HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-0807 Council Mtg MIN
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Y (i Cr rf! ~ 1 ~ The calling; for oudbet requeata fro:: tyre various departments for the 1935 oudget was
suggested by the recorder and approved.
4n motion, the council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.
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f (N pia r.
r, ~ Ott@St:
~ r lit/
~sh2and, Oregon
~lugus t 7 , 1934
o; The ~~ouncil rnet in regular session at 7:30 this date. i~resent I:ayor '~`~riley;
f0ouncilmen _~pple~~ahite, Bergner, .31ake, ~Oreg~, '~'ayler, ':.~enner; absent none.
~t~ ' `1'he minutes of ~urevious rleetin~s were read and a~; ~~oved as re~~c.
e p
~ ' Lhe application of Ralph Botiven 'or enc:lo~~ser~erTt of the liquor license vaas approved
'oy a vote of t~~vo to one (Gregg} b~;~ the Zicenair~g :;omrlittee. (License fog°r.erly held under
' ~ partnership of Bo~ven 3rotiver) .
.ti~ontnl~ r~,port~ of trTe %~iu~ ~1~:_Il~ ,round, ~erit,,ex,,; , ;ltd Judge and ~it~r i ecorder
4 were reed, accepted and ordered placed of znl.le.
.3i11s a~.1o?.znting to -;7047.37 uvere read as t;o total amount only sane having been OYted r ; ~by tree y finance ~orn~~ittee. ..~ove~1 b~ ~~~ple~rli~ite,
seco?~kea..7~r sl ~:e teat ~,~--~e bills be allo~v-
" ~ ed. married.
.fir. :,,'.;ra,~r,er. w~,s preaerlt ~.,nd spoke in f~~vor of rerlovi~l~, ~a~,tel ~e~trictions where the
,i service ~wa~ metered. ;Moved by '~'ayler that the matter be referred to the rater ~Departrnent
for investigation a.nd research. aecondea oy Blake, carried.
The Free List Granting z~ree vraterund 1igilts ~~2.00 grater and =1.50 Tight per month,
~ respeetivelU) for t1Te six rcTOntlis ending i~ecer_>'oer 31, 19~~4 was brought up. I:roved by Blake
. ~ ~ and seconder. ~~y Xre~.; that the list be appro~~~e~~ ~.rld fili~'t the name of h~i~~'s. Elizabeth Baron,
117 ~ilr.loT1~. street be added to sar~ae. ~'~~~rried.
3y order of~t~~e ~o~.zncil the pen~~lt~r of Joe ,,ilsor, 311 ~rar~it;; >>tre~t ~ or the jn~onth
of august eras re.,~itted.
~orr~littee .deports:
Street: Fran: Davis, auperzntendent of street Department stated that protection,of
of the ease of the ne~v pavement on North %~iain Street could be ~orTe ~rrith hot stuff for
about X500.00. "ity ~;n~;ineer, r . ii. :;all~er did not think that Mere was any irnrnediate
necessity for it. ldo action bras ta~~en. ~pplewhite st~~teu treat the Forestry ~epartr~~ent ~~aantod the ~.~ity to put up a sign on
the rTew road, r'T~~ot to throw pans, ci~;az°etts, etc. kioved by ~~enner th<~t the Street pe-
partment be~,uthori~ea to co-oper`wt° ,vit t~~ ~:'oreat service and pt~t tip the vn. ~econd-
ed by Blake, carrieta.
Rem: .~~erner reporter.. that he hc1,f.~. received are offer fro~l I,s. Talbot for an old
barn on the ~~lospital ground, i'or ~15.U0. ~;oved b;r .Fenner that t,le offer be accepted far X15.00 and glean up the site. a~;coTldec by '3er~;ner,
r~ ! ~ , ~ , Seecial ~.,ommittee Re orts. ~.pplewhite stated tn~~.t tl~e county supervisor oz the
S.L.Rt.~. ~ecrea ion~,l ~aaor"_ in tl-Te Parl~~ 11G~r. r.ec.uesteci 5 gallons of gas ~LY~ti 1 quart of oil
weekly to help defray ~ler trL{.velin~ expenses ~l 1a~in~~ trips to ~s.~lland. ;roved b.y mayler
that same b~ approved, seconded ~y rppleyarlite. parried.
:~~alker stated tl~iat the 1',.].ta ~weTlue Sewer eras °eady for vie~vers to be appointed.
I~~~oved bar Benner that the j~,ic,,+rpoint threo vievrers for the rilta .venue Server, design-
' aced as Sewer district I~io. 38 seconded by Gregg, carrie~~. Thereupon, the i.°'~yor appoint-
ed I~~itchell, r~. L. ~~:irzney and E. ~TT. Butler to act as vie~aers ~,nd to meet at the
corner of ~~lta wnd 'a'iTner :Streets at 10 i.P~ti. on a designated date.
The pity ~ttorr~ey stated treat Ray Spencer lead oz~fered the pity a site for a new dump ground. I~~oved by :'enner that tree matter be referred
to the }anitar~T "omr7ittee. Second-
ed and carried.
';A ~
sanitary conditions ~~t tl~e ~:;ogeir~s hill having; reporteu. unsatisfactory, it tiros moved
by Tayler that the mati,er be referred to the Board of llealtr~. seconded by ~pplevahite,
_a~ _
On motio:the -ouncil ad-ournea to meet at t'-le call of the Mayor e
a, .
<ittest. Iura~o ,