HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-06 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes March6, 2013 Community Development/Engineering Services Building –51 Winburn Way –Siskiyou Room CALL TO ORDER –REGULAR MEETING, 6:00pm Allison Renwick, Tom Giordano,TerrySkibby,Dale Shostrom, Ally Phelps, Historic Commissioners Present: Keith Swink, Victoria Law, Sam Whitford, Kerry Kencairn Commission Members Absent: Greg Lemhouseabsent Council Liaison: None Appointed High School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: Staff Liaison: Amy Gunter; Clerk: Billie Boswell Staff Present: Theminutes of the February 6, 2013Historic Commission meeting were reviewedMs. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: . Renwick pointed out that Kerry Kencairn was shown both present and absent.Ms. Boswell said she would change it to reflect that Ms. Kencairn was absent. Mr. Giordanomade a motion to approve theminutes as amended. Ms. Renwickseconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously.Mr. Whitford and Ms. Kencairnabstained due to being absent last month. : none PUBLIC FORUM none COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: : PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTION:2013-000081 SUBJECT PROPERTY:245 Van Ness APPLICANT: Nate Witemburg/Brint Borgilt DESCRIPTION: A request for a Conditional Use Permit approval to exceed the Maximum Permitted Floor Area with the Skidmore Academy Historic District to construct a 723 square foot addition to an existing residence at 245 Van Ness Street. The existing garage that does not comply with setbacks will be removed as part of the project. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: HighDensity Multiple Family Residential; ZONING: R-3; ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 05 DD TAX LOT: 1200 Chairman Shostrom asked ifthere was exparte contact or conflict of interest. Ms. Renwick disclosed that she knew Brint Borgilt but could remain objective. No one challenged the disclosure. Ms. Gunter relatedthatthe projecthad come before the Historic Commission the month before and had been denied because of bulk and scale. Staff did notagree because the addition was shorter, setback 10 feet and more in conformance with the Secretary of Interior Standards and our design standards. She explained that the new design added a window and man door where the double door had shown on the previous plans. The applicants explained their meeting with Historic Review Board and how they attempted to meet the design standards. There being no one in the audience wishing to comment, the public hearingwas closed. Chairman Shostrom felt the changes improved the look of the side.There was agreement with several Commissioners. Mr. Giordano made a motion to recommendapprovingthe latestplans.The motion was seconded by Mr. Swinkand it passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 4/4/2013 PLANNING ACTION: PA-2013-00003 SUBJECT PROPERTY:207 Enders Alley OWNER: Joel & Sarah Dresher APPLICANT: Michael Gibbs for the Winchester Inn DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review Permit and Conditional Use Permit approval to allow the conversion of an existing 960 square foot Historic Contributing commercial structure (the Enders Annex) to a motel unit associated with the Winchester Inn. The new motel unit is located at 207 Enders Alley across the alley from the Winchester Inn. The unit will be operated by the management of the Winchester Inn. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial-Downtown; ZONING: C-1-D; ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 09BD; TAX LOT: 5501 Ms. Gunter explained that the plans contained a parapet addition to screen the roof but the applicants would not be doing the work right away. Some windows to be replaced to meet egress requirements and the front would be stucco’d to soften the look. A trellis and plants would be placed on the Ender’s Alley side. The building is listed as an original building on Ender’s Alley on the State Historical Register. There being no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Ms.Kencairn asked about the material being used for the trellis and it is wrought iron. She also felt the parapet materials would need to be identified if pre-approval was recommended. Chairman Shostrom made a motion to recommend approval for the project with the recommendation that the windows be double-hung and the parapet material be cinderblock or framed in and made to match the existing building’s finish. Ms. Phelps seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW Oregon Shakespeare Festival is proposing to build a new Facilities Management Building on Hargadine Street between 1and 2Streets. A 1985 existing greenhouse building would be demolished. Applicants are attempting to stnd make it compatible with the look of a “sign-makers shop” just after the turn of the century. It would be used mostly for storage and light shop work and would house the facilities management staff. The building would be built of board- formed concrete and windows would have applied muttons. The Historic Commissioners liked the proposal and felt they had done a good job with the design. : OLD BUSINESS Brochures Subcommittee Report: Mr. Shostrom said an RFP for the brochure changes was being developed. Timing was an issue. They still needed to get the content fromMr. Kramer and send it to the twographic designers. Historic Markers Subcommittee Report: The Sub-Committee members were planning to schedule a meetingfor after the 15of March. th NEW BUSINESS: A. Review Board Schedule March7Terry, Keith, Ally th March14Terry, Sam, Dale th March21Terry, Tom, Allison st March28Terry, Victoria, Kerry th April7Terry, Keith, Ally th Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 4/4/2013 B. Project Assignments for Planning Actions BD-2011-01029400 Allison (Robin Biermann) New SFR Whitford/Renwick (under construction) BD-2011-01079134 Terrace (Allman) New SFR Whitford (under construction) BD-2011-0062189 Oak St (Amorotico) New façade on building Shostrom (under construction) BD-2012-01330117 Eighth St (McKinney) New ARU Renwick (under construction) BD-2013-00256175 Lithia Wy (First Place Partners) 3-story mixed use buildingGiordano (in review) PA-2012-01737111 Coolidge (Wallace) 4 Accessory UnitsShostrom BD-2013-00093108 Second (Dudley Rood) CUP and Solar Waiver for 2story unitShostrom nd (in review) PA-2013-00081245 Van Ness (Nate Witemburg & Brint Borgilt) AdditionKencairn PA-2013-00003207 Enders Alley (Dresher) conversion to motel unitSwink DISCUSSION ITEMS: . Funded through CLG grant. Ms. Law and Mr. 2013 Oregon Heritage Conference May 9, 2013 in Portland Giordano expressed an interest in attending. –discussed using individual framed pictures instead of large frame. Consensus was to Historic Preservation Week stay with large frame but provide a picture with the certificate. Large frames would be offered for hanging in various Real Estate or other offices within the city. –The following were selected to receive aHistoric Preservation Award and were Historic Preservation Awards assigned to individual Commissioners to write a description of the improvementsor contributionand why an award is deserved. 426 A StMs. Law 195 Van NessMr. Giordano 247 Oak StMs. Phelps 164 SeventhMs. Renwick 147 AlidaMr. Whitford 128 S PioneerMs. Kencairn SOU Churchill HallMr. Shostrom Exit 14Mr. Giordano Delores NimsMs. Law It was also suggested that the City of Ashland be given a certificate in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the City Hall building. . ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS –Victoria Law did a PowerPointpresentation about the Ashland Railroad Museum which was Railroad Museum opened on the 120Anniversary of the placement of the Golden Spike. It features rotating exhibits highlighting the th importance of the railroad to the development of the City of Ashland. Next meeting is scheduled for April3, 2013. Itwas the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 8:15p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 4/4/2013