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kr. .Frost, superintendent of emeteries addressed the ~,ouncil, talking on the
subject of preventing the sinking irr of ~r~~~ves. tie stated that a satisfactory solution
had been found by having r~, concrete rau-~ box instead of t~-~e usual ~~ooded box. ~!oved
by ~i~ayler that the matter '~e referred to t-~e '~er~eter~T Committee far re~~ort. seconded by
Make, serried.
Committee :reports
.~;'finance : ~~Ioved by ~er~;ner that ~,~130.'77 be transferred fror_n tie Light Fund as a loan
to the ae~.~er district ~~~o. 38 j~'und. seconded and carried.
''dater: F~osler reported on two proposed projects X013 tie rater Department in which a~R~ moor could. ~e used. vne a see,°aer orl second street,
bet~~aeen and B Ctreets. 't'otal
cost about X731.00 and trie ot~ler a tressel ar~d by-pass at trie Fountain :venue septic
tank at a cost of about ~;~484.00. moved by =denner that the pro ject,s ~e approved and the
Chairman of the aFR1, i,~r. ~~~}plew~~it,e appl~r for ~u~.~~ funds for the labor. seconded by
i'ayler, carried.
The Mayor broug~t up tie suo ject of hiring an extra patrolman *"~~or~r nodv until the end of the year. 1oveci by ~ppletr~~hite t<<~t autrority
be ;ranted to pay f:or an additional
patrolman from uctober 15 to December 31, 1934, pa`nrient to be r.~ade frorl the ~mergene~T
Fund. seconded and carries:.
~r`lalker, pity unUineer, reported on 11is surve`r of the ~:~randvieuSr give road. :fie es-
timated about l~ miles of ro~{~. ti°rould have to be constructed, recyuirinf about 2,000 yards
of excavation, clearing and cuy.verts and labor costing about ~;~10,000. Labor being about X8000.00. ~~oved by ddenner that the ~:~ity `~:n~;ineer
be authorized to complete the survey-
ing project. seconded b~ ~lar;e, carried.
proposed ordinance levying special benefit assessments a~;ainst properties bF:yiefit-
ed by the construction of ~evaer District ~o. 38 was read. Loved by ,~enner that the rules
be suspendea and tl~ie ordinance be passed to tie second reading by title only. seconded
~oy ~la:~e, carried. roved by Make that tyre ordinance be adopted as read. ~~econded and
roll call bein ora.ered on its adoption. 'i°he vote ~uas eyes i~~~,rs 0. 't'hereupon, the liayor declared ~it~T Ordinance lo. 932 adapted.
On motion, the Council adjourned to greet at the call of trie i~,~atror.
l ~C/
.it t ~ S t : _ , . 1'~.a~'d .r
~~shla.nd, Oregon uctober 25, 1934
The Council met in special session at 7:30 P..:. this date. Present Mayor 'diley;
Councilmen ~ippler~~~hite, i~er~;ner, Make, xre~~;, `'ayler°, lenner; absent none.
`t'he purpose of the rneetin~; wa,s to hear objections to the budget. There being no
one present to protest, on r::otion, ttie Couricil adjourned to meet .at the call of the ~~iayor.
t~ or.
l~sriland, Oregon '
October 29, 1934
The Council met in special session at '7:30 P. 1~1. this date. Present ~~~ayor Ailey;
Councilmen ~pple~,vhite, Berliner, Tregg and later ~ienner. ~~bsent Councilmen Blake, Tayler.
The purpose of trie meeting ~~atis to pass ordinances certifying tiie budget and delinqu-
ent assessments to the County ~"lerk and t~~ie ;ounty assessor.
The ordinance levyin a ~~x fir the year 1935 of x;66,220.50 was read. ~~oved by
Bergner that the rules be Stl~p,endea '.~nr3 tha nrr3 i na.nr~p hP n~.~ePr to tl~a ~,Pr±nnri rA~r~ i nrr h~~
title only. Secondee- ayre,~;. Carried. Having been read the second time, it was moved
by Gregg that tree ordinance be adbpted as read.. Seconded by ApplewAite, roll call was
ordered, the vote being eyes 3, Days 0, carried. Thereupon tine I,ayor declared City k
Ordinance iN"o. 933 adopted.
The ordinance certifying; all delinquent special benefit assessments to the County
Clerk and the County Recorder was read. I,ioved by Bergner that the rules be suspended
~ //~U
and the ordinance 'oo passed to the second reading by title only. Seconde;~ by Apple- r Iiavin~ been read the seco.ld tirr~e, it ~-1a~
motied by C~re~g that the
tivhite carries. T ~ ~ r ~ r
ordinance be adopted as read. Seconded by ~~}}ple~vhite, moll call v~ras ordered on its
adoption, the vote 'oein~ eyes 3, I`?ays 0. Carried. Thereupon the ?Mayor declared City Ordinance ho. 934 adopted.
Councilman ~~'enner entered t-~le ca~.zncil c}.~:~r~ber aril vas recorded as present upon
taking his seat.
letter from the Oregon ~'lanning Council as~~ing that the Cite of Ashland send a
R~ resolution to '~ashington alorlU vritil other cities of the l~aorthbvest to ci~eck the migration of farmers and otr.ers from tide drouth strie~ien areas
of the ~.iddle 'test to lands un-
suitable for farming in the Iiorthwest states ti-aas read. 1~.ioved bJr Bergner that the re-
=k solution be for~rarded. Seconde3 bar ~~pplewhite, carried.
Gordon ~=acCracken spoi.e orz the T'oultry and Rabbit shoti~r being sponsored by the
Chamber of Commerce and asking tare City to give X175 to put it over. Loved by ';~~enner
that the City match dollar for dollar not to exceed ;175.00. Secondea by Applewhite.
Roll call was ordered, the vote 'oeing byes 4, days U. Carried.
The question of ~vrec:ing the i+airvieva Motel, :r'ourth and ~3 Streets, against which
there ~~rere considerable taxes due ~~taas referred to the City Attorney for report.
On motion t:~e Council adjourned to meet at the call of tale itiayor.
~ ~
Attest : ~ ~ or.
_ 'eco~cler.
Ashland, Oregon
T~~ovember 8, 1934
The Council r~~et in regular session at '7:30 P. Ri. triis date. Present Mayor '+diley;
Councilmen Applewriite, Bergner, Blake, Gregg, Tayler, ',~denner; absent none.
~inutes of previous cleating were read arzd approved as read.
~ Dr. A. 'Hoods A~. D. of the rned.ieal staff of the Hospital s~ta~;e ors the subject
of standardized hospitals, stressing the irlp~rtarlce of this standardization and what it
consisted of.
An addenda to the lease of the hospital betyveen tale City of 1~shland and I44iss
i~rdath Losher, prepared by the City Attorney vacs read. jbioved by ~;denner that the add-
enda to the lease be approved and rude a part of tiie lease. Seconded by Gregg, carried.
Monthly reports of tale Library, City Dump Ground and Cemetery were read, accepted,
and ordered placed on file.
Bills amounting to ~693U.74 were read as to total amoL~tlt only, same having been
OK'ed by the Finance Committee. i~ioved by ~~'lenner and seconded by Blare that the bills
be paid. Carried.
Some additional bills amounting to y~232.14 ~vere read separately. Moved by
Bergner that the bills be paid. Carried.
4 The following applications for building permits were read:
rk.; No. 10--J. F. Gregory to re~ylodel house at Laurel and Grange Streets, at an approximate
cost of X380.00.
No. 11--Franz Jordan to pelt base;:~ent under a house at 585 l~llison Street at an approx-
imate cost of 240.00. Y
tio. 12--Leo G. Corrigan to remodel front of building at 3'72 East %;iain Street at an
approxir~ate cost of X300.00. i~iToved by ~y`denner t~iat the permits be granted, seconded and carried.
Letters from the Ashland Chamber of Commerce approving the Grandview Drive road
project and suggesting the sistri~ution of tY1e purchase of gasoline by the City of
Ashland from the various Oil Companies on tine basis of its payroll to tine total Oil.
Company payroll in the City.
Committee Reports:
Finance: The advisability of retiring certain of the Auxillery t'Jater Bonds was
discussed. I~ioved by Bergner that t%re City sell X30,000 in government bonds and the
City Treasurer be so advised in order to provide sufficient additional f,.znds to retire
these Auxillery 'eater Bonds and first the ~~tJ' Recorr?Pz° ~~e ~~~±~lorized to have publish-
ed notices for the calling of X50,000 in l~uxill~~'y -eater Bond, nuc~bered from 26 to
75 both numbers inclusive, par value X1000 on January 1, 19350 Seconded. Roll call
was ordered, the vote being, eyes 6, Trays 0. Carried.