HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-0117 Council Mtg MIN
The following building° permits were granted:
i~o 260 Standard Gil Go. of Cal., remodel roof of service station in-
stalling steel in yolace of present one. ~goo.~°
A~' This was referred to the Chief of he Fire Dept., for recommendation before approval.
reques ~ tifuas glade ~~~-,r I. J. Sadvyer to move a wilding from Belleviev~ district to
Grandview Drive. This uvas referred to Chief of Police De7t. fora roval. ~ ~ pp
f ~ petition by the ~~shla,nd Economic League composed of legal voters ~~nci tax-payers
and consisting of 521 names was read. i~oved by ~~Tenner seconded by Claycomb that petition
be tabled and filed for thirty days for further consideration and study. Carried.
Park Board re~ ort was read. ~4ioved b- Cla comb seconded 'o ~Ienner tha re r b t o t e u, p y Y y p
accepted and pl~,cec~ 01~ fzle. ~arrled.
request ~avu,~i read i'rom Iir Bergner requesting leave of absence until Larch lst. lroved by Lininger ana seconded by Gregg to approve same. Carried.
Letter advising
~~ir. Bergner of action, requested written.
Letter from League of Oregon Cities read and referred to I~.,~r. Briggs.
~ ' Proposed city of°dinance for• setiver :O1at~"'~3t~~~n. i ~ vetiver Dist. lTa 37 read. i:oved by
~~'denner seconded by Claycornb that ordinance passed. t'Lfter reading by title, ,'~yes- Glaycomb, Gregg, Lininger, ~y7enner: nays none. Carried.
i ~ ~~ioved by Glayeomb seconded by `,`ienner that the council adjourn.
i, I
~.t to s ~ . Iti-iayor.
.Ashland, Oregon,
don ar ` 13 1933 u y;
The council met at the call of the ~Ia~yor at 4 o~clock P.I~~I. this date. Present
%~Iayor ~~~iley; Councilmen Claycomb, Gregg, Lininger, Taylor, ytenner. absent- 3ergner.
resolution drafted by the City attorney pledging the support and co-operation
of the City of Ashland to the Oregon State Highway Commission in its program of re-
alignment and re-construction of the Pacific Highway ~°aithin the city li}T~its tivas dis-
cussed. After some minor changes, it was moved by '~n7enner seconded by Gregg, that the
resolution be adopted. .Ayes Cla;Tcomb, Gregg, Lininger, Ta;~lor, '.'lenner: nays none.
On motion, the council adjourned subject to the call of the ~~~ayor.
i, P~~a~or ~
Ashland, Oregon,
' danuary 17, 1933
1 The council met in regular session ._~t '7:30 o~clock P.III. on this date. Present
;~~ayor ~~'tiley; Councilmen Glaycomb, Gregg, Lininger, TaiMar, '~~'denner. absent- Berner.
Minutes of the previous meeting ~ve~°e read and approved as read.
~ionthl re orts of Elder Bie~el .Earl Hosier Ernest C er B E ~-~ic~, R- y p oop s, aV ,spencer,
and L. yl. Roberts were read ana on motion accepte~~ and ordered placed on file.
I It was moved by Taylor, seconded by Claycorn'o that a letter be written to :gym. Briggs
asking him to keep t:~e council advised o~i any legislation affecting r~unicipalities. The vote was as follo~~~~s: Ayes Cla~,rcomb, Grego, Lininger,
Ta,_,lor, ~~~enner. nays none.
~ The request of the Library Board for the re-appointment of Ia~rs Frank Dic~~e~T and I:~rs
H. a. Stearns as rner~~ers of fine Rn~.-r°t3 to ~i~c'r~Pe,i thP.rn~P.l VP.~ ~~a.~ ~;~r,~~~nvP~~ _
An application from 0. H. Bailey, Civil Engineer, for enEineerinQ~ wor ijith tale City
of shland was read. i oved by ~enne_,~, seconder an ~ cal-vied that t ~e application be laid
on the table.
i sl I
_ _
`~`~enner stated that he had receiveda request fron the Park Board to h~~ve the ,
Finance Committee audit their boars. He also re~~~uested permission for the Finance ~
Comr~ittee to audit the boo1~s of the City lecorder and treasurer as had been done in ~
forr~er years.~ioved by Claycor.~b that the Finance Co~~r~ittee nudity the banks of the City
Recorder and Treasurer seconded by Gregg. The vote Liras as follo~vs: Ayes Claycor~'a,
Gregg, Taylor, ~~~enner, Lininger: nays none. Carried.
Light Comr~ittee Report. I,ini.nger stated that he had a request to have a pole in
front of the Bert Freer~an place waved. After sorle discussion, it arras decided to tale
no action in the natter.
'7~Tater Comrilittee Report. Gregg said he had talked ~vitil Hosler l°egarding the use of
water recorders t~rilich were costing the city X96.00 per year. loved by Gregg seconded by Claycorn~ that they discontinue using sar~le. The vote
eras as ~"oll~o~vs: eyes Cla,ycamb,
Gregg, Taylor, ~~~~enner, Lininger: nays none. Carried,.
Street Committee. I~ro report.
b'denner raved that the provision of the charter respecting appoint~lents of the var-
ious officers and departr_lent heads ;~e (allowed and irl the case oj' the er~playrlent of sub-employees that the recommencLations corIle from the depa~°tr~~ent
heads to ~~e acted upon
gay the I~~Iayor arld Council ~~.Zd in the cage of l~is.~llissals, that recomr~endations cor~le from
the department heads with cause of rer~~oval, to be acted upon by the council. Seconded
by Taylor and after discussion the vote vvas as follows: eyes Claycol:rb, Gregg, Taylor,
~~~enner, Lininger: nays none. Carried.
~g wa ~hairr~arl to act in ' It tivas su~ ested that sore rlerber of the council oe elected ~r ~ ~ ~ the a'asence of the Mayor.
'~~enner nominated Claycomb seconded by Taylor. The vote arras
as folloi~vs: Ayes Lininger, Gregg, Talor, '~enner: i~yays Wane. Carried.
Smith o~ the %ielping Hand ~~ission told of the relief ~~rork going on, stating
that at first there ;a°ere 15 to 20 families gut no.~~ over 4J far~ilies are tieing cared for.
Claycomb moved that the city grant the %Iission x;100.00 and the mayor be authorized. to i,
loon into file ti=ror°r~. The 4~1Q0.00 to be transferee fron the Light rund to the Indigent ~ Fund. far this purpose. Carried.
~~ayor ',`~~iley brought the sun jest of fires outside of the cit~r lir~its up for dis-
cession, stating that no insurance ~~as carried on r~en injured outside of file cit~r limits.
Claycom~ moved that t%re matter on in:=~urance be fallen up with the outlying districts,as ~
due to the high rates of insurance, it ~°~ould be ir~~ossible .~°or the city to pay it, un-
less these outside people oanded together to help defray costs. Seconded by `:denner .The
vote ~~vas as follows: Ayes Lininger, Gregg, '~`tenner, Claycomb, Taylor: nays none, Carried.
~'iayor ~~~iley brought the removal of Ingling, and the appointment of I,1.P. Dunn on the
police force. Claycomb moved the action of the I~~Zayor be canfirrned, seconded ay ~~'denner.
The vote way as follotirs: ..yes Lininger, Gregg, ~-~renner, Claycomb, Taylor: nays none. ~
Carried. Li.ni.nger moved that the appointraient of Dunn ~~e confirr~ed, seconded by Taylor.
The vote tivas as fa1lo~~rs: Ayes Linin=;;er, Greg;, ':~~lenner, Clayco~~lb, Taylor: na~~rs none.
Subject of ~vater pipe vas discussed. Hosler stated that many feet of old pipe soon
must be replaced, having been laid for 2~ years or more. '~tenner moved that the Finance
and '~uater Comrittees investigate ~~n~. report an the ac~.visabilitr of replace~lent. Seconded
by Taylor. Carried.
Bills O.I~~d b~ the Finance Cor~mittee. Nation ~v~s made that said 'wills be allo~ired I'F J and ~r~~.rr~irrts ordered dracrrl in payalent thereof.
The vote eras as f allo~rrs : ryes Gregg,
Claycombo, ~=enner, Lininger, Taylor: nays none. Carried.
M T' Yr - , ~ z- ~ ~tlan anti. the Lln~n~er stated the hl~nrv_~~<; Departr~ent ~=could tir~.nt ~ratez for construe, ~
su'o ject of rates for tivater eras referred to file City attorney. The penalt jT for delinquent
lights aild ~~vater assessed against J. L. Barnthouse on Januar~r 12th vas ~~raived on motion F
by Taylor, seconded by Lininger, if laid at a1ce.
~'~enner moved that the meeting adjourn, there bein-_; Flo further 'ousiness to cor~le be-
fora it, seconded ~by Gregg. Carried.
w Itiayg
Attes .
Ashland, Qregon,
January 24, 133.
The caunoil red -wt the call of acting IGayor Claycar~b at 4a' clock i'.II. on this
date, ~resant ~.ctin~~ %~at or Cla cartlb• Councilmen Gre~# Linin~~~er Tatrlor ~:'enner.
apsent- Bergner.
r-Ir 3. artin engineer for the Oregon State High,zaay Department was present and
with a ma11 outlined tine proposed ne-,, hi-hway and stated that the Ore-on State Hi-hway
.,ommission liras goin- to open bids the next mo2ninb for its construction and desired
authority frog the City Council to go ahead with the .jaorl" within the cite limits cover-