HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-02 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes July 2,2014 Community Development/Engineering Services Building Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way Call to Order:6:00p.m. Historic Commissioners Present:Mr. Skibby, Mr. Swink, Mr. Giordano, Ms. Renwick, Mr. Shostrom Commission Members Absent:Mr. Whitford(E), Ms. Law, Ms. KenCairn Council Liaison:Mike Morris, absent Staff Present:Staff Liaison: Amy Gunter, Clerk: Regan Trapp APPROVAL OF MINUTES:Historic Commission regular meeting of June 4, 2014.Mr. Giordano motioned thatminutesbe approvedand Ms. Renwick seconded.Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC FORUM:There was no one wishing to speak. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT:Nocouncil liaison was present to give the report. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW/PUBLIC HEARING:Mr. Skibby readaloudthe requirements for public hearings. PLANNING ACTION: (CONTINUANCE) 2014-00753 SUBJECT PROPERTY:469 Allison Street APPLICANT: Ben Treiger OWNERS:Kirt VanDerZee and Lene Price DESCRIPTION: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to expand / enlarge an existing non- conforming residence. The applicant is requesting approval to add approximately 280 square feet at the rear of the residence for the property located at 469 Allison Street. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Low-Density Multi-Family;ZONING:R-2;ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 09 BD TAX LOT: 8300 Ms. Gunter reported that thepreviously submitted plans did not reflect the existing residence correctly. She stated that theapplicants hadsubmitted revised drawings. Ms. Gunter said the previously submitted elevations, thewindows and the rooflines appeared out of scale and there were concerns that the building was not stepping down with the grade. She read the motion from the previous month’s meeting as to what the applicants needed toamend. Mr. Skibby opened the public hearing. Ben Treiger, of 237 Talent Ave, Talent OR. Mr.Treiger reported that the egress windowshave been removedand theyswitched out the siding tocomply with the historic standards. The ridgeline is still stepped up to match the ceiling heights inside. It wassuggestedby the Commission thatthe applicants get the larger bevel to match the existing siding. Mr. Treiger stated that the windows on the first floor are the original ones. It was asked how the applicantsare strengthening the structure from rackingor from any sort of seismic issuesandMr. Treiger respondedthat it would requirea Simpsonstrong wallwith a concrete seal. The stairway isin line with the existing windowand the dimension of the window from thestairwell is 36 inches. Ms. Lene Price, 469 AllisonSt, Ashland, OR. Ms. Price saidthat access is crucialfrom the studio to the backyard because she is an artist and has to have quick access to water. She also said that the new staircase will be bumped closer to the property line because the existing one is steep and dangerous. Mr. Shostrom asked about the deck detailing andMr. Treiger stated that changing out the deck will be a future project, but no other details were provided Kirt Van DerZee, 469 Allison St. Ashland OR.Mr.Van Der Zee explained the detailing on the railing and said it’s about 25 years old. Mr. Giordano asked if the new railing would match the existing one andMr. Treiger replied that they were unsure of the design.There was much discussion between Mr. Van Der Zee and the Historic Commission on how the roofline should be. Mr. Shostrom found that continuing the ridgeline wasconsistent with standards because the ridgeline is from the 1988 additionand is not the historic ridgeline. Colin Swales, 95 Coolidge St, Ashland, OR. Mr. Swales ownsthe property next doorandstated the 1988 addition is really close to his boundary and severely impacts his privacy,beingonly 3 feet from his property line. Mr. Swales would like to see the addition built in the rear yard. Mr. Shostrom asked about the existing deck and the privacy issue andMr. Swales said thatsome trees were plantedbut saidthe scaleof the design is just toobig. Anyfuture developingcould not happen if Mr. Van Der Zee and Ms. Pricebuilt their addition. Mr. Swales believes there are other options instead of building on a second story addition. Mr. Giordano asked the applicants aboutthe possibility of themadding on in the backandMs. Price said they would end up with a caboose style addition,not to mentionalready havinglots of water issues in the backyard.Mr. Skibby asked about the stairs being moved into the setback area andMr.Van Der Zee said that the stairs would go 18 inches into the setbackarea.Mr.Van Der Zee presented the Commission copies of aerial photosof the propertyfor review. Mr. Skibby closed the public hearing and opened for staff comments. Mr. Shostrom askedMs. Gunteraboutthedetailsof the conditional use permit. Ms. Gunter said that it waslooked at as a continuation of a non conforming setback. Ms. Gunter stated that there is nothing in the code that would give them direction in whether to call it a variance or a conditional use permit. Ms.Gunter explainedthe 1988variancefindingsfor this address andexplained what the findings were at that time.Additionally, the historic district design standards were different at the time. Mr. Skibby asked Ms. Gunter to review the standards for additions in the historic district. Mr. Giordanostated that he is not concerned about the setbacks but is concerned about the design. Aftermuch discussionabout the rooflines,Mr. Shostrom motioned to continue the original roofline over the new additionat the same level, matching the siding to blend withthe front. Ms. Renwick seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Gunter then explained what the next steps in the planning actionprocess were to the applicants. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to discuss. NEW ITEMS: Ms. Gunter reported that she has not heard back fromTravel Oregon about the applicationfor the $8000.00 matching funds grant. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Mr. Shostrom asked about any new demolitionpermits. He statedthat it’s too easy to get a demolitionpermit and says we need to develop anordinance. Mr. Giordano stated that there is intrinsic value in keeping these homes from being torn down. Ms. Gunter saidthat she is looking into getting thedemo ordinance rewritten. She will belooking at other cities to see what they do in reference to the demolition process. She stated examples of houses in the area that have not been kept. Mr. Shostrom asked if theTravel Oregongrant would cover looking into changing the demolitionordinance.Ms. Gunter said we could add a demolitionlayer to the grant. Ms. Gunter reported that there will be an audit of the City’sCLG program on September 10thby th representatives fromSHPOat the Carnegie Building in Medford. The training, on Sept 9regarding the CLG program is for all Historic Commissioners from local areas. Ms. Gunter will keep the Commission informed of the details as the dates get closer. COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA:Mr. Skibby showedthe Commissiona picture of the Oak Street Tank and Steel building from the early 1960’s inresponse to a development proposal earlier this year. REVIEW BOARD SCHEDULE: July 3rdAllison, Tom, Sam July 10thKeith, Dale July 17thAllison, Kerry July 24thTerry, Sam July 31stTerry, Tom, Victoria Aug 7thKeith, Allison PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS FOR PLANNING ACTIONS: PLANNING ACTION: PA-2014-00725 SUBJECT PROPERTY:121 Manzanita COMMISSION MEMBER ASSIGNED: Mr. Whitford PLANNING ACTION: PA-2014-00753 SUBJECT PROPERTY:469 Allison COMMISSION MEMBER ASSIGNED: Mr. Swink ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Next meeting is scheduled for August 6,2014, 6:00pm. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:15pm. Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp