absent- Bergner. Bills O.K'd by the Finance Committee, amounting to ~6 ,679.79 were read in total. amount only. ?:Notion was made and seconded that said bills be allov~red and ~~arrant s ordered drawn in payment thereof. r'he vote was as folloeds : Ayes- Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, Tayler, ~~enner; nays-none. Carried. On rec©mmendation of I~~a~Tor Thornton, it was moved by Claycomb seconded by ~'Jenner that the City donate to the Legion x;75.00 tov~aard the expense of sending the Kiltie Band to the Conventi~~n at Portland. i'he vote was as follovys ; Ayss- Blake, Claycomb, Hersey, Tayl~~c, Nays-none. Carried. A~~ter some discussion it wGs gloved by 4;~enner seconded by Tayler that the City appro- f. priate 200.00 to be used by the "Save-the-T~lormal" Committee in their campaign against the Zorn-I:TcPherson Bill, said amount to be paid from the Emergency Fund. The vote was as follows: Ayes- Blake, Claycomb, ~?ersey, Tayler, yden:~~er; nays-none. Carried. y On motion, the council ad,~ouxned subject to call of the r. X ray or Attest: t Recorder. ;T Ashland, Oregon, Sept. 20, 1932. The council met in regular session at 7:30 o'clock P. T.T. on this date. Present ~Tayor Thornton; Councilman Ta ler• absent- Ber er, Blake, Cla cor~b, Herse ~tienner. y ~ ~ y y It was moved, seconded and carried that the council adjourn subject to call of the Mayor. IY~ayo r Attest: ~ t Recorder.