HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-02 Historic MIN CITY OF -ASH LAN D ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes January 2, 20113 Community Development/Engineering Services Building - 51 Winbum Way - Sisklyou Room CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING. 6:00 prn Historic Commissioners Present: Allison Renwick, Kerry Kencatro, Sam Whitford, Terry Skibby, Date Shostrom, Ally PileJps, Keith Swink, Victoria Lama, Commission Members Absent. Tom Giordano (left at 6:10, ill) Council Liaison: Greg Lemhouse (left at 6:45) High School Llalson. None Appointed SOU Liaison: None Appointed Staff Present: Staff Liaison: Amy Gunter; Clerk: Billie Boswell APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the October 3, 2012 Historic Commission meeting were reviewed. An error showing Mr. Kanner as mayor instead of City Administrator was pointed out and the correction was made. Mr. Whitford made a motion-to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Kencalm seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanbnously. PUBLIC FORUM: No one in the audience wished to speak. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Mr. Lemhouse discussed the Plaza redesign project and apologized for the communication confusion regarding the art work installation. He shared that the Council was interested in the Historic Commission organizing a historic markers and signs project. He asked them to put together ideas, locations and costs to present to City Council as a Legacy Project. Ms. Renwick suggested coordinating with the Arts Commission for some of the design elements. Mr. Lemhouse said some funding would be available for the project, Mr. Lemhouse also discussed the Council Goals and encouraged the Historic Commission to develop their goals to compliment the goals of the Council. He reviewed with them suggestions such as Commission duties, the Historic Preservation Ordinance, demolitions, preserving the Historic Districts and the Legacy Project. PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNING ACTION: 2012-01737 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 111 Coolidge APPLICANT: Randall Wallace DESCRIPTION: A Site Design Review Permit approval for multi-family development for three new dwelling units and one converted structure, all less than 500 square feet; a Conditional Use Permit to convert an existing non- conforming garage into a dwelling unit; an exception to the Site Design and Use Standards to install parking in between buildings and the street; and an Exception to the Street Standards for more than one curb cut on a residential lot. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Multi-family Residential ; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 391 E 05DA TAX LOT; 5900 Chairman Shostrom verified that there was no exparte contact or conflict of interest. Ms. Gunter described the project. Randy and Marianne Wallace, the owners, explained the apartment complex nearby and the non-residential nature of the area was why they wanted to orient the unit to the inside of the lot instead of toward the street. Chairman Shostrom did not like a blank wall facing the street and suggested clerestory or high set windows to I Ashland Historic Commission Mintiles ?130/2013 CITY OF ASHLAND mitigate the problem. There were also questions regarding the siding and trim. When asked about the dormers, Mr. Wallace said he had wanted them to be lower and wider, with beams and posts. He also explained the location of the bike racks. There being no further questions of the owners and no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. The Historic Commission expressed concern about the proposed Exception to Site Design and Review Standards for placement of the parking between the proposed buildings and Rock Street. The proposed setback of the new units is not consistent with the facades of the adjacent historic buildings, and the design turns its back on the street frontage and the does not provide orientation to the public right-of-way. Recommend Approval of the proposed building elevation plans with the following design recommendations: 1) Revised building elevations and plans shall provide a well defined sense of entry: A minimum 4-foot X 4-foot covered entry porch over the front doors of the units shall be provided with a 4-foot X 4-foot landing, posts and beam supported roof where the decorative dormers are shown. 2) High windows shall be placed in converted garage structure to provide a rhythm of openings and sense of orientation along the Rock Street frontage. 3) The front doors shall have rectangular (prairie or cottage style) glazing for the windows. The doors should be preferably constructed of wood. 4) Smooth texture, !°x6" Hardiplank siding with a minimum 6-inch exposure shall be used for the siding material. 5) The trim on the windows, doors and corner boards shall be 1"x4". PLANNING ACTION: PA-2012-01674 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 348 North Main APPLICANT: Candace Cave 1 Zeb Lancaster DESCRIPTION: A request for a Conditional Use Permit for a four-unit Travelers Accommodation, including the owner's unit, located at 348 North Main. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Multi-f=amily; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 391 E 0501); TAX LOT: 9600. Chairman Shostrom asked if there was any exparte contact or conflict of interest, Ms. Kencairn, Mr. Swink and Mr. Skibby said they had spoken to the applicants but not in relation to this project. The project was discussed at the Historic Review Board. There was no objection to them participating in the action, The applicants and owners, Candace Cave and Zeb Lancaster, explained that the structures are all existing and no exterior changes would be made. 3 There being no questions of them or from the audience, the public hearing was closed. i Mr. Whitford moved to recommend approval of the project as presented. Ms, Phelps seconded the motion and if passed unanimously. ~I ICI Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 1/3(1!2013 ! i CITY OF -ASHLAND DISCUSSION ITEMS: Goals: The Historic Commission discussed input for the City Council goals for the upcoming year and had the following comments for the City Council's consideration. The preservation of Ashland's Nationally Recognized Historic Districts is in the public interest so that the legacy of cultural, educational, aesthetic, economic and energy benefits are maintained for future generations. • Review the Powers and Duties of the Commission to reflect the current sentiments of the commission, the council and community while maintaining consistency with the adopted Historic Preservation Plan. • The commission would encourage the Council to consider additional review of the most impectful modifications to Historic Contributing structures which currently have no review process. The modibcalions of windows and doors, siding and rooting materials can unintentionally alter or destroy a building's distinctive architectural features and erode the character of the district. • Review of proposed demolition of the finite number of Historic Contributing structures. The continued demolition and historically inappropriate remodels could endangerAshland's historic districts and cause the loss of the State and National recognition. Revitalization and reinvestment in the rehabilitation of the city's historic resources is inherently sustainable. Restoration, rehabilitation and renovation of existing structures reduces the amount of waste destined for landfill and retains the energy embodied in the historic structure. • Creation of a 'historical marker program'. Ashland lacks a display of the city's rich history and the creation of historical markers could provide a link to the interesting past that made Ashland the successful cultural, heritage, tourist economy it is today. Brochures: Chairman Shostrom researched Historic brochure designs with consultants George Kramer and Kim Fitzgerald and shared some of the concepts with the other Commissioners. He asked about using incentives to motivate homeowners to renovate. Ms. Gunter said the Commissioners should pull together the photos and verbiage they want to use, contract with a graphic designer to put it together and review it with the historic consultants to verify the accuracy and impact. Two sub-committees were created to begin working on the Brochures and the Historic Markers programs: Brochures - Shostrom, Whitford, Law Markers - Renwick, Kencairn, Law, Swink Plaza Dig - No archeologically significant items were found in the test pits for the excavations on the Plaza redesign. Historic Preservation - Ms. Boswell will run reports for nominees for the Historic Preservation Awards and present I at the next meeting. E Ashland Nlslodc Commission Minutes 113012013 C I T Y OF ASHLAND OLD BUSINESS: A. Review. Board Schedule October 41h Terry, Keith, Dale October 111h Terry, Ke , Al{ October 18', Terry, Tom, Sam October 25u, Terry, Allison, Dale November 1s3 Terry, Tom, Victoria November 8th Ter, Keith, B. Pro ect Assi nments for Piannin Actions BD-2011-01029 400 Allison Robin Biermann New SFR (under construcfion Whitford/Renwick BD-2011-01079 134 Terrace Allman New SFR under construction Whitford BD-2011-00621 89 Oak St Amorotico New fa ade on building under construction Shostrom PA-2012-00434 843 B St Holzshu ARU no permit et Renwick BD-2012-00420 27 N Main McKechnie Repair Fire Dama a ffnalfed 12-20-12 Shostrom BD-2012-01330 117 Eighth St (McKinney) New ARU under construction Renwick PA-2012-01122 175 t-ithia W Flrst Place Partners 3-story mixed use building PA-2012-01737 111 Coolidge apace 4 Accessory Units ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Next meeting is scheduled for February 6, 2013. It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 8.50 p.m. i i Ashland Historic Commisslon hfinutes 1/30/2413 i i