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x. " 'i
i to settle the debt o~~~ring theL~. :fie ~-ras as~~ed to nego ~iwte further ~=ait~~ ~;her~l.
~~rlater: the necessity for putti:~lg in file pipe on Grandvie~~r e:~tensior eras discus~~ed.
Loved b~ ~ .'enner triat the .,'ater ~uperi:ltneder..t secure bias on 900 feet oi' 6 inch pipe for
? the Gr~~ndvie~n~ ~xtensior~. ~ecor~ide~u by Gregg, carried.
n~.~.~ 1'rir. rloyd rush discussed l;i~le iJarvaig and its cortroll. It was decii.es to secure some
more LarT~~~ig parasites ana ~~lso to see r~oj~Er many residents of the City tiFrished to purchase
sor_~e at the same tune.
P ~
The City ~~ttorney r~. ,.s a proposecz arnendrient of tide ~~ity Ch~,zter r~ial~~n~, the office of
City Recorder appoi~itiv ~~here ~8r~~.~ sor.~e ~.iscussion but no action to;~~tien :r~d the matter
postpones until fall.
Y ` The use of the erapt~T lot across fro~j~ file Dithia Hotel for ari auction ~xa~.s siscussed.
The Chamber of Cor~ariierce ~~~isiline to hold one but did not ~~~rant to ~~~~sr a city license.
loved uy Tayler ti-~at the license 'oe suspended.. Cecor~sed by '~la~,e, carried.
, I31ake reported. that i~. ~3erry has as:e~ that four pen~.lties, ~,~4.00 be remitted and
a . recornr~~ende_i that it be made. seconded by Greg carried.. ~~,er~
Gn motion the council adjourned to meet at tiie c~+.ll of the ~.iayor.
- - - ~~ttest. Mayor.
"3~ Ashland, Oregon
iu~ay 15 , 1934
~ The Council rnet in re~^ular session at 7:30 r. this date. i~resent ~~:ia~lor -'e`i1ey; s Councilr~~en ~ppleaaiiite, 3er~rier, D1a'.a,
'treg;_, Ta~rler, ~~enner; absent none.
~ `The minutes oz" the ~nrevious lireeting tiaere read and ai:~proved. . j,ix
_ 1~4~~ont~ily reports for ~~pril .'rom trie r ire, street, ~~Tater and Zigi~lt Departments,
Zior~~ri-~~n ~,ns recor~ae~~ ~~rere read, accepted and ordered plo.ces on ~"i1e. e:.
1~.~ a~ letter i'ro:~.i the .~siilail~i l,iir~isterial i~ssociation reciuestitig a .personally recorded
vote ol~~ the 12 ~ . i;~. clos Ong of beer parlors ~~r~~.~ re~~u..
letter ix°or:i ~pinsler of the ~shlans Tce anu storage ~,ompany, as~i.rig for
another asjustment on their ~vater bill ti~aas read aril referred to the ~i'ater Department.
City attorney states that Denton and ~~ndreS~~rs operwtin a service station in the Hotel Ashland b1oc:~ 4faantes the stop sign reLnove~i ol~ pioneer ~~venue,
as it prevented large
~t ~ trucx:s from driving in. l~~oved by `I'ayler that tyre matter be referred. to tide street and Zigi~it Departments ti~dith power to act, seconded
~ay ~ergrler. Carried.
m Committee reports:
'~t biE
rinance : i~~oved by Bergner that X500.00 be transfered from the might Department to ' sewer District l40. 33 as a loan, Poll call ti-aaa orseres,
tide vote 'oe ing eyes 6, gays 0.
Grievance Committee: ?eported on sever~il cases as~~in~ that the penalties be remitted
~r that payments be allo~.~~e;i a~"ter file tenth of the month, but none tiF~ere a llowed.
Street: necessity for pcitch ~~rork T1aas mentioned and it tFaas sugested that t'rie pity
a~nineer anti 0treet Department check up an the amount of yardage and patch York needed. %<ioved by `iayle.~' tif.t the ~~ity ~~i,Jineer anu ~tre~.t superintendent
make this estimate and
' report to the street Committee. ieconded by r'lenner, caz°ried.
x f;.
slater: ~iosler states that it drould be neceUs~~rv;~ to pl~~ce ~.~esti~ictions on irrigation
x i~_~mesiately a~:l~ a.aked filet ari inspector to ciieci: irrlv~.tion out of hours, leaky faucets,
etc be appointed. ~:~oved ay 3ergner that the ;'Dater Cor~ir~ittee be ~!uti~o~^izes to ~vork aut
restrictions c~.nd, dire an inspector and ive tide r~~atter publicity. ~;econded by taster, -r
~ carried.
Hos-~ital: mile 1~-Ray rnac~lirle eras aisousseci. a~.~oved ~y ,termer triat tiie recorder act
with the Hospital superintendent anu set a d~~te ~m~rith the Doctors to receive bids from
a= the various concerns ltait%li~l the nel~t ten ci~,ys or t~~xao ~~aeeks. seconded by pla:i~:e, ;tarried.
Tt Vfas reported tizat tale ~'JOrllellZs ilvlc Club %i~,~ doii~.tes .:;,~~~.OU totirards the :~-I'aJ; rrac'_~_ine ' and a letter of a~~preciation should
~~e written them.
Zicensin~omrllttee : The report of the ~,icerisin~ Co1.~n~ittee on the clc~~ing beer
parlors ~~t~as re:~d reco~.__ierisin~ t:iat they be alloti~res to rerlriin open till 1:00 i~ioved
by ~~ayler the>>t t~~e report be accepteu and placed on file. 0econded b~t~ :Make, carried.
Tn order to get a personally recorded vote on the clo~~iri~ dour ,.~s rec.l?e~ted by the
i~oinisterial :~ssocaition, it Baas moved by Tai-ter that tide closing hour be 1 =.i. ;~econd-
ed. by plesrhite. :oll call r_s ordered, t}ie tioteein;J eyes, ~yl~lei.ite, 3er,ner, -)lake,
Tayler, Fenner; iaays, Gregg. parried.
2 t
The hour of 3.30 haveing arrived, the nex-.t of-der of -use ness eras the opening of bids for pipe, fittln- end valves. :ill 'olds were opened
arld after' sore discussion ;sere referr-
ed to the ater Duperintendent to deter:aine t Le lowest bid. ifter chec~.ing up, he reported
that the bid of t}le Pacific Jt~ttes past Iroi pipe 'oImpan`r for pipe and fittings at
~~8~6.2~3 and the bid of the Crane ",o :~<<:ar7y for v~~.lves at ..,33.86 ti°Je~~e lo~,~Jet. ~.ove3 'oy
TaV4rler that the e bias b~o accept,: :~ecande~~ and carrie~t.
'the amity attorney parted on t~~ price of cal°ti~i~; paras~.t~;'s, ~~~ic:i ~~rere ,~2U.UU per
thousand or ~;~45.U0 for 3000. 1:~oved by ~la,,yler that the ~~ity purchase 3UU0 earwig parasites. ~~.y~; ~ ~econdea anei c~~.:rriec.. the
~~,ity ~ttorne~r ~~~r°.~,s instr~zctet~_ to contact tine ~haniber of ~"or~r~erce
and see ~~rhat ~~~ea°sor~s ~,~ra.r~t~su_ buy sore.
the pity :`attorney re~).a a L°esolut~on oraerirl~ tl~c~ const~r~.zetori o. ~e;~rer. ~ist~ ict "o. 3'?.
i,;oved by :~~enner that t~"~,.o ~ •~~~ilr:~, be sL?sz~e~7deci axl~t t~ze r~•esolution ~~~e paa,:,e~'~_ to the second ~
re~.a]z.iti~. ~econdeci b~;~ Jergner. ~arrie~. :laving been react the second tir;le, it was moved
L1'~.»'" t'.~lc~,t t'i', ~ ~ ~ ~ a :~~,i . ~G ' 1- i'~~_r] ,.1-P--~ aN l~vJ, .t ,
6; lays, =J
proposed orciina,nce caiicerr~il~~ tie ,eepir~G of bees L~;as nel.t rea~_, oved bJ Tayler
that the r~Lles be susl~e~7dec_ anti tie orda.n~~rlce be passed t':~e sec:~.: ~~c~~!.iin~,. ;seconded
by ~~'enner. Toll call tdaas ordered, the vote being, .~,;res 6, mays 0. .~~.rriea, :laving been - - ,
read t~1P second tlrne It Y.lovea ay ~~ennei°, secs a~ ~ a b~ a~~: t' t ~"•t ~ or~.i~~.~~ice be
~ adopted ~zs reaa. Noll call. ~~~Jws ordered, the va 1,~ i,~i!~:~ r.~, ' '~~s U. ~fhereupon the
L~ayor declared pity Ordinance i,a. 930 adopted.
applewhite spo%e url fife at ate ur7e~'gerlc~f~ l~eliei .~dr:~illisti°ation, ~:r.-~ the necessity of
checi~ing the rig~it-of-way for the Gra~ri~.vie~~~ give ~~oad. T~~oved by Bergner that the atreet
LepartrLent, ~~ityLngineer u,r1C. '`.~iit~r attorney prepare preliminary pla~lr~ :nc~ details of the
work as a "project ~~ncier the 5.~.~~.~., ~ui~a. re~)art bacl: ~.t ne.et rze.;tiriu. seconded and
The ~~ayar reporte~z that ~~oggins had _vsl.ec~ perr,:ission to log above the netiv road.
,loved by Ta,yler th~~~t the ~~ity :~ttorne~ ~;~po,z~e a resolution st~4t~~in 1'ew~so~~s ~~r;~vr th? ",it~~
of ~~shland ~~ust ~~rotect its vas::ter s~.~:~~. aeconded ally. carri~:~.
~~'he City ~~~ttarney reporte~~_ tli.at the eq)_~iprrlent ~Wt the Saxon .~~~nd.irrg rleld ~~rould be
removed after June ~~th ana suggested t~lat it be broug~~lt to our owrl fie~.d and stored for f<
future use. :~pplewhite suited treat tree ~~ir-y'ort Cor~r~iittee ~~Jauld ~rvrite the aeronautics ~pepartr~ent as~in,;~ that this equiprneiit be stored l~lere.
r~erry ~entle~T asked permission to glace l~'~;~zi or .green hots abaLtt 18 inches in diameter
at certain palr.lt~ t12 j?cLl'!~ 1''Ul`J U tree bOU.l~;V.;i:'u, the rllatte' J,~:_y:~ i'E;i'~:1'~'0'.l f,~) ~'iP ~`~'r.r:
~Oa:C'ty. '.i?U..3entley ~ to het l.n t0'J.{iii. 'a~1it1:. Gi e"1 :for ~~r;t'r~lssan.
~ otio~, trio ;J~i-.l~r~:~.l joL~_r,iea to meet at tie call of tine :,~a~ror. 4
~//J//1/~ V `
_~t t e s t : _ iviayor.
_ _ _ _ _ _ r_~_.__ . recorder.
~~shland, Uregon ~~~ay ~3, 1934
The Coundil met in special session at 5:30 P. iI. this date. Present Councilman
Bergner, ~hairrrra.n; ~~a~.za~_ltl:,j, Flu,. _it~, ~ °:~f:.;, ~a ler, .;enner; absent ayor 'i'diley and
Uouncilman 31ake.
The purpose of tie r~leeting ti-ras to act on tie Bollinger liquor license endorsement.
x~fter litirle discussion, it eras gloved 'a,-yr ~.ierrner that tie a,pplicatian of 'T. T. Bollinger
be approveu bar the council. ~~econded by ~ipple~,Jhite. doll call s~vas ordered, the result
being, eyes--ayler, ~'~;tipleUJliite, `~enner. I`ays,--Gregg. "arrie~~.
.entering of a float for the piar_2orrd Jubilee parade at .edford ti~~~~s ~ziscusae~;.. 'the '
cost to be ~5U.00. l,ioved ':~y ;rerrner that the ;pity ~~ttorney inform the Chamber of Commerce A
that the City of ~-~riland ha~k no funds buci~etea for triis ~~urpose and further felt that this expense should be borne by the :hamber of Cor~lrrrerce.
Seconded by Gregg, carried.
The necessity far g~uaranteeirig the worl.r_~arl's compensation insurance Vras brought up
by :ipple~~Jhite in connection ~~ith the ~.L.R.~. ~JOrk. roved by Tayler that the City
i~ttorney prepare a letter i'oi° trarlsr~~.ttal to fete ;~ro~er aut~larities `;~:iararlteein~~ all the
insurance an alI projects ai)proved by tale council. ~econd.e~' by .'~ennrr, carried.
The need for durltp trucr~s for use in connection Faith the F.L.R.:~. ~~^ras told oy apple-
white. i~~oved 'air ~rlenner• that the bight ~epartr~ent negotiate l;~y~ the purchase of two second ~
hand dump trucks for use in this tiaork as a measure of ecoilar~J~, each unit to cost less
than ~4UO.U0 and tale rant=ail o~' i,':e~~? ti'~;s be c~~`~1' led to tlt~' v~~~ri~~u.~ ~y~rojects. >econ~t-
ed by Tayler, carried.
It was reported that l,,~r. Briith was still occupying quarters at the Fission and ~~4aas
not paying ligl"zt or ti~Jater. ;,roved by ~iayler Mat the Uity ~ttorrley advise fir. Smith that
he i~.~ould be required to k,a`,_ for all city li~llt grid ~~Jater ai'ter Jude est. Secondea by
Gregg. ~~arried.
inn motion, the council adjourned to meet at the call of f the Idayor.
C2- eco :