HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-0717 Council Mtg MIN
h l~shland, Oregon.
July 10, 1933.
The council met in special session at 7:30 l:i. this date. ~~'~i~eent ~:~=~~~o-r .~iley;
Oouncilmen ~er~ner, Gregg, Claycorlb, hininger, `:enner.
' The purpose of the meeting tiraa,s to hear the report of tine apeciwl Comrlittee on the re-
{ vocation of tiie Dix license. The Comr_littee had recommender. revocation. ~«oved by Claycomb
that the Oommittee report be accepted, revocation to ~~e fo~~° pe<<~iod ow' thiltl days after
which time a ne;~r a1~y~licc~tion co~_lld ire ~ubinitted. Seconded by.~ininger, carried.
~ ° ~ On notion, the council adjourned to Meet at the call of the l~ia~ror.
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~~ttest: <<
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~ ~`Lshland, Oregon, ,n~
~ July 13, 1933.
The council met at the call of the i:Zayor at 7:30 y. l,i. this date. ?~rresent 1~:a~ror ';,~iley;
~Y~ Councilmen ~ergnei~, Claycomo, Grey;-;, Limner, a~~ler, ~;ienner; absent none. _ ,,~r
The purpose of the meeting was to accept bids on the urnishin of as~~~halt. The City
Ln~°ineer read the ,Dias received. llle Shell Oil Co. ~lavinr» the lo~~~est oicl ~~19.90 er ton p , rOh ~~s111and. ;Moved by 3ergner th~~t
the pity .~r_ ~ Weer ~~,~e ~utlorized to }~ui°ch~~~e a, -8000
gallon car of Shell Asphalt. seconded by Tayler, c~~rried.
~~'Ze meeting was adjourned anti a joint r~leetin~ o' 1;rie ~^Jater anti li`;ht cor~ri~ittees hel~_ and
the proposed ordinances °e .d ~,~Zd discussed.
C1~=~ycoi~lb and Ta~~rler left.
' Follotiving the eomr~littee ttleetlrl_;, the council re-colwened to ta.:e ~o~:e action on t~~~e pro-
le posed ordi~lance. ~'ifter considera~le discussion it tiaras su~;~es~~ed by l~:cClure(City ~~ttorner), that
the subject of a dei~osit be ~~ostponed at le~~st to r~~o ~°arily ~~na t~r~.t if tie delir~cyuent renter
p= ' could pay ~iis current vratei~ ~~.d li.~ht bill ~?lus o~ie-half of ti'rts ar:~ount to apply on !,.is de-
linquent accou~~lt, th~~t he be perritted to slave 1i~;l~ts and crater.
~uoved by 3ei°ner that all delinquent renter°s ~e ~°e~:_~uirefi to pair their current bill plus fifty per cent to apply on their delinquent accowlt
in order to continue too ~:°eceive City ~vater
and li.hts. (F~~,ilure to co~,_;~lJ ~:aould ~°e.ult i~1 their see°-~ ice '~e~ :cut of_~) . Seconded and
carried. ~
~ letteY oar ~ cClui e (~lty ~~ttolney) , ze,,al t~ ill,, she inc,oi~plete conczi~;ion of one City Ordin- ~ ~ ~ ~ .r H ~
("1 1 T~ ~ 1y
ante ooo~s .gas read. Loved by Benner that the case of the ~lty of ~srlland Vs domes oe zelerred
to the City ~~ttorne~r z"or recor,~z~endations.
P~2oved 'oy .~ienner that the City :'attorney brim, the Grdinance book up to date, recommending
what ordinances ~e t ~~en out on acco~nlt o' being ouselete, and cor:_,leti~l~ the tax exe~ption
certificates. Seconded by I,i.ninger, c_~.-rried.
a~~~ On 1>>otion, the council adjourned to ~~_~leet on l,~oaday evening, July 17, 1933 at 7:30 T.l~~l.
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_~ttest :
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_~shland, Oregon.
Ju1~l 17 , 1933 .
The council met in special session at 7:30 1. 1.1. this date. 12resent i - ror
Oouncilmen Serener, Olaycor_ii~, Gre Iininer, Ta~rler, Benner; absent none.
fl~ >t
This meeting ~~aas e~~lled to consider the salary oz°ainance chiefl`r. 3e-! ore brin~in~ is u~, r~E'
hov~ever, the question of chi~r~in~; propez'ty oti-aners ii`aitl"1 the ~:~.vin~ of intersections ~•aas brought
up. %.ioved by Claycomb that the amity lttorney ~~arite other ~;oti~rns eonccrnin~; hoer they are r
handling, t_~is same problerP. Seconded by Ta~~ler, carried.
laoved by ~~laycom'o that the City Attorney continue to collect delinquent ~~rater and li~~ht
rents ~4nd receive ;50.00 per r~onth in addition as ~"it`r Attorrle~r. 3eeonded and carried.
I~.ioved by ',r'enner that the City ~t ~o~~~1er be instructed to drati~r up the salary ordinance for
the period fro~1 duly lst to December ~l, 1933, the carne as t~1e preceeuiYl~ so.lary ordinance
except 1s t0 t.0' y `?Ti O: '~l~~T _:t'U0__'~1~~'r .:'',i~.G._ ',11.1 ~J° ~~JO.~Q )e' r~1'J"'.t:1. ~>PCOnC~eC. 'iJ~r ~U,!rleZ', '
The possibility of purch~:ain~; ti~40OO in ~~as.ter bor~lds at '78 tiaras brought ui~. i~.oved bar 3e~°ner
th<~,t t_~e "ity Treasurer purchase these bongs at '78, s~~.l~e to be -nai~~ out o:i the Cor~~7eterJ Trust
and electric Zi~ht .)e~~r~ci~,~~~ion _~zncls. ~~eco~~dec~_ ~;n1c~ c~~.~~1'iec?_.
:denilei' ~OVed ~~h'~.t the ';~lt~~ ~'~ttorne~r +;roceecA ~rlt:1 t:-~.e 0~'cti~~:',rloe o:"1 tale 3anc~'oft _'Let :'oz'
ae~~ver District i?o. 3'7. Seconded anct carried.
On notion, the council adjo~zrned ~~o r_neet at the c~..ll of the Mayor.
G~2~'~ /n- yar, - z-,
.i.v t-'o1. ~.~.'~i1 •
Ashland, Oregon.
July 18, 19~~.
The council rnet in re~ul4~,r session at '7:30 ~ this date. present ?~:a~rol' ~;iley;
Councilmen Ber;;ner, Olaycorlb, Grey, Linin,er, ~i'ayler, ~:lenner; absent none.
Iuinutes of last meetings approved.
h~iont~lly reports of the Street, hi_;'rit, ~.~'ater, hilarary, City Nude and recorder ti~rere read,
accepted and ordered placed on file.
Applie~~,tioY1 of :lr. St~reitzer at 155 Ohio Street for free lihts and Td°rater vacs upon notion
by Ta;~rler, seconded by .enner referred to the heads of tale '.later `'.nd Zi~ht Departments for
reyoort. r
Committee reports:
~~anitary Cor.~~.'~ ~~+'e. C~re~g re~~orted the toilets on Or aa~~e .avenue, especially those be- lon;JinJ to Fre~il~a,n ~,nd Gray ti'aere in bad
shape. It tiraas su~;~;ested ti1a~; the ':~a ter Superintend-
ent make estilrlates of t~~e costs of connections ~.~~rith sever _'or t~lese parties ~~,nc~. inform them.
The proposed or~.inance authorizin the issuance of ityF Improverzent 3onds in the matter
of laying a setiver in Ses~ver District io. 37, Gvas read. Ravin:,; been re~~zd the='irst tune, on
fiotl.On, file ru1eS t~;'~_'2 SuS~Jetlde~:., sl.f, vot ~ 11~ 1.n faVO:' theroo gnu. the ordinance tip'=ws p~.ss~;. to
the second reading. ~~oved by ~lenner that the ordinance be wdoptec~, seconded by Ber~ne~~'. C.~,rriea unani~lo;zsl ~'~1e~°ell~oY1, ~ti10 I~~ a~ror
decl~~re~~ Cit~~,r vrdil~zrzce Iio. 918 adopted. I,
1~~orvlI((ed by ;~~~.~~11,i ~//~~~ur flat the s~~.la~~~r o~.' the Cif ~.r ~~j;torr~eYr ae snet~y~at ~~b5.00 er r~l/o~ntl1l in~ stead
V»~ i~~y~~.VV, n.J i~~~~~~.7se~.l =~~,t i/~~~ U ..:i v'i~ ~'.L t ~Yl E~1 fit U ~ ~ ..S~~,J, .J ~vV~1: Ll~L)~ii .~v~i~~AY~, V(~_~_~1~1 .~i U.•
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~1e ~>i'or~ose~. o~i'~;al_1_~~~,~~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ,>~._~;~°u~_~~z .;lac 1t~!
a~~~;ointive o~'ficers of the !;it~,r of .isiland_'ol° tiro ~~orioc~ Jul~r 1, 19JJ to Decer~l'~er 31, 1933 having been ref~,d ta:1e first tune, oil
motion, the rules wer suspende<<, sin vot~rc; in f~.vor there-
of, the ordinance ~.~as - assed to the second re,~.~~1r7~;. havi~~ ~ peen read the second ti~1e by title
onl~r, roll cell was ordered on its adoptiotl. '~'~1e vote tia~.s ~as follotivs: dyes, 3er;ner,
Claycornb, Grew;;, _~i~li2V~~.~~, Tayler, .~ienner. ?days none. Thereupon the ~:iayor declared pity
Ordinance TIo. 913 ado--pted.
I,~oved b~ ~~~Jenner th~=~t the recorder be authorized to transfer r~'400.00 rlonttll~,r from the Zight ~u.nd to th° ';later i+'uY1d for the ~~~urpose
~f fife pa~vme.nt of ~~r~~ter bon ~s. (1'he 1iht de-
partment being indebted the t--cater d~ ~r<~~rt,.zent for r~rater poti~rer) , sane to be effective July 1,
1933. Seconded by Tayler, carried.
:;roved by Benner th~~.t i "l ~ e ; ~~stz' ~ ;7.°~' 'o to ~.ortl~n~~ to at':ena tie ~~i~.htiaa~ I~
Comiission I~~etin~.~. Seconded by Clayco~~b. ~~~~rried.
i:~oved b ~ Berner, trlat Claycornb 'oe are ointed a Oomr_~ittee o~" orle to t~.~~~e up :~~1ith the
l'av 'zi y rv:;i ol'c_.rUlu ale 111 :i)Ortiarice O! U J 6.t lti ou prU jkj i,. U U, U
On the cwac` l oiz'~°i'l C~ iect to call of tae 1.Itly or
t1 zuror •
p i