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~~shland, Oregon
March 23, 1934
The council met in special session at 5:00 P.I~~~. this date. Present I~~ayor ~i~ilelf, Councilmen ~~pple~~vhite, LL3ergner, 3lalre, Gregg, "atyler,
Benner; absent none. Former Councilman `
Claycomb was also present.
The l~~Iayor announced the purpose of the meeting v~~as to ta~~e action on the options held by
the City on lands adjacent to the ~~ir Fort cariich might be neele;:~ to ir~lprove the port. Clay-
comb and ~ipples~~.~iite spoke on tie present status ox" the lir Fort. Igo action was taken on the
Un motion, the council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.
Mayor. attest:
.b G~/ _ Recorder.
~~shland, Oregon
~~pril 3, 1934
The Council rnet in regular session at 7:30 F.,t~I. this date. Present ~~layor ,diley;
Council=yen ~~pplel~r~iite, "3ergnor, Blake, Gre Sayler, :~Ienner; absent none.
PWiinutes of previous meetings ~vere read and approved.
a~~ontiily reports of the City Judge for rebruary and u~arch, and the Dump Ground auger-
intendent for l~tareh were read, accepted a~~d ordered place. on file.
Dills amounting to X6688.95 ti>>ere read as to total amount only, same having been OKTed
by the r'inance Committee. 1~~ioved ny '~1Jenner and seconded by 3ergner t~iat the bills be paid.
Roll call was ordered, the vote being ayes, 6; Nays, 0.
Rev. Hall representing the yshland ~~~ini.sterial :association was present and spoke in
favor of closing the places selling liquo~:° at 1~ midnight instead of l ~~.I'd. ~~oved by Gregg that the ordinance be changed from l t~.l'+i. to
1~ ~~.II. Secondedi by Blal~.e. ~~fter Borne dis-
cussion avote was ta~.en and tie ~ otion los ~~Ioved by `~r'enner that t?ie council invite the
proprietors of the places selliri~ liquor to meet witri tale licensing committee to discuss the
question of closing; at I2 midnight instead of 1 .~vi. Seconded by Tayler, carried.
aids an the new ear for Police Department was the next order of business. Dan Kay,
Perry ~~shcraft and H. L. Claycornb representin the Chevrolet, I'l~rmouth and Ford ears spoke on the merits of their ears. I~~oved by ';~~enner
that tie bids be referred to the Pyiayor and
Chief of rolice for report at ne:Lt r~leeting. Seconded by ~3ergner, carried.
~.pplications of L. i~. l~llen, Ashland Hotei and tie ilk's Club z"or a state liquor license j*$' endorsement by the Cit~r o~ ~'~srilanu were
received and having been reported favorable by the
licensing committee jr~ere approved on :lotion by '~enner, seconder! by .~pplewriite. :Noll call tixaas
ordered, the vote 'axing eyes 5; mays l (C=regg), carried.
application for 'ouilding permit rt2 to erect a 'Darn of concrete and ~~rood at a cost of
~~550.00, by T~~eal :Heard ~~as upon notion by ~~~enner, seconded by ~pple~rhite. approved.
letter from G. Green of the }~siland Tidings relative to the printing of photographs
-and write-~.ps on the City ~`~arehouse and the Cit~r Electric atone ~~ere upon motion by ~~'enner,
seconded by Dergner, referred to the I,i~it Department vditsi po~F~er to act.
letter fro~i the ~~shland Chamber of Commerce relative to parallel parking was upon
motion by ~pplev~hite referred to the Cit~r Flanriing Commission foxy stud~l ~tind recommendation
and report back to the council. seconded by '~~enne-~~, carried. The recorder 4ra.3 asked to
advise theChamber of Commerce of tale action ta~~~en.
nppliCatiorl of arm. Goulu for the position of irrigation checxer for 1934 was upon motion by Dergner, seconde.:~ 'oy ~'i'ayler to be referred to
the !iJater" Department.
~pplic~4tion of i~ll'~;, Emma ~~;~oore on GrandT,tieti~~ Drive for° lights eras rez"err°e;~ to the Zight
l~pplication oz ,7. ri. ~i11 to cut curb for a ~.rive~aay Tyda~ referred to the atreet Committee.
Moved by rrenner the Fire Chief Baughman be given full salary for the few weeks absence
during the time he ~~as recovering from an operation. ~,econde;~ r;y ~'~ergner, c.r,r.riea. This was i
not to be made a precedent but f;r~~Y~te~, unde_° existir~~~~ corrditians.
The subject of aaturday ai.'l;e~ iloons off u~ t~~e ;it~r er:~la~j~es ~J~i:~ bl o.~~~it u--l~~the~Recarder.
Moved by :~enner that the mattei° ~,~e 1°eferred to the respective d.epartr~rents to wor.~ out the
arrangements subject to supervision and approval by Coi.lraittee heads, seconded and carried.
"I'he watee~ ' r bill for t'ie 1~slaland ice a Story,e vv'ii.crt h~~ 1 Fr had been protested was brow~ht ~p.
Y~oved by ';venner that 4",-,he 'Larch bill be adjusted by adjusting it to equal the same aMoun as
the next r~onths bill, (April) . 'aeconded by 131a3-e, c arried.
The City attorney stated that fir. I~el]: had aN~;ect him about a clair~~ for ;;75.00 for
rent on its budding used as a nlsslon for six ti~aeeks. ~,~oved oy :leaner tnat the vity advise
pr. ~~n~;ell thru the pity ~~ttorney that ttle~T did not tivant to corltriaute to tine rent of the
former mission. :seconded by Bergner. ~a
Bills of X75.00 each for Ii. ~layco~:~o anti Guy 1'~~ple~yri~ite for trips to l~ortland in
connection witr~ the _~ir rort and bill for X13.50 from the Claycomb ~~,iotor Company for
telegrams ~ n connection. ti~rith fihe :sir sort tirE; e upon :-aotion a;~ ~7er~rie~~, .aec~~r~de~i by 31ake,
~omrnittee ~~~eports r'~
W<~._~ Li.~ht: The nee. for a. radio trou~le linuer~ iavin~ peen brou~lit up, it was moved by
~errnel~ ~~il-~t the sight ~epwrtraerrt be authorized to purch<~se an up-to-date trouble finder,
~ secondeu b~1 ~31a~~e. Oarried.
i~~oved by i3lake that the Cit~r y~ttorney com~~lunic~~.t;e ~„itir the i'ar~ 3oard relative
" to the use of one man joint;1;.- ~vitir the y are. ??ora 3oulevard and tit Farr . Oeconde~z. by '1'ayler,
u'dater: The ;grievance ,or~rlittee reported on a recent meeting held Frith delinquent ~~rater
ans light users.
~ atreet: ~ip~plevrhite reported oil tide opening of ti~re street from iiutley to the nark.
Login permits for tr~~cy_s, not alloying them to pass thru the City, but routing them around
? was discussed b~f ~pplewhite ~ ~~e also reported on the secrer drains and broken down curbs.
a The City ~ttorne~r read letters from i~:cl~la,ry and Martin relative to the population of
~ Ashland with reference to F.~.R.~. projects.
The petition far se~rrer on ~~1ta ~~venue ti-ras considered further. ~:io~red by Greg that the
City publish notice of intention to construct se~-rer and set a hearing at tYie next meeting.
aecanded by 31a1~.e. roll call vro,s ordered. _~yes 5; ~ays 0. ,Cenner left 'oefore the vote
to answer phone call and did not return. Carried.
bids i'or tiie annual pu:~'chase of gasoline ~oeing the ne:~:t; order of business, it was
{ moved by Bergner that bids ue called for, to 'oe opened on :~pril 17th at 8 r.Li. Seconded
j by Tayler, carried.
. Gregg moved that the ,Calr.er timber land deal be referred to the City attorney. :seconded
and carried.
The completion of the ~CitG,r Hall ~~hiclrrrGd been done 4~rith C~C~ labor eras upon motion
by Blake, seconded b`r ~Lpple~alrite, carriea after y~oll call was ordered and the vote being,
fi~ ~~es 5; mays 0.
Un t~~otior~, the council adjourned to meet at fire call of the ~Niayor.
~~i~yor. s~
_ - ~ recorder.
Ashland, Oregon
l~pril 4, 1934
The Council met in special at 5 P.~~i. this date. Present Mayor `~Ciley; Councilmen
Bergner, l~pple~rrrite, 31ake, Gregg, 'rayler, errner; absent none.
The purpose of the meeting was announced as beirl~ to accept the bid an the car for
I the Police Bepar°tr:7ent. after considerable discussion and stud~t, it vv,~,s r,~oved b.y ~.pple- white that the ~~it~r accept fire recommendation of
the Mayor and ~~hief of Police and pur-
chase the V 8 Ford frorl the ~'laycor~l~ ;Motor Company for X639.46 (816.81 less trade irz on
old car ~177.35~. aecondeu by ~ ~ g lennei carried. Roll cell was ordered, the vote bein
ayes, 6; Tdays, 0.
3 a~Calker brought up ttie ~iuestion of the sale of certain timber on land belonging to the
City of ashland. The matter teas referred to the 'Cater Committee and the recorder directed to write a letter to Z. Co~gins as Lint; ~lyr:7 -f he
~rr~~s still interested in the purchase
of the carne piece.
On motion the council a~~ jo~.zrrred to r:~eet at the call of the i~~ayor.
ti /
~ ~~ayor.
attest :
~i ~ h y t