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The subject of tennis courts uvas brought up by 1ippletiahite and considerable discussion
held, but no action tai~en.
On motion, the council adjourned to meet at the call of the I~~layor. , d F
3 r ~ _ _
f _ v ' _ ~~Iayor.
~ , ~ . ~ _ .lr.,. Recorder.
Ashland, Oregon ipz°i1 30, 1934
The Council met in special session at 5:U0 P.I:i. this date. Present i4iayor ':~`diley;
Councilmen Applei~rl~ite, Bla1~~e, Gregg, '~~~enner; absent Councilmen ~3ergner, Tayler. i
' This was a joint meeting ~~ith the «sY~larid Planning Commission held for the purpose of listening; to ~~r. T'inkney, pistrict Engineer for tree
F.E.R.A. ir. 1'ini;r~ey spoke briefly
and ans~vered g,uestions concerning trie oiler<ltion and ~~1°ocedure in securing federal aid
thru the F.E.R.A.
On motion, the council adjourned to meet at tyre call of the Mayor.
. ~
~ _s.__ _ ~~ecorder.
Ashland, Ureion
I~.~ay 1, 1934
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. i~~~. this date. Present ~:.ayor 'diley;
. Coundilraerr ~~pplevvhite, ~31a~te, ~~re~;~, 'ayleh, `:enner; absent Councilmen Bergner.
The minutes of previous rneetin~s ~~vere re~_Ld and ailproved. j
~~~ionthlV _~~~e orts for the month of ril for the Uit~}r Jud>°e ~~rld ~u~~erintendent of the U 1' ~ t, J L
Bump Ground ~~aere read, accepted ~~nd ordered pl~~~ce~. on file.
Bills amounting to ~5142.G:6 ~iaere read as to tot~~l amount only, carne having been OY'ed
by the Finance Corlnmittee, a~~u .~rere ordere~a paid. fe4~~ additioral bills including the ~~Vhittle Transfer, ~,ig ~~~Ld t~Le Pacific i'el. ~yel.
:;o. for ~~pril invoices were ordered
v~oved by Jenner that the ~~tecor~.er be instructed to Piave the telepi~one Line to the pump
Ground discontinued, secon~?d ana carried.
letter from the Ashland '.;hamber of ~~ornmerce enclosing; a letter fror7 the I;e~.ford Lri- bone concernin aav~rt=:.~_~~; t.~~.~, ~ub~lee Jc~it~_un
o.~ cur.±e 3rd re 'out no ~a.ction
t~.r.eri ~.t t~.e t ~c:1e.
the ti;::e h~Vllly ~1':.'lvek U~" Uj~e:il.tlu U1' ~~.S Uti :iC:ui~r pip:.' ?:~i1e t~ ~~treet ae'aver,
tale bids ~vere opened, sa:7;e havin~~ been received ~"rom tie ~~sl~land ^:~un~aer '~o., parson 'owler
Lumber Co., and I~ard~Y's Hard~vare. ~'he biu. of tl~le ~~shland lumbor Company, for 6 inch pipe at C
.217 per lineal foot, anti 12 inc~1 pipe at .558~,~ per line<~1 foot w~~s the lowest. j~ioved by ~ ayler that the bid of t%-:e ~~srlland
Lumber CoLZpaly be accepf,ed. aeconded by "~+enner, carried.
Application of ~~~'d. r. aullin~er for ligao~ lice~_Ue ~ndo~sement 1aa,, receive~~, but since
all memaers of the i,icens~. Corlr~littee vaere not z~~.~esent, no action vas tat.en.
Committee Reports:
Fire : ~.i'ayler reported that tiie nose racy: had been cor_Zpleted a.t a cost of about ~1d5.00.
atreet: Apple~vhite reported Ile~oti~,tia~~; it:~~ iii';. "'o~?.fre;r fo:~~ thE~ exchange o' ~na11
portion o~ lanQ lol' trie nevv roan.
Realt It tivas reported that pa~nnents l~iad .got 'been rlade ors the alard property on Last
gain, nog for rents on the air port houses. hard was given until iaiay 8th to make another
payment on his contract and ~ipple .hite asx.ed to checi up oil renters on the it port.
Hospital: ,renner reported that the need for an L-Rays machine had been discussed and
that one could be secured and installed for o-bout :,1)1900.00. The Commlittee was asked to in- vestigate prices of different raa -es of X-Rays.
Vanpyke reported. on a meeting of the Boas°ii Directors of the Talent irrigation District
which he had attended and discussed propositions ti~rrich they had offered the .ity of Ashland
x. " 'i
i to settle the debt o~~~ring theL~. :fie ~-ras as~~ed to nego ~iwte further ~=ait~~ ~;her~l.
~~rlater: the necessity for putti:~lg in file pipe on Grandvie~~r e:~tensior eras discus~~ed.
Loved b~ ~ .'enner triat the .,'ater ~uperi:ltneder..t secure bias on 900 feet oi' 6 inch pipe for
? the Gr~~ndvie~n~ ~xtensior~. ~ecor~ide~u by Gregg, carried.
n~.~.~ 1'rir. rloyd rush discussed l;i~le iJarvaig and its cortroll. It was decii.es to secure some
more LarT~~~ig parasites ana ~~lso to see r~oj~Er many residents of the City tiFrished to purchase
sor_~e at the same tune.
P ~
The City ~~ttorney r~. ,.s a proposecz arnendrient of tide ~~ity Ch~,zter r~ial~~n~, the office of
City Recorder appoi~itiv ~~here ~8r~~.~ sor.~e ~.iscussion but no action to;~~tien :r~d the matter
postpones until fall.
Y ` The use of the erapt~T lot across fro~j~ file Dithia Hotel for ari auction ~xa~.s siscussed.
The Chamber of Cor~ariierce ~~~isiline to hold one but did not ~~~rant to ~~~~sr a city license.
loved uy Tayler ti-~at the license 'oe suspended.. Cecor~sed by '~la~,e, carried.
, I31ake reported. that i~. ~3erry has as:e~ that four pen~.lties, ~,~4.00 be remitted and
a . recornr~~ende_i that it be made. seconded by Greg carried.. ~~,er~
Gn motion the council adjourned to meet at tiie c~+.ll of the ~.iayor.
- - - ~~ttest. Mayor.
"3~ Ashland, Oregon
iu~ay 15 , 1934
~ The Council rnet in re~^ular session at 7:30 r. this date. i~resent ~~:ia~lor -'e`i1ey; s Councilr~~en ~ppleaaiiite, 3er~rier, D1a'.a,
'treg;_, Ta~rler, ~~enner; absent none.
~ `The minutes oz" the ~nrevious lireeting tiaere read and ai:~proved. . j,ix
_ 1~4~~ont~ily reports for ~~pril .'rom trie r ire, street, ~~Tater and Zigi~lt Departments,
Zior~~ri-~~n ~,ns recor~ae~~ ~~rere read, accepted and ordered plo.ces on ~"i1e. e:.
1~.~ a~ letter i'ro:~.i the .~siilail~i l,iir~isterial i~ssociation reciuestitig a .personally recorded
vote ol~~ the 12 ~ . i;~. clos Ong of beer parlors ~~r~~.~ re~~u..
letter ix°or:i ~pinsler of the ~shlans Tce anu storage ~,ompany, as~i.rig for
another asjustment on their ~vater bill ti~aas read aril referred to the ~i'ater Department.
City attorney states that Denton and ~~ndreS~~rs operwtin a service station in the Hotel Ashland b1oc:~ 4faantes the stop sign reLnove~i ol~ pioneer ~~venue,
as it prevented large
~t ~ trucx:s from driving in. l~~oved by `I'ayler that tyre matter be referred. to tide street and Zigi~it Departments ti~dith power to act, seconded
~ay ~ergrler. Carried.
m Committee reports:
'~t biE
rinance : i~~oved by Bergner that X500.00 be transfered from the might Department to ' sewer District l40. 33 as a loan, Poll call ti-aaa orseres,
tide vote 'oe ing eyes 6, gays 0.
Grievance Committee: ?eported on sever~il cases as~~in~ that the penalties be remitted
~r that payments be allo~.~~e;i a~"ter file tenth of the month, but none tiF~ere a llowed.
Street: necessity for pcitch ~~rork T1aas mentioned and it tFaas sugested that t'rie pity
a~nineer anti 0treet Department check up an the amount of yardage and patch York needed. %<ioved by `iayle.~' tif.t the ~~ity ~~i,Jineer anu ~tre~.t superintendent
make this estimate and
' report to the street Committee. ieconded by r'lenner, caz°ried.
x f;.
slater: ~iosler states that it drould be neceUs~~rv;~ to pl~~ce ~.~esti~ictions on irrigation
x i~_~mesiately a~:l~ a.aked filet ari inspector to ciieci: irrlv~.tion out of hours, leaky faucets,
etc be appointed. ~:~oved ay 3ergner that the ;'Dater Cor~ir~ittee be ~!uti~o~^izes to ~vork aut
restrictions c~.nd, dire an inspector and ive tide r~~atter publicity. ~;econded by taster, -r
~ carried.
Hos-~ital: mile 1~-Ray rnac~lirle eras aisousseci. a~.~oved ~y ,termer triat tiie recorder act
with the Hospital superintendent anu set a d~~te ~m~rith the Doctors to receive bids from
a= the various concerns ltait%li~l the nel~t ten ci~,ys or t~~xao ~~aeeks. seconded by pla:i~:e, ;tarried.
Tt Vfas reported tizat tale ~'JOrllellZs ilvlc Club %i~,~ doii~.tes .:;,~~~.OU totirards the :~-I'aJ; rrac'_~_ine ' and a letter of a~~preciation should
~~e written them.
Zicensin~omrllttee : The report of the ~,icerisin~ Co1.~n~ittee on the clc~~ing beer
parlors ~~t~as re:~d reco~.__ierisin~ t:iat they be alloti~res to rerlriin open till 1:00 i~ioved
by ~~ayler the>>t t~~e report be accepteu and placed on file. 0econded b~t~ :Make, carried.
Tn order to get a personally recorded vote on the clo~~iri~ dour ,.~s rec.l?e~ted by the
i~oinisterial :~ssocaition, it Baas moved by Tai-ter that tide closing hour be 1 =.i. ;~econd-
ed. by plesrhite. :oll call r_s ordered, t}ie tioteein;J eyes, ~yl~lei.ite, 3er,ner, -)lake,
Tayler, Fenner; iaays, Gregg. parried.
2 t
The hour of 3.30 haveing arrived, the nex-.t of-der of -use ness eras the opening of bids for pipe, fittln- end valves. :ill 'olds were opened
arld after' sore discussion ;sere referr-
ed to the ater Duperintendent to deter:aine t Le lowest bid. ifter chec~.ing up, he reported
that the bid of t}le Pacific Jt~ttes past Iroi pipe 'oImpan`r for pipe and fittings at